Worked Up - Chapter 1

Story by Ripper Equidae on SoFurry

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"Aaah...haaah...yes! Yes, right there! Ohhh baby I'm gonna...aah...aaaaah babe I'm gonna...noooo don't pull out!"

Just your average Wednesday morning in a quiet suburb.

Or perhaps not.

These were not the usual kinds of sounds to be leaking from the windows of a small townhouse at this time of day. Later at night perhaps, but not at such a time that the pubescent paperboy could come along at any moment, springing a teenage boner on his pedal bike as he realises what those delightful noises were.

Indeed, these were the sounds of sex. Lovemaking between a couple - male and female from the pitch of the acoustics. If the paperboy were to become more adventurous, give in to the hormonal voyeuristic drive of puberty and climb the oak tree outside the house, he may well blush at the silhouetted figures rutting in the master bedroom in such a lewd manner. Ah, but the boy would still loathe to be a fly on the wall, envious of it having the best view in the house.

The fly would see much more than silhouettes, it would be able to see that the happy couple were both equines. The man would appear clearly as a zebra, stripes dazzling the poor fly with swift changes in light as he moved himself and guided the woman beneath him on the plush bed. The woman a sleek, silvery-grey coloured horse, perhaps a Florida Cracker Horse or something of that kin. She was looking back over her shoulder with desperation in her eyes, labia winking so shamelessly at her lover calling him back in to her folds with their sloppy siren song.

Ripper's muzzle twisted into a devilish smirk as Cyrillia begged, almost at her peak and ready to milk his shaft dry...only to have him pull out to switch positions for their finale. Doggy style was nice, it offered him a more dominant position and opportunity to hold her close to his torso while they rutted, but it didn't give the intimacy he knew they both longed for right now. The position wasn't nearly as close a feel or as effective at joining the two of them than their favourite - missionary.

She was in season, evidenced by a few signs he'd come to be familiar with over their time together. The subtle change in her pheromones he'd picked up three days ago - sweeter, more prominent and laced with a musk of rambunctious hormones. Her body language and posture altered - swaying her hips more as she walked, carrying her tail higher and subtly getting as close to him as possible at every opportunity. She became more needing of spontaneous hugs, kisses, squeezes and spooning. The plentiful, stringy, transparent grool that steadily drizzled from her lips onto the sheets and hung like stalactites from his equine length right now was also a pretty good indicator.

Ripper met her hazelnut gaze with his pale blue-green eyes, speaking a multitude of words between them with such a simple form of contact. His left hand pressed at her hip, whilst the right aided in lowering her down onto the sheets into a cooler and less moistened patch. As Cyrillia moved, her legs spread by instinct and she gave a breathy moan as the air tickled her sensitive lady parts. Ripper shuffled his way into the gap between her legs that she now offered, bringing himself in line to gaze from above and maintain eye contact. All those silent sweet nothings were conveyed again as he lowered his muzzle and brought nose to nose, sharing breath.

"My sweet mare...what would the neighbours think if they heard you begging like that?" he asked, smirking as he gave a quick peck on the lips.

"'d probably think to tell you not to be so mean!" she replied, giving her own cheeky smirk, pecking him right on back. Her arms slipped around his neck, pulling him closer as she offered up a slightly deeper kiss which he gladly fell into with a soft moan. Ripper broke the kiss off first, lowering his pelvis to rub his shaft along her mound whilst his muzzle dove into the nape of her neck and started kissing there, worshipping the tender skin as she gasped and writhed against him. Cyrillia's grip shifted down to his shoulder blades, tightened there, her hips working on rolling herself against his shaft. Her winking lips barely grazed at the skin of his length.

"'re so eager when you're in smell so good...feel so good..." he murmured between kisses, taking a deep sniff through his nose which he let out as a deep moan, warping to a low whicker of appreciation as her legs slowly slipped around his hips. She tugged gently to encourage him to shift angle so his length would start grinding against her nethers more readily, teasing his unflared tip just begging it to slip back inside.

"Just...haaaah...shut up and fuck me stud...don't tease."

"Do you have any idea what I'm gonna do to you?" he asked, pausing his grinding as his length positioned itself in just the right way, ridge of his flare barely parting her labia. "I'm gonna make you scream so loud, cum so hard that you won't be walking straight all day. Not only that, but my cum is gonna drip out of you until you're home again and there's not a damn thing you can do about it."

She didn't respond. She couldn't. Not really. Except with a loud, sharp moan as he started sliding effortlessly back into her, those slickened heat-stricken walls instantly conforming back to his shaft to ripple and squeeze every drop of stud juice they could. Her head threw back as she squealed to the heavens, he answered her call with an equally long, guttural moan of his own.There was almost no resistance thanks to her copious fluids, not a hint of stopping until his flare came close to her cervix, slightly softened in its receptive state. His urethra practically smooched her innermost opening as their muzzles entwined in their own kiss, dampening the moaning for the time being as they established a fervent lovemaking rhythm once again.

As they broke their kiss, a strand of mixed drool linked their muzzles, mimicking the appearance of down below. The sounds started up again, harsher, more vocal and primal than before. Less words, more grunting, yet still speaking volumes to one another. Now in this new position and so close to finishing, they weren't here to be romantic - they were here to breed.

The gentle schlicking and slapping of their mating intensified. Her legs wrapped around his back, crossing over themselves and restricting how much the stallion could pull back. Now only able to just about pop his medial ring out with each thrust, Ripper's pleasure soared as Cyrillia's walls rippled all along his pulsing shaft and teased his tip with the promise of a deep, fulfilling climax.

Cyrillia moaned higher in pitch and more frequently as her stud whipped her body into a pleasured frenzy. Every little brush together, rush of air and deep push inside brought a sweet promise of orgasm closer and closer. The mare's arms dropped from his shoulders and lay flat on the bed next to her head, palms facing upwards as she couldn't help but just lay there, subconsciously bucking those wide hips against the zebra's crotch. Her ample, yet fair-sized breasts bounced in a hypnotic fashion with each buck, the feel of their weight jiggling so freely adding to the sensations from her body.

As she lay back and relaxed even further in readiness for the coming tidal wave, Ripper could sense that they were both so very close to finishing. By instinct his muzzle dropped to her nape and nipped her skin between his teeth in a mating hold. She gasped, her upper body tensed, fingers twitching as the reflex to remove the pain was summoned then abruptly quelled through a combination of the sensory overload and barest semblance of sentience she had left. The zebra's black-skinned palm made its way into her own, their fingers entwined as he let out a low, primal rumble.

His tail flagged, grip tightened and throbbing intensified. With a final grunt and long, sweet groan of masculine relief he shunted forward balls-deep into his mare, scrotum in contact with her labia as his shaft pulsed, swelling with extra blood to supply his flare, the muscles in his crotch visibly twitching. One...two pulses...then the first blast of sperm-rich ejaculate erupted and found its mark, painting Cyrillia's cervix. He kept grunting, desperately nudging forwards in an effort to go deeper, huffing deep breaths of hormone-laden feminine musk through his nose to add to the stimulation and thus, his satisfaction.

As she felt his flare swell and the first blasts of heat-sating stallion juice coat her cervix, Cyrillia caved. Her body tensed, shook as she cried out his name with such passion and volume. Her inner walls tightened their grip, rippled with his own pulsing to give a natural assist in drawing out the thick ribbons of ejaculate he so readily offered, pulling them through her cervix just as nature intended. A warm gush of clear fluid surrounded and pushed past his length, spurting out onto the bed, and coating the zebra's crotch fur. Another squirt...and another...then a trickle as her peak ended and started to taper off. Ripper's own throbs had lessened after the fifth or sixth pulse, the volume he pumped out decreasing steadily and changing consistency into the thicker, less sperm-rich fraction to seal his mare off from any rivals.

Ripper released the mating hold on her neck, planting a soft smooch of apology to the undoubtedly bruised and tender skin. They simply lay together in that moment, enjoying the rush of their afterglows as their breathing caught up, heartbeats slowed and the pleasure ebbed to a steady, harmonious buzz. Ripper soon started to soften, his flare deflating as his heartrate slowed to something more normal. He whickered as pulling out stimulated his sensitive tip with a final loving kiss of her netherlips before plopping free to retreat back home.

The stallion shifted to the side, hopping over the mare's left leg to lie on his side, bending his right knee and draping the leg across her belly as his arms slipped into a loose hold of Cyrillia's body. The zebra gave a kiss to her flushed cheek, which she responded to by tilting her head towards his and giving one back to his muzzle. Their eyes locked, showing the remnants of their passion before it simmered back down to a smoother, more adoring tone. Ripper grinned and mouthed a simple "I love you." to Cyrillia, who managed in her dazed state to nod and give her own "I love you too.". He gave a cursory look at the clock, just gone 8AM.

"You better hurry sweetheart, it's just past 8 o'clock. Think you can shower yourself? Or do you need me to come and hold you up?" He asked, a cheeky yet genuine concern with his questions as he moved off her body to sit himself up and stretch, hooves touching the laminate wood floor.

"I...think so...I might need a handsome stud to walk me there though." She replied, letting out a small gasp as she too moved to get herself up and off the bed. As she stood gingerly on wobbling legs just regaining their control, Ripper trotted round and slid an arm around the mare's waist to support her. They managed to baby-step their way to the bathroom door, by which time her legs managed to support her weight again, albeit still feeling somewhat weakened. As she walked, there was a slow drip of their mixed juices onto the flooring, easy to clean up at least and a task for Ripper to do later to keep himself occupied on his day off.

"Thanks honey, you're such a gentleman sometimes. I think I can take it from here though handsome." Cyrillia offered, a polite smile on her lips as she leaned over and kissed his cheek which slowly flushed with humble embarrassment.

"I do what I can Cy, just do a little more for you. Although...I meant what I said earlier in bed, don't clean up too well alright?" He replied, blushing hotter and folding his ears back, hand rubbing his mane as she looked at him with a mix of astonishment, arousal, and inquisition. "I have some plans for you."

She giggled, leaned over to give him another smooch and entered the bathroom. Grabbing a towel for herself she headed towards the shower, her tail swished as another drop of essence plopped onto the floor.

"Plans for me? I can only begin to imagine what your dirty stud brain is dreaming up. Alright...I'll play along." The teasing in her voice was so very evident, already her body had started to reset itself thanks to her heat and prime itself for another round with a willing male. Subconsciously, her tail hiked as she leaned over to switch the shower on, showing off her familiar assets to the stallion in the doorway. He simply smiled, appreciating the view in a less erotic fashion for now since he took longer to recharge, nodding in acknowledgment and appreciation of her agreement to his naughty proposal.

"Alright. I better get started on the laundry, so if I'm in the basement when you head to work, have a good day sweetheart. Dinner will be ready when you get back." He blew a kiss, then shut the bathroom door to give Cyrillia some privacy as she stepped into the shower.

"You too Rip, don't clean up too well!" She called after him, he laughed as he started heading back to their bedroom, stripping the bedsheets and sorting laundry into piles. As he worked, his mind stayed on his plans for the mare and how much he had to do today to prepare. All the effort would pay off though, he'd make sure of it.