D.E1 Chapter 34 Desertion

** CHAPTER 34** Desertion Running through the corridors of R105, Cobalt's words repeated over and over again in Silver's mind... _The sender identified himself as Zonda... He managed to survive..._ They were getting close to the bridge when...

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D.E1 Chapter 26 Blood Sands

**CHAPTER 26** Blood Sands Almost a day had passed now since their ship had crashed into the desert. One of the creatures looked in the distance and contemplated the trail of debris of almost a kilometer long. These scraps of metal were once the...

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D.E1 Chapter 27 Deception

** CHAPTER 27** Deception "Come with me." A mysterious voice said. His emotionless face; barely visible from the turban that covered it. His skin was pale, almost as the color of the sand itself. His defiant stare told much about his violent...

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Research is Important! (Fuzzy Magic Micro-fic)

Meg, again. FYI, when you take Anthro/Beastmen/Furry/Scalie lovers, it's important to remember their equipment, and what they can do with it, will probably reflect the animal side, more than the human side. Since becoming a Strix I've learned...

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Like Fuzzy Bunny's

I looked down at the small fuzzy slit between my legs & gently rubbed it. a sharp tingle went up my spine & my leg rapidly smacked against the floor.

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Fuzzy Logic

#2 of fuzzy logic jason's flight part 1: fuzzy logic by: beefy the bull ...

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Fuzzy lover

#2 of breath of fire fuzzy lover ryu was laying on an old mattress, garr was holding on tightly to his thighs as he furiously thrust in and out of his ass, ryu was gritting his teeth as his impromptu partner was breathing heavily, it was ryu's first

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Fuzzy Logic

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story and all characters are copyright © 2012 K.M. Hirosaki. * * * _ _ Have you ever been jerking off to something you weren't supposed to, or maybe just something weird, and it was super-hot right until you got off, and...

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A Fuzzy Thought

"maybe...a little lighter on the alcohol," he chided his fuzzy brain. he took a careful step forward and stumbled, but caught himself. as he lifted the other hindpaw to keep going, his balance slipped away.

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Fuzzy Form

**-- fuzzy form --** unblinking eyes greet upon entry, the smirk - perpetual. the head sits alone, its body hidden behind closet doors until the time to don comes. a hood of black creates shadows of gray.

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Meg Introduces herself(Fuzzy Magic)

Uh, Hi? So, I guess we're doing this? Okay. Well, uh, I'll start by introducing myself. I'm **Meg** , and I'm a **Strix**. Basically, that means that I serve the Goddess **Lilith** , and help her spread lust, desire, and carnal pleasure throughout the...

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