Breaking Zen: part 1 - Rapture

Story by Zephere on SoFurry

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#2 of Breaking Zen

This is my first attempt at writing stories of yiffy nature... Pleas tell me what you thin...

This is my first attempt at writing stories of yiffy nature... Pleas tell me what you think =)

Warning: this story is filled with explicit content. If you are underaged or you find the story insulting or not of your type, please kindly navigate back to the page you were before or click the little "X" button you have at the top right corner of your browser.

For those who are here, please enjoy the show... er... story =3

Breaking Zen: part 1

"Owh... my head," the wolf said as he slowly opened his eyes.

He felt a little groggy as he tried to move his hands to his head only to feel something tug at his arm. His eyes snapped open as he strafed his eyes to his arm hanging above him. He saw metal shackles binding around his muscular grey arms, holding them in place and not allowing any slack.

As he looked down, he gasped as he found himself stark naked, noticing his bulging pecs and six pack abs along with his well-endowed cock and balls exposed for all to see. Looking down lower, he found his well-defined legs suspended off the ground with the shackles keeping him in place and spreading his legs. He growled as he tried to pull at his bonds, but he failed miserably. He sighed and gave up after awhile as he tried to regain his bearings.

Trying to find out where he was, he looked around the room as he noticed he was in some kind of lab. Along the right wall were many consoles and machines beeping and humming at whatever processing they were making. As he looked sharply to the right, he noticed a few tubes hanging loosely above him and he only wondered what they could be used for. He turned his head again to his left to see a movable tray with a thick syringe on top of it. It looks as if the syringe was used before as he noticed a bit of pink liquid left in the tube.

He lay there for a while as he felt a little breeze coming from below him. He felt the air rubbing along his sheath and fur. Even though he was strapped down, he felt comfortable as he enjoyed the gentle caress of the air weaving through his fur. As the time bore on, he felt himself slowly becoming aroused as he felt his body was being unusually sensitive. At this moment, the door at the far side of the room opened.

The wolf gasped as he stared at the being that entered. He was a white tiger. His body toned, but not as muscular as him as he strafed slowly towards the wolf. His arms lined with muscles and defined to every detail. He was naked as well as he noticed his limp cock dangling from his sheath with a pair of full balls jingling as he walked. His tail swished playfully behind him as his muzzle wore a smirk as his blue eyes drank in the sight of the wolf before him.

The wolf felt a jolt through his sheath as his captor finally revealed himself. "Like what you see?" the tiger spoke in a deep and booming voice, sending another jolt into the wolf.

"Zeke! What is going on here? Why did you do this?" he said as he found his best friend standing just a few inches from him, staring at the wonderful physique his entire workout made.

"Well Zen... you will find out soon enough," he said as he went over to the wolf ran his hands over his thick grey fur.

The wolf growled as he felt his body violated deliciously by the tiger's expert hands. Zen couldn't believe it. There he was suspended and exposed, and now he was being pleasured by this tiger he known ever since he was born. The wolf released an involuntary moan as he felt his fur being caressed so gently by the tiger.

"Ze.. Zeke... What... Oh..." he moaned as the tiger paid more attention to his nipples. He couldn't make coherent thoughts as he felt his body giving in to the pleasure.

"Hmm... it feels good doesn't it?" he said as he licked at the wolf's muzzle and pinched the wolf's left nipple, making him gasp and moan. "You see... I have always been in love with you Zen, and it had come to the point where I couldn't stand it anymore... I had to make you mine," he said as his hands moved down to rub at his sheath, causing the lupine to release a sharp gasp and squirm in his bonds from the gentle teasing.

"Wh... What do you mean?" he said as his eyes closed from the intense pleasure he was receiving from the tiger. He wasn't normally this sensitive, but somehow, he was feeling incredibly horny.

"You are going to be my slave," he said as he moved down to lick at his nipple as the two free hands pinched at his other nipple and fondled his groin. The wolf squirmed in intense pleasure as the tiger's rough tongue nursed at his nipple, the pleasure increasing with every lick and fondle he received.

"No..." he tried to speak, but the pleasure the tiger was showering him in was just too much. All he could do was moan and gasp as the tiger happily rained wet kisses and fondles on him. Before the heat got to his head, Zeke stopped as he stood up and looked into the wolf's eyes, smiling.

"Zeke..." he breathed heavily as he recovered from the rapture. "You can't... do this to me," he said as he growled.

"Oh... but I can..." he said as his hands reached down to cup his balls as his cock slowly emerge from its home for some air, already leaking pre.

"No... I... I actually love you too... but not like this! I won't be your slave!!" he said as the pleasurable haze left him temporarily. It was the truth... he does love the tiger that lay before him, but he never had the guts to tell him how he felt.

"Hmm... Then I would have to break you..." he said, smirking as he continued his ministrations, moving down and licking his nipples and attacking all his sweet spots as the wolf helplessly squirmed in his bonds.

"No... Zeke... Please!!" he howled as the tiger happily ignored him and continued to enrapture him in pleasure. Zen started to growl as the tiger slowly licked along his abs towards his dripping shaft. He gave it a few licks, enjoying the taste and how the wolf jumped in his bonds as he fought to escape the pleasure. Zen couldn't help it... he was horny beyond his limits, and he couldn't understand why... until his eyes flashed as he stared down at the smiling tiger nursing and lapping at his member. "So you noticed," he said in between licks.

"What... *gasp* did you do to me?" he asked, his breath catching in his neck.

"I've injected you with a serum..." he said lifting up the used syringe. "It was something I developed in my free time. The serum is a kind of enzyme that generates three times the testosterone in your body, so you will be incredibly aroused. There is one side effect though, it also increases your sensitivity to touch," he said as he stroked the wolf's member, Zen eliciting an intense moan. "Around five fold," he said as he began to pump the canine member fast, delivering a stream of pleasure into the lupine's body, enjoying his muscles tensing at the feel.

"You'll thank me later," he said as he went back down his groin and started to nurse his shaft, taking it into his muzzle and sucking on it to send jolts of pleasure into the wolf's body.

Zen growled low at his captor, furious at how he was getting his way with him, but he could only growl so long as the tiger increased the teasing on the sensitive tip, to change his growl into a moan. The wolf felt so hot... so sweaty and so incredibly horny as his friend sucked on his shaft endlessly, slowly pushing him to the edge as he fought from humping his captor. Then, his eyes shot open as he gasped into the air as the tiger slid a finger to his back entrance and played with his hole. He was so close...

Sensing the wolf's climax approaching, the tiger torturously stopped his delicious teasing as he allowed the wolf to regain some sense of the situation. The tiger smirked at the panting wolf as he licked Zen's furry cheek lustily. The wolf just growled at him, feeling the pleasure dying down from his body, but some of it still swam around him because of the serum.

"Are you ready to accept me?" he asked as he looked into the wolf's eyes.

Zen just stared back deathly at him, growling as if to say that he will never forgive him for this. The tiger just sighed as he awaited the pleasure to die down a little from the wolf before he stepped behind him. "What... are you going... to do to me?" he said as he felt those white striped paws roaming over his chest again, providing him with more pleasure as he gasped sharply. The tiger peaked his head over the wolf's shoulders as he roamed his body, making the wolf groan every time he glazed over a nipple. "You wanted to cum so badly, I'm just doing what your body wants," he said as he started to tweak his nipples, making him whimper lustily, his knot and shaft becoming as hard as a rock and as quickly as before.

"I... will never... forgive you for this," he said defiantly in between moans. In response to that, the tiger moved his hands down and stroked his shaft, making the lupine growl and squirm as he closed his eyes from the pleasure. "I know you will... soon," he said as he pressed his fingers teasingly behind his knot, sending a sharp wave of pleasure through his spine as his other hand roamed his muscular body. The tiger momentarily moved his hands away from his wolf as he went over to grasp at a tube. It had a cup like appendage at the end of it. Stroking the wolf's dick until he was leaking profusely and moaning sharply, he placed the tube over to his member as the suction and the vibration started to work on him. The Wolf gasped again as he saw the tube connected to his groin before he closed his eyes from the pleasure.

"See... you're breaking already," he said as he licked at the wolf's ear before cleaning his hands off of the delicious pre. The tiger's cock also leaked at how he was giving pleasure to this sexy wolf. His hands roamed over the wolf again as he pressed his body close to him, providing him with more pleasure as the machine worked on his member. He was so incredibly close as he started to hump the machine. Sensing the wolf's climax, Zeke moved his hands over to his hole, rubbing it teasingly before he pushed a finger in and teased his prostate. Zen's eyes shot open... that was the final straw as the Zen's body convulsed and his muscles tensed as he cummed into the machine hard, howling as he did so. The tiger smiled as he drank in the sight of his wolf cumming, loving the way his body thrashed in the rapture.

The tiger stopped the machine as he allowed the Wolf to rest, smiling at him as he felt Zen breathing rhythmically. The tiger struck again. "Are you ready to accept me as your master?" he whispered into his ear. The wolf, still feeling a sense of rebellion in him growled angrily at the tiger as a reply. The tiger sighed again as he flipped the switch on, sending the wolf into a fit of convulsions. "You will cum without stopping until you submit to me my dear friend... As long as you are here, I will be personally breaking you... and oh how I love you to resist..." he whispered as his hands got busy again, moving over to his shaft and teasing him behind his knot. The wolf's shaft hardened in no time as the tiger continued to shower him in endless pleasure as he started to hump the machine again. Then, the hands roaming his body went to his entrance as he slipped in a finger and pleasured his prostate, sending the wolf in a fit of moaning as he was enraptured once again.

Leaving the lupines knot, the tiger reached for another tube, this time, the end of it was shaped like a dildo. The tip was barbed and at the end was a bulb like a knot. He kept thrusting his finger into the wolf's sexy hole, teasing his prostate thoroughly every time he trusts it in. The wolf moaned helplessly as the machine kept vibrating and stimulating his cock. He shot open his eyes once more when he felt the tiger's hand leaving his hole and replaced it with the tube, pushing it in to rest against his prostate. There was a sound of a flipping switch and the appendage at his entrance started to vibrate, the barbs tickling his prostate and sending waves of pleasure into this brain. A sharp moan escaped the lupine as he squirmed in his bonds. His over stimulated body already overloading from all the pleasure. He could see stars forming in his vision, so he closed his eyes once more, which intensified the pleasure, causing him to moan and gasp continually.

"Yes my prey... moan your heart out... feel the pleasure ravaging your body," those words only encouraged the wolf more as the tiger slipped his hand once more towards his member and the other slipped over to his nipples... tweaking it deliciously. Growling defiantly, the wolf tried to convince himself that this was all a dream, but the tiger wouldn't allow it as his hands went lower and rolled his constantly full balls around, alternating with stimulating and teasing his knot. With all those ministrations, the wolf didn't last long as his muscles flexed and he cummed again into the machine, twice as hard as the last time with twice the amount of seed.

The tiger switched the machine off again as he moved towards the front and looked into the wolf's eyes. Lifting his chin as Zen felt his energy depleting. The tiger kissed him lovingly... passionately as he felt the wolf kissing back. Suddenly snapping out of his daze, the wolf moved his head away defiantly.

Zeke looked gently towards the wolf. He could tell that he was already mostly broken from what he had done. "Are you ready to accept me?" he asked again. This time... there was no growl, but there wasn't an answer either as the wolf just looked away from the tiger.

He went over to a side as he brought back a mask. He slipped it on the already drained wolf. "Then I shall continue to break you... but for today, I shall leave you with the machines and you shall continue to cum as this mask feeds you with nutrients and a gas form of my serum," he said grimly as he flipped on the switch. The tube at his hole and member vibrating once more as a gas assaulted his nose and made him aroused beyond sanity, humping the device and closing his eyes as the tiger left the lab.

So what do you think?

Part 2 will be coming shortly when I have the time to upload it again. for now.. enjoy this one and toodles!!