Of the Same Blood: Devastation

Story by Raevocrei on SoFurry

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#6 of Of the Same Blood

Yaaaaay, I finished another story! x3

Although I am quite happy with how this turned out--spoiler alert, it's not as depressing as its prequel--I still feel like there is a lot more I could have done to improve it. I think I sort of got lost while coming up for ideas with the ending and muddled up the climactic parts a little bit. I need to improve the layouts of my stories and follows the general consensus of "preposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution."

But anyway, I hope you guys will enjoy regardless! Even if there is no sex scenes. x3

Feedback is welcome and encouraged! I appreciate the responses. ^-^

Thanks for reading!

"Someone help!" Renjee called out as he tried hold up Blade's limp body. The dragon was much larger than the gryphon and he probably weighed twice as much. Around him were several other dragons holding off columns of soldiers while civilians fled the battle.

Asha rushed to him among the chaos of the fighting and helped the gryphon carry Blade. She strained and wobbled on her legs, but they managed to hold him up and take him away from the fighting.

Dragons roared and gryphons shrieked around them, plummeting from the sky and attacking the royal soldiers. The fighting was scattered amongst the turmoil. Asha glanced left to right, looking for a clear path to take Blade. People were running and screaming all around. The High Bishop was shouting orders behind a column of guards. Terrin was meant to steal his magic staff, but neither were anywhere to be found.

Where are you, Terrin?

Neil flew to them and pounced on a soldier that had slipped through the ranks, killing the human instantly. He quickly turned and told them to help Blade onto his back.

"Will he be okay?" Renjee asked worriedly.

Neil glanced at the drooping body on his back. Blade was covered in burns, bruises, and cuts; his right wing was bleeding and the white of the bone was exposed. "He'll be... fine. Let's get him out of here."

"I have to find Terrin," Asha said and turned back. "Keep my dad safe."

"Wait, Asha!" Renjee called after her, but she had already leapt into the sky. Adrenaline pumped through her veins, and her wings beat faster than ever before. She flew like the wind and weaved around the dragons and gryphons while she scoured the battles below her. Shouts and commands barely rose above the loud clanging and thudding of metal or the wild roars from the ferals.

Some ferals wore armor to protect them and some used weapons like the two-legs and humans, but most fought tooth and claw. It was hard to tell which side was winning; there were slain bodies from each side everywhere. Asha hoped--prayed--that Terrin wouldn't be among them. Her heart ached thinking about what could happen to her mate.

But she quickly found him, alive and fighting off a small group of humans with a silver-scaled dragon. They were outnumbered, but they weren't losing. Asha rushed down with wind howling in her ears before she reared up and landed on a soldier in the backline. She crushed him under the force of her fall and smashed his skull against the ground.

She killed him.

Asha didn't have time to think about it. She leapt back and dodged an axe. Terrin quickly tore through the man that attacked her and whirled around to slam his tail into his next foe. Blood stained his claws red and dripped from his maw. The silver dragon finished the last of them, so Terrin turned his attention to her.

"Ash, what are you doing here?" he asked, furrowing his brow. "Why aren't you with Blade?"

"I couldn't find you anywhere, and I needed to be sure you were okay," she explained. He stepped toward her and frowned. "Neil took Blade."

"You can't... I... Please, Asha," he quickly nuzzled her and hugged her with his wings. "I don't want you here. I don't want you to get hurt."

She embraced him and squeezed tightly. "I don't want you hurt either."

A bright, blinding flash of light illuminated the district. In spite of looking away from the source, the light was bright enough to have disoriented them and make them wince. Calls for retreat echoed through the feral army, reaching Asha's ears as she looked and saw Alexander wielding his staff. With the wave of his hand, he flung a full-grown dragon into a sandstone building and snapped his bones like twigs.

Terrin growled and tried to sprint past Asha, but she caught his leg and tripped him up. "No, Terrin! It's too late--we have to fall back."

He hissed and glared at her, but when he looked back at the High Bishop and saw him catch another dragon with his magic and throw him to the ground, he realized that his fate would be no different. He hurried to his paws and took Asha with him to the edge of the battle where they could safely take to the skies.

Ferals fled the battle and quickly flew away. There were a number of casualties, but in comparison, there were a much greater number of humans littering the palace district. They dealt a large blow to the royal soldiers, but an army still remained. Blade was saved, but Asha wasn't sure if he would live.

She and Terrin searched for Neil, Blade, and Renjee, and found them in the streets of the market district, avoiding the smaller scuffles against the guards. When they landed, Asha checked on her father's lifeless body.

"Is... Is he okay?" Her father's body was marred and in terrible condition. Whole tufts of feathers were missing where he was hurt; bruises, scars, blood, and burns covered him. His breathing was ragged at best.

Renjee whimpered and turned his head away.

Neil answered, "I don't know. We have to hurry back home."

Asha nodded and squeezed around the gryphon to comfort him. He let out a soft warble and sniffled as he buried his beak into her feathers. The five of them crept through the contested districts until they reached the feral district.

Instead of the usual crowd, it looked like an army camp. Soldiers were posted at the entrance and many donned plate armor and held weapons. The district itself was bustling with activity. Fighters left and returned, some already wounded and others freshly kitted for battle. Those who weren't fighting were preparing meals and supplies for their soldiers--even the younglings were helping in any way they could, often darting around carrying equipment or medical aid.

One fiery-orange dragon stood out to Asha in particular. He barked orders and carried himself like an experienced veteran, and he wore the shiniest silver armor fit for a king. Beside him was another similar dragon that couldn't have been anything but his son, and he wore the same sort of armor. They looked like leaders, and when she asked Neil, he confirmed that the big one was the commander of their army, instituted by Akir himself.

"If anyone will win us this civil war, it is him," Neil stated assuredly.

She wondered how all of this could be organized so swiftly. It was amazing to her to see such a change in their community in only a few mere hours. Akir must have been an intelligent dragon to have organized all of this, even after his death. She pondered about how many of her kin were loyal to him--quite a lot, from her speculation.

When they returned to Vespera's home, they set Blade carefully down and immediately tended to him. Faint breathing moved in his chest; he was clinging onto life by a claw. Terrin and Neil discussed the battles ahead while Vespera took her curious sons to the other room. Asha and Renjee cleaned Blade's wounds and bandaged them. Taking a few herbs, Asha ground them up in a bowl and mixed a pungent smelling liquid with them before applying it beneath the bandages.

After that was done, all they could do was hope and wait.

Asha let Renjee lean against her while she comforted him with a warm, feathery wing wrapped snugly around him. She nuzzled him and let out a sigh. "He'll be okay, Renjee."

"I... I never got to say goodbye. He can't die yet... right? I have to say it first..."

Tears fell into Asha's feathers, and she bit back tears of her own. Renjee reluctantly pulled away from her and lay down beside Blade. Carefully, he held the feathered-dragon and caressed him lovingly, whispering something inaudible into his ears. Asha took in a deep breath and turned to Terrin.

He embraced her fully and nuzzled into her neck. "How is he?"

"I don't know," she answered. "There's nothing more we can do."

"I'm sorry, Ash," he said and squeezed her.

She simply nodded and buried her snout into his shoulder.

The hours passed gruelingly by into the evening. There were more fights and small skirmishes that took place throughout the city as the night continued on, each side fighting to gain territory. The human and two-leg army had gathered and pushed the ferals out of the palace and market district while a two-leg militia held their own inside their district. Two-legs were mostly left alone as long as they stayed within their district and didn't cause trouble, so most of the fighting occurred in the market district. What was once filled with crowds, stalls, and shops was now littered with fallen soldiers and blood.

Through the market district was the easiest way into the palace district by foot; the other entrances were well-defended and cut off. After the first fight, the barrier was reactivated, and the human spy that had brought it down was killed. Until the magical barrier surrounding the area falls again, the ferals were forced to fight on a single front.

Humans had weaponry that made it difficult for any forward advancement. Explosions of gunpowder guns and cannons echoed through the night. It was faint in the distance, but it was enough to keep Asha awake--as well as the idea that her father may pass at any moment in his sleep.

When the sun rose the next day, everyone in Vespera's home looked like they hadn't had a moment of rest. Neil was away receiving orders from the commander while Vespera went to gather food for all of them. Renjee stayed with Blade while Terrin comforted Asha. Her three brothers were mostly confined to their room as long as the fighting continued.

"We started a war..." Asha began. "Ferals are dying for my father who may or may not survive."

"It's not just about him, Asha," Terrin replied. "It's about all of us. If we don't fight back, we'll just be stepped on for the rest of our lives. We're fighting for change."

She pinched her eyes shut and clenched her talons. "I just feel like all of this blood is on us. We started it... What if we can't end it? What if this plan fails and all of these warriors died for nothing? If we fail, then--"

"We won't fail," he interrupted and grabbed her paw in his.

"Then we'll be in a much worse condition than we were before, if he doesn't kill us all off," she finished. "I have the feeling he won't stop until we're all dead."

"It's worth a try," Renjee muttered.

Asha glanced over at him and saw him hugging around Blade with his beak buried in his neck. "How do you know?"

"Where I'm from, everyone is nice and welcoming. There is no fighting and there is no hate. We celebrate our differences and make friends with every race... It's nothing like it is here--so many nasty glares and hateful words... Even from other feral species." He warbled and hid in Blade's matted feathers. "Lots of fighting and killing... If... if we can change that, it would make this city a better place."

"Maybe once we get rid of the humans things will change," Terrin grumbled.

"See? That's the problem right there. It's not their fault things are like this... It's more like it's everyone's fault. Humans aren't that different from us, and they can be just as kind. If you hate them, then of course they will hate you back... There's just too much hate."

Asha regarded Renjee differently than she ever had before. For once, he was making sense. He wasn't babbling on about something silly like he normally did. "You're right, Renjee, but we've dug ourselves too deep into this mess. The only way out is to fight."

"Hopefully that'll change things," he finished and closed his eyes. He rested against Blade, clinging to him as if every moment was their last together. It made Asha's chest ache and her guts twist.

Neil returned later with a map and laid it out on the table. "We're planning on another attack tonight," he said. Asha and Terrin gathered to the table and looked over the map of the palace district. Uneasiness settled in her stomach.

"Our goal is to permanently bring down the magic barrier. It is powered by a crystal residing deep in the palace; and I'm sure it's well-guarded now. The spy was supposed to have destroyed it, but the greedy sack of skin took it instead and was captured and killed. So, now we must correct his mistake and infiltrate the palace again."

"Who's going?" Asha asked.

"Me, Terrin, and another dragon," Neil answered.

"Why Terrin?" Asha shifted and twined her tail around Terrin's. I don't want him to go...

"Because he has already been inside the palace." Neil looked to him and spoke, "I know you've already been through a lot, but I know you're capable. I suggested you to the commander, and he agreed that you would be a valuable asset on this mission. He is hand-picking the other that will accompany us."

Terrin nodded his head and squeezed Asha's tail tightly. "I understand. I'm willing to do my part."

She rested her head on his shoulder and placed her paw on his. Worry weaved into her thoughts and made her stomach feel queasy. Just the thought of him risking his life again hurt... but thinking about the 'what ifs' and the idea of him never returning to her... that was agony.

Neil looked at her and seemed to understand what she was feeling; he wore a solemn expression. Before, he had never paid her much attention, but it seemed that all of this tragedy was bringing them closer together. Whether that was good or bad, she didn't know.

"When we complete our task, an army will invade from the sky. Since we have gathered all of our fighters now, it will be a staggering victory. Not even Alexander's magic can save them. If we don't act fast, reinforcements will arrive from the surrounding cities and towns to aid the two-legs. We've estimated about a week before that happens. But for now, let us rest."

They nodded and stepped away from the table, finding a soft mat to lie on together, side by side. Vespera returned with food not long after and gave them a replenishing meal that they desperately needed. Her brothers cheered and squeaked in the other room when their mother walked in with a basket full of food for them.

Asha felt like Renjee did, like each hour was ticking by, counting down the time she and Terrin had left. She never left his side in spite of his reassurances. Slowly, the sun descended and darkness filled the house. She woke from a restless, fitful nap on his shoulder and blinked languidly, anxiety still gnawing at her conscience.

Terrin kissed her cheek, behind her ears, and down her neck, which made her feathers ruffle and her tail swish with his. She exposed her neck to his affection and let out a soft coo.

"I'll be fine, Ash. Trust me."

She squeezed his paw tightly and sighed. "I hope so with all of my heart. I love you, Terrin."

"I love you too," he responded and gave her another kiss. "I promise that I'll come right back to you and let you hug me all you want."

A small, waning smile stretched her lips. "And all the kisses too?"

"And all the kisses," he chuckled, giving her a firm nuzzle. "Just promise me you'll be good and wait here for me?"

She didn't like the idea of staying put while there were ferals just like her risking their lives. It made her feel like a coward, and she wanted to fight. "I... I don't know."

Terrin frowned. "I don't want you fighting," he stated.

"I don't want you out there either, but I can't stop you, can I? If you're going to fight, then I will too."

"Ash, please... I can't bear the thought of losing you."

She bit back a frustrated growl and sighed. "How do you think I feel?"

Terrin looked away and shifted his wings, remaining silent.

"I don't even know if my father will live, and I don't want to worry about that with you."

Asha could see the fear in his eyes, not for his own life, but hers. "I know, Ash... I'm sorry. If... if you do go out, please... please stay safe."

She rubbed her snout with his and nodded. "As long as you do the same."

"I promise." He looked out the window where the stars speckled the night sky. She watched his smile sag. "I haven't seen my mother in days... I hope she's okay."

Asha squeezed his paw and rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm sure she's fine, Terrin. Why don't we check on her tomorrow? Hopefully everything goes to plan and there won't be any fighting going on."

He nodded but didn't seem to feel settled about that.

"It's time, Terrin," Neil said. He looked tired too. "This is the last of the root we have left, so let's make it count."

Terrin nodded and took a small pouch from him. After giving one last nuzzle to Asha, he walked out with Neil.

Asha poked her head out of the window and watched them disappear into the district--the war camp. Soldiers were donning their armor and weapons with nothing but firelight to aid them. It was a new moon; not a sliver of shining light shone through the darkness, only the sparkling diamonds dotting the black sky. Asha hoped it was a good omen, a sign of a new beginning. This would be the turning point of the fighting; whatever the outcome, drastic changes would be made.

I've heard of wars and rebellions lasting for decades, but this won't even last a week.

She wondered what would happen if the ferals won. Would they banish all humans and even two-legs? Or would they be put at the bottom of the social hierarchy that ferals were in now? Her kind wanted to be treated as equals, but she worried that it wouldn't stop there. If that happened, then only more fighting would break out in the future--like another rebellion.

Renjee was right. Humans aren't the only ones that cause problems.

With a heavy sigh, she laid her head against the windowsill and watched their army prepare for the upcoming battle.

* * *

Blade was drowning. Around him was the roiling sea: a vicious monster that had swallowed Blade and Akir into its darkest, blinding depths. Tense chains shackled Blade to the abyss; he couldn't see where they led through the emptiness, but the weight was tugging him down. Around his neck was a collar made of iron and another chain tying him to Akir, who also had chains grasping him like shadowy tendrils. Slowly, a great weight dragged them deeper and deeper into the unknown.

Water clogged his mind and body. Every breath was agony, like a fire burning in his lungs. He clawed desperately, aimlessly, to escape while Akir appeared to be lifeless--not a single muscle moved. Blade struggled for both of them. He would do anything to keep Akir from drowning, but all of his efforts were proving to be futile. Light pierced the water above them, and it dimmed the further they fell. Total darkness lay below them, stretching as far as the eye could see.

Pressure gripped him like giant claws squeezing the life out of him. The further they sank, the more those claws clenched his body and pinched his head. Blade roared into the sea and sprung forward again and again until he felt the chains snapping one by one with each thrust of energy. He felt fear leaving him--_snap--_his rage dissipating--_snap--_his remorse fading away--_snap--his sadness fleeting--snap--and that knife twisting in his gut slip free._ Snap! Blade broke the links tying him down, his strength renewed with every crack that echoed in the sea.

Finally, the last chain broke: the one tethering him to Akir. Blade quickly grabbed it and took hold, but Akir was still bound to his unending chains. Despite his efforts, they continued falling to the bottom of the black sea. Blade cried and struggled with all of his might, but he couldn't do it; he couldn't lift Akir out of the darkness.

"Let me go, Blade. Be free."

Blade refuted it. He wouldn't allow it. "No, I will save you!"

"You can't. I'm already gone, Blade. Let me go."

"Akir, please!"

"It's not your time yet..."


Blade's grip was slipping. His arms were numb, and his claws couldn't clench the chain any longer. With a cry of utter devastation, the last chain slipped free. Blade was free.

No matter how hard he tried to swim to Akir, the sea pulled him up. Akir's blue and purple scales disappeared into the darkness, fading away until Blade didn't see him any longer; Akir was gone. In spite of his drowning shouts, the sea lifted him to the surface where warm light shone.

With a gasp of fresh air, Blade cried his woes to the uncaring skies, shrieking wails of grief. But life returned to him one breath at a time, and his heart thundered in his chest. A jolt of fire coursed through his veins as if he drank in the sun. Looking to the horizon, he saw the sun setting. It blazed with life and jubilance that warmed his aching body like it was trying to comfort him, but the agony he felt was too great.

What... what kind of pain is this... Gods, it hurts... It hurts so bad... Akir... Akir, please... No... no, no, no, no... Not again... please... Will you wait? Will I see you again?

Blade inhaled a deep breath and coughed up blood that splattered across the floor. Pain erupted in his skull and trembled down his weak limbs. The feathers that weren't matted down to his body sprang to life, and he yelped in pain as his senses returned to him sluggishly. The more awake he was, the more pain he felt.

When he tried to move, his body refused. Instead, his aches turned to jaw-clenching pains that shook him to his very core. His vision swirled before he lay his head back down--he nearly passed out.

He heard muffled concerns for him, but when he opened his eyes, all he saw were twisting colors of orange and black. He shut them again and gasped for another breath; it felt like he was breathing in sand. More coughing and sputtering made his clenched throat hurt. Everything hurt.

"Blade? Blade... Blade!"

That orange blob shook him, causing pain like icy daggers stabbing into him. Blade's yelps made the blob stop and mutter an apology.

"Why you do that, dumb bird!"

"I'm trying to wake him up!"

"He awake. See?"

A much tinier paw grabbed at Blade's eyes and opened one, though Blade's eyes were rolled back into his skull, where pain thundered like two hammers hitting both sides of his head at once.

"Oh, maybe not..."

By now, Blade was beginning to regain consciousness. Around him were stone walls of a home he barely recognized, but once more of his memories returned to him, he realized it was Vespera's home, and that orange blob was Renjee. Now when Blade looked at him, he saw a lot more details, like the worried-to-death expression that drooped on his face.

But when their eyes met, that expression shifted into something more hopeful.

"Your eyes are so... gray," Renjee said sadly. He stroked Blade's neck ever so carefully.

Blade tried to speak, but only a wheeze came out. Instead, he forced a smile and rested his head.

One of Vespera's dragonets regarded him with a curious poke before she ushered him back to his brothers in the other room.

Blade looked for Asha, but he couldn't turn his head. Judging by the fact that she wasn't by his side after waking up, he assumed she wasn't there. It looked like the only ones home were Renjee, Vespera, and her children.

That dream... that nightmare... had felt so real that he could vividly imagine what it felt like to drown. The last real thing he remembered was being tortured by the High Bishop... So how did he end up here? How did they rescue him, and was his daughter okay? What about Terrin? Neil? And what became of that two-faced snake that betrayed Akir?

Blade's thoughts soured at the thought of the black dragon; he sincerely hoped he was dead.

Blade tried to move again, but quickly decided that he was already in enough pain as he let out a harsh, raspy groan. Thirsty. He was very, very thirsty.

As if Vespera had read his mind, she returned with a pitcher of water. It was difficult to turn his head the right way, but Renjee helped him and life-giving water poured into his throat. That dry, burning sensation faded, but Blade was in so much pain that it hardly made a difference. Still, he was grateful for the water and felt its rejuvenation flow through him.

Renjee lay down beside him, a small smile at his beak. He didn't say anything and simply looked at Blade.

Blade's voice finally returned to him, though it was scratchy and weak. "I love you," were his first words. He couldn't remember the last time he told Renjee that, and he felt terrible about it. All this time, Renjee did nothing but shower Blade with affection, and Blade had mostly shrugged it off. He never once admitted Renjee was his mate, in spite of how the gryphon insisted that he was.

Akir was Blade's mate and always had been even after his death; Blade never moved on. But that nightmare he had... it was more than that. It was Akir telling him to move on--telling him to be happy with Renjee. Renjee had always been there for him like Akir was earlier in Blade's life. Now, it was time for Blade to show Renjee that he loved him. No longer would Akir's death be a burden to him; he was free.

And the way Renjee's face lit up spoke just how much he had been waiting to hear those words. "I love you too... I'm... I'm so happy you're alive." Tears wet the tiny feathers under his eyes.

Blade winced with alarming discomfort as he moved to hug Renjee, but the feelings he felt once he wrapped around the smaller gryphon made him feel much better. There was a calm to his storm, a moment where he could forget all of the terrible things that had happened to him. Sadly, that moment was fleeting.

"Where's Asha?" he asked worriedly.

Renjee was silent for a moment before replying, "She went out to fight."

Coughing ignited his lungs and throat. "Sh-She... She what?!"

Renjee warbled sadly, like he had failed Blade. "I tried to tell her 'no, that's a bad, bad, bad idea. Probably the worst idea you've ever had. The WORST!' but she didn't listen."

Blade tried to stand again, but the pain quickly became too much. "Fighting... where... why..."

"No, no, no. No more bad ideas! You're going to stay here and rest; you're in no condition to be moving at all."

"I have to keep her safe..."

"Are you... Do you even... Your WING is barely attached to you!" Renjee squawked.

"Grraaahhh!" He was right. Blade tried to move it, finding it odd that it was splayed out like it was, and then he remembered what had happened before he passed out. He blinked in and out of consciousness and felt his head grow heavier. With a quiet whimper, he looked at the bloody bandage covering his wing before resting his head on the ground. Now it felt warm, meaning more blood was oozing out, something he couldn't lose much more of.

Renjee warbled and grabbed some more bandages to tend to Blade.

"You've suffered a lot, Blade," Vespera said softly. "It's time for us to help. You just rest the best you can until this is all over."

Until what is all over?

Blade hated the idea of that, but he knew there was nothing he could do. The pain he suffered alone had him crippled. As Renjee unraveled the bloody bandage from his wing, it stung terribly like a thousand tiny needles constantly jabbing through his flesh and hitting the bone. Blade shivered and felt cold. His eyes grew heavier. Before he could say anything, he passed out again.

* * *

Asha ducked under a flurry of arrows and bolts, quickly taking cover under an over-turned cart. She hissed with pain and held her paw against a bleeding wound in her forearm from a bullet that had grazed her earlier. Compared to the others around her, she counted herself lucky.

Once the arrows stopped flying her way, she swiftly dashed to a fallen wolf struggling to crawl to safety. Grabbing him by the forelegs, she dragged him into an alleyway where there wasn't any fighting. He thanked her before she left to find a medic.

Asha quickly realized that she wasn't a fighter; she only killed a few humans and one two-leg before her guts knotted together and made her vomit. The smell of fresh blood and the sight of all this gore were too much for her, so instead of fighting she assisted the wounded.

A loud crack echoed through the city, firing up into the sky at a cluster of dragons and gryphons. Shrapnel shredded through them and those that were hit fell from the sky. Asha cursed and ran from cover to cover to go help any survivors.

She was in the market district where the heaviest fighting was. The barrier surrounding the palace district had yet to fall--she assumed that at least, since no raiding parties were flying into the district. The barrier itself was invisible. She worried that the plan had failed and they had lost. Mostly, she worried about Terrin and what could happen to him if that were true.

The outcome of the battle relied entirely on whether or not they could disable that barrier.

The feral soldiers were steadily advancing on the entrance, but the humans and two-legs had barricaded it too well, and the walls were fortified with archers, crossbowmen, and gunners. Ferals that managed to climb or land on the walls swiftly met their end by a pike into the heart. And sometimes a feral would make the mistake of flying too close to the barrier and being stunned, falling to their death.

Every time Asha ran out into the open, fear gripped her racing heart. At any moment and arrow could pierce her or a bullet could bury itself into her, and then she would die and Terrin would be devastated.

Gods, please protect me, she prayed to herself as she dragged another wounded feral to safety. And Terrin too, please, please, pleeeease.

Finally, a strange crackling sound vibrated the sky, and magical white wisps drifted into the air like smoke--the barrier fell.

Triumphant battle-cries and roars filled the city from all around, a thundering cacophony of feral voices. Dragons and gryphons descended on the palace district like a ravenous flock of crows, plummeting and striking. Felines and wolves charged the gates. The walls were overrun with ferals that poured into the district.

Asha took to the skies, her heart leaping out of her chest. Her eyes immediately searched for Terrin, hoping she would see his red scales rising above the palace at any moment. She flew high above the battle, watching as the district flooded with ferals of all kinds. They came from more than one side, but the biggest wave surged in from the market district.

The humans and two legs didn't have enough time to create any formations, so they were attacked left and right, one falling after the other. The battalions that managed to form together were quickly ripped apart at their flanks. Toward the entrance of the palace, it looked like the opposing army had built fortifications with wooden-spiked walls and razor-wire nets overhead. Human and two-leg soldiers fled to the palace while ferals picked them off.

Alexander was nowhere to be found; she imagined he was cowering in the palace, but she worried that Terrin would try and fight him. With that staff, he didn't stand a chance. None of them did.

Banking over the palace, Asha looked down into the center courtyard. She saw humans scrambling through the garden from one side to the other: reinforcements. It looked like all of the entrances and exits to the palace had been sealed off; on the other side, ferals barged against the doors repeatedly, but no one made any progress. They needed something other than their bodies to break the doors.

Worry prodded at her mind. If all of the doors were sealed, how would Terrin and his group escape? It would have to be through the atrium, but there were guards and soldiers everywhere... She hoped they had a plan like last time, but she imagined that it wouldn't work a second time. Lifting up on her wings, she glanced behind the palace where they had escaped last time, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

But her attention was immediately drawn beneath her.

With a splintering explosion, one of the rear palace doors burst open and flames spurted out. Fire crawled up the doors as three dragons rushed out and met the rear end of a staggered column of soldiers lining up and down a sprawling staircase. They immediately attacked and dismantled their ranks as the other ferals moved in from the front, pinching the humans and two-legs between ravenous fighters.

Before the smoke covered her view, Asha caught the glimpse of red, gold, and orange scales: it was no mistake that it was Terrin's group, and that the red dragon darting down the staircase was Terrin.

Relief flooded Asha as she folded her wings and dropped from the sky to meet him. Smoke rose and drifted in the steady wind, stinging her eyes as she flew into it. Beneath the spiraling stacks of smoke was another small victory, where she saw her mate standing, hunched over and out of breath.

She landed beside him and nearly flew into his embrace. All of her anxiousness came to a close as he held her in his wings.

"Asha..." His embrace squeezed around her, and she could feel him shaking and panting.

"I'm so glad you're alive," she said, nuzzling into his neck.

"Let's get you somewhere safe."

"There's no time for heartfelt greetings," growled the fiery-orange dragon as he stormed past. Asha recognized him from yesterday, even without all of his gleaming armor: he was the commander's presumed-to-be son--or maybe brother? She didn't know, but she had no doubt they were closely related. "We must find Alexander and take away his crystal before he slaughters us like animals."

"You don't know where he is?" Asha asked. She reluctantly pulled away from Terrin and sniffed. The battlefield reeked of gore and smoke. Feral soldiers rushed into the palace, coming from all directions. So far, it appeared that it was the only way inside without resistance. From here Asha could hear the fighting and blood-curdling screams inside.

Neil put away several bomb-looking spheres into his pouch as he approached them. "He's hiding like the weasel he is. We tore through the palace and didn't see a single sign of him."

"So... we've won?" Asha looked to the commander's son as if he'd have a definitive answer for her.

"Until that sniveling scoundrel is dead, we're still at risk," he answered. "We must find him and end his miserable life." He shook his wings and turned his tail to them before leaping into the sky.

"He seems... pleasant." Asha bumped affectionately against Terrin.

Terrin grunted and laid a wing over her back. "He's also terrifying. I've never seen a dragon tear through soldiers like that."

"We should move," Neil stated. Death lingered all around them. The fire had died out rather quickly, and bodies cluttered the staircase. "I plan on joining in the fighting, but you two are free to return home."

The thought of home was warming and welcoming, but Asha still felt the desire to help in any way she could. "How can we help?"

"Go see your father," Neil said. "He needs you more than anyone else."

Asha wanted to object, but she held her tongue. Terrin licked her cheek and extended his wings. "Let's go, Ash. We did our part."

As if all the energy drained from her, she leaned heavily against him and nodded. Her head felt heavy and so did her wings, but once she gathered enough lift she glided through the air next to her mate.

All of the fighting was in the palace district now. Bodies of two-legs, humans, and ferals littered the city, left to rot in the desert heat. For such a short war, it took a heavy toll on the city. She wondered if the city would ever be the same again...

No, it'll never be the same. A city run by ferals...It will either be paradise or a disaster.

Humans were better at politics and religion, and they had a much more prominent culture than what ferals did. Asha's kind didn't have any interest in music and art, and most of them didn't care for an education. Those were what helped a city to flourish. If the humans were suppressed--which is what she expected to come of this--then all of that would slowly disappear.

"It will be okay," Terrin said.

She looked at him and saw a warm smile greeting her. Without thinking about it, she smiled back. "If you say so."

"I know so."

They landed at Vespera's home, both of them equally tired and exhausted, and it was only midway through the day. The afternoon sun beat down on the sandy streets, where only brief gusts of wind blew. When they stepped inside, the air felt much cooler under a stone roof.

Against the wall was her father with Renjee curled around him protectively. To her surprise, he didn't look as gloomy as when she had left him. In fact, a smile stretched the corners of his lips behind his beak. He was whispering something to Blade, and he whispered something back.

Asha's chest swelled with joy. "Dad?"

He slowly turned his head to see her. "Asha... I'm so glad you're safe." His voice was cracked and broken, just like his body. It hurt her to hear such pain in his words and to see him in such terrible condition, but she was so relieved to hear them and see her father alive.

She left Terrin's side to come to him and sit by his side. Renjee warbled happily at her and buried his beak in Blade's neck. "How do you... Are you... okay?" Blade looked like he was hanging onto consciousness by a thread.

He grunted and hissed as he tried to stand.

Renjee moved off of him and scolded him. "Blade, no! Nonono, you lay back down. No... Hey, no! Stop that..."

But Blade persisted through the pain and Renjee's alarmed squawks. He stood taller than Asha, even when he was slightly drooping with pain. He forced a smile and stepped to her, wobbling and looking like he'd fall over at any second. But instead, he leaned into her and wrapped a paw around her back.

Asha rubbed her muzzle against his neck, his soft, feathery neck, and bit back a few tears. This was the first time her father had held and hugged her--the only time she could remember, at least. He had felt like a stranger when she first saw him, but now that she saw how much he still cared for her... it was heartwarming, to say the least.

"I'm ju... just fine, sweetheart. I'm glad both you a-and Terrin are okay."

Carefully, she hugged him back. This was her biological father, the only other dragon like her with feathers instead of scales. Neil was the closest dragon to a father she ever had, which sadly didn't mean much. He was the only male that had stuck around Vespera for more than a few months. Now, she had Blade--her real father that loved her.

He didn't just abandon me for no reason... After all of these years, he still remembers me. He loves me.

If the moment could have lasted any longer, she would have made it, but Blade began trembling, so she let go and helped him sit down. Renjee sat beside him and let Blade lean against him. His bad wing didn't fold against his body and lay limp at his side.

Terrin folded a wing around her and she leaned against him too. "You look like you flew into a sandstorm and a thunderstorm at the same time," he said.

Blade smirked and chuckled before having a coughing fit. "You don't look much better."

Terrin had a few new open wounds and others that had reopened and bled through his bandages. He looked like a strong fighter with all of those scars lining his muscular body, and Asha found that rather... sexy. She would have found it much more attractive if it wasn't for the fact that he was in pain too.

Terrin poked at a cut and winced. "Could have been worse, I guess."

"What... happened?" Blade asked.

"We saved you," Terrin said proudly. "We got there just in time before Alexander cut off your wing."

Asha grimaced. What kind of monster would do such a thing?

"But how? There were so many guards... and the barrier..."

"We... We started a revolution," Asha said and then explained what all had happened and how Akir planned for this to happen.

"That's... He did all of that?" Memories passed through Blade's pained eyes. Asha could see something in them as he stared through her. "I can't believe he never told me any of this..."

"He wanted to protect you," Renjee said. "You know that... Remember? 'He's the best, most intelligent mate you could have ever wanted? Also super handsome and sexy too?'"

Blade grinned and bumped his nose with Renjee's beak. "That doesn't quite sound like me. I think someone is a little jealous."

Renjee wriggled and nodded his beak. "No, you definitely said all of that! Basically."

"Hmm, well, he was pretty great and all that, but now I have you," Blade purred and tilted his head as he leaned in.

Renjee was shocked, but Asha was more shocked. They locked maws and kissed right in front of her, like the way Asha would kiss Terrin. It wasn't that she thought two males shouldn't be together, but she had never seen that before, and she definitely hadn't watched two different species kiss either! Also, it was between her father and who she considered a friend! _And_it lasted much longer than the appropriate amount of time.

Asha turned her head away with a soft blush. Terrin cleared his throat to break the two interspecies, gay lovers apart. "You must be feeling better," Terrin stated.

Although their kiss had ended, Asha still saw a connection in their eyes before Blade finally turned his attention back to them. "I'm feeling a little better now, thanks."

"Me too!" Renjee added with a happy trill.

Blade seemed to notice the awkward look on his daughter's face. "Sorry... When you've almost died as many times as I have, you start to take every good opportunity you get."

"It's okay. It's just... that was really gay," she teased, giggling.

Blade smirked deviously like he wanted to say something inappropriate, but he held his tongue. "You know, Terrin was asking me all sorts of questions about males."

A flash of embarrassment flung Terrin's eyes wide open. "I did not!" He turned to Asha and continued, "I certainly did not! He's a liar."

"It sure doesn't sound like it!" Asha laughed.

"I... I maybe asked a q-question or two, I don't know. I was just curious is all." As if he needed to reaffirm his own suspicions, he muttered, "I'm not gay..."

"I know you're not," Asha replied and bumped into him playfully. "Relax a little."

Terrin sighed and rested his head on top of hers. "It's sort of hard to when all we've done today is risk our lives."

Asha nodded and let him hug her. "We need to fix you up again."

Terrin grunted.

"And I need to fix you!" Renjee said to Blade. "All that moving around made your cuts open again."

Asha and Renjee tended to their mates, cleaning, using herbs to help heal their wounds, and then bandaging them up again. Eventually, Vespera returned with food to fill their bellies as well as more medicine and fresh bandages. She was delightfully surprised to find everyone back and in one piece and to see Blade awake.

"You had me so worried, Blade," she said and applied the salve to his wing.

Blade hissed with pain and clenched his claws and teeth. It looked like he would pass out again, with stars swirling in his vision, but Renjee's reassuring paw-squeezes kept him intact with reality.

"Where's Neil?" Blade asked.

"I... I'm not sure," she said, worry-lines creasing her face into a frown.

"He rejoined the fight," Terrin said. "I was hoping it would be over by now. It's been a couple hours."

"I'm worried," Asha said. "What if they found Alexander and he's killing everyone?"

"He doesn't have enough power to do that... I think," Terrin added. "He can't face an army alone."

"Most of the soldiers have returned," Vespera said. "I saw large groups of fighters wandering back into the district. I... really hope he's okay."

Asha could tell her mother was thinking the worst. Everyone was. She stepped over to hug her with reassuring coos and nuzzles. "He's smart and a good fighter. He's just making sure everyone is okay and finishing up the war."

"You're right," she agreed but didn't stop frowning. "He better come back soon."

The sun edged toward the horizon, and the sky lit aflame with vibrant oranges, yellows, and reds. The shadow of the palace loomed over the district, like a haunting nightmare that they had yet to wake from. No one knew if the fighting was over or not. Ferals continued to return through the evening, most of them too tired to continue or they ran out of things to fight.

"We should go look for him," Asha said to Terrin. "We owe him that. We owe my mother that."

Terrin nodded. "Let's hurry, then."

But before they could take a step out of the house, a deep tremor shook the ground. Vibrations tingled up Asha's paws as she braced herself the best she could. She had heard of earthquakes in distant regions, but none had ever happened here, and it most certainly didn't feel natural. The ground trembled beneath them and grumbled like a massive beast. After a few moments it stopped.

"What was that?" Vespera spoke the same question on everyone's mind.

Thud. Neil landed outside their open door, out of breath and shaking. "We have to leave, now. No questions. Let's go!"

"But what was that!" Renjee squawked with distress.

"FLY!" Neil shouted, lifting his wings.

Everyone ran out of the house, except for Blade who limped against Renjee.

He can't fly, Asha dreadfully realized. "Neil, wait! My dad can't fly. We need to get something for him to lie on..."

Another powerful quake rippled across earth. Cracks formed in the sandy streets like lightning bolts, growing larger by the second. The sound was terrifying, but it was the shaking that rattled Asha's bones. Her brothers screamed with fear and Vespera quickly took them to the skies.

This isn't a natural earthquake... Something terrible is happening.

Neil looked back at Blade and to the rest of them. "There's no time!" He was trying to think of something, anything, that would help Blade into the sky. There wasn't enough room to fly for more than one dragon to carry him, and Blade was too heavy even for Neil.

But with each passing second, it looked like the city would cave in on itself. Terrified ferals shouted their distress, and everyone that could fly fled into the open skies.

Maybe if Terrin grabs his back legs and Neil his fr--

Blade yelped as the ground under his feet suddenly dipped lower. He winced with pain and cried out in agony. Renjee pulled him up onto a solid piece of ground, but all around them the earth was sinking. Another violent shock echoed deep underground and caused a whole house to fall into the dirt and sand.

"Go... go now!" Blade yelled. "Leave me!"

Finally, everything around them collapsed. A giant sinkhole formed at their district and it fell into the depths of the first hell. Loud, thunderous cracks and rumbles vibrated the air around them, and they were falling.

Terrin lunged and grabbed Blade, his wings straining and flapping like mad. Everyone else was able to fly safely above the roiling sea of sand and dirt, but Terrin couldn't gain any height. He was stuck trying to drag Blade out of the sinkhole, and Renjee was beside Blade's side in his futile attempts to help.

Blade clawed at what he could reach, desperately trying to hang on, but the city was disappearing.

The entire city.

Asha glanced around and saw that the whole palace was missing; the district itself was in no better shape than the feral district, and all the other districts were collapsing one by one. All anyone could hear was the deafening sound of the earth breaking.

Asha looked forward and saw that the sea was pouring into the giant pit. Water rushed from the harbor district, filling any space it could until a torrent of it spilled like an enormous waterfall. It was getting closer, and Blade, Terrin, and Renjee were sinking deeper. If they weren't swallowed up by the earth, the water would drown them.

She swiftly dove down and latched onto Terrin's tail, pulling on it with all that she could. Terrin roared inaudibly and nearly let go of Blade, but he instead wrapped around the feathered dragon and flapped his wings as hard as he could. Asha could feel every muscle in her arms and wings straining to lift Blade from the depths of Hell, and soon pain erupted from her tail as Neil grabbed hold.

It was a pain she had never felt before and she hoped to never feel it again. As Neil helped lift, her body dipped forward and Asha felt like she would flip over and fall backwards to her death, but Neil held her tightly. In order to generate enough lift with her wings, she had to angle them at an awkward position, and so did Terrin, but in moments they were steadily lifting the injured Blade.

Renjee joined them in the air as they flew up higher and higher until they cleared what used to be ground level. The sea disappeared into the enormous hole that appeared in minutes, drowning anything and anyone that didn't already die from the collapse.

Asha felt her grasp slipping with each beat of her wings. They were far from anywhere safe; the nearest solid piece of ground looked to be a league away. Even the ships that were over a league away from the danger were swallowed into the earth. Sheer devastation lay beneath them. Anyone that couldn't fly was either dead or dying.

Alexander did this... That monster...

She wanted to curse him until she couldn't curse anymore, but she was quickly reminded of the danger they were still in as Blade dangled below Terrin. Quickly, she tightened her grasp around Terrin's tail and helped fly toward the nearest piece of solid ground. It was her favorite cliff that overlooked the sea, standing strong as always while the ground beneath it sank.

It didn't matter how tired her wings and arms were. It didn't matter how much her body ached. And it didn't matter how ridiculous they looked flying through the air. All that mattered was bringing her father to safety. He swung below them like a pendulum, his body limp and in unimaginable amounts of pain.

I wouldn't be surprised if he passed out again... Come on... We're almost there.

Minutes felt like hours, and it took them nearly half an hour to get there, but they all finally made it. Vespera landed with her children and reached for Blade as they lowered him safely to the ground. Terrin fell onto his side, heaving, and Asha wobbled on her legs for a moment, awkwardly balance because she couldn't fold her wings to her sides with how sore they were.

Glancing back, all she saw were shattered buildings collapsing into a giant pit, as if the Earth itself hungrily consumed the city. No part of civilization remained. The palace was gone, the market was gone, her district was gone, and everything was swiftly being drowned by the sea. Although they were an entire league away from the major devastation, the sound of it was too loud to hear her own thoughts, and the ground vibrated beneath her feet, tremors echoing up the cliff. Rocks broke off the cliffside and fell into the draining water below.

Are we even safe here? she worried.

Only after another ten minutes could she hear again, but everyone was speechless. They stared forward, unable to break their gaze from what used to be their home--a giant city gone.

"My mother..." Terrin winced and clutched his chest. Asha felt her heart sink. She wrapped her arms and wings around him tightly and buried her muzzle into his neck.

"I'm so sorry, Terrin..."

"I... never said goodbye... I was so busy... with... with fighting and..."

"Terrin..." She squeezed him tightly and shared in his grief. Hearing him sob lit her heart aflame, but she couldn't squeeze him any tighter. She cried too. She cried for her mate, for his mother, and she cried for all of the innocent people that died.

Renjee comforted Blade who groaned with pain; he couldn't move or speak. All of his wounds reopened and his injuries worsened, but he was somehow conscious and alive--unlike many of the innocent humans, two-legs, and ferals that suffered from the destruction.

Vespera and Neil attempted to calm down the younglings, but they were too frightened--and they weren't the only ones feeling scared.

Asha looked between everyone and then to the drowned city. Fear filled their hardened expressions. Grief nestled in the back of their minds, except for Terrin's that spilled into Asha's neck; out of all of them, he lost someone very close to him: his mother.

Was it worth it? ... Was any of this worth it?

Yes, her father was alive. And yes, her mate and family were all alive too, but everyone was missing a chunk of their lives, something that would never be forgotten. A wound opened up in the Earth, the same wound that cut deep into their hearts, their lives.

What happens next?

Where would they go, what would they do? Their lives were shattered just like the city. What once was was no more; all they could do was try their best to move on.

"What happened, Neil?" Vespera asked. "H-How did that happen? Was it the High Bishop? Did he... kill everyone?"

Neil clenched his jaw. He looked so furious that Asha wasn't sure if he would speak. "That... coward... He had planned for this to happen. In case we ever revolted, he had set crystals under our district--explosive crystals. It was a simple plan to kill us all or try to..." He swallowed hard. "He did this..."

"But that destroyed the entire city!" Asha said. "He killed more than ferals... He killed the city."

He nodded grimly. "The power was more than that idiot imagined. The only way I can rest easy now is knowing that he was buried along with that destruction. He's dead; not even his magic could save him. If the blast alone didn't incinerate his putrid body, he is buried under the city, deep in the seventh hell where he belongs."

Asha felt the same hatred boiling inside her, too. Even if he was gone, she hated him. She hated everything about him. When Terrin's paw touched hers, she unclenched her talons and joined them with his.

He sniffled and wiped his cheeks. "What do we do now?"

Everyone looked to each other to see who would speak first.

Renjee perked up and offered, "Blade and I live in a city like this one, but ferals are treated more equally... I think it'd be best if we all went there."

"Isn't that on the other coast?" Asha asked. "Doesn't it take months of flying to get there? Blade can't even fly... Who knows if he'll ever fly again."

Renjee nodded and shuffled on his paws. "It's worth the journey. And we're all together, right? We have each other, and in my opinion, that's better than anything else, especially that big hole over there." He pointed to the destroyed city that the sea had now consumed entirely. Now, it looked like nothing had ever existed there; it was just water. "I'm willing to walk that distance as long as I have you guys."

Faintly, Asha saw figures gathered around the splashing water and flying above the basin, thousands dotting the sky. Anyone who survived would have to find somewhere else to live. She knew of a few towns along the river, but they weren't nearly large enough to house so many refugees. She wondered what would happen of them.

"All of that fighting for a good cause... just to end up like this, worse off than what we were," Terrin said. "If I had the chance, I would kill Alexander many times over. He deserves to suffer for this." He winced again and turned to Asha.

"He killed my mother," he finished with his head hung low. She embraced him again.

"Vengeance is a powerful thing," Blade muttered, seeming to have regained his composure. He climbed sorely to his paws and gritted his teeth. "It'll haunt you and feed you painful memories until you finally give in and take it--until you let it consume you. Even after you've done what you thought you wanted, it's still there in the form of regret; it's always there... in the back of your mind and woven in your thoughts. It doesn't leave you until you learn to let go."

Terrin gave him a rueful glare. "There's no one to take my vengeance on anyway. He's dead."

Blade nodded. "So let it go. Let her go. I can already see it building inside you, and I don't want you to waste years of your life like I have." When Blade finished, he nuzzled into Renjee firmly.

Terrin grumbled, "I'm not like you," and turned his back to Blade. He rested his head against Asha, sniffling.

She wasn't sure what Blade saw, but she felt like Terrin was already letting go. Although he cried, his breathing was calm and his body was relaxed. A sore, feathery wing folded over his back and tucked him against her. She knew he was different from her father.

"She's happier now, Terrin."

"I-I know. Just didn't think her time would be so soon. I wish I could have... seen her a-again."

"Just remember her as she was," Asha consoled. "Before she was sick."

"She could have gotten better... That medicine might have helped."

Asha sighed and nuzzled him. "Maybe, Terrin, but I think she was ready to go." Asha didn't know his mother that well. From what she had seen of her, she was always sick and deathly ill. She wouldn't wish that disease upon anyone--except Alexander.

"I wasn't ready for her to go," he said before breaking down again. Asha was there for him, his solid rock. It was hard for her not to cry too, so she did. She let it go until neither of them could cry anymore.

The adults talked behind them, discussing what they would do next. Asha ignored them for the most part and talked with Terrin. They had their own lives now, and it would be their decision together what to do next. And right now, she wasn't in a hurry to move on from here. This was her cliff. This was where she could relax and listen to the words of the breeze.

The water level had lowered considerably, exposing ground and sharp rocks that the tide had hidden before, but the water still came crashing in where it splashed against the cliffside. Salt sprayed in the air, a familiar scent to help calm her mind.

Behind them to the west, the sun dipped beneath the horizon. A warm glow lay at their backs, and a cool breeze blew in from the sea. Storms raged over the water far off into the distance, as if the gods were angry that the sea had been disturbed.

"Do you want to start a family?" Asha asked Terrin.

He paused before nodding his head. "Yes, Asha. Let's start our lives over... together."

Their eyes met seconds before their lips, delving into a tender kiss. "Where will we go?"

He looked back at the others. "Let's go with Renjee and Blade," he suggested. "I like the sound of a city welcoming ferals and treating them right."

She smiled. Not only did she like that idea too, but she wanted to be closer to her father. She wanted to ask him all sorts of questions that would take weeks to discuss. She wanted to be with him and spend time with him... Most of all, she wanted him to love her and her children. "I like that idea."

When they returned to the group, it looked like they were getting ready to leave. Vespera smiled at her daughter and said, "We're going to walk to a nearby town Blade suggested, and then when he's better we'll all fly to the other coast."

"We'll join you," Asha stated. She saw her father's eyes glowing with joy. A grayness still clung to them like an ache that wouldn't go away, but hope slowly rejuvenated them.

"I don't know if my wings will ever get better, but Terrin and Neil agreed to help carry me when I'm feeling well enough. We'll get a carrier or something this time," he added with a pained chuckle.

"Yaaaay!" Renjee cheered. "We're all going to be one big, happy family! Lots of friendship and love to go around!"

"It will give us a chance to lead normal lives," Neil said and let Vespera sidle up under his wing. "With our families."

Hope budded in the back of Asha's mind, like a flower waiting to bloom. After all that had happened, it was difficult to think that anything could be normal. But she was excited to have hatchlings of her own with Terrin; she was excited for their future. The past still loomed over her like a mountain, and the recent events would haunt her, but she knew these feelings would fade with time.

She just had to let them go, like Blade said.

Her vision turned to the sea. She remembered the night that she and Terrin discussed traveling and seeing the world together. That dream would soon become true, but not in the way that she imagined. All of the material things she possessed were now gone, but she wouldn't miss them. What she would miss was her life here, where she grew up. She would miss the memories of what used to be, but now she could look forward to what her life would become.

I'll be happy, she thought. Once I get over this mountain, I'll be happy with Terrin and our hatchlings.

She chuckled to herself as she thought about how many literal mountains there were between here and her new home. Terrin smiled and leaned against her.

Are we letting go too easily? she wondered. Hardly any signs of their city remained. It was as if it was wiped clean off the earth so they could start on a new slate. Cracked and broken ships washed up into the sandy beaches. A deep, dark abyss opened up below them, and the water churned like a violent storm. Already, there were dead bodies floating up to the new sandy beach, a gruesome sight that made her stomach flip inside out.

Asha took a deep breath and turned her head away. No... There's nothing here for us anymore. There's nothing left for anyone.

"Ooooh, there will be so many things to show you guys! Like the park that we have! It's only a few houses down from where we live. Ooh, and you can meet all my friends! I have some really interesting friends, but a lot of them are gryphons like me."

She turned her attention away from the past and tried to smile at Renjee. "Will I meet Slade?"

Their group walked on the rough dirt toward the west, turning their backs to the sea. They wouldn't cover much distance tonight, especially by walking.

"Who's Slade?" Renjee asked and made a face. "Oh yeah... He's not real!"

Asha rolled her eyes. "I knew that, bird-brain."

"Hey, don't you start sassing your father-in-law," Blade teased. He limped along with them, struggling with every step.

"You're in no position to be making demands," she shot right back. "And you should have heard all of the things he said to cover you up. It was pretty ridiculous!"

"I'm not a good liar! I told you that. You shouldn't have trusted me to keep my beak shut."

"No, and I shouldn't have left you alone to begin with... sorry," Blade apologized.

"It's okay! I mean, she was really persistent. I think I did pretty good under the circumstances!"

Asha rolled her eyes again but smiled. Even though it led to all that trouble, she was kind of proud of herself for figuring out that the gryphon was tied to her father, of all dragons.

Trouble... that's to put it lightly, she thought glumly. In a way, all of this was her fault. She knew it wasn't her burden to bear, but it was hard not to think about it. Had she left Renjee alone, she would still be living happily in her new home with her mate, Terrin. If it wasn't for her meddling and getting caught, Blade wouldn't have tried to come rescue her, he wouldn't have gotten caught, a revolt wouldn't have happened to save him, and Alexander wouldn't have destroyed the entire city.

But if Alexander was already prepared to destroy the city like that, who was to say that it wouldn't have happened only days later when he was finally fed up with the feral population?

No... it's just fate. This isn't anyone's burden to bear. This was meant to happen one way or another... And I'm just glad we're all safe and sound.

She felt bad for all of those who had died, and for everyone with loved ones who had died. If she lost Terrin or her mother, that would have been too much for her. Now her father was a part of her life again, and she didn't want to lose him. Even Neil had a place in her heart now; after watching him care for his mother and their family in these difficult days, she felt like he deserved to be considered a part of it.

Although she wouldn't admit it to anyone, she considered Renjee a good friend too. He seemed like a dunce on the outside, but after getting to talk with him when they were imprisoned together, there was something different about him--a quality she had never seen in anyone else. Renjee could be read like an open book, but that was only the surface of his personality. She wondered what lay between the words he spoke, what hidden meanings and motives he had for everything he said...

Asha sighed. She was just a little delirious after everything. Renjee was just a silly bird!

"Hey, Terrin," she whispered to him.


"I love you," she said and kissed his cheek.

A warm, bright smile stretched his lips. His green eyes had sullenness to them that she didn't like to see, but she understood what he was feeling after he lost his mother. "I love you, too."

They walked together as the sun set behind the horizon. Cold settled in, so they found shelter next to the river they were following and rested for the night. Ahead of them was a future filled with uncertainties, but Asha was willing to face anything with Terrin. They were strong, and they had a family to help them.

A family... My family. As Asha drifted away into a well-deserved rest, her thoughts warmed at the idea of adding to her family. It filled her with hope.

I can't wait.