The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 19
#170 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions
Chapter 19
Sparx stretched out with a long yawn, his aura pulsating with increased strength the longer his mouth remained open and the longer the morning, silent howl of every living creature wafted in the air.
Dragonflies don't need much sleep, due to the size of their bodies regenerate quickly, the most lazy sleepyheads prolong their rest sometimes to even three hours. This short rests work in par with their metabolism, there simply had to be something matching the intensity of the wings, something had to keep them going.
He got his share already, yet he had no intention of getting up.
Never before he felt so comfortable.
He stretched out, his wings making dreamy flutters against the most softest of sheets he had the chance to sleep on.
Definitely they were the best smelling ones.
His stretched out hands folded into fists, gently getting hold off the tender tufts of white-blue hair. To make him more comfortable Coriza freed her hair from the locks of the adorable braids. It made him sad at first, but she insisted, saying that they served their purpose and that the well-being of others is far more important than personal attachment.
He protested of course, yet his opposition didn't last long, all he needed was a glance at Coriza when she freed her hair, making the wonderful, long locks float straight down, hair a stream of water breaking through a dam that was holding it back.
The locks crashed softly against the form of her snout, part of it covering one of her eyes completely. There was something extremely appealing about, long, smooth hair in girls, or maybe it was just because dragons in general don't have hair.
Whatever it was, the sight had beaten his earlier protests into submission without remorse.
As he laid down in the bed made of her hair he forgot about everything really, it was as if his whole conscience was drained by the milky strands. Some tendrils he already had on his face, but to truly regain his mind something else was needed.
He turned his head, sinking his face into the tuft of hair and took a deep sniff, smelling the wonderful scent of them, something that he didn't notice until he got the chance to lie down.
Coriza also took care of her hair.
They smelled wonderful, delicately, carrying the scent she was recognizable for, the sweet scent of mandarin.
He was in a dream land, there was no chance he would let it go away, not when he had anything to say about it. He owed it to her, that and he cared too much about her. One separation was painful already, he didn't know if he could withstand another one in such a short notice.
No matter how charming she might be, a dragonfly like him, who was trained by life to be observant and cautious, could shake off the layer of beauty and blissful forgetfulness and pierce through, into remembrance.
He saw her scratched snout, he saw her depression, he saw her doubt, even if she still followed her heart, despite what she says about her attachments it didn't change its place, those things just didn't go away. There was too many of them for his liking, too many in such a short notice.
There was absolutely no way he will allow anything to hurt such a pure creature, a creature that didn't had any reason to help him all that time ago when he felt that he was left alone in this world.
To steal such a sweet smell from the world...
There was no cruelest crime than that.
Even if Coriza probably just lived through one of the best nights in her life, he has to thank Cynder for that one day, she still basically fainted when her head touched the pillow.
Poor girl.
She wasn't built for so much stress, and it was the stress that wearied her down, not the nice moments spent in Cynder's company. She was still the shy self when she appeared before them, but there was that power in her eyes, that strength which was only so much more emphasized by the sexy make-up, that charm spoke of excitement and will
As simple as that.
He knew the tame, yet wild side of her very well, it wouldn't let her sleep. They had fun for days after all. Neither of them getting tired.
In the face of danger and worry Coriza had only one tactic and that is to retreat. She couldn't escape from the stress that plagues her heart, slowly growing like mold on bread so she retreated back into the dream world. Sending her soul into an oblivious coma.
Protectively curling into a ball as if wanting to eat her own tail.
Poor girl.
So many things to do, so many people to watch and only a pair of wings at the disposal.
He rolled onto his belly, taking great pleasure in feeling the soft mattress of her hair scratching his body. He leaned over the edge of her head, looking at her closed, shadowed eyes. He wanted to make them sparkle in happiness, or at least with relief.
And he knew how he could do that.
He just couldn't wait any longer,
He reached down, tenderly pulling the mane away from her orbs, twirling the strands gently around his hands. He craned his neck forward, enough to be able to rest his cheek on her now exposed line of the forehead.
He started humming a melody that he caught her singing to herself sometimes.
She immediately stirred, hind legs kicked out to sent a shaking stretch along the body.
"Sparx, you're awake already?" Coriza mumbled softly, her eyes remained closed
"Hey darling" he reached down, giving the blue cheek below a loving scratch "Don't worry, I'm here"
Her sleepy mouth stretched into a weak smile, comforting smile, that spoke of pride and gratitude.
"I remember that you said that you'll never understand all this religion and yet you're acting on perception like a true cleric. Touching the soul. Thank you"
"I know you sweetcheeks, religion has nothing to do with it"
She raised her front paw, a tip of a single, painted claw repaid the yellow hand by gently caressing its surface.
"You don't have to pray to gods to have faith Sparx, believing in someone is also a matter of spiritual devotion. We all believe in something, religion is so much more than just temples and priests. It's the heart"
There was truth in what she was saying, whether it was debt of gratitude, true feelings, or just a far cry for the connection he shared in his younger days with Spyro, having someone important in his life and being important for that someone in return, whatever it was it made him believe in her every word.
He worshipped her, there was no doubt about it, she had that magnetism in her that was impossible to resist. That energy, that purity she always reminds him of, in this world of violence and blood, she was an outcast. An outcast that was simply too innocent for all the troubles of this world.
Both of his little hands grabbed the moving claw, squeezing it tightly.
"Fine, let it be your way. I'm worried about my object of worship, I see lots of scratches that weren't there before"
Other blue paw rose, gently trailing the form of the blue nose. The wounds she received in the temple were still there, now in the form of small, raw bumps.
"Accidents happen everywhere"
"This was an assault and not an accident" he discarded the trail of thought with a shake of the head "This not what I was talking about anyway"
The understanding between them was mutual, she knew him just as well as he knew her, not many words were required to get on the same train of thought. She let out a soft sigh, eyelids instead of opening, tightened even more.
She could feel where the conversation was heading, just as she sensed that Sparx won't like it when he hears the truth with all the details. If he pushes he will find out, her dignity didn't allow her to lie.
The only hope she had was to stir the conversation in such a way that she would still answer all questions honestly, yet at the same time not revealing much. This was the only solution to keep her conscience clean.
Sparx would never understand that Flare didn't mean harm, he would never forgive him or Iris for that matter. It would be so dangerous for everyone if such a strong disagreement would creep in between them right now, right when they are about to depart on an adventure together.
The consequences such moment would bring would be her blame only.
She has to act normally and hope, pray that everything will be alright and no one gets hurt.
Like she always does.
"You're talking about the mission you gave Flare, you asked him to watch over me" she intoned, despite her troubling thoughts and eating at her heart fear, she sounded perfectly natural
Time spent on temple duty sometimes paid off in normal life too, as a priest it is her role to sound supportive and unshaken even in the face of really tragic things.
Sparx propped his head up, twisting his face in resignation.
"He sold me out, didn't he?"
Coriza snickered, it was a relaxing explosion, filling her thoughts with pleasant images of bickering and pranking each other brothers.
Filling her head with images of the stories Sparx told her about of his childhood.
"Almost instantly"
Sparx made a roll on the head, putting his back on the special bed, defeated exhale pushing at the ceiling "Remind me to kill that guy"
The smile remained on her snout, it was a forced one though. In this current situation the joke and especially the used words weren't funny at all to her. Not now when they have a high chance of morphing from untrue to clearly real
"It won't be necessary. The task was completed" she maintained the pretense of sleepy tranquility, the scare that was gnawing at her soul was becoming dangerously voracious
He yanked her hair playfully, she let out a hiss, wings shook as if they were a drum recently poked.
"We're alone Cor, spit that stick out already"
"Chill, it's cool, everything worked out well"
Sparx laughed, giving the yellow line on the neck a congratulating pat.
"Nice, well done, you can speak like a normal lizard after all. Speaking of normal" he leaned over the blue forehead, examining the closed, shadowed eyes "Everything was normal with Flare?"
She could feel his gaze burrowing itself into her skull, every part of her body wanted to give in to the impulsive reaction of nervousness and blame. She struggled to keep her eyes closed, the eyelids demanded to snap open fiercely, with that single move ruining all of her benevolent plan.
"Flare was himself, I don't judge if it's considered normal or otherwise"
The words sprouted from her mouth like pimples on a young face, the only difference was that the words were a welcomed addition.
It wasn't a lie, it was honesty deprived of details that for the sake of everyone don't have to be known.
"This is not an answer"
She was loosing.
It's time to bring out the big guns.
Plea and desperation.
"Please Sparx, Flare has kept his promise to you, don't force me to share matters that are a private concern. There is no reason for this, I am here after all, yes?"
"You are" yellow hand reached power, gently trailing the form of her eyelash on the left eye, stroking it lovingly as if it was a wound
"But you still have your eyes closed doll. It's already early morning, you never sleep at this hour. You are already awake and we still didn't do our bed jumping routine"
She froze, a powerful gulp broke the moment of silence that has befallen on the room for a second. She could feel the bulge running to her very stomach.
"I'm...just thinking"
"Exactly. You never welcome a new day with stupid thoughts. You can't hide from me Cor. You are confused and it's more than just simple problems at work"
The eyelids moved up revealing the rather dull gold orbs which were staring ahead as if it the wall on the opposite side would be a window into her own soul.
It wasn't the most happiest of places currently.
"This is true, I'm conflicted. The night with Cynder was wonderful, you sharing the bed with me is wonderful, but...I can't ignore what happened. I have a feeling I will be reminded of that every single morning. Also, may I tell you something?"
He squeezed a tuft of her hair, rubbing the strands gently in between his fingers, a smile stretching his lips.
"You know the answer for that question"
"I'm scared"
Sparx chuckled, he slid down her frame to hover in front of the cute, blue snout. He reached forward, caressing the corner of the shy mouth, smiling all the way.
The gold eyes sparkled in joy, tongue popped from the mouth, making circles, playfully fighting off the fingers which struggled to avoid its slick touch.
"Here I thought you were going to tell me some big secret" he winked at her
Coriza giggled, withdrawing her tongue back and attacking the small fingers, slowly clamping her teeth, pretending to bite them.
Sparx joined the game, making successful dodging attempts. This was all fun, but experience still kicked in, forcing some of his moves to be far more instinctive and survival focused. Traveling with Cynder and the time he spent annoying her really honed his reflex.
"And you know what scares me?" she looked at her glowing friend, her eyes glowing with sorrow "Solitude"
"Solitude?" Sparx jerked his head back "Isn't that the thing you're comfortable with, as if you would be wearing your robes?"
"Yes and the reason it scares me so is because lately everything became so confusing for me. I don't know how, or if, I'm capable of dealing with this stress all by myself. Lack of motivation for a priest is depressing, determination operates on the same principles"55
Warm hand landed on the blue nose, caressing the front edge of it. With each rub Sparx' smile grew wider, to the point that the whole length of the upper line of teeth.
"Then you're going to be happy to know that I'm not going anywhere"
Blue paw immediately shot up, pinning the yellow hand on top of the nose. Yellow eyes flashed in shock.
"What did you just say?"
"I'm staying with you"
"You can't do this Sparx,, you have obligations to fulfill"
"That's why I'm staying" he buried his gaze into her knowingly
"Why? Your mission is too important. It's about the world Sparx, it needs you more than I do"
He shrugged.
"As you said, I have obligations and whether you like it or not doll, you are on top of the list. The world can wait for me"
The fear broke through, by now it was eating at every part of her body and soul. Gold pupils started to dance, with great difficulty holding back tears of despair.
"You can't put me above your brother, your blood. Nothing is more valuable than a bond like that, you must help your brother"
He cupped the blue snout in his hands, his touch squeezing a drop of tear from the corner of the left eye. It already made a gentle, black smudge across the cheek as it ran over the makeup.
"Spyro doesn't need my help any longer, he's a big boy now Cor. Besides, he has Cynder now, she is doing a better job at watching over that dork than I ever did. She's good at what she does and I know that she won't screw up. Spyro has all the help he needs, you however don't"
He ruffled her mane, rubbing it as if she was a child who just done something really good.
"We're partners now girl, get that sweet chin up and put that glow into your eyes. We're going to show everyone who rules here"
His arguments were accurate, they silenced the fear a little, especially when his motivation had a second bottom, one that she was familiar with.
It was loneliness, they both didn't want to have it as their only company.
The relief that washed over her was mind numbing, if she wouldn't be lying already, she was sure that the surge of emotion that hit her would drop her down. Her whole body stretched out, uncurling itself from the protective ball position, adopting a far more relaxed posture, exposing all the organs from the cover of limbs.
If this wasn't a sign of comfort of a quadrupled animal like her, than she didn't know what was.
"I cannot accept this sacrifice"
The words came out of her mouth automatically, it was her natural reaction of a coward, of someone who believes that he deserves nothing because he is nothing. You don't try to please a shadow, it might look like a real person, but why bother with it when it will be gone before you know it?
Sparx' eyes gleamed in amusement, blue orbs trailed the stretched out figure of the girl in front of him, a girl who so openly displayed her unprotected, golden belly.
This gauche way of living was adorable.
"You already did silly. Stop pretending like you don't deserve anything and smile" he extended his hand towards her "Do we have a date?"
She looked down at the hand, her heart was racing inside her chest. This was a normal thing to do, lately she could appreciate how it feels to be seen, something she believed she could live without.
She probably could, but there was something special in feeling accepted, in being a part of something. She thought that being welcomed in the temple would be the only thing that would make her feel truly important. While there was no doubt that day will remain as one her favorites, there was something magical about this simple gesture however.
Flare offered something similar.
It was nice with him.
Now it felt wonderful.
It was the same dilemma, the same conflict that just can't be a coincidence.
Was Cynder right? Was this love? It felt like a bond.
It might be just desperation for attention.
She believed it couldn't be defined, not for someone like her who's sensitivity is far more different than anyone's else's. It just clicked, simple as that, felt great like a prayer, felt honest and true, like her priesthood.
Felt pure.
That was it.
Flare's embrace, night with Cynder, morning with Sparx, servitude for the Ancestors. It all felt pure, perhaps if everything of it is the same thing in the end, there will be no choosing? Love can be selfish, but if this isn't love then it means that there is a chance that to spread the same amount of this peculiar affection without anyone filing left out?
Sounded too easy to be true.
Right now however she was willing to accept it, maybe it was naivety, maybe the ecstasy from last night still didn't fade from her blood, maybe it was just a whim. There were plenty of maybes, right now she simply didn't want to dwell on it.
This moment was too important for logic, time to evaluate everything will come sooner or later.
Right now she is with the one she cares about and that is all that matters.
Home is security after all, where if not here she can allow herself a dose of forgetfulness?
Besides it is Sparx she is thinking about, the one who saved the world and fought together with Spyro against evil. Who, if not him is an embodiment of good?
Even Ancestors have to admit it.
Gold orbs met his blue ones, he choked on his tongue when the alluring blackness surrounding them empowered the precious spark that exploded within them.
Coriza ignored his hand, craning her neck she gave him a loving lick across the cheek.
The touch of her warm tongue on his face forced a deep, cold freezing shock to blast across his body.
"It will be my pleasure to have you as my partner" the soothing, melodic voice sang, notes bouncing off his heart
"May Ancestors watch over us"
He felt as if he jumped into a time traveling machine, or got sucked by an invisible Veil leading to an alternate universe. He was setting off for his first journey once more, into the unknown world full of mysteries and adventure.
Instead of his brother however, by his side stood a beautiful draconic girl with a pure heart and even more divine soul. Once more he felt as if he hovered at the border of changing lives. This time it wasn't about the lives dotting the world, but their own.
They were the actors and directors of this play.
Not only that.
They were the audience too. When the show will be over they will be the ones carrying the experience they absorbed throughout this spectacle. It will influence them and only them.
The place and the scene might be almost the same like the moment when he departed home, but the script, the script had only two characters in them.
And there was no ending.
Only a dotted line with Coriza written right next to them. The dots were so small that only a small feather held by a small hand could fill the lines without ruining the paper.
A small hand exactly like his own.
"Spyro?" both Sparx and Coriza froze in the doorstep to the kitchen, they weren't prepared to see anyone around the kitchen, especially in such a young hour
"Oh, hey guys" he greeted his friends with a polite smile "I've made breakfast"
"You should be resting Spyro, you have a very important day ahead of you" Coriza noted politely
"I know it's just that..." he scratched the back of his head "I can't sleep"
Sparx folded his arms on his chest, narrowing his gaze on his brother. Knowing already that something isn't right here.
Coriza nodded in understanding, stepping into the kitchen, heading for the counter
"I know the feeling. Stress usually devours me too, it isn't a nice sensation. I can only dread thinking about the weight you have to carry on your shoulders" she took a sip of water from the pitcher, the liquid was refreshingly cooling, especially know when by thoughts alone she already started to let fear into her heart
"I can only dread thinking about your task. You're very strong, I would never be able to do it, have all those people count on's scary"
He opened his mouth, ready to explain that the true reason why he sits here has nothing to do with his job. When to think of it though, partially it did, still it was mostly his own fault. Yet when the first word was about to leave his mouth he suddenly felt a burn at the back of his head, without looking he could already know that it was Sparx who was giving him the intense stare.
He knew, like always, that something is fishy.
In that moment he decided to keep his host in this false theory about his sleepless night, it wasn't entirely honest, but there was some truth to it. Most especially however it allowed his masculinity to remain intact.
At least some scraps of it.
"It is scary, usually I sleep fine, this coming day tho is a little different. I hate being the new guy" he forced a smile
"I'm a priest Spyro, if you ever need some support, I'm always here to listen" she touched her shriveled hair, then moved to her snout, feeling the makeup around her eyes and on her cheeks to be nothing more than a mess
She giggled.
"Maybe not now, with this ruined mask on my snout the only place I'm good now is the circus. Excuse me, I need to clean myself, make yourself at home, I'll be right back"
"Okay" Spyro grinned, friendly waving the cleric off
When Coriza disappeared he immediately stuffed his mouth with food and moistened it with what seemed to be a liter of water. His lips just didn't want to unglued themselves from the mug, he felt as if the stare his brother was giving him burned right through his skull and now is melting his brain.
"Okay, bro, what did you do?"
Spyro winced at the sound of the stern question, he felt like a hatchling back again, Sparx' voice was exactly like their father's when he caught him on doing something really, really bad.
He gulped, almost choking on the bulge of water.
"What do you mean?"
"Don't play stupid bro" the dragonfly snorted, dashing to his brother's side, his invading blue eyes breaking endlessly through every barrier of personal space
"I'm not!" he cleared his throat, looking for fascinating patterns on the ceilings and the surrounding walls
He was beginning to sweat.
"I don't know what you're talking about"
"You don't?" Sparx scratched his head fervently as if he had lice "Okay then" he shrugged, spreading his arms wide "I don't know why I thought that you messed up something. It's perfectly normal after all that you sit here, very early in the morning, all by yourself. I mean, who would want to spend a night with the love of their life in a comfortable bed behind close door right? Who needs private time right before a big adventure that already is stressful and dangerous? You agree dude? Or am I just that crazy? Huh?"
After all these years it felt like a rope tying itself around his neck, whenever sarcasm was used against him it was a subtle way of Sparx telling him that he won't rest until he learns the truth.
Years of growing up together taught him that the less willing way is far more worse.
Spyro let out a deep, depressed sigh, the exhale shrinking his overall body weight by at least several kilograms.
"It's not about what I did, more about what I didn't do"
Sparx eyes gleamed as they widened, in the same time his aura seemed to shrink down as if his eyes would suck all of the natural glow.
Then he exploded with laughter, his glow followed the same pattern, bursting through whatever chains held it back. The light was so strong that it was blinding, Spyro had to look away.
The instinctive reaction silenced for a while the embarrassment that he felt growing in him like a sickness.
"Had a chance to get frisky, but instead you got charged for an assault with a dead weapon"
"What?!" he blurted out, snout burning with an embarrassed, irritated flush "It's not about that you pervert!"
"Oh come on, man! I'm not dumb!" Sparx spread his arms wide to better emphasize his point "You had hots for Cyn from like day one, you really want to make me believe that you didn't try to make a move when the two of you were in that bed while she was wearing that sexy pink on her claws that made you drool like a grublin? What? You thought that I was going to think you were playing cards or something in there?"
"Hey! What we did there is none of your business!"
Sparx snorted, evil smirk playing on his lips.
"From what I heard there was no wind to open up the main sail for anything to happen"
The blush on the purple snout became far more apparent, fueled not only by embarrassment now, but also anger.
"You are very mean sometimes you know that?"
Sparx raised his arms defensively.
"Hey man, relax! I'm just messing with you! I get it. You wanted to play the boy part, but Cyn pulled out some wicked black dragon move and you got spooked. Probably happened to everyone, you think you are the only one who has a black chick for a date and can't keep up?" blue eyes widened, face contracted in a fake expression of a thoughtful frown "Wait a minute..."
"That's it" Spyro snorted in disdain "I'm not telling you anything anymore" he jerked his head away offended
"Ha!" the dragonfly chuckled "Who could have known, it's true after all, we guys get really grumpy when we get laughed at when penis matters come into play" he dashed forward, giving his brother a solid slap in the back
He ignored the angry rumble of a growl echoing inside the purple throat.
"Come on bro, I'm just yanking your tail. Spit it out"
"Don't act like a girl, chill dude, you no longer know what a joke is? You know me bro"
He bit his purple lip, despite the boiling anger it got him thinking, it seemed like lately he really started behaving really seriously when dealing with Sparx' annoying poking. Back in the days he could ignore it, or just fight back, hell, not so long ago, after the Dark Master, he could do that too.
Where all of this went? Where went the distance?
Was this how growing up looks like?
Or is the pressure of becoming someone people expect you to be taking its toll? Ruining the fun and corrupting all of it with seriousness?
Diversity one might say, after all to the things you are made of are added ingredients that are foreign to you. There can't be nothing wrong with having more options to choose from right?
That is until the ingredients kill the taste of the main dish.
Until you forget who you are.
It was a simple conversation, a simple moment in life, but in all honesty it takes simple logic to understand life, values, ideas, pressure, all those things are made up by society. The only true identity you take from the home you were born in.
The rest is worthless crap.
Diversity is corruption, you are who you are, you were born this way and the only logical thing to do is to respect this. Respect yourself.
He realized it was time to open his eyes.
Spyro sighed deeply, aggression faded from him instantly, only the embarrassment remained, coloring his cheeks like a fire illuminates a wall.
"Fine" mumble "But I won't go into details, you're still my brother. I don't want it to get way too creepy"
Sparx clapped his hands.
"I'm all game"
"Iris' rape attempt kinda still sits on my mind you know? I found about that in the bedroom, the pain, it hit me again and I just ran away"
Sparx winced with a hiss "Ouch, maybe get a healer to check it out dude?"
"It wasn't real! That's the whole point! I've made it all up when I got excited. My head" purple paw rubbed the scaly forehead "I feel like my brain is constantly on high alert, thinking, calculating, worrying about the future. What if I screw up? Like I did last night? Cynder made it all wonderful and I messed it all up"
Sparx scratched his neck nervously, he hated to take off the mask, usually his specific humor did the trick, but there was no time for it now. Not when he was planning to sent his brother on an adventure by himself, besides he lowered his defenses and as a sibling it was his duty to do the same.
"Look bro" he laid down on his favorite spot, right between the gold horns "I'm going to tell you a secret, ready?"
"Please let it be a motivational one" Spyro begged unseen forces as he nodded his head regretfully
"You know how I keep fooling around and pissing people off basically all the time no matter what happens?" he raised his hand in the air, twirling it around and observing the golden glow dancing around the frame of his arm "Relief. It's about relief. Instead of whining all the time, I think of the good things and the better ones that might happen. I think of victories, all the time, even if there has to be a tough decision to be made, mind is always set on the positive, because no matter how you look on it, the positive happened, we have the whole world to prove that. We always pull through, the memories of the good things are an evidence of that"
"It's like a normal job. Sometimes you need to buy something cool to remind yourself that you are doing it for something. Just use the same tactic and you'll stop worrying all the time"
Spyro balked.
This sounded like an advice, like a genuine, meaningful advice and it came from nowhere else, but his brother's lips. Maybe it was because of this that the said words were so impactful to him that he basically carved them on his conscience.
Or maybe it didn't matter from where they came and what struck him was nothing more than the accuracy of the advice. Could it really be so easy?
There was only one way to find out.
"I'll try, thanks Sparx"
"What are you waiting for man?" the dragonfly dashed in front of his brother, pointing at the corridor leading to Coriza's bedroom "Try it now, you have a perfect chance"
Purple eyes followed the directions, an awkward gulp ran down the throat.
"Yeah..." he rubbed the fangs against his lower lip "...umm...I'm not so sure about that"
Sparx cocked his head.
Purple paw landed on the back of the strained neck, it was so tense that the tiniest touch hurt.
"We kissed okay? A little longer than usual and then I bailed. I-I came back after a while but Cynder was already sleeping, I think so at least, she wasn't reacting to my voice. Or maybe she was faking it, I don't know, I just had a weird feeling that the shadows in that room were watching me, ready to sprout hands and slap me. I felt this really, weird cold and decided to leave, you think she's mad at me?"
Sparx shrugged with a snicker.
"Dunno, man. Let's say that you're a stove okay?"
Spyro frowned, snapping his head in his direction, snout contracted in a bewildered frown.
"A what?"
Yellow, glowing hands rose up defensively.
"Just hear me out. Let's say you're a stove right? You are very happy when someone cooks dinner by using you, you're still following me?"
"I...think so"
"Cool. Now imagine that you got heated up, you become all antsy with excitement because you know that you're soon going to cook a meal, your favorite thing. You are hot now, ready, but instead of food you get splashed with a bucket of freezing water. Would that piss you off?"
His eyes widened, the comparison hitting straight home and forcing a freezing bolt to crawl along his spine, making him as stiff as a needle.
He gulped audibly.
"I'm so dead" he mumbled in horror
Sparx exploded with merry laughter.
The display of joy broken by the steady tones of clicking claws.
"Hi Cyn!" the glowing brother announced cheerfully, voice wavering with notes of snicker
"Hi" the only female in the room returned the greeting, the only difference being in the tone, it was callous and cold
Sparx shivered.
"Damn, I feel the chill in my abdomen.
She entered the kitchen, sitting by the table, of the two boys in the room, only Sparx received any eye contact, even if a brief one.
She sat several spots away from Spyro.
The purple drake got up immediately, dragging a plate around the table with his mouth as he changed seats. Sitting next to his partner, with only one chair in between them.
He heard her snort in disdain, she cringed and looked around the room, everywhere, but not at him.
His heart ached.
He leaned closer, licking his lips several times.
"Good morning"
Cynder didn't respond, busy with evaluating the room.
He looked up at Sparx pleadingly, nodding his head, giving him clear signals to give them some privacy, it just felt too awkward.
Sparx rolled his eyes and left the room, only rounded the nearby corner as it turned out. Pressing himself against the wall he was able to hear everything while they couldn't see him.
Spyro swallowed, guilt was eating him alive.
"A-Are you mad?"
"No" she snapped in irritation, he could feel that his sole presence was infuriating her
Judging from the stab he felt in his heart, she wasn't telling the truth.
"R-Really?" the innocent question burst from his mouth automatically
There was no response to this, merely her claws began tapping against the wooden surface of the table, roughly.
"You're mad" he announced
The tapping claws clenched into fists, slamming into the table.
"I just got humiliated and treated like a fucking toy not so long ago. The guy I was with ran away from me when I started getting into it like I was the ugliest thing in the world" the claws clenched on the wood, tendrils of shadow sprouted from underneath them, covering surface of the table like cells of a disease
"I'm not mad" she growled.
"You're mad"
The fucking sweet, pained mumbles of his were driving her feral, bloodthirsty feral. Black paws slammed again against the table, her head snapped in his direction. The room darkened after the thud of paws, shadows stretched over the walls as well as the burning with fury green eyes.
"Shut. Up" she snarled
He dropped his head down submissively, hurting as if he was being disembodied limb by limb. Purple nose touched the edge of the plate on the table, nudging it shyly in her direction.
"I've made you breakfast" he whispered innocently
"I'm not hungry" the cold retort was like a dagger piercing his scales
With eyes aimed at the ground the purple nose gave the plate another bump, gently pushing it again towards his furious partner.
"It's very good" another barely audible whisper left his throat
"Are you deaf?" she clenched her paws into fists, muscles tensing on her forelegs
Spyro whimpered, yet despite the pain he managed to force another nose touch, with one final push the plate made a spin and stopped right in front of his furious mate.
He didn't dare to meet her gaze.
"It likes you"
That was it, his unending whines and constant defiance of her words pushed her over her temperamental limit. With a growl one paw landed on the ground, while the other made a sideways push, stretching far enough to gain the right amount of momentum and strength to snack the plate and all its contents on the insolent purple mug.
She gazed down to mark the spot.
What was supposed to be a brief glance turned into an eternal moment where time seems to stop.
He cooked noodles, long strands of this eatable product adorned the plate, what stole the breath from her mouth was not the food itself, but the way it was placed on the plate. The yellow strands for instance stretched across the whole plate, forming a single word written in noodlic.
Below it, in the right corner was a small painting made of vegetables. A small cucumber served for a body, a slice of potato was the head. Legs and tail were made of small lines of chive. The horns, eyes and tail tip were made of the yellowish flesh of a garlic. It was a caricature of a dragon and it wore a happy, noodlic smile.
The cucumber was sprayed with black dots that smelled like pepper.
Next to it was a heart, squeezed into the opposite corner of the plate, made of red paprika.
All of this resembled a childish drawing and every such drawing hides a meaning behind it, you just need to be able to translate it.
It's meaning was clear.
Sorry love you.
That small, funny vegetable dragon was her, she didn't need the pepper to know that.
It was adorable.
She didn't even know when her mouth dropped open, it was a simple thing, one might even say that it was a primitive thing, especially for a dragon of Spyro's age. To her however, this was the most beautiful thing in the entire world, it radiated so much honesty that she felt like it drowned her heart.
Despite the obvious danger coming from her side he didn't retreat, fighting for forgiveness.
She looked at him, there were tears dancing in the corners of her eyes. He was rubbing his paw fervently, nose practically buried into the ground, neck obviously strained due this uncomfortable position.
He was like a begging for acceptance puppy that did something wrong.
All that fury she had for him changed direction, making her angry only on herself. The risen paw threatening to miss the plate and strike her right in the dumb nose, maybe then she will remember just how much of a moron she is.
Spyro would never hurt her willingly.
She loved the dork with all her heart and the sweet picture of food he made for her only showed just how much she doesn't deserve him.
"Ancestors help me" she squeaked, slamming the extended paw onto her mouth, muffling the sob that burst from her throat. She started crying, before she knew it tears were making moats down her cheeks.
The guilt she was feeling right now was killing her.
From all the things Spyro expected to happen, he never predicted crying.
His head snapped up immediately at the first sound of sobbing, heart collapsed within the ribcage, he nearly choked at the sight of his mate posture. With paw against the mouth and tears gleaming in the eyes she was like a witness of a murder who is currently watching the body of her dead loved one. -
"No, no, please, don't cry" he whimpered, head shaking in desperation "I'll do anything, just don't cry"
Her shook by sobs lips managed to produce a wavering chuckle, he couldn't see clearly, but he believed that she was smiling.
"It's not you silly" she kept looking at the plate, with each passing second feeling more and more like a complete idiot "I'm such a bitch" the revelation was dipped in sauce of self-loathing
"Don't s-"
She lunged in his direction, her lips silencing him in an instant, she kissed him desperately as if her very life depended on it.
Purple tail immediately began a joyful, flicking ride.
"Okay, okay, okay!" Sparx barged into the room, hands making pulsing, calming motions "Enough with the saliva spitting already!"
Spyro broke the kiss, glaring at his brother.
"Didn't I tell you to leave us alone?"
Sparx folded his arms.
"Didn't I tell you to stop getting fat?" he shrugged "You started it"
Cynder has no intention to get into this quarrel, when she couldn't taste the lips of her love her eyes returned to the object that spoke about the same amount of affection as his lips.
The plate.
Her tail started wagging on its own, perfectly matching the size of her constantly growing smile.
"I was hoping for some beating, got the audience already, but of course you have to ruin everything with smooches. Ugh" Sparx rolled his eyes in disdain
"Sorry to shatter your dreams" Cynder stated, flicking some of the noodles on her tongue and swallowing them
It was like the breakfast was not of this world, washing away even the impurity in her soul.
"Being a frustrated idiot sometimes makes me forget that I would do everything for your brother. Thank the Ancestors that Spyro is smart enough to slap me with guilt. Never knew that feeling like a complete moron is so relaxing"
"You're not a moron Cynder"
"Now, now bro" Sparx' forefinger made a scolding wave "It's not nice to lie to your girlfriend like that"
Cynder snorted in amusement.
Spyro rolled his eyes with a sigh.
"Anyway" the dragonfly clapped his hands "Speaking of doing anything" he dashed towards the dragoness, snatching a strand of noodles for himself, wrapping his arm around one of the cheek horns "I'm going to call you out on this and it better not be a bluff"
Both dragons exchanged confused frowns.
He stabbed the black snout with the tip of his finger.
"You're going to watch over my fat brother"
The confusion didn't disappear, it was clearly visible in the green eye that shifted so it can look at him.
"I always do. You know that"
"Good, good" he stroked the black head caringly "Just wanted to make sure 'cause I'm not coming with you guys"
"What? Why?" Spyro exclaimed in shock, fear reached zenith in a moment's notice, one sentence was enough to cast him down into a pit of despair
He was losing his brother for the most traumatic experience in his personal life, he wasn't just another person he could trust, he was so much more. He was his eyes and his senses, he could bare through it when dealing with Malefor, it was easy, the target and danger was one hell of a big purple dragon.
Most of the dangers in the upcoming adventure will be invisible, subtle, obscured by the veil of cooperation. He won't be able to catch the signs, he was sure of it.
Sparx waved his hand dismissively.
"You don't have to pretend bro, jump and smile, I won't be mad"
"You can't leave! I don't allow it! I won't do it without you!"
"Bro, you put the world back together without me"
"Bullshit, I would never get there without you!"
Sparx squeezed his brother's shoulder.
"You're a big boy now, you can do it" he threw his thumb back, pointing at the black dragoness behind him "Besides you have her watching your butt, she's fierce. Just some minutes ago she was so close to castrating you"
"No" Spyro shook his head, jumping up, the creaking in his legs displaying audibly the tension squeezing his body "How can you stay? What is more important than your own blood?
"Spyro" Cynder whispered pleadingly, she already sensed where this conversation was heading and to make Sparx guilty about it won't help here much "You have to respect Sparx' decision"
"No, I don't!" an accusing claw pointed at the glowing figure "You said that the dragonflies of this family stick together. You can't just bail!"
"I stand by it" the dragonfly sighed in resignation, his aura dimming, yellow hand ran over his face, fingers scratching the cheek, curling like hooks and pulling back sharply as if they would be tearing off a mask
"Look. When you two were gone after that whole Malefor mess, I was pretty sure, as was the whole world, that you bit the dust. I went to the temple once, Ignitus' statue was under construction back then and I had a plan to tell the dude what I thought about his interference in our lives and all that, maybe even crush a claw or true, or fill his insides with shit. Lots of crazy stuff was going on in my head at that time"
"Before that happened though I think I started praying, before I started hurling blame. You know, the usual stuff, why you did this and that, why me, where do I find someone like my brother, yada, yada. I turn around after my manly display and guess who stands there? Coriza. Of all the people in the temple I was approached by the most shyest, the most purest and as it turned out that day the only draconic cleric on duty. Kinda smelled like destiny, you know what I mean?"
Spyro gasped, he knew what it meant all too well, after all he followed the same path his brother did, also blaming Ignitus. In the end however everything turned out for the better, because the dragon that he lain eyes on in that temple was Cynder. It took him a while to realize that it wasn't just a lucky coincidence, that day in the temple was just a prelude to a thing that just meant to be.
Now everything repeats itself all over again.
Was it a good stroke of luck or a true Ancestral intervention?
He had no idea.
This was what faith was about.
Sparx licked his lips.
"Anyway, something clicked, I guess she reminded me of you guys, your stupidity and ugliness was in her, but wrapped in a far more prettier layer. We became kinda inseparable after that first meeting, she really helped me to pull through, I didn't even ask"
"I owe her" his aura grew brighter "And it's about time I repay the debt, I won't leave Coriza alone with that crazy mole in here. He's already shoving his long nose way too far for my liking. You guys sort out the mess in the past and I'll make sure that you will have a place to return to. If we split, we cover more ground, they are not prepared for us awesome dragonflies to be in two places at once. We're going to kick ass"
Defeated purple eyes aimed themselves at Cynder, they already made the decision, deep in their heart knowing that it is the right one. Nevertheless they clung to hope, to find a dose of protest, no longer in their own territory, but that of an ally.tfu *
Like the emerald eyes ahead.
Heart skipped a beat when those eyes nodded.
There was no protest.
Only acceptance.
"Fine" Spyro grumbled, heart shattering to pieces
Sparx' eyes widened, his glow exploding with more intense light.
"Yeah, just be careful alright?"
The dragonfly grinned, slamming his hand on top of his brother's shoulder, his eyes never leaving the purple. It was enough to bring some manner of spiritual union that only could be felt by the ones who grew up around each other.
"You too bro and remember about one thing, I feel it may be important" a forefinger rose in the air
"What is it?" Spyro muttered nervously
Yellow face leaned in closer.
"You no longer fear the dark"