Lia gets exactly what she came in for.
The club was not a subtle place. It was dark, smoky, with just enough colored lights to register the fact of other bodies but not too many specifics. The point was a disorienting, heady arousal, and it achieved that well, with pulsing music that jolted the blood. Lia had been already been here a few hours, drinking the electric green concoction served by the bar that made her head buzz with energy instead of swim heavily. Most of that time had been spent dancing, among the sea of bodies pulsing along the wide open dance pit. She wasn't fussed about a partner-- barely paid attention to who it was she was dancing with, and sometimes she danced with herself. That, however, was rare: she was that special combination of young, lithe, and barely dressed that ensured her a steady stream of masculine attention, just as she'd been looking for. This was the sort of place where people rarely left either alone or otherwise unsatisfied.
Indeed, once she'd finished lubricating her mind with the tart green drinks, she'd been happily satisfied with the bodies of those around her, dancing around and with her. The press of the dance floor was tight; even if you were dancing alone, you would still be near enough to those around you to be touching. As the beat increased and the hour grew later, the press was thicker. Lia, being short even for a bat-eared fox, loved this-- all the furs around her were taller, thicker, well muscled. She loved the slide of her body against the hard body of another, and she was shameless. She rubbed up along her partners, rubbing her breasts against their sides and chests, the artfully torn shirt barely holding her breasts together allowing them to feel the softness of the flesh there, the occasional hint of a hard nipple. She'd grind against any who lingered, wrapping her tail around them seductively while she twisted her hips to the music's heady beat. She let herself just feel, let the glorious pound of the music travel down her spine and warm her belly in a very particular way, goaded by the smell of drink and sweat and musk. She was never sad when a partner left, pulled away by the chaotic churn of bodies and the beat of the music to dance with someone else, because another would soon replace him.
Her current partner was much to her taste. Very tall, muscular, a mix of scales on his arms and feathers on his bare chest, characteristic of a gryphon. She thought his feathers might be black, but in the strobing colors it was hard to be sure. It didn't matter, though, because when she gave her hips a flirtatious flick against his waist, letting her skirt ride up on the way down to drag the slightly moist gusset of her panties across the front of hips, he rolled them forward. The pants were thin, and with a trill of excitement she could feel a hint of hardness there, right where she knew his sheath to be. His scaled hands came down, gripping her on the hips, and they ground against one another as the song shifted into another, as vibrant as the previous.
The gryphon knew his way around the club; he started to gently guide her across the dance floor while they moved together, between the other shifting, sliding bodies, to the nook-lined halls that fed people onto the floor. As they moved, one hand trailed lower between them, lifting the edge of her short skirt to play with her through her underwear. Lia made no move to fight this, humming her approval, the noise lost in the volume around them. It was slightly quieter in the hall, and even moreso in the shaded nook, with the black canvas covering the walls serving to deaden the sound slightly-- enough that she could hear the gryphon's fast panting, and her own. Once there, he pushed her against the hard wall, holding her hips still for a moment while he angled his legs between hers, pressing against her. He was taller than her, which meant his cock was at her belly-- she could feel it growing out of his sheath, straining the tight pants that kept it restrained. Lia groaned, angling her hips upwards in a futile effort to make them meet, which earned a chuckle from her partner.
"You sound like you want something." He said, voice both hoarse and amused. He stepped away again, and let his hands wander lower, one shoving her skirt up and the other dipping towards her pussy again, this time pushing her panties to the side as the long fingers teased her lips.
"Fuck yes." she answered, a little desperately, the last word a gasp as two of the long fingers sliding between her moist folds went deeper and slid inside her hole. She was drenched, and he moved easily there; she dipped head back, exposing her neck and closing her eyes. Yes, she wanted this. One and was flat against the canvas-covered wall, the other reached forward to fondle him through his pants. "I want your fucking cock."
The gryphon was obliging, smirking at her mouth, and only slightly more patient than she was. His cock was large, and he wanted a few rounds with this desperate female, if he could manage. Wouldn't do to injure her. So he slid a third finger in, spreading them slightly as he shoved them in and out of her little whole. Her face registered only minor discomfort, and she ground down on them enthusiastically, her juices dripping down his fingers. She whined, impatient and hungry, and her hand working up and down the length in his pants. Said pants were getting frustrating, and painfully tight-- half of his red cock was poking out from the top of them- he went to remove the hand holding her hips in place, but the desperate little fox beat him to it, clever hands unclasping his pants with a quick little movement between strokes. Freed, his cock flopped out into her eager hand, making it look small against its impressive red length.
Smirking at the gryphon, Lia opened her eyes and glanced down at the cock she was now jerking, her hand squeezing as she pulled along its length-- bright red and big, bigger than she'd had before. Her eyes opened wide in surprise and excitement, a shudder going through her spine. Her partner noticed, shoving the fingers inside her in a deep thrust. She whined and bore down on them, knowing that this cock leaking pre all over hand was larger then they were. "Fuck,please." She moaned, putting her head back again.
The gryphon laughed, pulling his fingers from her wet cunt. "Careful what you want." He teased, as the hand that had been inside her grabbed the gusset of her panties. Too impatient to bother with pulling them off her, he tore them instead, and then trailed the cunt-wet hand along her thigh. Grabbing her ass with both hands, he hiked her up so that her waist was above his, his cock bobbing underneath her as he branced her back against the wall. Lia yelped slightly at the quick movement, but wrapped her legs around his waist, twisting them forward instinctively and leaving a wet patch of fluid along his belly.
Lia felt the wet, hot cocktip-- pointed in a sharp taper-- brushing against her as he bobbed, trying to aim his cock at her mound by feel. She was surprised when he managed. She felt the tip trail against her ass, leaving a trail of sticky pre, and then jab her mound, but the third time he found home. The very tip of his cockhead was against her tight opening, and he paused there for a second, enjoying the feeling of her eagerly winking cunt brushing against it. He didn't so much thrust as let her drop slightly in her hold, letting gravity do the work of initial penetration. Lia gasped and yelped at the feeling of a cock entering her so quickly, a delicious burn-stretch that came with being filled. The yelp turned into a low, long moan, as she ground down, trying to take more of him. He was longer than she was, long and thick and bigger than anything she had, but gods she wanted it. "More more mor-aah!" He'd thrust hard at that command, shoving more of him inside her, and continued with short rough thrusts until he'd reached the end of her passage with two thirds of his length. The roughness stung, but in a way Lia craved; she went still abruptly as she felt the tapered tip hit her cervix, enjoying the sensation.
But the Gryphon wasn't inclined to be still. He rolled his hips, enjoying the way she instinctively clasped tighter, enjoying the expression, both strained and blissful, on her face. She could feel the tip of his cock dragging across her cervix, her rippled walls grasping along the barbed redness of his shaft. She hadn't felt those barbs going in, but as he began to withdraw, she gave a bright pleasure shriek, not expecting the sharp drag. He smirked, "Glad to be your first gryphon." he said roughly, thrusting in again.
By this point, Lia was more or less incoherent. She bucked her hips shallowly against him, close to an orgasm already; she was grateful that the larger gryphon took control of her movements, lifting and dropping her slightly in time with his thrusts. The feel of the the thickness of the cock, the barbs sliding against the most sensitive spots in her passage, and the tip jabbing her cervix were too much-- she was soon shuddering, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as her body tightened and her cunt clenched and then spasmed around his cock. The gryphon groaned here, thrusting through her pleasure, enjoying the sensation of her orgasms.
Lia may have thought him to be thrusting in earnest, but that had been shallow-- he waited until her shuddering had become less pronounced, and then he leaned her against the wall more securely, adjusted his grip on her ass, and began moving with intent. She was overstimulated-- she yelped with discomfort, but he nestled his beak into her neck and growled, increasing his pace somewhat as his cock spit ropes of pre deep inside her. She was so tight, and he wanted to seat himself completely inside that warm, wet little cunt. To her credit, she didn't push him away-- just thrash, groaning loudly and with a desperate overwhelmed edge.
Lia opened her thighs wider, trying to give him access, trying to keep her head through her orgasm. He felt so good. He was moving hard enough now that his balls were slapping forward, heavy and full. Her pussy, already strained wide in an O around his cock, was straining further-- he was thicker than she remembered. Frowning against his neck, she tried to understand this, and then gasped- "You have a knot?" she yelped, cunt clenching instinctively. They'd get tied together while he filled her! She'd be a mess when he pulled out. Lia clung tighter, grounding hard against the growing knot, surprised at how appealing that sounded.
The gryphon didn't answer, focused now on his one goal. His knot now inflating, he thrust hard and shallow, shoving the fennec's hips roughly against his. She was so tight, but he needed needed needed to feel her around his knot, to fill her with his seed, to mark her if only for this night. He could feel the knot pressing against her, shoving her open, could feel the tension in her body even as she pushed against him, trying to take it just as hard as he was trying to force it into her. And there, finally; she gave a sharp cry as, with a starburst of bright but temporary pain, his knot shoved past her lips and the tip of his cock just barely shoved through the tighter ring of her cervix at the same time. That was what he'd wanted; his balls pulsed as he shot ropes of cream inside uterus, rolling his hips into her with every jet of cum.
Lia shuddered against him as the big gryphon clutched her to his body, cock jerking sharply in her cunt with every pulse. There was a pressure in her lower belly; the seed had nowhere to go, plugged as her cunt was, and so her uterus was expanding slightly as the gryphon filled it. They were like that for several long seconds, the gryphon panting and growling slightly under his breath, as he came back to down to earth. Lia tried to be still, but she couldn't help the occasional shift and groan of mixed discomfort and pleasure. She hadn't come again, and was still suspended in a state of arousal and satiation.
"I didn't know you had a knot." she huffed into his ear, when his breathing had slowed enough that she figured he was paying attention again. "Now we'll be stuck together."
The gryphon didn't answer right away, instead slipping one of his hands between their bodies to press and rub her neglected clit. She yelped, writhing in his grip and tightening around the cock still buried inside her. It didn't take him long, aroused as she was, to get her going again; she gasped, crying out-- heedless of her volume, but it didn't matter in the noise of the club outside of their semi-private alcove-- and came hard again, barely hearing his answer: "Good; I never said we were done."