Station 285, Chapter Two

Story by Hazel O Hare on SoFurry

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#3 of Fur World

been a while since i posted, been wittling away at some projects between the chaos of the real world and its bullshit.

as always, any criticisms would be helpful and I hope you all enjoy.

Chapter Two: Static

Calvin was up and about around midday, not to surprising, the jailbird loved his beauty sleep, myself however I was up far earlier. Cell service was absolute garbage up here, luckily I always had a satellite phone on me; General Howard sent me up here personally to monitor and maintain a piggyback signal so the Military base could keep in contact with the Ice Breaker U.S.S Constantine, further North. It was hush, hush and all that but I was one of the only radio ops technicians on the base; it was a small base, mostly reserve volunteers. The only other people who knew what I was doing up here were the Sheriff; for whom I would be doing other jobs and the guy who ran the radio tower here in town. First things first though; coffee and a phone call; I made mine black, no milk, brown sugar and then I went about fixing up Calvin's issue.

I figured that the garage would be perfect for a mechanics shop and if Calvin had to fall back on something then painting cars would keep him paid and happy till we could fix up the collage fund again. I had my savings in order and a decent sum at that so getting things up and running if need be would be smooth. I put in a call to a few guys round the motor pool at the base that I knew as well as some old grease junkies from back in high school who were still loitering about without much work.

Next I called up one of the mega nerds from the base, computer genius type screen worshipers who could track down anyone with relative ease. I asked them to track down a certain fox on the down low for me, they owed me a favour so they gave me the thumbs up and told me they'd keep me informed. It wasn't even 10:00am and I had two issues already with fixes in the works. Dad could say whatever he wanted about me, I was a resourceful person; one who actually cared about my family, regardless of their choices in life.

Calvin didn't drag his frazzled tail feathers out of bed till midday, he looked like shit, plumage all droopy; an air of depression hung over him. Meanwhile I was dressed like a marshmallow ready to head out and get a lay of the land. I hated cold weather, cold weather clothing was absurd in its design. The huge puffy thermal jacket I'd been loaned was truly irritating; it was more so that weird nylon fabric they used to make them.

I left Calvin to sulk as I headed out; Station 285 was way out on the Tundra, one of those small listening posts. Started out as just a radio mast and a shack, now it was a small town; nothing more than four streets and a dozen or so buildings. I'd never been one for small towns, there was just too little to do in them. The radio mast wasn't hard to spot, especially since the skies were clear today; it over looked the entire town. I often wondered just how small towns like these stayed populated much less funded. More so I was baffled as to why people would want to live out in a place like this.

I did a quick lap of the town first and foremost before I hiked up the embankment toward the radio tower. I didn't know much about the guy who ran the place only that he was supposedly expecting me. The signal install wouldn't take long, it was just a small box that needed to be wired up to the main broadcast/receiving system. The whole thing was encrypted, it was merely a booster for a signal relay back to the base, nothing more. The Ice Breaker vessel was a military owned research vessel, part of some program or research, I didn't much care though.

I didn't get any answer until knock eight or nine, a dreary muttering or two coming before the door was dragged open and I had to avert my eyes skyward. The half nude rabbit that now stood before me with bedraggled fur didn't appear to care nor mind that she was currently without pants or undergarments. She took one long groggy look at me before going ridged and waking proper with a few quick blinks and some eye rubbing.

"You must be the jarhead" she said, head cocked to one side, voice tired and worn; personally I resented that comment. Though with her height and state of undress I wasn't about to dip my gaze any, I didn't much like rabbits, to energetic and rowdy for my like.

"I guess I must be, do you care to put some clothing on...please" I retorted, she smirked and the door closed for a moment or two, the rabbit returning now properly clothed and motioning for me to follow. She was nothing impressive, your average unkempt winter Hare clad in a black spot peppered white pelt that was more so akin to an ashy grey in some places. Thought the bright tufts of pink hair and tail certainly stood out, if short cut and well maintained.

"Do you normally strut about so indecently"? I asked as I crossed the threshold and the aroma of musk and sweat hit my nose. I spotted gym equipment littered about as she showed me through to the main hub for all the wiring. I was still going to have to climb the tower itself to affix the actual booster itself, but that'd be easy enough.

"Do you normally critique others lifestyle choices with such condescending tones"? She retorted at me as I went about getting stuck into my work. She had me at that, I liked things neat and orderly, to a degree; part of the reason why I didn't live with my brother. All in all I didn't spend too much time in her company before I was finished setting up what needed to be installed. Having talons made climbing the tower itself all the easier, it still took a good portion of the day away from me however.

I was on my way back to Calvin's apartment when I spotted my depressed brother slipping across the street and into what looked to be a Diner of some sort, it was a big corner block brick building with a worn, yellow, blue and white paint job. A big neon sign printed across one of its long windows read "Big Staffs Snack Shack", I was surprised that a town as small as this one even had a Diner; then again it'd be weirder if it didn't.

I gave out a sigh and made to follow, perhaps they'd have a decent menu and a good coffee machine. The smell of pancakes, strong coffee and grilled meat filled my nose the moment I opened the door; I took in a deep breath and stepped inside with a slight smile. It was one of big open spaced diners, the type with the big bar that ran the length of the room, where the grill, deep fryer and coffee machine were all visible. The tacky yellow leather stools at the bar and the worn booths along the walls; Calvin had always loved old Diners like this, I didn't mind them either. Something about the air of friendliness, the good food and warm atmosphere that always seemed to cheer him up, memories of a wholesome family all enjoying waffles in someplace similar. Something that was no more, to Dad we were dead, we hadn't been invited home for Christmas in seven years, there were no birthday presents from them, no letters, no anything.

I spotted Calvin sitting at the bar, slumped over it more like, his arms folded under his chin, plumage was still rather droopy. Though he was talking to someone behind the counter, A Doberman, casually leaned in over the counter as well. He looked familiar, if only slightly, thought the two of them seemed to have some sort of relationship between them so I didn't interrupt. I took a seat on one of the stools at the other end of the bar, there wasn't much else for me to do today; or for the next six months either. The town didn't seem to have anything in the way of entertainment, no theatre, no arcade or bar, no nightclubs or outlet stores to buy videogames or movies. The next six months were going to be long and boring and they were to be spent with my libido riddled younger brother; the thought made me sigh out of sheer impending frustration.

I ordered myself a strong plain black coffee and some lunch in the form of a hamburger, the main cook behind the counter was a stocky looking Staffordshire terrier. I didn't see much of him, other than his purple dyed hair as he went about flipping some beef patties; I however, kept a watchful eye on my brother. I guess I was rather protective of my little brother, I always did this when I saw him with people I was unfamiliar with, watching him like a hawk and all that. Ready to spring in at the first sign of trouble and if need be gut a motherfucker, with Calvin being so cocky I'd had to step in on more than one occasion to save his ass from some burly dimwit or homophobe.

The coffee wasn't half bad and the hamburger had that warm hometown icon taste about it, I found myself smiling as I enjoyed it. I looked about the room as I chewed, I noticed a few pinball machines off in one corner and a pool table to, one side of the room was more open than the other; seems the Diner pulled double weight by also being part arcade. I contemplated giving one of said pinball machines a go, just to pass some time but before I could my Sat phone started ringing.

I dug it out of the stupid marshmallow jacket I had on and brought it up to my ear, I smiled a moment later when a familiar voice greeted me.

"Coltrane! Didn't think I'd hear from you, what's it been now a year? Where have you been"? I said with cheer in my voice, Coltrane, or Coal as he went by was an old high school friend, a truly freakishly large Kangaroo with black fur. We'd kept in contact over the years, though sporadically at best; he ran a bare knuckle fight pit in Glacier Cities abandoned metro.

"Well I got a call from Blake, said you called him about some old Garage in the Downtown, thought I'd give you a ring, see how you were doing. Maybe hang out, haven't seen you in forever" he replied, it would be nice to see him again, Calvin would certainly flip to see him again; if only to challenge him to a game of darts.

"Well I can't really hang out, I'm way out up north, Station 285, doing radio work and all that...keeping an eye on my brother too as usual" my voice already held an tone of Irritation to it, more so from being sent out to a small place like this than because of Calvin. Truth be told he and I actually got along great, he was a blast to have in any nightclub and he wasn't half bad at snooker either.

"Oh you're up at Onyx are you"? Coal replied, I cocked a brow, thanks to the snowstorm on my day of arrival I hadn't been able to see the signature 'Welcome to...' billboard. Then again what with Calvin having vandalised it I doubt I'd have seen it anyways.

"Onyx"? I repeated, questioningly, I had to force myself not to put on the 'Polly want a cracker' voice that Calvin and I used so mockingly with one another whenever we argued about pointless crap.

"Yeah, all the listening post towns up that way got names like that, 258 is Onyx, 257 is Wylde, 201 is called Bjorn excreta, excreta" The Base didn't use those names, they just had the tower numbers, the whole northern tundra was one giant radio array spread out over hundreds of miles. Part of monitoring system from the Cold war, President Nash had been paranoid that the Ruskies would invade via the frozen wastes of Alaska.

"Huh, didn't know these places had names, good to know" I muttered as a response, glancing over at Calvin for a moment, his posture had lightened some and he was cracking a few small smirks; his Doberman friend seemed to be doing an impression of some sort.

"So, Calvin getting into trouble again"? Coal asked after a moment's pause whiles I switched hands and took another bite of my burger. I never was any good at doing that thing where you cradle the phone between your shoulder and cheek.

"Eh, kind of, he got duped out of his collage fund by Clyde, bastard left him with a deed to that Garage you mentioned earlier. I'm thinking it'd make a nice Mechanics shop." I said with a sigh between chews, the whole situation was a mess to say the least; some days I wish I could go back in time and end that wretched fox back in high school. He'd caused far too much harm for good, his little stunt of outing the Schools gay students had fortunately gotten him beat up tho; small victory as it be.

"Hmph never trust a fox, their all rotten. Look why don't I come up there, we can catch up and talk about that Garage some more? It'd be nice to get away from the city for a bit." I knew there was no point of trying talking him out of it, Coal was a very assertive person; something I rather like, that and we hadn't caught up in a while to. He'd always been of the leader mentality and I had rather missed him as of late, so it would be nice to hang out with him again.

"Up to you Coal, this place is pretty small, I have a suspicion that the next six months are going to be some barren and bland version of hell..." I said with a sigh as I finished off my coffee and burger, once more glancing over to Calvin at the far end of the bar. He was chalking up a pool cue beside his Doberman friend, he looked to be in better spirits which had me feeling more at ease. Calvin had never been the sort to delve into self-harm when in a depressed mood but sometimes I did worry about his mental health.

I wondered if perhaps I could join the two of them but I didn't want to be a third wheel, I had difficulty socialising. So I left the Diner and my brother and made back to the apartment to relax for the rest of the day. It was nice just to get out of that dumb jacket, a quick hot shower and another coffee later I found myself splayed out on the sofa pawing through Calvin's collection of movies and video games.

To his credit Calvin was a man of classic taste, the sort of person who had a library of meticulously cared for digital media. I recognised a few titles as I trifled through the collection and eventually settled for a war movie titled 'Six Feet Deep' some less than accurate glorification of the war with Asia some years back.

It was nice to get in some alone time, something of a rarity for me though I knew that Calvin would be home sooner or later. At least with Coal coming down his mood would improve, even though Coal was in his early forties he and Calvin got along grand. After his tour in the military Coal and his younger brother both settled for a life of underground fame and boxing, the both of them becoming instructors at the same gym. Not the most glamour's of lives but it suited the two of them well enough.

The movie was nothing much worth focusing on, I promptly fell asleep on the couch for some time. Only being woken by the sound of the shower, Calvin was back, he'd turned the T.V off and put the radio on. Classical rock, low volume, the only type of music that had ever been able to get me to sleep as a child. I immediately caught a whiff of Canine stench, the smell of unwashed dog was rather easy to pick up on. No doubt Calvin had brought his Doberman friend home hence the music; I was just hoping the two of them weren't 'doing' it. I always felt awkward being around Calvin while he had 'friends' over, what with my intimidating stature I usually scared off his one night stands or I was actively chasing them off on purpose.

I wasn't about to just lay on the sofa and ignore the two of them though, I stood, stretched, cracked my neck and then went to make myself another coffee and check my watch. I was surprised that I'd managed to slumber away the whole afternoon, it was nearly 6pm and pitch black outside already. Also to my surprise Calvin had the oven turned on and a tray of what looked like Dim Sims baking away inside. Both me and my brother had a love of simple oriental foods, the smell of which made my stomach rumble loudly as I went about heating the kettle up.

It was at that moment that Calvin strutted out of the bathroom, feathers all damp and frazzled and he was bare nude from head to toe. Clearly he'd though I'd still be asleep, I quickly averted my eyes by turning around and folding my arms.

"For god sake Calvin put some damn undies on..." I complained, though I was smiling in relief, he looked to be in a much better mood, thus my theory was no doubts correct. I heard him stretching out with a groan or two before letting out a sigh, ignoring my words for the moment.

"My apartment my rules big bird" he mocked in a deliberately cocky voice, not that he needed to but much effort into it. I knew he was just being playful, he used to do this all the time back at home, strutting about naked or near to whenever he could get away with it.

"Cal" was all I said and a moment later I heard him ruffling about in his wardrobe, the shower was still on though, no doubt the Doberman. I poured myself a coffee as Calvin dressed and preened himself, returning in a washed out red hoodie and a pair of camo trunks.

"I see you're in a better mood, I take it you and your friend had 'fun' yes"? I asked as he came and gave me a warm hug, always the affectionate type he was, but he nodded nonetheless in response. I was more than happy to embrace him myself, I held the embrace for some time; until I heard the shower stop and the bathroom door open a moment later. I positively hated meeting new people, especially my brothers friends, mostly because they were similar in behaviour to Calvin.

Calvin went to my side, checking the oven and the various Asian finger foods baking within as I turned to face the canine who at least had the decency to put on clothing. He wasn't much of a stocky fellow, then again Dobermans weren't really big dogs; pretty standard, black and cappuccino coloured pelt, short tail and fur, big brown eyes. His hair crew cut and dyed a bleak looking red and he had a bull ring through his nose but other than that he didn't look like much. I cocked a brow at him, crossing my arms, coffee cup in claw as I gazed down at him, thoroughly unimpressed.

"So, you must be Luca, Cal's told me a bit about you" he said to me, his voice, surprisingly sounded nerdish, nasally like a comic geek or one of those kids from calculus class. I would be surprised, if Calvin wasn't a colossal geek himself, he loved those dumb fantasy card games and all that stuff.

"And you're? You a rebound guy or a boyfriend or something"? I asked rather bluntly, truth be told I didn't know if Calvin was seeing anyone at all. But I did cop a rather awkward look from the Doberman and a rather sour look from my brother.

"Me? Calvin's boyfriend? No, just a friend, I'm the one who got him the job up here in the first place. Cal said he needed to get away from the city for a while, 'It's suffocating me' where his exact words I think." The Doberman said, defending himself from my assumptions, my default position on him was sceptical anyways.

I didn't say anything further, there was no reason to probe, that and I was hungry and in no mood to hound the hound for details and such. The main thing was that Calvin was no longer dragging himself about like a terminal cancer patient; that's all I needed. I snatched up a bowl pilled generously with Dim Sims and dumplings alike, before taking to the sofa once more, I stayed quiet as I ate, my Brother and his friend however quickly became absorbed in competitive video games, some fighter game especially. I played little attention, more so consumed by the long stretch of boredom that would be consuming me for the next half a year.

The two of them eventually passed out on the floor mid game, lights all turned out, bowls stacked carelessly on the table. It was easy for me to sling the two of them over my shoulders and cart them off to bed. Calvin's room was pretty messy as always, clothes strewn around all over, bed unmade, he'd carted that hideous oak double bed around with him ever since he left home. I tucked my brother in, left his pooch curled up on the side, pausing for a moment as I looked down at him. The sad truth was that out of our family, he was the only one I actually loved, Mom had always been distant, unloving and Dad, puritan bible thumper.

I left the door closed as I made my way back to the sofa, slumping back on it and sighing; I just wish he'd grow up.

Station 285

Station 285. Chapter one: Isolation. The trip so far had been long and boring, the radio of the snow cat had cut dead to static some hours' drive out of the city and it'd stayed that way for three straight days now. My brother however insisted I come...

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The Broken Place

The Broken Place Here they lie, in this broken place, the people, the places, the objects and dreams, their numbers uncountable, the rooms and spaces they occupy, unending, a place where nothing is whole or pristine, the place that awaits the things...

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