My Life I

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#1 of My Life

This is A new series not to be confused with My Life as a Slave

My Life I

I am so glad to be out of college. I mean sure it was a major time eater. I kept thinking of Evelyn and Washington. I have enough money to move out there, it's just I haven't had time to move out there. I have had to look around in a few places and papers. I mean I'd move in with her but she's just so... open with her sexuality which is bi. My god she'll change in front of anybody, I once walked in on her and she didn't mind.

Oh I remember her looks fondly. She was a clouded leopard she had white spots instead of black ones. It really catches the eye when she stands under light just right. She's 5'9" with smaller paws than most of her species. I met her my freshman year at Fishers High School. Really odd person but you would never find a more interesting person in your life. She also wears bells, a silver one on her neck and a coppered one on her tail.

I stood at about 7'8" about average amongst fossas. I have a birth mark on my forehead. It wasn't too special just an average normal thing for me. I wasn't exactly really buff, yet I was incredibly flexible. I had no real interesting looks just a black paw. My tail was about 4 feet long and black tipped. My cell phone started going off.

"Hello," I said.

"Hey John, when are you going to move out here already," Evelyn said.

"Well I haven't really got a chance since I graduated," I said.

"You haven't gotten a chance, it's been four years since you graduated and you haven't had a job the entire time, you could have just saved the money and them lived with me until you got a job here," she said frustrated.

"Well I did go to college for four years, so no not really," I replied.

"You idiot why didn't you just tell me that," she asked.

"Well you knew I was planning to go to college after high school. And you never asked," I said.

"Smartass," she said.

"Well I am looking for a place out there right now," I lied. I had already found a place and had just got to Washington today.

"Really? Well good for you. Hope to see you in Spokane soon," she said and hung up.

Oh you have no idea how soon. I climbed back into my truck and started up the engine. I had arrived about three hours away from there. So I hit the road, as I started off I couldn't help but remember how she did the opposite to me. That was five years ago, I was depressed about that. She thought I'd try to talk her out of it. I had learned never to argue with her on anything.

The place I had found was owned by a guy named Dasher. Said the house it was a two story house ready for sale. I told him I needed to move out there because of issues in Indiana. He said no problem and now I am on my way out that way as well. He told me to stop by after a week and let him know how it felt to me. Getting too quiet and I put in some Weird Al. Another one rides the bus comes on and I drive the next three hours.

I got up late today I have a really late start it is 10:00 am. Well I drive on for about an hour and a half and I pull up into a small diner. I put my 2013 Ford Ranger in park and get out. I get a local newspaper and go in and grab a seat. The waitress comes over and asks me what I'd like. I tell her I need a few minutes. I read trough the menu and decide on a cheese burger and fries. I then start to read the headline "Senator Murray was Removed from Office Last Night due to Embezzlement Charges," I was glad she was one of the worst things that could happen to this country. Just then the waitress walks back up to get my order, I tell her then I add.

"Good thing they got that nutcase out of office huh," I said.

"She is a good woman and a person who is in Washington should watch what they say about her," the waitress retorted.

"Oh I'm terribly sorry I didn't know she was the senator here. I never was much into politics back home," I apologized.

"Well I guess its ok I mean who needs a person like that running this state anyway," The vaguely attractive fox replied.

Then half way through my meal, a white tailed deer was staring at me and it was making me somewhat nervous. I was also looking at her, she had a shapely face that reminded of someone I once knew. Her waist had just the right amount of curve, and it went up into that well shaped upper torso just right. That face though I can't help but remember it from somewhere in my past.

"Take a picture it will last longer," I say finally irritated by her incessant staring.

"You look really familiar to me. Just like a little kid I used to play with," she said.

"Well I have to admit you look familiar as hell as well," I replied.

"Wait, John," she asked.

"Cathleen," I asked.

After making this discovery we sat in silence for a few moments. I don't think any of us could have even said a word if we tried. We were in a state of euphoria. I had hoped for years that I would see her again. I never would have thought I would run into her in some dinner like this, although, I always kind of romanticized the idea in my head so much it could never be possible.

"Well come on over here and sit down," I said.

She came over and sat down. We talked for a little while about this and that. Before we knew it, it was one in the afternoon we had literally talked for an hour and a half. I felt really good towards her I never had any hard feelings towards her. It took a lot of my strength to ask.

"I was hoping one day this week you'd uh... go out with me," I asked around a lump in my throat.

"I'd like to but, I have a boy friend," she said.

"Well that sucks. Well if anything happens I want you to come to me first, here is my home address and cell phone number, you can reach me at anytime even in the middle of the night I won't mind," I told her.

"I will thanks," she replied.

After that we said goodbye and paid our bills. I climbed into my Ford Ranger and started up its engine. I drove for another two and a half hours due to traffic. When I finally arrived at my new home I started unloading everything. My water bed and everything else I needed to actually use that night I then started unpacking everything that was in the boxes.

Then once most of the things were out of their boxes it was almost 7 o'clock. I decided I had done enough for one day. I decided to head out and meet my next door neighbor. To make his acquaintance I saw him on my way in he looked like a hardcore kind of guy. His big muscles hidden under that thick coat of a snow leopard.

On my way to the front of his house I saw a Marine Corps flag. Great I thought to myself he is going to be a total hard ass. He answered the door, and before me was a guy that looked like he had been trough a war, I saw that look in my brothers eyes after he got back from Iraq. As I stared into his aqua eyes I became mystified by his deep eyes.

"Hi uh... I'm you new next door neighbor, John Moulder," I said

"Hi , nice to meet you . I'm Kyle Gordon and I'd appreciate it if you'd get off my property," he replied.

I left immediately and I just shrugged it off people always acted like that towards me. I wasn't really surprised, I just went with the punches maybe he'd come around later or maybe not. I really didn't care I just pray to god about people like them and forget it. This is one set back and it isn't a major one. Hopefully I will be able to get out my book done out here.

A special thanks to:

havenofimage, Dasher Cheetah, Averis, geneseespaws, and Grey_Wolf2567

And id like to give a warm welcome to


Who just joined and is a dedicated reader

My Life as a Slave 14

My Life as a Slave News Station 8: 6 Am "In other news there has been an investigation into the plane crash last week. It has been determined that it wasn't...

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My Life as a Slave 13

My Life as a Slave The Olympics Haku Well the plane ride was quite good. Raze and I had seats right next to each other, and we also met a ferret named...

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My Life as a Slave 12

M Life as a Slave In Jail Well life in jail for six months was better than I had expected. I had got into a fight on my first day. I held back most of...

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