Wind of Change: Chapter 30

Story by seraphor12 on SoFurry

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#30 of Wind of Change

Not the First Time

The crew managed to find a standpoint after a couple of experiments that proved to be beneficial for them. It turned out that their credit cards, which was a common currency in the future, was used extensively at the past, except that the amount of 'credits' that they had actually converted into millions of Arks, the currency in that world. Dairyu noticed this first when he approached an ATM and used it to check on his credit, based on Rose's suggestion. It gave them the approximate money, and each pulled out at least 200 Arks for their daily use.

This enabled them to rent a four-bedroom apartment suite on a nearby hotel, and buying some clothes. Rose had specifically told everyone not to spend too much, given how they were visitors not just from the future, but also from another universe. From the information they gathered from the use of the Net, the planet they were on was called Earth, and the city they were in was called Krensis city, one of the biggest cities in Apachia. Earth was apparently Terra in another language, with Terra being Latin and Earth being English.

The only source of information they could get was from Rose, who grew up and worked in the latter half of the 21st century, given that she was born in 2076 and went into cryogenic sleep some years later, before Dairyu found her. She knew that the world history was at least parallel to the crew's own, and Rose still vaguely remember it despite of not being serious with her history lessons. She, however, liked the music from the era, and it was clear that the music had its own parallel.

They set off to find a restaurant to eat, and ended up in the hotel's buffet. Eating something un-replicated felt like a dream, especially since everything looked tasty and well-made. It was considered a luxury to eat home-grown, farm-raised, cattle, and Terrans knew how to appreciate that. Everything's synthetic in their home time, and raising cattle the old way was considered very slow, except for some farmers who kept following the 'rule of the land'.

For both Capisa and Dajar, the Earthly fish was different from the ones in their home planet. The fact that it was intended for consumption outside of water made it even more special for them. Now that both became sea draconians, they became amphibious, and was able to breathe in oxygen without harm. They still needed fluid intake for their gills, and the shower in the hotel gave them that facility.

After eating their fill, they walked to the lobby, sat on a group of chairs, and started talking on what they had found for the past 8 hours.

"Not much, but I found out that there are still conflicts brewing in the middle eastern nations, with the Apachian council decided to help," said Seiryu. "Also, this nation has a strange phenomenon recently."

"How strange?"

"There was a sudden influx of people coming from another dimension, an even people called 'Crossing'. I mean, that was the only time these people know that dragons are not myth, but now, these dragons had blended in with these draconians and basically lived among them. It's kinda hard to find any more relatable information like this, given how it also deals with interdimensional travel."

"Also, apparently, due to the prototype machine," said Rose. "Technology in this age is far more advanced than it should be, and this nation, the Apachia, along with the neighboring Northorno, had a great economic and technological boost which ended many wars and completely devastated a radical group's base."

"Radical group?"

"Basically, a religious group that believes of a world under one religion, while demonizing the rest. Sounds like the Terran Empire, right? Well, this technological boost, plus the help of dragons disguised as draconians, helped propelled Apachia and Northorno into the Twin Superpower. Of course, that being said...the move earned these countries enemies."

"Not surprising," said Seiryu with a scoff. "The Terran Empire also had that kind of shit going on in their later existence."

"Yeah, they are trying to take the credits for themselves, right?"

"Somehow, I have a feeling that a certain Mako Agent is responsible for their downfall. Wouldn't you agree, Capisa?"

"What? Why me?"

"Because you ended the Scyllan Civil War with the same method: killing the strategist."

"I have many reasons to make Terra returns to the Federation, but the collapse of the Terran Empire is entirely your people's actions," said Capisa. "Besides, I remember what I did during the collapse, which is hunting a data miner that struck gold with classified Aquran weapon schematics, which I have no liberty to talk about."

"So, you say," said Dairyu. "Don't worry, Capisa. I understand if you can't talk about it."

"By Leviathan, Ryu, I am being honest."

"Kinda hard if it comes out from a black ops agent," said Seiryu, teasing Capisa. "Yet again, you sharks do have a degree of honesty for one thing, and that is being determined."

"I don't know if that's a compliment or the other way around, but I'll take that as a compliment."

"You gotta learn the Terran talk one day or another. It might help your mission. And besides, talking about missions, what do you think of that draconian?"

"Which one?"

"The brown one, with scale plating and thorn-like horns. The sand drake."

They all turned towards the one Seiryu was talking about. He acted nervous and unhealthily fidgeting something in his palm. He looked around, trying to stay calm, but his eyes betrayed him, along with his tail.

"That's bad news," said Dairyu, his eyes serious as he took down the newspaper he was reading. "He's a bomber if I see one."

"He might be anxious of meeting a loved one," said Rose.

"Does wearing a simple T-shirt and shorts, along with a backpack look like someone who is having a date to you? He's either a geek from the nearby convention, or he's the one I told you about."

"Any idea on how to deal with him?"

"Since he's a sand drake, I don't think the bomb will hurt him, or the fire-type draconians around him. But, I think it's powerful enough to bring down the roof and kill everyone below it."

"We can put a barrier around him with a portable generator," said Capisa, pulling out a small object. "It might end up killing him, but it's better than not, right?"

"I have a better idea, especially as a Terran. Let Seiryu do this."

"Oh, right. He's a water Orient. But how are you supposed to spray him?"

Dairyu pointed towards a nearby drinking fountain, which looked like it had a small faucet and electronic. The Orient then said, "It might break the whole thing but hey. It's better than none, right? Let me talk to him first, see if he will stand down. If it fails, Seiryu, don't hesitate."

"Alright. I trust you on this."

Dairyu nodded then slowly approached the nervous draconian. He then said, "Hey, kid. Something the matter? You look nervous."

"N-nervous? N-no. I must be your imagination," said the draconian shakily.

"If you're not, then I guess you're cold, then? No wonder, given how this place's not exactly an arid desert."

"T-there's no difference."

"Yeah, there is. Anyway, you're standing there, waiting for someone, and you're nervous. Is that your special someone?"

"Y-you can say that."

"Oh, okay. Let me give you a tip, kid. When you pop the question, make sure you're sure about it, and she's sure about it. Don't spook her out, especially if you keep fidgeting your hand like that."

The sand drake gasped and shakily looked down. Dairyu knew he would quickly took on that the Orient had found his real reason there.

"I-it's not your business, okay?!" said the sand drake defensively. "I-I'm just nervous, that's all there is. Yes, I'm just nervous."

"Why are you so nervous, kid? I mean, the girl's not that wild, right? Don't hold it in, just breathe slowly. You might explode if you hold it in."

The sand drake yelped, now clearly became scared. He slowly lost his composure and whispered, "I-it's a bomb, alright. I-I've got a bomb in my pack."

"I know," whispered Dairyu, now becoming serious. "Tell me why you're scared."

"I was bomb this lobby so they could prove a point. M-my mother's life is on the line."

"How strong is it?"

"I don't know! I was only told to carry it here and push the button on my hand, but I can't! I am not a murderer!"

"And you won't be. Give me the pack."

"No! It might go off!"

"More like someone in this place will detonate a second bomb if you hesitate." Dairyu then took a glance to see a draconian with the same race looked down at his newspaper. Unknown to both, Dairyu was transmitting his conversation to Seiryu and the others so they could pinpoint the second bomber's location.

"Hey, just follow my advice, you'll get it," said Dairyu, acting while raising his voice. "Tell me about the girl you're trying to propose, hmm? It might take off some load from your back a little." He then whispered, "I can see one sand drake reading a newspaper to the right of me. Is that one of your associates?"

"Sand drake? B-but..."

"Okay, I understand," said Dairyu, whispering. "Now, I have a friend, with a special set of skill. He will soak us with water the moment I say it. I just hope this works, because I want to minimize damage to both of us. Are you ready?"

"But can that even work? No one soak a bomb with water!"

"Yes, that's stupid, but then, like I said. He has a special set of skill. Now, hug me and Seiryu, now!"

The draconian quickly hugged Dairyu and the wind draconian fashioned a wind blade to cut the backpack strap. He then threw it away while Seiryu used the drinking fountain water to engulf it with enough water to dampen the explosion. It then blew up, causing water to violently burst to all sides and causing panic. Everyone quickly ran towards the door.

The draconian that had been watching them quickly stood up and pulled out an assault rifle, but Dairyu acted first. With precise control, he used the air pressure around the draconian and plugged his rifle, causing it to burst and blew in his face. He wasn't alone, though, as the lobby was practically full of the shooters.

"Hey, kid, you alright?" said Dairyu while patting the kid.

"Y-you did it! Oh, thank you! You're my hero!"

"Yeah, well, send help and stay behind me. You got a phone. Call the police."

The young draconian nodded and quickly dialed in some numbers while Dairyu turned on his shield generator and set it to engulf both. Bullets bounced off harmlessly from the both of them while Rose ran and roared towards the shooter, tackling him down and knocked him out by smacking his head to the table.

The surprised Dairyu then said, "What the hell? Rose, that guy is a sand drake!"

"And I knocked him out? Wow. I'm bloody strong!"

Rose was so surprised to her own strength that she forgot a shooter near her. Seiryu ran towards her and pushed the gun upward, surprising the sand drake enough for him to disarm him and kick him away.

The standoff did not stay forever as police siren was blaring outside and a team of riot control squad came in and started shooting the draconians. Dairyu and the others quickly move away from the line of fire. After a while of fire-fight, the remaining terrorists were rounded up and captured, including the young draconian. Dairyu told the police drake not to charge him, as he was forced to. Of course, he knew there was a risk involved, so he let the police drakes to take him for questioning. He mentioned the kid's mother, however.

Dairyu and the others sat near the paramedic ambulance as they were given a towel and a cup of coffee. The black Orient sighed.

"What a day. We barely got here for a day and we got involved in a bombing attempt," said Dairyu.

"And...they don't seem relevant to our search," said Seiryu. "God-fucking-damnit."

"Hey, all of you."

A voice approached them. It was from a red-scaled draconian, who extended his hand and said, "agent Tyrandor."

"Dairyu Tsukasa," said Dairyu while receiving the hand.

"That's quite a grip you got there," said Tyrandor. "From what I heard, all of you fought these extremists back and defused a situation with the bomb, right?"

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, so let me tell you this. You need to be careful. They might be green-lighting you now, and I am here to offer all of you protection. You might need it since these guys killed half of my bureau and almost killed my boss, if he isn't one of the half-dragons."

"What kind of protection?"

"You'll know it when you go and meet my boss. I'll take you there. Oh, and...I know. You're not the first."

"Wait, you know that we're not from around here?"

"It's just speculations, but yeah, that's what I think. My boss will talk to you about it."

Everyone was not sure what he meant, but they nevertheless stood up and followed the mysterious agent.

They travelled by a convoy of cars, heavily guarded like a nation's leader, to the door to a reception area. He said, "Arkfast Torko" and the receptionist nodded, before opening a false wall to a hidden office behind it.

"This is our headquarters after the agency building was attacked," said Tyrandor. "Now, you must have questions. Why do I know who you are? Why are you even here? Your questions will be answered by my boss in the room. Just one of you must come in. It's our protocol. We don't want you crowding this place."

"I'll go," said Dairyu. Tyrandor then invited into a door, into an office that wasn't very well-lit, but still served its purpose. Dairyu felt like he was trussed into a holodeck simulation, since the whole scenario seemed like it came out from the movies.

That was when the owner of the seat in front of him turned around, showing his glittering golden-colored scales to him. His size was comparable to Dairyu when he was still a fit person, being muscular and taller than most draconians. Dairyu also felt something tingling in the air as he turned and looked at him with his reptilian golden eyes.

"Good evening, visitor from another dimension," said the draconian. "My name is Richard Andaluvia."

Wind of Change: Chapter 31

Blast from the Past "You...know my origin," said Dairyu, surprised. "So, it is true, then. That agent is telling the truth about out arrival not being the first." "That's because of my own arrival here, due to a mishap," said Richard. "But...

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Wind of Change: Chapter 29

A World of Dragons The journey of the fleet that would save the whole universe continued on without any problems. They did not need to be fast, as beyond sector Z25 was uncharted territory. Yet, they also needed to be firm, knowing very well...

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Wind of Change: Chapter 28

Ancient Allies While Amhyr was dealing with the problems in Adonis III, our heroes in the _Wind of Change_continued their travel to the center of the galaxy, now with _St. Vincent_ backing them. The ships decided that their best course of...

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