A Growing Family

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#2 of Happy Families

A Growing Family

By BunnyBoy

This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy.

Warning the story contains sexual encounters of a concessional nature between adult males and male cubs. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

There was a type of energy sweeping through the house as the two men and two cubs look for any last minute items they might have missed. Today was a social worker day, but it's wasn't just any social worker day, this one was very special.

The weasel straightens up looking down at the seven-year-old bat and six-year-old mole standing before him. He eyes them up and down, with the seriousness of a drill instructor. "Now, remember the rules. This is a very special day, and I know that the days ahead of you may be tough, but we all have to work together and we'll get through this."

The taller dalmatian chuckles as he walks in catching the tail end of the conversation. "Oh don't you think your being a little melodramatic there Max darling?"

The weasel looks shocked, grasping his heart as if struck. "Me, melodramatic? Oh Ron surely you jest." He tries to keep the shocked look on his face, but it's hard as he can already hear the cubs at his side giggling at the scene. He cracks a smile and descends on the traitorous pair tickling them mercilessly.

After a few seconds the boys are gasping for air and the fruit bat raises his hands in surrender, his tough leathery wings stretching with them. "We give up Daddy we surrender." Both boys collapse onto the sofa as daddy Max flicks on the TV.

Ron isn't placated yet as he looks at the boys. "Jeremy is your room ready?" The bat adjusts his glasses and nods up to Papa. "And you Marshal, is your room nice and neat?" The mole nods and tries not to think of all the stuff he shoved under his bed to make it that way. Finally satisfied the dog smiles and heads out into the kitchen to check on dinner. It's not easy being a mixed family, sometimes the diets got in the way but there was nothing Ron couldn't do if given enough time.

Not long after though the doorbell rang, springing to his feet Max quickly makes his way to the front door casually letting in the familiar shape of Ms Thompson. This time though the overweight panda isn't alone, just a little ways behind her, almost hiding himself behind her body is a shorter form. The red scales seem to shine in the sun, as the five-year-old salamander carries the little gym bag that holds all his worldly goods. He's a cute little lizard, red scales shone brightly on his head with a black mask covering his face, the fiery red continued down his back and shoulders to his tail, the boy's underbelly arms and legs are black as night. He looks around worried about this new place but follows right behind the Panda.

Ms. Thompson smiles at Max and waves to Ron and the boy's before she seeks out her favorite chair in the living room. She graciously accepts the proffered cup of tea and shuffles her papers, the boy shies away from Ron and declines the offer of juice. The social worker clears her throat and starts in " Ron, Max, I know you've been anxious to fill the hole in your home since Boris left, and I'm glad I can finally help out." She nudges the little boy forward. "Come now Adara, you've already met Max and Ron, these are their other boys Jeremy and Marshal."

The three boys look at each other, the two older boy's eying the newcomer critically, they look him up and down from his plain white t-shirt to his rather baggy pants. Suddenly the mole grips his paw and tugs. "Come on Adara, I'll show you your room, it's this way." The bat joins in and the lizard is reluctantly drug off down the hall.

The two men smile. "Well it looks like they are going to get along nicely." Says Ron. "I'll have to take him into town tomorrow, I think he needs some new clothes." Both men sit down across from the social worker and get down to business.

The Panda looks through her papers. Everything is signed and ready, you got his dietary file right? and his home environment file?" Both men nodded. "Well I know I couldn't be leaving him in better hands." She stands up and shakes both mens' hands.

Just then the tiny red reptile comes running back into the room holding a basketball that seems too big for him. "Miss, Miss! they said I get my own room all-ta myself, and Jeremy said Mr. Max and Mr. Ron bought this for me." He holds up the Basketball showing it to her, it's a normal ball but it looks like it was decorated in splotches of different colored paint. "They said it was just for me." The boy is a little breathless, but his eyes are shining like no one had ever just given him a present before.

The big bear smiles and runs her paw over his scaled head. "You told them you liked basketball when they came to see you, remember? I bet they just wanted to make you feel at home."

The Dalmatian nods and kneels on the floor dropping down so he's eye-level with the boy, that's right, and tomorrow I'm going to take you out, we'll get you some nice clothes and maybe something to decorate that room of yours too. Oh and none of this Mr. Ron and Mr. Max stuff, call me Papa."

Max smiles down at the boy. "And I want you to call me Daddy, do you think you can do that for us sport?"

The boy looks around and nods, looking from the dog to the weasel. "I think I can, Papa and Daddy." It takes a second and the words seem a little forced.

The two men look at each other, it doesn't sound natural just yet, but it never does at first. You can't expect someone brand new to just mesh into the family, there is always a period of adjustment.

Ms. Thompson clears her throat. "Well it looks like you don't need me anymore, I think I'll be on my way. There is always so much work to do back at the office." She waves to the boys, says good-bye to the lizard and makes her way back to the car.

Max looks around and smiles. "Well boys it looks like dinner will be ready soon, why don't you show your new little brother your own rooms."

The proud parents look on as the boys show off for their newest brother, the cubs are all excited and don't know what to do first. Dinner is a happy affair, Jeremy gets a salad with carrot fritters while the rest of the family indulges in a meatier repast of baked salmon and carrot fritters. Adara is surprised to see he can have seconds... or thirds, the grown-ups laugh to see his appetite. After dinner they watched some TV, up until the boy's bedtime, they all settled in, making their way to their respective bedrooms. The two foster parents stopping at each one to tuck the boy in and wish them a good night.

Max and Ron stop into the lizards room, adjusting the little heater they got for the boy. Knowing that a as reptile he probably would want his sleeping place hotter then the rest of the house. The dog bends down kissing the little hatchling on the scaly forehead. "Do you need anything hon? A night light, a glass of water, anything?"

The little cub shakes his head. "No sir, I'm fine."

The weasel smiles "It's Daddy and Papa my boy, no need to be formal" Max bends down and kissed the cub on the head. "Good night sweetie, sleep tight." And with that the two men slip out into the hallway. Despite the boy saying he didn't need a night-light they left the door open a crack, the glow of a single bulb lit the darkened hallway in case any drowsy cub needed it's guidance to the bathroom.

The pair cuddles up together in the master bedroom Ron's chin snuggled into his husband's neck. "It feels so empty in here with out them."

The weasel pets the man's neck. "I know dear, but it's just for a week, and then hopefully our newest will be able to join us. Besides we still have each other, imagine how much harder this all must be on poor little Jeremy and Marshal."

Ron nods softly "Very true." He says with a whisper before curling up close to his husband.

The morning came almost too soon, as always Ron was the first one up and puttering around the kitchen. Nothing fancy this morning just hot oatmeal for the kids and a breakfast bar and coffee for Max as he scoots out the door headed to the office.

With breakfast done the cubs are sent back to their rooms with orders to strip out of their Pj's and into something fit for public. A short while later all three boys are situated in the back of Ron's sedan and they are off down the road, the dalmatian takes things easy as he drives, listening to the chatter behind him. "Now Boys, I want you to remember we are going out mainly 'cause Adara needs clothes, so I don't want you two acting up in the stores. I know summer is coming up, so we'll get you all some new shorts too but remember why we are on this outing and behave yourselves." The dog hears some muttered responses behind him. "What was that?"

The bat and mole both chorus "Yes Papa."

Ron nods. "That's good."

The car ride is a pretty long one and it takes them close to 45 minutes until they get to the store. It's one of those super center places, the place where you can get frozen waffles and drywall paint all at the same time. It's a weekday so the place isn't too busy and the boys managed to find a cart pretty quickly, as they make their way through the store Ron is very careful, keeping his eyes on the boy, he'd be heart broken if something happened to them and you hear stories of that every day. He sighs, there are some scary people out there.

He manages to keep the boys all together as he heads for the cub's clothes. "Now you three stay where I can see you, if you can do that you can look around. Adara I want you to look for some new shirts, you'll need some nice ones but for right now just look for something you like. I'll be right here picking out socks and underwear." Still under his watchful eye the boys spread out a little, Jeremy and Marshal calling over their new brother whenever they spot something they think he might like. They are at it for a while and Ron just smiles watching them.

Soon the boys come back, the little lizard almost trundling under his large load. He looks up sheepishly. "I'm sorry Mr. Ro... I mean Papa. I didn't want to get too much but they said I should." He looks a little downcast fairly certain he's going to get scolded for being greedy.

Ron just smiles down at the boy reaching out and stroking his head ridges. "That's okay honey, while we probably won't get all of these it's better to have too much then too little. Lets pick you out a couple pairs of pants and some new Pj's too okay?" The little lizard doesn't know what to think as the man takes the armload of clothing from him and puts it in the carriage. Two pairs of jeans and a nicer dressy pair of black pants follow it, the man also grabs one sort of dressy shirt before herding them all off towards the fitting rooms.

The dalmatian talks to the lady in charge of the rooms and has her unlock one of the doors. "Okay you three are going to share but you are just trying on your new summer shorts, so after that I want you to come out and let Adara have the room to himself, Got it?" The boys both nod. "Good."

Inside the changing room the mole and the bat quickly shimmy out of their pants, while Adara seems to take more time. He doesn't look over at them as they get undressed but he talks. "Mr. Ron... I mean Papa seems to be a little strict with you two. I hope everything's all right."

The other boys giggle at this. "Oh he's not strict, he's just worried about you." The bat says this openly with a small smile on his face.

Adara frowns. "Worried about me?" There is a little tremor in his voice.

"Oh it's nothing bad." Says the mole quickly shooting an annoyed glance at his older brother. "Papa's just worried cause you're new to the family, he doesn't want us to do anything to embarrass you or make you feel uncomfortable, but I want you to know we'd never do that Adara. We'd never wanna make you sad, 'cause your our brother now." Marshal hugs the little lizard close to him as Adara marvels at this.

These people are so accepting they don't care if he's different from them, he's just family. Tentatively he reaches one clawed hand out and hugs the mole back before whispering. "Brother."

Jeremy smiles, "Hey you know what we should do? We should all put on our new shorts so we can show Papa together."

The mole smiles. "That's a good idea Jeremy." The boys start to tug down there underwear.

Adara quickly looks away. "What are you doing?"

The other boy's look confused. "You can't wear underwear with your shorts, it's for swimming, so you have to make sure they fit right." The Fruit bat nods sagely at this. "So come on take 'em off so we can go show Papa."

The lizard squeaks as he feels the mole grip his underpants and tug them down, he looks at both boys and whimpers a bit as they look between his legs startled. "Adara, are you okay?" whispers the mole. "You've got no wiener."

Adara would blush if he could, he crosses his legs shifting side to side. Jeremy punches his little brother in the arm. "Hey remember how you just said, we don't wanna embarrass him?" The bat rolls his eyes. "Jeeze what a knuckle head."

The little lizard whimpers a bit. "I do to have a weenie." He says. This always happens, it's always the same everywhere he goes, someone sees that he's different and they make fun of him. "It's just different then yours see." He reaches down between his legs where there is a ridge of scales running across his groin. It's a little lower on him then the others but he pushes open the slit and fishes out his little prick. "See I do have one." He stands there defiant with his prick in his hand, it's the most assertive he'd been since he'd shown up. He looks at the other boys almost daring them to make fun of him.

The mole's eyes go wide. "That's so cool, It's like a secret compartment. I've never seen one like that before."

The bat smiles "It's not so different, see on ours we got a furry sheath covering it." The boy gives his own dick a squeeze pulling back so the pink tip peeks out. "Yours is just inside you." He nods nudging his little brother in the ribs again hoping the boy stops talking, he's so excited he might say too much.

Suddenly all conversation is cut off by a pounding on the door. "Hey what's taking you boys so long? You better not be getting into trouble in there."

The boys all jump at the noise and they quickly put themselves away and pull on their new shorts, after that the little lizard has the room all to himself and he thinks. He was so scared when they saw him, he'd been made fun of for being different before, He knew he was normal among reptiles but most boys didn't know some people could be different. Marshal and Jeremy had been surprised but they didn't make fun of him because he was different. They didn't care, to them he was still their brother. These thoughts kept flitting through his mind as he tried on new clothes, not for the first time he felt he could really feel at home here.

In the end a number of the shirts were too big or just didn't fit right but there were six t-shirts that seemed a good fit. Ron almost giggled at one of the one's the boy really liked, it was a black shirt with a cartoon fairy sticking her tongue out at you, he must have been close to the girl's section as a surprise Ron had even found the boy a basketball jersey in his size as an extra gift. He lets the little lizard pick out a new pair of sneakers and then the family just wanders the store for a bit. He lets Adara pick out some stuff for his room; a clock radio, a couple of posters and a few other nick-knacks. Finally they swing by the toys department. "I know you didn't have many toys you could call your own son, so I want you to pick out a toy or two you really like and that can be all yours" he looks at the other boys who are straining at the bit to run up and down the aisles. "You two have been so good today that you can each pick out a little toy, nothing over five dollars, and I don't want any complaining you have plenty at home. This is Adara's first day and you both know how hard that can be." Both boys nod and run down the aisle, they each know what they want so Ron walks at a more sedate pace following the little lizard.

Adara had never seen so many new toys, he briefly stops at the plastic building blocks but seems to change his mind. A play set catches his eye though, it's a policeman kit, and it comes with a shiny badge, a blue hat and a pair of plastic handcuffs. Gingerly he takes it down and walks back to the black and white spotted dog pushing the cart. He holds the little thing before him like a shield. "Can I have this sir?" He realizes to late he was supposed to say Papa and wonders if the error might make Ron change his mind.

The dog smiles down at the boy and just reaches out to pat his scaled head. "Oh 'course you can dear, but look around maybe there is something nicer you'd like." He sighs, the boy was so nervous he hadn't had the heart to mention the verbal slip. He looks at the little play kit and sighs, it's a cute little thing, I hope he likes it. Jeremy comes back with his pick then, it's a little pack of racecars, "Ohh batty boy your pushing the one toy rule there a bit." He's grinning when he says it though and puts the toy in the cart.

Meanwhile the little reptile walks past the toy guns, they look cool but he just isn't interested. He turns the corner and spots the plush animals. "Oh Cool." he sighs, and makes a beeline for the shelves, he looks through the shelves and there are so many different types of animals. He decides not to go with the bear or the bunnies or even the doggies. On the bottom shelf is a lion, the big plush cat is just sitting there looking up at him and Adara decides that's the one he wants. He leans in and hugs it close, the little lizard nuzzles the toy letting the soft fur rub into his scales, this is the one he wants. He sighs and pets the face, noticing it has a couple of hard little patches of matted fur, he sniffs at them and they smell a little odd. The boy licks one paw and rubs the mats grinning happily as they come out. He picks up the lion and trudges back to the cart. "Papa, can I have this one?"

Ron smiles down at the boy, the difference to just a few moments ago is vast. Now the little lizard is coming back almost at a trot all hesitance gone with a big smile on his face. The dog doesn't even think he realized he said Papa this time. "Yes dear you can, but you know a fine fellow like that needs to have a name. You should think of something to call him." H picks up the lion and places him at the front of the cart letting the little lion ride like a figurehead as the boy starts to puzzle out the name Marshal comes back tossing his own selected toy into the cart. Ron chuckles as the boy picked out another one of those changing robot toys, the little lizard picks up a few more small toys but their shopping trip is pretty much done.

They make their way to the registers, they get a few odd looks, the mixed species boys calling the dalmatian Papa but Ron is used to it. He's not self-conscious and if the boy's aren't being disruptive or behaving badly he doesn't care about the funny looks he gets. He winces at the total but he'd expected it to be high, it's a small price to pay to bring a new boy into the family.

They pile the bags into the trunk of the blue car and with everything squared away they take off. It's coming up on Noontime and since they are out on the town Ron decides to Spoil the boy's just a little bit more. They pull up to the fast food chain restaurant and the boys file in after their father. "Okay lemme guess, Marshal you want the burger joy meal and Jeremy, you want the tomatoes and cheese veggie joy meal with caramel apple slices." The boys both giggle and nod, it's not that hard to guess, the boy's rarely change their orders. "I swear you two really should try something new once in a while." He smiles down at Adara who looks up at him those big green eyes looking worried. "And what would you like dear?"

The little hatchling looks around. "Umm you mean I don't have to share?" It was rare that the boys got fast food, but back at his last place he'd always been forced to share when they did, he usually wasn't asked his opinion either.

The big dog sighs and pets the boy's head tickling that tiny little ridge of spikes. "No you don't have to share son, you can if you want to but you don't have to. Now what do you like?"

The boy looks around for a moment. "Um I like chicken, and umm yogurt." The rather slim dog just smiles at the boy and nods, petting him on the head once more before he finally gets to order. The boy's are all given cups and sent over to the soda machines to get their drinks. Adara has too much fun with these, mixing three different types into his cup giggling at the tingle on his tongue. When the Dalmatian shows up carrying the trays he settles in at the table, taking the seat next to Adara and makes sure every one got the right meals. Adara looks at the little cardboard box and to his horror realizes he forgot to mention something when they were ordering. "Um Si... Papa. I forgot to say. I was told I'm not allowed to eat certain things, and I had to be careful 'cause sometimes..."

Ron smiles and pats the boy's cheeks once more. He interrupts but feels it's for the boy's own sake. "I know all about that dear. When I ordered I talked to the man at the counter. I made sure everything as okay for you." He leans down and kisses the boy on the forehead. "You're my son now and I'll always be looking out for you."

The boy smiles again, a genuine and heart felt smile, as he settles down to eat. Despite his initial reluctance it's harder and harder not to think of this man as his father, he's so protective and caring. Almost without knowing it Adara started to feel they were really a family.

"Okay boys it's off to home and bath time for everyone." The boys all moan at that proclamation, though Marshal and Jeremy really didn't mind it they always fought their baths. The little mole seemed to think being dirty was a badge of honor sometimes. "No arguments now, if your all washed up when Daddy gets home we can watch a movie."

"Oh what movie." Asks Marshal hoping it's one of those weird Japanese cartoons.

The boys were all laughing and smiles as they rode home and once they pulled in Marshal and Jeremy even helped their little brother put his stuff away. Bath time was different though, it was every cub for himself. Marshal got nabbed first and was shuffled off into the bathroom, only to come out ten minutes later mostly clean with his fur still damp. Adara volunteered to be next, not wanting to get in trouble, the bathroom is rather nice with an extremely large tub suitable for more then just one little lizard.

Ron follows the boy in and starts the water, letting the steam fill the room. The dog adds a dash of bubble bath just for fun and then beeps the little lizard's nose. "Take your time and if you need more hot water just use the tap, but be careful you don't want to scald yourself." He quickly makes his exit after the tub is filled and fresh towels are laid out.

The little red agama steps into the hot pool of water and lets out a sigh as the heat hits him, it just feels so good. He slowly lets himself go sinking down into the water. Little paws rub down his scales washing away all the dirt in no time. Despite that though the boy doesn't get out, it's the heat, he thinks it just feels too good. He lounges back, tongue lolling off to one side, it's not until he's totally relaxed that he hears a noise, a slight splashing of water. His eyes pop open and there is Jeremy standing at the toilet emptying a bladder full of fast food pop.

The little bat sighs as he finishes before quickly glancing over at the startled reptile. "Ohh sorry bro, I forgot." He smiles sheepishly, "we're all guys here so some times if someones using the tub I forget to knock, I'm really sorry." The boy looks back at his brother noticing the length of tongue lolling to one side. "Ohh cool you're like me." He squeaks happily.

If he could Adara would blush a bright red, he tries to cover himself with a washcloth before giving up since there really wasn't anything to cover. It's still embarrassing though. "What do you mean, like you?" He whimpers.

The fruit bat smiles. "I mean your tongue, that's lots longer then Marshal's or even Daddy and Papa's. Hey wanna see mine?" "The boy opens his mouth and slowly a long length of pink muscle slips from the boy's mouth, it reaches almost to his belly button. "Ith kinth of twicky to geth oit all outh like thith," here he pauses and inhales the long sensory organ. "And it can be hard to talk but it's cool right?"

Adara just nods and looks away sheepishly, after the bath was dinner, then the whole family sat down to watch a movie. A cartoon about a big green fairy tale monster, and his donkey pal. It was pretty funny and though everyone had seen it before, it made the day feel complete.

The rest of the week went in much the same fashion, though at a slower pace then the second day. On the fifth day Daddy even put a basketball hoop over the garage and all three boys were out there trying to beat the weasel. Adara was starting to feel at home, he really felt like these people were his family. The little lizard hardly ever thought of these two men as anything but his Papa and Daddy now. Something that seemed to make them both very happy, but something happened as the weekend started.

On Friday night the little lizard was curled up in his bed, the heater making him nice and toasty, he'd just settled into sleep when something caught his attention. It starts out softly, a low moan from the other side of the wall. The soundproofing in the house isn't the best but it's never been a problem before. He can hear something moving and the moans and grunts grow louder and now he can hear something moving on the other side of the wall. The sound of bed springs and pleasing moans continue on for a while, until they die with a delighted gasp. Adara tries to settle down to sleep but fifteen minutes later it starts up again, this time he can clearly make out that it's Daddy's voice doing the moaning, this goes on for hours keeping the little lizard from any restful sleep.

In the morning he seems a little cranky but the others let the red-hulled little lad be, though his brothers do finally ask what's wrong. The boy yawns hugely "Didn't sleep well last night, something was going on in Papa and Daddy's room. They were up all night making noise."

The little mole and bat give each other knowing glances. "I forgot they usually wait for the weekend when they're not so busy." Whispers Jeremy

Marshal nods. "See Papa and Daddy don't get to much time together during the week, 'cause of Daddy always being at work, so when the weekend comes around they like to do things."

"What kinda things?" asks Adara.

The bat-boy looks around stealthily and whispers to the lizard. "Meet me in the hall, 10 minutes after bed time and I can show you."

The rest of the day goes rather normally, the boys play some h-o-r-s-e out by the garage, lunch, then a big family dinner; after a round of baths that each boy felt was rather unnecessary, the three lads are tucked into bed. Adara waits dutifully but in reality he's torn, he's not sure he wants to go out there. Papa and Daddy are probably doing something private, and he feels that he probably shouldn't be too nosy. If they wanted him to know they'd have told him, but after ten minutes he slips out of his nice warm bed and softly pads into the hallway.

He can see pretty well with the light coming out from the bathroom, so he was careful not to stumble. His room is the last one before the master so he's not surprised to find the other boy's already in the hallway waiting.

Marshal holds one claw up to his lips warning the lizard that they had to be careful from now on, they don't want anyone to give them away.

Jeremy leans in close to the lizard and whispers into his ear. "Do you know where babies come from?" the little lizard nods ready to spout some fable someone told him earlier. "I mean, really where they come from." The boy just looks puzzled. "Well when a Mommy and Daddy want a baby, they do something called sex and that signals they want a baby, but Daddy and Papa can't have babies 'cause they are both boys; but they still do the sex thing cause it feels good." He tugs the little red reptile over to the master bedroom. "Apparently it's lots of fun, that's why they like to do it and make noise. Wanna see it?"

Adara's really nervous now, he's positive that little cubs are not supposed to see this kinda stuff; but curiosity gets the better of him and all three cubs lean in close, gently pushing open the door just a crack. There is a light inside the room and all three boys can clearly see Daddy and Papa standing in their room.

Both grown-ups are naked, stripped down to the fur. The dalmatian leans forward and plants a loving kiss on his husband's muzzle, it's something the boy had seen before but now seemed different, both men were nude and they seemed to kiss longer then the hatchling had seen them do before. When the men break the kiss, the dog smiles at the weasel for a second, getting the nod, Papa slides down to his knees leaning forward to engulf that long length of rodent meat.

As he watches something brushes Adara, he looks back seeing that both of his older brothers had fumbled around in there PJ's before pulling out there own little cocks, idly stroking them as they watch their father figures. The lizard whimpers more certain then ever before he shouldn't be here.

Marshal is the first to notice the reptilian cub isn't jerking off. "What's wrong?" This is a new sensation for him too, the little mole is used to being the baby of the family. Being an older brother is kinda cool.

"We shouldn't be doing this." Hisses the lizard. "We shouldn't be watching Papa and Daddy like this." He looks at both boys who while there attention is focused on their brother they are still stroking their immature little cocks, and we shouldn't be doing that."

Silently Jeremy agrees with Adara, but not for the same reasons. He whispers over to the boy. "It's okay me and Marshal have snuck out here lots of times, they'll never know." He sees the little agama's eyes dart as he hears a particularly loud moan from inside the room. He knows the boy is curious. "It's okay to watch as for the pawing, it feels good, don't tell me you've never pawed before?"

The little lizard looks more embarrassed now, he'd never done anything like this but these boys acted like it was normal. He didn't want his brothers to think he was weird. The boy is struck with indecision he just doesn't know what to do. He whimpers softly as his eyes turn back to the room, watching Papa bobbing back and forth, he can hear the dalmatian making slurping noises and murmuring his appreciation, like it's the tastiest thing in the world.

Little paws fumbled with his pajama bottoms and the boy squeaks almost too loudly. The flimsy pants fall away and the mole seems to scramble at the boy's nearly featureless crotch. "It's okay brother, it feels really good, you'll like it if you try it." The scene in the bedroom must be having an effect, as Daddy lets out the familiar moan signaling his climax, Marshal notices a little seem between the scales. His fingers press in and he finds the muscle, gently tugging it out into view. "See it feels good doesn't it?" says the mole as he strokes the little prick.

Adara whimpers not knowing what to do, he's never touched himself let alone had any one touching him like that. He knows that people aren't supposed to do that unless you say it's okay. The little lizard never did but still the Mole was so nice, Marshal was his brother he just wanted him to join the fun, right? Hesitantly a little red hand reaches down and takes the purplish pink shaft of flesh, it feels different compared to his brother's paw, colder maybe, but as the boy strokes the same sort of feeling shows up. It does feel good he decides and somehow it seems appropriate to be doing this since Daddy is now on his belly with Papa leaning over him. "What are they doing" Whispers the little lizard. "Are they playing leapfrog?" Marshal just looks at his older brother and grins letting the bat take the explanation.

The lizard spent a long time there in the doorway as his brothers explained everything to him, explained about sex, he finally managed to gasp his way through an orgasm though and trundled off to his bed still hearing his parents going at it in the next room.

The little reptile felt a bit sullen the next day, he was moody and a bit cranky. The adults were a bit worried at first but they put it down to the boy just having an off day. Adara was a little worried, throughout the day he kept thinking back to last night, seeing Daddy and Papa in the midst of things, he can hear the moans, the sighing of the bed springs and unbidden his member would get hard. So the boy passed the day in kinda a fugue wandering from thing-to-thing but never really committing to anything. It took a long time for the day to pass and as soon as nighttime came around and the little boy lay curled in his bed he started to get hard once more. He whimpers as the moaning starts up once more, he can hear the sounds as clear as if he was in the room with them. He whimpers wanting to get up and peek through the door once more, but he knows he shouldn't. The moans get louder and the boy just whimpers, a scaled paw sliding downward and gripping his cock, stroking the meat as he listens to his parents make love.

This new revelation took a little while to sink in but it helped that the next day was a Monday and apparently the sexual encounters took place only on the weekends. The lizard had a long time to reflect on what he'd seen there, and what he'd done. He was thankful for his brothers, they were always willing to help him out. He blushed a little whenever the two boys would talk about willies and sex but they seemed to know a lot about it and it gradually helped the little lizard grow more comfortable. He smiled at the thought, these two were really like brothers now, he was sure there wasn't anything he couldn't tell them.

The week passed in much the same way and then Friday rolled around. Instead of waiting for Papa and Daddy to kiss him good night he hugged and kissed them each on the cheek. He'd already pawed right before bed while he was in the tub, the hot water making him really excited, so he was sure the noises wouldn't keep him awake. He curled up under the blanket and settled in ready for a good nights sleep. The noise didn't start right away like it had last week, this struck the boy as strange but maybe they were just late, maybe that means Adara could actually get to sleep before it all started. Just as he thought that, he heard something. Someone was talking in the next room, he couldn't make out what was said but it was definitely talking. Soon after the moaning started up again, reflexively Adara smiled, that means everything is all right said his subconscious mind. It wasn't until a few seconds passed that he realized something was off, the boy wasn't sure just what that something was that sounded weird. He could hear the pleasured groans but buried in them was something else, he slips out of his bed and made for the door, ducking into the hallway surprised not to see his brothers standing there. He was sure they would be, they said they really liked the show. He looks around worried as he slips forward, opening the door just a crack. What he sees leaves the little boy speechless, Papa and Daddy are indeed moaning, but now Adara knows what the subtle undercurrent was. Both men are laying still, on their backs in bed, but at their groin sliding up and down, their moans almost drowned out by the moans of the adults are Marshal and Jeremy. Adara whimpers knowing this is wrong but not knowing what to do. It takes him a full second to realize that Daddy's eyes aren't on the boy bouncing in his lap. Instead they are staring straight at him, the boy squeaks and falls back, sure he's gonna get in trouble now, he scrambles towards his room.

The little lizard comes up short though as a loud voice slows him down. "Adara!" Shouts daddy Max, "I know you were at the door, come in here please?"

Whimpering the little lizard turns around slipping quietly into the bedroom. He can see Daddy and Papa still in bed but sitting up now, Marshal and Jeremy in their laps. Both boys seem a bit wobbly as if their seats aren't that stable but between panting they manage a smile and a wave for the boy. He whimpers again looking down at the floor not trying not to look up at the scene before him, knowing he shouldn't be in here like this. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have been spying, I... I..." he doesn't know what to say.

Papa straightens up, paws lifting Marshal off his lap. The little mole moans softly as the dog's thick member slips from his butt. "It's okay Adara sweetie, we knew you'd come to watch and we knew what you'd see. Believe me we wish we could have shown you sooner but we were afraid you just weren't ready."

Daddy lifts Jeremy off his lap with a grunt. "Unf... Boy you're getting to big to ride like this all the time batty." He straightens up a bit and slides his legs off the bed slowly walking towards the lizard. "This is how we all bond as a family dear, most nights you boys won't even sleep in your room, we tend to gather together on the bed. It's much more cozy, and we're always nice and warm." He steps forward reaching out one paw and gently leading the stunned cub towards the bed. "We had to wait 'till you would be able to accept us. This is how our family is, we all love and take care of one another." The two cubs reach down taking the lizards paws and hauling him up into the bed. "We feel it brings us closer, we've already accepted you into our family Adara." The adult climbs up onto the bed behind the boy. "You are part of this family and nothing will change that, no matter what you choose here we will always love and protect you. So what do you say? Do you want to take the final step to bond with your family?"

The little lizard frowns a little bit as he looks around, left and right of him sit his brothers whispering encouragement to him urging him to say yes. Behind him sits Daddy Max, and in front of him is Papa Ron. He looks around again taking in the eager faces of the cubs and the patent loving gaze of both adults, at this moment he realizes that he really does feel at home here, these people are really his family; and if this is what family does then he should accept that. He barely nods before whispering. "Okay"

The boys start to smile as they surge forward towards their brother. Marshal grips his pajama top and pulls it off over the little lizards head, letting Papa and Daddy get a better look at his black and red body. Jeremy smiles and tugs down at the hatchling's pajama bottoms leaving the boy as nude as the others. Papa leans forward, his soft hand caressing the scaled cheek. "From now on lovely, you don't have to sleep in your room unless you want too and most days you won't even have to wear clothes except to go out and play."

Adara looks nervous as the other boys lean him back until his head rests in Daddy's lap. The agama stares up at the weasel, he can see Daddy's erection sticking straight up in the air, he can feel it resting against the top of his head, brushing the short ridge of spines there. He can feel the heat coming off it as the warm mammal flesh brushes his scales.

Max smiles down at the boy, letting his paws stroke the lad's chest. "We think it's better to be comfortable in your own fur, or scales. So you can accept yourself for who you are Adara."

Marshal knowing just were to look lets his little fingers find the slit. He smiles, it's sorta like a pouch where the boy's own balls would be. He didn't get a good look last time but he takes it slow this time. He spreads the boy's cloacae, peering down into the darkness, deft little fingers probe, tickling the little lizard thing as he does. It's a shallow little pocket just big enough to conceal the boy's member when limp and right there at the base is the boy's own tight little pucker.

Papa leans forward laying a slow lick across the black scales of the boy's belly, the little lizard shivers at the touch. "We believe we become closer when we share out bodies. You saw use bonding with each other, and a few moments ago you saw us with your brothers. Now its your turn my dear."

Jeremy slips forward, his baggy wing-arms tucked up to side as he lays an ear on his newest brothers chest. "The first night is always so hard." He whispers, "Your always so confused, you don't know what's right and what's wrong. Don't let that bother you baby bro, this isn't about right or wrong, this is about family." With that he pulls himself up until their eyes meet. "I don't like waiting, but there is something I wanted to do to you since that day I walked in on you in the bath bro." Before Adara can even say anything the boy kisses him full on those scaly lips.

Adara's eyes go wide in surprise as his big brother kisses him, oh he'd been kissed before but not like that, to add to the difference he can feel his brother's rather impressive tongue now. Gently probing his mouth, that long and strong muscle teasing and searching just like the moles fingers, but with a different target. Their tongues finally meet and the two powerful muscles intertwine. They are made for different things, his to lap up the dew from the deepest flowers, and the lizards to snag his tasty prey, but now they find themselves put to another task as they struggle, subconsciously trying to prove whose the strongest, the two lengths of muscle fighting for control.

The boys however are just lost in a kiss, moaning softly as they break it, the bat pulls back his tongue not letting go as he does, pulling Adara's out into the open air as they slowly separate. Jeremy and the lizard share a slight smile. That was like nothing either of them had felt before and they both knew they'd be doing it again real soon.

"Wow." Pants the hatchling, catching his breath.

"That's just the beginning." Grins the bat, "I'll show you some tricks later on."

Max moans. "Ohh boys that was so hot." Pre starts to form on the tip of his cock and out of the corner of his eye Adara can see the clear liquid bead and start to drip down the shaft towards his face. On instinct his tongue lashes out snagging the drop of musky pre and dragging his sticky little tongue across the weasel's glans causing his eyes to cross. Everyone seems to pause for a moment, taking in the notion of Adara's first taste of manhood, the little boy just smiles sheepishly at everyone.

Papa nudges Marshal to one side as the dalmatian moves forward, the mole scoots over a bit but that paw never leaves the lizards cock. Papa leans in, tongue lapping at the base of that shaft, noticing the taste of this little boy, the feel of his pebbled scales on his tongue, fingers peel back the flap of skin just enough for the dog's narrow muzzle to push in, letting that long tongue lick out to probe gently at a puckered anus.

The little lizard squeaks softly at the new intrusion, it feels odd but kinda good. The boy whimpers softly not wanting it to stop but not knowing what else to do.

Marshal doesn't help the boy's confusion any as his lips brush up against the reptile's cock, as his new brother whimpers as those lips take him in, savoring the odd new flavor of his youngest brother. He takes things slow, remembering when not to long ago it had been him on the bed being welcomed into the family, he lets his tongue, nowhere near the impressive length of either boy but still rather skilled, flick along the under side feeling the veins there and coaxing a little more life from the cub's shaft.

Grinning Ron pulls his muzzle from the boy, he leans forward. "Now dear, this might hurt a bit at first but think of it like this, you're being born into a new life, and there is always a little pain in giving birth." The spotted dog looms over the little lizard, his hands guide his thick pink shaft into that dark little slit. It takes a little time and some careful fingers but the tip of the doggie's lubed up dick is finally pressed right up against the cubs sweet little starfish.

Adara whimpers softly not sure what's gonna come next, it was feeling good and it still is with Marshal's energetic mouthing but he feels funny now. The first push is very slow and it does hurt a bit, it's tightness and uncomfortable pressure as Papa pushes just the head of his cock into the boy's hidden anal passage. He closes his eyes trying to focus through the pain, when he opens his eyes again Daddy Max is looking down at him asking if he's okay. "Yeah, it's okay," says the boy with a whimper.

Jeremy leans in kissing the little reptiles cheek. "It'll be okay soon, we all did it." He giggles for a moment, "In fact you just saw us doing it hon, besides it'll feel real good soon."

Papa waits for a moment. He hates this part, hates how it hurts at first, but the lube does help; as the boy fully adjusts the big dog pushes forward, working his way a little deeper into that sweet little anus. "Ohh Adara your such a good boy." Moans the dalmatian, as he feels that silk vice griping him hard. He pushes deeper and deeper until a gasp stops him short. For a moment he thought he'd hurt the boy and gone too deep, but the look on Adara's face immediately tells a different story. He'd rubbed the boy's button causing a quick flash of pleasure. "Mmm didn't we tell you it felt good my boy?"

As that big dick hits his prostrate the little lizard just squeaks. He's been masturbating all week, but nothing had prepared him for this. His brother's lips alone were enough to tip him over the edge but that jab at what might as well have been the pleasure center of his brain sent him spiraling beyond anything. The boy shudders through his most powerful orgasm so far.

Marshal pulls back smiling as he lets little brother fall from his muzzle. "Did you like that Adara? Wait 'till you get to try it."

"Mmm yes, maybe it's time you did try it son." Says Daddy shifting in his spot. He circles around the boy leaning forward bringing that long slim cock down close to the little lizards muzzle. "Why don't you try it lovely, you already know what it tastes like, so why don't you try it like your big brother did."

The little lizard looks scared for a moment then his eyes focus on the tip of Daddy's dick that just brushed his muzzle. He licks his lips catching the tip once more with his tongue. It hadn't tasted bad, maybe he should. Before his mind can rationalize it his lips part and his tongue flicks out. He entangles the weasel's manhood and pulls it down into his waiting muzzle, from there he's not sure what to do so he just suckles on the fleshy pop like a lolli, which gets Max's approval since the weasel is moaning loudly once more.

Ron grins as he pulls back setting a nice even pace for the lizards first time, he moans softly savoring the tight feeling as his newest son squeezes down on him. He only wishes he'd cum when he'd been fucking Marshal earlier, if he'd spurted then he might be able to last longer now. There is nothing quite like a virgin anus for squeezing the life out of a man. His paws rest on the little cubs hips as he bucks forward, the pace increasing.

Marshal kneels at his side, one paw masturbating as he watches Papa pounding away at Adara's cherry. His other paw was at the other end however, two fingers up his own bum remembering how it felt when it was him that the big dog was taking. The little mole groans with remembered joy, knowing before the night is over he'll feel that pleasure again. Maybe several times even if it's Adara's big night.

Jeremy on the other hand crawls out, straddling the little reptile so he can let his lips hover over the lizards purplish length of boyhood. The bats eyes flick up to Papa, who smiles as he pushes deeper, but the boy's eyes look down as he focuses on his own self appointed task. He leans in suckling on the cock tip, that his brother had abandoned. Jeremy suckles on the length of lizard meat, letting his warm lips cradle that ounce of flesh, urging the moist heat to tug gently at it. His talented tongue, well trained after years of play, caresses Adara wrapping around the shaft several times before it slips from his muzzle and travels downward into the dark gap of the boys slit seeking the root of the matter. He giggles softly as his tongue is tickled by the big dog's needy thrusts.

Max groans as the boy suckles on his dick, he can feel that sticky tongue curling around him. The boy hasn't been taught any tricks so it must be instinct. He whimpers and smiles down into that eager little face, seeing how focused the boy is on the task at hand, it's all too much for him; with a moan he cums.

The first spurt catches Adara off guard and he swallows almost by reflex, the next one ends up making him cough, the little lizard sputters a bit as Daddy's pulsing dick slips from his mouth. The pink little organ still squeezing out volleys of the thick creamy white stuff, shocked Adara looks up at the weasel, still seeing that long cock blasting away, coating his chest and Jeremy's ass in ropes of thick man cream. "What was that daddy?" He can still taste it in his mouth and it tastes a lot like what he'd had before, but stronger. It does not taste bad but it's so messy, he leans forward taking the cock tip between his lips once more making sure the last few dribbles don't make a mess like the rest.

Max moans and pets his little red cheek as the boy takes him in once more. "You know that when you get excited you get hard right?" He looks down at the boy, whose talented tongue seems hell bent on dredging up every last drop. "Well when a grown-up gets really, really excited after getting hard. He spurts out what's called cum, some grown-ups use this to get girls pregnant but other men like Papa and me do it just for fun. Plus we like the taste of it, and so it seems, you do too." He grins as the little lizard lets his cock drop and instead notices all the white streaks that criss-cross the little bat's backside. His tongue flicks out causing the bat to squeak slightly in surprise.

Ron grunts loudly, feeling his knot swelling up. Ohh he longs to let it stretch that tight little hole wide open, but he knows it would hurt him so bad, it's not the sort of thing to do for the boy's first time. He moans pushing in deep, and feeling the little pouch of scales closing around the knob of flesh. Ohh it's not as tight as the cubs anus but it still feels damn good, with a grunt he picks up the pace a bit, rocking into the little reptile, grinding into that tight little hole. He'd been having trouble holding back before but with his knot crammed up the little boy's slit it's just too much. The dog howls as he finally lets go, flooding the boy's bowels with his sticky doggy seed.

Adara moans softly, his long tongue slithering along Jeremy's backside. The boy whimpers, he can feel Papa's cock deep inside him and he can feel his slit filled with something else to, something large stretching out that pouch of skin but it's the feeling deep inside that moves him. Every pulse of Max's heart sends another surge of seed deep within the little lizard and the heat just sears at the reptiles soul. He moans as long sticky strings of jizz flood every nook and cranny. The little red-scaled boy wants to pass out but big brother Jeremy's lips on his member just won't let him. The dalmatian pulls out with a wet sound, his cock still hard and dribbling seed, it's the first time Adara has seen the whole thing. His eyes go wide as he sees just what he felt pressing against his anus, as the man's swollen knot pulses sending another squirt out, splattering across the batty's face.

Jeremy lets his brother fall free so he can smile sidelong in Papa's direction. "Excuse me sir, can I have some more." Pipes up the bat in his best hungry little orphan voice. Papa just chuckles lining the tip up with the boy's lips before giving his knot a squeeze. Jeremy "Mmmms" as he takes the sticky blast across the muzzle. The boy happily slurps up some of the thick salty treat still looking a little sugar frosted.

Max sighs, and his arms reach under Adara's arms, He lifts the boy by his shoulders causing the bat to tumble forward into Papa's lap. The weasel leans forward whispering in the youngest boy's ear. "You've felt how much Papa's loves you little one. Now it's time for Daddy." On hand tugs down the boy's slit as he guides his cock up between the little lizards legs. They both moan out as it finds the boy's dripping anus and pushes in deep. Max groans out loud as he claims sloppy seconds on the boy, he hilts the boy in one quick motion, both arms cross the scaled belly holding him close. The longer dick making the little boy gasp in surprise.

Despite the lizards predicament, bouncing on Daddy's lap, taking the weasels member deeper then even papa went. He can't help but notice what Papa's doing right now, the dalmatian is sitting across from him, his eyes greedily watching the lizards little body as Max pistons his hot man meat into that already cum slicked orifice. Adara boggles for a moment as Papa lifts up Jeremy, the boy bat lifts his legs up high so his little brother can see it all as the dog's big fat dick stretches the little bat bottom open wide. Jeremy moans out loud as Papa pushes him down onto his cock, Adara gasps as he sees the dogs knot straining against the boy's batcave. The little fruit bat squeaks as Papa jerks his hips and that fat knob of meat squeezes through, Adara wouldn't have thought it possible but soon after that Adara couldn't think of much more.

Daddy's pace increased as he got excited watching Papa and Jeremy, Marshal smiles taking a spot between them, one paw on Jeremy one on Adara. The little mole gently pumps the brothers, loving the feel of warm flesh in his palm. The grown-ups lean forward bringing their sons closer as well. Marshal grins as the batty and lizard's erections are almost touching now, the little mole leans forward suckling on one, then the other, relishing the feel of them against his fur as he waits for his turn to have them inside him. Finding them so close Adara reaches out for his brother bat, their paws meet and the little lizard pulls Jeremy close. Last time it was the bat that started things but this time Adara wants to be the one, as their parents climax flooding the boy's rectums with sweet cream the brothers lips touch. Lips part and tongues entwine, the two boys savor this feeling, this connection as the warmth fills their bellies they know that they are loved.