Selestral 1 - Genros Legacy - Chapter 14, 15, 16

Story by Seth GodofChaos on SoFurry

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Chapter 14

es wird knapp

The computer established acute danger. It activated its last remained reserves. Ten knife drones raced out of the factory, abbreviated the ways through the air ducts, appeared at the upper end of the cathedral of the computer core and found their aims.

"You follow the way", instructed Kira Tarja over the loudspeakers now until its end. She did it and approached the end of the Ganges. She suddenly heard whirring. She turned round and yelled out in panic. The others had heard her shouting and looked around. The disaster approached came there. All on the search for an aim innumerable red laser beams cut through the air. The group drew theirs weapons and fired wildly and uncheckedly by the air.

Kira saw the misery with consternation on her monitor and cried out into the microphone to solve Tarja from her numbness. Your effort had been worthwhile. The tigress moved again. "Stop now around to the left. Do you see the room in front of yourself?" Tarja nodded into the camera. "Well, open the door and go in. You find a terminal there. Switch it on and wait till the computer has started." The others fought in the meantime from Tarja's group for its life. Tarja stood in front of the computer and eternities seemed to pass. In reality it did not last for thirty seconds and the system waited for a input. "Good. Take the small half-round device to your right hand. This is a mouse. Make the pointer with it over the monitor and press behind each other a symbol twice briefly under the maintenance program computer core stands." Tarja found the icon and double-clicked on it.

Group two got over the central loudspeaker system, everything and that how Kira's voice suddenly somersaulted blade stood on knifes. They had painted the noses fully of these wait. "It does not give me a shit what everything is in it there. I go in, now there", Syrgon shouted. Grey got up and looked at Sinja. "You stay behind me. I would not like that what happens to you." The dainty vixen gave him a smile. A small terminal was located on the right in the high pressure door to the input of a number combination, let in into the wall. Syrgon built up in front of that and started under desert curses to enter numbers on which getting well. Improve said, he tried to hammer them into damned electronics. The first ten efforts went wrong and only a loud bleep always sounded and announced a metal voice: "Access denied!" "You it is no matter to me what this may be called but I want purely now there condemned dirt machine!" The access computer could not be impressed: "Access denied!" The wolf hammered the next combination in: "Access denied!" He tried it again: WAccess denied!" It sufficed Syrgon now. "Step away of the console!" He snatched himself, hims flame-thrower was aimed and pressed through the vent. The flames licked after the console, glass splintered and electronic components melted. This did not seem to the computer to taste nice at all and it gave with the words: "Access granted! Please wait few seconds to unlock security Bolt!" With a clicking loudly the seals were unlocked and started to move. Impatiently Syrgon bobbed up and down with the left paw on the ground and rolled the eyes. "These have what hidden behind this? Body eater?"

Another screen opened up in the meantime at Tarja. "Very good. You move the mouse pointer on the stroke computer core switch off", now Kira told. Tarja did it and the question came onto the screen whether it is safe that it wants to deactivate the computer core. It clicked self-assuredly on yes. Sudden became silence. No sound, no buzz. All equipment had pointed out an active basis to it till now, had ceased. The computer core was switched off.

They had just had the feeling that it would be out. The energy levels of the hand lasers had been reduced dramatically and a drone did not lie on the ground. You whirred like a hornet swarm over the heads of the group, tried to kill them. All at once the apparition was past. The drones stopped in the air briefly, the knives stopped rotating and brought them down uncheckedly to the ground where they hit and remained lying under a clattering loudly.

The young tigress opened the door and stepped out from the room. "Tarja?" She nodded into the camera to know how to give that it still could hear Kira. "You have made it, all defense plants are apart from strength. Go into the opposite room now, please. A safe stands with the documents there." She did it. "Give the following numbers one, 5 6 8 9 1 6 3 2 0 now, please." The lock opened with a clicking quietly. Tarja looked into the safe and started to smile. She took a couple of keys and an envelope sealed from him. She held everything into the camera and it could Kira not let a triumphant cry take over the loudspeakers let off. She took hers radio equipment to hers hand. <"Kira is here group two. We have the key and documents. I am opening you the sluice now. The factory is, switched off the computer core also. Destroy as much as you can with your laser weapons and then come out again."> <"Ok, Kira. But do not make the effort to open the door. We have already found our own key."> <"As this?">, she looked at the hologram and saw that the electronic seal had been broken by force. She has got "really crazy well.">

The lock had retired and the door opened. When it released the view at the inside of the factory, they were frightened. Two fight units stood switched off and motionlessly directly behind the door. "At Anubis, if we were pure there, then we would have lost at least two everybodies straight off. These have actually only waited for us", Syrgon said. Scattered on the ground there were dozens of knife drones. You got conscious that it only had been few seconds which have saved them. "Good everybodies. We get down, to the work", Sinja said. She drew hers laser weapon and started to fire on the drones. The others equaled her and destroyed the units. Another ten units stood in secret in niches and behind projections. It smelled after melted metal and piercing vapors undulated by the air, increased due to the unusual ventilation to biting stench. You had to cough, however, continued with her destructive actions, shot the assembly lines to pieces and changed the work robots into useless scrap metal. <"Kira, here group two. We are ready in the factory and come out again."> <"I okly show you the way, so long, you then do not need to search."> <"Fine. Do this."> Himself the two groups had arrived at the T-fork again, at which they had parted hours before and fell laughing into the arms within twenty minutes. They returned to Stella, Kira and Pedro into the grotto. Tarja rushed at Kira, hugged and kissed her. "You were fantastic", said the tigress. "No, oh what. I have done nothing at all anyway." One saw the lynx's embarrassment and this made it even more pleasant. Had everyone welcomed and hugged themselves, Kira turned the entire computer plant off and the rocks left one after other. They had what they wanted and their work here was done. When they stepped into the open by the crevice, it was already late afternoon. The retarded Chafren looked up and cheered the two groups. They had let their radio transmitter switched on and listened in on everything. A deafening noise suddenly cut through the jubilation cries. One heard considerably more explosions. The destruction of the factory had led to short circuits for which the central computer could not compensate any more since it was switched off. It had braised and played with fire in the tax and data lines. When the groups had reached Kira, Stella and Pedro in the grotto, had formed different sources which were effective fast around themselves. The stored ammunition stocks and also the ammunition in the formerly active fight units did not withstand the heat of the flames for a long time and exploded. Everyone had left the rock massif apparently just still on time. "This was, Wow, really scarce", Tarja remarked casually. Thick black smoke which climbed to the heavens and showed the mountains base the end penetrated from the crevice.

The evening turned out pleasant and cosy. The groups had assembled around the campfires. They was discussed intensely and those were these at first use said colorfully and flowerily of this experienced again and again. Chiron got up and walked around. He talked with uniting, paint with the other one and marched finally purposefully toward a chest which him had quietly and quietly secretly brought with here. Cyron had followed him, it would to see what drift there. "Na, my good one. What do you just do?" "Ehm, nothing of importance", replied Chiron and the chest opened. This one surrendered its contents. "I, you know, have brewed a couple of barrels of beer secretly and thought that these would be quite good for our everybodies now." Cyron blinked at, it grinned and nodded: "This is an idea jutting out." You unpacked the barrels and rolled them after each other to the middle of the camp. Some watched one's activities interestedly, other ones were deepened in their conversations. Chiron looked around and suddenly shouted: "Beer for everyone!" This was the keyword. Hurly-burly arose and the first barrel was tapped. At the back endof the camp a couple of glasses were washed out quickly and two wolves were surprised why her glasses were filled a liquid which smelled penetrating after a scruffy fish. You thought himself but nothing except for Syrgon which had to think of the unicorn and the Pegasus grinning. The feast was well under way and everyone had fun splendidly when all at once the earth shook and the crevice caved in. The explosions gone ahead and the heat of the fire had led to weaknesses in the structure and let the computer core cave in. It caved collapsed in itself and the complete cathedral broke with itself. The last remains also had got useless destroyed and completely with that. Kira, Stella and Tarja sat together and chatted. "Know you I have noticed what?", Stella asked. The two other females looked at her interestedly. "Our tomcats seem to be full in their element at this whole fought around. I have never experienced Cyron so professionally." Tarja nodded and agreed with her fully. What Stella, however, meant knew Kira twitched with the shoulders. "How it is actually with you?", Tarja asked skillfully, to Kira. "What is with me?" "Think I what it is like with you and Pedro?" Kira looked at the tigress crookedly and put the ears up. "It rumors circulate, that all of you. ..." Kira squinted the eyes to narrow slits. "... I know you have what in mind. You want to ask whether both of us are a couple." Tarja nodded and looked at the lynx apologetically. "Yes, we are a couple but at a physical and sexual level not. We are congenial and intellectually with each other connectedly." "Something explains this primarily why he always follows you like a shadow", authority said and the topic ended with that. Cyron and Chiron sat with the three females, put their beer glasses down and grinned broadly. "What does grin for it so?", Stella asked. "We are just", pleased Cyron rejoiced, "Och that everything has turned so well nothing, only in such a way." Chiron turned Kira: "You have made excellent work." Kira lowered the look and was flattered obviously. It turned Tarja: "And you, my lover, were simply only fantastic." Tarja gave him a smile lovingly, would go red around the nose and lowered the look coyly. "Paint something serious now so, however", said Cyron. "How it goes on now?" They pricked up your ears and Tarja seized the word. "Is clear anyway. We load the weapons first overnight and check them through. We then have a good sleep correctly well. We push each other back something proper between the teeth, the dragons snatch us and fly back to Felgan tomorrow morning." Chiron nodded. "This listens to everything very well. But I suggest to let the present feast not get out of hand and to put himself on the ear in good time. We should keep the night quite short. We attach the weapons to the charging points at once best and immediately after the dragons call so that these appear here early. After a short breakfast we should set out and fly to the margin of the jungle at once. The next base already waits. In addition, I fear that the defense there might be fundamentally stronger and already is certainly in alert." Tarja and Kira nodded agreeing. "You have right. The connection between the two bases was interrupted which might give a reference to an irregularity. My and also your manipulations at the computers then should be sufficient to dispel the last doubts. I think tightly that these also can add one up", said Kira. Cyron breathed deeply deeply. "You are right and Chiron will certainly see this also so." Both tiger tomcats looked at themselves and indicated a nodding. "We okly then soften this that way." Tarja rose and went to the loading up units. When it had arrived there, it switched these on and called everyone together. After ten minutes all weapons hung on the cargo load. Sandra's dual machine cannons were taken and the cartridge drums filled out by the platform of the sabertooth tigers Crown and Grey. Ikarus was, then freed from hims laser cannons and these brought to the cargo load as well these the taurs. Cyron went up into the tent and operated the ringing key on the transmitter. 'It hopefully works', this time it thought at himself. The other troop members finished their glasses, cleaned them and began to pack their things. He stepped into the open again and saw that Tarja, Kira and Stella still sat at the campfire and a griffin, a fox-taur and a wolf had joined for this purpose. You talked and discussed about about something. Cyron approached them. "Na, you cook what up anyway again." They looked at him and shook the heads. Tarja had the documents got away with lie and read on their lap. Stella looked at her husband. "May I introduce our three friends here to you by the way? These are and these the wolf Syrgon, the griffin Triton fox-taurine of Pallas." The three nodded at Cyron after each other friendly and gave him to understand that it shall sit with it. After he had taken a seat, Tarja seized the word: "So where I had stopped? ... Oh yes. The mountains base was only a supplies center according to the notes and built therefore appropriately simply and only easy armed. The jungle base is fundamentally more complex and harder to take." "For what we must prepare?", Syrgon asked. "Second - look whether I find what there. Ah yes. Something stands to it here."

She read out loud.

"... tactical data of the base number 1 are: 20 fight units per two machine cannons and per 400 shots, 10 fight units with a one machine cannon each, 300 shots and additional equipment with a one laser cannon each, 30 knife drones in a rotating awake system which autonomously changes at alert, automatic machine cannons on the roof of the station, cover for all 4 directions with 3 pieces each, shot number per 1000, These are with each other in conjunction, through fight units and knife drones permanent data interchange possible and precisely adaptation to the requirements about a local network, Size of the station approx. 4 km ² per level, number of levels -10, Archive lies in level -20 to the protection, Coordination of the systems is carried out via a mainframe in level -10, Situation of the computer wrapped up centrally in 20 meters of Duranium lead Carbonit alloying and with that shielding against atomic and other electromagnetic influences, Storage of the Mechprototype in a separate sector, access via an elevator in level -10, position in level -40, thus optimal safety, direct access is protected by two laser towers, deactivation is carried out over the key situated in the handling and after input of the number code, the appropriate sector is locked hermetically and flooded with poison gas in addition at a wrong input.

Data of the Mechunit: Corpus made of titanium, Legs and weapon carrier from a titanium cobalt based alloy, Control by a single person, rest is computer-assisted and self-learning, all sectors with liquid cooling system, Air filtration system with a hermetic bolting to the outside, Energy source is a fusion reactor with 5 gigawatts of nominal performance, overtax at 12 gigawatts for 30 minutes after that 2 hour cooling break forced by switching off, Control is forward, backward, to the left and to the right made by two joy-sticks, right joy-stick for basic movements; left joy-stick for movement of the torso on the left, on right, high and down, A left arm = 4 high-performance laser cannons, fire speed with 40 shots per minute per cannon, total performance arming megawatt at a full exploitation of 160 shots per minute 250, A right arm = 2 ultra-fast machine cannons with a throughput of 200 shots per minute per cannon, arming quantity of the carried ammunition suffices for a permanent fire on 55 minutes, Alloying of the Mechs withstands a duration fire on 40 minutes with the weapons of its own, Aim search system completely autonomously, manually over-controllable tactical 3D hologram in the cockpit integrated, permanently update of the terrain computer, scanning of the terrain by permanent laser and radar scanning, tare weight 80 tons, service weight at full reserves 140 tons, Maximum speed in the plain and at full reserves 120 km/h, Maximum speed in the return mode and without reserves 140 km/h."

Belonged the did only not make it concerned but filled everyone with consternation deeply. Syrgon broke the silence: "I would have not preferred to wonder if I had suspected this approach-wise before." Tarja looked sadly to its father and this one looked worriedly in the flame. "Nothing far means this in that what was only love skirmish was carried out till now. It was virtually a walk around the village huts and would already have cost us almost the life now." "Uri has lost an arm. What who whitely is passing now?", Tarja whispered pushed down. "This is", said Cyron continued, "nothing far, in that we must make an effort still more. We must be ready and fight bitterly." Stella whom no-one had so properly thought of till now interfered and asked questions. "Fight bitterly, but against whom? What's that all about? Who is behind this? Who does build something like that and why here, from our planet?" Triton did not say any idea: "But a completely different question arises me. What does all this have to do with us? Are we so dangerous that one must set us these weapons in front of the noses? Have we perhaps committed something and one wants to check and keep at the bay us?" The griffin had spontaneously expressed the most difficult questions. It questions were these deeply should go back in the history. These were questions about it, who are we, where do we come from and where do we go?

Chapter 15

gods dusk

A sighing by the row went almost at the same time and no-one had a suitable answer at the moment. "At the beginning our gods created our planet, after that they looked at their work and were happy ." They, however, noticed that something was missing and created the ocean and the three continents. The evergreen zones of the meadows, rivers, meadows and woods were then created by Chnum. Seth created the desert together with Ra. Horus created the mountains. Ptah formed the jungle and Anubis built the underground caves, grottos and labyrinths. Osiris then came and breathed the life-giving breath into the whole. Surprised and overjoyedly the gods had a rest on the third day, however, noticed toward evening of the same day that nothing changed. Disappointed with it, they wanted to destroy the world on the fourth day, however, had second thoughts about it and swept over the surface merely. Wind and seasons resulted. They remembered that seemed in their world to change a little and decided to get and to develop further them. On the fifth day they created animals and released them on the surface. These increased, however, escaped every control. So they created us on the sixth day. Every god created a manner according to its picture. The nature got tired, however, already very soon, however, could not collect any forces and threatened to die. Ra was very sad about it and the sun eclipsed. Himself the first night fell and the nature went to this one the day be quiet and could of the strive recover. Noticed this Ra and the other gods and introduced the times of day on the seventh day, with bright and dark phase", Pallas spoke in front of herself to. The others looked at them. Kira replied: "Ready to the mythological version of our rise. But really who we are? What are we? Shifted creatures of the gods or perhaps one idea of one these wanted to try what out?" She had unintentionally expressed a thought of causing this one an inner chaos threatened. He threatened to break up the known limits and ideas. And what if he proved right? How would they live and circulate with that? They were and, then descended from whom in truth? "I have the fears", told Cyron, "that the whole matter becomes not only a fight with material things but also with us ourselves and our faith and our fundamental attitudes." "Think you that we are on the search for our creator?",Triton asked unsafely. "Yes, I exactly mean this. Who always put up the whole machinery on our planet has, has answers to all our questions also. We guilty and what we should these fetch, it, they, it, is after all always what, too, if we have made it until there." They nodded agreeing and got up. Cyron went to the charging points and looked according to the rightist. Kira went into her tent, switched off the light, cuddled up to her shadow and fell asleep. Stella went into her tent and as Cyron arrived she already slept deeply and tightly. He put himself next to her, watched her and could not sleep. He was caught too deeply in hims thought and brooded only for several hours. It finally fell into a restless and short sleep. In the dream he went walk lit up by a long and bright. He came to a door and knocked. It was opened by the other side and he entered into a gigantic hall. Gigantic chairs were at the walls and one of the well-known gods sat on everybody. They looked down to him friendly and pointed at another chair which was at the head of the hall. This one was empty. He approached slowly and unsafely it when a nature suddenly entered and took a seat on this. He thought first that it should be Ra. But when he looked more exactly, he recognized, that it was not Ra this one had taken a seat there. It was a creature as he had never seen it. It worked upright, had two legs, two arms and also a head. It was naked and him anatomically a match for. What repeled really and fascinated simultaneously him but nevertheless was a little there. This nature had a rosy skin. It was also what this confused him. He could see the skin because it had no fur and also no tail. "You are who?", Cyron asked. "I am your god", replied the creature with a thunderous voice. He further did not come in hims dream. He yelled out and woke up bathed in sweat. He composed himself besides himself and felt after hims wife but the was not here. The daylight prepared to end the reign of the night meanwhile. He also thought he stepped in front of the tent and looked for Stella and went to her. "Hello darling", she welcomed him and kissed him gently on the nose. "Hello", he said with a hoarse voice. "What dear is with you, you are not well?", Stella asked gottenly. "No. Everything OK. I have slept only badly and had dreamt strangely." "Oh. I hope that the whole matter does not overtax you." "I no create already this", he said, and smiled calming. He looked around and noticed that he was apparently the last one which had crept from the tent. His breakfast ration snatched itself and he his meat gobbled down starvedly. After approximately an hour one heard a soft buzzing noise and about the slopes the dragons came. Many arms joyfully stretched into the air to welcome them. Cyron had eaten up and hurried to Groodarn which led the group of the dragons and therefore landed first like always. "Good morning, tiger Cyron and also good morning to all others", said the dragon. "Hello Groodarn." "How I see you have come through the last two days well. What tells stories, anyway you have experienced everything." This one gave Cyron happening nit back in the fast run, which listened to it and the dragons was impressed obviously. "So it was all in all a complete success", the dragon confirmed the heard. Cyron and also some other one nodded. "This is pleased to hear me, tiger Cyron. What do you plan as next?" A standard formula of Groodarn had become the sentence by then and the tiger probably would have looked at it uncomprehendingly if it had not asked this question. "We would like to the edge of the jungle. There we open our next store and think our further procedure over." "You should return to Felgan first and complete your food stocks", drew the dragon your attention to the fact. "In addition, I must inform you that we had to accept a tragic loss. One of my friends was on the hunting the day before yesterday and flew till write poems to the border to the jungle. What did have exactly we do not know led it there of all things. Yesterday, at all events we discovered it streaming with blood on the bank of the Tiglus. We suspect that it was already attacked and wounded seriously at the forests border. It then still must have dragged himself up to the riverbank and then has died there." This news was alarming. "I am this sorry damned honestly. The situation gets out of control and increases to sharpness. Everything apparently is what immediately moves only in the direction of the jungle butchered", Chiron threw in. "We have okly packed our things on the whole together. We only break off the tents and then fly to Felgan. The situation is apparently very serious and it is not to jest with the whole arming of the station there", Cyron decided. "However, I also have a good piece of news which perhaps will please you", said Groodarn. "We help you. We are involved and your fight has become our fight now, too after our friend was attacked and killed. We step in actively as of now." Cyron's eyes started to shine because this was a really urgently required, good piece of news at this moment. It did not hesitate for a long time either and initiated Groodarn into the documents in which the equipment of the station was described. The dragon nodded when it followed Cyron's explanations. "We fly to Felgan now and wait until tomorrow. I also will initiate the others into the documents. The must know what comes because of them. We must expect primarily to discover extremely intense resistance and that not everyone will return livingly", Cyron completed. Groodarn nodded and did not seem pleased. "We have a dragon lost already. It I hope that it does not get still more but one cannot exclude", he said. "No, it will get really hard. But we do not have hung the heads. We have a decisive advantage now. If we attack, then in the combine. Therefore simultaneously from the air and from the ground. This will perhaps overtax the opponent and provide with us valuable time." His weapon system to stone chippingses was plausible, this really no longer only could the attacker who wanted to take hold of its world apparently concentrate on an aim level and was forced. Cyron noticed, "we okly tackle it. Everyone listens!", he called loudly, "We are flying back to Felgan now, there we make a stopover and stay. I have to mediate news important for you." They dismantled the tents, packed them and loaded the dragons. After everyone had taken a seat for certain and comfortably, their winged friends took off and after four hours they accomplished their goal. The villagers were pleased about the comers enormously and gave them a warm reception. Hargot had remained in the village and was pleased to see Casandra again effusively. He ran toward her and hugged her heartily. At first she was confused and not what shall think her of this attack did know properly. However, fur finally submitted to her fate and cuddle Hargot through. The landlady Shiva hurried here and looked around. Your eyes came on when she discovered Pathenon and brought him down toward it. She stiffened to the salt column, as he noticed like it happened. But it was anyway already too late. Shiva bounced for him into the arms really, clung to him and kissed him hotly and heartily. The around stationary ones watched this and began to howl and to applaud. Chiron nudged Tarja: "Looks like it has a pair still found itself there." Tarja was just engaged in unloading hers things but interrupted hers activity looked in the direction into the also Chiron looked and began to giggle. "Looks that way. Yes, how Shiva does a burr hang really in hims fur." Chiron nodded, looked at Tarja and kissed her. "Also let me be your burdock", he whispered it into the ear. She knocked the eyelids down and nodded positively. He floated like on clouds and wished that this moment would hold eternally. But the time passed and great events threw their shadows ahead. "We must further put together and discuss each other with all like us proceed. The matter will become extremely hairily, tomorrow", he said in a serious intonation. Tarja sighed and nodded repeated. After approximately an hour the dragons were freed from their burden and put themselves at the riverbank to the quiet. The troop also put itself on the village square and recovered. They was reached to food and drinks much what did not miss its effect and polished the morals up. While everyone still was eating, Tarja rose and apologized a moment around attention. "Listens", she started with and made a thoughtful face. You had to think over because it did not want to speak the stage lying in front of them on the one hand beautifully but on the other hand it did not want to discourage either. It a fine balancing act was this one had to put it down. "I have a good and a bad piece of news. Which ones do you want to hear first?" Murmuring broke out: "Put yourself but fast." The bull torus called: "First the good news. One can wonder according to that whether one still wants to hear the bad one at all."

Chapter 16


A quiet laughter sounded and the young tigress also could not keep back a smile. "Beautifully, if you want it so, then you shall na get it also so. The dragons accompany us - in our fight as of now." "Hears hears", the voice of a griffin sounded. "Why because this suddenly?", another griffin asked, named Tristan. "Very simple. One of her dragon friends was shot down at the border to the jungle on yesterday and died of the riverbank. They are ready now to help us actively and not only to provide our transportation." Unrest took hold of the troop. "What already hides if a dragon is then shot down and this already at the forests border, there?", Wotan, one of the wolves, asked. "Well, it is nice that you ask this for the bad news because I already come with that, too." She preferred the piece of paper in question this one had it with it from the documents and read the decisive positions loudly. It was with the silence over and done with now. Everyone was more than only got and also made this known. "Damned, we do not have any chance" and "is really delightful that we also hear this" and "this is crazy, all of us will snuff it", had to be heard and these were still the clearer words against something like that. One otherwise heard rather indefinable curses and expressions went this one far below the belt. "EHHHHHHHHHH!", Cyron yelled, between this. "Have you got you back in the handle now finally again?" It retracted quiet and innumerable evil views were cast at Cyron and also Tarja. Tarja took a heart and immediately seized the word again. "People condemn once again! You have what what this here imaginarily becomes? A grasping marigold pietz? Have reported voluntarily as you and I stress the word voluntarily because no-one has forced you to go along with that and it is still up to everybody to go now. Their really could imagine well that it does not become a cosy walk. The shit is if you are surprised now that like blind she got at the beginning actually I then wonder, steam the on. Has our the former, easily acquired victory let you get so self-assured that you want immediately to give up in case of the lowest difficulty and the smallest obstacle? Are alone and no more suddenly only interested in yourselves you for the whole matter? Is it no matter to you what we and our world turn into?"

She went between the rows and looked at hers words every particular into the face. "It does not care you completely all at once whether, tomorrow, you still can live peacefully and do your females and boys turn what? Permanently want you to live in fear fall to an insidious attack for the victim which is executed by a stupid machine? In addition, do not seem to interest you either who has built the whole scrap metal on our planet?" Your words were heroic in the true sense of the word and achieved a sweeping effect. Still these had shouted by the area loudly and put a very flowery discussion to the day, bowed the heads and reflected of a better one some of the AnChafren before. "But how we shall create this?", the wolf Bargon asked. Tarja turned round to him. "We will create this. We only must want it. Our opponent even is strongly, damned strongly but we have our faith in the good and the hope for a secure life on our side. This gives us force, we may never forget this. In addition, one will not calculate that we actually attack and it probably will then, if we do it, be a bad surprise. Our enemy feels too safe of weapon equipment through his and we must make use of this point skillfully. The dragons enforce us with a decisive advantage. With their help it is possible for us to share the base defense. If we attack tomorrow, then collected and with one violent blow. The dragons attack from the air while we are moving forward on the ground at the same time, through this too many aims are in the air and on the ground. We must lock three groups of seven through and these must paralyze the station from inside out. We cannot do this from the outside." The wolf nodded agreeing and began to wail. The other wolves were correct one and one characteristic of every AnChafren on his, characteristic tune suddenly shouted and howled. The scene was ghostly but gave courage and power and of this they needed a lot. Tarja went back to Cyron, he took she into the arms and pushed her. "This was excellent. You have made it and welded it together again." After quiet had moved in again, the unicorn mare suddenly yelled: "We get visit!" Chiron rocketed as stung by the tarantula and ran to Sandra. "What is the matter, then?", he asked. "I had checked my tactical monitor and activated it. Three fight units come into our direction at the lower end of the course of a river. The arrival is valued for twenty minutes." "Damned dung", it slipped Chiron out and he knocked appreciating Sandra on the flank. He shouted: "Everybodies, we get a problem here. It comes toward us and wants to make trouble within twenty minutes." He ran back to the middle of the village square. "What is the matter, then?", Wotan asked. "Fight units, three pieces. You are here on the way", and turned round to Tarja, "the dance starts." Cyron yelled between this. "The taurs. Where are they?" Almost at the same time, "here", these shouted back. "Makes you forwards the monitors and weapons and activates. Pedro gets behind one of the next house corners into position. Hold us the back freely until we have put on Ikarus and Sandra the cannons again." Intense bustle arose. The taurs ran, they their legs carried to the front, so fast built up between the houses, switched on their radio equipments and coordinated their positions. Pedro did the same and entrenched himself really. Cyron and Chiron ran around in the meantime between the houses and finally found the sought-after weapons, put into a corner. They shouted Sandra and Ikarus here who were also prompt on the position. The laser and machine cannons were clicked in into the platforms and connected with the control. Since both had already activated the monitors, the weapons immediately took their function and tried to envisage the aims. "Makes them the hell hot okly", she cheered Chiron up and gave an easy smack to each of them on the bottom. They galloped in bulk and built up at other but strategically favorable points. They actually were there. Three fight units came up the river and in five minutes they would reach the village. In two minutes they were in shot range. Cyron and Chiron had run back to Tarja. "Disappear of the streets all other ones, primarily the villagers and go into their houses! Weapons of their snatch themselves, all members of our troop activate these, remain but are used into cover to them!", instructed Cyron. Within less seconds the place and the streets were empty. The ammunition and weapon boxes put down there days ago snatched and provisional covers built planned themselves some Chafren. Still a minute until the arrival of the robots. Everyone was ready to fire and knew that it is working to the preserves now. One already heard the steps of the units when Cyron finally gave the decisive order. "Fire!" The Pegasus-stallion opened fire and firm sapphire blue beams twitched by the evening sky. The laser made the unicorn mare with her weapons into whimpering and hissing and the fast and very serious hammer noises of the cannons sounded one. The silence was dishonored and should not return so fast either. The fight robots registered that they were expected and were guessed under fire. Two deviated from the way, split up and attacked at the side. Ikarus and Sandra shot unflusteredly on the remained robot and the armour-plating gave up few seconds later. The storeys of the cannons broke through the armor of the artificial nature, destroyed its skin. The laser cannons entered into the arisen gaps and vacuumed its electronic life out. Lines, circuits and processors caught fire, braised and burst. Under an almost animal outcry the control center exhaled and the fight machine stumbled, stumbled, walked still for a step, then still one and collapsed finally. The two other robots thougt that it would be a good idea to attack from the flanks. They had been mistaken but there because the taurs and Pedro stood there. Without eyelash twitching with also only one, they opened fire and the senses faded from the robot to the left flank after short time. Several hits had paralyzed its sensors-center and it was motionlessly lying around. It still worked but reaction it was incompetently too also only one. It could neither include aims nor take flight. Electronics decided therefore in favor of the only right step, stop, an emergency number into the network feed in and for help wait. This would have come from the two other robots actually but one was destroyed and the other one would have needed help urgently himself. After several minutes and a relatively intense resistance of the steel monster the third party also gave up and fell on the not available nose. For few seconds he exploded later and distributed his entrails clattering and clattering in the area. There were ten minutes of tense silence. The first then looked over their barricades, fired for safety reasons to the former direction of fire again then they were safe. They also had decided this fight for yourself. Shouts of victory were started. They had reconquered her courage and were absolutely sure that there would be nothing that she can hold back.

Pallas like wild suddenly yelled over to the others. You took the legs into your hand and ran to the fox-taurine. This one stood in front of one of the fight robots and did not come out out of the astonishment any more. At first everyone was surprised at reaction of their because they regarded these as excessive. Then they, however, looked more exactly and understood the monstrous. "Have a look at it", said Pallas. "I do not believe this", remarked Torus. "This is the absolute top hammer", it slipped Grey out and Sinja hid behind him. "The thing frightens me", she said. All of them stood and a fight robot it was blind for it, wanted to move but could not do it in front of them there. This was their chance and these also should use her. Cyron there was and whistled perplexed. "Kira!", he called, "comes here, this had to see you." The lynx appeared and built up in front of the robot. She went a round around it and let hers breath escape audibly. "Examine the technique of the enemy no matter how you have got to this but this a unique opportunity is. We do not get this one a second time. I will get down to work at once. Pedro will help me at it. The others can go, I can use nobody here this one stands in my way and steps on the feet." Cyron giggled quietly and interpreted the other one at himself to go out of shape, he himself also did it. He loved surprises and thought tightly that Kira would surprise all of them. You divided up night-watches and the rest of the troop disappeared in beds. The next day would get hard and be accompanied by a lot of excitement.

It was started 8 p.m. as Kira with her work on the fight unit. At first a round went she around the device again and shook the head. 'Yes, this is, really the absolute highlight of use', she thought at herself. She fetched Pedro close and climbed hims back. He carried her so thick to the robot that she could touch him. She painted with a hand over the surface and found a little maintenance flap. She increased of Pedro's backs, sought tool and made herself to the work. She opened the flap and looked. They passed the place in regular distances at which the fight robot was while the guard duties patroled around the village. They watched Kira around screws cable patches at the eager one. One heard the lynx giggling, snorting mewl or an astonished one oh and say to ah now and then. She otherwise remained silent. She built the robot around almost the whole night and her was ready at the end. When she still put herself on the ears for a couple of hours, hers last thought was that it is pleased himself on the stupid faces the other.