Vash's Morning Romp

Story by ewafvirus on SoFurry

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Vash began to wake laying there with his eyes close. He felt something warm and furry hugging him lying on top of him. Then he noticed that his dick seemed to be wrapped in something warm and moist. It took a little bit for his memories to come back as he reencountered what seemed to be a dream to him when he thought about it.

He slowly opened his eyes to see Kate's head resting on his shoulder as he lay on his back studying the situation. There was very little light coming from the window covered with a curtain. There was enough light to make a clear silhouette of the renamon's body lying on top of him as he looked down.

Feeling his prick stiffening with in Kate, he decided to have some fun. He brought his hands up around her back and began rubbing her lower back. She let out a small moan as he continued petting her back. Slowly his hands rubbed lower to ass, his thumbs rubbing the base of her tail.

Whispering to her," If you don't wake up I will be the only one enjoying the fun." He began to slowly thrust his hips up into her, while using his hands to mover her hips. "hmmm... that feels good" came out of Kate's mouth. She started moving her hips on her own grinding into his thrusts.

Slowly as they grinded into each other, Kate finally opened her eyes. Staring at each other Vash noticed how Kate's green eyes glowed in low light. Kate slowly sat up, mean time Vash's hands slid from her butt to her breast, barely noticeable under her tuff of fur.

Vash began rubbing her tits as Kate tilted her head back as she started to ride up and down on Vash's cock. Vash's hands would shortly move up down the sides of Kate and then back up to her breasts where he would slowly tease her breasts hidden under her white brisket.

"Vash," she panted," please give it to me harder," as she desperately bounced up and down.

Vash quickly sat up grabbing her and threw her on the bed, and sat up pulling out his dick from her. She squirmed under him as she tried thrusting her hips back on to his all ready wet dick.

"I want you to get on all fours Kate," Vash said letting his grip go of her. She smiled and quickly rolled to her stomach and got on her hands and knees. She started swaying her butt while look back at Vash.

Vash slowly moved behind her. Knowing she was desperate for his cock. He slowly slid his dick down her pussy teasing the blue renamon.

"Please Vash give it to me." She pleaded.

"Only if you beg me to breed you like the bitch in heat that you are," smiling at her as said this. He slid his dick over her entrance one more time to give her more of a tease.

"Please just give it to me," she moaned trying to push her hips back on to his dick.

Vash slid his dick by her wet entrance once more, "I won't continue until you say it," he said

"Please Vash," she moaned, "Mate with me. Breed this bitch. Give me your seed."

Satisfied he slowly guided his head of his dick into her snatch. He quickly began pounding into her, grabbing her waist to thrust harder into her body.

"Yes harder," Kate began to moan," breed this bitch."

Kate's moans were starting to become muffled, as she was no longer supporting herself on her hands. They were now rubbing her tits as her head was now slowly being pushed under some pillows.

Vash grunted hard as he emptied his balls into Kate's womb. Feeling the sudden warmth was enough to send her over the edge as body tensed up with such a strong orgasm. All her fur stood on its ends including her tail. She slowly came back to the world to feel Vash pulling his very wet dick from her.

Feeling satisfied she rolled on her back and began to sleep again. For Vash though, he had to get ready for work.

It didn't take long for Vash to find his clothes in the barely lit room. He looked at his cell phone to see it was about 0415. He had plenty of time to be showered he thought and start the long drive to work.

"Hey Vash," said some of his crew as they entered the break trailer at the end of the day. Vash had been running his crew of eight people since the start of the project a month ago. Some of them worked with him on some previous jobs while most of the people were new to his company. The two greenhorns were fresh out of vocational school were Vash had usually picked up most of his new apprentices. The more experienced ones were ones were very tired out as they had to do longer hours than they normally did and it didn't help for them since this was their first time working with Vash with the exception of two.

Dan had been working with Vash since he started with this company and didn't mind the hard work since he usually got part of the bonus at the end of the project. He was older and more experienced then Vash but didn't mind when Vash toke over as foreman of the small crew since Vash had helped him out by offering a job with this company. He also backed up Vash when the crew wasn't happy when Vash started pushing long hours since he could usually find the right words to win almost any argument. In addition, his tall muscular build usually helped back up what he said.

Nick was a younger man who worked with the company for a while. Not much taller the Vash, he had worked with Vash a few times and didn't mind him much. He was only working for paychecks to pay for his party weekends that showed with his large belly. He didn't mind the long hours it just meant more money at the end of the job to go have fun with.

It had been another long day with the managers wanting to use as much of the Alaskan daylight as possible to work getting their store up and going.

"Ok guy's I talked to the managers and told them that you guys are beat and need a rest," Vash started telling his crew. "So I managed to get us the weekend since we have been pulling such long hours. So go sleep in don't party too much, and come back same time Monday."

The crew started gathering their stuff and shuffling out of the trailer. The two greenhorns talking with each other with tired voices about their plans for the weekend, while the rest of the crew slowly shuffled out of the building.

Dan walked up to Vash and started asking," How much arguing did it take to get us the whole weekend off," as he pulled out a smoke from his pocket. They walked outside and started locking the doors. "Well it didn't take much since I told them we haven't had a day off in over about 2 weeks and the hours where going to pull this week were going to cause our guys to crash their cars," Vash said as he finished locking the door. Vash looked back up to see Dan had all ready lit his cigarette. They started the short walk towards their vehicles.

"Well I know the new guys will crash their truck if they keep trying to stay up all the time like they tried last week," Dan said as he puffed on his smoke. "Ya, they will learn. So you going to take your family out to go fishing this weekend," Vash asked him as a looked over at him. "No, Mandy has some soccer game coming up this weekend. I was going to ask ya for a day off but you fixed that before I had to ask," he said as he pulled another drag from his cigarette. "So besides me what about you," Dan looked at Vash with a smile.

Vash looking over at his truck as they approached their vehicles," what you mean me," he said. "Well I known you long enough to know you can go six weeks without having a day off with these kind of hours. And I know you wouldn't have asked for one for the crew unless you had plans yourself," still looking at him. Vash scratching his head trying to figure out a decent excuse, "well I sort of ended up running into something that required my attention this weekend,"

"Ok, so who is the chick," Dan asked.

"What chick," Vash quickly responded.

"Vash you would only take time off to sleep, test, game, or pussy. And the first three don't get you going like you were today it had to be the last one." Dan said with a wider grin.

"Ok, yes I got pussy and yes I plan on getting some more pussy this weekend," Vash said with a sigh.

"So what she look like," Dan asked," Is she Asian?"

"One I'm not telling you and two you know her so that's why I'm not going to tell ya." Vash said as he stopped next to his truck.

"Oh man come on hook a brother up," Dan said putting his arms up in the air. "And what do you mean I all ready know her."

"Well I can say this much I will think about it maybe I will tell you Monday who it is." As Vash hopped into his old blue rusted Pickup truck," See ya on Monday"

Vash had started his long drive back to his place, which was about an hour drive, giving him plenty time to think as he drove.