Discrete Details: Part 6

Story by SKGwinne on SoFurry

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#6 of Discrete Details

Another installment in the story. The plot progresses, even if it doesn't thicken all that much. Sorry it took so long, it was a busy weekend.

I'd say we're about halfway done. I have artwork being done of two of our favorite characters, and when it's done and the parts are finished I'm going to compile and re-edit this as a novel for future consumption. Thanks for your patience.

"Discrete Details: Part 6"

By S. K. Gwinne

August 2019

Anton scratched his forehead absently and felt distinctly... uncomfortable. His eye cracked open in bleary inquiry and saw a gray cufflink on a wrinkled, white cuff. He still wore his work clothes from the day before. The older tiger grunted, trying to clear his dry throat, and raised a hand to check his neck. His tie was gone, and many of the buttons were open down to just below his chest.

He tried to sit up, but found a weight on his belly and looked down to find a beautiful Cervine girl--Diana--laying on his abdomen, sleeping peacefully. Looking around carefully, he noted they were both clothed, the bed sheets were mostly undisturbed, and their hotel room seemed neat. An assortment of alcoholic beverages in different states of consumption stood in a collection on the desk, but not so many to suggest they had been... well, they hadn't been too irresponsible with the quantity.

Blue morning light parted red curtains on the far wall, and faint sounds of chirping birds and the low roar of cars on the distant highway called from outside.

Anton rubbed his eyes and blinked several times. Diana still slept, but he needed to get up and get ready for work. He grabbed a pillow to his right, carefully scooped his hand under the girl's head, and slid out from under her before laying her head on the pillow.

"Thank you," she mumbled softly, and was asleep again before the last word had been fully spoken.

The middle-aged tiger made his way to the bathroom to relieve his screaming bladder, then stopped by the sink to wash and dry his face and get a good look in the mirror. He couldn't remember how much they drank the night before, but as the memory began to constitute in his mind he recalled that they had not been intimate. Well, not sexual anyway, but they had stayed up talking until the early morning hours. It was... nice... to not be alone for a night.


He heard her call gently for him from the bedroom, and after drying his hands he returned to find her laying on her back and looking at him upside down.

"Diana," he answered with a sweet smile.

"You're not leaving, are you?" she asked.

"I have work in an hour," he replied sadly, casting about for his tie. He found and retrieved it from the floor by his side of the bed. "Unfortunately."

"That is unfortunate," Diana replied, rolling over and rising to her knees on the mattress, bouncing slightly when she did. "I had... so much fun last night," she said, placing a slender hand over her chest and smiling. "I had no idea you were such a gentleman."

"Well..." he began quietly, grinning with mischief while he arranged his tie, "now that I'm grown up, anyway."

She chuckled and scratched the side of her face with one finger, then searched with paling interest for her phone, which she found behind her on the bed.

"Oh," Anton exclaimed, checking his phone on the nightstand upon realizing he might have missed several attempts to contact him. "Seven missed calls..." he mused aloud.

"Four for me," Diana provided, shrugging.

"Not a... worried husband, I hope," Anton said gingerly, but with clear intent.

"No," she answered, closing her eyes and stretching. "No one important."

"I'll need to call my son," Anton stated, then hesitated when he unlocked the screen. "Maybe I'll just... text him." He fired off a quick message saying he was okay and that he'd call later, ignoring the two voicemails and worried questions.

"It's strange," Diana said then, and Anton turned to regard her, "isn't it? I went out to be alone, then the company I found wasn't what I thought it would be."

"It's a..." Anton mused aloud, "a pleasant surprise. I think you're a beautiful, quality young lady."

"And you're a..." Diana began, collecting her legs underneath her and sitting more comfortably, "handsome, charming, and altogether gentlemanly conversationalist."

He didn't want to leave her, he had enjoyed her company too much. Something inside him believed beyond any doubt that if he let her go from him now, he would never hearfrom her again, that she would be lost in the wind.

"Wait," he said excitedly, "do you need a ride home?"

"Well," she replied, raising her eyebrows and smiling skeptically, "that would be nice, but don't you have to get to work?"

Anton felt a shift in his feelings, something falling into place. Maybe it was all the change at home, and with the other people he knew well. It didn't matter. He just knew somehow that this was a rare event, that the cosmos had heard his unspoken, unwept cries of loneliness over the years and had decided to bring across the one person that could breathe life into his soul again. He only hoped he could be as good for her as she was for him. With tacit resolution, he plucked the phone from his pocket and dialed the department front office at work.

"Edna," he said when the receptionist answered, "this is Anton. I'm calling in sick today--in fact, I won't be in tomorrow either. You can forward my calls to the team, but I'm not to be bothered. Thank you."

With that he hung up, ripped off his tie and fixed Diana with a confident look. She looked surprised, but excited, and waited impatiently for him to speak.

"You didn't need to start your weekend early just to take me home," she suggested, and he could identify the playful naivety in her tone.

"I don't want to take you home," he replied heavily, excitedly. His heart raced and he couldn't contain the smile on his face. "I want to take you to breakfast, and then drive you around town and talk to you some more. I want to show you this town, but more importantly, I don't want to let you out of my sight, because I can't bear the thought that you might disappear, and I'd never see or hear from you again."

His words had affected her, and he saw the desire in her eyes, the need for adventure and the pleasure she found in his company. He batted aside every annoying thought that accused him of foolish romanticism and clung to the thought that, no matter what came of this, he couldn't be away from her now.

"What if I have to work today?" she asked playfully, raising an eyebrow.

"Call in," he told her, "or quit, it doesn't matter."

She laughed and threw herself back on the bed. The force of the action lifted her shirt enough to expose the gentle curve of her soft, feminine belly. A simple, silver stud protruded from the top of her belly-button, accenting her navel beautifully. Anton pulled the top buttons open on his shirt and crawled over the Cervine female on the bed. She smiled up at him when he brought his face mere inches from hers, and he pursed his lips before speaking.

"I'm serious," he said quietly, "please come with me. If we say goodbye now and I never hear from you again, I'll always wonder. You'll haunt me every waking moment, and... well, it will probably wreck me."

"Relax, tiger," Diana soothed, placing her hands on either side of his face. "I'll go with you."

"What about tomorrow?" he asked impatiently.

"I don't start my new position until Wednesday," she laughed, "thanks to the holiday. You can have me until then, if you want."

"I do," he answered earnestly.

Diana laughed again, then wrapped her arms around Anton's neck and pulled herself close to him. Their lips met, and Anton didn't think about how long it had been since the last time he kissed a woman. He simply marveled at how right it felt to be kissing this woman. His heart thundered delightedly at her returned affection, and he knew this was going to be the best weekend of his life.

* * *

Wes organized the junk in his shower-room locker absently, not even trying to stop imagining how Dennis would react to finding out he had cheated. The hopeful side of him tried to imagine the wizened, twenty-something buck being understanding and forgiving. The darker side suggested this would be the end of them. But somewhere in-between he kept coming back to the simple truth that he had to be honest, and he had to ask forgiveness.

The locker next to him closed with poignant purpose and Wes turned to see Patrick grinning at him with big, bright, wolfish eyes. He suppressed a chuckle and bit his lip, then shook his head at the suggestive-looking wolf. He knew Patrick was following him, so he chose a shower stall with occupants on either side. As the water crashed over his chest he glanced over to see Pat glaring at him.

"Hey," the wolf said assertively, and Wes watched the Pantherine cheetah to his right balk and hesitate. "Find another shower stall."

"Are you fuckkin' with me?" the cheetah asked in an annoyed, but unsure tone.

"Want me to?" Patrick asked loudly, yellow, wolf-eyes wide and unsettling.

"Shit..." the cheetah spat, hurriedly grabbing his soap and carefully getting out of the way, glaring daggers at Patrick, who simply took up residence in the shower stall and proceeded to stare pointedly at the tiger to his left.

Wes shook his head and stifled a laugh, having to bite his lip to keep from letting it out. Every time he glanced to the right Patrick was still staring at him.

"What the fuck, Pat?" Wes mumbled.

"What?" Pat asked flatly, lathering his genitals suggestively.

"First, stop staring at me," Wes hissed quietly, "you're making this awkward."


"And for fuck's sake, stop touching yourself," he warned, trying to summon frustration and anger. "I can see the rocket, and you're..." he got quieter, "your damn knot is super visible in your sheath right now."

"Who are you doing after school?" his wolf friend asked hotly, then feigned having misspoken. "I mean, what are you doing after school?"

"You can't come over today," Wes stated, and his mood was somber and matter-of-fact.

"Why not?" Pat asked.

"I have to go talk to Dennis," the tiger boy replied, looking down in shame. "I have to."

Patrick was silent beside him, and when Wes turned to look at him, the wolf shrugged like it wasn't any big deal.

"Alright, but..." then he lolled his head back and let the hot water pour down his neck and chest, "what about after that."

"Can we talk about this later?" Wes asked, sighing deeply. He shut off the water and proceeded to dry himself off under the vents, then quickly dressed and gathered his things. Patrick caught up to him in the driveway.

"Hey, hold up," Pat called, trotting casually, and Wes juggled his keys anxiously. "What are you going to talk to him about?"

"You_know_ what," Wes stated impatiently.

"Are you going to ask his permission for something?" Patrick asked cryptically.

"I know what you're getting at, Patrick, but Dennis is my boyfriend and... I don't know how this is going to go down."

"He'd better not tell you we can't be together," Patrick warned, swaying like a fighter ready to attack, "I fucking swear."

"Patrick," Wes warned, "you and I are friends."

He watched his friend shake his head in frustration.

"We're more than that," Patrick said quietly, resolutely. "I'm in love with you."

"You don't know that," Wes argued uncertainly.

"Yeah, I do," the wolf corrected, stepping closer. "I've loved you for years, and I certainly know you better than this guy, whoever he is."

"Pat," Wes retorted, "it matters that we're close friends. It matters that you... love me. But it also matters that Dennis and I are in a relationship. If we were together, you and me, and I cheated on you with someone, wouldn't you want me to tell you about it, to ask for your forgiveness and let you have some kind of say in all that?"

He could see that Patrick understood. The wolf shuffled anxiously and bit his lip, refusing to make eye-contact. He finally managed a slight shrug.

"I like him, too, you know," Wes told his friend, "and this isn't just some duty I feel like I have to do. I wanted this relationship."

"Then why did you cheat on him with me?" Patrick asked pointedly, and Wes rolled his eyes.

"Because I felt like I owed it to you."

He watched the shocked expression in Patrick's features, the flinch and recoil. He immediately regretted having said it, but wasn't willing to back down now.

"You_pitied_ me," Patrick clarified coldly.

"We'll talk about this later, Pat," Wes grumbled, climbing into his car and backing out of the parking spot quickly. He tried not to note the accusing stare that followed him out as he tore out of the parking lot way faster than he should have.

He hated to have left Patrick like that... but he didn't know how to handle his foolish friend popping off with sonnets of love and threats of jealousy, especially after one sexual encounter. This was just what Dennis had warned him about, and he had forgotten entirely to bring it up before taking the Lupine boy to his bed. He had just assumed that they were close friends and it would stay that way... and his assumption had resulted in complication.

Then again, he could have avoided this whole thing by simply not engaging Patrick's sexualized fixation with him. Then again... he couldn't have simply turned his long-time friend away without likely ending their relationship. It would never have been the same between them after Patrick's confession anyway, but giving himself to Pat and encouraging his exploratory affections had seemed like the best alternative to a slow, painful death to their friendship.

At any given time of the day it took thirty minutes to get to Dennis' house from the high-school. He had to yield to other drivers as students headed home and he caught the first part of rush-hour traffic. By the time he pulled in to Dennis' driveway it was almost five in the later afternoon or early evening, and he could see the Cervine male's beat-up SUV resting in the garage, a slow drip of condensation from the exhaust pipe telling of his recent arrival.

Wes swung his striped legs out of the car and stood in one fluid motion, pushing the door shut and trotting straight for the front door. He only hesitated a moment with his hand raised before rapping the faded paint below the peephole. He shoved his hands into his pockets and looked down, a sudden knot in his stomach forming at the revelation that this was it... there would be no more waiting.

His ear twitched when he heard muffled steps approaching the door. It swung in and Wes watched as Dennis' expression turned from disinterested and uncertain to bright and happy. The Cervine male stepped out and wrapped him in an enthusiastic embrace, then kissed his cheek.

"I'm so surprised to see you!" Dennis announced, guiding him inside. "I wasn't expecting to see you until this weekend."

"Yeah, I--"

"I apologize for not being in touch much this week," Dennis went on, fast-walking to the refrigerator. "My sister came into town and then promptly disappeared... which was mostly my fault. I think... wait." Wes watched as Dennis ceased whatever he was doing and peered with concern around the refrigerator door. "I'm sorry, you said you wanted to talk about something?"

"Something_urgent_," Wes emphasized, shuffling awkwardly and sighing deeply.

"What's wrong, Wes?" Dennis asked, closing the distance between them and placing his hands on the tiger's arms.

Wes had considered so many ways to bring it up, so many alternatives that might soften the blow, but in the end he knew Dennis would appreciate honesty more than anything. With a feeling like a hot poker in his gut, he simply said:

"I cheated on you."

* * *

At any point in his life, Dennis had experienced trauma or heartbreak potent enough that over the years he had developed a thicker skin and lower expectations. It was a matter of fact rather than pride that he had kept himself emotionally secure in his last few relationships. While not necessarily clinical in his approach, he had come away nevertheless unscathed by his last few breakups.

This was different. At first he felt surprised, and marveled humorously to himself that a boy who had suffered such alleged anxiety over his sexuality would so quickly find himself another partner. But that feeling quickly faded to disappointment... but disappointment in himself for being hurt by it. What had he expected from this relationship? Had he truly been hopeful that something real and lasting would come of it? Had he believed that an inexperienced teenager would be satisfied with someone older and more boring than many of the alternatives out there?

"I... I can explain, Dennis," Wes said carefully. "I'm not making excuses though... I..."

Dennis retrieved the bottle of wine he had chilling in the refrigerator and swung the door closed. Maybe it didn't really matter. No, it mattered, of course it mattered... A small part of him felt the juvenile fear that Wes would leave him, that the tiger was somehow disappointed or disenfranchised with their relationship...

Don't jump to conclusions, he told himself. Find out the truth before you get dramatic.

"Okay," Dennis said patiently, taking a breath and sitting on one of the bar stools. He pushed another out with his foot and gestured for Wes to sit. "Tell me about it."

Wes sighed again, but sat across from him as requested. He watched the young tiger bury his face in his hands and took a long, awkward drink from the bottle while he waited.

"Really quickly," Dennis interjected then, smacking his lips, "just so my heart is at ease because it does matter to me, are you breaking up with me?"

"No," Wes answered quickly, defensively. "No, I'm not."

"Oh," Dennis exhaled, "good."

"You're..." Wes began, flinching preemptively, "not breaking up with me?"

"No," Dennis answered, shaking his head slowly. "I guess before you tell me all about how you cheated on me, let me dispel some myths and set some things straight. For starters, we've only been officially boyfriends for a couple weeks, and we've only known each other for a little over a month. You've also only been out for a few months, and we haven't really set expectations for each other... probably because this is the most unorthodox relationship I've ever been in."

"Makes sense," Wes said carefully.

"That doesn't mean I'm not a little saddened at the idea, but if we're being totally honest I've never been in a relationship with a guy where we didn't occasionally have another partner... we just made sure to communicate that beforehand."

"That's what my call was about," Wes replied heavily, and Dennis noted the hint of frustration in his tone. "That's why I said it was urgent!"

"Well... as far as urgency, I get that you couldn't let the moment pass," Dennis admitted, then smiled suggestively. "Was it someone hot?"

"Dennis, this is serious," Wes reprimanded.

"You would rather I was angry at you?" Dennis asked, spreading his hands defensively, then took another drink from the bottle.

"It's Patrick," Wes went on, ignoring the question, "my best friend. I came out at school accidentally when that girl Shana had an emotional breakdown because I wouldn't go out with her. Patrick heard me and got mad at me for not telling him, and then the next day he explained it's because he's had a crush on me since we were kids."

"Huh... Did you know your friend was gay?" Dennis asked.

"He's not gay," Wes answered with a shrug, and reluctantly added, "just for me."

Dennis nodded slowly and lost focus as he sought to piece together the pieces of this puzzle. It made a certain sense, and in fact it was almost predictable. Wes was still a kid, and would want to explore and experiment with people his age.

"So you had sex with Patrick because both of you were curious and wanted to figure things out," Dennis clarified, gently swishing the liquid he held.

"It's so much more complicated than that," Wes complained heavily, and shook his head in frustration. "Patrick thinks he's in love with me, and that he pretty much always has been."

Dennis raised an eyebrow.

"That was fast," he said, then corrected himself. "Well, you two have been friends for quite some time, I'm guessing."

"Seven years," Wes replied, "but we've never been... romantically involved or anything. Now he's protective and possessive and convinced he's in love with me."

Dennis' eyes narrowed as he felt he was missing part of the story. It all seemed so familiar somehow, but he was having trouble placing it. He took another drink from the glass and then it hit him.

"Is Patrick Canine of some kind?" Dennis asked.

"Wolf," Wes answered, "uh, I mean, he's Lupine."

"That makes a little more sense," Dennis commented, pursing his lips and clasping both hands around the bottle of wine.

"What does?"

"They're like that," Dennis explained. "Lupine men and women are extremely... close-knit, very possessive and, uh... what's the word I'm looking for? They stay together forever. They protect their mate, and they're not good at sharing. In many ways they're the best lovers and partners, but I tell ya, if they like you they'll go from 'casual hand-job' to 'put a ring on it' in no time at all."

"Great," Wes muttered, shaking his head.

Dennis tried not to be too hard on himself for being happy that Wes didn't apparently share his friend's sentiments for romantic interest. He had honest feelings for the boy, and hoped they could explore the possibilities of their relationship further.

"You don't sound thrilled," Dennis commented.

"I can't believe this doesn't bother you," Wes said, tone dripping with disappointment. "I'm glad you're not angry, but you should at least be disappointed in me for being unfaithful."

"Well, I am worried that you feel I'm not enough for you--"

"That's not the case."

"--and it does bother me that you didn't wait for me or even send me a text saying you were going to do it."

"I tried to call you," Wes defended.

"My point is that the only thing either of us should feel when something like this happens is worry that the relationship is breaking down," Dennis explained, then added pointedly. "Are you already done with us?"

"No," Wes pleaded, "not nearly."

"Neither am I," Dennis stated, taking Wes' hand in his own, "not by a long shot. I'm very fond of you, Wes, and really, this is something we can work through." Dennis sighed and rolled his eyes when he remembered that he needed to talk to Wes about Diana. "I have something to talk to you about as well, but before we change the subject, what exactly did you do with Patrick?"

"I, uh... let him top me. I can hardly sit for more than a few minutes because of it."

"I'm sorry," Dennis said, blinking in confusion, "but did you let him knot you?"

"Yes," Wes replied cautiously.

"Sweet Jesus," Dennis replied, wincing sympathetically, "that's a rookie mistake."

"You're not supposed to?" Wes asked.

"I mean, if you want to and you're prepared for it," Dennis replied, "but I'd have an easier time taking an unbridled stallion than the knot of a mature wolf. They have this spot just below their bulb that's designed to get tickled by a female wolf's vaginal lips and it spurs them on, but the sphincter muscles we have are much tighter, and it drives them into a straight frenzy if they have anal sex. They become like a locomotive and plough you nearly to death."

"That... sums up my experience," Wes mumbled uncomfortably.

"Brings back some good memories, though," Dennis commented idly, taking another drink. "It's like... the best worst sex you've ever had."

"That is exactly how I would describe it," Wes admitted. "I came just from what he was doing."

"Impressive," Dennis offered. "He must have known what he was doing."

"Actually, he lost his virginity on me," Wes corrected, and Dennis' eyebrows went up in surprise. "I felt sorry for him, and I know that's a shitty reason to have sex with someone... no one wants to feel like they had a good time and then find out it was out of pity their partner agreed to it."

"Does... he know you feel that way?" Dennis asked.

"I told him before I came over to talk to you," Wes explained. "He was threatening that you'd better not tell me he and I couldn't be a thing, and I had to shut him down."

"That's... uncomfortable."

"I wish I hadn't said..."

"Well, that does concern me though," Dennis added, setting the bottle on the counter and scooting close to Wes so he could hold both of the tiger's hands. "I would agree to being okay with y'all fooling around and experimenting, and we could still remain boyfriends, but if he's that jealous and possessive it might not be a good idea."

"I was thinking that, too," Wes agreed.

"The only way that would work is if you establish some very clear ground rules," Dennis explained, "and you'd have to be firm and follow through on them, you know?"


"That's all I have to say on that, really," Dennis commented, scratching his brow. "Now I have to talk to you about something important."

"Okay," Wes said, shifting uncomfortably.

Dennis felt bad that, after going through such an uncomfortable conversation, he was about to make it worse.

"My, uh... sister, Diana, is moving here from California," Dennis explained. "She just graduated law school and got a job out here."

"Oh, cool," Wes offered.

"Well... this is kind of awkward to get into, and I get it if you don't understand, but... well, Diana is my twin sister, and--"

"A twin," Wes interjected in awe.

"Yeah, a twin. When we were growing up, Adam tried to take an interest in her as well, and I wouldn't let him near her." Dennis held up a hand to stop any of Wes' untimely comments. "I didn't do it to protect her... I did it because... we were intimate."

"So... you didn't want to share Adam with anyone," Wes clarified.

"No...Diana and I were intimate," Dennis corrected. He saw the shock bloom across Wes' features and hoped he wasn't too repulsed. "I know that's strange, Wes, and I'm sorry if that disgusts you."

"I wasn't expecting it anyway," Wes commented in something of a daze.

"You have to understand that Diana and I were best friends, and have been all our lives. When we were still very young, twelve I think, she came to me and initiated the physical side of our relationship. I was... surprised at first, but I came around to it. Before long, in high school, she was the only person I wanted to be with. We stole every moment we could to be intimate where people wouldn't see us."

"Wow," Wes exclaimed, blinking as he took in the story.

"Well, I didn't tell her about you and me, and when I brought her home from the airport she tried to reignite our old passions. I got... close enough that I need to ask for your forgiveness. We took a shower together, but I..." Dennis paused when Wes shifted and he saw a notable bulge in the tiger's shorts. "Are you... is this getting you excited?"

"I'm really sorry," Wes apologized, looking away bashfully. "This is really embarrassing."

"I thought you would be disgusted, honestly," Dennis confessed.

"Yeah, well..." Wes replied, "it is unusual, but I don't have any siblings, so at least to me that's... really hot. Surprisingly."

Dennis breathed a sigh of relief, then mustered the courage to double-down and deliver a newly-formed plan.

"Here's the deal," Dennis began. "It sounds like you and I each have one person that means a lot to us who desire our affections. As long as we can make a clear line in the sand and not let them get the wrong idea about what they can expect from us, maybe we should make a concession to our monogamy for these two, Diana and Patrick. What do you think?"

"I mean," Wes said, nodding slowly as he contemplated the stipulation, "I guess that could work."

"But if you're not okay with it, speak now, because if I have to choose between you and Diana I choose you, Wes. You're the one I want."

"I feel the same way," Wes assured. "And I think... I think that all sounds good to me, as long as Diana knows that you belong to me, and as long as Patrick knows that I belong to you."

"Yeah, the only other thing I really care about is that he doesn't wreck you every time, because next time you come over," Dennis took the tiger boy's chin in his hand and angled it upward as he stood to his feet and stared down into Wes' eyes, "the next time you come over I want under that tail."

Wes smiled excitedly as Dennis pressed their lips together and slipped his tongue into his boyfriend's mouth. The tiger boy mumbled something and stifled a laugh before backing away.

"I can taste your wine," Wes said, blushing.

"Sorry," Dennis offered, "not good?"

"Not bad," Wes corrected, a mischievous grin on his face. "Would probably be better if I could reference the taste."

Dennis blinked uncertainly, then caught on. This could get him in real trouble if he wasn't careful, but under the circumstances... He reached behind him and grabbed the bottle, then took a testing sip before passing the green-glass vessel to his boyfriend.

"You may not like... it..." He watched as Wes tilted the neck back and downed a quarter of the contents. After his initial disappointment that the majority of the wine wasn't enjoyed as it was meant to be, he nevertheless recognized that he had misjudged Wes. "I probably should have led with a suggestion about drinking responsibly."

"Besides being on the high school football team," Wes smirked, swishing the bottle provocatively, "my dad keeps the fridge pretty well stocked." Dennis placed a few fingers over the bottle's opening when Wes made to tip it back again. The tiger stared up at him in moderate surprise.

"All the same," Dennis said, taking the bottle and setting it aside, "let's not do anything that would get either of us in any trouble."

With that he kissed Wes again, tasting the cool tartness of fermented grape on his breath. The wet of the tiger's nose brushed his cheek, and his smooth, black lips curled back just a bit with the pressure of Dennis' mouth pressed against them. The Cervine male relished his lover's soft fur rising between his fingers and tingled delightedly at Wes' hands on his hips.

He felt Wes' fingers travel to his navel and caress the subtle contours of his belly-button, then quickly unbuckle his belt and loosen his pants. It was his favorite part of Wes, the boy's confidence in knowing what he wanted. Dennis appreciated being taken anyway, but when it was Wes... he had to admit that his feelings for the boy were stronger than he'd felt for anyone in quite some time. It didn't bother him that Wes had a casual partner on the side, but... he felt his heart flutter at the possibility that he might be competing with someone for... well, eventually for Wes' love.

He held his breath as his boyfriend's fingers slipped against his flesh and pulled his pants down, exposing his manhood. He paused with his nose against Wes' when a careful, Pantherine finger traced his plump, half-hard length from base to tip.

"Can we take this upstairs?" Wes whispered, nipping at his jawline.

"After all that," Dennis breathed, "you can take me anywhere."

Wes held Dennis' penis between his index finger and thumb and drew out its length as the Cervine male's tapered member rose and stiffened.

"You'd let me take you..." Wes began, biting tenderly at Dennis' ear, "right here, then?"

Dennis breathed lustfully and let Wes continue to fondle and tantalize him. Wes slowly pulled his button-up shirt open, kissing each new section of exposed fur and flesh, nibbling at the outline of raised abdomen over his first rib, and gently suckling his small, pink nipple. Dennis gasped at each moist kiss and shivered at the teasing threat of Pantherine claws on his sensitive skin. Wes' teasing invigorated and enthralled him, and drove him to such desire as he could rarely recall.

"I'm yours to take at will," he finally whispered in reply, "wherever, and whenever you want me."

"Is that a fancy way of saying I can do... this?" Wes asked, and before Dennis could think to reply, Wes had spun his hips to face the counter and pinned him onto it.

Dennis exhaled from the force of being pushed down onto the hard surface and briefly saw stars, but blinked away his daze and gathered his sense of presence. He felt Wes' warm breath on his ear and perked up anxiously.

"Was that too rough?" Wes asked quietly in an authentically concerned tone.

"Uh... no," Dennis replied, swishing his tail and brushing the tiger's belly.

"Do we need a safe word?" Wes asked, and Dennis chuckled.

"I mean, I like it so far," Dennis offered. "I'll let you know if it's too much."

Without further direction, Wes grabbed Dennis' pants and pulled them off of him. Dennis felt his boyfriend's strong, heavy paw between his shoulder blades, pinning him down, but the force of his disrobing slid him a few inches back on the granite Formica surface. He lifted his tale in compliance, aching to feel the pleasure/pain cocktail of penetration, but in the moments that followed he found himself waiting.

"Hey, quick question," Wes whispered.

Dammit, kid...


"It just occurred to me that I never showed you my autofellatio trick," Wes explained, "and I can, but probably not _after_my cock has been in your ass."

Dennis wilted a little and let his tail fall in disappointment, but he had to admit he had dreamed of seeing this performed in person more than once since they started seeing each other. After Wes was done doing that, then...

"But then you can fuck me, right?" Dennis asked.

"If you still want me to," Wes replied, "sure."

"Let's go then," Dennis said, and Wes pulled him off the countertop.

When they started to walk toward the living room Dennis reached for and grabbed the waistline of Wes' shorts and pulled down insistently. The tiger looked backward, grinned, and jumped forward, causing Dennis to lose his grip. Then he chased Wes through the living room and upstairs, grabbing at the languid, Pantherine tail whipping and swaying in front of him. Wes was in far better condition physically and Dennis couldn't catch him, but he noted the degree to which Wes held back to keep the chase going. When they made it to the bedroom, Wes spun around and assumed a defense stance, but Dennis kept coming, buck naked, and tackled his boyfriend onto the bed.

Wes struggled nominally, lifting first one arm and then another, growling in warning but smiling the whole time. When Dennis was sure the "struggle" was over and he had won over his captive, he pressed his lips against Wes' and kissed him deeply, then broke away gently.

"Why do you like kissing me so much?" Wes asked playfully.

"Because I can never get enough of you," Dennis answered. He watched the play turn to tenderness in Wes' countenance.

"Kissing me makes you feel close to me?" Wes asked, a single rogue tear escaping the corner of his eye and falling down his cheek.

"It's the only way I can tell you how I feel without saying dangerous words," Dennis replied, barely touching his nose to Wes' nose.

"What dangerous words?" Wes asked quietly. Dennis hesitated. "Say them."

Dennis opened his mouth to reply, but couldn't bring himself to say those dangerous words, those three syllables that could cost you everything. They drew a line in the sand and demanded you cross, and whether you stayed or went there was no going back. It was a promise he had no business making, whether he felt it inside or not.

Wes pursed his lips and sighed, looking away for a moment before speaking.

"If you want to sit on the floor by your bed you'll get the best view," the tiger boy offered.

"Okay," Dennis agreed awkwardly, crawling backward off his lover and standing out of the way so Wes could get up and prepare. He watched the Pantherine youth disrobe, but could only marvel and adore so much knowing Wes was disappointed in his unwillingness to be honest in the earlier moment.

He watched Wes get on the floor and scoot up against the wall with his buttocks, then walk up the wall and "walk back" on his shoulders, gradually stacking up to a near headstand. When he had come to a point where his chin was in his chest and his feet and tail extended high on the wall, he placed his hands on the floor beside him and began to let his legs fall forward. Dennis spectated with great interest as Wes' engorged erection dipped downward. At the last instant Wes raised his hands and grabbed his ankles, pulling them toward him and planting his long, Pantherine feet on the carpet.

"Almost," Wes whispered, taking shallow breaths. "The hard part is over."

"Seriously?" Dennis asked in disbelief.

Wes then took his cock in both hands and began walking himself downward. In only a few brief movements he opened his mouth and closed it around the rounded head of his penis, making sure his form was right before continuing. Before Dennis knew it Wes was bobbing in and out of his mouth, suckling dutifully at himself, controlling his range of motion by extending and collapsing on his toes.

"Fascinating," Dennis mused aloud, "and super hot."

It was the single most erotic thing he'd ever seen in person--a powerful claim, given his extensive experience and exposure. But before Wes could take it to climax his foot slipped and he tumbled sideways, collapsing in a heap beside the wall, panting and grunting.

"Sorry," Wes apologized, "I got too ambitious and lost my footing."

Dennis honed in on the tiger's glistening, bobbing member, and decided to seize the opportunity. He walked forward and straddled his prone lover, then lowered himself. Careful to let the winded beauty breath, he planted a few kisses on the side of his face, then reached behind him and took hold of the formidable erection, angling it upward.

"This is better," Wes wheezed in a good humor, and let out a small cry when Dennis forcibly impaled himself on the tiger's length. "Holy shit..."

"This is my trick," Dennis announced, rising and falling on his lover. "It's admittedly cheaper than autofellatio, but a lot more like a magic trick."

"Magic how?" Wes asked, gripping Dennis' hips and grinding into him each time Dennis' buttocks came to rest on his pelvis.

"Watch as I make the huge cock suddenly... disappear." He said the last part with dramatic flare, making Wes laugh. Then he leaned back a bit, placing his hands on the tiger's thighs and forced the thick member inside him to angle into his prostate for better stimulation. He glanced down suddenly when he felt Wes dutifully masturbating his own erection.

"What?" Wes asked defensively. "It was in my face begging to be pleased, and I wasn't doing anything."

Dennis thrust back and forth, stretched despite his preparations and reveling in every powerful sensation. Each pass stressed the opening under his tail, and each drive gleaned great satisfaction from Wes' attentions. He closed his eyes and rolled his head back, focusing on the feelings and his form.

"How are you so good at this?" Wes asked pointedly, but Dennis didn't answer. He could feel his partner's tensions building, and knew both of them would finish soon.

Wes reached climax first and rolled into it with such force that his abdominal muscles contracted and caused him to lift Dennis off the ground. The Cervine male used the additional pressure against his insides, focused as best he could, and propelled himself into a shuddering orgasm. The first of his ejaculate made its trip before his orgasm could take hold, so the first pulse of true ejaculation splattered itself on Wes' face. Only the next two squirts followed suit before his finish tapered off and painted his lover's belly instead.

Dennis' sphincter throbbed angrily at his abuse of its limits, but he loved that part, too. The pain of being taken, he had learned a long time ago, was one of the choicest rewards of submitting to the sexual satisfaction of a dominant male. It was the mark of preference, a sign of value, and reminded him that he belonged to someone who cherished his flesh and his affections.

"Each time is as good as the first time..." Wes panted in awe.

"It's better for me," Dennis mused, catching his breath. "You're a natural lover," he commented, "and you're learning fast. More than method, though, you've learned to be confident in what you want, and you're not afraid to try something new. It makes it hard for me to contain my lust."

"That's my goal," Wes informed, licking cum from his muzzle. "I don't want this to just be something I enjoy. If I can get you to enjoy it, too, that's my favorite part."

"Well, having a large penis covers a multitude of other shortcomings," Dennis said, then stroked the tiger's belly, "not that you have any shortcomings, my love." His heart leapt with shock and warning when he said that last part, but Wes didn't seem to notice.

"Am I the biggest you've ever taken?" Wes asked.

"Well, no," Dennis answered honestly, "but, pretty close."

"What's the biggest?"

"A Caprine boy," Dennis replied, "believe it or not."

"Not a stallion?" Wes asked in disbelief. "Equine guys are all they show in porn if you're looking for big dicks."

"Well, this ram was hung like the gods," Dennis explained, shaking his head as he recalled the event. "I was in college and this kid... uh, Benjamin... he was super shy and humble, a real nice guy. There were a bunch of us hanging out, all gay, and there was a lot of drinking, and I didn't like the idea that I couldn't earn someone's affections, so I targeted him. He let me fool around with him for a little bit before he insisted I take him in a back room before getting his clothes off. He wasn't super long... I mean, not quite as long as you, but... he was very thick."

"But you took it?"

"It took a while," Dennis mumbled, "but... yeah, I did. I was really sad when he wouldn't have sex with me after that. That boy had a gift."

"May I ask..." Wes began carefully, playing with the small, downy tuft of groin fur above Dennis' penis, "how many lovers have you had?"

"Well," Dennis admitted, shifting on Wes' lap, "I've probably had sex with twelve different people, including you." He noted the look of disappointment. "I'm sorry... that must seem like a lot."

"I guess not," Wes offered with a shrug, "but... it does make this feel less special somehow."

Dennis sighed.

"I can understand that," he said, "and I'm sorry."

"It's probably just my naivety," Wes offered. "I'm not even out of high school and I've had sex with two people already."

"It can certainly catch up with you," Dennis confessed. "But you go through dry spells, unless you find someone special to stick with for a while. There are some people who just plough through partners like they're gathering during a harvest, and that's not healthy. I haven't had a boyfriend for over two years... well, since before dating you, I mean."

"Can I ask you another question?" Wes asked.

"Of course."

"Do you like dating me?" Wes quickly continued to clarify before Dennis could answer with a generic, pleasing response. "I don't mean is this fun for you or are you enjoying yourself. I mean... do you like where this is going? Uh... do you see this going anywhere?"

"I hope it does," Dennis answered carefully, but honestly. "It's really up to us if it does or doesn't, you know?"

"Then why won't you say the words?" Wes asked pointedly.

"Ah, geez..."

"I know we promised and all that, but that promise got overwritten when we started dating. Now we have an obligation to be honest with each other. If you feel a certain way, I would hope you would say it."

"I don't know, Wes," Dennis replied, shaking his head and furrowing his brow. "Sex and lust cloud the emotions. In the heat of the moment a lot of important things get said that don't hold water."

"So we work through it together," Wes offered, taking Dennis' hand, "but I can't be party to any big decisions or hurdles in our relationship if I don't know where you are, if that makes sense."

"We have to communicate with each other," Dennis agreed, "but I also have a duty to guard and protect you in all of this because I have the experience and I agreed to guide you."

"I don't need training wheels," Wes chided in frustration. "I just got my driver's license a while back. Do you know what happened the same day I got my learner's permit? I drove. Love is the same way, I think... I can't read a book or listen to your wizened lectures and figure it out. I have to do it, and if we mess it up then we mess it up, but it's not the end of the world."

"Then maybe there's more to it," Dennis suggested cryptically.

"Like what?"

"Well... maybe I don't want to mess this one up," Dennis explained, "specifically because I can't bear the thought of not being with you."

Wes considered him sympathetically and smiled briefly before adopting his insistent tone again.

"Then tell me how you feel."

He was right. The boy had a strong point, and this wouldn't be the first time in their relationship Wes had prevailed upon him to compromise his standards and open up. After all, it made sense. Wes wasn't foolish, even though he had let a lovestruck wolf make love to him... that was a rookie mistake. But he could be right. Maybe it was time to let his feelings flow and make the promises he so carefully guarded against making.

Dennis leaned forward, taking Wes' hopeful, beautiful face in his hands. He opened his mouth to speak and felt the words rise from his heart to his throat. But then he saw the shipwrecks of his past, and predicted one in the future. The fear of loss prevailed once again, and he knew after all that he was not willing to draw a line in the sand that neither of them had any business crossing.

"We should get cleaned up, Wes," Dennis said, stroking the tiger's cheek affectionately. He briefly saw the shade of displeasure in Wes' features before he turned and lifted himself off of his lover. He took a faltering step to the bathroom before finding his footing.

He waited with dread as he turned on the shower water and tested its temperature. Before it was ready he heard Wes' footsteps on the tile and turned with shame and guilt to regard the youth. Wes had his arms crossed, but far from looking angry or upset, he was simply contemplative and considering.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Wes," Dennis apologized.

"You've been patient and forgiving with me," Wes allowed, looking at Dennis with a fell measure of love and understanding. "We owe that to each other. I'll be patient. I can wait."

Dennis breathed a sigh of relief and had to blink back a surprise bout of tears. He stepped forward and hugged Wes gratefully, and the two of them stood in the steamy bathroom for several minutes before breaking away from each other and getting in the shower.

"On a separate note," Wes began, lathering the fur on his face as he tried to clear away the residue of Dennis' lovemaking, "can I sleep with you tonight? I would drive to school from here in the morning."

"Is something wrong at home?" Dennis asked, brushing his teeth in the back, away form the water.

"Not exactly, my dad just... he's been staying out somewhere and told me he won't be home for a while. I just don't like being there by myself."

"Where is he staying?" Dennis asked, then raised his eyebrows. "Did he find a girlfriend?"

"He didn't say," Wes answered. "Will your sister mind if I stay?"

"She'd have to come home first," Dennis sighed. "I rejected her the other night and she's upset because of it. I think I made it awkward, so she's probably staying at a motel somewhere."

"You should let her know I'm okay with it," Wes stated.

"I was gonna tell her that in person when she came home," Dennis responded, "but... I may have to do it that way."

Their conversation entered a lull. Dennis thought long on his hesitation to admit to Wes that he felt like he loved the boy, was in love, in fact. It just... it was too early, and the circumstances were not right. If he rushed it now it wouldn't mean anything. Too many people threw that declaration around too lightly and there were always dire consequences.

"Dennis?" Wes began, requesting permission to talk about something.

"Yeah," Dennis permitted, spitting his toothpaste into the drain.

"Thank you for being so good to me."

Dennis smiled. It was the most warming of innocent thanks, and it reminded him yet again why he liked Wes so much. Perhaps it was because he meant it, and perhaps it was because they had been dancing around it all evening, but without so much as a second thought he answered honestly:

"It's only because I love you."