Lion and the Lab: Part 3

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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This is part of a serialised story that I began almost a year ago for a friend! She decided that it was time to post it. As a serialised story, there's lots of small chapters, only around a thousand words or so. I'll release them periodically, so enjoy! This is a story written specifically to explore all of Kanya's kinks and fetishes, so there'll be a lot packed in through the chapters, and perhaps some more extreme kinks later on. So, if you like one part, you might not like the others.

Now is the time for testing the lioness to see what she'll be good for! Luckily, the latex is an all-in-one instrument for all one's testing needs!

Kanya is on SoFurry and can be found here. Give her some attention :)

This story wasn't available early but others are on my Patreon!

Go there to see stories earlier as well as some other perks!

Hearing another person made the lioness's heart jump in relief and fear. She turned her covered face towards where she thought she had heard the voice come from and crawled forwards on her hands and knees, mewing through her closed jaws. Her nosed bumped into something quite hard and she rocked back, mittened paws going to her face again.

"Easy there, kitty," a voice laughed, and someone pat her roughly on the top of her head. She jumped at the touch, but then the voice continued, "Another intruder on Lab grounds, eh? Well, we can always use more subjects. Here..."

There was another, softer touch on her head and the latex suddenly rippled, changing. It flowed back from Kanya's eyes, letting her blink up fearfully. A black, female wolf was smiling down at her, wearing a white labcoat that contrasted with the midnight fur. She crouched down, running a hand over Kanya's cheek. "You've got lovely eyes," she said softly. "We can keep them free, if you'll be a good girl."

The lioness nodded quickly. It was much better than being blind. She made more muffled noises but her mouth was locked closed and the latex distorted what noise she could make. "Ssshhh," the wolf said, stroking her muzzle now. "No need to talk. We have lots of work to do."

She took a small tablet-like device from her pocket and tapped the screen. Almost at once, the latex rippled, making Kanya jump. Nothing else seemed to happen, but the wolf seemed satisfied. "You are now property of Watcher Labs," she said, a professional tone to her voice as she read from the tablet. "The government has sentenced you to a term of indefinite incarceration with practical purpose, or IIPP, under the care of the aforementioned Labs, beginning immediately." The wolf lost the professional tone, her voice becoming a conspiratorial whisper. "It's more fun than it sounds, really."

While she was speaking, Kanya took the opportunity to look around the room she was in. There was a semi-circular depression in one wall, which had to be the tube the latex had covered her in. The rest of the room was empty, simply white tile and a little bigger than a prison cell. Along one wall, there was a long mirrored strip. Two way mirror, Kanya thought, not liking where this was going.

"Now," the wolf continued. She held up the tablet. "This controls your suit, which will collect vitals for the time being. It will also facilitate the first few tests, especially the measurements phase. That'll begin shortly." She then pointed at the mirror. "I'll be through there, monitoring you. Want to know how to stop the trial if it gets too intense?"

Kanya's eyes widened and she nodded fervently. Too intense? What does she mean by that? What's going to happen to me?

The wolf giggled. "Oh, well, you can't. I'll be monitoring your vitals so you won't be in any danger." She got up to leave, walking towards the door. "This is going to be fun! Well, for me."

The lioness had only gotten up and tottered a few steps before the door slammed shut behind the wolf. "Mmmmph!" Kanya said, moving over to it and beating her bound fists uselessly against it.

There was a click and then the wolf's voice rang through the room, coming from hidden speakers. "Get ready!" she said, followed by another giggle. Kanya crouched, waiting. What was going to happen?

The latex rippled again, seeming more purposeful this time. It began to squirm against Kanya's fur, pressing against it and moving around. It was almost like a massage, but the movement soon faded. Everywhere but between her legs. The lioness gasped in surprise, balled hands flying to her crotch but only rubbing uselessly against it. Then the movement stopped and she let out a confused sigh, a sigh that turned into a squeal. Something had prodded her slit in a way that just felt wrong.

A tiny tendril of rubber was stroking along her folds, looking for something in particular. She tried in vain to stop it, mashing her fists against the latex but another squeal escaped her as it found what it was looking for, the lioness falling to her side and squirming on the ground. The little tendril poked at the lioness's urethra, the tip entering her and then the rest slowly following. Kanya's urethra was slowly pierced, more of the tendril disappearing up the small hole. She squirmed, groaning softly.

The latex tendril got thicker the more of it went inside her, the lioness whimpering and squirming on the ground. The tip reached her bladder and it stopped forcing its way inside her. She lay still, panting, not liking the feeling of a full urethra. She didn't know it was about to get a whole lot worse.

The latex rippled again, although this time it was just the part inside her. The sensation made her moan uncomfortably, arching her back on the ground. The rubber was moving inside her. The tip of the tendril, in the lioness's bladder, began to swell, growing into a bulb. At first, she didn't notice it but then it grew larger and larger. She noticed the need to pee quickly enough but it began to grow more and more powerful, increasing with the size of the latex bulb inside her bladder.

She moaned muffledly again, curling up and trying to ignore the increasing urgency in her lower body. The bulb continued to grow, filling her bladder completely and still growing. Her moans increased in pitch and frequency and she began to rub her hands against the latex again. She would have wet herself if she could, but her urethra was blocked and still the balloon inside her grew. It only stopped when spasms of pain began to come from her bladder, making Kanya howl. Only then did it stop growing, feeling like it was the size of a basketball inside her.

Slowly, all too slowly, the balloon began to shrink, Kanya groaning in relief as it did. The desperate need to pee slowly lessened with it, although it didn't disappear completely. The latex staying inside her urethra, the bulb in her bladder small but still able to be felt. For a moment, the lioness lay gasping on the floor. How was that a test for anything?!

"Good girl," the wolf's voice said again, sounding warm and amused. "First test down."

There's more, Kanya thought with another mewl. She waited, tensed, for something else to happen, and she felt it almost immediately. The latex began to nudge against the entrance of her sex.

Lion and the Lab: Part 4

_There's more_, Kanya thought with another mewl. She waited, tensed, for something else to happen, and she felt it almost immediately. The latex began to nudge against the entrance of her sex. Again, she moved her hands between her legs, trying to grab...

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Farr and the Dragon Queen

Farr and Everi touched down in early evening, the dragoness giving a low groan as the fox jumped down from the saddle on her back. Her wings flared and flapped a couple of times to work the muscles and loosen them up before she folded the limbs tightly...

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Seracen moaned in the dark, still covered in the hard rubber shell. Movement was all but impossible, much as he tried, the rubber pulling the dragon back to his former position each time. The reason for that attempted movement giggled behind him. The...

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