Intelligent Virus: Meeting and a challenge.

Story by Shogin on SoFurry

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What would happen if you had an intelligent virus in a holographic room that could change anything it wanted.

~If you do not like this sort of content or are under the age of 18 then do not read this~

~A thank you goes out to the RP friend I have for helping me start to finish this, but I think it would be better in a series.~

Tamran yawned as the screen showed him all downloads pending on his machine; he had been at it all night trying to download the tools he needed to start on his new game. The downloads were certainly taking their sweet time as the percentage slowly crawled along but with so many at once he was sure it would finish soon. All he had to do was wait, and then he could create whatever he wanted and actually interact or have the program interact with him if he disabled some key settings.

After about twenty minutes, Tamran started to browse the internet looking for suitable avatars that he might create the scenarios he wanted. A popup showed up with a site containing realistic looking avatars one a beautiful vixen sporting what looked like a black leotard with circuit paths all around it. He smiled slowly and clicked the download link already forming an idea on what he was going to do to the poor little vixen at least for his personal collection. This made his fox tail swish with anticipation, he was moments away from enacting a few of his favorite fantasies only in real time instead of just watching them on a screen even interacting with them if he so desired.

It was rather painful watching the download climb towards completion but with each moment, he thought of new ideas and scenarios he wanted for the little vixen. Sure, he had other ones he liked to play with but there was always something exciting when it came to new ones. They all had their own personalities thanks to the artificial intelligence core in each hologram room; the AI would randomly generate a personality for the avatar and anything he did not care for he could delete at will or replace it with something he wanted.

The download finally reached the halfway point and he was starting to get anxious looking through some preset scenarios when something tapped him on the shoulder making him jump to see the attractive female vixen standing behind him with a smirk. "Were you waiting for me?" she asked pleasantly sidling up and spinning him around in the chair he was sitting in.

Tamran could not think of anything to say to her, she was gorgeous; she had a pair of large breasts that filled out her outfit in a seductive and sensual way accenting the curves of her slender body making him flush with excitement. If he had to guess, he would say she was at least a D cup. He stood their gawking at her before looking around and noticed her download had not even finished yet so how could she already be there?

"Well?" she asked with a smirk running a finger down between his eyes to the tip of his slender muzzle making him nod with a small grin as he looked down immediately embarrassed to find the tent forming in his pants. This drew her attention as well and she giggled "Oh my, is that for me?"

Finally he regained his senses enough to speak "Well that is yes but not right now, how did you get here I didn't load you at least I don't think I did?" he looked back at the screen and switched to the programs he had running which displayed one avatar in red lettering displaying the name 'Sin' as her title.

She looked over at the screen "Well maybe my program has an auto load feature hmm cutie?" she replied with a slight almost gleeful smirk spreading across her features.

Tamran blushed at the nickname she had already given him "Well I don't think I need you online right this second so I am going to deactivate you." It was his turn to smirk as he clicked on her name and went to the deactivate function clicking it once turning back to watch her fade away. The room suddenly spun for a split second the geometry warping and twisting before it flickered back into its original state.

Sin started to look around still solid and stable "Wow, that was a neat trick what else can you do?" she grinned after the statement as if mocking his attempt at deleting her.

Tamran blinked "Your still here...but the more important question is what just happened to my room." A few button hits later returned that the system was starting to get unstable. "Alright, play times over time for a system scan to fix the problem." The system started up scanning everything with a thin blue line going vertical along the room towards them in a slow crawl.

Sin looked at the blue line and smirked "What does that thing do?" she asked walking over to it "Doesn't look very fun."

Tamran rolled his eyes "It's a system scan, I might have a virus, or something from all the downloading I have been doing...Heck you could even be the virus."

Sin put her hands on her hips looking at Tamran with slight annoyance "what do you mean I am a virus I haven't done anything to you or your little game board. I was only being nice to you then you go and say something hurtful." Her face went from happy to sad in an instance tears starting to well up in her pink irises.

This made Tamran snicker "You're just a program sweetie, nothing too fancy just a model someone made with a random personality generated by an artificial intelligence."

Sin looked back at him as if she were truly hurt by his words "You think I am nothing but a model to be played with?" she took a moment then looked back at the blue line floating up into the air about a foot off the ground. "I wanted to play a game with you but if you think I am nothing then I guess I will leave you to your keyboard in peace!" With that said, she started to fade away bits of pink light spilling from her as the blue line passed right through her turning pink as it did.

Tamran watched this with a bit of interest as the line passed over him he felt a tingling sensation; everything seemed to expand and contract causing him to lose his balance and fall onto the floor. The vertigo was so intense he had to close his eyes to steady himself until the feeling passed and the world returned to normal, or so he thought.

He opened his eyes to find the local scenery had changed; the room had turned into plush tones of pink along the walls with cartoon characters peeking out along the top border of the room. Small baby foxes sleeping on crescent moons dressed in frilly nightdresses trying to hide a snug diaper underneath the see through clothing. White bars surrounded him on all sides with a small white lacey pillow and pink fuzzy blanket strewn to the side as if he had just woken up from a sleep.

A small tittering of laughter caught Tamrans attention as he looked over to the Vixen sitting in a rocking chair across the room with her legs crossed "You like what I've done with the place, you should recognize it after all you're the one that made it remember."

Realization dawned on him as he started to stand up only to find the ground give way making his foot sink down a few inches as he put his full weight to bear making him overbalance and fall down onto his butt with a small yip. A crinkling sound accompanied his tumble back down to the cribs mattress only then did the snugness down below enter into his mind as he looked down to notice a thick disposable hugging his hips. He was surprised he did not notice that first as a blush spread over his features making him glance over at the vixen with a mixture of confusion and anger the faint scent of baby powder tickling his nose.

"How did you manage to do this to me in that short amount of time you can't even access the controls?" he asked as he used the white bars to stand up his feet sinking into the thick mattress

Slowly but surely Sin walked over to the crib doubling then tripling in size making her look like a more motherly figure as she leaned on the side of the crib. The world seemed so large in comparison to him it was as if everything else had grown around him making him look smaller by comparison. "I looked at all your other games and this one seemed the least stressful of all of them, you seemed a little tense so I wanted to help you relax."

"This is the least relaxing thing for me if anything this is more embarrassing and demeaning, if you're trying to help then thanks but-" His words were cut off as a pacifier was slipped into his mouth and to his surprise he began to suckle meekly on the nub.

She smiled down at the suckling fox and smirked "I thought that's what you wanted; you still seem a little stressed out. I know how about a drink?" She bent down and lifted him up putting her arms around his middle and hoisting him near her bosom. The younger looking fox blushed in embarrassment at how easily she could manipulate him as if he weighed nothing at all. He noticed her clothing started to change, what once was a sexy leotard was now a pink lace dress with a button up front.

Tamran squirmed against her hold still suckling on the pacifier in his mouth as she reached up and proceeded to undo the buttons of her shirt. Helpless to do anything about the situation he watched her wondering what she had in mind. A few seconds later, she drew him in close removing the pacifier to replace it with her full breast.

Once again helpless to stop himself he began to suckle becoming mortified he was unable to stop the action. Sweet milk started to flow into his mouth after a few moments making him knead at the breast for more. A warm sensation started to spread into his belly making him sigh in contentment as he finished taking his fill from the breast. His control once again returning he pulled away from the breast in shock at what had just happened.

Sin smiled like a mother pleased with her cub, her pleasant smile turning into a sinister grin "That's a good little cub, I told you that would make you feel better."

His vision started to blur as he became aware of how tired he was. The warmth started to spread to his entire body making him feel fuzzy and warm as if he were wrapped in a soft blanket. He sighed in contentment exhaling a quick breath before the warmth seemed to dissipate. In fact, it seemed to be flowing out of him rather quickly.

Only then did he become aware of a warm, wet sensation coming from between his legs making him mewl in surprise at how good it felt. A blush filtered through his face and ears as he felt the absorbent padding soak up his accident leaving him embarrassed that he had just wet his diaper and enjoyed it.

This made the sly little vixen chuckle "Well it seems you are getting accustomed to your situation, of course now it looks like someone needs a change." She moved swiftly towards the changing table setting Tamran atop its plush confines as she started to manipulate the tapes of the now yellowed front of the disposable.

Tamran wiggled and squirmed but this only served him in getting a strap over his stomach and arms pinning him in place, making him helpless to watch as Sin pulled back the front of the soggy disposable to reveal his urine soaked crotch. She tsked and gathered a few wipes slowly but effectively cleaning up the smaller fox as if he were her own charge humming softly as she went about her work.

"How about we play a game when were done hmm." She asked as she brought out a more thickly padded disposable "If you win I will leave you and your system alone but if I win I get to stay, what do you say little foxy?" She propped her elbows on the changing table leaning over the prone naked form of the fox smiling widely as if to persuade him to say yes.

The smile crossing her face made Tamran shiver as he finally regained his senses enough to speak. "What if you don't keep your word how do I know I can trust you?" He inquired as he tested the give on his restraints that held him in place.

Sin settled back looking down at the foxes exposed crotch for a moment with a giggle "I will play fairly and when you've won I will do anything you want me to, is that better?" she recited as if she had done this before.

Tamran sighed and nodded, he really did not have a choice he could not see how he was going to get her to leave otherwise or even stop her. "Fine, what is this game then you're proposing."

Sin jumped up and down as he agreed grinning from ear to ear, as she clapped her hands together "We are going to play challenge." she exclaimed happily with a sinister grin "It's my favorite game but there is going to be a little twist involved. Care to know what it is fuzzy buns?" the nickname made her titter with laughter as she lightly patted Tamrans side.

He flinched at her touch expecting something else even more embarrassing to happen to him lying nude in front of her waiting for a fresh diaper to be applied to his loins however was embarrassing enough. "What is the twist..."

This made Sin giggle "I am so glad you asked we are going to play a series of challenges that I will make and all you have to do is complete them by grabbing the plush I tell you to and returning it to me."

Tamran narrowed his eyes at her "What sort of challenges exactly, what happens if I cannot complete them?"

"The challenges will be up to me since it is MY game." She accented the word 'my' forcefully to mean that she was in charge and he was just a player. "So I make the rules, if you don't want to play I guess we can continue like we have?" she said as an evil little smirk split her features.

He shook his head "No no, I want to play..." he blurted out quickly realizing he must have sounded like a little cub being denied play making him blush once again.

"Good, now for the rules." She articulated in a no nonsense tone of voice "First off each challenge is different but you can ask for help by giving things up to me." She accented this with a wink "Secondly, you have to get the plush and return it to me but you cannot throw it you have to hold it. Also you cannot climb or break anything to make your path shorter."

Tamrans' eyes went wide "Wait that's not-" he was cut off as a pacifier was shoved into his maw with a stern looking Sin standing over him making him cringe at how imposing she seemed to look all of a sudden. Once again, he started to suck on the pacifier as if wanting to himself.

She continued on starting to walk around the changing table like a shark that had cornered some meat on a small island "its incentive for you to be smart, cubs don't get away with breaking things in my house." She poked his nose making Tamran flinch with a small whimper. "The third and final rule is to have fun; after all it's only a game." A giggle followed the statement as she undid the straps.

All Tamran could do was whimper but he nodded his agreement to the pacing vixen. The room suddenly faded leaving him alone in the dark for a split second before it came back to life. His clothes were his own again along with his original height but as he turned around, he noticed the rickety old rope bridge suspended over a huge chasm. A cringe forced its way up his spine as he looked down, he was afraid of heights like this. As he tore his gaze from the rocky ground below, a small plush red fox popped into view across the way on the opposite cliff. He stood there in shock as he glanced down once more into the cavern to see the sharp rocks and river below, if he really did fall that was over.

A tap on the shoulder made him jump as he turned to see Sin standing behind him "What's the matter foxy are you afraid of heights?" she asked with a pouting look on her face "I can give you some help, for a price." She added with a small grin.

Tamran looked back and shuddered at the long fall "What sort of price?" he inquired as he turned back to face her.

Sin smiled "How about, your fur and clothes, I can make them into anything I want." She giggled and rocked on her feet as she clasped her hands behind her back. "I will shrink the cliffs down to the river below so if you fall you just get wet."

It was a good deal or so he thought, "Well that doesn't sound too bad really." He stated before nodding in his agreement. "Alright, deal." He sighed and waited for her to enact her part of the bargain.

A circle surrounded him and started to go up around his body making him tingle all over as it dissolved his clothing first leaving him naked to start the changes. His fur started to change in color first from the tawny orange to a soft pink color with a large pink heart appearing on his butt and smaller ones down his tail. The clothing loaded next with the circle moving downwards across his body leaving him in a childish looking frilled pink dress with knee high stockings and little black shoes adorning his paws

Tamran gasped as the changes finished taking a few minutes to examine his body "Hey...that's just wrong!" he stated in anger blushing at his now girlish appearance. A sense of vertigo suddenly overtook him as the cliffs shrank down to the river below making the bridge sway ever so slightly.

Sin smirked as she watched Tamran fuss over his new dress, "You agreed to it and besides you make a wonderful little girl!" A roar suddenly pierced the air as something large jumped over the bridge splashing the cliffside with waves. "Oh yea, did I mention the sea monster?" she asked with another titter of laughter.

He jumped back from the waves "Are you trying to make this impossible!" he asked with a growl slowly edging himself towards the bridge as if trying to time his movements.

Sin shook her head "No, but I can't make it too easy can I." she stated and winked out of existence with another giggle "Go on cutie, unless you want more help. I think I would have you go back into diapers again, that was cute." Her voice called from somewhere else as if she were everywhere at once.

Tamran growled once more and edged onto the bridge watching as the river monster lay in wait for him to try to cross. It shifted beneath the waves scaly and sharp looking two small eyes poking out from beneath the surface watching him. With a quick breath Tamran launched into a run feeling the rickety old bridge bounce and sway as he made his way across towards the other side.

A large roar came from beside him as he saw the huge monster jump from the water making him duck down as it narrowly missed his head with its huge teeth. He continued to run after it had splashed back into the water scooping up the plush fox and turning quickly to cross back before the monster could get into position to try again.

Just after he stepped onto the bridge, the monster jumped once more roaring in anger as it passed over him yet again making him squeal in fright. He jumped for the edge of the bridge just as the monster crashed down onto the section he was on moments before the structure buckled from the monsters weight and crashed into the water. Tamran panted hard as he lay on the cliffside still clutching the plush fox as if it were a loved one.

Sin poked her head into his field of vision standing over him "Wasn't that fun!" she exclaimed as she bent down to take the small stuffed fox from him. "I knew you could do it!"

Tamran gasped as he tried catching his breath "You nearly got me killed!" he exclaimed through a panting breath only to have the vixen smile back at him with a knowing grin.

"Oh but you made it and it was so much fun to watch." She giggled and clapper her hands as she helped Tamran to his feet and dusted off his dress. "Now, how about round two?"