Crypt's Trouble 3

Story by pierva on SoFurry

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#3 of Crypt's Saga

Well this took a while to complete. Crypt continues to have little luck with the three female's who've taken an interest in his "Horde".

The last thing he saw the drill revving up as the red dragon slid into darkness. He let out a silent plead that they wouldn't shred his member to force him back awake and into their unforgiving mercy. A cold splash of water forced him back to the waking world in an unfamiliar room. Crypt stretched finding he was no longer bound to the chair but instead he was left on the floor of a dark room. While he waited for his eyes to adjust he felt his groin to check for any remaining damage only to find he'd been out long enough to have fully regenerated. With a happy sigh he began looking around for a way to escape the dark room as his eyes finally adjusted to the dim light that was coming from what he guessed was a door. The nude dragon made his way towards the door slowly and as quietly as his large frame would allow him to move. "Oh good I was wondering if I was gonna have to start beating those red targets of yours," said a voice interrupting the dragon's quiet escape. He froze in place as he scanned the room to see who was talking. "Over here," said the voice behind him. He quickly turned around to find himself face to face with the third female of the group the lioness who had kneed him on his first escape attempt. He jumped back in surprise his claws wrapping protectively around his eggs. "He....hey," he said when he saw she was wearing a friendly smile. "You're cute. I don't think we ever got properly introduced name's Naledi," she said purring happily as the male seemed to relax "C...Crypt," he said letting himself relax. She didn't seem like she was ready to neuter him like her sisters. Crypt let his eyes wander over the lioness's curves as she stood before him. She placed paws on her hips as she posed for the leering dragon letting him get an eyeful. "Like what you see?" she said with a purring smile. "Y..yes," he replied lost in Naledi's athletic curves. "Ok big guy my sisters got to have fun with you. Now its my turn," she said clapping her paws together turning the lights on revealing the room in greater detail. Crypt looked around the room now that he could clearly see what was going on. The room seemed to be a home gym of some sort with another door that lead into another room that looked a bit like a sparring arena with various weapons lining the walls. "Oh eager to play then?" she said tracing a up along the back of Crypt's thigh lightly brushing his seed laden eggs. His cock twitched feeling the felines soft pads trace along the dragon's pouch. "Ok then big boy lets get to the games. Ok lets play a little bit Dragon Slayer," she said openly groping Crypt's shaft her paw sliding along the sensitive skin causing him to moan softly his cock rapidly swelling under her deft touch. "Wa...wait Slayer?" he said the name suddenly sinking through his haze. "Oh don't worry its just a name. We wouldn't and probably couldn't kill you. It's just the name. The rules are simple. One of us plays the so called dragon, and well we happen to have an actual dragon for this game," she said with a laugh. He found himself chuckling along despite the threatening name. "Now then jokes aside you are going to be the well...dragon, so that leaves me with the role of 'Slayer'. As far as how the game is played goal is to defeat the mighty dragon in combat," she said pressing him towards the arena while grabbing a few various weapons for herself. "Ok as the dragon your goal here is to capture the maiden and claim her as yours. I'll leave the meaning of that to your imagination," she said smacking his member playfully. Crypt's imagination quickly turned dark as he saw her swinging a wooden staff with a heavy metal tip around. "Umm wha," he began before she quickly interrupted him. "Now as both the prize and so called slayer I'm sure you're wondering how I win. Well normally it would be a simple case of me popping your balls or beating them into submission, but as we all are aware in this house you're made of....hmm tougher wouldn't be the right term given well..." she trailed off suddenly smacking the dragon's right ball with a tonfa. With a pained cry the dragon doubled over clutching his ball groaning in agony. "Case in point. So since you're capable of healing we'll have to get creative. Plus it allows the game to last for a lot longer than just one round. So the game will work like this. You manage to get one piece of clothing off of me without getting castrated you win the round. Should you lose both balls I win the round. We'll go first to three rounds. Understand?" she said. Crypt nodded noticing she only had on a sports bra and tight shorts that left nothing to the imagination. She smiled as the realization flashed over the dragon about how he would win the third round. She made her way over to one side of the arena and adopted a boxer's stance wielding the tonfas. His eyes remained locked on her jiggling chest and he missed the bell sound that rang out signaling the start of the fight.

Crypt was caught mostly unaware as the female suddenly dashed forward slamming the short side of the tonfas into the dragon's hanging fruit crushing both melons cruelly into his thighs. She twisted the tonfas further scrambling the massive organs causing Crypt even more agony before she pulled the tonfas back letting the crushed eggs reinflate as the dragon collapsed to his knees mewling trying to process what had just happened. One moment he was staring at the lovely kitty the next he was desperately checking to see if the first round was already over. "Ohhhhh that felt great. Tell me was it good for you?" she asked mockingly as Crypt looked back at the female as he clutched his eggs. Her smile quickly faded as he didn't make much of a move to get up due to the throbbing pain from his groin. Quickly growing bored the feline decided to move things along while he held his balls and slowly tried to rise to fight for his chance at a reward, or a chance to escape. Finally making it to his feet Crypt found Naledi had swapped her tonfa's out for a dagger that she twirled around her paws happily waiting the the dragon to actually do anything at this point. He decided to seize the moment that she seemed the most distracted. She threw the knife in the air to catch it and it was at that moment the large red dragon decided to charge the lioness in order to take her out and hopefully find his freedom from this ongoing hell. With a grin the lioness twirled away from the charging dragon and using the handle of her weapon to hook the dragon's leg up and out of the way so she could slam her foot into his right egg as hard as she could. Her foot slammed into the massive cum sphere rupturing the egg with a loud crunch. All fight left the big dragon as he collapsed trying to process the new pain that had replaced his organ. The red dragon stood there mouth hanging open in a silent scream as his seed production was halfed. "Ohh those are weaker than I thought they would be," said a very happy lioness. She made her way around the stunned male taking a good look at the damage that had been done. His sack looked very lopsided with one massive rapidly swelling egg and a lumpy sad mass that was what remained. She laughed at the sad state of the dragon's sack. "Soo you ready for me to even that out?" she asked twirling the wooden tonfa around before beginning to rapidly slam them into the ball causing the egg to jiggle and thrash about as Crypt's silent scream rose in volume. She managed to get about five more strikes in before he fell over cradling his remaining and quite sterile ball. The large dragon thrashed about on the floor wailing over his sterile baby makers while the lioness grabbed a new tool from the wall, a big heavy hammer she had to use with two hands. Hefting the metal hammer onto her shoulder she waited for Crypt to stop rocking back and forth. "Stop mewling and leave your ball alone you'll regrow them anyway," she said growing bored watching the male. "It still hurts," he whined back at the female. "That's why I aim there. Now remove your hands or I grab a thing of steel wool and give you a hand job with it," she said as a look of horror flooded over Crypts face at the thought of the steel fibers slicing through the soft skin on his shaft. Naledi filed that idea into the back of her mind to use at a later chance against the dragon given how horrified he looked of the idea. Reluctantly Crypt dropped his hands away from his last spunk factory leaving the dragon's precious future in the hands of the lion with a war hammer. Without mercy or warning she slammed the hammer into the dragon's melon crushing it instantly and pinning him by his sack to the arena floor. A sickening crunch signaled the dragon's neutering was complete. Crypt openly wailed as he tried to pull himself away from the hammer that had reduced his spunk makers to goo. Naledi knelt down near the struggle dragon. "Want a little help big guy?" she asked without malice. " nuts," Crypt squeaked out weakly trying to move the hammer that was pinning his ruined eggs. "Here I know what will help with your trapped issue," she said sitting down on the hammer with a wet squish. She then stood up and dragged the hammer away revealing the damage between the dragon's thighs. His once proud melons had been reduced to a bloody mash as the hammer ripped the scales on the pouch away revealing the mutilated testi. "Well the first round goes to me huh," she said walking over to the weapon rack as she began looking for her choice for the next fight. While the lioness picked her next tools to use on the dragon's crotch Crypt dragged himself over to a near by chair while his balls repaired themselves. "That's quite the handy little bit of evolution you've got there," she said watching his organs reinflate inside their new sack. "So I'm curious are they still just as tender as before?" she said slipping a pair wicked looking sai into her waist. With a disarming smile she approached Crypt laying the weapons down on a table nearby before she knelt down in front of the male's package. Even knowing what she was capable of doing to his ability to have children, albeit temporarily, he couldn't help but enjoy the mostly naked female so close to his package. As denied as he was it didn't even take much for his cock to begin stiffening until it pulsed fully erect near the females chest. "Oh hello a little eager to see what I hide beneath?" she said gently stroking the underside of the male's tip. Crypt moaned softly as his member dripped pre into lioness's stroking paw. "Oh you could be a lot of fun to just lay with instead of fight. With a weapon like that I'm sure you could even satisfy the size queen here," said the lioness smirking as she began rolling the dragon's freshly reformed sperm banks in her paws. She giggled as the massive organs retreated against Crypt's groin before descending back down into her soft paws. She continued to roll the male's seed banks around while his member throbbed needfully above. With a wicked light in her eyes she begins suckling on the male's sensitive tip tasting his pre as it leaked out into her wet maw. "Hrnnfff" he moaned out gripping the chair tightly. Her fingers curled around his cum tanks pulling them against her soft tits as she massaged the dragon's tender jewels. With a happy sigh Crypt sat back in the chair letting out a happy moan as the lioness sucked him off. She could feel his cock tense up as he got ready to orgasm. Crypt let a out a throaty moan as he thrust gently into the females maw. She slid off his member leaving the dragon teetering on the cusp of bursting as his cock drooled pre. He let out a frustrated whimper as she stood up and began rubbing her thigh against his cock guiding it towards her slit. "Don't you fucking dare try to cum. Or I'll use these Sai straight through your cock and into your balls," she said poking the cold metal blades into his tip just enough for the warning to be perfectly clear. The dragon froze feeling the blades press in slightly only nodding slowly his understanding. "Good," she said sliding the blade gently down the male's shaft being careful not to cut the sensitive flesh. Crypt could feel his shaft still threaten to blow as she lightly patted his increasingly sore eggs. Crypt let another frustrated whimper escape his mouth. She made her way over to the arena again and took up her fighting stance again decidedly missing her top. Crypt watched her now free breasts sway and bounce with each movement of hers. Each movement he made as he slowly walked over across from the jiggling lion. His seed churned in his balls. He felt like the slightest breeze would send him over the edge but his fear of her weapons that glinted in her paws kept him from grasping his rod and stroking his needful member. "Alright lets begin I see you've chosen to try a club instead of unarmed combat," she said lowering herself down in a ready position.

He wasn't gonna be caught off guard this time. Fighting through his lust induced haze he charged at the female his cock leading the way. He barreled into the female hooking his claws into her shorts ripping them up giving her a hellish wedgie causing the lioness to cry out in a surprise as she was lifted by the nylon shorts as they dug into more sensitive parts causing her to close her thighs in a vain attempt to protect her lady bits. She flailed about a few kicks slamming into Crypts cock and balls slapping them about but the horny dragon would not be stopped as a tearing sound soon over comes her cries as the shorts finally give dropping her to the floor leaving the dragon standing victorious holding her shredded shorts up. "I DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee" he started to say before a steel sai was slammed into the dragon's erect cock the sharp tip tearing through his tip as the dagger sunk in from the tip deep into the base. He immediately dropped the torn shorts and clutched his bleeding cock as it screamed in agony each throb forced a little more blood out around the blade. He looked down to the horrific sight seeing the dagger buried in his cock as blood dripped down the hilt of the blade and the grinning lion right in front of it with her paw still latched on the hilt. She twisted the blade earning a pained cry from the dragon as his cock was torn apart by the sai. Panicked confusion clouded the dragon's eyes before they widened from her next cruel attack. Using the embedded dagger as a leverage point she slammed the other sai into Crypts right egg through the front of the ball. The dagger tore through the thing pouch wall and deep into his ball spilling the dragon's trapped seed out along with his blood. She quickly both blades out of Crypt's wedding tackle earning a pained cry from the dragon. Before he could collapse she slammed both blades into the sides of the dragon's melons burying the blades through the dragon's testicles pinning the seed tanks together. Crypt sunk to his knees his face frozen in a silent scream only a soft cry escaping from his lips as he tried to form words around the pain. She stood smiling as she observed the damage the dragons legs. "That looks painful," she said poking the handles of the daggers earning a fresh mewl as the dragons sperm leaked out of the wounds pooling beneath his balls. She ripped the daggers out of his balls causing more pained mewls as Crypt collapsed wailing over his mangled seed tanks. While his balls and cock healed up slowly and painfully she knelt down in front of the dragon. "Sorry I got a bit carried away you won the round," she said hugging the dragon from behind while he cradled his balls and cock. "Why did you stab me then?" he said his balls finally healing. "Frustration mostly," she said hugging Crypt while snaking her hands down to his groin. He tightened up as her paws came to rest on his clasping hands. She made soft comforting sounds in his ears calming him down. Slowly she works her fingers under his latched hands. Gently she fondles his eggs feeling the pent up dragon seed bloating his eggs making them feel almost solid to the touch. Crypt's cock twitched and sprang quickly to life feeling her gentle touch. He let out a whimper of pleasure. She began running her paws along his twitching cock. "Please no, if you continue I will...nnrffff," he said his load threatening once more to explode from his denied system. "Shhh you've earned yourself a reward after what I pulled," she whispered laying the dragon down before climbing on top of him. He could feel the heat of her lust dripping onto his scaley eggs as she rubbed her crotch against Crypt's needy rod. "Why are you deciding to be nice and let me win?" he said somewhat confused at the lioness's change of heart. "I doubt my sisters have let you cum once at all," she said rubbing Crypt's cock with her paw. She shifted herself over the male's member until it was pulsing at her entrance. She impaled herself on the dragon's massive cock with a happy hiss as his member filled her completely. While she adjusted to the dragon's girth she slid up and down on his member causing the big dragon to emit a throaty moan. He dug at the mats on the floor they had been fighting on his claws shredded the floor as he dug in for a handhold. She began rapidly picking up pace until she was pistoning up and down his cock happily her breasts flying all about. It didn't take long for the dragon to feel his load swelling in his shaft. After all the denial he was not going to wait for the lioness to finish up. With a loud happy roar he began pumping his seed into the lioness as she let out a surprised yelp. She continued to ride the dragon's cock as his seed flooded her insides until it leaked out onto his scaley eggs. Crypt was so lost in his bliss that he failed to notice the snake and dragoness sneak into the room with the them carrying wicked hammers. As his orgasm ended the female lioness slipped off his member with a happy sigh. "A little pent up weren't you," she said sitting on his waist his member still trapped in her velvety embrace. "Heh yea a bit," he said not noticing as the two other females lined themselves up between his spread thighs. "I see you had your fun without us Naledi," said the snake. The lioness just smirked at the snake. Crypt watched the two share what seemed to be an unspoken command between them when his world exploded. The other two swung the heavy hammers they had snuck into the lioness's dojo to crush and destroy the dragon's freshly spent seed banks. His melons explode as the hammers slam into his organs shattering them like oversized balloons. He let out a shriek and shot up to clutch his destroyed marbles only to headbutt the lioness off his member. She went sprawling with a confused/pained meow. "MY BAWWLLLSSSSssssss" he wailed clutching his mush bag before falling backwards. The dragon rolled back and forth on the mats mewling over his lost cum tanks while the lioness angrily stood up. "They aren't your balls any longer," she hissed clutching her snout. "Girls lets give him the full tour this time," she said through her hand as the two females grins expanded from ear to ear. The three females grabbed the big red dragon before dragging him off to his fate.