The Fallen Lover

Story by DerekTheDragon on SoFurry

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"Sometimes, darkness seems to be the only light...

For the darkness reveals the light to us,

shadowing the world at night.

Such things like a broken relationship, or a lost loved one...

All these things can break us down to the point of giving up, but it's when we push through the dark times, the instances where fear clouds our vision, that we finally have a chance to see the light reveal itself to us. For while the darkness may cover our eyes, it's only our heart that can sense the light. For if our eyes can't see it, then we can only help but believe.

The light is not always what we expected, and not everyone will find hope at the end, but if no one tries to do anything to fix it, to push through the struggles, then it will never get better."

  • Derek 10/18/18

This story is about two dragons, a beautiful dragoness and a shy drake, who wants to finally admit his love to her. His whole life he dreamed of having a mate, and today he just had to tell her.

This is my first offical story on here, so tell me what ya'll think! Make sure to 'Watch' me for more!!!

A wisp of wind scattered his thoughts, clutching them in their chilled paws, filling him with an unease that made his wings shiver. The grass beneath his talons were slightly damp from the rain earlier, and he could smell more of it coming soon on the horizon. The dew beneath him coated his tail as he lay beside the roaring flames, watching as each spark drifted into the expanse of swirling embers above, soaring up into the endless diamond sky. He shifted his wings for a moment, blinking his eyes as he woke again, looking around to try and remember where he was.

For a second, he tried not to think though. All he wanted to do was rest, and enjoy the warmth the fire provided from the cold thorns of the night threatening to freeze his slim and agile body. Shuffling forward, he spread his wings slightly, letting out a soft sigh as the dancing flames filled his wing membranes with warmth. He let out a long yawn, exposing his purple maw, letting the fire sooth the black scales along his body into a content state. Then, as he relaxed again, he closed his eyes, trying to fall back to sleep. It only took him a few minutes to shift his position, trying to get comfortable, laying on his side, stomach, and side again. Letting out a grunt of discomfort, he made due with lying on his back, feeling the warmth still at his side as he splayed his wings beside him, opened his eyes, and stared far into the velvet abyss of cosmic whirlpools beyond.

It was so vast, so expansive. The world above the clouds seemed to stretch beyond his reach, where no dragon could ever wander, into a world full of stars, and other planets just waiting to be discovered. As his purple eyes wandered the sky, he felt a smile tug at his cheeks, and he smiled in amazement, admiring every twinkle of starlight. The sound of burning wood filled his nose, and he took a moment to close his eyes, opening his maw and letting the scent traverse inside him, filling his soul with their warm fragrance.

It tickled the inside of his nostrils, smelling burnt pine needles and bark, providing his heart with the welcoming scent that only a fire could provide. His mind drifted as he continued to ejoy the aroma, realizing for the first time how crazy spectacular nature was. Using something so destructive as a raging current of flames to burn forests, and kill wildlife, providing the earth with new fresh soil and trees to grow full and lush again. A light that only shows itself by going through the darkness.

He opened his eyes again, watching the embers from the fire dance and swirl with one another in their own songs, rising into the stars and galaxies above him. It was this, the fire, that seemed to remind him of some reason why he was here.

'A light that only shows itself after the darkness...'

He shook his head, blinking rapidly for a moment, opening and closing his maw in thought. Nothing seemed to come to mind at first, but it was only moments until he realized the truth of why that saying seemed to reside inside him.

"Shimmer..." He gasped, letting his jaw gape as his memories flooded back to him again. He instantly sat up, pulling his wings onto his side and peering over the fire to glance at the other side, having to be sure he wasn't dreaming.

Shimmer's white scaled chest slowly rose and fell as she lay still, her eyes shut in relaxation, a smile plastered across her maw. Her delicate silver body seemed to be at piece, staying warm near the flames, her tail slowly swishing against the grass as she rested. He couldn't help but giggle to himself as she let out cute snores, murmuring in her sleep. From the blush across her face, he could only guess what she was dreaming about... But he tried not to, for he knew why he had brought Shimmer here in the first place. But now, he wasn't sure he could do it.

He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, flopping onto his back again, putting his paws over his chest as he continued to let his thoughts, and eyes roam, staring into the sky above again. 'How... God, how can I do this?' He thought, letting his maw hang loose. 'Why can't I just be so confident at this?! I love her, and she has to know! I can't just... Just stay like this...' I take a second to glance back through the screen of fire at her beautiful sparkling body, letting my eyes swell up with tears, feeling my fear and doubt cloud everything inside me. 'But why would she like me? I'm not... I'm not the dragon I should be, and yet here I am. Sleeping out in the valley with her.'

He couldn't remember anytime that Shimmer had ever mentioned loving him, and yet, everyday since he had met her, from the first time they caught prey together on a hunting mission... He knew he loved her. It didn't matter to him that they had only known each other for such a short time. He wanted to be with her forever, and he wouldn't waste his time now just... just bickering with himself!

Though he felt more water forming in his eyes, knowing the weight of the question he was about to ask, but he wiped it away, raising a paw and rubbing his eyes until they were dry, a bit red from the tears. He blinked for a moment, just watching her body sleep, not wanting to wake her. 'I could wait till the morning, but I think this is the perfect chance to tell her.' He felt himself blush, recalling all their memories together...

Memories where they battle trained together in the village, fighting one-on-one in the arena. The day where Shimmer beat him, pinning him onto his back, and planting a kiss on his cheek flirtatiously after being claimed winner. He remembered their first date at the library, browsing books together and cuddling close as they read to each other, pulling the blankets over themselves, their sides touching~ The day he lost everything, his only brother, killed in the war. Remembering how he wanted to... end everything, forever. Rid himself of his pain.

How he had brought a dagger, and almost killed himself. But that was where she saved him. She ran up to him, pushed away the knife, and as he cried, she kissed him beneath the moonlight, twining their tails together in union as they wept, understanding his pain. She stayed with him the whole night out in the cold, promising to never leave him, and she never did, until recently.

The past few weeks had gone by rather quickly, being busy with training younger dragons how to fight now, in charge of the tribal battle training programs. As everyday went by, he noticed how Shimmer began to distance herself from him. He instantly began to worry, wondering if he did something wrong, and told her his worries, and she said everything was fine and that he shouldn't worry so much...

But it only got worse. She never showed up to his training's anymore, or ate with him at meals. In fact, it was like she had disappeared from existence. He had asked some of the other dragons in the tribe where she had ran off to, and yet most of them didn't know. Finally though, last night, he had enough. He confronted her, scared as hell, and yet tried to control himself, begging her to talk to him one last time... To sleep out in the valley, the same valley he cried in about his brother, just one last time.

He told her that he had to tell her something, and that he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he never said anything. He almost cried there as he noticed her hesitation, wondering why she was so distant, but to his immense relief, she agreed and came with him, saying that she would come to hear what he had to say.

And now he was here, with his love, scared and fearful, wanting to admit his love to her. He knew in the back of his mind it might be too late already, and that made him want to cry more, but he couldn't give up. He couldn't give in to the darkness clouding around his vision, sucking up all the hope and love that he once felt with her. He had to try.

He began whimpering, letting his tears trample onto the ground as he sat there, steering his gaze up towards the stars again, whispering to it, "Please... Please, if anyone is there, help me... I don't think I can do this on my own. I'm... I'm so scared..." He began trembling, wings and paws shaking as he worried, taking deep breaths to try and calm himself. 'Deep breath Orbit... Don't give up now...'

It was then his plea had been heard, watching in astonishment as a single drifting star soared across the western sky, like a blue comet against the dark expanse of hopelessness. He reached out a paw, wanting to grab it, and then placed it back down, closing his eyes with his snout to the sky, wishing with all his might, "I wish... I wish that you'll give me the strength to tell Shimmer how I feel about her... Not to mess up, or say something wrong... Just please... Give her back to me, and let me show her my love..."

As he opened his eyes, he watched as the last trail of the comet faded from his sight, leaving his wishful gaze staring up into the open sky. Maybe it was a sign, maybe it wasn't. But he couldn't give up, he wouldn't let himself, for he would give every single fiber of his being to let her know he loved her, for he was the center of his whole being, and without her he couldn't be. He could only hope the best...

"Orbit?" His gaze snapped towards the voice, watching as she, Shimmer, stared back at him, concern marking her face. I stammered for a moment, surprised she was awake, and unprepared for her to see me life this. "Are you alright? I um... Couldn't help but notice. You seemed like you were in pain, and I couldn't just listen." She looked across at me, and then glanced away nervously, yawning herself, letting out a cute squeak.

I raised a paw, wiping my eyes again, stumbling over my words, "I'm uh, I'm fine I just... I... I'm just..." He then just stopped. Stopped breath, stopped moving his mouth, or his eyes. He just kept his gaze and focused locked onto hers for the moment, seeing her concern for him fill him with joy, that perhaps she did care for him.

Suddenly a burst of energy hit him, like a star sprinkling it's strength into his veins, finally after so many years giving him the confidence he needed to open his maw, and finally, tell his true love how he really felt about her. He took the deepest breath he could ever remember, fearful, but knowing that this was his chance, he took it, walking around the fire to her, sitting in front of her where their paws were almost touching.

"Shimmer, I... I can't believe it took me this long t-to tell you this, I-I've just b-been so scared... So scared that... That you won't feel the same about me..." He let a tear stream down his cheek, tasting it's salty tongue on the side of his tongue. He noticed her gaze turn serious, yet loving... The same gaze she gave him as he cried about his brother, so long ago! Maybe she did love him! Maybe he wasn't crazy after all! "I can't just stay here any longer Shimmer and watch us drift farther apart..."

"Orbit... What are you talking about? I'm right here, right now. If you want to tell me something... Then I'll listen. I'm not leaving." He noticed as her paw moved for a moment, almost as if she wanted to reach her paw out for Orbits. In return, he let another tear fall down my face, and reached for her paw slowly, but... she took her paw back.

She glanced to the side, frowning, pulling her paw close to her body, as if he was infected with some virus, and she didn't want to touch it.He held his paw out, maw agape in horror, and yet forced out the words through the fear in his heart, knowing he had to say it now or he never would. "Shimmer, please don't do this! I LOVE YOU!"

As he shouted those words, she looked back at him, her gaze a mix of love and sorrow. "Shimmer... I've loved you since that first day I met you, when we first hunted together. Every single day that goes by made me fall deeper and deeper into love with you, and yet I never worked up the courage to say anything, and now... Now I'm so scared..." Orbit looked down at his paws, unable to see her face, not wanting to know her reaction until he got it all out.

"I see you drifting farther and farther away from me, and I know you're not just always busy."

She then responded, opening her mouth, trying to put on an obvious fake smile, "Oh, come on Orbit. You know I'm busy with a lot of things... I love you more than anyone in the wo..."

"No one in the fucking tribe even knows where you're going!" He yelled, baring his teeth for a moment, looking back up at her, letting anger begin to seethe beneath his sadness, realizing for the first time in his life that she was lying to him, "Shimmer! Why are you lying to me? What would hurt you so much to hide something from me, and cause you to lie to my face?" She held her maw open to respond, her own eyes trying to stay bold, but he could tell her facade was breaking.

"You were there for me... There for me when my brother died, and I wanted to kill myself... You held me in your wings, literally right fucking here in this valley... You loved me, Shimmer, I knew it, and I loved you, I just never could say it." Orbit calmed himself, taking a deep breath, watching as she closed her eyes, pulling a wing over her face as she whimpered, "Shimmer, I love you with all my heart, and I can't lose you, so I'm telling you now. But I need you to tell me what's going on... I'm begging you to tell me, Shimmer. Please."

Then her whole entire appearance shattered. She crumpled down onto the grass, falling onto her stomach. She buried herself in her wings, weeping her eyes out away from his view. "I'm sorry! Orbit... I'm so sorry..." He slowly walked up to her, letting his wings slump, his tail droop, lying beside her.

"Shimmer... It's alright..." Orbit reached his paw out again for her, but in response she yelped, standing up suddenly, looking back down at me with tears splattering and covering her face. Then, he watched as she ran away to the top of the hill, falling over herself once onto her face, making a surge of protection race over him, helping Orbit to stand again. She recovered herself soon after, walking slowly to the top of the hill, lying down by herself, leaving Orbit to only wonder.

With nothing else in the world that mattered other than his love, he slowly walked up the hill towards her. He continued crying the whole way, for his mind ran to the worst option possible... But he refused to believe it. He couldn't believe it! How could she love him so much before and then just, suddenly not?

He trudged onward towards the dragoness, watching as the same blue comet raced across the sky, and faded right on the horizon where his love was crying to herself. Every step felt like a battle, but finally, he reached her side, and sat beside her. Looking her over, she began to cease her own sobbing, unwrapping her wings from her face and exposing her tear soaked eyes and maw to him. He could see streaks of salty tears under her eyes, red from the action, and she sat beside him, both of them gazing off the horizon and rock outcropping they were on, looking out to the forest stretching far beyond them as far as they could see.

The tree branches all began to quiet, soothingly rustling in the night breeze as the world stilled for the moment. Even the earth seemed to refuse to spin, like a picture had been taken in his mind, an image he would draw one day and hang up on his cave to always remember... Remembering the day he admitted his love to her. The ocean far beyond reflected the distant moon, and it seemed like the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.

But he was wrong, for he had her beside him, and she was so much more than that~

The dragoness he had always loved.

Despite everything that had happened recently, she was here, beside him, listening to his confession. He looked over into her eyes as she continued staring out into the forest below, her gaze wandering as if looking for answers. Her sparkling body reflected the moonlight, and it made her look like a real angel, his angel. Her ice blue eyes then turned, and she frowned, meeting his gaze with her own.

Then, the moment seemed to pause, both of them staring into each others eyes. Orbit was already sure in his heart what she was going to say... And it made him want to die right here, but he had to hear it from her. Yet his mind kept wandering to the worst possibility.

Worrying that'd she open her maw, and say simply, "I... I don't love you, Orbit... I'm sorry." That he'd fall back in horror and despair as she broke his heart. She'd cry, and then fly away into the night sky, letting all his hope fly away with her. Taking the one piece of love left in his life, leaving him here in the valley where Orbit had told her about my brother dying... All he could think was that he was going to die here too tonight, right in the same valley, knowing that he could easily slit his own throat with his claw if he pleased.

For a moment, when she opened her mouth, he wanted to cover his ears, feeling the tears well up into his eyes. But then, her words finally came out, drowning everything else out but her words.

"Orbit, I don't know how to say this, but I'm begging you to please listen to me... Please." Staring back into her crystal gaze, he nodded, letting a tear run down his cheek.

"I... I think I already know what you're going to say..." Orbit mumbled, wanting to crumple now before anything got worse, or that he hurt her or something.

"Listen... Orbit." She closed her eyes, and he closed mine as well, feeling her warm breath drift across his muzzle lightly as she leaned forward. He thought about pulling back, but honestly, if she was going to kiss him one last time before he... before he...

That was the last straw. He took his paw, and raised a claw, crying his heart out, ready to end it right there. He could see the look of horror on her face as he drew his claw back, ready to slice it, watching his lover for one last time...

And right before he brought his claw down to end it all, he felt something press against his lips. Something warm, and welcoming, and as he opened his eyes, he saw her, kissing him with tears streaming down her face, weeping with me. Orbit then looked at his claw with disgust, and back at his love, and wept, letting himself fall onto his side in pain, realizing he almost just killed himself. He collapsed completely, both of them falling onto the grass, sobbing with each other in each others embrace.

She drew her wings up and wrapped him in their blanket of warmth, twining her tial with mine and holding me close. No words could be exchanged. We just held each other, under the stars, realizing how close he was to giving up. As they lay there, he could feel her soft scales against his, her paw rubbing along the back of his neck soothingly. Her tail wrapped around his and rubbing it up... and down... Slowly her cries died down, and she began whimpering, nuzzling her head under my chin, and he reached a paw up to hold her chest, spooning her lovingly as he continued to cry.

She then opened her maw again, stuttering after the whole ordeal, "I'm so sorry Orbit. Orbit, I love you with all my heart! Hear that! I love you so, so much..."

"Then why did you go away and leave me alone for so long again!?!" He cried out, tearing at the grass with a claw, so confused and hopeless. "I thought you left me... Forever, and I couldn't take it."

"No, Orbit... I..." She paused, making him wonder what she would say, when she finally just came out with it, whispering softly. "I'm not going to hide anything from you, and I'm sorry for this so so so so much..." He lightly rubbed her chest, telling her to continue. "Orbit, there was this other dragon I met. I thought he was charming, and since we weren't officially together, I wanted to see where it went, and... It went too far."

She then began weeping again, her body shivering in fear, "He... He forced me... When we were alone, he took advantage of me, and raped me. I... I thought I loved him, and I thought he loved me, but now I know what real love feels like, in fact I think I always knew." She then grabbed his muzzle, and tilted it downwards toward her muzzle, locking their eyes together in an intimate exchange. "I always knew I cared for you, but I thought it was some sort of love for a friend or family member... But it was only after he hurt me that I realized how lucky I was to have you. That's why I haven't talk to you or seen you, Orbit. I've been... so scared how you would react. That you'd... You'd leave me, for being a slut and for turning against my best friend. That's you Orbit. Yet all along, it seems you were just as scared as me."

He nodded, hearing her words, and instead of answering, he just cried harder, but this time, it was of joy, pure joy that she didn't give up on him... That she still loved him. He used his paws to rub her sides slowly and she nuzzled into my neck, planting light kisses on my jawline.

"Orbit, I'm sorry, and I know I don't deserve forgiveness for leaving you like that, but I'm asking you to..."

"Yes Shimmer. I'll admit, I'm hurt, but right now, I need you... I forgive you, but please... Just hold me close to you..." He murmured, feeling tired again, wanting to just fall asleep like this in each others arms.

She nodded, crying a bit herself, slowly turning her body around to press against his. She kissed his neck a few times, and then, closing their eyes, she leaned forward, as did he, and their lips touched again. She wrapped her legs around him, her wings holding him close, and kissed slowly and deeply beneath the moonlight and stars above.

All Orbit wanted was to stay like this forever, and so, with both of them in each others embrace, they closed their eyes, maws kissing and rubbing each other, and drifted off to sleep~