The Pawn

Story by Osthorn on SoFurry

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#1 of The Pawn

So this is The Pawn. Meet Daniel the cat, William the wolf, watch them have sex while gleaning a bit of their relationship from Daniel's perspective. Oh, and Daniel's father, Flint, is introduced as well.

It won't be long now, thought Danny as he turned the page to his book. The cat knew he was playing with fire, but the book had him utterly engrossed. The lupine hero had just solved the dragon twins' riddles when their tower was suddenly surrounded by the Vampire Queen's shadow hounds. His amber eyes poured over every word, knowing that if he could just read how the Prince escapes he could make it until night without reading any more. The Prince starts begging for aid from the twins when Danny's nose was assaulted by faux lavender. That could only mean Danny's father had come home.

Danny could smell his father before he heard him, a pungent combination of liquor, sweat, and the heavy perfume that Danny had smelled emanating from The Menagerie. Danny never asked what Father what he did each night, or why he came home smelling like a brothel. Father never told him, but sometimes he came home with blood on his claws. Other times, he smelled like sex. Rarely, very rarely, he came home smelling of sugar plums instead of thick perfume. Those were the mornings he was happiest.

Today, he was glad for the pungent stench of the Menagerie. It was stronger than the subtle scent, giving him the warning he needed to hide his contraband. Danny hastily stashed the book he was reading under the loose floorboard under his straw sleeping mat. He didn't want to explain how he had gotten hold of a book they definitely couldn't afford.

He haphazardly moved his bed back into position. He usually stashed it under a loose floorboard, but there was no time for that today. He usually didn't let himself read for this long. He would only have a few seconds to prepare for Father this morning, and it wouldn't do to face it half-naked and defenseless. He threw on whatever was in arm's reach, a patchwork tunic assembled from a collage of dull browns, and hurried into the front room.

He grabbed the moldy crust of bread he left sitting on the table the night before. He probably could have sharpened his claws on the rock-hard loaf, but it was the only food they had in the house. Father was supposed to pick up some food in the market district yesterday, but Danny's hopes of going to bed full dwindled as the moon rose. He'd thought long and hard on breaking his teeth on the loaf last night, but he went to bed with an empty stomach. Father expected to have breakfast prepared for him when he got home.

The door slammed shut behind Father as he stalked into the front room. Danny had gotten his red coat from his mother. He and his father looked almost nothing alike. The only feature Father bestowed to him were his bright amber eyes, one of which was currently swollen shut. He was also walking with a slight limp this morning. Under the overwhelming stench of some amateur alchemist's approximation of lavender, Danny could detect the telltale scent of blood. He groaned inwardly. The last time Father had come home with a black eye, he screamed at Danny for staring. It devolved into a rant on how weak and soft his only son was. By the time he finished, His eggs had gotten cold, and he complained loudly about that as well.

Silently, Father stalked to the table, not even looking over at his son standing by the counter. He still moved with the deadly grace he honed during his years as a royal guard, though otherwise, the cat hadn't aged well since his demotion from that illustrious position a decade ago. One of his ears had torn, he'd chipped one of his fangs one night, and his once lustrous white coat was a dingy gray.

The chair screeched against the wooden floor, causing Danny to wince, as his father deliberately slid it out from under the table. He settled in comfortably before turning his attention to his son. "Well," Father asked "There should be food on the table, kit. Where is it?" His voice was quiet. It was always quiet before the screeching started.

Danny tensed, and wordlessly tossed the older cat the bread crust. His aim was off, and the bread flattered along the table. He fancied that he saw a dent in the wood where it initially struck. Father deftly snatched the bread up in one paw and studied it, as if it would reveal some secrets known only to age old rye. "Ah, that's right. I never did make it to the market yesterday." Instead of exploding into a tirade, Father spoke with the eerie calm that presaged a coming storm. Danny waited with bated breath, but the storm never came. Father took a bite of the bread. The old cat grimaced at the taste and texture, but he took another bite, and then another.

Danny watched, speechless as the crust was devoured one crunch at a time. Of all the things his father was, reasonable and understanding weren't among them. He actually felt a surge of relief when he cast a disapproving amber eye over Danny's appearance. "Clean yourself up, you're covered in straw. When you're finished get out of here. I'm going to take a nap and I don't want you bothering me." Danny was happy to comply. Snatching his coin purse from the counter, he was out in a blink.

He went around to the back, where he could brush the straw from his fur in relative privacy. He played the events of breakfast over again in his mind. In his experience, father should have yelled at him over it, but he didn't. He was entirely reasonable. He hadn't been reasonable in a decade, since the time he was a lieutenant among the Royal Guard. He changed after being discharged from their ranks.

To hear father tell it, he was unjustly charged with taking bribes as part of a plot that had been skimming funds from the treasury. The accusation came from an upstart duke who buried the tomcat under a mountain of falsified evidence. As punishment, he was stripped of his guard position. Apparently, he had gotten off easily. He could have easily gone to prison or sent to the mines, but at one point the tomcat hadn't been entirely friendless among the nobility.

When he was young, Father had been an unyielding sword. Strict, but fair and quite sharp. He always seemed to know when young Danny had broken a rule, and took discipline very seriously. It made Danny work extra hard not to get caught. The young cat, still a kitten really, didn't believe the accusations at first, even after the whispers started and he began receiving cold shoulders from people who used to be polite.

Now he didn't know what to believe. He thought he knew his father, but after he was discharged, he changed. While he was once strict, he became downright controlling of Danny and his Mother. He became furious when he or Mother asked him too many questions, talked to people he didn't know, or went anywhere without checking in with him first. He grew to wonder if he had ever known Father at all.

Eventually, Mother left. She just kissed Danny goodnight just as she had every night of his life, but in the morning, she was gone. That was the morning Father stopped trying to control Danny's life. Danny could finally go outside, find a job, make a friend without Father scrutinizing his every action. Father seemed to age ten years in one morning. The fight just left him, and bitter venom took its place. He snapped at Danny more, belittling him almost constantly. He was always finding reasons to yell at him. How he dressed, groomed, cooked, shopped, worked, he took issue with all of it.

Yet this morning, he hadn't said so much as a stern word to him, and that scared him more than anything. He hadn't believed Father had changed so much as something worse was on the horizon, something that left Father too drained to be angry. Or maybe the feline Danny knew as a kitten was still there, buried under all of that bitterness and frustration.

His stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since yesterday. Whatever oddness was going on with Father would have to wait until later. He needed to go find something to eat, and he probably wouldn't be returning until late afternoon. Moons jingling in his coin purse, he hurried off toward the market.


A Moon was enough to buy a dozen smoked trout, his favorite food. He devoured eight of the skewers, one after another on his way through the city, earlier weirdness with Father forgotten. He wiped away some flecks of fin caught in his whiskers and stuck the remaining four in his belt and hurried on his way. His slender frame and light step allowed him to easily slip his way through the crowded streets.

It was a beautiful day for once. Sunny days were rare along the coast. Danny had read about lands where the Sun shone all day long, and where it wouldn't set for weeks, and even some dreary lands where the Sun never rose at all. Coastlanders like Danny knew that the only time they could count on sunlight was after a hard rain. Days of spontaneous sun like this were a rarity.

Within minutes he arrived at his destination, the Garden of Panna. Statues of the winged stork goddess dotted an acre of land set aside in the city as a temple of sorts to the nature goddess. It was open to the public to enjoy, and many walked its carefully tended paths enjoying the breath of wilderness just inside the city walls. Of course the entire landscape was tended to by dozens of gardeners and even a woods witch or two, keeping the land pristine. Even Danny played a part in its maintenance. He worked for Lucille, an older boar who made teas, and poultices. She knew more about local flora than anyone else in the city, and when she was consulted on what flowers the garden should feature this upcoming spring, she allowed Danny to suggest a few. He worked there most days, but every tenth day she closed to celebrate Naas, the holy day of Nanat, one of the southern gods. Today was one of the few he had off, which meant he had someone to meet.

He scanned for him near their usual spot, by the juniper trees. He was a little late today, because he stopped in the market for breakfast, but he hoped he wasn't too late. Ten days was far too long between times he could see his best friend. Not seeing him, he raced beneath the trees, but he wasn't there. He tried smelling him out, but there were too many other scents to pick out just one. His tail flicked back and forth in agitation as he started to think he had come too late to meet up.

A large black paw hooked itself around his stomach, pulling him back with a start. Within moments, the rust red cat was pinned against the belly of a fierce black wolf. He wriggled futilely against his grip but this only let the wolf sink his grip tighter. "Look what we have here," growled the wolf looming over the smaller cat. He pulled Danny right up against him, smiling down with a predatory grin. Danny's heart pounded, and he felt unnaturally warm where the wolf's fur brushed his own. "It seems I've caught myself a snack," he chuckled, leaning down into a kiss. Danny melted as he let the lupine dominate his mouth with his long pink tongue. When the wolf finally broke the kiss, the both of them were panting.

"Hi William," Danny managed breathlessly. His best friend released him, and he stumbled forward on unsteady paws. When he turned around, Will was holding a pair of fish skewers, casually snacking on one of them.

"Huh?" Danny pawed at where he tucked the skewers into his belt and found that half of them were missing. "How did you?" The infuriating wolf only winked at him as he took another bite.

"I dare shay that wash a shucceshful hunt," he said through a mouthful of fish. His tail wagged happily behind him.

"Ugh, you're lucky I brought those to share," Danny pretended to pout, but he couldn't keep the smile off his face. William had been his best friend since forever. Well, he was years ago, when Danny was still part of a happy family. Will's Father was made a Duke for "contributions to the crown" around the time Danny was five years old. All that meant was that he donated a whole lot of money to the Queen for a great deal of economic and political power. But Danny did get a lifelong friend out of it. They lost track of each other after Father was convicted of corruption, but by chance they ran into each other again a four years ago at the yearly Panna Vert festival. William recognized him almost immediately, though how the wolf spotted him in the throng still baffles him until this day.

He was still a squire then, when they reunited in the torchlight on Panna's Night, after six years apart. He was still in his hauberk, longsword slung across his back. He was eager to see the festival that year, because he heard a troupe of traveling actors and aerial acrobats had come to the city. They weren't the kind of "higher entertainment" that made their way to the courts, but he had never seen acrobats before, and he didn't want to miss them. He and his knight had gotten back late from their woodland patrol, so he took off as soon as he helped the old badger out of his armor, he bribed a stablehand to take care of his steed and rushed off.

Danny had just come for the free food. He had quick hands, and there were too many people jostling about to pick out a single cat, even a red one like him. He scored more than his fair share of smoked fish skewers that night from a snobby owl from the next town over. He would have felt bad, but he was seriously overcharging. Though when he felt a metal-clad paw settle on his shoulder, he had thought he'd been caught and nearly broke into a run.

"Daniel?" He froze when he heard his name. It was deeper than he remembered, but he could swear-- Danny came face to face with a six foot tall wolf with yellow eyes. He was tall and broad, but hadn't yet put on the bulk years of combat training would lend him. He looked up at his childhood friend, eyes narrowed and wary. He wasn't sure what his old friend wanted with him, and he stayed tense, tail flicking in anticipation. He only relaxed when William broke into a smile and wrapped him up in a hug strong enough to knock the air out of him.

A tug on his paw drew him back to the present, to the knight standing before him. He was even bigger now, easily six-and-a-half feet tall, and he hid thick cords of muscle under his thick pelt. His smile was that same infectious, open-mouthed grin. William never changed.

He tugged more insistently on Danny's paw. The slender, red cat was happy to oblige him, and let William lead him deeper into the juniper grove. The copse was thick with branches, impossible to see through from the outside, and the juniper berries were a pungent protection from curious noses. William didn't dress like the lordling he technically was when he visited the south side of the river, but it wouldn't really blemish his reputation if someone caught him making out with a no-name alleycat, they would probably just assume Danny was a well-paid whore. Danny's dad owned half the brothels this side of the river after all, but if anyone recognized Danny as the son of a corrupt former official, it would cause problems for both of them.


Danny lay curled around the burly wolf, head resting contentedly against his chest. He purred contentedly as William absently ran his nails through Danny's fur. He seemed to have something on his mind, but Danny wouldn't push him. When he wanted to talk, he would say something. "How are you liking the book?" He finally said.

"Mmm, loving it so far." William's paw began massaging his scalp and it was all Danny could do to keep from nuzzling into him.

"Did you get to the part where--"

"Shhhh," Danny put a finger to his lips and arched up to look his friend in the eye. "No spoilers."

"That got your attention," smirked the wolf.

"You always have my attention."

"Liar," he huffed.

Danny couldn't let such slander stand and licked the wolf on the nose with his raspy tongue, eliciting a startled chuff. William was always quick to recover, however; and quickly responded with series of quick kisses that left Danny's muzzle wet.

"Well, how far along are you?" Will asked when he pulled away.

"I just finished the Dragons' Riddle. There are only two chapters left, so I should be able to get it back to you next time we meet. I hope you have the sequel though, because I seriously couldn't put that book down." William stopped petting him. He looked uncertain, maybe even nervous and Danny had a flashback to how weird Father had been acting that morning, and a sense of dread fell over him.

"I think you should hold onto that one for awhile longer. My dad noticed it was missing the other day. It would raise too many questions if it suddenly showed up again."

"Ok," Danny nodded sullenly. William had been lending him books for the better part of two years. They all came from their family's library, but William had his own shelf that he took from. Usually no one noticed when a particular book was gone for a few weeks, but he didn't want to put either William or himself at risk. Going awhile without reading again wouldn't be too bad. He had gone on for far longer before William came back into life. Still, he was relieved that the weird vibe he'd gotten from William was just--

"And there is another thing," the wolf continued. Danny could tell from the wolf's tone that it wasn't good news. "My Dad is sending me to live with my aunt for the winter. He wants me to 'make connections' with my cousins, strengthen familial and economic ties or something like that. He just announced it out of the blue. Dad billed it as a surprise early birthday present, but I'm pretty sure he just didn't want me to sabotage it."

"Oh... how long will you be gone?" Danny asked as his stomach twisted in knots.

"Six months," William let out with a snarl, laced with an edge Danny rarely heard from the playful wolf. He noticed Danny's concern and tried to smile, but it came across as forced and tired.

"Is there something else?"

There was a moment when the wolf didn't say anything, but he reluctantly started to speak, not meeting Danny's eyes."We have always had good relations with a few minor noble families up north. Now that Dad's has a noble title, I think he wants to marry me off to one of them; add some legitimate nobility to the family legacy."

"Oh," is all Danny could mewl. It had grown darker in the grove. The Sun had disappeared back behind the clouds.

"Daniel!" William barked, seeing the look on Danny's face. Startled, Danny looked into William's yellow eyes. He was visibly cross, and Danny could feel his ears fold back as he shrank a little under that stare. "It's only six months and I'm coming back. In that time I'm not leaving you to cuddle up with some stuck-up heiress just because you're a ship ride away."

"You're right," Danny nodded slowly. "I'm sorry. I know you're not going to forget about me. I won't forget you either."

"You'd better not, kitten," William growled, pulling him in tight, and rolling them both onto their sides. They had each other's arm pinned beneath them, keeping them both in place. It was a goodbye hug. One that would have to last.

Danny breathed in William's fur, as he lay there with his face pressed to the wolf's throat. It was a delightful smell, strong enough to pierce the juniper while he was pressed right against its source. William smelled of wood smoke and old books, sweat, and his natural musk. It wasn't enough then, in that moment. He needed to taste him. Danny began to lap at the spot where William's neck met his shoulder. Tentative at first, he quickly grew more fervent in his ministrations, growling and suckling into the flesh until it grew warm and slick with his saliva.

He could dimly hear William gasp and moan. Then he started to massage Danny's ear in response. This drew a strained mewl out of Danny. His ears were very sensitive and the wolf knew it. His thumb kept rubbing as he pushed Danny lower with a gentle, constant pressure. Their clothing had become obtrusive, so tunic and jacket came off together into a tangled pile. As Danny moved lower, he came to William's left nipple. He began to eagerly lick and suck at the nub of flesh, even lightly nibbling it between his teeth. Not one to forget details, his mouth found William's right nipple as well which grew erect under his ministrations.

William had begun to grind his hips against Danny's, ear temporarily forgotten. He could sense William's growing arousal even before he could feel it tenting his supple leather breeches. Danny could feel his own erection growing in response to the grinding of the two frenetic, rutting males, uncomfortably restrained by the fabric of Danny's roughspun loincloth.

William reached down with one paw and started fumbling with the buttons on his supple leather pants. Danny felt for the knot on his loincloth with his free paw and untied it in one deft pull. His cock sprung free from the loose folds of linen, lightly smacking the fumbling wolf on the paw. William ceased fighting his polished bone buttons to wrap his paw around the alleycat's exposed cock.

It was Danny's turn to gasp as the wolf gave his prize a playful squeeze. A purr rose in his throat as the wolf began to softly tug at his shaft, his rough pawpads catching on the spines that ran along the bottom of his shaft and around the head. Pre had begun leaking steadily from Danny's cock, and William massaged it into the shaft, making it slick and glisten.

"I'm done with buttons," the wolf growled. He ripped down his pants and loincloth with a swift tug. There was a snapping sound as several bone buttons fly free, but the black wolf is beyond caring. He kicks off his garments, finally freeing his cock. The fat red member was poking halfway out of its sheathe, a swollen organ that tapered to a fine tip that currently dripping with pre. He stuck one clawed tinge into the sheathe, massaging and exciting his meat even further.

In moments, Danny knew it would quickly dwarf his own member in both length and girth when his knot finally pushed free. Danny's eyes flashed with mischief as he thought of a way to tease the wolf back for once. He kissed William right on the snout, distracting him while he rubbed his cock against William's, letting the barbs tease the sensitive underside. William gasped into Danny's mouth, but his victory was short lived as he was suddenly pulled up onto the big wolf's chest, so that he's looking up at the sky and juniper trees above.

"That mouth of yours is far too dangerous," William growled, playfully nipping his ear.

Danny wanted to turn and face him, but furry, muscled arms pin his arms against his chest. He wanted to fire back a retort, but a light tug of teeth on his sensitive ear, robbed him of thought.

As the wolf licked and nibbled at his ear, the smaller cat felt a brush against his inner thigh. He glanced down to see William's cock had fully emerged, eight inches of hot, quivering, wolfmeat. He closed his legs, trapping the thick flesh between his thighs as William began to buck against him.

Suddenly, William took his entire ear into his maw, lewdly sucking at the skin. Danny could do nothing but mewl pitifully to William's whim. He squirmed reflexively, tightening his thighs against William's thrusts. He tried to free an arm to reach his own, neglected cock, but he can't escape William's embrace.

The wolf let out a rumble of pleasure at reducing the cat to a quivering, mewling mess. All predator now, he wrapped his paw around Danny's cock, and every one of the wolf's thrusts drive Danny into his waiting paw. In that moment, he feels completely enveloped by the wolf below him.

His hips begin thrusting on their own and the wolf eagerly matches his pace. Soon, he felt the familiar pressure tightening in his balls. Pleasure rushes through him and he let's out a yowl. It's cut short when his first shot splatters across his muzzle, his salty, bitter cum washing across his tongue. Spluttering, he managed to avoid swallowing more of his load as his second spurt strikes his chin and neck. He looks down to find William had angled his dick toward him. The remaining spurts strike his chest, soaking into Danny's thick red chest fur.

"You were awfully pent up," he panted, releasing his hold of Danny's soaked ear. He sounded like he was going to say more when a shudder ran through him and he erupted. Danny's belly and thighs were left soaking in wolf semen.

"You were too, it seems." William didn't have a response to that. He just lay there, panting. Danny wasn't ready to let him rest though. He had some answering to do. The wolf's grip slack, Danny turned to look down at the wolf, who looked drowsy and content.

"Why?" He hissed, gesturing at his sticky torso and face. William just looked at him in sleepy amusement.

"Maybe I just wanted to give you a bath."

"Very funny, but now I'll need to have another one before I need to explain to anyone else why I'm covered in cum."

"My thoughts exactly," He leaned up, still sporting that sleepy, satisfied smile and gave Danny a languid lick across his muzzle, licking it clean. He moved down to Danny's neck, lapping up the mess he'd made. He stayed silent after that, moving up and down Danny's body, smelling and licking until he was sure he had gotten every spot. It left the front of Danny's body covered in patches of wet, spiky fur.

"Missed a spot," he mewed quietly, licking at the side of William's muzzle that had smeared with some of the mess he had cleaned from Danny. William turned into it, and it became a kiss. Danny tasted hints of both of them on William's tongue. He was infuriating, but he was too earnest for Danny to stay mad at him for long.

When they broke the kiss, William was looking down at him without a trace of amusement in his piercing yellow gaze. He stared intently at Danny, like he was looking for something. Whatever it was, he must have found it, because his gaze softened and he pulled in Danny tightly against him.

They lay together for a long time, letting Danny's fur dry. Eventually, William had to leave. They shared one last lingering kiss. They had already shared everything else. Danny lay amongst the junipers for a long time. He must have dozed off for a time, because he opened his eyes to a dusky sky, colored with vibrant pinks and oranges. He groaned as he sat up. Without William, the ground was far less comfortable.

William. He smiled sadly as he rose to his feet. One of these days would be the last time they met in this grove like this. They couldn't keep sneaking away to dally in the junipers for the rest of their lives. One day William would have to do his duty as Lord and sole heir, and find a pleasant noble bitch to have a litter of pups with. Or maybe he'd try to get Danny to come live with him anyway.

Honestly, he wouldn't put it past the wolf, but what would he be then? He could never be William's lover in any official capacity. His concubine, probably. To the rest of them, he would just be a pawn they could play against William. He'd be exploited in a ploy to wound William and if he managed to survive, he would be discarded. Just like Father.

In a few months, a ship would be docking, and Danny would be leaving on it. His uncle was the captain, and one day a long time ago, after Father had lost everything, his uncle sat down him and Mother and told them that if they wanted, there was always a place on his ship for someone who could read and write. The ship came to port once every four years. The past two times, Danny had politely declined. The first time, he had his mother, and the second, he had just found William again. But mother was gone, and William was safer without him. This time... this time, he might take up the offer.