to love a dragon

Story by sleepless dragn on SoFurry

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To Love A Dragon

This is the first story I have ever written for Yiffstar, so if there are any mistakes or the literature is not at its best, than feel free to leave your comments. However, if you don't have anything that isn't nice or isn't constructive criticism than don't leave it, keep in mind that this is my first story.

Friday morning, 8:00 - Kane awoke that morning to the sound of a soccer ball hitting his room window, on any other given day he would have opened the window and given the younglings a piece of his mind, but not this day, this was no regular Friday, after many weeks of hard work, Kane had been given the weekend off and was thus spending it with his love; kaeldra on a camping trip, as such, he was in particularly high spirits.

Kane stripped himself of his clothes and jumped into the shower, The water turned on and immediately came out cold, causing Kane to emit a long high pitched scream, Kane tumbled out of the shower, feeling foolish for forgetting that the water always took time to warm up, and for the fact that he just screamed like a girl.

He waited a couple of minutes and jumped back into the shower, testing it of course, lest it still be cold. The warm water felt pleasurably good on his hard green scales, he stretched out his wings making sure every inch of his body could enjoy the heat.

"I really needed this," thought Kane as the torrent of warm water covered him entirely, his member particularly enjoying the heat.

After the warm and relaxing shower, Kane put his clothes on, Kane and headed downstairs to find a rather large breakfast awaiting him on the table. His mother had decided to give him a treat since he was going to help clean up the forest for community service (or so she thought). Kane slowly ate his breakfast, Kane found it nice not to have to rush to work in the morning.

Kane and kaeldra were to fly to the campsite around 2:00 so Kane had a lot of spare time, it was only 9:30, and he decided to go to the mall for a while. Kane loved the mall, there were so many things to do, there were movies, games, lots of stores and always friends there for him to hang with. At the age of 20, the mall was the place to be.

Kane stood on his rooftop, took a sprint for the edge of the building, jumped, spread his wings and took flight. There was a particularly nice breeze, the weather had been very hot of late, and this breeze was, to Kane, a sign that this was to be the perfect day.

Kane knew the way to the mall by heartand set a direct course to glide. After what seemed like 10 minutes he slowed his descent and speed, flapping backwards slightly to steady himself and landed on the rooftop of the mall with a slight tap of his talons. Kane took the stairs to the main level where most of his favorite stores were, Kane loved to buy new clothes, he liked to keep up with the latest dragon fashions. On instinct he immediately headed for Drakonian, his favorite clothing store, he browsed around searching for something he could wear that night to impress his mate, as much as he enjoyed getting clothes, he was not very good at choosing them unless kaeldra was there. After not finding the shirt he wanted in his size, he decided on some tailed jeans. Kane chatted a while with the cashier, for he was a regular there and knew him very well, he paid for his clothes and left the store.

All Kane could think of was how much fun he was going to have on the trip, he was in no mood for shopping, all he wanted was to leave for the campsite with kaeldra. Feeling so, Kane left the mall and went straight home to phone her.

They decided on an earlier time since both of them had not seen each other in a while. They decided that if they left at 12:30, it would give them time enough to pack their things, it was 12:00 already and half an hour seemed perfect. "So I'll come by your house at 12:30 and we'll fly there together" said Kane, excited that he was going to see his beloved again. They said they loved each other and hung up. Kane knew he was going to be up late that night and decided to have a quick catnap, or dragon nap if you will, in order to pass the time.

He awoke to the sound of his alarm clock ringing in his ear at 12:20; he grabbed a small snack, and excitedly left for his love's house. He was there in a matter of minutes, she did only live 2 blocks away from him, and when you can fly, distances are shorter than they seem.

As Kane passed Kaeldra's window, much to his surprise and delight he found that she was changing, and hovered by her window for a better look. He stayed just out of sight so that he could see her and still not be seen. He watched as she slipped her slotted top off to reveal her perfectly round dragon breasts cupped beneath her bra, followed by her shirt came her bra allowing the perfectly sculpted breasts to bounce a little. She sat down on the bed and took off her jeans to reveal her thin black panties; she slipped these off as well. Kane had a bulge in his pants so large it pained him, and only increased in size as he watched her. she looked herself over a couple times in the mirror and smiled. How could she not smile while looking at such a perfect body, she was covered in light blue scales thatemitted a radiant glow of beauty, the front of her neck was light brown, the light brown extended all the way down her slim tummy, and between her legs until it reached her tender lips, which were a light pink, just visible from where he was, Kane could see her small clit hiding between the lips. Kane could not look anymore; his dragon meat had grown so much in his pants he would have sworn his pants were going to rip.

He waited a while by her door for a while to let her change, and to wait for his bulge to go down. After about 5 minutes he figured she must be ready and knocked on her door. He heard her come running down the stair,s obviously as excited as he was to see her love again. She threw the door open and pulled him in before he could say anything. "It has been forever since we were last met" she said as she hugged him tightly, he could barely breathe through her strong embrace, he returned the hug with a small kiss on the lips which quickly escalated into a deep passionate kiss as they interlocked muzzles, kaeldra slipped her long forked tongue into his mouth and wrapped her tongue around his. Kane slid his tongue as far down her throat as he could; she always enjoyed it when he did this. For 5 minutes they entwined their souls in this deep kiss that they wanted to last a lifetime.

The kiss was broken when Kane reluctantly gave her a small tickle on her sides to let her know that they had to leave. The lovers stepped onto kaeldra's roof and took flight.

The flight was awkward, added that they had backpacks filled to the brim with their personal affects. Kane had to continuously slow down; he was a much faster flier than kaeldra, he was a much faster flier than most dragons his age, he took great pride in this.

The flight took them about 2 and a half hours in the least, they had picked a secluded area near the lakeside on a rocky outcrop.

When they arrived, they unloaded the tent immediately and set it up in the flattest place they could, which was not as flat as it could be given that they were on a rocky outcrop. They finished setting up the tent and unloaded their blankets and personal things into it, there was not much room in the tent so they brought one single air mattress to share between them, this was not a problem since they had slept together before.

sometime around 2:30, The cool breeze was been swept away and gave way to hot muggy weather, which was exactly why they had made sure the camping spot was near water. Kane and kaeldra got changed into their swimming clothes and stood on the edge of the small cliff that hung over the water, Kane was first to jump. He fell close to 40 feet, pulled in his wings and plunged into the pleasantly chilling water, closely followed by kaeldra, who performed a double spinning back flip and landed in a perfect dive, she was in swimming lessons and had been ever since she was a fledgling, shehad taken diving lessons as well.

The water was at a perfect temperature compared to the lingering heat that had hovered over them for the last few days. The cool water was but another wonderful gift that only added to the great line of events that had gone on that day.

The swimming went on for many hours as the two lovers childishly played in the water and splashed and giggled. Kane could not remember a time when he had felt more free and happy; he loved the fact that he was spending these fun hours with the being he loved most.

The swimming proved to be a great and refreshing activity to end the day, but the day would not have been complete without the cuddling around the fire that followed. The two lovers embraced each other for what seemed like hours by the pleasantly warm fire.

They made smores and marshmallows followed by a deer that Kane had hunted while kaeldra was getting dried off. The dinner was great, and was followed by some more cuddling. Kaeldra turned her head and faced Kane, staring into his eyes, he stared back and leaned in for a kiss, she pulled him off of the log he was sitting upon and laid on top of him, she licked at his chest, then his neck and slowly making her way up to his muzzle where they once again interlocked and slipped their tongues about one another's, Kane grabbed kaeldra's tongue with his own and entwined them.

Kane decided to take it a little further. He slid his long tongue out of kaeldra's muzzle and placed small kisses on her neck, a little lower and placed some small kisses on her chest, a little lower and proceeded to lick between her breasts. Kaeldra let out a soft sigh followed by a moan, as she was enjoying this attention a lot. Kane pulled kaeldra's shirt over her head and wings to reveal once again her soft light brown breasts that seemed to glow with a life of their own. Kane reached around her back and undid her bra, releasing kaeldra's large dragon breasts from their fabricated prison. By this point Kane had achieved full length and stiffness and once again felt as if his pants were going to rip off.

he had tried to hide his growing erection from his mate but wasn't doing such a good job, for she noticed it immediately and licked her lips.

As Kane pressed his muzzle against kaeldra's left breast he gently laid small kisses, tokens of love and pleasure to his mate. Kane eventually made his way to her hardening nipple, "Haven't noticed that it was cold out, apparently you have" said Kane laughing playfully and hungrily suckling on kaeldra's nipple, almost immediately her pink nipple began to soften to the heat that Kane's tongue was providing, kaeldra was cooing softly by this point and was very turned on, she ripped Kane's pants open to reveal his 10 inch throbbing dragon meat that had been burdening him till this point, kaeldra's eyes widened and she licked her lips hungrily at the sight of the large vessel before her. She gripped his member at the base and immediately plunged it into her muzzle, taking 7 inches at once, unable to control himself with the wild pleasure she was giving him he let out a loud moan and his wings twitched, pleased that she had gotten the response she was looking for, she took his cock in again, this time slowly taking it in and out, she slid her tongue up and down the underside of his member while it was in her muzzle.

Wings still twitching and tail swishing back and forth wildly, Kane sucked harder on his mate's now soft and warm nipple, sliding his tongue over her sensitive spot. Low moans and the occasional twitch could be caught from kaeldra, as well as slurping sounds.

Kane had never mated before and thought this the perfect time to try something new. For two dragons to mate is a very special thing, it is the ritual of bonding two souls for eternity, so a dragon chooses its mate carefully. Kaeldra was Kane's true mate, and he was sure of this. Despite the ecstasy flowing through Kane, he tapped kaeldra on the shoulder to get her attention; she took one last slurp of his member and looked up as Kane shuddered.

"Do you love me," said Kane to Kael, looking lovingly into her eyes. "Of course I do," replied kaeldra with a tilt of her head and a curious look on her face. "I would not be living true if I was not to be your mate for eternity, do you feel this of me as well?" said Kane looking serious, hoping with all of his might that she might say yes and accept him as her mate. he wanted this more than anything in the world, he had thought of this every night, of how full his life would be with her by his side forever and could only hope with all of his heart and soul that she felt the same.

Kaeldra smiled and let a quick laugh escape her, obviously seeing the worry in Kane's eyes "dear, sweet Kane, my lover, my soul, my life, I would go to the ends of the earth just to be with you for ten minutes, and would have my soul complete if you were to be my mate for eternity." Kaeldra finished this sentence with a heartfelt laugh at seeing Kane almost in tears; emit a long sigh of relief.

"As a matter of fact," "how'd you like to become a mate right now?" a long scaly grin escaped kael's thoughts and laid across her muzzle, Kane knew exactly what she meant. Knowing such, kaeldra crawled slowly up to him on all fours and was lifted lovingly into Kane's arms, she looked deeply into his eyes and he into hers, he moved his muzzle closer and pulled her to him, to become lost in a deep kiss that they would remember as the most passionate kiss they had ever shared. Their tails entwined and Kane covered kaeldra with his large wings in order to keep her closer. Their tongues creating a life of their own, swishing left to right, entwining, running across each other, they both enjoyed this intimate moment very much. Kane broke the passionate kiss with a teasing nip on the ear.

He planted a kiss on kael's neck, then one above her breasts, only this time he did not stop there. He continued and planted a couple kisses below her breasts, planted some on her soft-scaled belly, here he stopped for a moment thinking about what he could do to please her most.

Kane lowered himself to his knees and spread kaeldra's lithe attractive legs and stopped for a second, looking at the now dripping dragon slit that was before him, he leaned in and buried his face in her dripping opening, he was rewarded with a low growl of pleasure. Kane nuzzled her opening before sliding his long serpentine tongue between her folds. She immediately tensed he inner walls on his forked tongue and moaned loudly, feeling the ecstasy flow through her. Kane searched the inner walls of kaels gushing slit with his tongue, tasting her sweet nectar, running it across the inside of kael, she tensed and loosened as she felt sudden jolts of pleasure run through the inside of her, Kane found what he was looking for, her g-spot hidden deep within, luckily he was a dragon and was gifted with a long tongue, otherwise this would have been nearly impossible, but using his gift well, he tipped the spot he knew was going to be overwhelmingly pleasurable for her, Kane licked a couple more times at her magic spot being rewarded with a mixture of coos, sighs, growls, and the odd scream. He slid his tongue out of her walls and through her slit, which wasleaking her juices at a steady pace now.

Kane pulled away and looked into kaeldra's eyes, she could almost hear his mind telling her that he was longing to mate with her, so unto this thought request, she stood before him, descended to her knees and bent onto all fours, Kane did the same behind her in the traditional mating fashion.

"Are you ready for this," "are you sure you can take me," said Kane as he let out a small laugh that mingled with the nervousness inside of him, he had never mated before and knew that to do this meant bonding with her forever. "Only one way to find out," Kael growled playfully and rubbed her sex against his shaft to let him know she was ready.

Kane put his forearms around her chest lightly, and plunged himself into her, bonding their souls together forever. The resulting feeling caused both of them to twitch as the jolt passed from one to the other so powerfully that they almost passed out.

Kane slid all 10 inches into her and pulled out almost to the point of exiting, only to plunge into her again. herepeated this for close to 10 minutes drinking in her screams of pleasure and jolts of ecstasy, the sounds of their mating only making the whole situation hotter, the slapping sounds of Kane's large orbs hitting Kael's stomach, which would be followed by loud sloshing sounds.

Kane began to pound her faster as his explosion rapidly built inside of him, steadily growing more and more powerful causing him to shudder. Kaeldra felt exactly the same as she rocked back against his large meat to return the pleasure he was giving her, she felt the waves of hot pleasure become more frequent and incredibly strong. Finally she could hold it back no longer, she screamed in wild trembling pleasure as it came in one last earth shaking wave, she tensed her inner walls on Kane and poured her warm sweet juices upon his member, feeling the warm juices on his shaft caused him to hit the edge as well, his insides exploded with hot pleasure, he let a loud growl mixed with flame as he shot an onslaught of opal dragon seed into her depths, he came into her with 4 powerful streams, each more pleasurable than the next.

He laid down exhausted and sweating beside his mate, and they both passed out due to the extreme pleasure they had both shared

From that day on, the two dragons; Kane and Kaeldra lived together in their own large home that they had built on a piece of forested land, this land became especially useful later on, as it was a perfect place to raise the draclings.


if you have any suggestions for the story, or you have ideas for new ones, then feel free to email me at: [email protected]