A New Adventure Unfolds

Story by Tavix on SoFurry

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Rook, a new pokemon trainer, arrives in the Alola region to begin his journey. His first day doesn't go quite as planned though. What legendary encounter awaits this new trainer?

Hey there! Welcome to a short story I decided to throw together when I had some spare time. I haven't written in a long time but the itch to begin again has been growing. I've had several ideas for some short stories and this is the first one I decided to put down on paper. This stars my saber-tooth snow leopard character, Rook, and a mysterious pokémon he runs in to. I've been thinking of making this into a series about his adventures so if you like it let me know!

I'd love some comments, ratings, and faves. Let me know what you liked and if there's anything you'd like to see in the future! Enjoy~


A cool breeze blew across the water and onto the beach. The sun was just beginning to crest the waves in the distance as a large ship sailed into the port of Hau'Oli city. Wingulls coasted on the warm air surrounding the ship as it began the process of docking.

The already building heat promised another hot day in the Alola region and one passenger let out a soft sigh as the intercom announced it was now time to disembark from the ship. Rook stood up from his bed and made sure to grab the large backpack sitting by the desk in his room. The saber-tooth snow leopard checked himself in the full-length mirror located by the door to his room, making sure everything was in order. His messy purple hair was tussled a bit more with a paw as the other tugged at the hem of his t-shirt a bit. He was totally new to this area of the world, coming from the Sinnoh region, but when he saw the chance to explore a new area he couldn't just pass up the chance!

"Okay, you've got this!" He stared at himself with his violet eyes as he nervously licked at his large fangs. "Just take a step out and begin your adventure. Who cares if it's really hot and you don't know anyone?" He tried to keep his pep talk positive but with each word that spilled from his muzzle a sinking feeling of doubt grew in his belly. He shook his head after another moment passed staring into the mirror and he quickly turned and opened his door. The ship was disorientating when he first got on board but after spending several days getting to Alola he was able to make his way to the top deck with ease.

"Alola! Welcome to Melemele island. Please disembark here." A sailor called from the far side of the ship as Rook ascended the stairs from his cabin. His ears twitched a bit as he slowly made his way towards the noise. He could see the bustling crowd of tourists flocking to the exit. It seemed that he was a bit late in the season for new trainers to descend upon the region and instead he got caught up with all the tourists enjoying the perfect summer weather. He was already tugging at the collar of his shirt as it stuck to his fur. He wasn't the best suited for hot weather and actually grew up in the cold northern area of Sinnoh. He had prepared as best he could though with some shorts and a light t-shirt, but it seemed it would take him a while to get used to the heat. He grinned to himself, trying to stay positive, as he followed the crowd down the gangplank and took his first steps on Melemele island.

"This is it! I'm going to do great!" He purred softly to himself as he glanced around the bustling port. "First things first, I need to get a Pokémon."


Rook stumbled into the Pokémon center in Hau'Oli city as the sun was setting. His clothes were stuck to his fur and drenched in sweat from the insane heat. It had started off as such a nice morning but quickly grew to almost unbearable temperatures for the poor feline. That wasn't where his bad luck had ended though. It seemed the professor in charge of handing out starter Pokémon for new trainers had left for another island for some sort of competition. He had searched around for answers of when he would return but most of the locals just shrugged and told him to be patient.

"Hello sir. Would you like to rest your Pokémon? Or maybe get a nice drink from the café?" Rook lifted his head as the kind words from Nurse Jenny filled his flattened ears.

"Oh! Thank you!" He straightened out his posture and tried to lift his long tail, so it wasn't dragging against the floor as he took a few steps deeper into the cool Pokémon center. He nodded to the Nurse Jenny before moving to take a seat at the small café. "I don't actually have any Pokémon at the moment but something to drink would be great."

"No Pokémon? Are you a new trainer?" The older looking panda working at the café asked as he prepared a drink. Rook nodded softly as he watched several different juices get mixed expertly before a tiny umbrella was added. "Here's one on the house then. All local berries from this region were used!"

"Thanks! At least the locals here seem nice." He leaned against the tabletop wearily as a paw grasped the drink. The coolness of the glass tingled his paw pads and elicited a soft purr from his dry throat. The first sip of the drink was slow and wary but as the tasty drink spilled across his tongue and down his throat he eagerly drank more. He could taste hints of several different berries and each one tickled his taste buds and seemed to restore strength in his body.

"This is amazing! How did you make this?" He grinned at the panda who only chuckled and shrugged.

"Welcome to the Alola region. We have plenty of supplies so many people love to come here just to taste the cuisine." The panda explained to the feline. "Though you aren't a tourist. You were a bit unlucky getting here so late in the season. Most new trainers have already started raising their Pokémon and moved on. You'll have to wait until Professor Kukui returns to get one. Though he is at one of his tournaments, so it might take a while for him to return."

"Yeah... That's what I've been hearing from anyone I asked. I don't really mind waiting but I was really hoping to explore a bit and get to know my Pokémon." Rook sighed as he slurped up the last bit of his drink. "Thanks for the help and drink. I'll be sure to stop by again." He nodded to the panda before getting up and making his way over to Nurse Joy.

It wasn't too hard to get a room upstairs since most of the trainers had moved on at this point. Rook dropped his bag as soon as he got into the small living area and flopped face first onto the bed. He groaned softly to himself as the ache of his unlucky day washed over his body. He turned onto his side and stared at the clock on his bedside table. It was early evening, but the heat had made him exhausted. A few slow blinks were all he had left in him before he drifted off to sleep.


Rustle. Rustle. Rustle.

Rook's ears twitched a bit as sounds seemed to be coming from his room. His eyes opened slowly, first glancing blearily at the clock telling him it was almost two in the morning. A low huff rolled from his muzzle as he sleepily rolled onto his other side thinking he was just awoken by some Pokémon outside.

Rustle. Rustle. Rustle.

The soft sounds tickled his ears again causing him to lift up from the bed a bit and peer around the dark room.

"Who's there?" He called out as his long tail lashed nervously. He couldn't see very well but there was a distinct shape near his bag he had dropped near the door. He flicked his ears back and scrambled off of the bed, lunging for the light on near the clock. It clicked on filling the room with bright light and temporarily blinding him. As his eyes adjusted to the light he glanced over to his bag again. The shape of the creature digging through it grew easier and easier to see before he let out a gasp and his tail flicked up.

"A... Mew?" He mumbled in shock as he was greeted with the sight of the mythical Pokémon. The small, pink creature was looking directly at him with large blue eyes. They seemed a bit surprised at being caught red handed with a few oran berries he had stored in his bag in their hand. He tried to sit up from the bed and edge closer, noticing all his carefully packed items strewn across the floor. He didn't make it more than a step before a wave of physic energy blasted him sending him flying back against the bed.

He let out a loud "Oof!" as his back slammed against the back of the bed. He continued to gape at the Pokémon as they slowly floated closer to him. He knew he was outmatched here since his few pokeballs were still in his bag and he had no Pokémon to defend him.

"Quiet down please. It's late and you're making quite a lot of noise." A soothing voice seemed to fill his head as the mew drifted over the bed before stopping right above his belly.

"What..." was all he could murmur as he stared at the mew. His response seemed to please the pink creature as a grin grew on their muzzle and a laugh like tinkling bells tickled his ears.

"You don't think a psychic type like me would be stuck with just pokespeech, right?" The soft voice replied with a bit of attitude. "It seems you've caught me. I guess I forgot to apply sleeping powder this time." The mew posed like they were lounging on a sofa above him as they spoke. "You are correct though I am a mew. Actually, the Mew. Only one as far as I know. Who are you?'

The saber-tooth snow leopard just stared at the casual Pokémon for a few seconds longer before realizing he was asked a question. "Oh, I'm Rook. Nice to meet you Mew." He shakily raised a paw, hoping not to get blasted again. This was definitely a story for the ages. Meeting a legendary in bed!

"Rook? Cute name." The mew giggled again as their long tail flicked slowly through the air. "I guess I should give you some sort of reward since you caught me trying to steal your stuff..." They rubbed a small paw against their chin before flicking their ears up suddenly. "I got it!" The small Pokémon drifted down a bit before stopping above Rook's shorts. They reached a small paw out slid it slowly down his crotch. Rook hadn't even realized he was hard until the shock of the touch sent a jolt up his spine.

"How about I help you take care of this?" The mew seemed to purr out. "It's been a while for me." They didn't seem to want to wait and Rook shuddered as another wave of psychic energy tugged at his shorts, this time much weaker but still able to pull them down until he was left with tenting boxers.

"I... Um..." Rook couldn't really find words to say with the shock of this mythic Pokémon teasing him. He just nodded slightly at the Mew as his dick throbbed against his boxers. A wet spot was already starting to build on the cloth as he licked his lips. The Mew grinned up at him as their small paws grabbed at the waist of his boxers and began to tug them down.

"Come on~ I promise no more psychic blasts until we're done. So lighten up and let's have some fun." The mew cajoled the trainer as they removed the underwear. As soon as the boxers slipped down a bit more Rook's length sprung out and slapped against the mew's snout. A thick spurt of precum splatter against the Pokémon's surprised face.

Rook thought for a second longer but the look of the mew already messy with his precum pushed back all worrying thoughts. He grinned down at the small Pokémon and reached a paw to place on the mew's head. "Fine then but you need to answer one question for me first." He shot back as he pressed the mew's face against his swelling dick, grinding it against their cheek.

"And what is that?" The mew muttered as they nuzzled back against the fat dick. A low purr escaped their muzzle as they lapped at precum dripping down the length with their small tongue. They used their paws to tug the boxers down some more to expose the snow leopard's heavy orbs and quickly got to work groping and kneading them.

"If I can make you beg me to fuck you can I have a chance to catch you?" The feline purred out at the attention to his sensitive balls. Meanwhile he kept up the firm grinding against the Pokémon's face, coating their plush, pink with more spurts of musky precum. The mew squirmed a bit as their face turned into a mess but soft kisses and nuzzles against the tip seemed to indicate they were enjoying it.

"Maybe... But don't think I can be broken so easily!" The mew shot back before popping the tip into their mouth. They suckled on it like they would a bottle as precum gushed into their mouth and down their throat. The slightly sweet taste sent tingles rushing down their body as they eagerly squeezed the trainer's orbs to get more.

Rook was a bit too lost in the pleasure of the blowjob to respond. Instead he just growled and pushed down on the mew's head forcing more of his cock into the mouth. It didn't take long for his cock to bump against the throat of the Pokémon, but he didn't let up and forced his way in. His barbs raked against the tight walls as the mew did their best to bob on the fat length. Precum oozed out from around their mouth and dripped down onto the bed and Rook's balls. They continued to grope at the orbs getting their paws messy with preseed as the trainer roughly fucked their throat. Rook groaned as tingly warmth rushed up his body. His paw tightened on the mew's head as he did his best to thrust up to keep up the forceful fucking. He could feel the building pleasure in his loins and after a few more minutes of wonderful attention he pulled the mew back and off his dick.

"Fuck..." He huffed and panted as his cock throbbed needily. It was covered in a thick layer of precum and spit at this point. "You're pretty good at sucking dick! Where'd you learn?" He chuckled out as the mew struggled to catch their breath. Their face, throat, and paws were covered in his precum and he watched as they raised a paw to slurp up the juices off one of the paws.

"Trade secret I'm afraid." The mew replied with a wink before drifting to the end of the bed and turning around. They landed with their rear raised and tail up, exposing themselves to the trainer. "Now get over here and show me how well you fuck."

Rook didn't have any reason to argue and quickly got to his knees on the bed. He grabbed the small Pokémon's hips with both hands while his dick slapped lewdly against their rear. "I just thought of another question." He smirked and lifted the mew by the hips to take a look at their crotch. He was greeted with the sight of a snug tailhole and puffy pussy. "I guess that answers that..." He murmured as he pulled her back, grinding his cock against the mew's rear.

"I'm waiting stud~ Don't bore me." The mew glanced back at him with a sultry look, aided by the precum dripping from her chin. Rook grinned right back at her as his tip slid right between her pussy lips, mixing her juices with his. He wanted to savor this moment for a bit.

"I don't plan to. If I did, how would I ever get a chance to capture you?" He shot right back with a growl as he shoved forward, popping his fat tip into her snug pussy. Thanks to the difference in size between them his tip stretched her wide. They released a groan simultaneously as the first spurt of precum shot deep inside of her passage. He struggled to control himself as the tight, hot walls clamped down on his tip. He pushed in steadily, forcing her rear up and her chest down against the bed as inch after inch slid into her. Thick shots of precum helped ease the way as he panted hard. Pleasure was shooting through his body hard as making his dick throb inside of her.

The mew struggled to stay still as she felt more of that thick length force its way in size. She could already feel a bulge growing against her belly from the size of the shaft and each twitch sent a shock through her. Her mind was clouding with intense warmth as she strained to lift her rear up higher to present to him.

"Now comes the real fun..." He muttered out only faintly caught by her ears.

"What do you mea.." She mumbled before crying out as he shoved into her roughly. His paws tightened around her hips as he forced more of his cock deep inside of her pussy. Each time he pulled back his barbs raked against her insides sending fiery pleasure throughout her diminutive form. She couldn't form words, only letting out loud moans as he began to fuck her steadily. The hard drilling continued for what seemed like ages as her mind began to slip deeper and deeper into the pleasurable haze. Rook huffed and grunted with each slam as he bred the mew with all his might. He wanted, no needed , to show her that he was the boss.

His legs were beginning to tire from the position with all the hard thrusting so after a few minutes he fell back onto his rear and brought her with him. His back was against the wall by the end of the bed he was blasted against earlier and the mew was in his lap. He paws slid her up and down his long cock, using her like he would a toy. He could see her belly bulging with each slam down and the hot pleasure from her being slid up his length fueled him to fuck her faster.

"Fuck! Fuck! I'm gonna... Fuck me! I'm so close!" She couldn't stay quiet any longer as the pleasure enveloped her. She stopped trying to fight back the wave of heat and let it instead wash throughout her body. One paw bung limply at her side as the other pressed against her belly to feel it bugling with each bounce down on his dick.

"I'm close too!" He growled out as he hunched down to nip at one of her ears with his teeth. She shuddered as she felt the large fangs pressing against her, feeling like prey trapped by a predator. The rush of adrenaline pushed her over the edge suddenly. She let out a howling moan as he pussy clamped down on his dick hard as juices spurted against it. Rook followed just a moment after. He shoved her as far down his cock as she could go as a torrent of thick, hot cum blasted inside of her. He held her in place watching as her belly rounded a bit as he filled her. It didn't take long for cum to pour out around his cock, making a mess of his crotch and the bed beneath them.

The two panted to catch their breath and control the sensations running through their bodies. Rook leaned back against the wall, letting out a long sigh as he wrapped an arm around the mew. She didn't seem to mind and just leaned against his chest for support. After a few moments both of them drifted off to sleep.


Rook awoke to a ray of sunlight piercing through the open window in his room. He groaned and rolled onto his side as his body ached from the long day he had yesterday. He contented himself with the thought of the wonderful dream he had though. After a few more moments of enjoying a lazy wake up he blinked his eyes open and sat up in bed. His ears perked up as he noticed the mess of items across his floor before noticing the window he was sure he had left closed the night before, wide open. A quick glance around highlighted a small scrap of paper left on his nightstand. He reached over and grabbed it noticing some crudely written words:

Thanks for the fun last night.

I took the rest of your oran berries.

If you want them back, you better meet me at Ten Carat Hill.


"I'll be damned..." He muttered to himself before jumping out of bed and hurrying to take a shower. He had a Pokémon to catch!