A Break in the Studies

Story by Greyhawk on SoFurry

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Okay, you all know the drill. This contains graphic male/male sexual content. Why else would you be here? Do not read unless you are 18 years old or whatever the age of majority is in your locale. (Notice we all write that as if we coud stop you anyways?) Feel free to refer your friends here or send 'em a copy, just make sure that I'm credited, kay?

Feel free to send any comments or suggestions to greygryphon at aol dot com. Please be gentle! This is my first story. :)

I immediately shot bolt upright, my chest heaving as I gasped for air. I could hear my heart racing, a loud booming in my ears. I pushed aside the curtain covering the window next to my bed and looked outside at the full mood, shining silver streams of light into my bedroom. A quick glance over at the clock confirmed what I already knew; it was damned early in the morning.

I gently shook out my feathers, a few pieces of down shaking loose and fluttering to the bed, and stretched my wings out, the muscles cramping up because I had accidentally rolled onto my back in my sleep. My heart was returning to a more normal pace, my breathing with it, as I smiled to myself. The dream slowly played itself over and over in my mind as I lay there, staring up at the ceiling, a bit of a dazed smile on my face as I remembered the dear fox. I smiled and reached down to gently stroke my furred sheath. There was no mistaking the warm stickiness I felt when I rubbed my sheath. My hand came to my beak and I slowly licked the sweet, musky gryphoncum off my hands.

The fox's face played through my mind, just in front of my eyes all of the time. I felt my sheath begin to swell as the cock within began to swell, engorged with blood. A soft purr came from my throat as I threw off my blanket and lay there naked, the silver moonlight caressing my golden feathers and fur. My left hand reached down and slowly drew across the swelling sheath, a soft moan escaping me. As I continued to stroke the soft, furred sheath with my one hand, the other gently reached inside and teased the swelling cock within, sending shivers of pleasure throughout my entire body.

It wasn't long before my cock began to emerge from its home. I continued to stroke the sheath with my hand, moaning as the cock continued to lengthen. Once it had emerged a few inches, the hand stroking my sheath moved down and began to gently squeeze my balls as I slowly drew the other hand from the very base of my sheath, to the very tip of my cock, to the very base of the sheath again, groaning the entire time.

When I had worked myself to full length, my throbbing cock stood about ten inches long and two inches thick. A few large veins ran over the shaft, shining in the silver moonlight. The large mushroom-shaped head throbbed visibly with every heartbeat and my breathing caught as I couldn't help but admire myself. Slowly I began to pump my hand over the throbbing member, moaning softly and panting as the pleasure washed over me. I moaned softly as I gently squeezed my balls, my other hand continuously pumping the hard, throbbing shaft.

I felt the orgasm building and building and building, the pressure in my chest growing, my balls aching for release. Just as I felt myself begin to cum, I stopped and let myself calm down. Several minutes later, I sat up in my bed, my head leaning down. My beak slowly opened my warm, moist, flexible tongue extending. I could feel the hot, humid breath across my cockhead. A shiver ran up my spine as I continued down. My tongue flicked across the cockhead as I snapped my beak gently around my cock and moaned loudly, tasting the musky precum that leaded from my cock. I used my tongue to trace the large veins on my cock and to rub all along the underside. I took the cock deeply into my beak, the cockhead touching the back of my throat as I rubbed all over my balls with my tongue, groaning loudly.

I could feel my cock beginning to swell more as I neared orgasm again. My chest heaving as I continued to suck hard on my throbbing member. My head bobbing up and down of my shaft, the musky taste of maleness filling my mind as my balls spasmed and I cried out in ecstasy, my beak closing tightly on my cock as I felt my hot, sticky, salty-sweet gryphoncum fill my mouth and flow down my throat. I worked my throat, desperately trying to swallow every bit of the seed I could, but a little bit still dribbled out of the corner of my beak.

When it was finished, I was left gasping for air. I continued to suck on my softening cock until it retreated into my sheath before falling back onto my pillow, sighing contentedly, feeling sleep threatening to overtake me. My last thoughts before I drifted to sleep were of the fox that filled my dreams.

It seemed to take forever, but the bell signaling the end of class finally rang. Thank the gods! It's about damned time. I could not possibly have withstood another second of lecture about the industrial revolution. In five years of having to learn about this in every history class taken, all I remember is that Ely somebody invented the cotton gin in eighteen-something. The fact that there had been a pop quiz had not helped my mood any.

I did brighten for a few minutes when I saw Micah standing outside in the hallway, talking to a group of folks, being the typical showman he tended to be, as evidenced by the laughter that came from the group. I stood off to the side for a bit, smiling as I watched the always-animated fox waving his arms wildly about as he ranted about something (I couldn't quite hear what with all the noise in the hallway). At one point, he first made his arms pumping up and down as if mimicking a bird in flight and then he started to windmill them. I couldn't resist! Jumping in as if it were a game of charades, I yelled out "The Flying Dutchman!"

He paused only a half second as he searched around for the source of the interruption and grinned when his eyes fell on me. "Ah! Our dear bird brained friend has something to contribute! Well, O dear gryphon, share with us the wisdom that it is well rumored the great mythics possess! Please, do tell us the wisdom of the gryphons and dragons, the wisest of the wise!" All eyes turned to me. I could feel my face getting hot as I blushed; my nares were, I am sure, beet red.

"You're too much of a showman for your own good, kitsune," I grumbled, turning that mythic crack back at him as a joke. I puffed up my feathers and regained my composure before grinning. "However, if you'd like, I can share one bit of information, Micah!"

Micah grinned. "Please!"

"Never trust the blackpaws," I said with a wink, using the slang term used for foxes.

Micah laughed loudly and made his way over to me, forcing his way though the throngs of people heading to class. "We got English next, right?" he asked, still chuckling.

I nodded. "Yeah. Review for the test tomorrow, so it's a sleeper class." He made a face. "My sentiments exactly," I said.

"Why don't we just ask if we can skip?" he proposed.

I shrugged. "We've both got A's so far. And it is the end of the day..."

Micah nodded. "It can't hurt to ask, could it? I mean, come on, Ethan. Do you seriously want to spend an hour sitting on your feathered ass listening to stuff you already know?"

"First off," I said in that sarcastically serious tone I loved to take. "My ass is furry, not feathered. Secondly, here comes Mr. Nason now, so let's ask."

Micah smiled and nodded, heading towards the badger who was our English professor. Mr. Nason looked imposing and fierce: stout and solidly built with massive claws and a sharp glare, but the fact of the matter was that a stuffed teddy bear posed more threat than the benevolent badger. I smirked privately as I remembered the time that Micah had mistaken Mr. Nason's friendliness and love of his students with total inability to control his students; then Mr. Nason had proven beyond a doubt that he could be fierce as any badger! Now the two were good friends.

"Mr. Nason!" Micah called out, waving to the teacher.

"Micah," Mr. Nason smiled brightly. "Why don't you and Ethan just skip class today? It's nothing new and you two and a few others already are ahead of the game. If anyone asks when you're leaving, just tell them I sent you go." He winked. "They won't ask twice." We both grinned at that. That same ferocity he had shown when pressed by Micah had a habit of showing up when the front office bothered him.

Micah, for his part, grinned. "Thanks!"

The teacher chuckled. "Why? You were going to ask me anyways." With another friendly wink, he smiled and ducked into the classroom.

Micah walked back to me, shaking his head in wonder. "I don't understand that man. Never have, never will," he said.

I gave him a teasing patpat on the head. "No worries." He thwapped at my hand and laughed as we headed outside to the parking lot.

We tossed our books into the back of his car, a beat-up 1987 Plymouth of some sort with rusting gray doors and a rejection sticker that had been on the windshield for at least two years now. "So, wanna head to your place or mine?" he asked me as he put his seatbelt on.

I shrugged. "Bleh, I've got my sisters at my place. If we're going to get any studying done, let's go to your house. More quiet," I said.

"Only until my parents get home," he said with a smirk. "Get your seatbelt on."

He lived across town, so we decided to swing by Burger King on the way there. As we waited in line to pay, he suddenly turned to me. "You were right, you know. I mean, I know you didn't mean to be, but you still were," he said, totally out of the blue.

"What?" I was terribly confused.

He chuckled nervously and it was only then that I noticed he had been a bit edgy this whole time. "Well, what you said back there." I must have still looked confused (namely because I was) and he grinned, the Micah I knew and loved back at last and held out a hand to me. "Micah. Your friendly, local kitsune."

For a good while, I simply gawked at him. Micah laughed and pulled the car up, handed a ten to the kid at the window and tossed the change into the ashtray. He blinked and clapped right in front of my face, startling me out of my daze, laughing. "You look like a fish, your beak just opening and closing like that," he teased.

I blushed and shook my head. "But at least I can't actually be a fish! Damn, man, we've been friends for...what, thirteen years at least! Why didn't you ever tell me this before?"

He turned to look at me and nodded. "What would you have done if I did?" I had to blush again. "Exactly. Run right out and tell everyone." He smiled thoughtfully and nodded.

"Well, I still wish you would have told me before," I huffed, knowing he was right, though.

He smirked and took the food from the kid at the second window and handed me mine. "C'mon. Let's go somewhere a bit more peaceful than my place. My folks will be home early tonight, I forgot."

I nodded, already diving into the french fries. "Yeah. Cool. Whatever," I muttered through a fistful of the fries.

He smiled and nodded, turning back onto the road. We drove a few miles along the back roads and he turned into the woods, pulling into a parking lot near the road and shutting down the engine. "All set?" he asked. I nodded. "Cool. Grab your stuff. Let's go."

Grabbing our backpacks, we slung them over our shoulders and headed into the woods. I knew where we were heading; we often went to the tall hill to study when family overran both of our houses. For about a half hour we walked into the woods before taking a slight turn off the path and for another fifteen minutes to the hill.

The hill was huge. It did not rise above the tree line, and not one tree grew on it, leaving a beautiful clearing there were one could look up through the ring of trees surrounding the hill and up at the sky. A few wildflowers grew on the hill, their soft scent filling the air as we made our way to its top.

When we reached the top of the hill, we flopped down on the ground and began to get to work. I took out my copy of the textbook for our lit class and began to read. For about a half hour we just sat there in silence, every now and then yawning, and just reading our books. Suddenly I felt something on my lap. Looking over my book, I saw that Micah's tail had fallen onto my lap and was gently twitching against the spot on my pants where my legs came together. Blinking, I looked over at him and saw him just reading his book. I smiled, half disappointed it was only an accident, but delighted it was there. I let the tail stay where it was and went back to reading.

I yawned. Damn, this book is boring.

I read for several more minuets before I noticed a soft rumbling coming from my left. I blinked and looked over and saw Micah, his face just inches from mine, murring softly, his eyes shining brightly. For a few seconds, neither one of us moved. Slowly he leaned in, softly and tenderly kissing me, a soft gasp escaped my beak as I tilted my head and we locked mouths, kissing each other. His arms slid around my neck softly as his tongue slid into my beak, gently rubbing my tongue. I moaned softly as my arms slid around his torso, returning the passionate kiss, my tongue wrapping around his and gently squeezing, sending a shiver down his spine.

Our bodies were pressed tightly together as we moaned softly in unison, kissing. Slowly, he broke the kiss, nuzzling my beak softly. "Mmmm," he murred softly. I purred loudly, returning the nuzzling.

"How did you know?" I asked.

He chuckled softly. "I've seen how you look at me. I saw you smile when my tail was on your thigh."

I blushed. I had always thought I was subtler than that...

He smiled. "I've had my eyes on you for a long time now, Ethan...That's why I brought you here. I...I wanted to be sure you felt the same..."

"Micah..." I breathed out softly. "I love you."

He paused a moment in surprise before his face lit up in joy. "I love you too, Ethan." He kissed me again, deeply and passionately.

I closed my eyes softly and returned the kiss with every bit of passion in my body. Slowly, I felt him lean into me and I slowly lay back until I was on the ground, kissing him deeply as he lay atop me.

His hands, soft-furred and nimble fingered, slid under my shirt, gently rubbing my stomach and sides before pulling the shirt up and over my head, forcing us to break the kiss for a moment. His fingers ran through my chest feathers, rubbing and massaging my muscles as he purred loudly into my beak, our tongues entwining together. Softly, I reached around and gently tugged on his shirt. He broke the kiss and smiled, reaching down and pulling the article of clothing off and tossing it aside, his muscles rippling.

My eyes went wide as I admired the view before me. His beautiful red fur was interrupted by luxurious looking cream-colored fur that ran under his chin, down his neck, chest, stomach, and disappeared into his pants. He was beautifully muscled, perfectly sculpted. Almost in a trance, I reached up and gently rubbed his perfect pecs, moaning softly and admiringly.

"Do you like?" he asked softly, smiling lovingly.

I nodded.

Micah smiled and purrrrred softly, slowly taking my hands in his and moving them to the buckle of his pants. Slowly, still in that trance, I unbuttoned his pants and began to slide them off him. He stood up and pulled the pants down and off. A soft gasp escaped me as I saw the last remaining visage of clothing fall from him. My eyes were immediately drawn to his genitals. He had a very generous, cream-colored, furred sheath, swollen as the member inside began to become engorged with blood. Below the sheath hung a large, beautiful, cream-colored ballsac.

Slowly, he moved over to me and sat between my legs, slowly reaching forward and unbuttoning my pants. His purring was very audible as he slowly slid them off, revealing my gold-furred sheath and ballsac. About two inches of pink flesh poked out of the sheath, glistening with precum.

When he had removed my pants, I smiled and pulled him back down, kissing him deeply, moaning loudly as our growing errections rubbed together. Gently, I reached down and closed my hand around his throbbing member, shivering at the pleasure at that first touch of another male and my best friend. Slowly, I drew my hand along the throbbing shaft, purrrrring loudly at the soft moan that escaped him.

I continued to stroke him, suddenly gasping and moaning myself as I felt him close his hand around my cock. We continued to slowly stroke each other, nuzzling and licking one another, our grunts and groans of pleasure filling our ears, exciting us more and more. Gently, Micah leaned down and began to nibble at my neck.

The soft pickling of his teeth at my neck, the waves of pure pleasure coursing through my body at his sensuous touch, the soft, panting breath in my ear, the feel of that powerful shaft in my hand, the feel of us together...a hawk cried off in the distance, a soft breeze drifted past. I could feel the soft earth beneath my wings as we lay there, panting and gasping for air, pleasuring each other. Franticly, we locked beak and muzzle in a deep and passionate kiss, my tongue sliding forward and entwining with his. The setting only punctuated the perfect, natural, sublime moment.

I could feel both of our urgencies increasing as that familiar pressure began to grow in my chest. We were panting loudly into each other's mouths, our tongues clamped onto each other as if to let go would be death. Our hands were sliding over each other's cock, spreading the slick pre that we leaked over one another, making our strokes fast and smooth.

Suddenly, I felt Micah's body tense as a soft gasp escaped him. He shivered, his hips bucking gently, his cock twitching in my grasp as I felt a warm, sticky fluid spraying all over my stomach and hand. With every pulse of the warm fluid, a passionate groan left his throat. The musky sweet smell of kitsune musk filled the air, driving me wild. I cried out as I felt the building pressure snap, waves of pleasure rocketing through me. When my own orgasm hit, I squeezed on Micah's cock hard, eliciting another moan from the kitsune. I felt my own thick, warm cum shooting over our stomachs, mixing. He continued to pump me hard as I groaned, near the edge of sanity as we moaned on our shared orgasm.

It seemed to last for hours, but at last we lay there, wrapped up in each other, panting and gasping our air, nuzzling and licking each other. The smell of pure, masculine sex filled the air; his musky sweet and my own spicy musk permeated our nostrils.

"Oh, gods..." Micah panted softly, nuzzling my ear. "Gods...you are wonderful, Ethan. You don't know how long I've wanted this."

I blushed softly, gently nuzzling him in return, and smiled. "I think I do."

He chuckled softly and playnipped my ear. "I love you, gryph."

I could hear my heart pounding loudly in my chest. To be making love to him was more than I had ever hoped...but to be his lover... "Oh gods, I love you too."

He smiled softly, our eyes locking as our souls met. Slowly and softly, he leaned down and kissed me, a kiss I eagerly returned.

For a long while we lay together purring, nuzzling, and cuddling. Evening was falling around us, the air still, a slight chill filtering through. Overhead, the stars were beginning to emerge, the sheer vastness of the sky above me only served to make me more acutely aware of how small we really were, how finite, and all the more appreciative for the kitsune next to me.

An idea began to form in my mind and I rolled onto my side, smiling over at him, gently tsk-tsk'ing him. "You are a mess," I teased, reaching out and teasingly running a talon across his cum-covered stomach. He chuckled as I winked saucily and slowly slid my tongue out of my beak, wrapping it around the cum-covered finger, drawing it into my beak, and sucking gently. My head was swimming.

It was my first taste of another man's cum...and that it was the seed of my beloved! I was simply swooning. It had the same bittersweet taste that I imagine all cum must have, but there was no mistaking the sweet musk of his. I murred loudly and slowly lowered my head towards his crotch. I saw him smile as he lay back on the soft ground.

I closed my eyes, intent of savoring every sensation and flavor, and began to gently lick at the softly furred sheath. Every nerve in my body was on end, I felt light headed as I reached the opening to the sheath and the hard, throbbing flesh that rose out of it. I hesitated a half second, letting the moment set in as I touched my tongue to the cock gently, moaning softly and smiling when Micah did the same. Slowly, I ran my tongue up the underside of his cock and up to the tip, my tongue slipping a bit inside the slit in his cockhead. He gasped loudly and I looked up at him in concern. "Are you okay?" He just gurgled happily and I smirked before going back and wrapping my tongue around the head of his cock, squeezing, my breath hot against the sensitive skin. I slid my beak down over his shaft, taking him deep into me.

My head began to bob up and down and sucked on his cock, the rough edges of my beak gently teasing the sensitive flesh. He began to pant and moan, his hips rising as he gently bucked up into me. After several seconds of this, I felt him gently lift my head off his cock. My eyes met his and I rose, and we kissed softly and tenderly.

"My mate..." I heard him whisper softly.

My eyes began to sting as they filled with tears and I softly whispered back, "My mate."

Our eyes met and I saw that he too was crying. We smiled and kissed again before he gently laid me on my back. I looked up at him in confusion, wondering what was going on. He just smiled at me for a moment before it dawned on me. He chuckled a bit and licked my cheek.

"You really do look goofy like that, loverboy," he said with a smirk. I just gulped. He smiled and gently spread my legs wide. Slowly, I returned the smiled and wrapped my legs around him. I felt something surprisingly hard and wet pressed gently against my tailhole, moving around in small circles. "Are you sure you want to do this? One we do this there is no turning back. We can just go home now, simply two friends who got a bit too horny for their own good..." he looked down at me expectantly as he spoke.

For a moment, it passed through my mind to say no, to say we should go home. Everything we risked passed through my mind: friends, family, social standing, rumours at school, family... Then our eyes locked, and everything faded away. I loved him, and nothing else mattered but the kitsune before me. I nodded. "I'm sure."

He smiled, and gently pressed his cock a bit harder against my tailhole, making me moan in pleasure. "We'll have to tell our families," he said.

I whimpered in need, "I want to tell the whole world how much I love you!"

He smiled and nodded, and I felt his pressing at my hole increase. I clenched by beak shut tight, my eyes wide as pain began to rush through my body. He softly cooed for me to relax. I tried to with some success. But apparently it was enough, because a moment later I felt his cockhead enter my ring, a searing fire tearing through me as I cried out in pain.

"Shhhhhhhhh. Calm down, hun. Try and relax a bit," he cooed softly, gently caressing my cheek. I sniffled and nodded, taking a few deep breaths, trying to relax. Slowly, very slowly, I felt the pain ebb away; replaced with such supreme, sublime pleasure. It must have shown on my face because he smiled softly and asked if I was alright. I nodded.

Slowly, he began to press farther into me. I bit my tongue as pleasure mixed with pain washed through me. I could feel every inch of his hard, thick shaft as it slid into me, every inch of him within me, giving me a feeling of fulfillment like I'd never dreamed of before. Finally, his hips were pressed tightly to me and he leaned down atop me, chest to chest, and we kissed deeply and passionately.

It was a long time we lay like that, joined together, one body, nuzzling, kissing, and caressing each other. "I've dreamed of this night as long as I have known you," I whispered softly into Micah's ear.

He smiled and gently licked at my own ear, whispering in return, "You and me both."

I felt him begin to stir, both atop and within me. His eyes looked deeply into mine and mine into his. I felt him begin to draw out of me, almost to the very tip of his member. I clenched my muscles down on his cock, trying to keep him in. He smiled and was happy to oblige, sliding back into me, both of us moaning loudly in pleasure. He set a very slow and steady pace with his thrusting, my legs entangled with his, my beak locked firmly with his muzzle in a fevered, passionate kiss. My arms were around him, his around me tightly. We panted and groaned into each other's mouth, our tongues dancing together.

When his thrust began to come harder and faster I knew he was near orgasm. My rear was on fire, burning from the constant rubbing. I'd never felt anything better, never felt closer to another person than I did that moment.

Suddenly, something seemed to shift with Micah and he slammed himself into me, yipping loudly. I gasped in surprise as his cock grew much thicker inside me, and he shuddered, white-hot, liquid fire coating the walls of my insides. I closed my eyes softly, and groaned, my muscles squeezing his member, trying to milk him of every bit of his seed I could get. At last, he collapsed atop me, groaning softly as his orgasm finally slowed and then ended.

He panted loudly in my ear, gently licking at the tuft of feathers. He shifted around atop me and we both smiled, looking deep into each other's eyes. I rumbled deeply at the feeling of his member buried deep within me. His thick, warm cum was flowing inside me. "I've never felt anything so good..." I said, barely above a whisper.

He chuckled softly and nodded. "Me neither, lover. Me neither." My heart skipped a beat and a soft chirp of joy escaped me at the sound of him calling me "lover." He giggled and kissed the tip of my beak gently. "My songbird."

I squeezed my muscles around Micah's slowly softening member, grinning at the soft groan I got from him. He chuckled and slowly pulled out of me, nuzzling my neck while I whimpered softly at the feeling of being separated from him.

His incessant nuzzling at my neck became a soft and gentle licking as he moved down my neck to kiss and suckle the nape of my neck. He slowly worked his way down my chest, moving to my nipple, his tongue slowly tracing its way around the sensitive flesh, making me gasp softly in the unexpected pleasure. His tongue trailed along the feathers of my chest, making me whimper in pleasure. When he reached the other nipple, he slowly pressed his lips to it, making me groan softly, squirming a bit in pleasure.

His tongue slowly slid down my chest and over my belly, his paws slowly caressing my sides as I shivered in pleasure. Finally, he trailed his tongue around my throbbing cock and thick sheath to nuzzle at my balls with his cold nose. I whimpered softly, the excitement of having my love's head between my legs, driving me wild, his actions sending waves of pleasure through me. A sudden wetness sliding along my still aching tailhole made me yip loudly in surprise and pleasure. Again, that wetness slid along me. Shivering, I spread my legs wide, the sound of my murring joining Micah's as the feeling returned several times before the wetness began to work its way inside me, my breath coming in short, ragged gasps as I groaned loudly in pleasure. Finally, I could feel a soft, gentle sucking enclosing my hole, making me squirm happily, my muscles squeezing around that wetness, eyes closed tightly, beak agape and tongue lolling in ecstasy. I could feel what was inside me, moving around, licking at my insides, sliding in and out. Finally it found my prostate and pressed hard, precum squirted out of my cock as I cried out loudly.

Micah continued to work my prostate and drive me to higher and higher levels of ecstasy. Finally, just as I was about to fall over the edge into an orgasm that I was sure would be the death of me, he lifted his muzzle from between my legs. Crawling along the length of my body, he kissed me deeply, his tongue sliding into my muzzle, sharing the flavors of his cum and my own flavor. I groaned softly into his muzzle as I eagerly returned the kiss, the feelings of his soft fur brushing against my painfully aroused cock driving me wild.

Slowly, he rolled off me and climbed onto all fours, his rear towards me, tail held high to the side, his pink tailhole displayed for me. Slowly, almost as if in a dream, I crawled up behind him, purring softly as I nipped gently at his perfect rump. My mind lost in a haze of ecstasy and lust, I moved on instinct. My tongue slow licked at the supple rump, sliding between the muscled mounds to lap delicately at the tailhole. It did not taste anywhere near as bad as I imagined and the moan I heard from my lover only urged me on.

I very slowly and gently pressed my tongue against Micah's tailhole, a soft whimper escaping me as I felt it open for my tongue as it slipped inside. He was smooth, hot, and moist inside, his flavor a little bittersweet, but it was his, and that made it wonderful. I continued to press my tongue into him, feeling his ring squeeze me hard as he moaned. I gently licked along his soft insides, my beak pressed firmly to the soft ring of flesh outside, softly suckling.

I probed as deeply into him as I could, rumbling loudly when I pressed on the roof of his insides, rubbing the hardness I felt there. His entire body shook as he gasped loudly, and I rubbed at his prostate harder still with my tongue.

Slowly, I pulled my tongue out of him and raised myself up. I draped myself over him, purrrrring as I lay my chest across his back, my arms around his torso. I spread my hips slightly and felt my hard cock slip under his tail, between the firm rump cheeks. Softly, I kissed his cheek. "Ready, love?"

He nodded softly and I began to press my hips forward, shivering at the initial resistance I felt, then gasping loudly as the resistance suddenly parted, my cock enveloped by the hot, moist, tight hole. "Oh gods!" I gasped loudly, gulping as a pleasure I could not begin to comprehend washed over me, alighting every nerve in my body. I shivered, my cock not half sheathed within Micah's tight tailhole.

I waited there for several seconds, panting as I let myself cool down, lest I cum not even fully within him. Slowly, I again began to press forward, moaning softly as my member slid farther and farther into him. Below me, my mate (swoon!) was moaning, whimpering softly. I leaned down and kissed his ear, continuing to slide into him, sighing softly as my hips came to rest against his rear.

I purred loudly into his ear, nibbling on it gently as he whispered softly, "Gods, Ethan, you feel so wonderful in there."

I smiled. "I love you, Micah." Slowly, I began to draw out of him, his muscles working to keep me in. I was all too happy to oblige, drawing out half way before slowly thrusting back in. We moaned in unison as my hard cockhead rubbed against his prostate, his tailhole clamping down on my shaft.

I set a slow and steady pace, thrusting in and out of him, panting softly, licking at the back of his neck. My arms wrapped around his torso, hugging him tightly as I continued to mate him, waves of pleasure and delight sending my heart racing, my lungs gasping for air.

It didn't take long before it all became too much. With a loud cry, I threw my head back and slammed my cock hard and deep into him, waves of mind-destroying ecstasy washing over me as I came hard deep inside Micah. He groaned as my hot, thick cum splashed inside him and filled his insides, squeezing my cock more, sending me into yet another passionate groan and waves of ecstasy washing over me anew.

Finally, the orgasm slowed and stopped. My heart pounded in my ears, my lungs screaming for air as I panted heavily. Every muscle in my body was made of jello, and I was completely enervated. Slowly, I pulled out of my kitsune mate, now official, and collapsed on the ground next to him, trying to catch my breath. With a shiver, he fell next to me, wrapping his arms around me.

I hugged him back, our legs entwining as we kissed deeply and passionately, each of us now carrying a bit of the other within us. He smiled and softly broke the kiss.

"I love you, Ethan, my studly gryphon," he whispered, winking teasingly.

I giggled. "I love you too, my foxy kitsune."

We lay together for another hour, cuddling close, sharing kisses and each other's company, watching the sunset and the stars come out. When night time finally settled in over the forest, we reluctantly redressed and gathered our books together. Micah smiled softly and gave me a soft kiss. "Why don't you come stay at my place tonight?"

I couldn't help but blush. "Um..."

As if reading my mind, he giggled and playnipped at my cheek. "The answers are yes I do hope we'll do that again and no, nobody will bother us. I lock my door every night, and the walls are quite soundproof. Mrowl."

I smiled and hugged him tightly as we gathered our bookbags and started back towards the car. "Then let's go to your place, hun."