02 - In Cat's Claws

Story by Donivahn_Miros on SoFurry

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#2 of Summer Lovin'

A long year have passed since our last meet. I can't say that I hate my life. It would be a lie. But there isn't a single day that I don't remember Rock. Now, the summer has came again and I was only waiting the giant shadow going from nowhere to the 'cave of dreams', like I started to call the cave that Rock and I fell in love. Again, I was nude, just waiting him to come, and it didn't took much time. As the giant shadow appeared far in the sky, I managed to walk to the cave wait him.

I get there before the giant figure of the dragon could enter by the other exit on the ceiling. The sunlight was reflecting in his scales today, something that didn't happened other times. But when he saw me on the ground, looking him, he quickly reduced his height and hugged me for a long time.

"It has been a long year without you, Rock... I miss you so much!" I felt his strong hands caressing my backs slowly.

"I missed you to, Eliza." Rock's voice was even more melodious than I remember. Changes were occurring to him, for sure.

"You're different, hon... What happened, may I know?"

"I'm just growing up. It's normal for dragons." He grinned. When we separated, I could see his new body. He was stronger, his muscles now were more visible over the brilliant metallic brown scales. His face's expression wasn't so wildly was I remember. It got more angelical, but I don't mind... He got me not by his appearance, but for his heart...

"So you do grow up too? You seems so like us... Why do you hide so?"

"There are foolish legends that says our blood give to who drinks it infinite power." He answered with a grin. His sharp teeth could be scary for anyone, but for me were only a charm. "No offenses, but your people likes to be blind idiots."

"No offense taken, hon. I know it's true." I agreed "And I know that some times civil conversation do not work too."

"It's good to know that you aren't like them. Now I have an invitation for you. Do you want to come with me, meet my family and friends?"

"What? Going with you?" At start, I have to say that my heart told me to go without hesitation, but I had my work, my friends, my family... I couldn't just left them behind. "Rock... Don't get me wrong... I really wanna go, bu first I have somethings that I have to set right... I have families and friends too who will miss me if I just disappear."

"I see... And you know that if I go way now, I will only return next year..."

"I think that we can work it out, hon... Can you wait me there a little?"

"No, I can't... I waited already a whole year. You can do it later..." He pushed my arm gentle, but got me out of balance and I fell in his arms. He hugged me and kissed me passionately before we could start anything.

"Well... I think my idea can wait a little..." I grinned. I passed my hands over his chest and downed it slowly by his strong body, feeling his muscles, till I could reach his groin. "Now it's time for the dragon stay in the cat's claws..."

"If you wish this way..." He grinned and slowly laid on his back. His wings were opened on the ground, while I rose my body over his, and with my hands, I caressed his sheath till I could feel his cocktip slowly get out to start gentle cares on it.

After I felt his maleness hard as rock, I gave a long lick from the base to the tip. He tasted better than I ever thought it could be. As long I licked it, I could hear his sighs of pleasure. Those sounds of his made me want him even more. After a few licks, I started suckling him while caressing the part of his cock that didn't fit in my mouth. And what a part... Rock was a immense dragon, what made him just more wished by me. I loved him so much that I didn't thought twice in making him a deepthroath. I knew he was loving it, even with him saying that it wasn't needed. I stopped after sometime, getting over him again and this time making his maleness pierce my little pussy. Now I knew that he didn't lied. Rock really grew up in that single year we didn't made contact. I kept over him, getting up and down, thrusting his dragoncock in and out of my body, each time faster, making me purr in pleasure. In the end, we came to climax together, different from the last time. His dragon's seeds were filling me one more time and by now I was almost ready to do anything for him. I laid over his body and kissed him longer as I could before getting out of breath.

"Have you enjoyed it, big guy?" I asked looking inside his flame-red eyes.

"I only thought that you did more than needed." Rock grinned again. "But I loved it, of course. You're a great lover, Eliza, and I want to stay with you forever..."

"So it's better we found a way of doing it sooner... I already stopped growing and, with time, I will only get older and lose my shape..."

"No, you'll not. At least, not if you come with me." Rock's smile convinced me. I just needed to advise my people and I would not even care about anything else. I was going with him today, and nothing could change my mind.

"Can you just wait me to pack a few things of mine? I will not take too long." I caressed his face one more time.

"I must go back home by the night. If you return before the sunset, I will still be there."

"You will not have to wait that long." I kissed him and got up. "My house isn't too far from there. I will only advise my family and take a few things. Wait me there."

"I will." I ran for my house to do things as soon as I could.

I call some friends of mine that I knew would not do so much questions and told them that I was leaving, packed some essential items of mine and ran back to the 'cave of dreams'. Even making the way in half of the time I usually do, it seemed to be late. The sun was setting and my strong brown dragon wasn't there anymore. I sat at the cave's entrance to see the end of the sun set, already missing my dragon.

"Have you missed something?" I heard a voice coming from deep inside the cave. When I looked back, I saw Rock coming from a deeper part of it which I never visited.

"ROCK!" I rushed to hug him. "I thought that you have gone again..."

"Not without you this time." He grinned. I felt his body growing, making the sharp spikes over his body appears like the first time I've saw him. His face gained again that ferocious air and I remembered the day I first saw him. He laid on the ground for me to got up on his neck, now that he was bigger than he was. "Let's go?"

"Yes. Let's go, hon!" I got up on his neck and hold strong on his horns. He grinned and slowly walked outside.

"Have you brought clothes for cold?" He asked just before he left the ground.

"My fur is thicker than you think. I don not suffer with cold so easily."

"We're talking about a high mountain top cave. Do you think you can survive the cold?"

"Well... Talking like this..." I grinned and took off some clothes for winter. I didn't knew how much time I was going to spend with him so I thought better to get prepared. "So, now we're ready!" I grinned.

"Then, let's go. Hold on strong as you can."

I made just as he said and in the next second I could feel the wind on my face. I never flew before and the sensation of my first fly was wonderful! I believe that nobody ever thought that flying with the wind on your face could be so good.

"Eliza? Are you alright? You become so silent..." Rock asked.

"I'm fine, hon..." I answered. I was feeling great with that. "I just got caught by the moment. Sorry for worrying you."

"I understand. In my first flight I got lost for some days. The feeling is just great, aren't it?"

"You've said it." I only could agree. There aren't other words for that.

It took a long time for us to reach Rock's home. Like he said, it was a cave on top of a high mountain. We quickly entered and he landed, allowing me to get down and he reduced to be near at my size again. I hugged him stronger as I could.

"Thanks for the trip, hon. I loved it!"

"It was nothing Eliza."

"Hey! Look what we have there!" Came a voice from behind us. It was a blue dragon, which body seemed much like a serpent, but for the strong legs and arms. "Big bro brought us some new meat!"

My first action was get afraid, but Rock entered in front of me and showed his sharp teeth, that were menacing even it his humanoid form. "Hear me well, Mizu... If you dare to think on Eliza as meat, I will eat you in the breakfast..."

"Calm down, bro... No need to worry! I got it! She's from the family!" I could see a smile on the blue dragon's face. "Sorry for calling you meat, young one. I'm Mizu, Rock's newest brother."

"Err... Hi..." I didn't got out of Rock's guard. I was terrible frozen by that dragon's joke.

"Please, Eliza. I'm sorry about what my brother said." Rock tried to help me. "He thinks more by his stomach than his brain."

"HEY! I heard that!" Mizu yelled back.

"It was for you to hear!"

"Okay you two! Stop fighting!" I've saw another dragon came, this time from inside a corridor from the cave. By the first sight I judged it was female and, for my luck, she was. Her pink scales covered most of her body, letting only the belly for the white scales making a heart-shape drawing. She was really huge, almost seven times bigger than me, but her expressions were so sweetly that I could say that I would never see her as a bad dragon. "And you, little one? Are you Eliza, right? Rock told so much about you."

"He have?" I was yet scared, but in front of her it's like I was in front of Rock... I could feel safeness...

"Yes... My son never forget you. He talked about you the whole year till he went to see you again." She answered. "My name is Dizaly. And as long as you stay in my family, You will be respected as one of my children."

"Thanks, mom. Now, come, Eliza. I will show you where we will spend the nights."

"No... I think you missed something, Rock..." Dizaly looked to her son before looking directly to me. "Or you didn't told her yet?"

"No. Not yet. I was going to tell it while we're in my den."

"So, you are free. But I will be waiting, okay?" Dizaly walked way by the cave. It was getting dark already, but I didn't get scared. Becoming a cat allow me to see pretty well in the darkness the cave was diving in.

"What she was talking about, Rock?"

"Come with me and I will tell you, hon. Let's use this time for some general explanation."

Just as he said, we joined in a den, just a dead end corridor a bit larger than average, and he explained me about this kind of 'ritual' to join a dragon family. It was very simple to understand, but I never saw myself agreeing with something like this. In short, I must need to spend a whole night with each of Rock's 5 brothers and sisters, as with his mother as well. For my luck, male dragons normally don't build up families, so I needed to thanks, 'cause I think that only enduring Rock's older brothers will already be a bad time... At least if they are bigger than Rock... My first night would be with his mother. That's why Dizaly told she was waiting... My mind hadn't accepted the idea yet, but something inside me made me purr only on knowing what it was about. I never get so horny with words like these before... Maybe I have a fall for dragons... Rock guided my to his mother's den. I was a bit afraid about what was going to happen to me, but for him, I was going till the end.

"Dizaly? Are you there?" I asked. She was stopped on her den, and in the dark becomes hard to find a stopped dragon in middle of stones.

"I'm right there, sweetie." She answered and a little flame came from her mouth, illuminating the den. Dizaly light up some improvised torches, so I could see better. "Sorry for the darkness. We don't need light at all. Our smell alone is powerful enough."

"I believe on you..." I remembered my last year when I tried to sneak up into him. "So... How it's supposed to us..."

"Don't ask me, hon." Dizaly grinned and laid at her side, opening her hind legs wide. "Use your imagination and your body. I'm not that hard of pleasure... And if I like it, I can even return the favor..."

I have to say that I got a bit curious about what she said, but first I needed to pleasure her. That was the hard part... While Rock's cock could fit well in his mother's pussy, I was facing a real problem... If I tried, probably I could enter completely inside her! But something must had to be done. I started with some touches to see how much sensible she was. I was using my whole arms to massage her labia, and even becoming not much more than an insect near her, I could hear she gasping. Maybe this wasn't hard at all... I kept massaging her like that, caressing her whole labia before getting to the inner part. A idea suddenly occurred me, and I started suckling her clitoris, what made she contract a bit her hind legs. I grinned by my discovery. Becoming that big and sensitive, Dizaly couldn't resist to something like this. I used that time to penetrate her vagina with my both legs. My hands massaging her labia, my mouth suckling her clitoris, and my legs inside her was a combination to make she comes sooner than I expected and in a single wave of her scented juice, I was almost thrown to the ground, but I had my reward... Dizaly's juice was tastier than anything I remember...

"Wow... You've done very well, Eliza... You has the potential to become a dragoness..."

"Potential? To become one?" I was licking her tasty juice from my fur and what slid on her hind legs.

"And believe me... I never made a mistake about it..." She grinned to me, as I could see her hind leg downing. I exited the embrace and walked to face her. "And now, your reward. You deserve it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. But first I have to ask... Do you wanna become a dragoness?"

"And there's any way for me to turn in one?"

"I would not ask you if there wasn't." She grinned. "If you want, all you have to do is entering in my womb and act as a cub of mine for a few hours. It's simple and pain free. Do not worry."

"I want... I want to become a dragoness!"

"So, start your way in." Dizaly opened her hind legs and looked me.

With one of her fore paws, she opened her labia and I was thankful to her fluids were all over me, so I could enter her without more trouble. I started by my legs, but I saw it wasn't a good idea. Then I got all the breath I could and I dived inside her. By the way that her inner muscles were squeezing me, I could tell all the pleasure that a female cat moving inside of her was giving her. When I reached her womb, I have felt no need to breath, like she was breathing for me, and a few seconds later, I fall asleep...