A Couple Nights In Town - Ch. 1

Story by Trey Faux on SoFurry

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A Couple Nights In Town

This story was written for a good friend of mine, and I hope that he will like this. <3

In the large town of New York City there was always something strange and new going on, Brad is on his way to New York by plane and this is where our story starts.

Main Characters: Brad - Gay 6'0'' Muscular Brown Otter, born and raised in a small town in Minnesota. Plays football, basketball, and runs track.

Rob - Bi 6'2'' Muscular Black Wolf, born and raised in the New York City. Loves Metal music, plays guitar, and loves basketball

*On the plane ride over*

Brad sat impatiently on the plane, he never really like flying and the long ride over to New York wasn't making it any better. Listening to his Ipawd he almost had to hold in from dancing. He happened to get a text from the very person he was traveling to see, Rob.

Rob - "Can't wait til' you get over here!"

Brad - "I know! I'm super excited to see you"

It had only been a couple months since they first met, but it seemed to Brad that they had known each other for much much longer. Brad was the type of person to have his emotions on their shoulders, which lead Brad to being popular in his small town, but where he was going to it could get him hurt.

Brad walked off of the plane into New York, and to his expectations it was crazy and crowded. He half expected Rob to be there waiting for him, but he wasn't. So, Brad walked over to the baggage claim, got his bags and got a taxi.

Brad - "Where were you? I thought you were coming to meet me at the airport?"

Rob - "I'm sorry, I was in the middle of writing a song and completely forgot."

Brad - "I've got a taxi, whats your address?"

Rob - " 135 Side Street. I'll pay for the taxi"

Brad arrived at the house to a big surprise. The house was huge! He slowly walked up to the front door, expecting to have come to the wrong house. As soon as Brad knocked he was tackled by a flying blur of black fur. He looked up to see his friend Rob on top of him!

Rob - "Brad! Oh my god! I can't believe you're here!"

Brad - "Haha, I know! Umm, Rob?"

Rob - "Yeah bud?"

Brad - "Could I stand up?"

Rob -v"Oh, my bad."

Rob led Brad into his house. He showed him around his palace. The whole house seemed to radiate fun. Everywhere you could look there were things to enjoy. Games, food, comfy looking couches, huge T.V.'s. Man! Was Brad excited to be here! He plopped himself down on the couch and turned on the T.V. He started to flip through the channels when he soon felt the warm paws of Rob starting to rub his shoulders. Brad turned around to a great big toothy smile from the large canine.

Brad - "Why don't you come down and join me?"

Rob - "Well, don't mind if I do!"

Rob jumped down on to the couch only a few inches away from Brad. Brad stopped flipping through the channels to look at Rob. He never thought he had seen someone so beautiful as him.

Brad - "Rob..."

Rob - "Yeah bud?"

Brad - "Umm, nothing, never mind."

Rob just let it pass, already knew what he was going to ask. Rob reached over and grabbed Brad's hand. Brad jumped a little bit, but relaxed into it. Rob used his other hand and reached over and grabbed his maw and pulled him into a deep kiss...

There is the first chapter of A Couple Nights In Town!

I hope you enjoyed it!!!!

I will be writing more soon!!!!

Blue Otter