Suni's night (re-written version)

Story by Alex dragon on SoFurry

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Suni's night

White tiger wincet awake to strange feeling that something wasn't right. First thing she noticed that she was lying face down on warm carpet and could not remember what had happened on last night, next she noticed that she was naked only clothing what she had was tight rope that bounded her arms behind her back and small peace of cloth tied around her head preventing her to see anything except red light of room she was held. Slight of fear flicked from Suni's back as she rose to his knees and started to struggle free from her binds, she struggled few moments but ropes didn't come away. A cold sweat began to run from Suni's back when she finally stopped her hopeless struggling against these powerful binds. Scarily she whimpered to emptiness "where am I" and "who is doing this to me". Tears started to run on Suni's cheeks as she cried off occurred situation letting her shoulder fall down on tiredness and think this misery.

A squeaking sound of rusty door handle waked her up from her thoughts as the calm-sounding man started to talk behind her. "well, well its finally time to wake up" as the male spoke Suni heard sound of closing the door and foot steps that began to approach her sweaty back, man walked right behind her and spoke again "is there something wrong sweetie, you look scared? ". Sudden fear paralyzed her and she couldn't answer. Short silence followed neither didn't say anything it lasted few whiles until Suni became nervous and began to tremble, man noticed it and moved closer Suni thought that he was going to her and tried to move away but instead man laid his big scaly arm on her head and patted it "aw you look very cute when you are scared" he said while moving his second hand to Suni's cheek and began to smooth it.

First Suni was little scared but after few minutes of gently treatment she calmed down and asked shyly "where am I, who are you and why I'm here". At first it seemed that man wouldn't answer instead he moved his hands on her shoulders and began to rub them. Touch tender Suni started to tickle and moan joyfully enjoying every minute of man's rough but comfortable style. Man continued till Suni was all satisfied and tired to that lovely treatment, so man spoke again "good questions from cute girl" he said "maybe I could answer". Suni winced because man hands rose from her shoulders and moved on her sweaty breasts beginning to rub them as he continued "at first you are in the basement of Three Winds that little tavern you went for night". Man tightened his grip and rubbed harder which made Suni shake in pleasure. "Second my name is Iron Wing I own this tavern with my two brothers". Suni swallowed nervously as she remembered young grey dragon who had talked with her and offered her drink. "Nice to meet you" she replied politely. "Thank you" Iron Wing said thankfully and squeezed Suni's breasts hardly making her moan loudly "and finally the reason why you are here" he said easing his grip "I and my brothers have been really lonely and haven't seen very many girls here so when I saw you sitting alone in one of our tables I decided that I have always wanted to have cute sex-slave, all I needed to do was just step in and put some sleeping pills to your juice and now you are mine".

Dragons words stroke like hammer to Suni's mind "no this cannot be true, how this is possible" these thoughts ran thru her head as she thought just how unlucky she was. She began to tremble in panic and tried to rise and run away but Iron Wing's muscular arms wrapped tightly around her and held her still. Suni struggled but Iron Wing just tightened his grip and didn't let go. "Aw you are even cuter when you are scared" he said and licked her cheek. "Mmm you taste good too" he continued same time as he's right hand moved to Suni's leg "we are going to enjoy you very long" young dragon finished and lifted Suni on his arms. Suni trembled when Iron Wing rose and licked her breast enjoying their sweaty taste."Mmph what are you going to do to me" Suni moaned secretly enjoying his raspy tongue. Iron Wing took few steps while licking her and carefully laid Suni on smooth surface, probably some kind bed. "Well if you are so eager to know I can show you", Iron wing sat next to Suni and pressed her down and crapped on her leg. Suni realized what Iron Wing was going to do and tried to rise but he just pushed her back and sat on her stomach. Suni struggled but dragon's body weight kept her down. Now when she was totally helpless Iron Wing grabbed her both legs and began to slowly spread them. "Heh you smell so good too, I really want to taste your pussy" dragon said happily while spreading Suni's legs "no please don't" Suni begged but dragon didn't stop instead Iron Wing leaned forward so his body prevented her closing her legs and moving away.

Suni trembled when dragon moved his hands on Suni's tender flesh and slowly began to tease her. She began to moan in pleasure when two Iron Wing's fingers spread her vaginal lips and two more singed deep in her body rubbing and smoothing her inside. As her pussy began to get wet Iron Wing leaned closer and licked her making treatment even comfortable."Ah, please fuck me" Suni moaned, her whole body was shaking in pleasure and she was beginning to cum. Iron Wing stopped rubbing her and turned around. "Yea I just thought that it's my turn to have some fun" he spoke and leaned closer to Suni. "But first I must do one thing". Suni moved on her place wondering what he meant, but almost immediately Iron Wing moved his hand on Suni's blindfold and began to remove it. "I think its better take this away so you can see who mated you today". Suni felt relief when cloth moved away and she saw face of young happy looking gray dragon. "Here you go" dragon said throwing blindfold away Suni was going to thank him but before she could speak Iron Wing stuffed something in her mouth so she wasn't able to speak. "Mmm" Suni whimpered as she tasted smooth flavor on cloth she was silenced. "Sorry I couldn't resist" Iron Wing said happily "your whimpering sounds so cute" he continued and laid down on top of Suni "and now let's love".

Iron Wing kissed Suni's cheek and hugged her tightly. Suni closed her eyes when Iron Wing pressed against her. She felt dragon's big cock in her crotch; they both began to moan silently when Iron Wing pushed it inside Suni's body and started to fuck her. First slowly but then fastening Iron Wing jumped on her, both moaned in louder enjoying new experience. Warm sweat rose on Suni's body as Iron Wing crapped her hands and fucked her harder making her body shake in pleasure. Whit out thinking she crapped Iron Wing whit her legs and pulled him closer. Loud moan left from her mouth when orgasm moved through her body as Iron Wing's warm sperm dripped out her pussy, apparently dragon had orgasm too. Iron Wing had closed his eyes and Suni felt that he was shaking too as he pressed against her body.

Short silence followed either didn't said anything both just enjoyed each others warm body , finally Iron Wing raised his head slowly and said "huh that was though" he smoothed Suni's cheek and continued "tomorrow I introduce you to my brothers and tell you rules how to live here, understand?" Suni nodded sadly sex had felt better than she was expected but Iron Wing's words had taken all joy of it. "Yes that's right" Iron Wing added and kissed Suni's face "but now I'm tired and we have work to do in tomorrow so let's get some sleep". Suni nodded she was tired too and wanted to sleep. Iron Wing pulled cloth out her mouth so Suni could breathe better and picked white blanked from chair next to him and pulled it over him and Suni. Silently they pressed against each other sharing one long kiss and soon they both felled on deep sleep.