Revenge at last.

Story by Brady Hope Flames on SoFurry

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This is an old story I found while cleaning out my closet so I decided to post it on here. Please note that I was thirteen when I wrote this story so. Anyway let me know what you think I might remake it in to a series.

I stood there pistol drawn trained on the head of my target. The same man I've been hunting for almost three years. The same man who thirteen years ago raped me. The same man who six years ago tried to kill me. As I walked forward I could feel every cotour of the graound beneth me. He was either paralized with fear or figured I wouldn't shoot. He backed to the edge of the cliff almost slipping over the edge. 

"Put down the gun Brady you don't have to kill me"

I could see him shaking uncontrolably. The slight tremble in his voice was music to my ears. my vision was blurred from the amount of adrenaline and excitement I was getting out of this.

"This is for everything you've done, Goodbye Kehlan"

Time seemed to slow down. He jumped, I pulled the trigger. The bullet pierced his neck the splatter falling just short of my boots. He fell dying body rolling down the embankment. Denying me the pleasure of watching his final breath. One final act of hatred. I brushed my hair out of my eyes and walked away.