Koichi Part 2

Story by Deyna_Otter on SoFurry

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Chapter 2

Old Demons

As soon as he said it, my heart nearly stopped. Brother? "Liar! I have only one brother. And he is dead." He laughed lightly. "Oh, Koichi. You are blind in more ways than one." He drew his sword and swung it. The cold whistle of the blade through the air, the last sound several have ever heard, made my fur stand on end. "Think back to that day. The day Koji, your one true brother, died." I pulled my sword into an attack position. "Enough!" I calmed myself and concentrated. "Yukio, you have killed and raped. There are no greater crimes. For your actions, you shall die!" I ried my battle cry, and ran through the flames. I rushed him, my blade ready to cut him. I sliced at his head, but he dodged. I heard the whistle of his sword and parried the blow, my paws aching from the shock. "Is that all you got, Koichi? From what my servant at the restaurant said, I'd thought you'd be more of a challenge." I smiled. "If you want my best, I shall give it to you." I stood in the position made famous by Amidamaru, the fiend. The pose called, Tatha Gata. "I'm sure you know the legend of Amidamaru.... and how he slew his enemies with his magic blade. After I kill you, I will be sure to thank Jubei for teaching me everything I know." He moved closer. "Would you kill your own brother, Koichi?" I could feel my blood boil with anger. "Shut up, Yukio. You are not my brother. You aren't Koji." He moved so quickly, I could barely prepare myself. Before I knew it, I was against the cave's wall, Yukio's paw at my throat. I could still breathe, so I guess he wasn't going to kill me. Yet.

"Think you know everything, Koichi? Well you don't. You don't know the whole story about twenty-six years ago, do you? I do, though. Oh, do I know. How you led Koji to Hsi-Sen's lair, so you could get rid of him. So you could get attention from your parents. Or should I say, our parents? Isn't that right, Kaze-no-Kami?"

I stopped straining against his grasp. Kaze-no-Kami. That was the nickname Koji gave me when we were young. Only Koji knew that nickname. "Suijin?" I asked softly. The nickname I gave Koji. "You finally begin to see, Koichi. I have risen from the dead, just to have my revenge." His paw tightened on my throat. "And you shall die, like you left me to die in Hsi-Sen's lair." "Not quite Yukio." I heard a scream and felt something wet hit my face. I fell to the ground gasping for air. Then Kygeto grabbed my paw, and we ran out of the cave. We kept running, ignoring the fact that Yukio wasn't following us.

When we stopped running, I fell to the ground. I wiped my face and felt the liquid on my muzzle. It was blood. "Kygeto, what did you do?" She fell next to me, panting. "I stabbed him in his ass." I looked towards her. "How did blood get on my face then?" She wiped the blood off my face. "I didn't say I stabbed him once." Her paws rested on my cheeks. "Is what he said true? Is he... Koji, your brother?" I thought back. The facts seemed to add up. He knew about me, Koji's death and he knew things that only Koji could know. But Koji died. Didn't he? "No he can't be." She wiped a fleck of dirt out of my fur. "Didn't you say you never found a body?" Bells rang in my head. No body. He may have survived Hsi-Sen's bite. "By the gods, he is Koji." Even though I could not see, I saw stars as I fainted.

I came to later, my head pounding. I could smell food. I sat up. "Kygeto?" I focused and heard the sound of her light breathing. She had fallen asleep next to me. And to my other side sat a leaf, with cooked nuts and vegetables on it. She had cooked for me, and had tried to wait up for me. I nibbled on a nut and thought about Koji. Or should I say, Yukio? Hell, I didn't know. Koji. My little brother. We had wanted so badly to explore on our own that afternoon. Maybe I should've paid more attention to where we were going. I didn't know that Hsi-Sen had lived in a hollow near there. I shook my head

of the memory. There was too much screaming and blood in that memory. Better think of a different one. Like when I.... Damn! I have no good memories.

I heard Kygeto stir next to me. I stroked her head, my fingers lightly dancing through her fur. "Such soft fur." I said out loud. She stirred again and reached out for my paw. "Koichi?" I smiled. My name from her lips. It sounded as though angels sang it. "Good morning, Kygeto. How did you sleep?" She giggled. "I slept great. Until you started to touch my head." I smiled sheepishly. "With soft fur like yours, how could I resist?" I moved my muzzle closer to hers. "And how can I resist, your charm?" I kissed her lightly. Her purring grew louder. I kissed her again, deeper and harder. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer. "You can't." She moved my paws to her breasts. "Are you ready to feel the rest of me? You promised

you would." I smiled and nodded. "I never break my promises." I peeled her clothes off and caressed her breasts. I tweaked her nipples lightly. "Mmmmmm. Don't be too gentle, Koichi, I like it rough." I moved my muzzle close to her breasts and licked her nipples. "Oh gods." she moaned. I ran my fingers down to her wet pussy, and tickled her clit. She nearly screamed with pleasure. I licked down her chest, to her abdomen, all the way to her dripping snatch. I inhaled the sweet aroma of her flower. I felt her slim paws moving into my hair, holding me closer as I licked the soft moistness of her pussy. "Ohhh I love you Koichi." she moaned. I felt my heart skip a beat, after so long alone, it felt so good to love. I found her clit with my tongue and was rewarded by a scream and a rush of sweetness. I ran my tongue along her slit as she wriggled under me and gasped loudly. "Yes oh YESS!" she arched her hips and groaned as I slipped my tongue into her. She felt so velvety soft, so wet and hot. She moaned and I ran my paws over her nipples, feeling how stiff they were. "t, take me uhhh, pleease Koichi." she whimpered and my cock throbbed. I slipped my tongue out of her depths and moved up, my shaft nuzzling her thighs, when I felt the sweetness of her slit on my cockhead I pushed in deeply. her voice rose into a loud scream and she locked her legs up over my back as I plunged fully into her pussy. "KOICHI!! OOHHH GODDSSS!" she ground up into me and I groaned. she felt incredible, so hot and soft and she rippled round my cock as I moved in and out slowly then faster. Her paws ran over my chest and she panted loudly. "My love uhhhh, more, harder." she whined as I pumped her harder. I huffed and grunted as my hips slammed into hers. She gripped my shoulders, and she howled as she came. I could feel her breasts bouncing slightly as her hard nipples pressed into my chestfur. She wailed loudly, and I fucked her furiously "ohh huhghhh, I'm going to cum Kygeto!" I gasped, my balls swelling with seed. "Do it HUghHHHAAHH!" she screamed and I almost screamed with her as I came, my cock surging as I shot my load deeply into this wonderful female, the love of my life. I kissed her ever so gently on her lips, and said, "I love you." She kissed me back harder. "And I love you." With that we fell asleep in each other's arms.

I awoke the next morning with a cheerful feeling in my chest. I felt around for her paw, but it was missing. I sat up, listening for her breathing. Nothing. I strained for her heartbeat. I couldn't hear it. "Kygeto?" I said firmly. "Couldn't hear me, huh?" I turned to her voice. "No. How'd you do that?" I strained and could hear her heart and breathing pick up. "An old trick my father, the lord raikage, taught me. You suppress your body functions, until you seem to have no pulse or anything. Good for fooling doctors when you're a P.O.W. Worked for me. It's very painful though, and there's the risk of snuffing yourself." I got up and stretched. I reached for where I left my clothes. They weren't there. "Kygeto." She giggled lightly and threw my clothes at me. As I dressed, I could feel her gaze at my body. Well, my slender, muscular physique at least. I guess that's the main thing that attracted her. My fur maybe but I don't know what it looks like anymore. I remember it being a chestnut red, but over the years it might have grayed a bit. Who knows, maybe I'll ask Kygeto about it.

I tied my gi tightly and wrapped my sash around my waist. I turned to Kygeto and opened my flask, taking a deep swig to clear my head. "Now, this suppressing thing.... why do you bring it up?" She grabbed the flask and took a smaller swig. "Well, if you can't hear breathing or heartbeats, then you can't 'see', right? Well, it occurred to me that Yukio, or should I say Koji, knows this." It dawned on me. "Yukio knows my weakness. If I cannot find him, then I cannot fight him." I stood up and walked around. "There has to be a way that I can sense him. I can't taste him or feel him. Hearing is my most trusted sense. All that's left is.." I stopped. "Of course. Smell. If I could someone douse him in a strong smell." I sat down and turned to Kygeto. "Any ideas?" Kygeto sniffed. "What was that about?" She sniffed again. "This sake is what, a 40 percent proof? Well, it's pretty strong to me, and with your trained sense of smell it must be really strong." I smiled. This could work. "So I splash him with the sake and I'll be able to smell him." I pulled my hair into a topknot and smiled even wider. "I'll get rid of Yukio. He'll be dead." "But, he's Koji. How can you kill your brother?" I felt my smile wane to a stony grimace. "You cannot kill what is already dead." I drew my sword and felt the edge. "Koji is dead, only Yukio is left." I slid my sword back into its sheathe. "Koji died when Yukio was born." "But wh-" "End of discussion." I jumped into a nearby tree. I sat on the branch and picked a few nuts. "If I even think that Yukio is Koji, I won't be able to fight him. He wants this. It's his edge." I popped a nut in my mouth. "He's lost his mind, Kygeto. The poison of Hsi-Sen must have damaged his brain." I breathed in deeply, taking in the scents around me. "Now, Kygeto, I need to meditate. I'll be up here if you need me." I closed my eyes and focused. I heard the wind blow to my left. I could taste the rain in the air. I could smell the flowers on

the ground below me. I merged my sense together, making an image in my mind. I was one with nature. One with the universe. This (how do I describe it?) zone allows me "see" in a sort of strange fashion. It takes time to perfect it. My meditation should be complete soon enough, though. I breathed in slowly and turned my head towards the sound of Kygeto's breathing. She was watching me. I could hear her breathing directed towards me. "I am ready." I jumped down to the ground and drew my sword. "Let's go."

As we ran back towards Yukio's cave, I stayed focused on my "zone." Everything was clear to me. There were no illusions. There were no distractions. There was only me and Yukio.

**Unbeknownst to our hero, Yukio sits up. Waiting. Pining for revenge. His eyes are closed in concentration, his paws clasped together. To the untrained eye, it would seem that he is praying. But he is not. He is merely thinking. This madbeast has no use for prayer. He stopped believing in the gods long ago. He only believes in power. And revenge. His patience grows thin, as his unfortunate servant has learned. A terrible waste, thinks Yukio, I rather liked that mouse. He opens his eyes, and his cold smile widens. Koichi is near. Revenge is nigh....**

To be continued....

Koichi Morisoti, Yukio, Kygeto (c) Donald Moore 2003

Special thanks to nightshade