The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 20

Story by Everlast on SoFurry

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#171 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions

Chapter 20

The message was sent out, it has started, there was no turning back now, to make sure he never forgets that the falcons seemed to fly far more faster than usual. Disappearing behind the horizon in a feathery flash, every single one of them leaving a feather behind like an official birdy steal on a diplomatic document.

He was never so scared before.

It was funny considering what he went through, mind really works in mysterious ways. Back in the days he feared fighting apes, adventuring, Cynder, Malefor, crowds, speeches, apocalypse, first mating and so on and so on, back in the days all those things in their respective times were the scariest things in his life, now they felt like a simple memory.

This moment will also join that line someday, this is where he found hope and motivation. Thinking that maybe, like usually, everything will work out in the end.

A positive lie is still better than constant worry.

"Damn, you're tense" black paw grabbed his foreleg, muscles in his leg stung from the pressure, flexing involuntary

"I'm a little nervous" he put up a forced smile "It'll pass"

Cynder tapped her temple.

"To get the best out of the next mating, get Spyro nervous. Checked"

"Nice to know that at least one of us is having fun"

"I know it's intimidating, but look at it this way" Cynder made a spin, using her wings as pointers that wrapped the surroundings in one, big embrace

They were in the square right before the main gate, Warfang was pretty much alive by now, people traveled all across the city. Many of them didn't hold back from throwing one or two hateful glares her way, Spyro had the pleasure to receive looks flavored in sadness and abhorrence.

It really made her feel like a worthy, pretty dragoness. Nothing stirs confidence more than looks of people that find you and everything you touch disgusting.

"When you get through it, you get the chance to get back here and nothing makes you more alive than the unending, burning sensation you feel at the back of your skull telling you that the moment you turn you'll get a dagger shoved up your butt. A little stress is worth it right?"

He giggled, realizing unconsciously that Sparx was right to some degree, there was absolutely no chance that Cynder can cover up for him fully, but he couldn't deny the fact that she will help sustain him through this.

She changed so much, perhaps without even realizing she became his brother a little. Gaining the necessary distance to things and the sass, the other was there before of course, but it took a Sparx' touch to make it flourish.

It was a little weird to think about it like this, but Sparx was right about another thing. They are really a family, Cynder developed characteristics that he imagined his sister would have if he had one.

She's just like me.

The words that he spoke all those years ago are far more deeper than he thought.

He just couldn't comprehend how people can't see that they were meant for each other.

"Thanks Cynder, sacrificing Sparx' company is tough, but you know how to keep my spirits up"

"Hey there snowflake" she put up a fake, angry frown "You think you're the only one who needs his spirits up here? I've made sacrifices too you know for this adventure" she thrust her foreleg in the air, wiggling her claws at him

Sunlight played a blinking game on their silvery surface.

"I had to clean these babies, you know how painful that was?"

He snorted in amusement, bowing apologetically.

"Sorry, sorry, how dared I forget about your sacrifice?"

Cynder smirked, she loved her little fool.

"Dork" she said caringly

"Goddess" he retorted back

Okay, she lost, she wanted to drag him into a childish battle of taunts, but she forgot that's Spyro. While his answer didn't satisfy her youthful soul, it really struck a blow against her feminine side, she was a girl and it was nice to hear compliments.

She forgot about the fact that she isn't a child any longer.

"Silver tongued dork" she mumbled passionately and if they wouldn't be right now in a crowded street she would kiss him

Judging by the smile that spread his lips he read her intentions from her eyes.

She blushed, swiping her paw in a discarding manner as she spun around from him.

"Alright, cut it off, we keep this up and people will stone us to death" she looked around the square, among the crowd she spotted no one from their party

"If they come, who do you think will get here first? Flare or Iris?"

"Flare for sure" Spyro commented unhesitatingly "From all of them he was the only one who was genuinely excited"

Cynder winced, knocking at her forehead.

"Of course, that was a stupid question"

"Even stupid questions are better than silence and thinking about what's to come. Imagination really has a talent for producing very scary scenarios"

"Chin up love, it's not so bad, I mean, what do you have in your team? Only four dragons, two black, one more crazy than the other, a burning, walking bomb ready to go off and a callous sociopath. What can possibly go wrong?"

She threw a glance behind her shoulder, offering him a teasing smirk.

Joke or no joke, there was some note of expectation in those words. So many different personalities mixed together in one pot, there was no chance to avoid the soup from boiling. The humorous speech carried a hint of warning that confirmed exactly that, it also helped to keep his head on the course.

If there is something you can't avoid, that you know is going to happen, the only way to counter it is to be prepared for it.

At least humor made this pressure far more bearable, things become surprisingly easier to digest when you approach them with a laugh.

"You're right" he joined his partner's side, playfully poking her tail with his own, making sure that the move looked like it had no romantic strings attached "There's no point in worrying, what has to happen, will happen I would just like it to start as fast as possible. Let's get this over with"

Cynder nodded, she knew what he meant all too well, when she fell in love with him she too had to wait for all of it to work out. To say it was driving her nuts was an understatement.


Both dragons balked at the familiar voice coming from behind them, both turned in the same time as if they were puppets manipulated by the same hand.

It was a male voice full of respect and awe, they only knew one cheetah with such a voice.

"Hunter?" both dragons mumbled in the same time

The scout smiled, there was something extremely charming about these two when they acted in unison.

Hunter's appearance caught Spyro and Cynder by surprise, they didn't expect to see their friend here and especially they didn't expect him to be dressed as if he would be ready to travel.

Coat, cloak, hood, quiver and arrows, everything a true scout should wear was on its rightful place, the symbolic pin that was connecting his clothes together shone brighter than ever, it was recently cleaned from the looks of it.

Bottom line, the cheetah was prepared for an adventure.

Hunter bowed in greeting, ears respectfully flattening on the skull as the head went down.

"It is a great honor to meet you again friends"

"It's nice to see you too!" Spyro greeted his fur coated friend, Cynder acknowledged the scout's presence with a nod of the head and swipe of the tail

"You really caught us off guard here, we're gathering in this place to group up before we head out on a mission"

"Yes" Hunter nodded "I've heard of your expedition, it is the reason behind my arrival" he readjusted his posture and clothes to look more formal, wooden tips of arrows played a rattling, soft tune when the quiver bounced on his back

"I'm here to offer my services, you are planning on venturing into an unknown territory. The expertise of an experienced tracker might prove valuable to you"

Purple eyes momentarily dropped down, on the hand that put Hunter on an involuntary break. There was no blood visible, he didn't smell any either, the palm however was still wrapped with a bandage, it wasn't as thick as earlier, but it was still there nonetheless. Bandages, no matter the size, spoke of one thing.


"We would be happy if you joined us, but your hand, you're still hurt, it is not worth risking your health further, what if the wound gets worse or infected?"

The cheetah raised his bandaged hand, curling and uncurling the fingers effortlessly.

"Your attention humbles me friend but there is no need for concern. Both my hands are trained for battle, the bandage on this one serves only as protection from irritating the healing process. The wound is healed, I can operate the hand without any hindrance to my performance. It is also important to mention that I will be wearing gloves. If the worst comes and the wound opens, letting infection in I have medicine to counter it. This is however a very grim scenario, unlikely to happen in my opinion. Such fate will avoid us"

Furry thumb ran over the yin-yang symbol, the fur on the cheetah's arms looked as if bristled in excitement. Blue eyes were covered by a dreamy veil

"I have Hope" the feline intoned reverently

Instinctively, Spyro's eyes sought Cynder's confirmation of this plan, he himself believed that Hunter was confident of his stance and knows what he is doing, after all he isn't the one who gives in to recklessness. He sought confirmation because he wanted to make sure that he isn't falling for his subjective feelings of happiness, having another trusted ally in the group was way too good to pass up.

Cynder nodded.

For everything that is holy, she nodded.

The breath of relief he exhaled basically turned him into a skeleton for a second.

"If you think you can do it then sure! Of course we would like you to join us! Welcome on board!"

Hunter smiled, fangs gleaming under the sunlight, he made another full of respect bow.

"Thank you for your trust. You will not regret your decision"

"Just for the record" Cynder pointed out shyly "You don't have to bow before us, I don't know how about you guys, but I feel really awkward when I see a friend of mine beating his forehead against the floor in front of me"

Hunter crouched down.

"It was never my intention to harm you" one hand landed on the heart, while the other extended in her direction, palm turned towards the air

"No, no, no!" she protested, shaking her head so wildly that she heard her own eyes bouncing inside her eyeballs as if they were a pair of balls being slammed from one side to the other by two opposites teams on two different fields

One paw automatically shot up in the air to form a defensive gesture.

"I didn't mean I-Oh!" she squeaked when suddenly Hunter snatched her paw gently into his own and placed a tender kiss on top of it

"Forgive me" Hunter gallantly rose up, gracing the paw with the intensity of a feather

Cynder didn't know what just happened, she remained petrified and for all she knew Hunter was still holding her leg, even if in truth there was nothing more than empty space under her extended leg, she still felt as if there was solid ground under it.

"Wha-What did you do?" she stammered, eyes in panic running around the surrounding people that she could swear were so much closer and had pitchforks hidden behind their backs

Despite the nervousness, a fierce blush was steadily filling her cheeks with color.

"Nothing besides showing the minimum amount of respect a lady deserves"

"I'm not a lady!" she squeaked a protest, cheeks burning, she shook off the petrifying effect with a fierce spin of body

She met eye to eye with some female dragon who undoubtedly witnessed the whole thing and now was giving her a stare that would rip her head from the neck of it was possible.

A lady isn't hated.

"I don't like things like that!"

Both boys noted the protest, but deep down they ignored it. No matter what Cynder might say, she still was a female and she liked to be appreciated, to come to this conclusion they didn't have to count on hunch alone. Even if Cynder turned her back to them, she placed her body in such an angle that both boys could see everything. They saw her unconsciously caressing the kissed paw as if it was her most loveable pet, they saw the pretty smile stretching her lips.

She liked it.

Even if she pretended that she didn't.

The two male friends exchanged knowing smiles.

"Hi guys! Hi!"

Every head rose to the sky from where the shouting came, no one was surprised to see Flare as the first one arriving on the meeting spot.

The fire drake glided down, his extended, burning wings drawing fiery lines behind them. For a landing part of his flight he was moving relatively fast, dragons in their age usually don't do that any longer, landing without controlling of pace puts unnecessary strain on the joints, while not dangerous per se, it activates the regeneration process to simply maintain balance in the strain of muscles instead of letting it rest and focus on sustaining life through real danger.

Landing without strain is what every dragon learns when he is young, developing proper habits from the early years to increase the chances of survival.

Landing like this is very prominent in hatchlings that due to their innocence and excitement don't care about some regeneration. They want to be as fast as possible everywhere.

Flare's paws touched the ground, as expected the speed he used to land was too high, the force of the contact compelled his paws into a struggle for balance, legs basically stretching out in every direction possible.

He didn't seem to notice, neither he seemed to be bothered by the bursts of fire exploding from underneath his paws with each made step. The explosions were so chaotic and uncoordinated that it made them look like burps of a hacking fire dragon.

He recovered his balance in an instant, not loosing his dancing pace he approached the group, crossing his paws as he made his way to them, the movement pushing his body in a swaying motion of a exotic dancer.

There were no longer flames shooting from underneath his paws, the sight made them suspect that they weren't there just for show, but helped him in some way and protected his teeth from smashing against the floor.

The dancing sway of body and joyful stepping of paws was a strong drug for their mouths, immediately twisting them into smiles. Innocence had a peculiar, irresistible charm to it.

"Hey Flare" another united moment, Spyro and Cynder intoned together, making a single wave with their paws, in the same direction as if one would hold a wet cloth that cleaned the window while the other followed soon after with a dry one to wipe the liquid away

"I believe we never had the pleasure to become closely acquainted" the scout offered a polite nod of the head "Hunter"

"Hi there!" the burning dragon didn't stop grinning "I'm Flare! You're coming with us?"


"Cool! I never traveled with a cat before. You do any magic?"

"Flare" Cynder scolded her friend


"Hunter is not a cat" Spyro corrected his companion quickly, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly

The cheetahs have feline ancestry, yet he learned just how proud they are of their heritage, almost as proud of the symbolism that dictates their society's way of life. Cat, even if technically true, was a disrespecting term, as was calling a dragon a reptile or lizard.

"Yes, he is" Flare nodded confidently "People call them like that, he has fur, dots and pointy ears. Everything fits"

"Calling cheetahs cats is impolite" Cynder straightened the situation, momentarily turning towards the scout "You have to forgive him Hunter, Flare isn't very good in subtlety, he speaks every word his tongue manages to grab"

The cheetah shook his head.

"Nothing that a dragon says will harm my self-esteem, I am what I am, I'm grateful that the eyes of your kind even spot me in the first place"

"We're creatures of this world just like you are" Spyro added "Nothing more, nothing else, just because we're dragons it doesn't make us better. We can be cruel too, just look at Malefor"

Hunter smiled.

"I appreciate the modesty friend, let's not argue about your value. We have different perspectives on the matter, I probably wouldn't be able to tell myself that I'm special if I walked in the flesh of majesty every single day" blue eyes turned to the burning dragon "I don't wield any sort of magic, that privilege is for the extraordinary only, we, cheetahs, are simple people. Bows and steel are our domain"

"That sucks, but hey, you say that dragons can't hurt you, like, you know, make you angry and things like that" Flare leaned closer, looking around to make sure that he won't be heard by anyone else but his nearby friends "It's a cool trick, because we're going to be traveling with Iris. She's a dragon too, people get really mad when she is around"

"That's because she threatens and insults them Flare" Cynder snarled

The fiery aura dimmed in shame.

"Yeah...she kinda does that, but she doesn't mean it! It's the Beast, but you said you're tough, so everything's cool!"

Furry ears flattened sadly on the skull as the mind remembered the painful episode regarding Iris.

"I'm aware of miss Iris' habits. I had the opportunity to travel in her company briefly, the journey was...enlightening"

"I know what you mean" Flare announced solemnly, eyes closed and head bobbing slightly up and down, the tip of the mane bouncing as if it was restless spider dangling on its web

The tone and posture with which the dragon acknowledged the words were suitable for a thinker indulging in a philosophical debate.

"Her scales are very bright, with the ice she breathes it kinda gets really blinding sometimes"

Hunter frowned, surprised eyes darting at the two other dragons. He sought assistance against such a response, it really threw him off his train of thought.

Cynder waved her paw dismissively with a grin while Spyro shrugged with a chuckle, the body language was clear and easy to read.

That's Flare.

"Speaking of turds, where is our miss Iris?" the black dragoness hissed, clicking her tongue as if she just swallowed something very bitter "She's late"

Spyro looked at the sky, measuring the time by the position of the sun, it barely moved, meaning that Iris was already late. Not to long though, he expected something like that to happen.

He had enough experience with the ice dragon's pride, probably seen all spectrums of it to be honest. With Coriza being the most polite one and Iris most likely the most rude, even surpassing Cyril.

Which wasn't a compliment.

"She'll be here, it's in the princess' blood to be mannerly late"

Cynder snorted, the mockery of the gesture was so strong that she spat on herself.

"Princess my ass" she grumbled, wiping the mouth that was so welcoming of her spit

Spyro couldn't help himself, but to smile at seeing his partner's reaction and struggle

"She may not have the attitude, but she is some sort of a princess from where she comes from. She's the queen's daughter after all"

Green eyes smashed against him hatefully, he realized that he made a mistake by clarifying things. Females don't care about such logic, or they simply don't see it. It all becomes far worse when he talks about a girl Cynder is in an obvious fight with, feminine mind doesn't work in the same way a masculine does.

He read from the glare that for her he stood up in defense of Iris, he chose a side and basically slapped his mate. Cynder however wasn't the type of girl to run away and cry, she would do that, but first she'll make you suffer for your mistake.

"Really? Then why you don't bend over already before your princess? Warm up those joints, you wouldn't want to disappoint her"

He could taste genuine poison on her breath.

"I just said it for something to say" he whined

"I didn't know that Iris is a princess!" Flare blurted out excitedly "That's awesome!" burning tail started to wag happily "Volteer read me books about princesses and kings, they were very cool! Full of assassins and plots and, and all that other fun stuff! I bet Iris has many cool stories to tell, she has to right?"

"Yeah" Cynder sighed indifferently, rising her paw to examine her sharp claws "Too bad that she never met a good assassin though. That would be fun"

A falcon's cry echoed throughout the sky.

Hunter's ears perked up, he tilted his head to examine the air above, the meaning of the shrill caw as clear to him as a crime is to the guard.

"You will have a chance to ask her about the tales very soon my friend" the cheetah commented thoughtfully, blue eyes landing on one of the streets in the distance

Everyone followed the cheetah's gaze, even Flare who wasn't good at reading hints had no trouble deciphering this particular one. His tail was the only one that was wagging in anticipation.

Not long after the one they were waiting for appeared on the street, Iris came into view, wings neatly folded on the back, feathers perfectly groomed and head held high, eyes aimed in one direction only.

She strutted towards them, body swaggering pretentiously, gold bracelets on the horns and neck seemed to grin arrogantly, blinding everyone with their polished glimmer. Iris' body language and aura of authority that they felt even from here shouted only one thing, making sure that everyone understands.

Out of my way plebs.

The rather obvious leering of some of the people didn't bother her at all, it was doubtful she would even see them if they appeared right in front of her nose. She didn't care about people, she didn't like people and the crowd felt that, admiring and cursing from the distance, there was not even one cheetah or mole that dared to initiate any sort of conversation, they fantasied in the background only.

There were some dragons brave enough to actually approach the dragoness, even despite the fact that her gait showed clearly where and how deeply inside there she has their attention.

A single glare of those piercing eyes was enough however to force them back. Spyro wasn't surprised in the slightest to see such reaction from the more confident dragons. Iris was intimidating, most of the times her beauty alone did the work, but if there was someone brave enough to pass it, he lost against the glare.

The hateful, murderous glare of a heartless construct.

It was like looking into the maw of the Dark Realms and even the most cruel of hearts is afraid of unspeakable agony and torment. Everyone is afraid of something.

Iris' callous eyes were the place where fears thrived, as freezing as her aura.

Knowing what to expect Spyro and Hunter remained indifferent to the appearance of the ice dragoness. Cynder let out a spiteful growl, immediately dreaming about scenarios where she tears the girl in pieces. Flare was the only happy one, his flaming aura pulsing into another level of intensity with each step Iris made towards them.

He was becoming more and more restless, desiring nothing else but to say hello to his friend.

Iris caught up with the group, but instead of joining them she made a sharp turn towards the main gate, keeping the distance of a dragon's tail in between her and the group.

"The fuck are you waiting for?" Iris snarled "Move your asses, I won't be seen mingling with vermin" she addressed them assertively, avoiding any sort of contact as if she wouldn't know them

Everyone looked at Spyro, expecting him to decide the next course of action.

The purple drake shrugged and began following the dragoness.

Flare excitedly shot forward.

Hunter calmly followed the advice.

Only Cynder remained in place, irritated frown following her partner.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Don't let her get to you, she likes to provoke" Spyro answered without hesitation, continuing his walk, knowing all too well what Cynder is talking about

"I don't care what she likes. You're the boss here, we listen to you and not some chick with her horns too far up in her ass"

"Cynder, please, not here" he stopped, looking at his partner pleadingly, nodding at the two other companions to continue on "We'll sort it out when we get out of here alright?"

Black lips shook under the force of a rumbling growl.

"This is your master plan? Tuck your tail and steer clear of confrontation to avoid hurting the precious snowflake? She tried to kill me and did all sort of horrible stuff, she doesn't deserve any respect"

"I know Cynder, but we can compromise every now and then, especially if we are going in the same direction anyway"

"Bullshit" she stormed towards him, eyes burning and nose wafting poisonous clouds. She glared at him challengingly "You heard what Terrador said, you're the leader, put that bitch in her place, if she doesn't like it, she can fuck off. I gladly kick her in the ass as goodbye if you have a problem with that"

Spyro sighed, rubbing his forehead, he tends to forget just how vicious Cynder becomes when she sets her mind on something and doesn't get it.

"I don't see how I'm breaking any rules. Just because I'm following someone else's idea doesn't mean that I'm worshiping them"

"It's about how she treated you, us, barely sees us and already hurls insults"

"This is Iris, Cynder, we knew what to expect. I'm not going to teach her manners"

"Then you better teach her respect, or I will" she stabbed his chest with her claw and stormed off, after the group.

The swinging blade tip that kicked sparks in the air with each wave showed clearly just how happy she is after this conversation.

"I think, I already did" he mumbled to himself, one paw landing on the neck, thighs squeezing against each other. A sharp sting ran along his whole body when he remembered the circumstances Iris created to make him believe in his words.

They haven't even started yet and already the atmosphere becomes thicker.

Flare caught up with Iris, his juvenile, dancing tempo only growing in force the closer he got to his friend. The bouncing turned into a lively prance when eventually he leveled side to side with the dragoness.

"I'm so happy that you came" he announced, smiling brightly, mouth stretching almost to the neck level

The piercing glare that scared all of the previous admirers landed on Flare, slapping him with its dominating power.

He didn't recoil back.

The hate got replaced by a spark of surprise in Iris' eyes, it occurred to her that he didn't come here just to leer and drool over her. He was genuinely happy to see her and there was no sexual lust dictating his moves.

He didn't want to just fuck her.

He cared.

Just like the fucker that made her murder her own mother.

The surprise was gone, giving space to cold hatred once again, all those shitheads earlier were thinking only with their dicks, worthless bugs that needed to be castrated. This burning piece of shit was more clever however hiding behind the exterior of a dumb fuck was a smart traitor.

She didn't fall for that.

Not again.

Whenever she had her mind occupied with true work, with a job, Silence didn't have the time to poke around, her brain constantly processed information, was sharp and didn't allow even the tiniest rat of manipulation to slip by.

She knew the type.

He knew she liked the type.

The shithead didn't want to let go, she fed him his own balls and yet he came back to stare at her again, to taunt her.

No more humiliation.

She will feed him his own eyeballs the first chance she gets.

"I don't care for your feelings, get lost fool" she snapped at him, turning her sight away from him, she won't make a joke of herself by letting people see that a pig like that deserves her attention

"I can't!" he exclaimed victoriously "We're going to be traveling together. We're friends Iris! I protect my friends"

"You are not my friend idiot, you're a vermin like the rest of them. You know what happens to worms when they become insufferable?"

Flare nodded, snout twisting in disgust.

"Yeah, they slither all over you and eat your flesh. Ugh" he retched

She knew he was an idiot, an imbecile unworthy of hatching, a moron having troubles discerning head from an egg, every time she met with him, his stupidity reached another level of absurdity. She could bet that in his free time he rummages inside his ass with his tail, looking for gold.

This is what she was reduced to, this was the price for murder.

Sometimes she wished that Ignus just allowed her to throw herself at those animals that attacked the castle, she would die with some dignity at least. She wouldn't have to deal with all this shit.

Fucking Spyro.

If not for that loser(hero) she would never be here with those cretins, but no, he had to show his ugly(sweet) purple mug and spread his poison(charm).

A manipulator(dream) in flesh.

What he didn't know however was the fact that she had seen through him and despite the bitch and the cat following him, she will be the one who will use him for her pleasure.

And she will enjoy every moment of it.

She inherited many wonderful things from mother, too many to count, among them had to unfortunately be also a trait that she didn't like, it was patience. Same patience she got reminded of when she was in the library with this cute, clueless, backstabbing bitch.

She hated it, very, very much.

She hated swallowing her pride and respect for the chance to pacify opportunity, but there she was again and as much as she disliked this specific notion mother gave her, it still belonged to her only protector and she will freeze the whole world and every other one first before she again betrays the trust of the creature that brought her to this earth.

"They get squashed fool" Iris concluded sharply

Flare shook his head sadly.

"I never could do that, they really scare me. I hate touching them, they're disgusting and slippery. Yuck"

The dragoness growled, no matter the soft spot, never ending obliviousness and stupidity becomes tiring and irritating.

"The fact that you're alive will remain a flaw on the world's conscience for years to come. I hope there will be a day nature will rectify her mistake and do something about you. Failure like you walking freely is a disgrace, I hope you die a painful, agonizing death and I will be there watching it, or better yet, participating in it"

"That's a very mean thing to say" Flare looked around, checking that nobody is listening before leaning closer towards the blue snout.

Iris glared at him indignantly, snarling at the burning dragon.

"I tell you a secret" he whispered "This is why people don't like you"

"I don't care moron"

"It's the insults Iris, you should stop and people will start to like you. I know you want to be nice to people, you just have to remember how"

With a growl she slammed her flank into his, shoving Flare away. He jumped back with a yelp, small spikes stinging his body, making small holes in his scales. Out of nowhere Iris' body was surrounded by a cloudy, freezing mist, tiny shards of ice swirled around inside it.

"Don't tell me what to do you cocksucker, you are nothing" she hissed "I don't give a crap about people, what I care is to insult you until you fuck off" this time she made a step towards the drake, letting the shards stab at the boy

Flare jumped back again with a hiss.

"I know other methods of convincing you if this won't get to your thick skull. Painful methods"

He stretched out his fiery wing, burying the tip of it into the small, freezing twister, the shards of ice burrowed into the burning structure of the wing, splashing into the fire like a thrown rock into the lake.

The shards never appeared on the other side, trails of their cold energy exploded within the wing, mixing pulsing, blue tendrils with fire.

Flare gritted his teeth, not in pain though, but genuine concentration.

Iris stared at the scene with pretended indifference, in truth however one of her eyebrows tried to wiggle its way up to portray honest surprise.

"I've heard and suffered many things, there is no insult and pain that can stop me. I have a high tolerance for pain, most of the times I don't see or care that I'm wounded. It does nothing, I know you're talented, but there is nothing you can do"

He pushed back the wing, by the time he did that there were no more shards floating around, blue body surrounded by faded mist alone.

"I see when you get hurt and insulted and those are wounds that really hurt me"

Her wings began to twitch, feathers demanding to be plucked, the only thing that held her back was her sense of royal pride that prevented her from making an idiot from herself. This was just another tactic of this betraying motherfucker, dropping the shyness and showing what seemed to be true concern.

Besides mother there is no one that cared for her truly, she wasn't an idiot to fall for stupid tricks, she no longer was a horny imbecile that dreamed of heroes and courtship.

She wasn't weak like uncle said. If this sweet, adorable fool thinks he has power over her then he is for a real surprise.

"We're friends Iris, I like you and now that we're going to be traveling together I'll make sure that nobody hurts you" Flare's eyes widened, body bursting shaken flames "Not protect you!" he quickly corrected himself "I know you can do that yourself, I will just make sure that you won't have to do that. It's not the same thing, right?"

The fucker just didn't want to shut up, this was what condemned him completely, the abuse of power and false belief that she won't notice it.

If she seen through it then why her loins burned?

"Shut up and leave me alone" she snarled, even if her tone carried the typical fierceness, her voice was basically silent, echoing merely around her as if she would be scolding herself alone audibly

Even if her voice might have addressed her personal thoughts and emotions, her body still pushed away from the red one. She sped up her pace and reached a spot in front of Flare, not before however her tail caressed the gold side of the underbelly, sliding seductively along it and jumping on one of the forelegs, making an inviting, brushing curl around it that every male would catch as a hint of obvious attraction.

Flare wasn't such a male.

He was overjoyed though that he got the chance to actually feel Iris on his scales, he immediately reached back into the memory bank and saw himself holding Coriza in his embrace. He saw himself holding paws with her.

He desired to do the same with Iris, this craving was as strong as the most voracious of hungers. It was so strong that it made him slow down and observe her legs, the movement of each of the four paws, he impulsively started planning and looking for his favorite one.

The impulse however vanished as quickly as he appeared, he realized nearly instantly that there was no possibility to find a favorite. He wanted to hold all of them.

Hunter looked back, one ear tilted down, his expression giving knowing signals to both dragons.

Cynder observed the scene with wide eyes.

"Would you look at that" Spyro commented, obvious relief in his voice "Flare seems to know what he's doing, maybe it won't be that bad after all. What do you think?"

"I think that Flare is naïve and Iris is crazy" Cynder stated bluntly "I have no idea what her game is, but she is a vengeful, full of herself, narcissus. I trust her as far as I can throw her"

"I know Iris is dangerous, but now you guys saw proof that she can hold herself back. I think that if we play this right there is a chance to get close to her"

Cynder swallowed, Spyro's idea of getting close to Iris should send ripples of jealously and hatred, maybe even did however their power was quenched down by genuine fear. Instinctive fear for the health of her loved ones. She didn't like Iris, from personal experience she knew a thing or two about spite, more than once indulging into it herself, there was always something behind it however, most of the times it was concern.

Maybe it was just the fact that she found her as a rival, she knew that she won't be able to sway Spyro, but nevertheless she will be able to grab his attention. In face of that she was defenseless, she might get pissed about it, but there was no point in fighting a male instinct.

All that game Iris is playing to her felt like a venture into a dark tunnel, that only after a rumble or two one realizes that the things that he passed on the way here weren't just spikes hanging from the ceiling, but teeth and the damp, dark place you took for a cave was in fact a gullet.

Iris was a trap, the most deadliest and pleasurable of ones. Jealously or not, this was her position on the matter and she'll be damned if she let's her dumb lover's head get bitten off because of that.

"Forget about getting close to her" she snarled at her partner defensively "Forget about the pretty snout and round butt"

"I don't care about any of that!" Spyro protested vigorously

"You're a guy, of course you do" Cynder sighed "Look, I know what I'm going to say will come out as a hypocrisy, a very big one since it's me, but maybe you should consider the fact that Iris is not worth saving?"

Purple brow raised in surprise to this statement.

"I know how it sounds, especially when you didn't hold back from saving me after I murdered thousands. Especially when I myself considered a world eater to be worth giving a chance. When it comes to Iris though...I feel there is no hope for her" she waved her paw dismissively with snort of disdain "Take it however you want, it can be even jealously for all I care, I just ask you, because I love you, to think about it okay? Can you do that for me?"

"I will have your words in mind, that I promise" Spyro's head dropped down, chin pressing against gold scale, eyes aimed at the chest, examining the scales underneath which heart hid "I won't just give up, I can't. I must stay loyal to myself and to you, we both agreed on that" he looked up at his friend and partner, making sure she understands that every conclusion he comes up are thanks to her insight as well

"I always fought the impossible, Iris is just another obstacle on the way, I will do my best to make her a true part of our team since she already joined, I feel that this is my duty, our duty really, to support each other despite our differences. Whether we like it or not, we're a team now. I'll keep an eye on her, but that doesn't mean I won't have her back when the times comes, if she won't cooperate we'll part ways"

He looked ahead, remembering the moment that happened between Iris and Flare, cherishing every second of it, for him, as a leader of this group, it was far more than just a cute moment.

It was a sign.


It was relief.

"We can do this, all of us"

She wasn't angry, she wasn't sad, what she truly felt was a combination of disappointment and pride, this one time she wanted Spyro to wound his heart she didn't allow it to happen. She rejected even her plea.

Part of the life.

Not the whole deal.

Ironically he meets every expectation without even realizing it, she wasn't too fond of his determination, but there was no denying the fact that he had a way of silencing protest and mutiny. Spyro had exactly what people expected him to have.

He had the spark.

She moved close to his side, basking in his masculine warmth, her swinging tail making conscious strokes against his purple one, showing her affection without drawing too much attention.

"I've got your back" she whispered, with difficulty holding back the urge to nuzzle him "You're a pain in the ass sometimes, but I've seen and felt too much to ignore what you say. It's shackling and I don't like it, but at least I'm used to be chained to you so that's a good start"

"Thanks Cynder" he scratched her tail back "I appreciate it, everyone else does too even if they don't show it" he smiled at her "Thanks for not trying to smack sense into me by the way, I really don't need a warm-up right now, my neck kinda hurts"

With a smirk she playfully slammed her flank into him.


He chuckled.

"The day isn't over yet, I might still slap your butt"

He bit his lip, leaning in closer, pleading eyes aiming themselves at her.

Cynder raised an eyebrow as she jerked her head back, the begging, sweet look and crunch of lip that seemed to be a contraction after slamming your toe against the bed was a weird combination.

"Maybe, if you'll be a very bad girl I will slap yours" he wiggled his eyebrows at her

She muffled back a squealing snort, unable to contain it for long, she burst out into giggles.

Spyro threw his head back, swallowing hard, male ego receiving a merciless stab.

"Dirty talking doesn't suit you Spyro, you're too adorable"

"I'm not adorable!" he snarled shyly, the joy that projected from his mate was infecting him with embarrassment" I can be badass when I want to"

Cynder grinned.

"I'm sure some of the moles want to roar, that doesn't mean they can though"

She giggled again.

Spyro snorted, offended, he spun around and increased the pace of his step, hurt ego eating at his pride, not even realizing that the way he behaves only deepens the pain.

"Oh come on grumpy!" she caught up with her partner, projecting a chuckle with each made step "Just because you can't ne flirtatious doesn't make you any less of a male. You're passionate and sensitive, that's you're strength"

"Typical boyish ones" he grumbled sarcastically

"Dude, we mated, it worked on me, where exactly is the problem here? You're such a girl, adorable!" another dose of sweet giggles

He wanted to respond, to come up with something clever to say, but was interrupted, coming to a hold immediately. They were so lost in conversation that he didn't even realize when they left the city and when exactly Iris stopped and the two of them caught up with the rest of the group.

It didn't take him long to figure out what was behind the holdup.

It was a stretched on the ground black dragon, sprawled on his back he had all of his paws kicked up in the air. His size blocking the whole road like a fallen tree, he was tossing a rock from one extended foreleg to the other.

Danox was the only one who responded to the message, saying that he will find them, there was no need to wait for him.

When he read that message he never expected to find the dragon lying on the middle of the road.

"Upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all" Danox recited with his deep, rumbling voice, entirely focused on the flying piece of stone

"Typical black, unwashed filth" Iris rumbled under her breath, sniffing at the air in disgust "Stinking of blood and grime" her eyes spotted the source of the scent, respectfully guided by the nose

During all this time there was another part of the black body that was moving.

The tail.

It was swinging happily from side to side, the tip of the tail weighting it down from the looks of it, keeping it close to the ground so each swing kicked dust in the air. The big sharp tip that from a distance looked like a massive clever was bended, it's edge directed towards the owner.

It was drooling blood.

Each swing made the blade cut across the risen, black thighs, sideways along their inner side. The blade had to it through the flesh for a while, the cuts on the things were already of considerable size, holes big enough that there was hardly any flesh on the way of the blade, making it swish through empty, bloody spaces as if it was a hand of an overexcited child, splashing raindrops from a nearby dug out hole found in the ground.

With no more flesh on this level to eat, the tip was only spitting blood that flew from the wounds profusely. The owner of the tail unbothered by the fact that the dirty tail tip was putting sand and every other dirt into the openings. Unmoved by the situation, Danox kept on juggling the rock in accordance with the swinging tail.

She had seen many things in her life, been through far more than a girl of her age should, there was hardly anything she could consider surprising and horrid. Hardly anything that would make her stop.

Never in her life she saw anyone who would with such joy molest and devour his own body.

And she paid with her flesh many times, not once enjoying it.

While observing this creature, she forgot about hate and anger for while, forgot about everything. Ironically, despite being an ice dragoness she froze in place, overwhelmed by a sudden, unexpected sense of relief she didn't feel for a very long time.

For some reason she felt that she no longer was alone.

The bars can't hold two of them, she can bash her way through them.

The medallion on her neck felt unrealistically heavy all of a sudden.

Danox smiled, pearl, gleaming white teeth appearing from underneath black lips like glittering gems in the depths of a treasure chest.

"Welcome friends" he grabbed the stone, catching it in the air with a swift clench of paw

Something rustled within the crown of a tree just next to the group, the chaos ended moments later when something actually managed to pierce the leaves and smack with a hollow sound into the ground.

It was a withered carcass of a bird, so dry that it looked as if it took a bath on the surface of the sun.

The black dragon rolled onto his belly, sensually lifting his frame, the grace of move had all the allure of the most sexual feminine charm. Lean muscles bulging under the black scales spoke of masculinity that was able to shelter any scared and submissive heart.

To put it mildly, Danox made a show of such a simple thing as getting up.

Danox looked around the group, mouth never stopping smiling, his coal gaze landed on the front row, stopping on the ice dragoness there.

He licked his lips, blood dripped from the wounds on his legs and landed on the ground in between his hind paws. Stretching like saliva from a starving mouth that just noticed food.

"My, my, aren't you an attractive little thing, I believe we never had the pleasure of seeing each other before. I would remember otherwise, I never forget delicious treats, I have a very...exquisite taste"

Danox bowed royally, front legs sliding forward along the earth, curled claws scratching it tenderly as if it was silk on the most expensive of beds

"They call me Danox, may I know your name sweet creature?"

"Fuck off clown" Iris growled at the dragon, his idiotic show making no impact on her, she has seen enough cocky bastards in her life, another one didn't make that much of a difference

There will always pigs loitering around her.

The black dragon grinned, straightening back up, smile never disappearing from his snout as he nodded his head as if acknowledging something.

"If your heart is broken, make art with the pieces" the dragon quoted reverently

"You've read that from the leaves you used to wipe your shit stained ass?" the dragoness struck with her elegant rhetoric, clearly unimpressed by the statement

"Alright guys! Introduction time is over!" Spyro stepped forward, scolding both parties with a stern gaze

Iris challenged him with a growl, piercing eyes trying to rip out his soul.

"Oh sire" Danox hung down his head sadly "Such sad timing, right when our acquaintance was about to develop to another level of intense flavor"

"Some of us might not like the smell, so how about you chill out?" Cynder noted

"I don't remember asking for your opinion filth" Iris snapped at the dragoness "How about you take your stink elsewhere? Preferably a dump, at least there you would feel at home. Take Shitscale here with you" she nodded at the black dragon "With the two of you together there's a high chance that people will burn you out"

Danox laughed.

"You might want to look in the mirror" Cynder glared at the Ice dragoness challengingly "The only princesses using language like that are the rulers of carton boxes in the slums. So how about you join us? Which bed you prefer? Made of stale shit or brown jam?"

"Is this what pranks between friends look like?" Flare tilted his head in confusion

"You little whore, I will sho-"

"Nobody is going to do anything!" Spyro roared "If you are so keen on loosing your heads then wait a little while longer, the portal is right there!" he pointed into the distance, claw following the trail of the road "I'm sure there will be plenty of volunteers wanting to decapitate you, heads can roll there all they want, at least then we won't have to clean up the mess"

"Such a charming company you gathered here my friend, I-" Danox commented slyly

"You are part of this company Danox" the purple drake cut the black speaker short "Whatever concerns this group, concerns you as well. Save the anger and wit for whatever awaits us behind the portal will you? If you don't like it, go, know however that this is your only chance to see what the Veils are about, there won't be a second invitation, are we clear about that?"

He became air-locked, trying not to look silly he pretended to cough as if something got inside his throat, he didn't know how such speech came out of his mouth or what really motivated him to act like this in the first place. It came naturally.

When he realized that it was instinct he was no longer sure if he the loss of breath was the consequence of the speech or maybe it was his heart coming to a conclusion way before his mind did. He really pulled off something here, something he wasn't certain he could do.

He spread authority.

And as his eyes traveled around everyone present, he could see them listening, hearing, even when there was clear defiance in Iris' eyes and indifference in Danox'. The most surprising to him however was seeing the same amount of submission in Cynder, just like the rest of the group, in this moment, she listened, not like his mate and lover with who he spent some really wonderful times, Cynder who quite frankly held his pride and masculine fate literally in her mouth, Cynder who was the only dragoness in the world who made him plead and squirm like a girl.

She listened with the intensity of a loyal companion, full of respect and devotion that would make her throw herself in the fire if he only said a word.

"Yes, we are" it was her who replied first, the respectful meekness in her voice made his heart drop

"Naturally" Hunter confirmed with a nod "And if my be so bold I would propose that we continue on our way, otherwise nightfall might catch us. Darkness won't be our ally with such a numerous group, we shouldn't be taking any unnecessary risks"

"Darkness isn't a problem here" Flare grinned, waving his flaming wings, they trailed blazing lines in the sky

"Competence thwarted by idiocy" Iris snorted

"While I can't wait until we begin our journey" Danox gallantly sharpened his claws against his chest "Shouldn't we at least await for the completion of our party?" he examined the polished claws, they gleamed with deadly precision

"Sparx won't be coming" Spyro clarified, gulping down a nervous bulge as he reminded himself that he is missing one loyal ally

"No?" he raised his gaze "That's tragic" despite the sad words there was no hint of emotion in the deep voice "The significance which is in unity is an eternal wonder" obsidian eyes located Cynder

The pull of the dark eyes was too strong to be avoided by the emerald sight, she looked his way out of politeness, unable to withstand the typical burn that accompanies when you become aware that someone is watching you.

She expected to see her own twisted reflection in the black gems, like always, what she didn't expect to see however was the figure of what seemed to be a purple dragon cladded in a black cloak. She was seeing Spyro for some reason.

She blinked, certain that it was just her imagination playing tricks on her, what on earth she would see Spyro there.

She focused, this time there was no denying it, there was a purple dragon there, but he wasn't wearing a cloak, those were black tendrils of smoke around his body.

This wasn't Spyro.

She caught a glimmer of a brown eye.

It was Creep.

"He sees us Sugar!

"He knows!"


The three sentences exploded inside her head, the echo of Creep's shouting rippled through her whole body, making her dizzy. She shook her instinctively, within the shaking, blurry vision she saw Creep's silhouette, he jumped out from the eyes it seemed.

She stopped, the world halted into place, she was gazing at the eyes again, or perhaps never stopped to begin with.

Her own reflection gazed back at her.

"Don't you agree?"

She balked at hearing Danox' question.

Was Creep telling the truth?

"Why you're asking me?"

He smiled, it was a kind smile, but she couldn't help herself but to stare at the tear of saliva glistening on his fangs, dripping lazily like the blood from his legs earlier.

"You're story is known to the entire world, a girl stuck in loneliness and deceit, finding true joy in the one who defeats her. Your journeys together make a good fairytale, isn't it filled with happy memories?"

"Focus on writing this story Danox" Spyro cut the conversation short, following the advice of his wise friend he ushered the group to continue

"As you wish" the black dragon made a dramatic spin on two legs, starting to walk in the groups pawsteps as the last one in the line.

He was biting on his lower lip so hard that the soft surface popped, crying bloody tears down his throat.

He swallowed eagerly.

This was a familiar taste of poison.

· Danox bowediiiiiiiiiii888i>

The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 21

Chapter 21 This one was the most awkward moment in his life, it had nothing to do with reaching Cynder's former lair, while uncomfortable, they were past the moment where it had a chance to truly cast a wedge between their relationship. The future...

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Sparx stretched out with a long yawn, his aura pulsating with increased strength the longer his mouth remained open and the longer the morning, silent howl of every living creature wafted in the air. Dragonflies don't need much sleep,...

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Spyro let out a long yawn, a thin streak of saliva stretched between the parting sharp teeth. "I'm wasted, I need a break" he mumbled, clicking his tongue when his mouth closed, the yawn seemed to steal all of his energy away, turning the...

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