University Story - Chapter 3

Story by Tidus_Duke on SoFurry

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Chapter 3 - Where you stand...or kneel

It had been about a week since Alex had made his little show at the football try-outs. Everyone in the whole school knew about it now. Zac may have not been too happy about it, but as long as Alex was good, most of the team didn't care too much. That is, of course, except for Keith. Keith hadn't been able to think about anything else in fact. Alex still hadn't chosen what team to join, and since both teams practiced right after one another, he just went to both. Games for either team didn't start for a while, so Alex still had time to choose. Keith wasn't sure if he wanted Alex on the team anymore. Sure, he had helped him last time, but he was actually afraid of getting closer to Alex. He thought that if he kept his distance his thoughts would return to how they were before. His mind used to be clear, but now even his dreams were overflowing with the little husky. Every time he went to sleep he would dream about holding him in his arms, against his strong chest. He would look into the small dog's eyes, his big blue eyes, and lean in. Closer...and closer...there muzzles would just touch, until they fell into a passionate kiss. Keith would move one of his hands down the boy's back, and feel every part of his body, never letting Alex's muzzle leave his. Alex's hands were always doing the same. They would reach down, farther...and farther, when...*YIPP* Keith would always wake up, sweating, with cum in his briefs. He used to dream about girls, but he would never wake up feeling as good as when he dreamed about his little roomie. Ever since Alex took over his dreams, he had never cummed so hard, or pawed off more. Keith felt like he was doing something wrong, but whenever he looked across his room and saw the gorgeous pup sleeping, he couldn't help but smile...

* * * *

"Thank God," Keith said to himself, as he left class. Football practice was today, and he couldn't be happier. Keith may have been afraid of getting close to Alex, but football seemed to clear his mind. He just let himself go, and nothing could distract him.

*BOOM* Keith looked down and saw that while he was deep in thought, he didn't notice that someone walked right into him and fell over. "So much for not being distracted", Keith thought. This happened more then you'd think, considering how big Keith was, plus, watching where he was going was the last thing on his mind.

"Oh God," Keith thought to himself. He looked down, and there was the cute little husky that had taken over his mind. Alex was on his knees trying to pick up his books, stammering apologies as fast as he could. He was blushing profusely. "He sure is cute when he blushes," Keith thought as he knelt down to help Alex.

"Sorry bout that man," Keith said to Alex in the calmest voice he could muster, "I wasn't watching where I was going..."

"No, no! It was my fault, I should have moved..." Alex felt horrible. He thought his relationship with Keith was hanging by a thread. He didn't want to give the hot wolf any more excuses to avoid him.

Keith stood up first, and held out his paw to Alex. Alex looked up at him, with the same blue eyes that Keith had seen in his dreams. Keith turned his head so he wasn't looking at Alex. He didn't want him to see that he was blushing too, under his dark gray fur.

"Sorry..." was all Keith could say.

"Th-thanks," Alex said, taking Keith's hand, which dwarfed Alex's.

Keith started walking away, when he noticed Alex still behind him.

"You're heading to football, right?" Alex asked Keith, his eyes looking everywhere accept the wolf's.

"Uh, ya." Keith said, trying to act nonchalant, "Come to think of it, shouldn't you already be at the field for soccer?" Keith was scared Alex had chosen football. He didn't think he could handle any more awkward encounters with the husky, especially not in the locker room, where it would be impossible to hide his raging hard-on. Just being around the hot little dog got him rock hard.

"Well, the soccer team moved their practices to Wednesday. So now my Fridays are free for Football," Alex said, "It works out better I guess, but I still don't know which one to choose."

The two started walking up the main street of the University, only a block from the Football field. Keith didn't know what to say to Alex. He wanted Alex to make the decision for the right reasons, not because he interfered. He couldn't just blurt out "I'm scared that I'm gay because every time I see you or think of you I get harder than I ever have before!" Keith thought that was pretty blunt.

"Well, umm, which do you like more?" Keith asked. Maybe Alex would choose soccer because he knew more people on the team.

"Dunno," Alex said. Alex found the same enjoyment for both sports, but being a part of the football team meant he could be around the hottest guys in all of the campus, especially studs like Shane and Keith. He'd even be there when they showered...Alex loved and hated this. He would kill to see someone like Keith naked, to be able to see every curve and contour of his muscles, but he didn't want everyone knowing he was gay, and him being targeted. Not again...not like high school...

Alex woke up from his trance when he saw the field. He and Keith headed into the locker room to change. Keith never changed in front of Alex. He was scared this meant Keith suspected Alex of being a tail-raiser. He was terrified that if he took one wrong look at Keith that he would out him in front of the whole team. Alex was able to survive Zac, but about two dozen muscled, testosterone-driven, and pissed furs may be a little too much for the lean pup to handle.

"Well, I'll see ya out there man," Alex said to Keith, his eyes fixed on the lockers and not the 7 foot Muscle God in front of him. He started to walk out, when something grabbed his arm.

"Alex," Keith started, releasing his powerful grip on the smaller fur, "I-I just want you to know, well, whatever you choose, it won't change anything between us." Keith was talking about sports teams, but he meant so much more. He was trying to tell Alex that he actually cared for him, without actually saying it.

"Th-Thanks Keith," Alex said while walking out with the rest of the team, "I think I have a good idea of what I'll choose." Alex smiled at Keith, and Keith smiled back. Both were happy for the same reasons, but they didn't even know...

Alex left the room and Keith felt dazed. He wished he hadn't said that, but he was still happy he did. He was confused about all this, and wished he could talk to someone about it, but if he told anyone, he'd get the shit kicked out of him for sure. He was arguably the biggest guy on the team, but even that wouldn't stop them from ganging up on him. He was a football player, a fucking saint at this school, and didn't want it changed. He didn't want people to look at him differently.

*SLAP* A large hand slapped Keith on the back, allowing for a yelp of surprise to leave Keith's mouth. He thought he was the last one in the locker room.

"Hey man, whatcha holding up for?" It was Tyson. It made sense that the unofficial team-captain would wait till all the guys were out and ready. "You've been in your own little world for a while now? What's up?" Tyson was a good guy, and a good friend, but Keith wasn't sure he was the right person to talk to.

"Oh, ah, sorry man," Keith said, slapping Tyson back, "Just got dazed, guess I haven't had enough sleep or something."

"Alright man," Tyson said, staring at the door, "So you seemed pretty friendly with Alex there? Sup with that?"

"That? I-uh-just told him to watch where he was walking. He almost stepped on my pads," Keith lied. He wasn't ready to take any heat for being buddy-buddy with Alex yet.

"Ya, I know what ya mean," Tyson started, "little guy really stands out doesn't he? Whatever, gear up! Coach is gonna make ya run laps for sure!" Tyson rushed out after putting his helmet on.

"Your right," Keith said to himself, "He sure does stand out..."

* * * *

"Phew, nice practice boys!" Coach Williams said while all the guys stampeded into the locker room. "Hit the showers!"

Keith had never thought twice about changing in the locker room. He was one of the guys that walked around naked with no problem. Most guys usually kept at least their jocks on until they got to the showers. The showers were stalls, so you could go the whole season without anyone seeing you completely nude. Keith used to not give a crap, but now he noticed his eyes wandering. He would pass guys at the lockers on the way to the showers, and his eyes would always wander south. No way could he walk around naked now; everyone would notice his hardening, huge cock.

What he did find interesting was that now that he noticed his eyes wandering, he noticed how other furs were peaking at a few jocks here and there as well. He saw a lot of this in some of the new guys to the team. Guys like Shane and Tyson sure got eyefuls. It was hard to not notice them. Along with Keith, the two big cats were the biggest on the team. All three were 7 feet at least, and they looked too big to be true. Keith had to admit that even he took a glance now and then when Shane pulled his jock down. His perfectly sculpted ass was just asking to be gripped and squeezed. There was also other gorgeous guys like Darius, a gorilla and, though shorter then Keith, definitely made up for it in bulk. He was one of the team's best defense-men. A buddy of the ape's, a stallion named Dane equaled him in both size and strength. The two were usually together, and considering how much space they took in their corner of the locker room, you didn't really have a choice but to stare. Keith never noticed how many hot guys were on the team before. Jake, a terrier way too big for his breed, and Brock, a bull whose muscles rippled as he walked, all just thought of as team mates before, were now walking-talking ways to get Keith's dick hard. It seemed even football wouldn't be able to distract him now.

After looking around the room, Keith noticed how some of the smaller furs were even staring at him. Undressing him with their eyes, that is until he did undress. Now that he knew that some of the guys were checking him out, he made sure they had something to see. No reason he should be the only one with hot guys in his sight. He flexed his chest a little after talking his jersey and pads off, rubbing his muscles, acting oblivious to the guys staring at him out of the corner of their hungry eyes. It made him feel powerful, and dominant.

Keith grabbed a towel and walked over to a shower stall, noticing many eyes bolting to other places in the room when he turned around. He chuckled to himself as he noticed some guys trying to hide their hard cocks behind towels, unsuccessfully. He was wearing only his jock, covering his half-hard dick. A long shower was just what he needed to clear his mind.

However, now that he was alone, his mind only seemed to wander more. He wondered if Alex stared at him. Would he even want to? All he knew for sure was that he definitely wanted to stare at Alex. The little husky's tight, lean and gorgeous body made Keith crazy. He often looked inconspicuously at the little hottie when he changed in their room. His eyes following from his cute face down to the small of his back and always ended up looking at his firm ass. It was always covered by his tight underwear, leaving little to the imagination. He wanted more than anything to grab the pup from behind, one hand wrapped around him and rubbing his lean chest, the other running down his back and grabbing his firm, beautiful butt. He wanted to feel Alex's moans and groans on his face as he leaned in close, ready to kiss the husky passionately and hard. He wanted to throw him on his bed and lock their muzzles together, holding him close, and never letting him go, keeping him safe. He imagined Alex pulling off his briefs, and then Keith's, lying naked together on his bed. Alex would stare up at Keith, then his eyes would wander down to Keith's throbbing, rock-hard member, and he would grab it in his soft, tiny paws...

Keith woke himself up from his day dream, looking down to see his raging hard-on. Oh shit, Keith thought. He really couldn't stop thinking of Alex. He buried his hands in his face. This was all new to him. He had always been so sure of himself. He would walk down hallways, streets, onto the football field, always totally confident. He was popular, a stud, and girls swooned over him constantly. He wasn't sure of anything now, almost like only Alex could make him certain again, only his acceptance. Keith needed to get all of this off his chest, but to whom?

He walked out of the shower, and saw that all the other guys had left. How long had he been showering? He walked to his locker, wanting to leave as fast as he could. He pulled his shorts on, but heard something before he could put his shirt on. It was a banging noise coming from one of the lockers. He walked to where he heard the noise, and almost jumped back when a voice came out.

"Help! Is someone there?!" a scared and desperate voice was screaming from inside one of the lockers. I guess some of the guys on the team decided to have a little 'fun' before the season officially started. Normally he wouldn't care, hell he'd probably have orchestrated something just like this, but he felt a knot in his stomach and opened the locker.

"Oh God! Thanks! Fucking jerks, I can't believ-"The tiny fox stopped mid sentence and froze the second he looked up at Keith. "Oh no, you're not gonna do something worse to me are you?" The little guy actually looked legitimately terrified; he'd probably try to run if his legs would have stopped buckling.

"Oh, ah, nah. Don't freak, I'm not gonna hurt your or anything," Keith tried to calm the fox by moving back and sitting on a bench, giving him some room to breathe. The mysterious fur exhaled loudly.

"Oh good. I don't know how long I've been in there." He took a few awkward steps and sat on the bench across from Keith.

"So what were you doing here anyway? You definitely aren't on the football team." Keith said, looking the fox up and down. Actually, he was kind of hot...

"Oh no way am I one of those asshole jocks!" The fox covered his mouth the second the words came out of his mouth. How could he not realize that the giant wolf in front of him was clearly part of the football team? He was done for, he thought, starting to sweat a little in fear.

Keith started laughing as the fox shivered in front of him. "Don't worry man! I'm a jock, but I really don't care what ya say about em. Though I'd prefer if ya didn't press the subject." He stared at the fox very firmly with his last comment. Sure he didn't like what the other guys did, but they were still his friends and team mates.

"Uh, ya sure. Sorry..."

"No worries, but ya didn't answer my question." Keith said, returning to his calmer, friendlier demeanor.

"Oh ya, well I came here to congratulate Alex"

"You're friends with Alex?" Keith said, a little more excited then he wanted it to sound.

"Ya, I'm Syd. I met him through Jeff, and he's a really good friend."

"Wait, what did you mean you wanted to congratulate him?" Keith said, leaning in closer to the smaller fur.

"Well, I thought you of all people would know," Syd said, a little confused at the wolf's pressing interest, "He decided to choose to play football. He seemed really excited about it too."

"Wow..." Keith said, his mind drifting off. He was going to be spending a lot of time with Alex now. He thought he would be scared, but now that it was for sure, he could only smile.

"You that happy Alex is on the team?" Syd asked, a little scared of how Keith may react.

"Why do you ask?" Keith replied, his voice raising. He had a deep voice that fit his body, and usually he made an effort not to sound too intimidating, though it was pretty difficult. Someone of his size was bound to frighten a few people, and at this time, his voice went almost into a growl.

"I-I, ah, no reason, really!" Syd's voice sank to almost a whisper. He should have just shut his big mouth.

Keith noticed the fear return to the fox's eyes, and scolded himself for not being able to control his emotions. He was scared of people finding out his true feelings, but it wasn't fair to take it out on him. Syd didn't deserve that.

"Ah, sorry man," Keith said, standing up and walking closer to the smaller fur. This seemed to have the opposite effect, as Syd's legs lifted up under his chin. He curled up into a ball on the bench and shut his eyes tight. "I didn't mean to sound so angry..." Keith looked truthfully ashamed. He used to use his size and power to do these exact things to guys smaller than him, but it felt so wrong now. He sat down next to the boy, and rested his head into his hands.

Syd was confused. Usually guys like Keith would have just wailed on him and left him. Why did Keith look so ashamed?

"Umm, Keith? Are you okay?" Syd said, nervously putting a paw on the wolf's shoulder.

"I-"Keith was about to lie. He was going to say he was fine and just leave. But he didn't. "No, I'm not fine. I just can't figure anything out anymore." Keith said, his face still in his large, strong hands. He didn't know why he trusted this stranger, but, well, he was friends with Alex, Keith thought. He wanted any chance to know if Alex felt the same way as him, and he had to get all of this off his chest.

"What are you talking about?" Syd said, leaning a little closer to Keith, their bodies now completely touching, Syd's chest against Keith's massive frame.

"I-I don't know how to say it, but I just have to tell someone. But whatever I say, you gotta promise me you won't say anything." When Keith said this he turned his body to fully face the little fox, looking down at him with glaring eyes. He was serious and Syd needed to know that.

"Sure, I promis-"

"I think I love Alex." Keith's eyes opened wide after saying this. He was sure that this was how he felt, but saying it out loud felt weird. It felt good, like he had come to terms with an emotion he just couldn't label before. He knew it was true, and he turned his head away from Syd to hide his smile.

"I know what you mean..." Syd said, looking away. He couldn't believe that a guy like Keith could be like him, "Alex is a great guy. He's smart, cute, and even though I haven't known him long, he's always been there for me."

Keith jerked his head so fast to look back at Syd he almost had wipe lash. He was so worried about what Syd would think of him, he didn't stop to think maybe someone else felt the same way.

"What?" Keith said, practically whispering.

"Alex is so great," Syd was talking, trying to chock back tears, "I wish I could be like him. No one could love me..." Syd's hands were pressed firmly in his laps, and he could feel tears running down his cheeks. Sure, he had stayed back to see Alex, but he really wanted to see Keith again too. He had gone to every one of the football practices, saying he was supporting Alex, when really the big wolf was what he really wanted to see. "I, I just wish..."

"Why couldn't someone love you?" Keith asked, still recovering from the shock of coming out, "I don't see any reason why you should feel this way. You're beautiful too." Keith was shocked that he said this, but it was true. The little fox had a lean, thin body. It didn't have the small muscles Alex's body had from sports, but he was still hot. He was soft, innocent, and cute.

"You re-really think so?" Syd said, looking up at Keith with his big green eyes.

"Of cours-"

Keith couldn't finish his sentence. Syd had wrapped his arms around the wolf's neck and kissed him. He couldn't believe what had just happened, but Syd felt he had to. He had to try, even if there was only a small chance that Keith would like him back.

Keith pulled out of the kiss, eyes wide with confusion and fear. It was his first time kissing a guy. What made him scared was just how much he liked it. The fox's soft lips, warm muzzle, and small body leaned up against his massive muscular body.

"What-"Keith started.

"I'm sorry!" Syd moved back fast, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, it just happened!"

He sure talks a lot, Keith thought, and grabbed the little fur with his strong arms, and pulled him into another kiss. This time their muzzles locked and their tongues began exploring each other's open mouths.

"I think you look just fine," Keith said with a little smirk, and he licked his lips, "So, what do we do now? This is all new to me."

"It depends, what do you want me to do? I'd do anything for you Keith..." Syd meant this. He had never really had feelings for anyone, and being with the wolf, with his strong arms around him made him feel wanted. He didn't want this to go to fast, he wanted it to last, but he couldn't hold himself back. Syd reached out and touched the bigger furs cock, feeling it hard behind his thin shorts.

Keith jumped a little when the little furs tiny paw touched his slowly hardening dick. He was worried this was going a little fast, but he couldn't deny that he liked it.

"You can if you want to Syd." Keith looked at the little guy square in the eyes, and pulled the fox into another kiss. Syd started fumbling with Keith's belt, and when he got it open Keith picked him up and put him in his lap. Syd wrapped his legs around Keith's strong body. They made out slowly, and both of them moaned. Keith's mind started wandering. He wondered if Alex's muzzle felt this good to kiss...

Syd felt the wolf's bulge against his own. He wanted this, and didn't want to wait. Syd stopped the kiss, and worked his way down Keith's naked chest. Since Keith hadn't had time to put on a shirt before he helped Syd, his strong and large chest was right in front of Syd's eyes. He felt the lines and shapes of every one of Keith's muscles. Feeling his pectorals, and perfectly sculpted abs, he then worked further down. He opened the zipper of Keith's shorts and got on his knees to get a good view. Keith sat up to take off his shorts and now he sat completely nude in front of the smaller, eager fur.

Keith was gorgeous. It was all Syd could think. Not only was he perfectly sculpted in his muscles, but his now rock-hard cock stayed in perfect proportion. It was ad least nine inches and thick as could be. Syd had sucked a few guys off before, but none were as big as the one in front of his muzzle right now. He rubbed his face against the gorgeous dick, eliciting moans to escape out of Keith. Syd couldn't hold back, he wanted it too much. He opened his small muzzle and took Keith's dick head into his mouth.

Keith felt waves of pleasure coming from his sensitive cock. Sure, he had gotten a muzzle job tons of times. Girls at his high school would die to suck him off, but this was different. It felt better, more real. He moaned loudly and put his hand on the back of the fox's head, slowly pushing him deeper on his dick. He wondered if Alex could suck his cock like this...

Syd was in heaven. All of his senses were occupied by the wolf. He had one hand on the bottom of Keith's shaft, and the other was rubbing his balls. His nose was full of the wolf's scent, and it was making the small boy high with pleasure. He gagged slightly as he tried to take Keith's dick. It was the biggest, thickest dick he had ever had, and he had to take his time before he could take it all. While he waited for his throat to get used to the size, he made good use of his hands and tongue. His right hand rubbed up and down the parts of Keith's dick he couldn't reach with his thin tongue, leaving no part untouched. He could feel Keith's cock head against his throat and it made him moan like crazy. His own smaller cock was straining against his pants, and he wanted it to be free and he wanted to paw off to this, but he couldn't let go of Keith's dick or balls. It felt to good to stop, and Keith's groans, and growls of pleasure made the little fox feel so good. He had sucked guys off before for just for this feeling. Just so he could feel wanted. When he gave muzzle jobs, the whole world was centered on the guys cock. He couldn't think of anything else, and felt ecstatic knowing he could make someone feel good.

Keith couldn't believe what he was feeling. What made this so good wasn't just how Syd knew exactly what to do with his hands and mouth, but just how much he loved doing it got Keith off. He felt strong and in power knowing he was giving the little fur what he wanted. While Syd bobbed his head up and down to the rhythm of Keith's hips bucking, the wolf's mind thought only of Alex. He imagined it was the husky who was sucking him off. Rubbing the back of Syd's head, giving him encouragement, he had to watch himself from growling Alex's name. Syd was doing this for him, but he was surprised how little he thought of the fox. Sure, he was hot, but he wasn't the person he loved.

Syd could feel Keith getting close. This was a part he both loved and hated. He loved feeling hot cum rush into his muzzle, but he knew that afterwards it would be over. The guy he sucked would probably never want to be with him again, and he was afraid Keith would be the same. He made sure not to think of this though. Right now, all he should have on his mind is Keith's gorgeous manhood. Their moans were in tandem, right when Keith's cock slid down to the hilt. Syd was frantically rubbing his tongue across the underside of the wolf's dick, and his hands had felt every part of the muscular body they could reach. Keith began to practically howl and Syd slid the whole cock down his throat and began tugging the balls that were pulled up tight to the wolfs hot body. With a loud howl Keith came hard into the boy's muzzle. The first wave went straight down Syd's throat before he could even think about it. He didn't have any time to worry though, as the next rope of cum came right after. Keith held Syd on his dick, to the point that what Syd couldn't swallow had to leak through the sides of his muzzle.

Keith let go of Syd's head and lay back against the lockers panting hard. He had never felt so good. Not only did he get the best muzzle job ever, but he had gotten all of his pent up frustration and all the secrets off his chest. He felt fulfilled and confident again.

Syd stayed on his knees, looking up at the wolf, both still out of breath. He took a look down and saw that his pants were stained with cum. He had yiffed in his pants without even touching himself.

"Wow..." was all Syd could say, but Keith felt the same. Speechless.

"Damn Syd," Keith started between breaths, "That was the best..."

Syd blushed. Keith looked so happy. The big wolf leaned over and picked the fox up. He laid him on his strong, broad chest and kissed him deeply.

"Thank you Syd," Keith whispered in his ear, "Not just for that, but for listening. I thought I was gonna go crazy with all the secrets, but I feel so much more free now."

"Like I said," Syd said, looking away from Keith's intense eyes, "I'd do anything for you..."

Keith smiled like a maniac and set the little fur down next to him on the bench and put his shorts back on.

"Well, I'll be seeing ya," Keith said, a strong finger under the boys little chin. Keith winked at him and gave him a soft kiss. He picked up his jersey, threw it on and sauntered out of the locker room, grinning ear to ear. He felt like himself again, confident and prepared. He knew what he was going to do, and didn't feel scared to do it anymore...

Syd looked up. "Bye Keith..." but it was in vain, as his crush was already out of the locker room. He felt happy, but still a little sad. Sure he was happy that he could share a moment like that with Keith, but sad because he knew it wasn't going to happen again. He held himself in the lonely locker room, waiting for a reason to leave...

"Well, well, well."

Syd jumped up in fright of what he had heard. He had thought he and Keith were the last ones in the locker room. He frantically looked around and saw a dark figure approach him. It was a large, mysterious and intimidating form. Once in the light, he saw the outline of massive muscles, covered with orange, black and white. Oh no, Syd thought. It was Tyson, the team's quarterback. He had been the one to decide to throw Syd in the locker. Syd sank to his knees in fear.

"My, my, here I was being a good team captain, waiting for every team mate to leave, and this is what I find?" Tyson stood looming over Syd. He was the same size as Keith, which terrified Syd. 7 feet and more than 400 pounds was standing over him. He was almost two feet taller the Syd.

"I-I didn't think anyone was-"Syd started, almost crying from fear. Tyson probably wouldn't approach Keith about this, but he could do whatever the hell he wanted to Syd. This was horrifying, but he couldn't lie and say that he hadn't watched Tyson as much as Keith. He was gorgeous...

Tyson picked Syd up by the neck with one paw. "I thought you were just an annoying little shit, but here I find you can give fucking awesome blowjobs? Why didn't ya say so?" Tyson was talking in a mix of a whisper and a growl, a sinister grin on his face. Syd tried to get out of his grip, but he didn't stand a chance. With just one paw, Syd was totally pinned. Tyson threw Syd against a locker, and Syd yelped out in pain. I'm done for, was all Syd could think between sobs.

"You really seemed to like it too," Tyson said, leaning down to Syd's eye-level, "If you like it so much, why don't you fucking take my dick?"

Syd looked up in both fear and confusion, but before he could do anything Tyson had already unzipped his jeans and lifted the fox to his knees. All he could see now was the tigers cock. It was smaller than Keith's, but just as thick. Tyson pushed his fully hard dick against Syd's lips. Syd tried to move away, but Tyson smacked him in the back of the head. Though probably nothing for Tyson, it sent the little fox into a daze, and when he opened his mouth Tyson drove his cock down his throat.

Syd gagged loudly, trying to scream, but being muffled by the 7 inch dick that was down his throat. Tyson didn't waste any time, starting to fuck the little furs face, hard.

"Oh yeah! Fucking take it bitch!" Tyson kept his hand firmly on the back of the fox's head. Syd couldn't get away and he knew it. This was nothing like Keith. The wolf was gentle and caring, where Tyson was rough and cruel. The sad part was when he felt his dick, hard once again, straining his pants. He cried, thinking of how much he was enjoying being used by the gigantic cat that was fucking his muzzle.

Tyson didn't waste any time, and Syd could feel how close he was. He must have needed to blow his load really bad.

"Shit, man! I'm gonna cum down your slut throat! You like that?" Tyson said. As if he would stop if Syd said no.

Tyson howled in pleasure as he shot his load into the boy's mouth. He kept Syd right at the hilt, giving the cum nowhere to go, but straight down his open and ready throat. Syd could smell the sweaty, intoxicating smell of Tyson's crotch fur, and rubbed his hands on his abs. He felt and smelt amazing. Syd couldn't get enough, and breathed in heavily and Tyson pulled him off his dick.

"Daaaamn! Fucking hot!" Tyson slumped back onto the bench that was behind him, pulling Syd up into his powerful arm, locking him in place. "I've never had a muzzle job like that before! You fucking loved it didn't you?"

Syd looked away from Tyson so he couldn't see his tears, but he was buried in the tiger. He couldn't escape. He nodded reluctantly, and blushed in embarrassment. He had loved it, and couldn't lie to the tiger's stone cold gaze.

"Hahaha!" Tyson's voice boomed throughout the locker room, "Then let me give you a proposal, and you can't really refuse." Tyson let go of the fox, and leaned Syd on his lap, his back up against the bigger fur's strong chest. "You're gonna be my very own personal cock slut." Tyson whispered this into Syd's ear. Syd looked back in fear, and a little excitement made his heart flutter.

Tyson quickly turned the fox around, and said, "You're gonna do what I say, when I say and if I want to, to who I say, got it bitch?" Like Syd had a choice. If he said no, he'd get the shit kicked out of him. At least this way he got to taste cock. He laughed in his head, as if that would make up for the emptiness of this relationship.

Syd nodded, and Tyson laughed again. He sat up and the fox fell backwards onto his knees.

"You had better get used to staying on the floor like that!" Tyson leaned down and kissed the fox hard and forcefully. "See ya around." He winked at the boy and walked out of the locker room.

Syd was alone again, and started bawling his eyes out. He should never have gone to this stupid football game. He almost blamed Alex for even trying out, otherwise he wouldn't have gone, but he knew that wasn't fair. Alex had nothing to do with this. This was his fault...

"He's so lucky..." Syd said, curling up into a ball, waiting for someone to rescue him, but he cried alone for what seemed like hours...