Roseiana Tails/ The magnificent favor

Story by Cyan and Zoe on SoFurry

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I had sat in my room, thinking. If I go out, surely the news of Aro asking for my hand was already out, he was so loved by the public, that my own kingdom would beg me to marry him. I groaned at this idea internaly, only letting out a soft snort. I heard soft pads of feet walk towards my room. I looked up from my bed sheets to Amberosa, she was holding a very famalier cloak, holding it out to me. She didn't have to say anything, I understood and she knew me so well. I had taken it and quickly put it on. She had used some dye that was my exact fur color and hid the bright pink swirls on my muzzle well. The cloak was a replica of her own. I put the hood up as she had went to the bathroom and died her fur to look like mine and borrowed a outfit. I didn't mind, she was my best friend and held all my secrets. We had the same hair style, and she dyed her fur now and then, I could easily be mistaken for her in public. I had moved quickly through the palace to the outside world, where everything was so much easier to understand for me, the hustle and bustle of modern life so far out from my door step. I was able to move freely through the streets, everyone greeting me as Ambrosa. The first place I entered was a club, it had so many people there and I enjoyed the pounding music. Such a thing may hurt other people's heads, but I loved the feeling of the pounding bass as it made my body tremble.