My Life as a Slave 14

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#14 of MLaaS

My Life as a Slave

News Station 8: 6 Am

"In other news there has been an investigation into the plane crash last week. It has been determined that it wasn't technical malfunctions as was previously thought. The sensory equipment was tampered with. The three that are missing have been confirmed as Raze, and Haku Studebaker and Kaylee Smith are the three missing passengers. No word has come as to where they are, they are presumed dead. The president will be making a speech today about recent events. It will be broadcast live on all stations today at 12 pm."

Presidential Speech: 12 am

"Ladies and gentlemen, I need to address you on a an important issue. The plane crash that happened last week was indeed not an accident. It was however a kidnapping of the three missing Olympians that went missing after the plane crash. The offending country is none other than the country that held the Olympics this year. We have contacted them and demanded their release."

They have said no they are quite ok with keeping their hostages. They fear that if they were to give them up they would lose their bargaining chip. We have told them that we will not stand for this and that it is an act of war if they harm one hair on their bodies."


What the hell happened? It's been a week and I still can't figure it out. I remember kissing Raze and then I couldn't remember anything else. Then when I woke up I was in this dark dank room with one poor light bulb that could barely illuminate a 5 foot radius. Its yellow light was my only hope in this horrible place.

I am tied to a chair that has absolutely no comfort I think it is actually supposed to keep you awake. Its green and the chair has a wobbly leg that makes you lean back just enough to think you will fall over. Then stops you as soon as the feeling comes along making you jump a little.

There are four walls, one door, and no windows. Water was dripping from the ceiling and down into the pool of the uneven floor. The door was made of heavy steel, and had scratch marks on it. It looked like some had been free and scratched till they bled on the door.

They hadn't really said much to me though I tried to talk to them. They just stood there and listened to me talk. I think they are under orders to not talk to me. It doesn't scare me much and the food they severed me was like prison food. A couple of times I found maggots crawling around in my food.

They have come in sometimes and asked me a bunch of questions about my childhood. None of which I can remember any more because I have mentally blocked it out. I tell them nothing and they still ask me the same questions. It as if they don't believe me at all, and I am telling the truth.

The world has become a dark place. I have been swallowed up in its eternal darkness yet again. It will spit me out again soon. Whether I will come back the same or not is an entirely different story. I just hope my beloved Raze is better off than I am I ask about her and they remain silent.

My Life as a Slave 13

My Life as a Slave The Olympics Haku Well the plane ride was quite good. Raze and I had seats right next to each other, and we also met a ferret named...

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My Life as a Slave 12

M Life as a Slave In Jail Well life in jail for six months was better than I had expected. I had got into a fight on my first day. I held back most of...

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A New Life in a New Body: The Funeral

A New Life in a New Body The Funeral Five Years before... Mikes Funeral Sherri He's dead the funerals today I just hope he is in a better place. I contacted...

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