Vael's life Magic

Story by Elis_Dragin on SoFurry

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As before, this story contains situations not suitable for anyone under 18 years of age, this means if you cannot gamble, then you shouldn't be here ^..^ Whether you listen, as before, is up to you.

Vael saw the darkness yet again, surrounding him like a mist, his memories and feelings manifested as the dreams he witnessed. The day before, he knew himself to only be a male, now he wasn't anymore, for his father explained that he was a hermaphrodite. The reason he never knew of his female part was that it was sealed by magic, to protect him from his brother Falgoh, of who had lost his mind and was a danger to many dragons now. He remembered all this, repeating over and over in the ebony veil that was his conscience.

A voice pierced the veil, a voice which was familiar to him.

"Vael, Vael, time to get up son." He slowly opened his eyes, the veil lifted from his sight, and reality flooded back into his sight. He smiled upon seeing his father's muzzle, looking up to see him eye to eye.

"Hello father, did you sleep well?" Vael got up and stretched out, examining himself for any bites as he usually would. The only thing he noticed was that his chest was sticky, it was then he remembered last night, that memorable event. He stared off into the distance, and then Drai snapped him back to reality.

"Son, I think she will need to know." He looked over his shoulder to her hollow in the cave wall.

"About me?" Vael asked, cocking his head to one side.

"Yes Vael, it is important that she knows, so she can protect you when I'm elsewhere."

"You do know...she will make fun of me." Drai smiled at this, and then nuzzled his son.

"Of course I do, but it's all fun in the beginning for her. You know she will take this seriously later."

"What if she doesn't?" Vael snapped, Drai was taken aback by this but recovered. He knew the sudden change of gender in Vael would create similar symptoms that happened when his sister came of age. He moved over to his son and led him out of his hollow; Drai had to go first since he barely squeezed through the entrance. Once outside, Drai moved his head into Shellin's hollow to wake her up, which she did reluctantly. He moved back and Shellin popped out, sat down, and rubbed her eye with her forepaw.

"Can I not sleep for longer, I am tired." Was her reply, the message in their minds showed she really was tired. She looked down to witness a familiar sight on the belly of Vael, smiling at this and suddenly gaining back all the energy she lost last night. Drai saw this and started the conversation before she sent anything that would upset Vael.

"Shellin, I need to talk to you about a certain matter, one that concerns your brother."

"What is it? If it's about you two mating and making that noise last night, I would prefer not hear it." Drai and Vael looked at each other, she had somehow known.

"How did you know?" Vael asked.

"I heard you and dad making some weird noises, especially growls, so I assumed that you two were mating. Never did hear either you climax though, you would usually roar really loud. And then the smell reached my hollow, excited me, and then I had to pleasure myself. And because of that I am now tired. So why did you wake me up?" Vael stared, Drai just smiled, Vael wondered how Shellin gave that all away without any shy tendency. It was puzzling but they both got back to the conversation.

"Shellin, about Vael, you knew he was born a male."

"Yes, has he done something wrong, because of his gender? Because he mated with you? Because of what I said just now?" Her grins kept getting bigger with every question she asked, Vael looked away because of this. Drai got angry then.

"Shellin!" That messaged spiked her mind, making her stop.

"...Sorry father, I didn't mean to..." She lowered her head, looking like an innocent little dragon, but Drai nuzzled her head up to look in her eyes.

"It's okay, sometimes matters need a more serious note, with fewer questions." He smiled at her, before moving back and willing his children to sit in front of him. He looked at Shellin from there, a great dragon looking down on his young.

"Shellin, there is something that wasn't told about brother, not even to him. It was for his own safety in the past, when we knew of what Falgoh would do to females. So this is the secret...your brother is a herm." She stared at Drai, then at Vael, then Drai again.

"Is this true?" She asked, a little curious of whether this was a big joke to get her back for asking so many questions. Drai nodded his head in approval, Shellin smiled, but not her playful smile, more like a smile that confirmed something in her mind. Vael looked at her, concerned, he had no idea what she was smiling about. Drai joined him. She broke the silence by sending her message.

"Wow, I thought something was up, when Vael kept checking himself. At first, I thought he was just seeing if his orifice was clean, but now I know what he was doing. Vael, you were seeing if you were just a male, weren't you?" Vael was surprised yet again, nothing seems to escape his sister, and he wondered if she knew more then she talks about.

"Well young one, now you know." Drai answered to Shellin's thoughts, shifting back onto his fours, followed by his children.

"Please don't torment me over this Shellin." Vael sent, she nodded in reply and gave a large smile. This made him more uncomfortable, perhaps he should never have asked.

"Besides, I would rather protect you now, since you can be my sister!" She sent, receiving a loud growl in reply from Vael. They all left the cave and flew off to find some creatures to hunt; they were bound to be hungry now. Afterward, Drai and Vael went to a nearby lake to wash off the dry cum from last night.

The next few days went by without incident, only his family knew that Vael was a hermaphrodite, and it would remain that way for some time. Shellin decided that Vael should learn the magic arts, since his secret may soon be discovered when he finds a mate, he should at least be ready to defend himself. Drai supported this idea, and so tomorrow he would begin his tutoring by Shellin's mentor Phale, a dragon who was three times older than Drai. Tomorrow came quickly, and after their morning hunt, went down to a clearing to meet up with Phale.

Phale was by far a beautiful dragon, shades of light and dark blue covered his body and plates, his wings bore white membranes and his eyes were a light green. He was as tall as Drai but his muscles were beginning to weaken from age, his wing muscles remained intact to keep him flying. He had features not seen on other dragons of the land, the whiskers that sprouted from near the front of his maw were a prime example. Others were his smoothness, the fin trailing down his back, and some sort of mane that came out from the top of his head and hung lazily around his neck. Some say that he came from the sea, a great distance from Vael's home, but could be reached quicker by following the river.

Phale witnessed them land before walking out from under the forest canopy, each of his legs shook slightly, showing his body may soon give itself back to nature. He looked at Vael with his green eyes, as if curious of his appearance here with Shellin.

"And who might you be, young one?" Phale asked him, his message emitted signs of something...ancient.

"Vael, I am here to learn magic from you."

"I don't teach magic to males, young one, I can only teach the females that visit me." He sent, then looked at Vael's father with a bit of anger, sending him a message.

"What is the meaning of this Draitagan, you know I can't teach any male, not even yours!" The message seemed to spike Drai's mind, he winced as if in pain.

"I cannot explain right now, I need my son to know some spells that can help defend him." Drai replied, trying to fight a losing battle.

"From what exactly, the birds, the insects, or even Falgoh? You know your son only goes after females, he has no interest in Vael, take him home with you!"

"Please, my son needs to know..." Then Drai's mind was spiked fiercely, Phale was older and more in touch with his spiritual side, so the effects he can cause can be devastating. Vael interrupted with his own question, saving his father the torture.

"But Phale, are you not a male yourself?" Phale seemed to be insulted by this remark, growling a bit.

"I am not, young one, I am a herm, have been since my birth and hatching. They only refer to me as a male because I only teach females how to work magic. I doubt you would even know what a male could do with magic, and I am certainly not going to say what." He seemed to calm down, and then signalled Shellin to follow him into the woods, struggling to walk under his weight. Vael knew his father has done all he could without revealing his gender, all that could be done, but Vael knew that this was 'his' inheritance, and it was 'his' choice of who could be trusted to know it.

"I doubt I ever will learn Phale, since I bear the same gender to you." Drai looked shockingly at Vael, Phale stopped, turning his head to look at Vael. He then snarled, spiking Vael's mind with his own message.

"You are lying, child. You have been known as a male in this valley, and always will be known as a male, even after your death your spirit will still be male. That will never change."

"If you wish to prove your assumption, you will come over here and prove me wrong!" Phale blinked, looked away to consider this, and then turned around to walk back to the waiting Vael.

"Fine. If you want evidence that you're not a herm, then I will give it." He hummed lightly in his throat, it accompanied the other sounds of the forest. Then the birds stopped singing, followed by the leaves in the trees, then the wind. Vael looked around frightened; a strange silence seemed to cloak the land. Eventually, the only sound was the humming, but even that stopped when Phale stared at him, piercing his mind.

Then, without warning, Vael started to feel unusual, assuming that this was the work of magic. Vael wanted to look away but an unseen force kept his eyes locked on Phale's eyes, even when he closed them he could not move his head. The feeling wasn't pleasurable either; Vael assumed that this was the only way to determine a herm from a male without examining his slit.

Then he looked away, the sounds flooded back into the world, nearly deafening him. He looked around to see everything, Shellin, Drai, Phale, even himself, nothing seemed to happen. However, he smelt something in the air, it was weird, almost like ginger, strong but pleasant. It seemed to affect the three dragons around him, Shellin was breathing deeper with her eyes half closed, and Phale and Drai were shuddering in place, all of them affected by this smell. Vael couldn't have been more confused in his life, not only did he not know what the smell was but it did not seem to affect him, as if it was not meant to be smelt by him. After some time, it cleared away and everyone returned to normal, apparently surprised at Vael.

"What was that Phale?" Vael asked, unbeknownst of what sort of answer he would receive.

"That was proof, young one, that you were a herm. Only herms give off that musk...I apologize to you and to Drai for my rudeness. I will teach use magic, Drai, as a pardon for my behaviour."

"Could you not tell anyone of his gender Phale?" Drai asked, since he was concerned of whether Phale might tell the others of what his son's true gender is. Phale cocked his head to one side, but then nodded in compliance, understanding why but not wanting to go further on that matter.

"You have my word Drai, only I will know. Come young ones." Vael followed Shellin and Phale into the forest, unknown of what he may learn or even of what might happen there. He saw his father take off, leaving him in the hands of a hermaphrodite of the sea.

It was a long walk before they reached their destination, unknown to Vael, and they remained silent throughout the journey. They eventually reached a small clearing with a pool of water large enough for an adult dragon to fit in; it would be a tight fit though. They all stopped and Phale told Shellin to go by the pool and wait while he spoke to Vael. Then he walked over to Vael and sat down, Vael also sat down.

"First, before one can use magic, one has to learn to manipulate the energy within one's body. I will teach you how to this, relax to start off with, you need to be using as little energy as possible." Vael did all he could to relax, his breathing became slower and deeper, his mind calm and empty, and most of his muscles were relaxed too.

"I think I'm relaxed now."

"I can see that but you could be trying to breath lighter. Next, I want you to imagine all the energy in your body as water or a liquid of any kind, something fluid." So Vael put all his thought into visualising a fluid energy running through his body. He thought up a word for this fluid, ether, that's what he would call it, he visualised ether in his body, flowing to and from different parts, mixing and separating constantly. He even closed his eyes, the inky black of dreams aiding him in imagining this.

"Good, now focus the energy to a point between the brows of your head, where the ridge of your muzzle meets the eyes." Vael did this, little in knowing that Shellin was doing exactly the same, getting ready for the teacher. A light started to form on his head, he could see the ether of his body draining out into this point, his muscles felt weak as the energy that was once there has now vanished.

"Careful young one, do not use all your energy in your body. You could die if you drain too much, let us use a small amount for now." Vael allowed some of the ether to flow back into his body, into his muscles. It felt rather warm as he did, and when he opened his eyes, he saw something rather different. He could see the ether in Phale and Shellin, in the plants and trees, in the animals, even the sun was made of ether but he did not look at it, it was dangerous to look at the sun.

"This is weird." He said to Phale, walking over to where Shellin was, seeing the ether of her body and a light emanating from her forehead.

"Hello Vael, strange sight isn't it?" She was smiling, he could not see but knew she would be after saying that.

"Shellin, could you bring Vael up to pace, I think it would be best if you did this rather than I." She nodded in reply and taught Vael how to project and form this energy to cast magic. She taught him a few basic things, like moving rocks, heating the water in the pool, healing scars on a tree, and aiding plants in their growth. Vael memorized everything she said, it was interesting to do such things, and it felt good as well, like magic is a sort of release from stress. Shellin also taught Vael some things that he should not do with magic and important points on meditation, how it helps to draw energy from your surroundings. He had never seen or heard Shellin being so mature for her personality, like she undertook a transformation when she focused her energy. However, some of the things she says and the ways she says them indicated that she was still the same Shellin.

It was getting late and they were both exhausted now, they needed to eat to regain the energy they used for magic. The three of them went hunting and ate before parting ways, Vael happier that he learnt something new in this vast world. He and Shellin flew back home, arriving only to find that their father Drai has not returned.

"I guess he's out hunting again." Shellin guessed, after all, it was around dinner time now; the sun was starting to set over the mountains. They both walked further in and waited for their father, it wasn't long before Shellin just had to say something.

"Well Vael. How did it feel to use magic?" Vael's answer was immediate.

"It was rather interesting, it felt like the life was being drained out of me but it was fun to learn." He smiled and so did she, something crept through his mind. What did she feel like when she smelt his musk? Did it arouse her or did it do something else? It was quite scary to have been frozen on the spot while watching Shellin breathe like that, like she was suffocating to death. She sensed his concern and lightly nuzzled him.

"It wasn't like I was going to die." She reassured him with that message, and he felt a lot better, both of them lying down next to each other. They just watched the beautiful sunset a ways in from the cave entrance, the way the reds and yellows mixed and blended in the sky, setting it on fire. Then she got up suddenly, Vael looked up at her to see a big grin on her face.

"Want to play catch, Vael?" He smiled, knowing he was good at this game.

"You asked for it." He suddenly jumped to his feet, trying to bring down Shellin, but she was ready and avoided him. He fell down on the floor and she ran off further in and disappeared into one of the hollows. He growled playfully, but also angrily in case she went into his hollow, he got his feet and chased her. He peaked into the first hollow, which was empty, then his one, also empty.

"You have to be quicker to catch me." A message shot through his mind before he saw the body of his sister run past him, he immediately gave chase. She was heading back to the entrance, and he was gaining on her. She outsmarted him again, and he tumbled to the ground again, he got back up and gave chase again. He ran straight into Shellin's hollow to get her, but she wasn't there at all. To his horror, she was behind him, and before he turned around, she pounced on him, knocking him to the floor. They were looking at each other, she was smiling and he was angry.

"That is not fair, you keep using speed spells."

"Oh, so you noticed, I did regret teaching you those spells for a moment, but I would have beaten you anyway."

"I bet you can't prove that, you not nearly as fast as me. You maybe a better flier but I was suited for the ground."

"Well, at least you're on your beloved ground...pinned under the winner." She allowed herself a big grin, then she suddenly stopped, something had got her attention, something in the air. Vael smelt it as well; it was strong, rather like ginger. His pupils shrank. Shellin started to breathe deeper, her eyes closing, Vael realised what was happening.

"Shellin, Shellin stop it." It didn't work; she was just lying there, breathing, breathing deep and regularly. She didn't allow him to get up and when tried to wriggle out, she locked her hind legs tight against his own to stop him.

"Vael...please...I love you..." She nuzzled him gently, and then a bit harder, rubbing into his maw, he sighed and returned it.

"Shellin..." He nuzzled her more lovingly now, moving her snout to his own with his forepaw, giving her a deep kiss. She thrummed, love now replacing the dominant instinct, both of the drowned in their relationship as brother and sister. They parted the kiss, staring deeply and lovingly into one another's eyes, not knowing anything else that is happening but what is occurring in this hollow.

"Vael, would you mate with me? It has been wonderful being with you today." He was surprised by how sensible her comment was but didn't know if it was necessary, this wasn't about the day, and it was the musk that caused this situation. She became concerned; the smile on her face became more of a worry.

"Shellin, I'm not sure what we are doing this for. I know it's not about today, it's the musk; it's done something to you and now..." But he needn't say more, she started to look unhappy already. Her eyes started water up, tears leaking down her face, the coughing in her throat showed she was crying. She got up and walked over to a side of her hollow, lay down and put her forepaw over her muzzle, crying. He didn't mean to upset her, perhaps she was doing this for the right reason, as a thank you for the day they have had. He rolled onto his legs, walked over, lay down beside her, and looked at her head, obscured by her paw.

"Vael...can you be any crueller?" This was a harsh message from her; it seemed a lot of hidden emotions were released today. He felt so guilty for saying something like that to her; regardless of the pains she put him through as a sister. He wanted to make up, but was unsure of whether she would want that now. He tried anyway.

"Shellin, I'm sorry for what I said; I didn't know what caused you to react like that. I thought the musk did that, I jumped to a conclusion without thinking it through enough." She got up on her forepaws, looking at him with teary eyes.

"Vael, you know the answer, it is here." She moved her forepaw up to his chest, to where his beating heart was, pressing hard. Vael knew he should have done that, trusted his heart and not instincts or thoughts. He closed his eyes, rearranging his thoughts and feelings before saying anything else. He opened his eyes, looking at her with love and just that.

"Shellin, I would love to mate with you, and it has been wonderful being with you." She gave a beaming smile, the tears dried up straight away. She lowered her head and nuzzled his chest; he lowered his to nuzzle hers. They knew things never got any worse than this, for dragons knew to never fight over simple matters. They lifted their heads and started a long kiss once again; Vael's forepaw rose against Shellin's cheek, pulling her deeper into the kiss. They both thrummed deeply, the pleasure being not physical but emotional; Shellin had all but forgotten the upset from before. She began to roll on her side, her slit now becoming wet, Vael responded by moving onto his side, moving right up to her. They arched their necks as they continued to kiss, their bodies pulled close until their slits touched, Vael now felt the wetness of hers, knowing that his will follow. They parted their kiss to nuzzle again, loving every moment being together, laughing as they enjoyed nuzzling each other.

"Vael, there could never be a better brother for me than you."

"You said that before Shellin."

"I'm just reminding you." They both laughed at this, Vael now feeling his member wanting out of his slit.

"Are you ready Shellin, this might hurt." She nodded, knowing what to expect. He relaxed, allowing his member to exit his orifice and enter hers, she gasped as he entered her without even touching the air around them. He took a moment to kiss her again; she returned the kiss lovingly, bringing up her own forepaw to draw his maw into hers. He slowly pulled out and thrust into her, giving her great pleasure as it found her vagina, her inner walls contracting around it. Both of them thrummed as they mated, their vaginal pre already mixed as it exited their bodies, more so from Shellin. She pushed his head into her maw, locking their jaws together as they embraced, siblings showing love for one another. Vael didn't need to go any faster than his current pace; the pleasure from both of his systems was outstanding, as if they were synchronized. He wondered why this didn't happen when he and Drai mated, he concluded that the spell might not have completely dispelled.

The two continued mating on their sides, their climaxes reaching their height, the thrumming became moans into each other's maws. He could feel the unusual climaxes of both organs drawing close, wondering what there was to expect. Then it hit them, like a sudden rush of warmth, they separated their maws but they did not roar like they would usually, even when the pleasure was intense. She climaxed, her walls contracting around his member, milking his member of cum every time he ejaculated. For Vael, it was a weird climax; the familiar ejaculation was accompanied by a set of contractions in his female sex. His climaxes died down as did Shellin's own, and their mating was all about their love for each other. They stared lovingly into each other's eyes, brother and sister they were, just looking out for each other. They nuzzled again before Vael pulled himself from her slit; his member quickly retreated back into him. They both lay there, forelegs holding each other as they fell asleep, their heads next to each other.

Soon after, their father returned. He looked around for them and found them both in Shellin's hollow, cuddled up together, just like a brother and sister would do. He smiled and went to sleep in his own hollow; there just wasn't enough room for three in there.

The veil of dark silk had covered both of the siblings sights, their dreams emanating in the darkness, but this memorable night will go on not in their minds. It will go on in their hearts.

I hope that was a good sequel, more to come yet ^..^ also a big secret is behind these stories, will you find it? Post your comments, send suggestions, blah blah blah, you know the drill. See you soon ^..^