Submission of a Plainsman: Ch. 9

Story by KPFoxPaw on SoFurry

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#9 of Submission of a Plainsman

It's been a month and the Royal Court returns in time for the Darreen locals to make their tribute. However, the court members are acting strangely and even the Felis Army is unaware of what is actually happening with the Lord and his guards. Rishi, nervous and apprehensive, makes his way to the Lord's bedchambers to pay his tribute, but is completely unprepared for what awaits him behind those closed doors.

This is another long one, but this time around I expected it to be. Roughly 25 pages long and just over 20,000 words. I wasn't sure whether or not I would include this chapter and the next one together as a single chapter, but once I hit page 25, I realized I had to separate them. This one's also a bit darker than previous chapters, so be advised. Otherwise, enjoy!

EDIT: Forgot to add Part 1 to the title.


With or Without Your Consent: Part 1

The next month came and went and Rishi in particular was enjoying his free time, though he didn't spend much of it outside of his home. He spent most of his waking moments playing with his kids or tending to his wife who was showing signs that their next child's birth was near. Dax's 4th birthday had come during the Royal Court's absence and though he wasn't able to afford anything nice, he carved him a couple of wooden objects, a feral horse and lion, to play with, which he was enjoying immensely. Rishi had always known how to carve things from wood, a hobby he'd learned and developed from his father, but he never figured he'd be able to use that talent to contribute an offering. Now, however, he'd begun to ponder if it was possible as he was reveling in not having his body sexually abused. He could think of nothing, though.

Word came to the Plains that the Lord and his guards would be returning the day before the tribute on the fourth week. Rishi's nerves shot up as he began preparing his body again for the intrusive desires of the feline royals. On the day of their arrival, however, an odd situation arose concerning their presence. They made it on time and into the High Court, but no one had seen them and the few that did said they seemed to appear erratic and crass, almost ill. Some of the locals and even some of the soldiers of the Felis Army inquired about their physical and mental state, but excepting those closest to the royal members, everyone was kept in the dark. Some began to wonder if the tributes would be called off, but the officers assured the natives that the tributes would still be accepted on time. This made everyone fairly nervous about what they'd be dealing with, but as far as Rishi was concerned none of them had anything to really worry about. After all, none of them would be mating with the felines, a fact he was all too eager to make to a few anthros, including Priesto.

Rishi arrived at the High Court at his usual time, after 4 o'clock, and saw the end of the line for the day's tributes waiting their turn as he has for the last year and a half. However, this time as he got closer he noticed that off to the left by the side of the building was a small group of army soldiers accepting everyone else's offerings. Furrowing his brow in confusion, Rishi strode up to the entrance of the building where Tony and Matt were standing watch. Apparently, however, they had no affiliation with what was going on with the other natives.

"Good afternoon, Tony... Matt." Rishi gave a nod to the two felines.

"Hey," Tony replied, as did Matt. The normal radiance that Tony exuded was absent today and had been replaced with what seemed like worry. Worried for what, though, Rishi couldn't say, but it didn't make him feel any better. The cougar continued, "I've been instructed to inform you that the Royal Court demands your presence immediately."

"Immediately?" the mouse said concernedly. "Wh- what about the other offerings? Why is the army handling them and not the court members?"

Tony took a deep breath. "To be honest, I don't know. I've heard nothing about what's going on with Lord Allon or any of his guards. I've been in contact with one of the Captains whose been delegating matters with the Royal Court and he won't give me any details either. And when the honorable court members won't see me or tell me what's going on, that upsets me. But... I don't have the rank or the position to argue with such dealings, so all I can do is suck it up and do what I'm told by my superiors."

Matt chimed in, "And what we've been told is to admit the mouse Rishi into the great hall 'With utmost haste as soon as he arrives.'"

Rishi was no less confused and no less worried, but he nodded and replied softly. "I understand, good sirs. Thank you."

Rishi stepped forward toward the door, but Tony stepped in his way. "Before you go in, I have something for you." Tony reached into his jacket and retrieved two small glass vials and handed one to the mouse.

Rishi looked at it, befuddled. "What's this?"

"These vials were given to us by our Captain who received them from Sir Dubois as a gift to be given to you. The first one is an elixir that's supposed to ease pain and discomfort." Rishi's eyes grew wide as he looked up and stared back at Tony with fear rather than worry. Tony's expression, while usually gleeful even when it's at the rodent's expense, just stared back with the same concerned looked. "I'm sorry, I don't know why he gave them to me. He just said to make sure you drink them."

Rishi looked back at the vial, contemplating whether or not to drink the contents or to turn around and walk away. After a moment's thought, he recalled that the last five months have been spent building up a trust with the court felines and that despite any uncertainties that befell him during his time, they would never let him suffer needlessly. Whatever they had planned, it might get rough and Rishi was prepared for rough. It was always the unknown that bothered him and that's what was making him so nervous, as he began to rationalize. Though he'd never received any elixirs for pain before, he could think of several moments with the honorable Identines that he would've appreciated something to ease his distress. For all that he'd suffered through, perhaps the monotony of their exploits had gotten dull to the felines and they wanted to spice up their sexual experience with something new and a little risky. Rishi hated new experiences while in bed with these men, but he was the subject, not the patron, and so was in no position to make demands or exceptions. Finally, he let out a long sigh and pulled off the lid to the vial and stared at the brown liquid with some pulpy particulates having settled at the bottom. He took a deep breath and downed the liquid and most of the particular matter. One gulp is all it took, but the taste was extremely bitter and stung the inside of his mouth. He scrunched his face in disgust and made several 'ugh' faces and sounds, which garnered a light chuckle from the cougar and lion guards. Rishi never thought in his lifetime that he'd long for the taste of feline semen to wash away a terrible taste.

Tony took the empty vial back from Rishi and handed the second one to him. Rishi grabbed it, his face still contorted with revulsion. "That vial," the cougar went on, "is supposed to help your body assist with making the Royal Court happy." Rishi looked up with a mixture of confusion and concern. Tony merely shrugged. "Don't ask. Like I said, we weren't given anything else."

Rishi looked at the bottle again, hesitant to drink it this time, not because of apprehension towards the royal felines, but because he didn't want to put anymore disgusting liquids down his throat. Nevertheless, he removed the cap and drank the fluid, cringing with anticipation, but the taste was a lot smoother than the first. It was sweeter, kind of minty, and caused a warm sensation to pass through his body. He looked shocked, but was happy to receive that vial second as it was able to wash away the taste of this first. An aftertaste of the first vial's drink remained in his throat, but the mouse was certain that an evening of cat dick in his muzzle would replace that easily.

The mouse handed the vials back to Tony who put both back in his jacket. He stared at the mouse for a moment. "You ready?"

Rishi smacked his lips before nodding.

"Alright." The cougar opened the door for him. "Good luck." He sounded sincere in his tone and Rishi believed he meant it.

The mouse entered into the hallway with Tony shutting the door behind him as he did. As before, he unlaced his jacket and stood a moment in the great hall, enjoying the warmth the structure offered as opposed to the natural elements outside. The hall was empty, no one was present, the four guards' doors were all ajar, and Lord Allon's was closed shut. He pondered the situation a moment, wondering what the lord and his guards were up to that would leave so many in the dark. They hadn't been seen by their men, even though the officers that were dealing with them assured everyone that they were sound and healthy. Their words would be easier to stomach if the first people to meet with all five members had not been a group of doctors. Nevertheless, they've all been cooped up inside the high court doing God-knows-what inside.

Rishi sniffed the air and could detect the obvious musk of the five felines. The whole place was kept immaculately clean and if any one of the royal members were sick, it would be faint but Rishi might be able to detect. He smelled nothing, though, but he did get a faint whiff of something else. The feline scent was there, sweet and sour with a somewhat crispy attribute, but there was something a little more familiar. He whiffed at the air some more, trying to determine what he was smelling, but he couldn't put his finger on it. It conjured up images in his head that he couldn't quite place, but the scent kind of reminded him of his own musk. He sniffed a few more times trying desperately to place it, but he never figured it out. Eventually, he disappointedly moved on and instead began listening for the feline members. He heard nothing coming from the guards' chambers, but could make out faint noises coming from the lord's bedchambers. It didn't sound like words, but loud, lusty moaning. Rishi's ears stood up straight as he stood baffled at the entrance to the building. He was so perplexed now, wondering what the Royal Court was doing in Lord Allon's bedroom and what he was about to walk into. Had they begun without him, pleasuring each other and he would be expected to jump in? Were they teasing each other? Was this some form of foreplay to build up their sexual tension to make their performance more rambunctious and their release that much more pleasurable?

Rishi decided he didn't want to think about it too much and instead wanted to figure out what was going on as quickly as possible so he could put his overactive imagination to rest. He started walking quickly down the hall, up the steps and past the Lord's Seat. Knowing the drill, he undressed quickly, leaving him naked with his clothes folded and sitting on Lord Allon's chair. Now, he was standing just outside the Lord's bedchambers. As he reached the doors, the scent of the felines had gotten stronger and the mysterious smell became strong enough to discern what it was. It reminded him of sex, of cum and sweat and bodily emanations that waft through the air during passionate sex. It was feline pheromones and lots of them. For whatever reason, the Royal Court members were producing an exorbitant amount of pheromones. Rishi wasn't certain if this was the cause of the court's absence. After all, they could've just been sniffing each others' undergarments and the scent would cause these particular felines to get hot and lusty. But the mouse had been with the felines for months now and although he'd never engaged matings with them all together at once, he'd been with them long enough to determine how amorous they were by the amount of pheromones they were emitting. And by that reasoning, this seemed excessive, even collectively. By this point, Rishi had noticed the warming sensation he'd felt from drinking the vial had concentrated in his genitals and his rump. It was making the mouse unintentionally horny and he began to worry that with his rising arousal his penis might go erect for the entire court to see. He'd gotten erect before in front of all members, save for Jarai, but it still embarrassed him each time.

In addition to that, the noises he'd heard before were louder and more obvious now. They were indeed moans, but it was more than that. They were groaning and growling, lusting and grunting. They were calling out in a primitive, feral way that he'd never heard coming from an anthro animal before. He was aware of it though, as he'd heard such calls from feral animals. It was odd, for sure, and unnerving as well to the mouse as such primitive, feral instincts previously led the mouse to attain new scars on his neck. He tried to recall when he'd heard such animalistic calls before, but he couldn't quite place it. It'd been a while since he'd encountered feral felines in the wild. Whatever the case, he needed to get in there and make his offering, though he knew he would be walking into unknown territory here.

Knowing from past experience his lordship wasn't interested in the mouse's knocking, he simply turned the handle to the door and let himself in. With the door open, he got a real good whiff of the smell that had accumulated within the confines of the large, master bedroom and as it assaulted his sense of smell, the mouse nearly fainted from its effects. The room was thick with feline odor, the stink of sex and rich, abundant, pheromone-rich musk permeated the air. Rishi immediately began breathing through his mouth as the smell became overwhelming in a short moment. It was affecting him in multiple ways and none of them were comforting. For the straight mouse in him, the smell was bitter, pungent, acrid, and vile. For the sexualized, subconscious male in him, the smell was intoxicating and kindled the small rodent's loins. His cock began filling with blood quickly, snapping to attention before the mouse even realized it was happening. He was too distracted by the smell to care.

As he peered into the room, he saw all five felines in similar states. Allon was on the bed, paws on the mattress, claws extended, head back, and panting heavily. Kish and Amarro were off to the right; the lion was leaning on a bed post, head resting on the wooden beam, breathing heavy and gripping the beam hard while Kish was leaning against the wall, calling out loudly with a thunderous cry that made Rishi's heart skip a beat. Dubois and Jarai were off to the left, both leaning against the wall, calling out as if they were in pain. They were all restless, their tails twitching, panting and sweating, despite the fact that it was actually relatively cool in the room. Rishi could detect no signs that any of them have had sex recently. Lastly, they were all fully erect, cocks at full attention in what looked like desperation from each cat to get serviced.

Amarro was the first to notice the mouse and when he did, a low, guttural growl escaped his lips as he smiled wickedly. The growl caught the attention of the other members who turned to Amarro's direction. As they did, they all caught the mouse standing in the doorway. Rishi froze, paralyzed with fear as all attention from the hot and horny felines fell on him. Their behavior was strange, their smell offensive, but alluring, but once they locked eyes with the frightened mouse, he felt like a pinkie mouse being pounced by a hungry house cat. He couldn't move, which was unfortunate because the only thing he wanted to do at that moment was run away as fast as he could.

Kish darted from the wall towards the mouse, causing Rishi to back up slightly away from the door, but the tiger grabbed him by the arming and forcefully threw him forward. Rishi landed on the floor at Allon's feet while Kish closed and locked the door, moaning and groaning like he was in distress. Rishi kept his eyes down, now too afraid to meet everyone else's eyes. It soon came back to him what his father had said when he came across that group of wild bobcats in the mountain region. The calls they were making were mating calls. They had entered into a physiological state that indicated they were ready for sex. The mating calls they made were very close to the ones made by the Royal Court members here and now and it all made sense to the hapless creature. Each of the five members, the Lord of the Darreen Plains and his four trusty guards, all members of the Identine Royal Court, were in heat.

Rishi was stuck, he couldn't move. Every strand of hair on his body stood on end as he realized what he'd just walked into. Five large felines who on a normal day were excessively sexually inclined were now driven by natural urges to fuck the brains out of whoever they were interested in. And unfortunately for Rishi, that meant him. He gulped as it was all he could do as his body began to shake. Self-control was one thing, but when a bunch of horny men's minds are altered to cum as much and as quickly as possible, it put the mouse's health at risk. Rishi panicked and contemplated the situation as even for anthros where heat was common, it didn't just come on out of the blue. Especially in males, going into heat or rut or musth was rare and was always brought on by some external factor.

Rishi didn't have long to think about it as he was soon lifted up to his feet by a pair of large, strong paws that had gripped him by the arms. As he stood, he got a very good and close whiff of the cougar's exposed genitals and he shook at the smell. It was strong, stronger than normal, salty, very sour, and burning, indicating that he was indeed in heat. As he stood, he tightened his body, clenching up with embarrassment and fear, finally looking up and meeting with the lord's eyes. His lower jaw was soaked and Rishi could tell the puma had been drooling uncontrollably. A rather large, sticky strand of saliva was hanging disgustingly off the corner of the feline's mouth. He was breathing heavily, hot and acrid breath hitting the mouse directly in the face, adding to the overbearing smells he already had to contend with. He was groaning deeply, smiling as he rubbed Rishi's arms, his tail twitching.

"Finally," Amarro spoke up. "I've been denied for too long. I need release and I need it now." His tone was threatening, but he had a huge smile on his face, those huge teeth glistening with spit and flashing the frightened mouse in the face. He could almost feel those teeth back on his neck again and it made the rodent shudder.

Kish walked up behind the mouse, grabbing his butt and squeezing tightly, making Rishi whimper. "Roland, he's here now and I think we should get started. I don't think any of us are gonna last much longer, especially those two." The tiger spoke through heavy breaths and suppressed groans. His mating cries were louder than everyone else's, so the mouse knew it took a great deal of control just to say that.

He sheepishly turned in the direction of Jarai and Dubois, the lynx and cheetah standing mere feet away from him now, drooling, panting, cocks bobbing up and down in anticipation. Everyone crowded around the mouse, the heat given off from each of them warming up the mouse and making him even more physically uncomfortable. Allon licked his lips, the mouse unable to control his twitching as his nerves were firing madly. The cougar turned and grabbed a dirty rag from off the bed, holding it in front of Rishi's face.

"Remember this?" he asked with a struggle. Rishi recognized it as the rag he came in during the previous tribute. "Here, get a good whiff of that." The cougar held it up to the mouse's nose and Rishi couldn't help but take in the odor of the soiled cloth. He immediately recoiled at the smell as a month's worth of time had certainly soured the rag leaving only a putrid reminder of his contribution. "Smells pretty rancid, doesn't it. It stayed pretty fresh for a while and it gave me what I needed, as well as my men here, but after a while it started to go sour and it wasn't as enticing anymore. I still sniffed it as the scent still gave me what I needed, but it wasn't enough. My men and I fucked each other and other men, but we could never find full relief in each other's arms. Our pent up needs just got worse and worse and we were having difficulty conducting our business in Gellikor. I eventually realized what we were missing." He eyed the mouse close and Rishi began to quiver. "You. We'd spent so much time with your scent, but not with you, that our bodies just naturally realized it and we could never satisfy ourselves. Realizing this did nothing as our condition just got worse and worse, but fortunately we were finishing up our business in the city. On our way back, we tried to relieve some of the tension, but it did no good. I decided that once we got back, we'd use your tribute to finally give us the relief we've been craving."

Every word was forced, every word was a struggle, and the lord's paw, the one still clasping the mouse's arm, was squeezing tighter now, claws digging into his skin. Rishi squeaked and cried in pain and Allon loosened up a little, but he still held firm. He tossed the filthy rag back onto the bag and looked back at the mouse, an intensity in his eyes he hadn't seen since he'd wrapped his claws around his throat. "It's been tough, little guy. We need reprieve. We need..." the cougar paused, allowing his free paw to grab the mouse by his sack and his dick and squeeze tight, causing Rishi to moan and cry in discomfort, "... this," he finished. As he did, the paw on Rishi's arm moved up and around to grab a hold at the scruff of the rodent's neck, gripping it tightly and making the poor rodent wince and cry out. He wanted to grab onto the cougar's arm and fight back, even if it was pointless to do so, but he was crippled with fear, shock, and most disappointingly, lust. Instead, he just stood there, arms pulled close to his chest in a display of submissiveness and pity. He began to cry, tears welling up in his eyes and flowing freely down his cheek.

The lord paid it no mind. He slowly leaned forward, baring his teeth and growling as he panted. Hot, sticky saliva dripped out of his maw and soaked to fur as it dribbled carelessly down his chin. He brought his muzzle to within an inch of Rishi's face and the mouse's heart was ready to pop out of his chest. The hot breath hit his whiskers hard, drool smacked his face as it dripped from his muzzle, the grip on his scruff made his body tense up, and the paw on his genitals began rubbing them roughly. While the fear and display of dominance and predation was enough to get the mouse's dick to soften a little, the feeling of a hand on his junk, regardless of the situation or the unbearable nature of the smell, got it to full mast rapidly. And though he'd never admit it, he enjoyed being fondled as it gave him a small ounce of enjoyment from an otherwise deplorable situation. Allon just stood there panting on the frightened mouse, baring his teeth and making the rodent want to loosen his urethral sphincters.

After an eternity of the intense moment with every other feline watching with lustful delectation, Amarro spoke up, nervous, though impatient. "Roland." The cougar shot the lion a glance which belied a sense of anger at his subordinate. "I don't mean to be pushy, sire, but can we move this along? I'm about to explode." Amarro was sweating heavily, moaning and panting just like the others. His claws were extending and retracting, his muscles were tense and flexing, making him bulge out like a golden muscled statue.

Allon seemed offended at first as his face contorted into one of vexation, his teeth bared now at the lion who gulped and backed away nervously. But soon, the cougar realized everyone was in the same position and he calmed down, licking his lips and closing them, hiding the intimidating fangs from the terrified subject below. Rishi just kept his position, a helpless creature, timid and shivering before him at the mercy of a sex-crazed animal. He waited for Allon to make his move, which usually consisted of a long, drawn out make out session. But the cougar just stood there, breathing, sweating, releasing a potent musk that was keeping the distraught rodent from going flaccid.

"Sorry, little fella," the lord finally spoke. "But today's not your lucky day and we need this more than anything."

Rishi felt his heart drop and his stomach turn, but before he could say or even think of anything, Allon picked him up by the scruff of his neck, eliciting a scream of agony from the mouse. He was quickly tossed onto the bed, landing on his belly with a soft thud. He whimpered as more tears flowed from his eyes and he began to pick himself up when he felt the weight of Lord Allon's body fall on him as he was pounced. The cougar wrapped a claw around the back of his neck and held his head down against the mattress. He was straddling the mouse's lower back and putting enough weight down to make it hard for Rishi to breathe and keep him from moving. The mouse tried moving his arms, but Allon grabbed one of his wrists and held it taught. Rishi began to sob now as his lord and protector began forcing himself on the weak rodent like a rapist.

"Amarro, get the straps. I'll tie his paws."

Rishi felt his heart palpitate at the idea of being tied up. He saw the lion move quickly to grab something on the side of the bed and he saw they were a pair of thick leather or rubber bondage straps. He panicked and tried struggling, but it did no good.

"Lord Allon, please! I don't know if I'm ready for this!" The cougar didn't acknowledge him. Amarro brought the bindings and set them beside the lord.

"Keep still, Rishi. If you struggle anymore, I might have to hurt you."

The threat only made the mouse want to fight more. "Wait, please! I can't do this yet! I need-" Rishi's head was shoved forcefully into the bed, cutting him off from speaking. He continued to cry, but said nothing more. He tensed up his body, hoping the lord would ease up and give the rodent a moment, but his hopes would go unanswered.

"Normally, I would be happy to give you a moment to prepare yourself or even give you the choice to back out if you wanted, but we all need this and we need it now. Look at my men, look at the state they're in." Rishi could only see Dubois and Jarai, but they were panting heavily and shuffling restlessly, slaves to their base urges. "We're all in pain and the only way to alleviate that pain is to take a small mouse and make him our breed for the night, and I am not willing to let that pain continue even if it means I have to force myself on that mouse." The tears flowed more freely and the idea of being raped was enough to get Rishi's cock to begin to shrink. He'd always believed the best of the royal lord, but he'd never imagined he would be weak enough to give in to his primal instincts and rape one of his subjects, yet here he was. Rishi's heart sunk and as he lay there, body pinned, arm subdued, head pressed against the mattress, he began to relive his moments when his wife was taken by the Ferochen canines.

Allon leaned down, pressing his muzzle up against Rishi's ear and talking softly. "Rishi, I don't want to force myself onto you. It'll really be a lot easier on all of us if you just consent and give us your permission to do this. We're gonna tie you up, but we're not gonna hurt you, I promise. It'll get a little rough, but nothing too bad. You'll leave here whole and it won't be any different than previous tributes." The cougar was taking deep breaths before each sentence. He was obviously struggling hard and wanted to shove his dick deep inside the mouse's ass at this point. "But if you don't say 'yes', we're still gonna fuck you. I don't wanna force you, but I will and if you struggle, then it's gonna get a lot more uncomfortable for you, mousy. The well-being of my guards is not worth your shame Rishi, so just help us and yourself and say 'yes', that it's OK." Rishi wanted to run, he wanted to squirm as best he could and just run away from the giants surrounding him, but they wouldn't let him. He wanted to say 'no', but what would happen if he did and what would happen if he struggled? How could they make him anymore uncomfortable than he already was? How could it get any worse than being bound and helpless?

The lord was whispering now, his hot breath tickling the mouse's ear. "Please, Rishi. Say 'yes'. Either way, I'll consider this a proper tribute and you'll have made up for the last four weeks. Please, just offer us yourself as tribute." Rishi said nothing, but lay there helpless and hopeless, not wanting to succumb to such persuasion. "Please, Rishi, don't make me rape you."

With that last statement, Rishi shut his eyes as more and more tears flowed, soaking the sheets underneath as his jaw quivered. With no recourse, the mouse very reluctantly relented. He sniffled a bit before quietly responding to the cougar, "Yes. Yes, it's OK."

Allon smiled while Rishi continued to cry. "Now hold still. This isn't going to hurt." The cougar released his grip on Rishi's neck, giving him more room to breath as Allon brought both of the mouse's arms behind his back. The cougar then secured the leather straps on his wrists, holding them both together behind him. The mouse felt more helpless now than he had a few seconds ago. His paws in such a position gave the lord total control and worse yet was that despite his feelings he gave the puma the OK to rape him. He was beyond destitute and no matter how many tears he cried he couldn't stop.

With his paws secured and rendered immobile, the feline then brought some thin straps down in front of Rishi's face. He wanted to ask what those were for, but before he could, he watched in terror as Allon began latching the straps around his muzzle, tightening the straps around his nose and lower jaws and pulling them tightly together, forcing his maw shut. Another strap was wrapped around the back of his head and latched onto straps on either side of his mouth, securing the straps in place. Muzzled now, Rishi moaned and whimpered in horror at the treatment. He shuffled slightly under the weight of Allon, but the cougar didn't move. He just pet the abused mouse on top of his head like a frightened pet.

"Don't worry, mousy. We're almost done here." He turned to the lion. "Wet the rag, Amarro."

Rishi turned and watched as the large feline grabbed a small cloth and soaked it with lube from a large, glass bottle. It took a moment, but soon the mouse realized that it was the bottle that contained mouse pheromone-laden lube. The last time he used that, he used it to heighten the rodent's sexual appetite, but he only used a dab of the agent. Amarro wasn't dabbing the cloth, he was soaking it. He could tell it would be overflowing with sensualizing pheromones and the thought made Rishi struggle. Allon paid it no mind and the lion gave the wet, soaking cloth to his lord. Rishi could already smell it and felt his body tingling with lust. Allon brought the wet cloth down to Rishi's muzzle and the mouse looked on with absolute misery. He couldn't move, though, and the cougar pressed the scented cloth up against Rishi's muzzle and with no other choice he pulled in the strong, musky odor in through his nostrils and he convulsed as the pheromones took over his body. Within seconds, his cock, which had almost gone completely limp, was fully hard and pressing between his belly and the bed sheets below. Allon then took a long strand of string and used it to tie the cloth to Rishi's head, securing it on top and on the bottom of the rag, keeping it in place. Rishi's humiliation was now complete: arms bound, muzzled, and forced to breathe in sex-inducing vapors.

Allon smiled and finally got off of the rodent, allowing him some mobility as well as the ability to breathe regularly again. As he did, the rodent took in a deep whiff of the lube and found his mind becoming more and more clouded from reasonable thought, succumbing more and more to a state of artificial heat. He was almost as sex-crazed as the felines in the room. Allon grabbed Rishi's scruff again, but kept his grip loose. He massaged the mouse's back, trailing his paw down his stomach and rubbing the fur of his belly sensually. He purred as he moaned with anticipation.

"So soft... so small... so supple."

He moved his paw back, massaging the mouse's thigh and moving up to cup his rump and run a thumb between his cheeks. The clawed finger toyed with the mouse's tight tailhole, making him squeak and shuffle underneath.

"Give me the lube, Amarro. I'm with all of you. I can't take this anymore."

The lion happily handed the cougar the bottle. Rishi felt his arousal building quickly, his body aching for release. The smell the felines were producing was potent and strong and continued to assault the mouse's olfactory senses, but the mouse pheromones coming from the rag tied around his muzzle had enslaved his mind and he became uncontrollable in his desire to orgasm. He shuffled madly under Allon who kept a paw on his back to keep him secure, but it did little to stop the rodent. Allon found the sight rather humorous.

"Well, he's wigglin' around like a worm, tonight. I didn't think the pheromones would have this strong of an effect."

"I gave him... I gave him extract... of fairy wings (barrenwort). I guess he took it."

Allon smiled, realizing the cheetah had taken steps to make it easier for them to coax out the rodent's essence. "I see you were thinking ahead, Dubois. Well done. Amarro, hold him down for me."

Rishi was moving around far too much for Allon to let go without someone else holding him. The lion came over, growling and impatient, and held the rodent against the bed, keeping him as still as he could. Rishi didn't seem to care and just wanted someone to get him off. Allon removed his paw from the rodent and backed up, leaning down and sniffing at the mouse's backside. With each sniff, he growled and each time his growls got louder. He placed a paw on one of Rishi's cheeks and as the mouse's artificial heat grew, his backside got warmer and his scent got stronger, feeding the feline's own natural heat. He moved forward, inch by inch, until his muzzle was pressed up against Rishi's butt, sniffing the sexually erotic musk emanating from the rodent. Rishi was moaning loudly now, practically begging for release, even if that meant getting it solely from being fucked.

In an instant, Allon lost control and cried out. He uncorked the lube bottle and squirted a generous amount on his oversized cock, spreading along the entire length. He then poured a small amount on his paw and rubbed it along the white-furred rump below before jamming two fingers inside the mousy depths. Rishi moaned in ecstasy as his anus was opened up, the warmth in his backside causing pangs of pleasure. Allon got it nice and slick before retracting his digits and handing the lube bottle, cork tossed aside, back to Amarro.

"Take it and place it on the nightstand. We won't need it for his ass anymore, but we'll need it for his muzzle again."

Rishi was too concentrated on the pain in his crotch and internal struggle with himself to cum to care if they'd be pouring more pheromones on his face. Amarro released the rodent as Allon placed a paw on the struggling mouse's back. The lion took the bottle and placed it on the counter of the nightstand as the cougar got into position behind the mouse. He hovered above him, prepared to dominate and destroy the smaller mammal's asshole. Rishi continued to struggle, whiff after whiff, breathing in nothing but strong, mouse pheromones that kept his brain focused on nothing but sex. The cougar looked down at the suffering rodent below, licking his lips as more drool seeped out and trailed down his chin just to drip off and wet the creature below.

With his free paw, he grabbed his slick dick and aimed the head at the warm pucker beneath the thin, mouse tail. He pressed it forward, shoving the glans up against his anus and opening it up, causing a burning pressure in the rodent that made him moan in both pleasure and pain. Allon growled and let out a loud, sexual moan as his sensitive cock was stimulated as it passed through the tight opening. He got a couple inches inside before pausing, a measurable effort for the sex-driven cat. He then laid down on top of the mouse, placing as little weight down on him as possible with his paws on either side of Rishi. With a few quick breaths, the cougar pushed his hips forward, shoving his 12-inch penis into the depths of the mouse's rectum. Both individuals, sexually ravenous from the effects of being in heat, found immense pleasure from the other's contact. The warmth given off from Allon's cock combined with the warmth from Rishi's ass and vice versa, increasing the eroticism for both individuals. Rishi choked back a moan and arched his back as the hot pressure from the cougar's dick spread his wrinkled sphincter apart, sending waves of uncomfortable pleasure through his being. The lengthy meat pressed up against his prostate, enhancing the experience and bringing him closer to orgasm. Despite a month of little practice and no time spent with the cougar, Allon's member inserted itself with relative ease and little resistance. It wasn't long before Allon's hips were resting against Rishi's butt and his meat was pressing up against the mouse's intestine.

There was little pause while Allon situated himself a little better so that his legs were straighter and he was able to rest a bit more comfortably on the mouse's back. Once comfortable, he pulled out and quickly pushed back in and began rapid thrusts in and out of the mouse's tailhole. With each thrust, he brought five inches out before shoving them back in. As his cock moved in and out of the tight ass, his hips were constantly making contact with Rishi's rump and a slapping sound was made with each hit. The feline was already wet from sweat and little beads dribbled off his fur and began to moisten up the mouse's fur below. The cougar was panting heavily, taking deep, shallow breaths that matched with his quick, rhythmic thrusts and with each breath could be heard a soft, quiet growl. His mouth hung open and no attempt was made to contain the copious amounts of drool that the lord's maw produced. As such, his head bobbed as he screwed the mouse causing thick strands of puma spit to fly forward, soaking the bed. In addition, many strands were thrust downward, soaking into the rodent's head and back and mixing in with sweat. As he continued to thrust, he repositioned himself by wrapping one arm around the rodent's arms and chest and another around his neck, holding him tightly against his own body. He used his elbows to keep from squishing the mouse as he held him in a tight embrace while fucking him. To the other felines watching, he looked like a kitten fucking a sex toy, a sentiment not far from reality.

It took only a minute for his thrusts to pick up in pace, his cock shoving harder and faster now into the mouse's rear, poking hard against the mouse's innards. It bothered Rishi, but he paid it little mind as the motions from the cougar's thrusts was causing his own member to rub back and forth against both the mattress and his stomach. The sensitivity of his glans could not be understated and were it not for Allon's tight grip on him he'd be wiggling all over the place. As it were, he tried to wiggle in an attempt to ease his sexual suffering, but it did no good. His cock was stuck where it was and he had no choice but to suffer the stimulus of oversensitivity. The sensation was so overwhelming that he felt close to orgasming, though given the feeling in his groin, he was surprised he hadn't already.

Allon's hips were smacking the mouse's ass hard, spanking them in unison with each humping motion and the audible slapping sound increased. Allon's growling had gotten louder as well and his grip around Rishi's chest and neck had tightened, making it harder for the mouse to breathe and given the fact that he was breathing only through his nose and only concentrated mouse pheromones, it wasn't unexpected that he would be feeling a little light-headed. Allon's body was sweating more profusely now and the salty liquid was soaking into Rishi's own fur as his own heat was causing him to perspire as well. The mixture of secretions produced a hot, musky stench that drove Allon to call out in vehement lust and had everyone else crying with arousal.

They'd only been fucking a few minutes and Rishi could feel his peak approaching. Loud, guttural groans of pleasure emanated from Allon's throat. Rishi's head was soaking with pools of saliva that flow endlessly and uninhibited from the lord's muzzle. It dripped down over the mouse's gag, obscuring his ability to breathe. With no assurance the feline raping him would do anything about it, he had no choice but to snort in the liquid soaking the cloth. So he took a deep breath in through his nose and inhaled the meaty, salty spit and it burned his nasal cavity, but he could taste it and smell it and the overall experience drove him mad. His cock only became more sensitive and his sexual drive only became stronger, but he still wasn't ready. Likewise, Allon was fucking hard now, harder than he'd ever fucked the rodent, pulling a good nine inches of his thick, blood-engorged dick out before shoving it back in. He was panting, crying, and growling with reckless abandon.

He almost choked the mouse, tightening his grip around Rishi's neck as he roared a deafening roar, shoving the entirety of his cathood into Rishi's bowels as his cock spurted with the largest single stream of jizz ever to be ejected from his urethra. Though the effect of his heat kept Rishi from feeling it, Allon could feel the heavenly sensation erupt from his penis and he let out the most pleasant moan he could muster, pausing to enjoy the euphoric moment before beginning his rhythmic fucking again. He pushed and pulled, long and hard, milking his first orgasm for the night and emptying his balls into Rishi's ass. He stopped growling for the moment and just tried to breathe and even after he finished cumming, he continued to hump the mouse, but at a much reduced pace.

A moment later and Rishi was squirming under Allon, whimpering and crying through the gag as his cock was tortured between his belly and the bed. He wanted relief, he wanted satiation from the torment provided by his body's urges. Every muscle in his body tightened and as the slow, methodical thrusts from the cougar made the mousehood underneath rub with a less violent rhythm, his body became stone. He couldn't move as every muscle in his body was flexed. Within his groin was building the most powerful and most rapturous orgasm he'd ever felt in his life. Each time he was thrust forward and backward, a blissful sensation built up more and more in his crotch. And then, like a dam flooding over, it became too much for the abused rodent and he rolled his eyes back while his cock erupted below and voluminous amounts of mouse ejaculate spewed out between him and the bed. It was as if he were pissing cum. For several squirts of jizz, each string was continuous, one after the other after the other, in one long unbroken wave. Eventually, it died down, but the sensation in his groin did not and he moaned in ecstasy, blinded by ethereal bliss. Even after his cock stopped producing, the tingling in his crotch did not. It took a few minutes longer before it finally dissolved and he returned to the current state of reality.

Allon's pace had picked back up and he was screwing the mouse with more alacrity. The sensitivity in Rishi's phallus head caught up to him and he struggled within the cougar's embrace, but as before he was unable to move and so he was left to deal with the situation. His cock slid between him and the bed, this time covered in his own cum which acted as an effective lubricant. It rubbed effortlessly against the two surfaces, adding to his sensitivity and making him shudder in distress. He wanted a break from the treatment on his member, but would get none and so all he could do was just cry out and moan as he was forcefully coaxed to his second climax.

The other felines watched vigorously, their own calls echoing off the walls, increasing in pitch. They each stood wavering, unable to sit still, paws exploring their own bodies while doing everything they could to keep from pleasuring themselves. The lord's powerful body plowed into the tiny rodent below, an enticing sight for the horny men. Allon continued to drool as well as sweat and his hair was becoming matted. He was soaking the rodent below with his various fluids which only exacerbated his heat and made him perspire more. The smell got worse and Rishi inhaled it along with the pheromones and despite his sensitivity and fatigue, his body was ready to cum again. The mouse was already tired, but the various seductions of his body and mind made him eager to get off as much as possible. Though he struggled and moaned, truthfully he wanted nothing more at the moment than for the lord to continue thrusting.

And he did. The cougar picked up the pace and his growls grew once again. He waved his tail back and forth spreading his strong, warm musk throughout the room, accentuated by extensive sex and sweat spreading through his nether region. The aroma was caught by the Royal Guards who all moaned loudly and tensed up as the scent in the room grew more fertile. Before he knew it, Allon was thrusting hard into Rishi again, pulling a good eight or nine inches of his dick out with each thrust. Rishi was grunting as the cougar pummeled his ass, unable to moan or cry as the force dictated whatever sound was made. Given the moisture from their extensive sweating, Allon's hips spanked Rishi's backside with each thrust forward and a loud, audible slapping sound resounded from each strike.

Eventually, Allon lifted his head back and cried in orgasmic lust as he ejaculated a second time, stream after stream of rich, creamy feline spunk spilling over and adding to the first batch. He never stopped thrusting this time, but his humping slowed down a bit as he continued filling up Rishi's bowels with cougar cum. Rishi wasn't certain when the puma stopped jizzing inside of him because he never slowed down anymore. He continued thrusting, no longer growling as loud, but moaning considerably. The mouse figured he was pretty tired at this point and would probably be finished soon enough, but that didn't seem to be the case. He continued on, engaging in sexual intercourse with the rodent, never slowing down and never showing fatigue.

As for himself, his orgasm grew again and he felt fortunate that the feline didn't stop. After the heavenly orgasm he experienced the first time, the sensation building up inside him indicated a similar experience the second time and he desired that feeling. Allon was in charge as he held the rodent tight and only so long as the feline plowed Rishi's rectum would his cock be getting any satisfaction. So while the reasonable part of his mind resented the lord for what he was doing to him, the primitive, instinctive part of his mind was grateful to him.

After several more minutes of thrusting, Allon was, yet again, picking up the pace and producing various sounds indicating he was close to a third orgasm. Whether or not this was his final orgasm, Rishi didn't know, but he wanted him to last long enough to allow him to at least peak and get off. He was close too, as the familiar sensation of a tingling fire had steadily built up in his groin. The sensation was physically demanding, but so pleasurable that Rishi's throat was going sore from crying and moaning so much. Allon's growls grew more and more in pitch and Rishi's crotch burned with orgasmic intensity. He only needed a few more seconds. Allon slowed his thrusts and tightened his body and, whether by the heat of the moment, the scent in the air, or just pure, random instinct, Allon slammed his jaws down onto Rishi's shoulder in a powerful mating bite. Rishi squeaked, the shock soon making way to pain soon making way to sensitive pleasure and that seemed to push Rishi over the edge. His body tensed up as before with every muscle flexing and becoming like a statue. As Allon closed in on his climax, teeth buried in fur flesh, Rishi had his and his body straightened out as he experienced an orgasm even more sensual than the first. His cock spewed enormous amounts of cum underneath him, soaking through his body and mixing with the sweat and cum from his first climax. As before, he was pissing jizz as each bob of his cock released a continuous wave of cum. At the same time, Allon came for the third time, slamming his hips forward, jamming his cock deep into Rishi's intestine, and releasing another long stream of cougar ejaculate into him. His thrusts were long, fast, and hard as the puma was forcing every ounce of seed inside him out into the mouse's depths. He bred him like a male trying instinctively to impregnate a female.

It took Rishi a bit longer to come down off of his high, the tingling in his crotch continuing for some time and making him feel ecstatic. As his climax drained away, he soon realized that the cougar had begun thrusting again , never even pausing to take a break, but running right into his next orgasm. His jaws were still anchored to the mouse's shoulder. Rishi couldn't believe the lord had this much stamina. He was still moaning and grunting and his humping motion had just as much force and energy as when he started. The mouse's cock, overused and aching from two previous climaxes, found no reprieve either as it was forced to endure even more treatment as it was rubbed back and forth against him and the bed while mixed in with sweat and cum from two abundant orgasms. He tried to struggle at the discomfort, but he was growing tired already and found he wasn't able to put as much effort into it as before. He also found his throat getting sore and couldn't cry or groan as much either. At the moment, he was sane enough to analyze the situation and find the discontent it was causing him. None of that mattered because as he breathed in the smell of prolific feline and mouse stink, as well as pheromones, he began to feel the arousing effects again and he'd soon be building up yet another orgasm.

They continued to soak in sweat and Allon continued to salivate all over the mouse with a few salty strands passing over his nose, forcing him to snort the unpleasant drool. Each time he did, it burned his nostrils at first, but then accentuated the erotic effects of the various smells, tastes, and physical sensations. It got him harder and hornier and each time his mind dwindled a little bit until he was thinking of nothing but voiding his testicles. It was the same routine as before: Allon thrusts and growls and moans, Rishi's cock is 'tortured' again and again, forcing him to an involuntary climax, Allon drools, they both sweat, and their mixed heat causes the other felines to caterwaul lustily.

Rishi's orgasm was building again, but Allon came sooner than expected. As before, he slowed his pace and tightened his grip around the rodent as he spurted his seed into the mouse's rectum. He kept his maw attached and growled into Rishi's shoulder as his tongue began licking at it. He thrust forward a few more times, much slower than he had been, causing the build in Rishi's climax to slow somewhat. Then unfortunately, though if any other day it would be fortunately, Allon stopped. He quit thrusting and just lay there motionless, teeth still embedded in the mouse, but the grip on his jaws loosened somewhat. He breathed heavily, trying his best to catch his breath while his arms were holding the mouse loosely. Rishi felt something he'd never felt from having the cougar lord stop fucking him: disappointment. Though it was his third climax, he was drunk on sex and felt a purely instinctual urgency to cum. He shuffled under the feline, legs kicking out behind him, but as always it did no good. He whined, suffering from the same denial that the felines apparently got while they were away.

The cougar didn't take long before he released his bite on Rishi, a large splotch of sticky saliva staining the mouse's fur. Allon happily licked it clean off the mouse and stared down at him, leaning forward and sniffing at the mouse's scent. He began to purr as he moaned at the smell, the mouse having produced an intoxicating musk that stunk of sex, sweat, and cum. He was ecstatic and it showed in his facial features. He removed his arms and let the mouse slump on the bed, Rishi discomfited by the end results. Allon sat up on his haunches, dick impaled in Rishi's anus with no sign of softening, and smiled as he stared down at the rodent.

"Hmm, you are filthy, rodent." He slowly pet Rishi's back and the mouse just whined. He took his other paw and shoved it under Rishi's belly, searching for signs of the mouse's orgasm. He found it as he also found his mousehood hard as a rock. Rishi squirmed as the cougar fondled it, eventually taking it into his paw and massaging it. The mouse squirmed, moaning and arching his back at the erotic treatment. Allon smiled, "It seems you're getting some enjoyment out of this as well, Rishi."

The lion to the cougar's right was breathing heavily, mouth agape with teeth glistening, and drooling immensely. The lord's ears turned in Amarro's direction and saw that he was growing more and more impatient for the mouse's tailhole. He removed his paw from Rishi's dick, much to his dismay. "Sorry, mousy. You've got other men to satisfy that are waiting for you so I need to step aside."

He grabbed the mouse's rump, smearing a small amount of mouse cum and sweat on one cheek and quickly pulling his hips back, retrieving his own feline meat from the dark, tight depths, producing a loud squelching sound. Once out, the large phallus appeared covered in cat cum and the scent from it wafted around the room, adding to the sensual aroma of the chamber. A fair amount of Allon's spunk seeped out of the rodent's anus once it was removed for which Rishi had little control, the clear fluid trailing down his crack and balls and dripping onto the bed. Allon, refreshed and sated for the time being, stepped aside and waved the lion forward.

"He's all yours. Try not to break him."

Amarro didn't even bother to respond. He stepped forward like lightning, burying his nose in the mouse's ass, and sniffing away at the scent. The sweat and cougar cum that covered the back entrance adhered to the lion's muzzle as he inhaled the smell, allowing his mind to go drunk on lust. He growled lowly, but steadily and rubbed his nose in Rishi's butt, anointing himself. After a moment of intense foreplay, the lion climbed on top of Rishi on his paws and knees, his huge frame casting a shadow over the mouse, and pointing his dick right outside the mouse's pucker. Loosened by the cougar and slick with his cum, the lion required no lube and instead just shoved in his member, the head and shaft sliding in with practically no resistance. His cock was warm, even more so than Allon's and it spread throughout Rishi's rump, making him gurgle the spit that accumulated in his muzzle. The action made a squishing sound as it passed through the tight ring, similar to a paw reaching into a raw turkey to shove in the stuffing. Rishi was able to find a twisted sense of humor from that sentiment, as if he were the turkey and their cum was the stuffing. Rishi felt the pressure build up in his sphincter and it sent waves of pleasure through his crotch and he felt his orgasm build up again. For once, he was glad to have the lion's cock invade his ass again, another thought he never figured he'd have.

The lion took about a half a second pause before he began thrusting in and out rapidly. The lion milked himself quickly using Rishi's ass, obviously desperate to expunge his testicles of their creamy contents, which didn't surprise the mouse given Amarro's lack of composure. As the feline pummeled the rodent below, Rishi's own cock was once again treated to a ceaseless barrage of male milking underneath. In a short moment, that wonderful feeling of his climax building inside reached its previous level and the mouse moaned with pleasure and desire. The lion didn't notice or didn't care what was happening with the mouse as he just humped the small mammal swiftly.

For a moment, Amarro's thrusts slowed a bit and the lion opened his muzzle to let out a low moan. As he did, lion saliva flowed out and spilled out onto Rishi's head, mixing in with Allon's meaty spit and soaking his white fur. Did he just cum, the rodent thought to himself as the lion's thrusts slowed a little bit more for a moment and he groaned and tensed up. He couldn't tell given the warmth of their extremities, but it wouldn't have surprised the mouse anyway given how frantic the big cat was fucking him. Whatever the case, the lion soon resumed his original pace of thrusts, plowing the mouse's ass with as much vigor as before.

Rishi was grateful the lion's high lasted only a short moment as the long transition between Allon plugging his tailhole to Amarro plugging it seemed to impact his progress. It would take more time to coax out his third orgasm and the mouse was feeling restive that he had to wait even longer now. The golden fur of the large feline above glistened with sweat as droplets were flung all over the bed and the mouse below, adding to the effective musk. He drooled profusely as his muzzle hung agape and he panted uncontrollably. As with the cougar, some of it dribbled down Rishi's face and covered his rag, forcing him to snort the liquid. The burning sensation died down, but the mind-altering effect it had on his sexual prowess only got more and more intense. Rishi was so blind with lust that he wanted to lap up the clammy mixture of sweat and saliva, indifferent to the fact that it was being produced by large, male felines. Amarro's tail wagged bag and forth, instinctively spreading his scent throughout the room, punctuating the already pungent, odoriferous aroma that permeated the room.

Allon was sitting in a chair off to the side, his breathing steadying as his cock softened a bit, never going fully flaccid. He smelled the air, purring as the rich musk and pheromones grew as the lion and mouse had sex. It would not take long before the cougar lord was worked up again and ready to dominate the rodent. The others were not as calm. Kish was standing behind the pair, watching with strained arousal as the feline's glorious pucker danced in front of him with each thrust. The scent of the sex-crazed lion hit him hardest and he was ready to jump the lion and fuck him there, but the scent emanating from the mouse always caught his attention and he rubbed his thighs and his rump, fingering himself every now and again as he waited his turn. Jarai and Dubois stood off to the side, sniffing at the enchanting musk and crying out in pain for release of their tormented balls.

Before long, Amarro's movements had slowed once again and he growled loudly, a few thrusts being long and hard as he orgasmed a second time before Rishi had had a chance to get off a third time that night. Another copious eruption of seed filled the mouse's rectum, a practically ordained receptacle for feline semen. Rishi was spasming uncontrollably, the tingling sensation in his crotch had built up even stronger than before, a result of being teased by the switch in partners. He was crying, tears pouring out of his eyes and adding to the sweat and saliva soup mixing below, anxious beyond anything to blow his next load all over the bed.

The lion picked up the pace again and the speed with which he was thrusting seemed to bring the mouse to the edge. The lion's barbed cock poked his prostate in just the right places as Rishi's sensitive glans rubbed back and forth through the glossy fluid. He moaned in ecstasy as he hit his crescendo once again and his whole body flexed as once again a flurry of mouse jizz spilled out, caking his belly with another coating. His legs kicked behind him autonomically, his eyes rolled back into the back of his head as his cock spewed string after string of seed. Rishi couldn't believe he was still producing as much cum as he was given that was his third orgasm, nor could he believe that he was enjoying it so much. The climax seemed to have an effect on Amarro as well. The lion saw the mouse squirming below him and caught the scent of his potent seed. It sent the lion into a primal state and he curled his lips back into a vicious snarl. It wasn't one of anger though, but one of lust and at the smell and sight of the mouse, he saw Rishi for what he was at the moment and went into full-on breeder mode and bit down on the hapless rodent, teeth digging in sharply to the mouse's shoulder. He lowered his body and put more weight on the rodent, trapping him below. Rishi squeaked at the mating bite of the lion, but he didn't seem to care that much. While still on the high of his orgasm, the act of being dominated by the lion and locked on by his bite only served to enhance the powerful climax.

He maintained his high for a while before coming back down and being fed the realization that he would not be getting any respite for this turn. He began to struggle again, but he was becoming more and more tired with each climax and all he could do was cry through the gag. He wanted to beg them to stop, if nothing else than to just stop moving for a moment. He could keep his teeth buried in his shoulder, he could keep his weight on him, he could continue to sweat and drool and spread his stink all over him, but he just wanted a moment to give his abused and aching penis a short break from the endless torment it was receiving. Unfortunately, the felines were slaves to their own base urges, which meant he was a slave to their base urges. Regardless of the gag or the straps covering his muzzle, nothing he could say or do would convince the felines to give the mouse any leeway. The lion continued his punishment on the mouse's anus and the rodent would continue to suffer the agony of perpetual stimulation. His suffering would last only as long as it would take for the pheromones the take effect again and begin working him towards yet another orgasm. At that point, his mind would give way to primitive desires and his sexual preferences, orientation, and status would mean nothing. On this night, it wasn't just his body he was offering as tribute, but his mind.

Amarro came a third time and by then Rishi was feeling the effects of the pheromones, his cock growing hard, his mind fuzzy, and every physically and olfactory sensation making his groin tingle. The lion came again, each time taking longer, but still getting off relatively quickly. He kept his body low and his bite secure, his tongue licking at the sweaty fur, keeping his mouth lubricated. The lion came a fifth time, his stamina overwhelming as he hadn't lost any of his speed or strength, his muscles rippling underneath a coat of fur. Rishi's climax built up again, not as strong as before, but still potent enough for the mouse to moan with pleasure and forget almost every negative aspect of his treatment.

Amarro came a sixth time, his pelvic rocking slowing down considerably, but were kept hard and rough. Rishi felt his peak approaching, an aching pain in his length that betrayed his joyous elation, but he pushed it aside for the ascending tinge of orgasmic bliss in his crotch. And then, rather unexpectedly and with great disappointment to the disparaged rodent, Amarro stopped moving. He just lay there, his heavy frame resting on the mouse, jaws holding steady on his shoulder with drool seeping out and over, and rapid breaths being forced through clenched teeth. Rishi was sunned and absolutely disheartened. He was so close; all he needed was a little bit more coaxing. He struggled below, trying as hard as he could to move his hips and rub his cock along the cum-stained bed sheets, but Amarro's 8-inch cock kept him locked in place. His effort was futile and he cried and yelled getting nothing but more pants from the lion above.

Allon stared back, barely resting and enjoying the show, took note of Rishi's discomfort and understood the basic body language and got the message. He smiled seductively. "Well, Amarro, it seems you left our little murine friend here unfulfilled." Rishi looked at the cougar with pitiable eyes, whereas Amarro looked back with exhaustion and nonchalance, teeth still buried in the mouse. "I think you better hurry up and pull out so Kish can get his turn going and the poor rodent below can get some relief of his own."

The tiger nodded and smiled, but said nothing, either unable due to the heat or unwilling for whatever reason. He just groaned and stood fast behind the bed, waiting to rush the pile of wet, white fuzz. Amarro smiled and sighed as he loosened his jaw around Rishi's shoulder, relieving the pressure and lifting himself up. A few trickles of blood trailed down the mouse's shoulder from where the lion's teeth had managed to puncture him. Rishi hissed and grunted in pain, but the lion paid it no mind.

"I'm sorry, mousy," he said petting his back. "I didn't realize you were getting any enjoyment out of this."

Rishi didn't want to admit it, but he was enjoying the orgasms. He wasn't, however, enjoying them coming at such a constant rate with no chance of rest except at the most inopportune moments. The lion grabbed Rishi by the base of the tail and quickly extracted his slimy dick from the mouse's butt, creating a sloshing sound as he did so. His cock was still hard and didn't seem like it would be going limp anytime soon. A small trail of semen trickled out of Rishi's anus, pooling below and mixing with Allon's. Amarro backed away and waved a paw at the rodent's rump.

"He's all yours," he said to Kish.

The tiger, unable to contain his excitement, dove forward onto the bad just behind Rishi. The mouse bounced a bit as Kish repeated the motions of Amarro, sniffing the aromatic butt and tensing up with lust as he did so. He growled, he moaned, he groaned, he chuffed, he made every possible noise he could to make it known he was as horny as he could possibly get. He buried his face in between the slick cheeks and covered his muzzle with the musk, sweat, and cum that stained the mouse's crease. He gave one more long, hard growl before climbing on top of Rishi and shoving his 7-inch cock deep inside Rishi in one quick motion. Rishi's ass was so slick and so flexible at that point that it practically squelched in without friction. Rishi's climax had died down a bit, much to his disappointment, but he knew in just a second he'd be back to building it up again.

And so Kish began his own thrusts, pulling and pushing with as much force as Amarro, but with a bit of reduced speed. The tiger wanted to enjoy the experience and so took his time. He lowered his body onto the mouse, who was soaked in sweat, soaking his chest and stomach in the process. He leaned over, his cum-stained nose sniffing away at the mouse below and growling with intensity. With lustful guidance, he opened his jaws wide and bit down hard onto Rishi's fresh bite wound on his shoulder. Rishi screamed from the pain which soon turned to pleasure as his cock and prostate were treated to more stimulation.

Rishi's fourth orgasm built up quickly and the original teasing had caused the intensity to build up to a point almost as strong as his last orgasm. He moaned and called out as he climaxed, though fatigue was taking him and his throat was getting a bit too sore, making his vocalizations less pronounced. His ejaculation, though, was not and his cock erupted with yet another generous amount of mouse semen, though the fluid had become less viscous and contained primarily seminal fluid. Sensible considering he'd never cum this much in so short a time and this was his fourth orgasm of the night.

Kish pushed and pulled his member in and out, spanking the mouse's cheeks with his hips and an audible slap accompanying each hit. The action was turning Rishi's wet rump red from the abuse, but for the rodent the only time he truly cared was whenever he was coming down from the high of his climax, which unfortunately had just occurred. Like every time before, he wanted a brief pause to give his overly sensitive glans a rest, but the royal members wouldn't remit even if he weren't gagged. So he struggled a bit to distract a little from the unbearable tickling in his cock and he moaned into the cloth, waiting for the pheromones to intoxicate him again. The mouse felt a sharp pain in his rump from the constant hip spanks and groaned at the sensation. More than that, he was beginning to notice a soreness in his arms from being bound behind his back for so long and he shuffled a little, trying to find some form of comfort, but there was little to be found. Rishi couldn't wait for this nightmare of a night to be over.

Kish was a bit rougher than normal, far more careless than he's ever been before. He plowed Rishi's ass harder than Amarro even and his bite stung worse. Fortunately, the pheromones on the cloth didn't take long to take effect and the sensual feeling in his groin took his mind off any discomfort. The tiger wrapped his paws around Rishi just as Allon had with one arm around his neck and the other around his chest. He took a few minutes before he came and his first orgasm resulted in him releasing Rishi's shoulder and craning his neck to release a loud, guttural roar as his seed filled Rishi's bowels. He bit down again as he continued to fuck the mouse as roughly as ever, spanking his rear end hard and gripping him tightly. Kish's maw leaked copious amounts of saliva, the foul liquid pooling next to Rishi's head. He licked away at the wound, tasting samples of sweat and blood which fueled his heat-driven mating. The bed was getting soaked, mainly with sweat, but also with saliva. The scent was getting stronger and started overtaking anything that still stuck to Rishi's gag. The lube that they soaked the cloth with was drying up and had already been diluted with various samples of feline drool throughout the excursion. Now, as the scent of mouse diminished and slowly became replaced with salty sweat, meaty saliva, and tart jizz, Rishi's nose was associating the growing smell in the room and his partners with the pheromones he was breathing. Once they run out, he would no longer need anymore to go into heat. Rishi realized this, but wasn't certain the felines did, but he also didn't care. As his heat built for a fifth time, cumming was the only thing on his mind.

Kish came a second time and a third time with the number of minutes increasing between each climax. His own fur was glistening with sweat and his thrusts had slowed down, though they had also become a bit rougher, causing his hips to slap Rishi's buttocks harder and to redden deeper. Rishi's mind was distracted enough by the heat of his building fifth climax to distract him enough from the pain in his ass and discomfort in his arms. Allon was still sitting in the chair, but his cock had returned to full mast and the cougar was rubbing his thigh sensually. The mouse couldn't see Amarro, but he assumed he was behind him recovering.

The mouse then noticed a gray-furred paw placed down next to his head. Jarai had snuck up onto the bed and climbed right next to the rodent. His face was hovering next to his belly at the hips, sniffing at the mouse's crotch. His chin was dipped in the sweat soaked sheets and small smatterings of cum that spilled out from under his stomach. He was purring loudly and each time he sniffed at the musky crotch he growled lustily and randomly cried out in heat. He began licking away at the cum and sweat-stained fur, which tickled Rishi and caused him to shuffle uncontrollably underneath. He panted, the sensations overbearing, but unable to escape the torment of two separate, unconcerned felines. Kish paid it no mind and continued humping the small murine mammal, milking what Rishi hoped would be his last climax of this session.

Jarai grabbed a hold of Rishi's other shoulder and dug his claws into them, providing a new source of pain and discomfort. At the same time, Kish released his clamp on Rishi's shoulder and moaned loudly as he violently buried his cock into Rishi's colon and an eruption of cum spilled out inside of him. Rishi was still numb to the feeling and with his next orgasm getting close, he began to contradict himself again in the hopes that the tiger would continue fucking him long enough to ejaculate. Unfortunately, he wouldn't get his wish as Kish thrust only a few more times with short, soft movements that killed the chance that Rishi would find relief right then. Rishi could do nothing but let the tears roll from his eyes, devastated by the sheer disregard by the royal members for his body's needs.

"Wait, Kish," Jarai said in between panting breaths. "Don't stop. He's almost there. Just keep fucking a little longer."

Kish leaned forward next to Rishi's ear. "Is that what you want, mousy?" Rishi nodded fervently, the tingling in his groin still potent. Kish chuckled. "Heh, I guess I can't deny you that pleasure."

Kish pushed himself up on his haunches, cock still piercing Rishi's tailhole, and pressed his paws down on Rishi's back, pressing the mouse's hips down on the bed. Jarai continue to sniff away, low, throaty growls emanating through clenched teeth. The tiger began thrusting again in slow, but hard movements, stimulating Rishi's member again and bringing the mouse back to his climbing orgasm. Jarai placed his paw on Rishi's back, holding his torso in place. The mouse shuffled and shifted, accepting the abuse and thankful to the lynx for speaking for him and making his satisfaction possible. He cried out in ecstasy as he came for a fifth time, his seed spilling off to the side with small strands hitting Jarai on the muzzle. The amount of seed he released was smaller than before and his high didn't last as long, but the need had been drained from his system, at least for the time being.

Kish didn't stop right away, causing the usual discomfort to the mouse from having his oversensitive cock rubbed, but it didn't last long. Kish stopped, having realized the mouse was spent. The lynx was shuddering at the smell, anxious with anticipation for his turn, as Kish just smiled down at the mouse laying bound below him. He patted Rishi on the rump and sighed, breathing heavily as his fourth orgasm faded and his primal urges had been sated for the moment.

"There we go, little fella. Don't wanna leave anyone here feeling unfulfilled," Kish said to Rishi. He then placed both paws on his backside and slowly pulled his cathood out, the entire length soaked with the cum of him and his fellow felines. It squelched as he pulled out and the copious amounts came seeping out of Rishi's anus as he the mouse just lay there, panting and thrilled that for once he got a moment of rest after having jizzed. He stepped back and looked down at the cat sniffing Rishi's dirty belly. "Your turn, kitten."

Jarai lifted Rishi's hips up, allowing the feline access to his sticky, semen covered crotch. Small streaks of cum connected the wet fur to the bed as Jarai shoved his face right into it, covering his muzzle with the slick substance. He whiffed away and moaned loudly, pulling away and closing his eyes, rubbing the sticky mouse spunk all over his muzzle and spreading the scent around. His breathing became ragged and after a moment of basking in blissful lust from the sensual musk, he stared down at Rishi who was looking back at the lynx expectantly. Jarai smiled down at the mouse and licked his lips before slowly climbing on top of the rodent. He lowered his body, positioning his hips behind the rodent's ass and rubbing his cock up in between the sullied cheeks until he found the opening. Once detected, he shoved it inside without effort, the feline meat sliding in without any resistance from the slick cum of the previous climaxes. Rishi felt the phallus invade him, but felt no pain or discomfort, just extreme displeasure. His mind was clear enough now, though the pheromones from the rag and from the felines was starting to work their magic again. But he was conscientious enough to recognize how much he hated being in that position at that moment. Worse yet, he knew how much he wouldn't care once the lynx began humping his backside and his cock would be treated once again to continuous torment.

Sure enough, Jarai didn't even pause after spearing Rishi as he immediately began fucking the mouse's ass with quick, short thrusts in and out with his 5-inch cock. Rishi's member felt the tingling in his cock, but the moment of respite he got from Kish was more than enough for it to ease up a bit and make it more bearable. The mouse immediately felt pleasure from the treatment and his arousal began to rise. Jarai's thrusts worked fast to bring the feline to orgasm, much the same way Amarro did, though not quite that fast. It took a few minutes for the lynx to arch his back and spill the first of his seed into Rishi's bowels and given his size compared to Allon, Amarro, and Kish, his load wasn't particularly large. However, given the state of heat he was in, it was still sizable compared to his normal loads and it was contributing a noticeable amount to the pool being maintained within the mouse's depths.

After his first climax, the lynx continued his fast thrusting while Rishi took some time getting worked up to another enjoyable, though unwanted, orgasm. As he pounded away, Jarai stared down at the bite marks on Rishi's shoulder and the small stains of blood and began to purr erotically. He leaned forward, sniffing the blood of the sweaty rodent, allowing the scent to drive his primitive thoughts and enhance his sexual yearning. He licked away at the wound, the salty taste of blood and sweat causing him to groan. He continued to lick, enjoying the taste and the effect it had on his mind until he slowly clamped his jaws down around the bloody marks and applied pressure. It garnered a whimper from Rishi, who at that point barely had the will or the energy to move significantly as the pain shot through his shoulder. The mating bite was followed by an increase in intensity of the lynx's fucking and it was Jarai's turn to hip spank the mouse as his cock plowed at his not-so-tight ring.

Off to the side, Allon and Amarro were sharing a glass of water as they were recovering from their rest. The site of water reminded the mouse of how much he'd endured in less than an hour and he realized just how thirsty he was at that moment, but he knew he wouldn't be getting anything until the felines had finished with him. He was uncertain how long before that would happen, though. The lord cougar and the lion guard both had sizable boners and were still breathing heavily. Their tails twitched and they swayed slightly, unable to stand still while continuing to grunt and moan from heat. It was obvious they weren't finished yet and Rishi began to worry that they'd each start their second round before he had the chance to rehydrate. If that happened, he wasn't sure if he'd make it through the night.

Jarai growled into the bite as he thrust hard and came a second time, spilling his spunk generously into Rishi's cream-filled innards. Rishi meeped and moaned, his own climax building. Several minutes went by and Rishi once again felt the familiar sensation of teeth pushing into his skin as Jarai's jaw tightened and his body tensed as his third orgasm hit. By that point, Rishi was close to his least exhilarating climax of the night, which wasn't saying much as every one before now had been practically the best release he'd ever had.

Rishi then noticed that Allon had moved from one side of the bed to the other and was standing with Dubois. The cougar was standing behind the cheetah, one arm around his neck and the other holding his wrist tightly. He was sniffing Dubois' neck, whispering something in his ear that Rishi couldn't make out, but Dubois was calling out madly, desperate to mate. Allon was teasing the cheetah, more so when the cougar let go of his wrist and ran a paw under the cheetah's tail. Rishi couldn't see what was going on, but he knew full well what he was doing. He had inserted a couple fingers inside Dubois' anus stimulating him to the point that Dubois cried out in a deafening mating howl. He was so anxious for the mouse ass and Allon was getting him close, prepping him for his turn.

The sound of the cheetah calling out seemed to have affected Jarai as his thrusts became harder, more intense even than Kish's were. He growl/purred violently as drool fell from his muzzle down Rishi's shoulder with a pinkish hue. He was fucking so hard that his relatively short dick was poking Rishi's rectum harshly, causing a fair degree of pain. But the discomfort it produced did not deter the rodent's climax, but encouraged it. Each time the lynx slammed his cock into Rishi's intestine, he forced the mouse's stomach down onto the sensitive rodent member below, squeezing it and rubbing it at the same time. This coupled with the working of his prostate quickly brought the mouse to a crescendo and he came for the sixth time. The overall pleasure he got, as well as the amount of cum he was producing, was dwindling. It still felt good to get his rocks off, but without rest and time to recuperate, he was spending all he had.

As he was coming off his sixth high, Jarai began his fourth, biting hard and shoving the poor mouse down hard onto the bed. He thrust forward with all his strength, inadvertently ramming his sheath up inside Rishi's ass, and ejecting the final contents of his testicles into the rodent. He gave a few short thrusts to empty his balls before he finally stopped, relaxing for a moment before releasing the mouse's shoulder. When he did, he received a pitiful whimper from the abused mouse and Jarai chuckled, licking the mouse's wound and lapping up the trails of blood that were forming.

"Sorry, mousy. Guess I got a little carried away there."

Rishi wasn't so concerned about his shoulder bleeding at the moment. He was more concerned with the burgeoning ache in his cock and how much longer his poor length would have to endure this torture. He just whimpered, listening to Dubois cry in pain for release while Jarai continues to lick his shoulder.

"One more to go, sweet cheeks." Jarai gave the mouse a slap on the rear, causing the mouse to yelp and tears to form from the abuse his rump had received. The lynx finally removed his cock from Rishi's ass. It was absolutely stained with cum and sweat and a red hue could be seen beneath the wet fur from the constant slaps he had received from Kish and Jarai. And from the overeager display by the cheetah, Rishi figured he was still in for some more rough treatment.

Jarai climbed off of Rishi, leaving a long string of cum extending from his cock to the mouse's ass, before it finally broke off. He backed away and as he did, Allon removed his fingers from Dubois' tight anus and whispered in his ear, "Go get 'im, kid."

At that , Dubois raced to Rishi's backside, making the mouse nervous. The cheetah sniffed at Rishi's ass , moving his nose down his crack to his testicles and the pool of sweat and cum below. He licked at it a little, purring and trilling at the mental effects it had, before mounting the rodent with resolute haste. Like Jarai, he rubbed his cock up and down Rishi's crease until he found the wet sphincter and pushed it inside. He immediately began humping the rodent, lasting about thirty seconds before moaning with ecstasy and ejaculating plentiful amounts of cheetah spunk into Rishi's bowels. His thrusts were even fasting than Amarro's. Even after cumming the first time, once he started up again he was humping with more speed than any of the other Royal Court member. For Rishi, it made no difference as his cock ached without rest and would continue to ache so long as he was used to breed with these men. The smell of the room and the pheromones were not having the same effect as before and despite having his cock stimulated, it took longer than it had been for any of it to take effect, making him suffer the pain with more clarity than before.

It took some time, but he was becoming more effected by the scent and his mind was once again focused on release over anything else. He still felt the pain and discomfort in his penis, his ass, his arms, and his shoulder and that pain was not going away anytime soon. As the mouse moved with the cheetah, too tired to struggle, Dubois stared at the wound on his shoulder as Jarai had done previously. He leaned forward and licked it, lapping up the wet fur and blood that stained it. Rishi waited for the inevitable mating bite of another sex-starved feline, cringing in anticipation of more pain to his blood-dabbled shoulder. To his surprise, Dubois instead turned his head and grabbed the mouse by the scruff of the neck. This caused Rishi to tense up, bringing his shoulders inward while Dubois straightened his form and twisting Rishi's head and neck to the side. He didn't bite down hard enough to pierce the skin, but it still hurt like hell for the fatigued rodent and their session was still young.

Dubois continued his rapid thrusts, cumming twice more in a short amount of time, the second time coming a couple minutes after the first and his third orgasm hitting only a few minutes after that. His thrusting had slowed down a bit, enough to let the mouse know that he was getting tired and would soon be finished, much to his disappointment. As much as he wanted to cheetah to finish with the hope that he would finally get some rest before Allon fucks him again, he became a slave to his base urges. No matter how many times he'd cum before, if he were teased close to climax only to be denied again, he'd be resentful. As his latest orgasm approached, Dubois' thrusts slowed down further and he was pounding Rishi harder. The mouse knew that he wasn't close enough, but it wasn't up to him. Once Dubois came, that would be the end of it.

The cheetah did cum shortly after, his thrusting slowing further to a point they were soft and long. He milked himself using the rodent's anus for all it was worth, purring loudly into the bite. Tears began to well up as he still required some coaxing before his balls would explode with seed once more and he wouldn't get that coaxing, at least not yet. Dubois' movements dragged to a crawl with slow, methodical thrusts entering and exiting the mouse's ass. The cheetah released Rishi's scruff, provoking a loud sigh of relief from the rodent. Dubois continued licking the spot where his teeth were buried, the salty, meaty mixture of saliva and sweat a treat to the horny feline. After several more thrusts, Rishi realized the cat hadn't stopped and didn't seem ready to stop. His own cock was still pressed between him being rubbed back and forth in the evening's messes.

Unexpectedly, while still humping him, Dubois leaned over Rishi's other shoulder, the one without all the bite marks, and began whispering in his ear. "You haven't cum yet while I've been in you, little mousy, but it seems like you're close. Am I right?" Rishi, breathing hard and having difficulty concentrating while being teased this way, eventually managed a weak head nod in confirmation. "Hm, so then do you want me to keep going until you've gotten off again?" Rishi didn't hesitate as he nodded furiously. "You seem pretty tired, though. You wanna take a break first?" Rishi paused a moment, the pain he's endured started getting to him, but then figured that if he was taking a break after this anyway, he'd rather take it and not feel the urgency of wanting to cum again. So he shook his head. "Hehe, alright then."

Dubois then kissed the mouse on the cheek and wrapped his arms under and around his arms and chest, holding him in a tight embrace as he fucked him less like a cat in heat and more like a lover. The warmth the cheetah was giving off from his cock insured the mouse that he was indeed still in heat and that was the only real indication. His scent was so subtle that it was drowned out in the plethora of smells that accumulated into the menagerie of musks that filled the room. Rishi was stoked, addled by pheromones and musk that he would rather ejaculate by being fucked than suspend his humiliation. He didn't care, though he knew his cock would have something to say about it after it was forced to ejaculate for the- The mouse realized then that he'd lost count of how many times he'd cum: 6, 7, 8, he didn't know. But once again, he didn't care.

It was coming... again. Rishi felt it building up, that all too familiar tingling in his groin, but it was also building in Dubois. The cheetah was more biologically inclined to come given the circumstances and he'd proven already to be more receptive to their activities. This drove Dubois closer to orgasm faster than Rishi and the cheetah began to moan in lust as his climax approached its peak. He would've blown past it if he had kept going, but he stopped, pausing his thrusts and making Rishi cock an eyebrow. The mouse was panting and moaning and hadn't realized how close the cheetah was.

"No, I'm not ready yet," Dubois said before leaning back on his haunches, lifting up the mouse as he did and pulling his back up against his chest. As he did that, small strands of cum trailed from Rishi's crotch down to the small puddle where his extractions had built up. Sweat from the exhausted rodent matted his fur all along torso and dribbled down, intermixing with the ejaculate. Dubois removed his right arm from the rodent's chest and brought a paw down to Rishi's crotch. He wrapped his paw around the jizz-soaked cock and began rubbing the head. Rather than stroking it and making it easier for the mouse, the feline began torturing the helpless creature and teased his glans which he knew was extremely tender. Rishi struggled, shifting around as the sensation in his cock was too much to bear, terrible and exhilarating at the same time. He moan sexually as if in pleasure and that was enough for the cheetah to continue his assault.

"Come on, mousy. This kitten wants some milk. Give your superior what he wants."

Rishi rustled around, unable to take the abuse. He tried to yell, but all he could do was moan. Dubois began thrusting upward, pounding the mouse's ass again, slowly at first but then faster after a moment, stimulating the rodent's prostate.

"Come on. Give the kitten your cream, mousy."

Despite the harshness of his sexual treatment, his mind was lost to lust and he peaked. His legs, having shifted in front of him, straightened out as the rest of his body tensed up.

"Yes! Give it to me!"

Rishi's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he spilled out more slick, slimy ejaculate straight into Dubois' paw. Stream after stream was ejected, hitting the cheetah's pads with small streaks trickling down onto Rishi's length.

"Oh, yes! That's a good boy!"

Dubois' thrusting slowed as well and he shuddered as he came for the fifth and final time of this session. He continued to thrust as he rubbed Rishi's cockhead, the mouse too tense and too lost in the high of his latest climax to feel it. Dubois stopped molesting the mouse's junk as he finished fucking the rodent, allowing his cock to flex and naturally empty his balls' contents into the mouse intestines. Rishi moaned for a while and began grunting with each breath, the last orgasm more intense than the last few, though not as much as the first three. As Dubois sat there, cock impaling his ass, Rishi just sat still and enjoyed the moment, knowing that soon enough he'd come back to his senses and realize his whole body was in pain and he was sitting on another man's dick.

Dubois took his paw off of Rishi's cock and brought it up to his nose. He sniffed at it, taking in the scent of cum, fresh and stale together, and murred at the smell. He started licking at it as another paw, larger with a similar yellow coat, but stripes instead of spots, grabbed his wrist and leaned in to start lapping at it as well. Dubois and Kish cleaned the cheetah's paw clean, their tongues touching, and once clean they leaned in for a passionate kiss. Lips locked, tongues wrestling each other as the tiger brought a paw up to cup the back of Dubois' head, holding him as they made out. They both moaned and trilled, showing signs that they were both still in a deep heat. Rishi continued to stay still, breathing heavy, but calming down as his body suffered through the pain, though he was too tired to care.

As the two guards exchanged saliva, Lord Allon came up behind Kish and gently pushed him aside. "Excuse me, gentlemen," the cougar said as he leaned forward. He grabbed at the strings holding the tainted cloth in place and began to untie it. Rishi immediately opened his eyes wide as he realized what the lord was doing and rejoiced. Dubois let go of Rishi's chest and held him steady as Allon removed the rag. Once he did, Rishi was no longer forced to endure the intoxicating effects of the lubricated cloth, but he was still forced to breathe in through his nose and now that the rag was removed he got the undiluted scent of the room. Much to his dismay, it was strong and it stank of musky felines from constant sex. Allon passed the rag over to Amarro who took it and placed it next to the bottle of lube. He then began to unstrap the muzzle securing Rishi's mouth shut and removed it, allowing Rishi to breathe through his mouth again. The rodent took a deep breath and relished the ability to inhale through his muzzle. He could taste the air and it was unpleasant to say the least, but it was still a relief for Rishi to not have to smell it.

Allon put a paw to the back of Rishi's head and held something up to his mouth. Once he saw it was a large, metal chalice containing water, he immediately put his lips to it and tried to drink from it. The cougar chuckled and began to tip the chalice and the mouse was drinking faster than Allon was pouring it. Rishi gulped away the flavorless liquid with abandon and once it was empty, he sighed contentedly. Both the cougar and the cheetah laughed at how cute the mouse looked.

"Hehe, how's that feel? Better?" Allon asked.

Rishi turned to look at the lord, seemingly having forgotten that he was forced into this position. He nodded. "Yes, Lord Allon. Thank you much." Once he was rehydrated, he felt he needed to ask two things of the cougar lord. He felt he already knew the answer to both, but still felt required to ask. "Um, Sire, are you almost done with me?"

Allon had been smiling, but once the rodent asked his question, that smile faded and what remained was a stoic expression. "Rishi, I understand you don't want to be here, but we're still in a great deal of pain from this condition. It's not gonna go away that quickly. I'm sorry, but we're not even close to done."

Rishi's ears splayed back against the back of his head, made to feel as if he was wrong for having asked the question. He took a moment and looked away, a sullen expression on his face. Allon placed a paw on the mouse's shoulder. "Take a break for a moment. We'll continue in a few minutes." He turned to Dubois. "Dubois, take your cock out and let him lie down for a moment."

Before the cheetah could follow the Lord's command, Rishi remembered that he had a second question, though actually more of a request. "Um, Lord Allon, I did have something else to ask you." The cougar stared back expectantly. Rishi began to speak, but for some reason was too embarrassed to get the words out. After a moment, Allon became a little impatient.

"Well, spit it out."

"Um... Sire... I have to pee." The mouse blushed hard and the cougar just cocked an eyebrow at him. "Do you mind if I..."

Allon chuckled and shook his head. "Of course not. I've got a chamber pot in my closet." He nodded at Dubois who then proceeded to stand up, dragging Rishi with him. Once on his feet he gripped the mouse by the waist and hoisted him up, allowing his cock to slosh out and a small stream of clear liquid to plunge from his anus. It landed on the floor, but Allon didn't seemed concerned about it. The cheetah gently lowered the mouse onto the solid floor, but Rishi was weak from the night's experience and his legs shook as he was forced to hold himself up. Dubois helped him find his balance, which was difficult given his arms were still tied behind his back. Some of the semen that seeped out his pucker crawled down his rump and left a trail along the back of his thigh. The rodent was absolutely soaked, covered in sweat along his back from the perspiring felines, fur matted with sweat and cum along his belly from his own exercises. His was caked in cat saliva which also covered part of his shoulder as well as small blotches of blood. The cougar and the cheetah weren't any drier as they were both drenched in sweat, appearing as though they'd just come indoors from a heavy rain.

"Now that you mention it, I think I should take a piss before beginning again," Amarro said to no one in particular.

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea," Kish added.

"We should all relieve ourselves before starting again, but let's all let Rishi go first so he can take a proper break." He stepped up and helped Rishi over to the closet.

"Sire... uh... do you think we could take off the binds for a little while?"

"No. Just leave them on. It's easier than taking them off and putting them on each time."

"But... ... their really uncomfortable and it's starting to hurt."

"Hm, I'll give you something for the pain. I have some really good elixirs here." With Rishi feeling disappointed, though not surprised, Allon stopped the mouse next to the closet and opened the door, pulling out a large, clay container. It was fairly plain, but painted red. He placed it right in front of Rishi and the mouse just looked down with perplexity.

"Uh... how am I supposed to aim if I can't use my arms?"

"Let me take care of that." Rishi was taken aback. The cougar said it was such ease as if it was normal for another man to hold your penis while you urinate. He wasn't sure he could go while the cat held his mousehood. As it was, it was still a little hard from the effects of the pheromones, not to mention a full bladder. Allon stepped behind Rishi and placed a paw on his shoulder, probably to comfort him but having a completely opposite effect. He then reached around with his free paw and held his dick steady, making the rodent blush crimson under his snow-white fur. "Whenever you're ready, Rishi."

The mouse pushed, trying to alleviate the pressure on his bladder, but he was so embarrassed that he was finding it impossible. After a moment, the cougar looked over the mouse's shoulder and saw he couldn't perform his task and chuckled. "Don't be embarrassed. I've done this with my men plenty of times and they've done it with me as well. We all pee. Believe me, you have nothing to be ashamed of."

Right there is where the Lord of Darreen was wrong, or at least that's what the mouse thought. Nevertheless, he wouldn't be handling himself, so he tried not to think of the giant, wet, furry paw that belonged to the King's nephew on his dick and just tried to coax out a golden stream. He felt it flow slowly and as it built up in his urethra, he found a bit of pressure build up. He pushed a little harder and as the pressure rose he managed to get a steady stream of urine flowing. Small chunks of sperm had remained in his cock and were expelled as he peed. The liquid was quite clear with only a slight yellow hue.

"There ya go, little guy. Just let it flow."

The words sounded a bit patronizing, but Rishi was enjoying the relief he felt as his bladder emptied. The cougar's aim was direct and not a drop missed the clay pot. A good half a minute went by or longer before the stream slowed and came to a halt. A few flexing motions to relieve the last ounces of mouse piss and he was done. Rishi was surprised yet again when, instead of shaking the last drops of urine from his head like most people would, Allon collected them on his finger and brought them back to his muzzle, licking them off. It didn't seem sexual, but more like a parent cleaning their young ones. Still, it was an odd move in Rishi's eyes, but the cougar smiled down at the mouse and licked his ear. The act was made a bit more awkward knowing the feline's tongue had traces of the rodent's piss on it.

"Alright, let's get you something for the discomfort," Allon said before turning the mouse around and walking him back to the bed. As he did, he passed Amarro and Kish who were waiting their turn for the pot. "Gentlemen, once you're done, put it back in the closet."

"You don't want us to throw it out the window instead?" Amarro asked.

"No. I'll do it after we're done. I'm enjoying the smell of musk in the room and I want it to remain as it is, but I don't want the smell of urine to spread. So make sure you put it away when you're done."

"Sure thing."

The cougar led Rishi back to the foot of the bed and stopped, positioning the mouse to face it. "Look at that, Rishi," the lord told his subject. Rishi stared down at the mattress and it was absolutely filthy. Barely a dry spot could be seen anywhere on the sheets with most of it covered in sweat that had been flung around as the felines humped the mouse erratically. Much of it spread outward from the central point of activity. A conspicuous outline of Rishi's form could be seen in the sweat and a large smattering of mouse cum, dry and semi-wet, could be seen where his crotch and stomach were positioned. Below that was an even larger pool of cat semen that leaked out of his ass. The cat cum had spread outward a bit, connecting and intermixing with the mouse cum.

Allon brought his muzzle next to Rishi's ear where he could hear the resounding sound of the feline's heavy breathing. "See that? That's what a real good night looks like." He was smiling wide and put great emphasis on the word 'real'. Rishi wasn't ignorant to the ways of an orgy and what the after effects are when it's hardcore, but he looked down with disgust and hesitation. He knew the night wasn't over and that he'd be lying back in that drenched mattress, basting himself with jizz that was quickly going stale in the cold air.

Allon's panting had turned to panted purring in the mouse's ear, making him shudder. The cougar redirected his nose to the back of Rishi's neck and sniffed at the pungent musk emanating from his scruff. He growled a bit and his purring increased in pitch. "You stand right there a moment. I'll be right back." He stepped away suddenly, leaving Rishi to stand there and try to imagine just how much filthier the bed will be by the end of the night. Not long after, the lord had returned with not one but two small cups. "Here, drink this first."

Rishi expected another sampling of the same brown liquid he'd received from Tony, but that's not what he was given to him. The first cup contained a liquid that was milky-white, almost like cream, but it didn't smell like cream. Rishi hesitated a moment before putting his lips to the edge. As Allon tipped the cup over, Rishi accepted the fluid into his gullet and swallowed it all in one sip. It wasn't bitter or stinging like the original brown liquid was, though it wasn't entirely pleasant. It tasted somewhat waxy with a very earthy undertone. It made him shudder a little in the same way drinking a shot of whiskey would. Allon chuckled and handed him a second cup.

"What's this for?" asked Rishi as he stared down at a clear, blue liquid.

"This is something to help keep you awake the rest of the night."

Rishi was a bit displeased, kind of enjoying the idea of falling asleep and letting the royal members fuck a passed out rodent. But they didn't seem too keen for the prospect, so the mouse put his lips to it and Allon dipped the cup and once again Rishi downed it in one gulp. It had an acidic taste, but it was sweet as well and he smacked his lips a few times. Allon handed the empty cups to Amarro who took them and walked away. The lion looked calm and collected, but Rishi could hear subtle moans escaping his muzzle and he could tell the feline was still in heat. Rishi stood a moment and waited for the elixirs to take effect, but nothing seemed to be happening. He still felt as tired as ever and every part of his body ached from head to toe.

"They don't seem to be working," the mouse said to the lord as he stared up at him, his body shaking from exhaustion.

"You gotta give them a few minutes for them to take effect. But you look like you're a bit tired, so why don't you lie back down?"

Because the bed is gross and I don't wanna lie back down in my and your sweaty filth, the mouse thought to himself. It didn't seem to matter if he'd voiced his thoughts as Allon stepped behind him and picked him up, slowly hovering him over the cum stains on the bed sheets and lowering him down. His crotch was once again soaking in cold, damp, sticky ejaculate and his body was lying once again in salty, musky sweat. The difference this time is that the amount of time that has passed since lying in it has allowed the cold air to affect it and once his body connected with the bed, he hissed as his body was hit with freezing temperatures. His body tightened up and he winced, already shivering a little from the cold sweat.

He felt a pair of furry paws trail down his back and rub his cheeks a bit before squeezing them. "Just lay there for a bit. Take a break. We'll continue in a little bit." The cougar spoke, unconcerned about the fact that the mouse was cold, and walked away.

Rishi just lay there in sweat and cum and tried not to think about it, which was hard considering the smell wafting up from the bed. As he lay there, his own body heat seemed to warm up the damp mattress a little, making it a little more comfortable. Soon after, he felt the elixirs taking effect and some of the pain in his arms, ass, shoulder, and everywhere else was becoming more tolerable or was outright dissipated. He also felt a bit more energetic so at least he wouldn't feel too overwhelmed with exhaustion when he's forced to cum again and again for the horny cats. He looked around the room and saw Jarai and Dubois conversing off in the left end of the room, the two men having done there business and returned the urine-filled pot to the closet as instructed. Allon, Kish, and Amarro were on the other side of the room, talking amongst themselves, though the rodent wasn't particularly concerned with what they had to say. Their ragged breathing was still fairly obvious and they were all still making soft mating calls. They weren't as high on heat as when he first arrived though, or when they were taking turns ravaging his asshole.

It was a good fifteen minutes that the mouse laid in bed, trying his best not to think of getting bred anymore when the cougar lord climbed on top of him. He straddled his lower back, but with his large stature over the mouse's small form, his lengthy cock was resting on top of the rodent's head. A small strand of pre-cum pierced the urethral opening and dribbled down and landed on Rishi's temple, though he was still soaked with sweat and saliva that he couldn't feel it. Allon was vocalizing a mixture of purrs and growls as he brought a paw under Rishi's chin and began massaging it. He brought the other one to his neck and was petting it lightly. Rishi knew his break was over and it was time to start mating again.

"Sorry mouse, but we can't wait any longer. Time to get started. Would you like some more water before we begin?"

Rishi didn't mind the idea of rehydrating before another long stretch of uninterrupted fucking. "Yes, please." In an instant, Kish arrived with a goblet full of water and Rishi, as best he could lying on his stomach and being straddled by a six and a half foot tall cougar, drank it all. It was slow going, but he eventually got it all down his throat. He licked his lips and sighed.

"Alright, please don't struggle." Rishi saw the black muzzle come down over his face and get fastened to his mouth. "Amarro, wet the cloth again."

The motion was foreboding to the mouse and he felt his heart beat increase as he watched the lion once again soak the small rag with mouse pheromone-rich lube. He realized how much more tolerable he would be of being bred by them if he weren't being forced to endure sexual stimulation as well. Also, his own scent was prominent enough in the sea of smells that he figured they didn't need fresh cum from him to enjoy his musk. But apparently that wasn't the case and these felines wouldn't settle for anything less than fresh mouse spunk. So Allon took the lube-soaked rag and covered Rishi's nose again, tying it with string as before. And once again, the pheromones invaded the mouse's olfactory senses and he became hot with sexual arousal and his cock immediately began to grow underneath him. He moaned through the cloth and began to shuffle under Allon, prepped to be milked.

The cougar murred and called down to the bound and gagged mouse as he slowly pulled himself off, moving back over the edge of the bed. He stuck his muzzle down and sniffed at the rodent rump, a menagerie of smells from various semen samples, wet sweat, and strong mouse musk stimulated the aroused cougar. He growled and grunted and sniffed again, whiffing the odoriferous butt. He moved his nose closer to the mouse's sphincter and sniffed there, the smell stronger and having greater effect on his sexuality. His claws raked the mouse's thighs as he kneaded them sensually. Rishi, hungry for release despite still feeling a tinge of pain in his cock, became listless and moved his butt around beckoning for Allon to take him.

The cougar didn't need much more convincing as the inviting motion of the rodent's backside called to his instinctive mind. And without pause, he pounced the mouse, forcing his weight down on Rishi, and shoving his long, hard cock back into his abused rectum. Rishi could hardly breathe at first, but soon Allon lifted his weight off a bit and allowed the mouse some oxygen. The cougar's dick didn't slide in as easily with the cum having dried up a bit, but it still went in pretty easily given how much stretching his pucker had received. The mouse still felt the pressure from being invaded by the largest member of the group, but he'd gotten used to it for the night and was ready to begin.

And so Allon began rocking back and forth, thrusting in and out with a bit less eagerness this time around. As he did so, he grunted into Rishi's ear and began drooling again. Like before, as the night went on, some of it would soak his rag and he'd be forced to snort it down. His own cock was being stimulated as well, rubbing up against his stomach and the wet, slick bed. The coolness of the cum on his cock was rather enjoyable to the bound rodent and he got a bit of enhancement from it for the early stage of this next round. It was going to be a long night indeed.

AUTHOR'S NOTE : I originally wasn't going to go as far with the whole non-consensual aspect as I eventually did. When first conceiving this chapter, they were pushy for sure, but Rishi eventually felt bad for the state they were in and relented of his own accord. I changed it to the point where they actually forced him into that position because I wanted to show just how much this state of mind was actually affecting their judgement. In addition, what happens in this chapter was not part of the original story when I conceived of it that night I couldn't sleep. I thought of it and what happens during the following tribute to add some more yiff and some backstory.

I've got two more chapters after this and then I want to take a break from this story series. I want to try my hand at writing some short stories where I force myself to limit the number of words I use. I want to test myself as a writer. The next chapter will finish the activities portrayed in this chapter and then the following one will be strictly story-based (no yiff). See you then.