
Story by pentrep on SoFurry

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#27 of Commissions

My twenty-fourth commission which I did for someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

It's about a miscreant teenager whose mother can no longer take his derelection and decides to take extreme extreme measures to solve her problem.

Rejuvenation - By: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. All are original and used only within the context of this story. Any similarity to characters both real or fake are purely coincidental. This work contains underaged/teen content. If this is not your cup of tea, then do not read. You have been warned.

Loneliness does a strange thing to young man's psyche. Potentially it could lead to isolation but for some others, it leads to greater things. It all depends on the person in question. Oscar was a teenager who was on the precipice of reaching adulthood. However, unlike some of his secondary school classmates, he was utterly alone. He did not share in the solace that was romance let alone simple social proprieties offered by those in his age group.

As a 17-year-old feline, he was in the final year of his high school career. The school was not exactly segregated even if the students unknowingly split into different cliques. He was younger than many of his classmates many of whom already had driver licenses and privileges his own parents had not yet afforded him. It certainly didn't help that he lived in a divided society that favored humanity over furrydom.

As a kitten, many of his family considered him an outcast. Not because he was some social pariah but rather because he had been the perpetrator of many miscreant deeds during his youth. Like his family he was a Maine coon and even despite his long and luxurious fur, he often opted for warm clothing even in the warmer parts of the year. His fur was a beautiful mix of brown and white and generally he didn't do much to keep it tidy. In fact, often his fur was often matted and unbrushed.

Despite many visits to the psychiatrist and even a few home sessions with a social worker, his parents had long since lost any hope they had in "correcting" whatever behavior the boy decided what was fit for the day. Of course, reform school or boot camp was always a possibility but the teen's parents didn't support corporal punishment so it wouldn't do for them morally or ethically. All they had to do was wait it out for another year and hope he didn't get into any more trouble.

One day Oscar was out and about on the streets. He didn't necessarily have a crew that he hung around with. Instead, he was more of a loner who went about his own devices. He was a tall lean boy of average build and typically wore a hoody that overshadowed his form. His bushy tail hung loosely behind him and swayed along as he walked. The teen wore a pair of beaten up jeans atop some old sneakers that were long past the point of being needed to be thrown away. Like the rest of his appeal, he didn't care so much about how he looked like.

The teen walked over to a bridge which had long since been abandoned. Only the bottom portion of it was still being used and seldom was there a car to be seen save for a few transport vehicles here and there. Like the majority of his life, he felt utterly alone. It really fit the moment and he continued to pawing about kicking up some dirt and rocks in the process. Oscar decided it was fit to take some of the stones and toss them about without a care in the world, picking some up using his handpaw.

Oscar made his way to the side of the bridge, edging his legs over the side of the platform being careful not to pinch his tail. He began just chucking some of the pebbles into the wind. The echo of the earthen product hitting the floor resounded and reverberated several times before silencing. Another sound soon picked up however it was foreign and the teen decided to pay it no heed, continuing his senseless tossing of rocks. Eventually, the cause made its presence known, a larger oil freighter making it's way to port down the little passage.

By the time that the boy had realized it, it was much too late. The flying object he'd just thrown forward was well out of his reach and lurched forward ever towards its target. Oscar's heartbeat throbbed and pulsated inside of his chest, he hoped that it would miss. However, no such luck was afforded to him. A violent thud was overheard as the rock hit the nose of the vehicle, repelling it further back and finally into the glass behind it. It was not forceful enough to break the glass however it was enough to crack it and the driver quickly stopped his breaks to investigate.

Oscar began to panic. He couldn't afford to get in trouble again. He quickly began to pick himself up in an effort to run. But his expedited leave wasn't enough. The trucker caught wind of the blur of fur making his exodus and called the cops. The trucker knew there was no sense in running after him and decided to let the cops deal with him once they arrived. It wasn't long before a siren was overheard.

The wayward kitten continued to sprawl about in search of an escape. But the sight of the seemingly desperate teen was too obvious for the officer who began to follow in an effort to wait for an opening to capture his prey. Gradually, fatigue caught up with Oscar and he had to break down to catch his breath. Once the policewoman saw his chance she leapt into action and quickly assaulted the boy who was in no position to retaliate or run any further.

Once he saw her, he assumed it was over. She was human and he assumed like all of the rest she had an innate hatred of his ilk. He put up no defense, offering his paws in submission. The woman simply shook her head at him and put him in the back of the car. The first stop was back where the trucker was waiting. Oscar was forced to apologize and instructed that he would be working off to pay the damage he'd done to the man's windshield. With his tail between his legs, the teen agreed to the terms he was whisked off back into the vehicle.

Oscar was nowhere near afraid of as the man as he was of his father. He knew full well the fury of his parent and now he risked unleashing it for one simple mistake. The policewoman didn't say much to Oscar in the car other than asking where he lived. Oscar contemplated lying but didn't think that to be the best choice of action in this scenario. They were but a short journey from his home and the teen's anxiety only built the closer he got to his home.

Once the building was on site, Oscar couldn't help but feel dismayed and at a loss for what to do next. It seemed the reckoning was nigh and he would get what was coming to him no matter what. The car approached the home as the lights shone through the rain which was falling down at a meager pace. To Oscar it seemed like the sky was crying on his behalf. The vehicle came to a stop once it parked in front of the lawn. It's lights continued to rotate and shine on the lawn and the door itself. Had it been dark outside the lights may have been more visible. At least mother nature was on his side, or so the teen would like to have believed.

The female officer rolled around the car and opened the door before pointing forward without saying a word gesturing for the boy to get out. She had a long day and was in no mood for any more of his shenanigans. Oscar exited the car and took a deep breath as if anticipating what was to come. Rain continued to fall on them making the pair damp and sodden. Together they walked up to the front door of the home. The woman soon knocked on the wooden fixture as the sound resounded through Oscar's head with an annoying consonance.

It didn't take long before the door was opened. Of course, it was the boy's mother as it was too early for the father to be home. The mothers face looked sullen beneath her whiskers and even more disgraced when she looked upon the officer who had Oscar shackled by a zip tie. The policewoman showed the mother the report indicating just how much damage had been incurred before slipping her the piece of paper and instructing the method of payment. It seemed she was to be responsible for the boy's deed. Oscar remained quiet with his tail between his legs.

Once the conversation was over Oscar was finally released into his mothers care. The zip tie bond was removed and the cop made her way from the home before driving off into the distance. For a moment the mother didn't say a word and watched as the police drove away as if she herself was at a loss for what to do next. However soon enough the silence was broken as his mother whisked the teen into the home with a loud bang of the door behind them. It was obvious to see she was upset.

"I don't know what's wrong with you anymore. You just get worse and worse every year." The mother looked directly into her son's eyes.

Unlike the teenager, the woman was very well kept. Her fur was freshly permed and she smelt of a fresh wash mixed with some light perfume. Opting for a summer dress which she had decided to wear for the day in order to deal with some light housework she needed to get to. The two didn't look all that similar but she was significantly shorter than the teen who took after his father and was taller than she was. It certainly didn't help that he was wearing shoes which certainly added to the already apparent height difference.

"But mother..." The teen was seemingly cut off by the woman who was in no mood for his excuses.

"But nothing. I warned you to not get in trouble again. Threatening reform school or boot camp has done nothing to hinder your ignorance." The mother stopped for a moment as if to think for a moment.

"If you give just a chance to explain." Oscar was trying desperately to be heard but he'd long since betrayed her trust.

"You have nothing to explain. Your growing up into an awful person. I don't know where we went wrong with you. Go take a shower and think about what you did." The mother pointed to the back of the home where his room was.

Oscar felt defeated but this was all his doing after all. Years of miscreant deeds had turned his visage from a formerly loved boy to a now disdained one. The mother would never admit it but she no longer cherished his presence in the home and was looking forward to the day he would leave even if she believed it might detriment society. The teen soon retired to his room where he decided it was fit that he would take a shower. After all, he was already wet, dirty, and sweaty from being outdoors all day

Meanwhile, Cheryl, the boy's mother decided it was time to take drastic measures. Nothing she ever did or said seemed like it mattered to the boy anymore. He used to be such a good boy but after becoming a teenager it was nothing but one disappointment after another. Recently her girlfriends had told her about an experimental drug which was all the rage with the older community. It was called Rejuvenation and by design, it was supposed to "turn back the clocks." Its side effects were many but it's purpose was clear enough.

Cheryl was a strong woman who worked an office job. But she had felt increasingly inadequate as a result of the teen's actions. She felt as if she was incapable of a mother. Perhaps if she had a second chance it might have turned out better? The mother went over to the medicine cabinet. The bottle of the stuff was right in front so it was easily locatable. She knew not how it worked and cared not for it's side-effects. All she wanted was to have her kitten back and to have a second chance.

The mother knew it was now or never. Looking into the fridge for something to mix it with she found a flavored milk beverage which Cheryl knew that Oscar liked. She poured some of it into the cup before looking at the vial a second time, wondering how much of it was supposed to be used. She shrugged and decided that two capsules were sufficient and quickly dispensed them before delivering them into the same cup. By that time the shower was no longer heard. It seemed she didn't have much time.

Quickly she fetched a spoon so that she could mix it with her paws. She could always play off the powder as flavor mix or something similar if he discovered the texture of the dissolved pill. Within a few moments, the dual dosage of the pill had dissipated. All she needed now was the boy's thirst to get the better of him, it was only a matter of time before she put her plan to work. Finishing her work she placed the cup back in the fridge and hid the remainder of the vial in the medicine cabinet.

Meanwhile, Oscar had made quick work of his shower. He wasn't one to consume a lot of time in hygiene. The teen even skipped drying his fur which ultimately led to a lot of water being tracked all over the floor. Fortunately, he was able to soak some of it in a towel which he bundled around his neck. The teen quickly put on some boxers and a bed shirt before decided he wanted a drink. He headed back towards the kitchen in order to quench his thirst, his tail swaying behind him casually.

Oscar half expected to find his mother waiting for him but after not seeing her around he assumed she was doing other things. It was probably better that way, he thought to himself. It didn't take him long to get into the kitchen. His pawpads were pretty cold from just getting out of the shower, this feeling was exacerbated by the tile floor of the kitchen. Oscar soon raided the fridge and found that conveniently a cup of his favorite beverage was waiting for him. Not questioning why it was there, he soon indulged in it.

The teen was pretty thirst and it was simple enough to down the whole beverage in one go. Once he finished it, he thought about making a second helping but decided against it and instead disposed of the cup in the sink. He decided to take advantage of whatever freedom he had left and went back to him and went back to his room. After all once his father was home, he would likely be served whatever punishment was due to him.

Besides Oscar was really feeling in the mood all of the sudden. Fortunately, he had a computer in his room free of prying eyes. Unlike most teens, he wasn't overly sexual but this sudden urge was really overbearing him and made him rather desperate to get back to to the computer screen to placate his now growing lust. By the time he had gotten back to his computer, his member was already getting chubby even despite him not having done anything to it. It seemed he was horny.

The computer couldn't come on fast enough. It seemed a lot slower than it usually did and Oscar didn't exactly have things stored. He knew he preferred furry men though he would never have admitted it in public. Once the computer powered on Oscar fixed himself being careful not to pinch his tail so that he could adjust his already growing bulge in his boxers in order to get as comfortable as possible. The teen found himself surfing a new area of the web he didn't often frequent, cub porn.

For some odd reason, he found the art compelling and even found himself relating to some of the art on a more relative basis. Eventually, he found a niche he liked, that of hyper cubs. Settling down on a few images and gradually began to rub himself on his lap over his bulge. His body heat had long since increased over the lewd activity, so much that his head was generating a fever. But he desperately wanted to finish, his loins were aching for release.

Oscar eventually fished his barbed member out of his boxers, exposing it to the cooler outside air. It seemed...different than before. He couldn't quite put his finger on what it was but he didn't care. Carefully he cupped his hand around it and began to thrust his tapered cock into his palm. His fur seemed a lot smoother than he recalled and his shirt was feeling rather baggy around him. The boxers he'd just taken off quickly slumped to the floor as his motions became more rapid and fluid.

By this point Oscar's head was dizzy and confused. He couldn't think straight any longer recalling where he was or even what he was doing. Instead, his body continued feeding on his primal need to milk himself, his hand continuing to pump ever fervently as he landed on another thread of cub images. Even if he didn't realize it much of his pubic fur was gone by this point, what was left was a shadow of its former bushy presence. Bit by bit his body was returning to a former state.

Another few moments past and his body finally gave way. His cock spasmed a few times but released no seed. Oscar couldn't help but feel confused. He wasn't entirely sure what just happened, it was as if it was his first time. He simply sat there trying to recover from his self-indulgence. His feetpaws barely touched the floor now, he was a shadow of his former self. Eventually, he regained his composure, though he had lost what memories remained to him was that of a boy of 11.

Eventually, he redressed himself and went about the house without a care in the world. Even if he was half naked he didn't really care. When his mother saw him, she glimpsed upon his smaller form with a smile. It seemed she had gotten her wish. It seemed she would get her second chance at raising him after all. She was contemplating how to explain it to her husband but figured he would support her either way. Oscar soon found his way to his mother, simply hugging her. It seemed everything was going to be alright.

A little day out on the town

A little day out on the town: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: All characters in this story are fictional. This piece contains underaged as well as micro/macro relationships. Some details have been fictionalized for simplicity sakes. You have been...

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Rivalry by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. All are original and used only within the context of this story. Any similarity to characters both real or fake are purely coincidental. This work...

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Galvanized by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Most are original and used only within the context of this story. One is the property of another person and I use them with permission and respect...

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