Lykos 2-03 - Orientation

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#25 of Lykos

LYKOSSecond Skin

Chapter 03 - Orientation

Written by

_________________________________A new semester brings with it new opportunities. Will Marco do what, and who, it takes to become the dominant campus Alpha? What repercussions will his choices elicit?

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Lykos Second Skin Chapter 3 (Orientation)

The skies were painted in shades of indigo blue with only the faintest trace of bronze light at the horizon line. The dark night swept down across the campus in long streaks of inky black, but warm orange light spilled out of recessed lamps set inside the bridge that spanned the babbling creek snaking across Grand Mesa's campus. One building stood alone, casting light out of its large floor to ceiling windows. The commons was a beacon for weary morning travelers, summoning those few that sought breakfast at such an early hour.

Sitting between the light and the darkness, Marco had taken a corner table to himself. He ate slowly, savoring the quiet time. Coming from Hawaii, he'd been used to an earlier time zone. By all rights he should have been in bed like everyone else, sleeping in on the last Sunday before the start of classes the next day, sleeping later than all of them... but Marco had woken up with a head full of thoughts and a heart full of questions.

Marco lifted his glass of tea and sipped it, letting the amber liquid bring citrus and floral flavors to his tongue. He'd changed so much in a year, he'd seen such amazing things, and yet... he was right back here, right back where it all started. It was so hard to think about Western Civilization when there was so much to learn about being a werewolf. But there wasn't a better place to learn it.

The thunk of heavy plastic trays hitting the wood table snapped Marco out of his thoughts as he turned to see not one, but two figures sitting down across from him. Both were nineteen, their shaggy strawberry blond hair cascading down across their shoulders in wavy manes. The twins settled into the chairs across from Marco before they slid their trays toward him. He looked down, seeing the plates piled high with sausage links and patties, eggs, bacon, and some hearty sort of chowder.

"What is this?" Marco asked, looking back at the twins. Kieran shifted a bit, brushing his bangs out of his face as he looked up at Marco without meeting eyes.

"It's... an offering." he explained, blushing a little. Marco's brow lowered.

"I don't want your food." Marco said sternly. Liam leaned forward to look at Marco's tray with a bit of surprise. Despite the school's bountiful protein rich options, Marco had selected only a large bowl of oatmeal covered with sugar, cinnamon and milk. Liam looked up at the larger male.

"Are you sure?" he asked with concern. Marco looked at the plates the boys had brought him, piled high with food. All Marco could think of were his encounters with the campus Alpha his freshman year, a man that had gotten quite large from the offerings his pack brought him. He couldn't deny there was some power in that large-and-in-charge attitude, but it was a lifestyle that Marco couldn't embrace. It was inequitable, unfair, and... not his place.

"Why are you trying to offer me things, anyway? You the campus Alphas still, aren't you?" Marco asked. Liam sunk a little lower in his seat, looking at his brother. Kieran huffed a sigh and took a swig of his orange juice before he spoke.

"Technically, yes, but the semester hasn't started yet. We had all summer to think about things, and..." Kieran trailed off.

"We want you to be the campus Alpha this year. You'd do so much better than we would, than we did." Liam said. Marco stared at them for a few moments. To be honest, he'd been considering taking a larger role with the campus pack, but he'd been thinking more of an advisory role, and he'd never expected it to be served up on a pink plastic tray.

"I wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea last year..." Marco said, not sure how much to reveal off the bat. Kieran nodded in agreement with the sentiment.

"Why would you be? You didn't like how things were run, you were so young, everything was so new to you." Kieran said.

"But now you're older, wiser, smarter." Liam said. Marco crossed his arms.

"I'm just nineteen." Marco countered. Liam grinned.

"But how many is that in dog years?!" he asked. Marco shook his head.

"All I know is that last year, I didn't like what I saw. I didn't like how the Alpha was running things, I didn't like how the Omegas were treated. I didn't know how to help without becoming something I didn't like." Marco said. Kieran nodded slowly.

"Being an Alpha isn't easy, but in a large pack you're not alone. You already have your Betas. They'd be like your generals, and we'd be glad to be your lieutenants to keep the Gammas in line." Kieran offered. Marco's muscles tightened.

"What is a Gamma?" he asked, feeling as if he'd missed yet another critical lesson on werewolf life. Maybe it really would be best just to be an advisor to the pack... There was so much he didn't know.

"In large packs there's no way for an Alpha to keep order all by himself. They usually have an inner circle that oversees the rest of the pack, or even multiple circles to manage everything. Gammas are just Betas that report to one of your personal Betas." Kieran explained.

"So you'd still have your pack right with you, by your side, undisturbed. Artyom, Udo, and Fletcher... They'd be on top of us." Liam said. Once more Kieran shot him a look, though it was hard to blame him. The mental picture was appealing even if it was just a play on words.

"We're talking in the open air here..." Marco muttered, realizing yet again how careless he was being with his werewolf life. Liam and Kieran looked around the commons before turning back.

"And there's four other people, one with headphones and all out of range." Liam replied. Marco grimaced again before he took a spoon full of oatmeal. The sweet taste and the mix of hot food and cold milk was relaxing.

"My goal is the smooth and safe operation of the pack on this campus. If I do this, I don't want any preferential treatment outside of what an Alpha is supposed to do. No offerings, no discounts, no weird loyalty or fealty to what I'm doing in class or out." Marco said.

"I agree completely." Liam said before turning to his brother, "What does fealty mean?"

"I'll tell you later." Kieran replied, not breaking eye contact with Marco, "And that's what we want too. You saw past all the little things when you became a werewolf. You tried to live ethically, and by doing so you were able to save us all. We want to learn from you, to feel your guidance." Kieran said. Marco looked at Kieran a bit, his eyes narrowing.

"Is that a euphemism?" He asked. Liam shook his head.

"Even if we look at being werewolves with analytical minds, there's a lot of it that's still outright magic. There's a bond between Alphas and Betas, a connection. The Alpha influences the Betas, and the Betas influence the Alpha. That's one of the many ways that werewolves have been able to survive for so long. The guiding principles an Alpha has are instinctive to his wolves." Liam said. Marco looked back at the twins.

"And that's what happened last year to Silas, right?" he asked. The name cut like a knife through the twins and their eyes fell downcast. Because of their hot headed, lusty temperaments, the wolves on campus had gotten out of hand. They had turned six new werewolves in the course of a week. Silas had been the only one to awaken as a Direwolf. Marco looked at them reflecting, realizing he may have been too harsh. He swallowed a bit, "How is he, by the way?" he added.

"He's starting classes tomorrow, actually." Liam said, "He's going to keep living off campus this term, at least until he finishes getting things under control, but he's doing well enough to attend the college again. Ethan's coming back too." Marco's shoulders slumped a little.

Marco hadn't given Ethan much mind over the summer, though most of it was denial. The Keepers were supposed to be the ones protecting them, guiding them, helping them. Somewhere along the way Ethan had gotten lost in his own mission and had helped the spirit possessing Fletcher. Marco tried not to hold him responsible, but if Ethan had told them at any point before the eclipse, a lot of lives could have been saved.

"Well, I'm glad Silas is doing better." Marco said finally, hoping that was sufficient enough.

"Actually, the Keepers credit your work with Yom on that. They were inspired when you saved him last Year." Kieran said. Marco stirred his food a little. He'd tried so hard just to survive everything that looking back was a bit of a challenge.

"I think we're getting off track though. You want me to be Campus Alpha, and to impart my essence over the pack. Is there anything else I'd have to do?" Marco asked. Kieran looked at Liam. Liam shrugged a bit.

"Well, you usually take over being an Alpha from someone else by proving your dominance over them. Either by fighting or fucking." Liam said. Marco went very still.

"Excuse me?" he asked. Liam almost looked offended at his response.

"Hey, we don't make the rules... Sure, you can just say you're the Alpha with words. Most of the others will understand and follow you're lead, but there's still an animal instinct to this. To know you're the Alpha deep down, to make that bond, you have to actually... you know, be our Alpha." Liam said. Marco leaned back in his chair, not sure if he was going to be able to finish eating.


Swish, swish, swish, swish. The sound of sneakers hitting the treadmill were rapid fire, swift and fluid. It still felt a little alien for Udo to be in the school gym, but after leaving Grand Mesa for the summer, he'd decided that he was going to take advantage of the facilities as much as he could. Everything was so accessible, and it was all included with his tuition. Living with the Yashins had been comfortable, but there wasn't anywhere else that he'd been with such amenities.

Udo was a bit of an outlier in the gym. Five foot nine, platinum blond hair coming up and over his head in a styled sweep. His black shirt had the long sleeves pulled up to his elbows, but the dipping neck line showed off his collar bone and chest. But he wasn't just an outlier in the gym, he was an outlier on campus. Seeing his reflection in some of the gym mirrors, he felt a half-remembered sense of dread surfacing again. What if he hadn't shaken off being the campus Omega? What if he was going to be little forever?

As soon as the fears started to rise, though, something put him at ease. Udo felt his anxiety ebb away. He wasn't sure why at first, but then he caught sight of Marco's reflection in the mirrors. Udo slowed the pace down on the treadmill, looking over as Marco came up, smiling brightly.

"Hey, come to work out with me?" he asked hopefully. Marco grinned a bit, rubbing the back of his head.

"That isn't a bad idea, though I actually was hoping to... get your feedback on something." Marco said, looking around at the other athletes on the other machines, "But we can't talk here..." he said. Udo nodded and turned the treadmill before stepping off. He grabbed his water bottle and gave a nod.

"You lead the way, I'll follow." Udo said. Marco gave a soft smile at that, wrapping an arm around Udo's shoulders.


The creek running through Grand Mesa's campus was carefully curated, running along artificial embankments, under foot bridges and through canals. Every inch was maintained and kept pristine... but at the edge of campus, just on the other side of the Keller parking lot, it was more natural. The walls on either side of the water were much higher and the water gushed over rocks and logs, raw and unfiltered wilderness. As a result, the water was choppy and loud. It was that loudness that Marco sought as a mask to his conversation.

The large Hawaiian teen sat on the edge of the cement retaining wall, his legs hanging down, dangling a foot over the water. Udo was next to him, though his legs didn't go quite as far down. The morning light was a bit bright for his tastes, but Udo put up with it for Marco's sake.

"Udo, you're... the most like me in our pack." Marco said finally. Udo's jaw dropped, but he quickly pulled it back up.

"Are... are you sure?" he asked. Marco looked at Udo before realizing the reason for his doubt, and he chuckled.

"Well, I mean, how we became werewolves." Marco said, "Yom was born a wolf, and Fletcher is a human. You and I are the only people that started human and then became Wolf." Marco said. Udo nodded, realizing what his boyfriend meant.

"Yeah, and neither of us asked for it either. It was sort of forced on us." Udo admitted.

"I can't pretend my time was as hard as yours, getting used to it all.... But it's really been a process for us to find our place." Marco said. Udo nodded slowly, though his concern was growing.

"What is this about?" he asked. Marco took a breath, looking down at the water below.

"The twins asked me to be Campus Alpha." Marco said. Udo's eyebrows shot up.

"Really? That's great that they're still interested." he smiled.

"Is it?" Marco asked, "I guess it is. I just..." Marco started, then stopped, and finally sighed, "I don't want to mess up what we have." he said. Udo nodded at that, grabbing a leaf from the ground. He looked at it for a moment before he dropped it over the edge. The crispy golden leaf spiraled and swirled before it landed on the water, bobbing over the rapids, swirling around before it reached calmer waters.

"I don't think anything could change what we have." Udo said, "Wherever we go, we're your loyal Betas." Udo said. Marco smiled softly at that.

"They did say that you'd be like my generals, keeping the other Gammas in check." Marco said. Udo chewed his lip a bit in thought.

"Well, Yom was in Seamus' inner circle. They thought he'd be the next Campus Alpha for sure until you came along." Udo said.

"So he already has experience in that. It'd be kind of strange for you, right? Going from Omega to Beta to overseeing other wolves?" Marco asked. Udo chuckled.

"I think it'll be weirdest for Fletcher. He hasn't even mastered any of the Keeper spells, and he'll have all those wolves looking to him for protection." Udo said. Marco's confidence waivered.

"Really? I don't want to push him too much..." Marco said. Udo shook his head.

"I didn't mean it like that. It might be good for him. It'd be more inspiration to learn." Udo replied. Marco nodded and looked down at the water again.

"I guess I can get behind all of that, it doesn't seem so bad. The only thing I'm worried about is... the rite of passage." Marco said. Udo tilted his head almost like a confused puppy.

"As far as I know, there's no rite of passage to become a campus Alpha." Udo said. Marco leaned back, bracing his arms on either side behind him.

"Maybe not an official one, but Liam and Kieran said I have to... mate with them." Marco said softly. Udo looked at his Alpha for a moment.

"And you're worried about us?" Udo asked. Marco nodded.

"Yeah. I mean, it was hard enough for me to adjust to you and Artyom. I thought Fletcher was going to be it, he and me, boyfriends. But little by little, things fell into place and then we felt natural, all four of us. I felt sort of... guilty that I could have so many loves, when so many people out there are alone." Marco said softly. Udo smiled.

"I'm very lucky, because I used to be one of those lonely people. Now I don't just have your love, but I have Yom's and Fletcher's as well." Udo said, thinking about it, "What do you think helped you make that leap, from two to four as a couple?" Udo asked. Marco looked at his blond companion.

"I guess... the wolf thing." Marco said. Udo nodded.

"Because it's natural in a wolf pack to share those affections. But it's more than just that. Being a werewolf isn't cut and dry. It doesn't have to be all love. It can be heat, passion, lust. It can be chemistry, it can be connection." Udo said. Marco hesitated.

"I still don't know, having sex-" Marco was interrupted.

"Don't think of it like that." Udo said, "You're a big, strong virile male. You're a beast, an animal. You have the rights and responsibilities of an Alpha. You have wolves out there that need what you can offer. Hot, steamy, sexy. There's no obligation. They want you and need you, and let's be honest. Twins. Sexy twins. You just have to offer the goods and let them take part." Udo said. Marco smiled a bit.

"Well, I mean, I am kind of sexy." Marco said. Udo nearly rolled backwards laughing.

"Kind of? You're a beast! Look at that beautiful skin, that dark luscious hair. You're a real catch! They'll bend over backwards for you... And you have our permission. Enjoy yourself. We know you'll come back home to us in the end." Udo said. Marco looked up hesitantly.

"Really?" he asked. Udo leaned over and kissed Marco's cheek.

"Really. We can't be so selfish to keep you from sharing your assets." Udo said. Marco chuckled at that and pulled Udo in for a soft and tender kiss. Udo closed his eyes, deciding that in that moment the blazing morning sun wasn't so bad as it warmed his skin and soaked into his dark clothing.


It was well known that books had their own smell... Something about the paper, the binding, the glue... The way all that human knowledge and thought was contained in a confined existence gave itself over to a common aroma stretching back through human history. But that was not quite the smell Artyom was smelling. The new textbooks smelled different, not as good as the library books. The large twenty year old stood in the middle of row after row of temporary shelving set up un the campus store, holding a basket of about sixty pounds of text books as he tried to find his last class listing. Each row had course numbers and professor names, but there were so many classes it was still hard to narrow down.

Yom came around the corner and nearly squished a pale, meager looking Freshman with a bun on the top of his head, his blond hair shaved at the sides. His head slowly inclined to look at Artyom's immense and imposing figure.

"Have you seen Shakespeare?" Yom asked.

"No sir, I haven't met him." the freshman replied. Yom's face screwed up in a mix of offense and confusion before he saw movement across the store. Marco had entered with a bit of speed and was looking around.

The wrath of such a stupid response faded away as Yom saw his Alpha. Marco looked so good with his beanie cap and his tight burgundy shirt, his muscled arms sticking out from the tight fabric. His black pants showed off his body so nice. It was only then that Yom realized the little Freshman was still in front of him. Yom looked back down.

"I am glad you have come to learn... Please move." Yom said. The freshman wandered around the corner and Yom moved over to Marco.

"Come to get your books?" Yom asked. Marco smiled.

"I did it yesterday actually, I just have them in my backpack." Marco said, "I was wondering if... Well, I gotta run something by you." Marco said. Yom nodded, looking around before he set his basket of books on one of the tables. He followed Marco around the corner, the two stopping by the display of Grand Mesa mousepads. Marco looked over the registers and out to the hall, spotting the information desk where Liam was working.

Normally the University Center was dead on weekends; no administrators or loan officers, no food served at the restaurant on the second floor, and minimal operations at the post office. But that was different today. It was the last day before classes started, the last day of Freshman orientation, the last chance to get ready for the coming term. Marco looked back at Yom.

"I already talked to Udo. I want to be the Campus Alpha, but I'm a bit anxious about what I've got to do." Marco said. Yom chuckled at that.

"You mean who?" he asked, running his tongue along his teeth, "You could do worse. The twins aren't exactly the beefiest guys on campus, but they've got more stamina and longevity than anyone." Yom said. Marco grinned a little.

"I take it you know from experience?" Marco asked. Yom blushed a bit.

"Before I met you, I wasn't so well behaved." Yom said, "I probably was a bit too wild, and they enjoyed helping me sew my wild oats." he admitted.

"So it wasn't a love thing." Marco said, not that he was expecting it to be. Yom leaned back against the support column, reaching up to draw his long dark brown hair back into a ponytail with a hair tie obtained from his pocket.

"There's a lot to be said about enjoying the bond of pack mates without thinking about it." Artyom shrugged.

"But they aren't my pack mates, not yet, and I think about everything." Marco said. Yom huffed a sigh and moved over, wrapping an arm around Marco's waist, holding onto his ribs on the other side as they looked across to where Liam was trying to help get the arriving students the guidance they needed to find dorm buildings, the student store, and even local shops.

"You see that guy over there? Average height, skater hair, soul patch. Loves to board, loves to dirtbike, loves to wrestle. He's a lover more than a fighter, and he's always horny." Yom whispered, "Right now, he's probably got a bit of a boner just from seeing all the new and interesting people coming onto campus, but none of them are as interesting as you. That thick beard, those muscles, that delicious caramel skin? And your scent? Woof." Yom grinned, "You're an Alpha stud, and he's waiting to be bred. All you have to do is walk over there and take him." Yom said.

Marco looked at Yom in shock. He'd never been expecting Yom to encourage him like that, especially after being as obsessed as he had been... but listening to Yom, his cock had gotten hard. It was pressing tightly against his black jeans already. He'd been anxiously trying to figure out how to get up the nerve, but this was it. He was horny, he'd been shoved towards Liam, and there was no time like the present.

Marco walked out of the school store and across the hallway as Liam sent a pair of transfer students on their way. Liam looked up to greet the person approaching him, but he inhaled sharply as he saw the glint of yellow in Marco's otherwise hazel eyes. Marco came around the curved desk of the information station, reaching down to rest a hand on Liam's groin. Liam's back arched and he inhaled again.

"Hey... I think it's time you took a bathroom break." Marco said with a slight grin before he turned and moved down the short walkway behind the information desk and stepped into the restroom. Liam's eyes were wide as he stood there for half a second before he turned tail and practically sprinted into the bathroom after Marco. As the door swung shut, Yom exhaled slowly.

It wasn't exactly easy to send his boyfriend off to have an adventure with another man, but he understood the necessity of pack life. Yom turned back and retrieved his basket of text books and resumed the hunt for the complete works of Shakespeare. He wanted nothing more than to be with Marco right then, but this was an important step for his Alpha. By claiming his rightful place, he'd become stronger... and Yom wanted nothing more than Marco's well being.


The normal stillness of the bathroom had been disrupted with the wet and wild sounds of sex. Marco grunted with each thrust, feeling his long, thick, broad wolf cock plunging into the tight ass in front of him. Their sudden rendezvous had escalated quickly. Even with the security of the handicap stall in the far end of the bathroom, there was a very real chance they could get caught. Claws had emerged from Marco's hand, spread wide over the chest of his partner to hold him in place. He pumped his hips, driving his meat in deep, eliciting moan after moan after moan. As he leaned down into his partner's neck, he buried his face in the thick, wavy shag of strawberry blond hair and took a big whiff.

Liam smelled like cherry wood, rose and musk. It was so different to Marco's pack mates, but still so strong and alluring. The twin whimpered and panted, his nipples as hard as diamonds. He clenched his ass tight around his new alpha's shaft, trying to trap it inside, to bring it deeper, to keep it there. He'd never felt this filled or fulfilled before. He grunted hard, baring his fangs, his sideburns getting so bushy that they were managing to stick out through his wild hair.

Marco's golden eyes snapped open. Liam was putty in his hands, but he was more than that - he was... a Beta, his Beta, his wolf, his pup. Marco growled at that and fucked even harder, his cock starting to get puffy at the base. He ran his hand down Liam's chest and wrapped around his sheath, petting the velvety soft fur there before he slipped it forward and grabbed onto the wolf's shaft.

That huge, clawed, hairy hand on his meat? Liam started thrashing like his life depended on it, bouncing between the cock buried in his ass and the hand around his own manhood. He grunted hard and wriggled, his entire body electric. Marco could practically feel the charge, but to his surprise he could see and feel Liam continue to shift, to change... Liam's pectorals were getting harder and thicker. His biceps and triceps were swelling, a mustache was forming and his eyebrows grew together as his brow ridge pushed out thicker than before.

Liam was wriggling and moaning, his bush getting fluffier as reddish blond hair thickened on his arms and legs, his ass getting dusted with it. He threw his head back and nipped at Marco's beard, getting a mouth full of it before he panted hard. Marco groaned unexpectedly and let out a small volley of cum. Liam was a wild child, but it seemed he was having an influence on him. Liam had never been quite that hairy in his hybrid form before.

Marco was caught off guard to say the least, but... something was happening in him too. Even though he had cum a little, he felt hornier than ever. He felt like he had a new stamina, a new drive, a new... need. He had to see how far he could push his Beta, to help him grow into the wolf he should be. Marco came back down and licked and slurped at Liam's neck before he gently bit him.

Liam had to stifle his howl into his arm, shuddering in pleasure at the exchange, but it was enough to take him over the edge. Just as his tail started to grow in above his ass cheeks, his cock spasmed in his Alpha's hand and began to shoot jet after jet of thick, yellowed werewolf spooge. It splattered across the toilet seat and fixture, leaving a goopy mess. Marco kept moving his hand, milking Liam of every last drop, massaging and squeezing the tender cock.

Marco grunted and panted, inhaling the deep musk of his new subordinate. His thrusts became gentler and more tender. He ground against the furry ass before he drove himself as deep as he could and held himself there. After just a few heart beats, he pulled back and, sure enough, couldn't withdraw. His knot had formed. He gave a few more thrusts just to make Liam whimper and pant before he threw his head back and came hard.

Blinding pleasure washed over Marco's face, his eyes fluttering shut. His entire body throbbed and tingled as a huge, overwhelming flood of cum sprayed into Liam's ass. Marco's entire system worked to deliver his sauce, to fill his Beta. He grunted and growled and moaned and breathed in Liam's scent as he pumped and pumped and pumped. Marco's brain felt strange, hazy. He'd never had an orgasm that long in his life, and it kept coming, and he kept liking it.

Marco started to droop over Liam, and Liam smiled from ear to pointed ear, holding his Alpha up, taking his seed, feeling his belly grow heavy with it all. He licked his lips and smiled, his tail smacking Marco in the chest from how happy he was. Liam could feel his new Alpha's influence on him already; he was stronger, he was tougher, he was hairier, and there was a new calm deep inside of him... Everything he'd tried to achieve over the summer had crystallized, but he knew that Marco was feeling it too.

Liam opened his golden eyes and looked into the mirror, seeing Marco's content face. He had told him about the bonding, how Alphas and Betas could influence one another. What he had been hesitant to mention was that when an Alpha claimed another Alpha, that connection was... enhanced. It hadn't been a deliberate omission, of course. He'd never seen it happen, but it felt as if the stories were true.

Liam had gained the best influence of Marco's pack, and he had granted his alpha with his own strengths - namely libido, stamina, and sexual drive. Marco moaned, eyes still glazed over with lust. Liam smiled and closed his eyes, basking in the moment. He may not have been one of his Alpha's generals, but he had little doubt he'd be able to enjoy Marco's company over and over again.


Sunlight slowly filtered down through the canopy of trees behind the Historical Museum, covering everything in splotches of light and shadow. The air was a bit warm, just a little under eighty degrees, but in a place that was so frequently cold, it seemed too hot for Silas. The nineteen year old stood on one of the stepping stones in the garden, wearing only khaki cargo shorts.

He was well tanned, even burned in a few places. His freckles were bold and distinct across his shoulders. His fiery copper colored hair had been pulled back, revealing both the thick, unruly mutton chops that dominated his cheeks and the pointed canine ears jutting up from the top of his head. His fingers still ended in claws, but as his eyes opened they seemed to fluctuate between golden and green before settling on a color somewhat in-between.

Another set of eyes watched Silas from above. Auel had taken up his usual perch on the catwalk. He'd been there when Demeas had been defeated, he'd been taken in by those he thought to be his enemies, and he'd learned the deeper truth. Just two days of watching Silas' rehabilitation had been enough to change his mind, and after a few months he knew he had to recommit himself.

"You smell... different." Silas commented after a long moment. Auel grimaced.

"You're not supposed to smell me, I'm up wind." Auel said. Silas smiled.

"It's blowing off of the fence and looping around. You're excited." he said.

"Well, I never thought I'd be going to college." Auel said. Silas turned and looked up at the former hunter.

"Not about that, about me." Silas said. Auel's brow narrowed.

"Not everything's about you, kid. I had a girlfriend until the Eclipse." he said. Silas hesitated at that.

"Oh, I... I'm sorry." Silas said softly. Auel sat down and wriggled through the guard rails before he dropped half way down, hanging onto the rails before dropping the rest of the way. He stretched a little and moved over.

"And you can't go around telling people about smells all the time, it's creepy." Auel added. Silas' shoulders slumped a bit more at that.

"I'm sorry." he said, his wolf ears going flat against his head. Auel groaned at that.

"You don't have to get mopey about it, I'm just trying to help you kid." Auel said. Silas nodded, though he stretched his leg to the next stepping stone and the next before he finally sat down at the base of one of the old trees. Auel followed after, sitting down, closing his eyes to let the wind blow through his dark blond hair.

"Before, because of my condition, all I could really talk with people about was video games, and... I wasn't really any good with those either. You should have heard Fletch yelling when I compromised our base, or I took out the ladder leading to the flag. No matter what I did, I just didn't quite get it right. And then one day, I died." he said.

"Silas..." Auel murmured. Silas shook his head.

"No, it's okay. I mean, I died at that hospital, and then something else crawled out, and then I was reborn. I know they say that makes direwolves go crazy, but-" Silas looked down at his legs and wiggled the toes on his bare feet, "I woke up better. My paraplegia was gone. I was sexier, stronger. I was alive. And then I had people that cared about me getting better too. Ren, Ethan, even you. I am still sorry, by the way, for implying you were excited about me."

"It's... I mean, I don't know what I mean." Auel said, leaning his head back against the tree, "I don't know if I can put myself in a box when it comes to that. As much as you wolves talk about reacting instinctively to things, I think that's how I am. I respond to people by instinct. That's why I became a hunter. There was a threat, and I dealt with it. But... I didn't see the bigger picture."

"And now?" Silas asked.

"Now, I let some Japanese dragon lady convince me that I was going to college during the day and learning magic at night." Auel replied. Silas grinned, revealing his canine teeth were still a bit too long.

"And how is it going?" He asked eagerly.

"I don't know how Keepers do all those things to keep their wolves safe, but... I guess I'm pretty good at mixing different herbs and stuff. There are Keeper assassins and stuff too." Auel said. Silas pouted at that.

"You could do more than just kill people though. I know you could be great." Silas said. Auel puffed out his chest.

"What are you saying, kid? That I'm not great already?" Auel asked. Silas arched an eyebrow before smiling.

"Well, I have to say, for a man that can't check a box... you're pretty great so far." Silas smiled. Auel considered trying to come up with a witty response, but he decided he'd just take the compliment as it was. He leaned back and held out his hand, focusing his mind on his fingers, then the connection between them before a faint web of pearlescent light began to dance between them. It was a very primitive field, but it was the start of one of the Keepers most important abilities; the ability to make a shield.


The door to the dorm room swung open enough to shudder as it hit the edge of the bed, but Marco stood there for a moment. Fletcher looked up from where he had been doing some of his assigned reading, but his jaw dropped slightly. The way Marco was standing, his arms apart, his legs apart, and the bulge in his black jeans. Fletcher sprung to his feet and moved over, looking at his boyfriend.

"Are you alright? I mean, you look more than alright, but, are you alright?" Fletcher asked. Marco stepped into the room and grabbed the door, swinging it shut. He took a few breaths before he looked at Fletcher and grabbed him with one arm around the shoulder and the other around the head. He pulled him in and brought their lips together. Fletcher squeaked in surprise into the kiss, though he enjoyed how lewd it was for a few bursts before he pulled back.

Fletcher panted as the kiss broke and he ran one hand down Marco's chest, then the other down to feel the distended denim covering his package. Marco growled and moaned, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. The Alpha's ears started to stretch into points and his beard got bushier by the second. Fletcher slowly eased back, causing Marco to grunt in dismay. Fletcher swallowed a bit.

"Udo texted and said you were going to find Liam. I take it things went well?" Fletcher asked. Marco murmured.

"Not just Liam. I found Kieran in the gym and... I took him too." Marco said. Fletcher's eyes widened at that.

"You took them both, and you're still ready for more?" Fletcher asked. Marco nodded.

"So much more... I can't help it. I'm so horny. Fletcher, this must have been what Yom felt when we first met. This yearning, this drive, this desire." Marco said, "I need to fuck you." he said, nuzzling Fletcher's neck, "My true mate, my partner." he whispered. Fletcher was starting to sweat, getting aroused himself.

"It'd be hard to say no to that." Fletcher said, reaching up to caress Marco's cheek, "You get ready, I'll make sure we have privacy." Fletcher said, moving over to the window. They had started keeping the blinds at least part way closed at all times to limit how much anyone could see in, but Fletcher closed them the rest of the way, giving them a bit more privacy. When he turned back, he saw that Marco had dropped his pants and had already retrieved one of the high grade condoms they saved just for Fletcher.

In some ways it seemed easier putting it onto a canine phallus - the pointed tip helped steer everything in the right direction, and the way it tapered helped the condom unfurl down the length. Still, there were only one or two brands on the market that could put up with the practicalities of werewolf sex. Marco tugged the condom into place and looked up, his eyes already gleaming a bright golden yellow.

Fletcher murmured and threw his glasses onto the couch, then peeled off his shirt. Before he could get any further, Marco grabbed him by the waist. Fletcher shivered as he felt a hard, dark claw cut down the back of his pants. The fabric split out and his underwear withered, the destroyed clothing crumpling to the ground. Marco turned Fletcher around and leaned in, kissing up the back of his spine, then his shoulders before nuzzling his neck.

It was hard to resist the animal magnetism. His boyfriend was clearly in heat, something he no doubt picked up from the twins... but Fletcher loved it. Marco was usually so careful, so guarded. They never played around enough for Fletcher's taste. He'd thought about getting a toy, but if he could keep Marco like this, he certainly wouldn't need one. Fletcher pushed his pert, muscled ass back against Marco's shaft, feeling it rest between his buns - at least for a moment.

There was a soft squirting sound, the sound of lube. Marco drizzled a bit onto the condom before he pulled back and then went for it. Fletcher fell forward, hands bracing against the top of the couch before his ring was pushed wide. His pucker stretched around the intruding meat, but with the lube it wasn't too traumatizing. Marco wriggled and shifted a little before he pulled back most of the way out and thrust in again. Fletcher moaned out louder.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, Marco felt as if he'd found his true calling. He'd been so unsure about so many things, so worried and concerned, but now... Now it was as if he'd found his place. He was a good Alpha, a strong and handsome Alpha, and all the boys loved his cock. He grinned as his teeth stretched into fangs and fur spread across his ears. He fucked into Fletcher harder and deeper, inhaling deep breaths of Fletcher's scent.

Feeling his beast of a boyfriend pounding him was amazing, but a tingle of appreciation spread through Fletcher's body as he felt a big, powerful hand started to massage his stomach, then another reach down to grope him. In moments his cock was at full firmness and those clawed fingers started to stroke up and down his length, faster, harder, tighter. Fletcher feebly thrust into the hand, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.

The two moved in sinuous, fluid arches, basking in the pleasure of their combinations. Marco was powerful and fast, Fletcher was sleek and responsive. Their bodies came crashing together, bounced apart, and were drawn back as if by magnetism. Fletcher moaned out louder, fingers digging into the couch, riding the cock that filled him. His heart was racing, his skin glistening, the weight shifting from the heel of his foot to the toes with each impact.

Hot, fast, deep pants blasted from his lips, his piercings glinting in the diffused sunlight that filtered into the room around the edges of the blinds. This was heaven, this was perfection, this was what he had always wanted - almost. Fletcher felt something bubbling up in him, something he'd asked once before. It had killed the mood then, it had reminded everyone how fragile he was, how at risk he was, but he couldn't help it. He needed it, he wanted it, he craved it. Fletcher leaned back towards Marco as the words left his lips.

"Bite me, my Alpha!" Fletcher called out in a moan of ecstasy. Without time to think or process, without time for his rational mind to consider the consequences, Marco did as his mate requested. His head came down, his fangs piercing into Fletcher's shoulder. The fangs penetrated the flesh with ease, allowing iron rich blood to well up around the puncture. Fletcher's eyes went wide in shock and then so did Marco's.

Time itself seemed frozen as their minds struggled to process what had happened. Fletcher's shoulder ached and throbbed, but he couldn't help but smile despite the pain. All of his pleas, all of his requests, and it had finally happened. A strange grin crossed his lips and he leaned into the bite, moaning out softly. His human shaft quivered before unleashing its pearly load across the carpet in modest spurts.

The air smelled different to Marco. It was a mix of euphoria, shock, and fear - his fear. Marco slowly pulled off of Fletcher's shoulder, trying not to cause any more damage than the bite already head. He looked down at the wound, the dark red blood mixing with saliva, running in tiny rivulets down the sublime slope of his back. Marco was breathing faster and faster as time seemed to come crashing down on them both again.

"Rayne, I'm so sorry, I-I..." Marco panted, feeling like he was going to hyperventilate, "We'll get you help, we'll get you taken care of." Marco said, pulling back and standing upright, running to the drawers to try and find the first aid kid he'd brought with them. Marco knew no amount of first aid could help anything other than the superficial wound; there were of course only three possible outcomes to a werewolf bite.

Fletcher remained where he was, his back still arched, his arms still braced against the top of the couch. He looked like a sculpting, a painting of erotic art. His skin glistened with the dew of sex, his shoulder marked by the moment of passion. The diffused light from around the blinds illuminated his body as he basked in the moment of liminality, of finally achieving what he had wanted since he found out his roommate was a werewolf.