Lust and Found

Story by Kodyax on SoFurry

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I keep forgetting I have this account. I adopted the she-wolf in the picture from an artist on FA a ways back and decided to write a story based on her markings and set in Eberron, a D&D campaign setting that sort of has furries in the shifters but I made it a little more extreme here. I don't do fan fiction on the whole but I felt like doing this and this is all there is at least for now.

Lust and Found

A male grizzly bear in heavy leather armor sculpted to appear to be the preserved hide of a megalodon complete with shark's head leather helmet travels down a narrow passageway as an unlit causeway deep below the surface of the planet. In his hand he grips a great trident as he traverse the hidden highways of Khyber perhaps not even sure himself of what he seeks. Several miles below Eberron's surface he finds what can only be described as a pleasure garden.

Naked and in chains are humans, elves, gnomes and other manimals are suspended from the ceiling or attached to stalactites and stalagmites as if being presented as a gallery of flesh and fur for a given sadist to indulge in their most depraved practices without fear of discovery. Urophions, the result of assigning the same kind of aberrant tadpole that will morph a humanoid into a mind flayer to a roper, use their tentacles to flay random victims as a male human is struck between the legs enough times and hard enough that his scrotum rips open and drops his testicles to the ground as he cries out in utter agony as a drow female can only kneel in supplication as her brain is extracted and eaten. An illithid helps itself to the brain of a bald male gnome before sodomizing a male elf with a phallic attachment it affixes to the groin region of its outfit which is a black leather harness out of a BDSM porn video.

The bear is filled with rage with what he sees and reacts just in time to impale a dark mantle with his trident as it tries to attack him. The urophions turn around to scan the surrounding area as the death scream of the dark mantle alerted them to the presence of an intruder which just causes the bear to smirk. He stalks the illithid-kin and casts a spell to mark one as prey as he switches to a battle ax as he slips behind it.

"I am the hunter; nature's holy avenger," the bear prays. "And you, aberrant thing that has no right to exist, are among the things I am especially trained to slaughter. I am the hunter; you are my prey!"

He cuts a deep gash in the side of the monster with his first hit and it shudders from the force of the assault as it lashes out blindly with its tentacles to smash a halfling into crimson pulp but does nothing to the ranger. The next slash takes out the creature's only eye as it calls out in frustration and paid which causes the other one to start moving to aid its companion as the illithid just watches. Once he cuts off the tentacle arms of the thing, the ranger then splits it in twain as his spell expires.

A she wolf, her body a solid grey with white socks and gloves as well as illithid markings on her body and deeply dyed green hair with black roots, looks over at the bear and sees him dispatch the urophion and then fade back into the shadows and gets a shred of hope in her heart. She has been a slave in this garden for as long as she can remember and maybe, just maybe, this bear could be her ticket to freedom. The only reward she knows she can offer him is her body, and if she has to be some bear's fuck toy to get out of here then so be it.

"Hey!" She calls out to the russet brown furred bear with green hair. "Where did that ranger go?" "What do you want?" He asks as he stands behind her as she is chained spread eagle between two stalactites and uses a free hand to grope her pierced breasts.

"You know how to use you paws," She coos, "I am Blossom, who do I have the honor of serving?" "The name's Kodyax," He responds. "How long have you been down here?" "I don't know," Blossom offers honestly. "Every so often they wipe my memories. But I know it has been a few years." She groans in pleasure. "Please fuck me."

"I think I can smell your heat," Kodyax says with a smirk as he enters her, "Can you tell if it's a true heat or something else?"

"Since being brought here I have been in constant heat," Blossom admits. "But by fucking me, especially if you blow a load in me or on me you put a claim on me for yourself. I doubt you will cut me up for food or beat me just because you are in the mood to make someone suffer."

"If I was to claim you as my slave I would you want you for sex and maybe do some domestic duties." Kodyax admits as he feel himself getting harder as Blossom reveals another surprise as her vagina becomes a kind of second mouth to suckle and slurp on his shaft. "Are you doing that?" "Yes, sir, as a way to make me better as a sex slave I was mutated and now I can perform that little trick." Blossom admits openly. "I hope this does not turn you away." "No, it feels really good actually," Kodyax finds himself forced to admit. "It's freaky but I can live with it."

"Thank you, master," Blossom coos as he climaxes within her.

Kodyax destroys the chains suspending Blossom but keeps a hand on her shoulder to steady her as she rests on his spent cock. The three eyed octopus marking on Blossom's back begins to glow as the other urophion approaches. It looks directly at them and passes on as if to it they are invisible.

Not willing to waste a golden opportunity to waste one of the things he hates with a passion, Kodyax puts both hands on the handle of his battle ax and swings for the fences. By another random miracle the spell he cast earlier reactivates and makes his axe blow more meaning full as the mind flayer begins to levitate to give itself a better view of the situation. Blossom stays by Kodyax as best she can, dodging the flaying arms of the urophion and taking care not to expose herself to the illithid.

The hidden enemy lays low the monstrous kin of the mind flayer who is none too pleased at losing both guardians of the chamber. But whatever warrior is doing this remains unperceivable to the illithid itself as much as it strains its senses to find the interloper murdering its minions. In the back of its own mind the mind flayer is getting nasty notifications from the elder brain pool telepathically as every dead illithid-kin registers on its radar as an elimination of a blip on its mental radar but the killer himself is not registering.

Kodyax switches from his ax to a long bow and chants another spell that allows him to shoot arrows of lightning by singing the praises of the storm. The mind flayer is taken by surprise by the first hit from the ranger as its body is wracked by electricity and struggles to maintain its concentration to remain in its current position, which Kodyax is actually happy for this as it makes it an easier target. It takes a few shots but eventually the charred corpse of the mind flayer drops to the ground and a disembodied voice booms into the heads of everyone once the illithid is killed.

"Enjoy your victory now, worm, you will fall. Something tied to the collective will find and kill you if not outright eat you."

Blossom looks at Kodyax with more than a little concern in her gaze to which he just snorts. "Not the first time I'm heard that warning and it won't be the last."

"Yes, master," Blossom says with a shame turned muzzle as she kneels before Kodyax and attempts to suckle his cock.

The ranger is about to protest when the first wave of disruptive psychic energy hits him and almost knocks him to the ground but something about the way the bard is attending him grants him the stamina to keep his footing. He prays for their protection and even invokes the Cerulean sign as a means of insuring that protection as it acts as a shield to deflect the waves of mind numbing viciousness assaulting everyone in the chamber. All around them the heads of the other slaves balloons and burst like at a certain carnival game where a prize is given to the one who can direct the stream of water fast and direct enough to accelerate the growth and thus destruction of the balloon in front of a given contestant; only this time what is being burst are the craniums of sentient beings whose blood and brain matter paint the floor in sickening hues of viscera.

Only Kodyax is witness to the carnage as Blossom is too busy pleasing her new master and while the use of that term to refer to himself is ominous to the ranger there is little he can perceive that he can do to break her of this habit. The illithid markings on her body are definitely not something that has just been inscribed on her body as Kodyax silently curses the daelkyr and their vile minions for engaging in practices such as these and she does not stop her suckling until he climaxes and gives her something to gulp down her own gullet. Why and how he was able to invoke the sign as he could and why is it that he and she are such a blind spot to the aberrations is beyond his kenning at the moment as the back of his mind does its best to unravel this mystery all the while as he moves forward with Blossom wrapping herself around him and cooing seductively.

He cannot leave her behind, this much is clear as it seems that only their combined power is what keeps them safe from the dangerous emanations of the elder brain pool. As they approach the massive doors leading deeper into the complex, two gugs emerge and take up sentry duty. Kodyax swears under his breath at the presence of the misshapen giants that cross the line into abomination as well into the very wheelhouse in terms as to what he hunts.

Praising the lessons taught him by the Gatekeepers Kodyax creeps forward so he has a great vantage point in which to chuck his trident at one of the gugs but not before he dips the tines of his spear in a mystic ointment that is harmless enough for him but deadly to the things he is going to be using it against. Kody's aim is true as the trident plunges deep enough to have its ultimate affect on its victim. One of the two gugs collapses from the effect of the sacred poison in its system and as its brother tries to attend it the wounded gug takes up its club and attacks its brother in a blind rage.

Kodyax smirks smugly as he watches his handiwork at work; soon enough the gug he wounded kills the other and then collapses from its own wounds but not before smashing the door they needed to get through. Mind killers, illithid-kin that are generated from captured beholders, and intellect devourers flood the scene both trying desperately to find the culprit that can be slain and blamed for this atrocity. Sighing because he does not have enough ammunition to deal with twenty mind killers and thirty intellect devourers, Kodyax and Blossom slip past the monsters to go further into the mind flayer conclave.

Escape from this place is next to impossible while the elder brain still lives; this is a fact in Kodyax's mind as it already spoken and it will do its best to kill them and before they can escape the elder brain must die. But this is not the first time he has been in this situation and he has a poison bomb that will take care of the problem once he drops it in the pool, he just has to get there. Illithids and ulitharids bustle about with intellect devourers capering about their feet like alien puppies which for most part is normal for mind flayer society.

Blossom clings to Kodyax as if her life depended on her being in close proximity and in some ways it does as any of the free creatures would gladly devour her brain or his brain for that matter. The city has no maps and signs where they are posted are written in qualith, the alien language of the illithids and their kin. Kodyax knows all this all too well but most illithid enclaves are built much the same and he has made a mental map accordingly.

Along the way they pass an eatery with naked goblins shaved bald for the convenience of the customers, of which there were many as Kodyax and Blossom sneak their past. Urophion sentries glare directly at the pair as they walk past but do nothing which puzzles Kodyax as they do not belong here but apparently to the illithids and their kin, he and Blossom were operating under the effects of a greater invisibility spell with a very long duration as it was obvious that their presence is undeniably unnoticed by the populace around them. They are completely unacknowledged which is alarming to the ranger but knowing that stealth is the key to their survival he is not about to complain too loudly about it either.

Just because they are apparently invisible does not mean the pair get sloppy on their attempts at stealth but rather like a pair of commandos they slip behind enemy lines to reach their target. As is usual for an illithid enclave the elder brain pool chamber is the grandest and most opulent in its design. Statues of individuals one would assume were of some significance to the enclave form great pillars in a veritable forest of statuary each with a plaque written in the alien script of the mind flayer race.

Humans, rabbits, elves, foxes and other assorted species that have had their wills stripped of them wallow in the briny pool to attend the needs and whims of the elder brain with eyes that betray their general status as little more than organic robots. Kodyax feels sorry for each and every one of them but there is literally nothing he can do for them but enact sweet revenge upon them. While he approaches the pool and readies the gas bomb he will drop into the pool and let it infest the pulsating pink tissue naturally a brain collector ambles in for a visit and causes Kodyax to halt his advance until the titanic aberration retreats or at least goes on its merry way.

A heated telepathic exchange is being fostered between the two aberrations which gives Kodyax just the distraction he needs to toss the bomb into the pool and then scan the scene for a way out. His eyes stumble on a ladder headed up towards the surface and seeing little other choice makes a bee line for it. Exactly where they are he has no idea but he doubts they are within the Eldeen Reaches where he lives and works as a Sentinel.

The enclave shakes as if hit by a major earthquake but Kodyax knows better than that and is more than a little bit alarmed as it means possibly that his poison bomb was a little too effective. Hazarding a look back he sees to his satisfaction the elder brain convulsing in its death throws as everyone and everything around it has quickly entered panic mode. Chuckling to himself at his own cleverness, he is startled by the final broadcast of the elder brain.

"You claimed her! The infiltrator we were grooming to be our agent in the reaches. I do not know what manner of being you are, but know this, whatever tender feelings you might have in sympathy for that creature is utterly wasted. She will see you as her master, someone to be obeyed. We have purged her heart of the useless sentiment you cherish and call love. That emotion is largely beyond her although you may have incurred her lust. You have won, hero and she is your prize. Enjoy her as she will never dare to think of herself as anything but a slave until the end of her days."

Kodyax shakes his head and weeps as he had hopes for Blossom; since the moment he first laid eyes on her he knew he wanted to make her his mate. He has no doubt of the veracity of the claims of the elder brain but as to its actual permanency; that remains to be seen. Angrily his heart rails against what the elder brain hath revealed and vows to rehabilitate Blossom even if means she will eventually choose another and break his heart in return.

Foam of a sort Kodyax is sure he does not want touching any part of him begins to bubble up from below. Blossom is already out of the tunnel ahead of Kodyax looking around wild eyed and bewildered at what she is seeing around her. Lush tropical greenery sets the scenery and causes Kody's jaw to drop in amazement as it is obvious that they escaped the enclave to arrive in Xendrik.

"Gods of light and darkness!" Kodyax exclaims. "How did we end up here?"

"Where did you come into the base?" Blossom asks. "And where are we now?" "I came down there through a newly discovered sea cave in the Eldeen Reaches." Kodyax admits honestly. "But now we are in Xendrik. I know the Kyber extends under all lands but this stands to be a stretch even for that estimation." "Just out of curiosity," Blossom inquires. "What sect of druidism do you favor, master?" "I see most druid sects as valid in their own way but I follow the path of the Gatekeepers as my internal compass as it were." Kodyax answers plainly. "Under what authority am I your master?" "You claimed me in the garden and sheltered me throughout our escape." Blossom explains. "I am a slave, that is all I am good for. You are the most gentle master I have had the privilege of serving." "And that is because?" Kodyax asks in a prompt.

"You have no desire to beat me," Blossom admits freely. "All you want is sex. If that is all you want, I will be a pampered and protected slave indeed." "And if I want you to prepare meals for the both of us?" Kodyax asks.

"My doing chores as part of my upkeep is more than acceptable." Blossom agrees with a smile. "You will protect me from monsters?" "Yeah, if I want to keep you as a potential mate alive and interested in me, I better make sure you don't end up in the gullet of some monster!" Kodyax proclaims as Blossom smiles before hanging her head in shame.

"I don't deserve a mate," Blossom mumbles as she falls to her knees. "I am a slave, a good and caring master is all I can hope for."

Kodyax lets loose an exasperated sigh as he looks around to try and get his bearings and finds that they are currently overlooking Stormreach which causes the ranger to smirk as there are many in that frontier town that owe him favors that he intends to collect upon shortly. They are happily walking along a secret path until they come across a strange boulder blocking their way. Blossom begins to try and climb over it when the boulder shifts and gets angry as it turns out not to be a boulder at all but a turtle druid.

"Confang it!" The druid yells as draws himself to his full height. "Can't a turtle take a proper nap anymore without somebody mistaking his shell for a rock!?!" "Serves you right for sleeping in the middle of a road, Sherman," Kodyax states with a chuckle.

"Kodyax?" Sherman asks in an incredulous tone of voice. "What are you doing here, my boy! I thought you were accepted into the Sentinels back in the reaches. Congratulations on that by the way." "Thank you, old shell," Kodyax says with a smirk. "I did sort of want to talk to you before I went home anyway."

"Why do I smell mind flayer?" Sherman demands to know as the rancor seeps back into his eyes. '"The bitch reeks of their foul touch." "I was their slave, old one," Blossom states as she kneels behind Kodyax in a shameful position.

"You stole a slave from them?" Sherman asks with a twinkle in his eye to which Kodyax just sagely nods and the turtle jumps for joy at the news. "I taught you well, boy!" He approaches and Blossom recoils from his touch. "They really scrambled her brains didn't they?" He gets a tear in his eye as he looks to Blossom. "You honestly believe that a slave is the best you can hope for, don't you, girl?" Blossom merely nods shamefully at his inquiry and he turns to look at Kodyax. "You did a good thing by freeing her, Kody, but you have your work cut out for you to rehabilitate her. What do you want from her?" "Ultimately if possible I want her as a mate." Kodyax says and caresses her cheeks which prompts her to nuzzle his legs and groin. "But I want her honest affection in that matter, and not the fearful devotion of a slave." "I think you already have that to a degree, Kody," Sherman states. "I can tell she is grateful you chose to rescue her from that den of nightmares you took her from."

"Yeah, and I took out another elder brain." Kodyax proudly states and gets a high five from Sherman.

"Glad to hear it!" Sherman shouts. "The fewer of them around the safer it is for all of us. Even the ungrateful ones."

"Yeah, now I just need to get her back home." Kodyax says plainly. "I want to rehabilitate her, and this really isn't the best place."

"You know Cassandra is always willing to make room for you at her inn, Kody," Sherman prompts. "And there is an expedition here from Breland that might be willing to get you home on their airship if you help with whatever factfinding mission they came out here for."

"That's a good idea for the most part," Kodyax admits but then utters the caveat: "As long as none of them are bitter about the Reaches successfully seceding from them."

"And you're a sentinel," Sherman states followed by a disdainful whistle. "Well, you can always try and see what they say." "Yeah, not much else to do." Kodyax says and gives Sherman a hug. "Take care, old shell, it was nice meeting you." "Likewise," Sherman says and then embraces Blossom. "I hold no malice towards you girl, I doubt you volunteered for this life but you have a good mammal in charge of you now."

"Thank you, elder," Blossom says with a respectful nod.

Blossom and Kodyax continue along the hidden path that connects with Stormreach via a hidden doorway in the meat locker of the Sultry Siren, an inn and tavern owned and operated by a human warlock of the Archfey known only as Cassandra. Cookie, the dwarf in charge of the Siren's kitchen, nearly has a heart attack when Kodyax and Blossom emerge from the meat locker but once he overcomes his shock he yells for his boss who is attending the bar at the time. One look at the pair and Cassandra can shake her blonde headed hair and chuckle.

"I was wondering when you'd show up next." Cassandra teases with a chuckle and kisses Kodyax on the cheek which earns her a dark look from Blossom. "So who's the stray?" "Cassie, this is Blossom, a sex slave I liberated from some mind flayers in the Khyber." Kodyax boldly claims as Blossom does her best to hide behind her master. "Any rooms to spare while I figure out how to get back home?"

"Sherman was in here the other day carrying on about some hole he swears went straight down there," Cassandra says with a worried look on her face. "Is that how you got to Xendrik?" "Aye, there was a mind flayer enclave down there." Kodyax states. "I do need to emphasize was as I killed the elder brain down there myself."

"Oh, wonderful," an older human who looks to be some kind of explorer, "It sounds like you destroyed the very thing we came out here to investigate.' Kodyax gives him a dark look. "Captain Harlan Patton of the Breland exploration society. And you are?" "Kodyax, Eldeen Sentinel." Kodyax states plainly.

"I want no trouble, sir," Harlan states with a respectful nod to Kodyax. "But I do want your story. I can give you no guarantees on how others will view the veracity of your statement, but I can tell just by looking at you that you are an experienced ranger. Most Sentinels of the reaches are.

The Captain has an illustrator that he brought along to sketch the full bodies of Kodyax and Blossom as he writes down in excruciating detail the events that transpired the previous week or so. The illustrator fully documents her markings as only a gnome can and while the markings are fearful they have tremendous artistry. Patton is a member of the Dark Lanterns and while an Eldeen Sentinel is a threat in one way to the sovereignty of Breland itself, the fact he took out an enclave that would have been a greater threat mitigates whatever threat he or his slave might be to Breland as it is obvious that Kodyax does what he does for the good of his nation and carries out the ethos of the Gatekeeper sect of druids. All of these factors make him more useful alive rather than dead.

It takes a few days to write up the necessary reports for all parties he is beholden to but in the meanwhile Patton and Kodyax exchange stories of their adventures which only impresses upon the human warrior how competent the ranger is and when one of his men tries to assassinate the pair in the middle of the night only to be murdered himself by the very ranger he sought to kill and it becomes obvious that taking him out will not be an easy task even if he were inclined to attempt it. Patton has no doubt it could be done, but the price in manpower makes that course of action foolhardy to say the least. Unless Patton receives direct orders to kill Kodyax, the human respects the bear enough to leave him alone.

Of course during this time Kodyax and Blossom spend little time outside their assigned bedroom and Blossom has enough of her former self restored to her as to get very territorial with any female so much as flirting with Kodyax which prompts the ranger to keep the bard on a short leash. Cassandra does have a talk with Blossom to get an understanding between them as she has enjoyed sleeping with the bear numerous times prior to him rescuing the bitch. Blossom is beginning to understand just how much she would want to be Kodyax's mate as he has been so kind to her and when they make love she feels better about their performance in bed than any other user of her body has ever deigned to grant her in terms of sheer pleasure.

The only attention anyone before has given to her tits is something else to whip and cause her pain or roughly fondle as they ramrod something in her lower holes. Kodyax licks and suckles her tits and when he fondles her breasts it's to give her pure pleasure, and not just get off on making her moan uncontrollably. In her mind his treatment of her as a lover and not simply a slave is reason to keep his interest in her as long as possible because she feels so good in just his presence.

Patton has a surprise for Kodyax when they leave for the mainland and that he did not get here in an airship but rather in a submersible. Their return trip is full of wonder as many types of sea life are observed on their way back. Kodyax thinks he may want to learn the spell water breathing at some point so he can spend some time down in this silent world, although they do have some allies among the merfolk that he decides he wants to talk to as soon as possible but he does not relay that information to Patton as they get close enough the coast of the Eldeen Reaches that Kodyax and Blossom can swim to shore and Patton takes note of the fact that their approach was monitored by merfolk who looked like they might be hostile until Kodyax hit the water and even then they were watching the submersible warily.

Blossom is welcomed with open arms as Kody's mate by the other Sentinels who saw two figures approach and when they moved to challenge did they realize it was one of their own and a naked she wolf. Kodyax is taken aside to present his finding to his superiors as Blossom is given a set of leather armor a spear and a dagger as everyone listens to her tale. She speaks of tragedy, of being taken from her bed as a pup and watching her pack get slaughtered by dark folk only to be turned over to the illithids as a kind of tribute along with other pups. For the first time she allows herself to grieve the loss of her family even as she is surely gaining a new one with Kodyax.

She was born in the Reaches and for the first time in what seems an eternity she is home. When Kodyax is done giving his reports he leads her to his cave for some quality time together as the manimals of the Eldeen Reaches prepare for ceremonies and celebrations to welcome her home. But before then she spends the night making love to her master, a male she regards as her savior.

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