Half Pipe

Half Pipe by Deyna Otter The young rabbit sat at the top of the massive halfpipe, nearly thirty feet tall. He held his skateboard on his lap, his black shorts blending with the black grip tape. He shook his long purple bangs out of his face and...

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The Day We Remember

The day was September 11, 2041. In a small tavern in Manhattan, three large muscular figures sit at the bar sipping beer. One, a mountain lion colored blacker than darkest night. Another, a fox with eyes bluer than diamonds. And the last, an otter with...

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Shadow Part 1

Smoke rose silently from the black metal barrel, dissapearing into the air without a trace. I pulled the gun back and slid it into the holster on my hip. I pulled a flat box out of my inside pocket. It was a GRA, Genetic and Retinal Analyzer. I placed...

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Koichi Part 3

Chapter 3 "Making Peace" Kygeto and I ran faster to Yukio's cave. My senses were combined as one. I could feel the energy of the world flowing through my body. The strength of the earth was in me. The fluity of water was in me. The courage of...

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Koichi Part 2

Chapter 2 Old Demons As soon as he said it, my heart nearly stopped. Brother? "Liar! I have only one brother. And he is dead." He laughed lightly. "Oh, Koichi. You are blind in more ways than one." He drew his sword and swung it. The cold whistle...

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Koichi Part 1

Koichi Chapter 1 THE REIGN OF FEAR Jumping from tree limb to tree limb, I can't help but marvel in the wonderful sounds of the woods. The chirping birds, the wind's low whistle and the groan of wood as I land silently on the boughs of trees. I...

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First Encounter, Final Search

\*\*This story is dedicated to the one who brought me out of a lonely depression that surely would have hardened my heart. His name is Karl, and I love him. I hope that he understands how close I came to never loving again, and cherishes the fact that...

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Moving in (pt. 1)

To understand this story, you might want to read the prequel of this story "Mike and Deyna" in the M/M section. This story does not contain sex or anything remotely sexual, but still contains some language not suitable for some people, like Catholics,...

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Mike and Deyna

This story contains adult language and situations. If you are under 18 or easily offended by sex than leave and get a life. =^\_^= "Why did I do this, Mike?" Deyna asked. "Do what, bro?" the raccoon asked back. "Why did I base my thesis on...

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Deyna's Journey

Deyna\*s Journey Chapter 1 Deyna walked through the cafeteria. His whiskers twitched, as he smelled fish sticks. He cringed. Deyna, like all otters liked fish, but the school\*s fish sticks tasted like shit. Looking around, he searched for his...

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