Outcast Planet: Quartz

Story by Fopfox on SoFurry

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#17 of Outcast Planet

Pawel and his crew have arrived at Quartz, finding it a seemingly empty ghost town. However, Pawel knows to expect the unexpected on Planet and is on the lookout for trouble, and for any signs of Yaleen's long-lost brother.

Thanks to Erik2000, who was a major help with this chapter! Check out his story, Biography of a Human!


Ajar: I'm leaving the capsule. I'm leaving...I'm here! I've...I'm on the ground! The stars, my Emperor! There's a million of them! A million praises to the Emperor, we have landed on Lesser Regulus!

Emperor Hasham Regulus VII: No, Commander, a million praises to you. Today, all of the Empire bows to you.

-Recording from the first landing on Lesser Regulus, the largest moon of the Regulian home-world. Commander Ajar would later be given a new Ducal title and would thereafter be known as Duke Ajar of Lesser Regulus, which his family still hold on the uninhabited moon.

The days we spent approaching Quartz Mountain were good for our health. The crystal-clear peaks, mostly white but with the occasional spire of pale yellow or pink, of the mountains has a nasty habit of both amplifying the rays of the sun when it set in the western horizon behind it and reflecting its beams when it rose in the East. The grasslands surrounding the mountains were stained with streaks of burnt plant-life, which we avoided following in the trail of, keeping in mind what happens when an ant stays under a magnifying glass for too long.

My eyesight was not doing well as a result of the glare. We were all wearing shades, but those only helped dim the assault on our vision. When the sun was up, it was hard to look directly at our destination and when the sun went down, the world was colored green and blue from all the retinal burns I got. Yaleen had given up on using the scope of her rifle to scout out the area and I didn't blame her.

It was a relief when we caught sight of the outpost. A dark shadow at the base of the shining hills, thanks to the long, black banners that were strung up on the border at the back of town. The town itself was small and had only about ten wooden shacks arranged in a semi-circle, with only two of them having a second story, but with the shades drawn, covering up the eyesore behind it, it looked like paradise.

An empty paradise, we soon found, as we rolled into town. We were immediately drawn to something strange and unusual for settlements on Planet, the shacks had actual glass windows. Granted, mind you, they looked to have been made from uneven chunks of quartz chiseled off of the mountains and haphazardly nailed across the outside of a hole in the wall, but they were clearish and kept the wind out, so they were still an anomaly on Planet.

I parked the Hauler next to another, smaller flat-bed truck, in a patch of mud in front of a two-story building with a sloping, tin roof, not far from the gray stone wall that was the bottom part of the mountain. There were tire tracks in the mud behind the other truck, not fresh, but at the same time, not ancient. People had been there recently.

"Lets be careful," I whispered, loading up the twin barrels of my shotgun and readying it with my one good hand. I shut off the engine and stepped out of the truck.

Dondrae nodded and cocked his rifle, keeping it close to his chest. Yaleen shouldered her rifle and pulled out her needler, activating it with a sharp beep.

"Anyone here!?" Dondrae cupped his paws around his wolf-like muzzle and called out. "We don't want any trouble, just stopping by to trade!"

"Mutt!" Yaleen snarled, wrinkling her snout tightly. "Do you want to get us killed!?"

"No, and that's why I'm telling them we're here!" Dondrae growled.

"And if someone is waiting to ambush us, they know we're here now!"

"They knew when we rolled into town on that damned wheezing Hauler!"

"Hey!" I interrupted. "My Hauler doesn't wheeze!"

They didn't listen to me. Something caught my attention, a distant whisper, and I tried to pinpoint it.

"We're not trying to hurt anyone, Princess. If there are normal settlers hiding here, we don't want them shooting us when we come across them!"

"And what if bandits are lurking here? The same ones you claim my brother are traveling with?"

"Shut up!" I snapped.

I cupped my busted hand around my ear, which was about all I could do with the damned thing, I listened for the strange noise. A radio crackled nearby, heavy with static. It was inside the building that we were arguing in front of.

"What do you guys even have these for?" I flicked one of Yaleen's ear's playfully, causing it to twitch violently. The Vulpeculan snapped her jaws at my hand in a very non-regal way. "You hear it now, don't you?"

They nodded.

"Let's go check it out."

I crept onto the plank deck in front of the entrance to the building, boots clomping loudly on the wood, despite my efforts to creep. There was a square window next to the door and I peered in, through the hazy, yet clear, crystal glass slab covering it. I spotted several shoddily made tables and what looked like a blurry bar counter on the far end. The static was definitely coming in from there.

A voice crackled through the static. One that was distantly familiar.

...one small step for man...

"What the hell?" I pushed the front door open and stepped inside, eager to find the source of this broadcast. It was probably just a recording someone had, the radio on my Hauler had access to several frequency bands and I had never heard anything like this on it.

I swerved from the entrance hallway, a suffocatingly narrow tunnel of splintered wood, left into the bar room.

...one giant leap for mankind...

It was coming from a radio on the bar counter. It was an ancient transistor radio, with a wooden shell covering it and one speaker below the tuning knobs and the thin needle listing what frequency it was on. It looked like the kind of radio my great-grandfather would have owned.

Yaleen and Dondrae were close behind. Yaleen was covering my back with her needler, while Dondrae was poking his rifle out the door we came in, looking for anyone trying to sneak up on us. I nearly tripped over an overturned chair, of which the bar room had several, as if people had fled the scene in a hurry, something the rack behind the counter lent evidence towards, for it had only one unscrewed bottle of Vulpeculan Vodka, or was it turpentine? My eyes watered even though it was at least a meter away.

Despite looking like an ancient human radio, the band's numbers were complete gibberish, to the point where I couldn't even identify which language the numbers belonged to. They weren't Regulian and it didn't look like the Lacertan writing on the map, unless they had a totally different numeric system.

I lowered my shotgun and twisted the tuning knob with my bad hand to the left.

...the total and complete surrender of the Lupiad-Sirian Empire...

...The Emperor has spent his first evening with the first Vulpeculans in the harem. He has declared both the male and the female to be outstanding beauties and already demand for Vulpeculan slaves has exploded...

Despite the broadcasts changing, the needle on the tuner didn't move. It must have been broken. Still, the knob kept on twisting left and it didn't appear to have an end.

Sharp hissing escaped through the speakers to the sound of heavy drums and horns. It sounded like a Lacertan patriotic song.

...I know you're listening to me.

I froze, staring at the radio in shock. It was a human speaking and in English.

I know you're listening to me and I know you know that there's nothing you can do to stop me! The resistance will never falter! Brave rebels, do not be fooled by the shape-shifting lizard-people! Take up arms, go to your bunkers, and do not, under any circumstances, drink any tap water without running it through a filter! The filthy dragons want to make sure our bodily fluids are corrupted, impure! Remember, at all times, to be on the lookout for the SIGN OF EVIL-!

There was a flash of movement in the corner of my eye. I turned my head too late, catching sight of a gray-furred Vulpeculan pop up from behind the counter. There was a flash of sparks from his paw and a tiny blue flame erupted from the end of a steel nozzle that capped a snake-like hose that ran to a small, round canister attached to the hip of his denim jeans. A rope hung around his neck, looped around a thumb-sized smooth chunk of green quartz that dangled across his chest.

"Drop it! Now! All of you!" the Vulpy snarled, making a shill gekkering noise in his throat that would have been laughable, were it not for the flamethrower. He still looked a bit ridiculous though, as he was shorter than Yaleen by a whole head, making him shorter than my chest. It didn't help that he was wearing a bright, yellow hard-hat with a torch attached to the front, which was clearly not designed for a Vulpeculan as his long, pointed ears were folded down to the sides.

Still, it didn't take a strong man, let alone a tough one, to blast a stream of flames into my face. I slowly placed my shotgun on the bar counter, holding my hands up and stepping back.

"You two!" he barked at my companions.

Yaleen dropped the needler and slowly lifted her rifle by the sling off her shoulder and placed it on the ground. Dondrae dropped his rifle to the floor with a clatter. Both of them raised their hands.

"Him," the Vulpy ordered to me. "Send him over here!"

I nodded at Dondrae, who took a step forward.

"No!" he snapped, motioning with his brown eyes towards Yaleen. "Him! The green-eyed fuck!"

"That's not-"


Yaleen stepped forward on her own initiative, very methodically so as to not alarm the pyromaniac. Her tail swished slowly and calmly behind her.

"Stop!" he ordered when Yaleen got to the bar counter. Laughing, he feint thrust the tip of the flamethrower in her face, which she did not flinch from. "Not so tough now, huh?"

"I'm not the one you're looking for," Yaleen spoke calmly.

Both male and female Vulpeculans have a high-pitched voice that's difficult to discern from. But as subtle as it is for humans, it was apparently enough to give her fellow Vulpeculan pause. His tiny, black nose twitched as he sniffed the air.

"You're the Princess!" he exclaimed, lowering the nozzle for a second. "The one that the Dealers have a price on!"

The nozzle of the flamethrower fingered me, "And you must be Sirth's bitch that he's looking fo-!"

Yaleen leaped over the bar counter and with two lightning-quick flashes of her paws, managed to strike the gray Vulpy square in the nose, while grabbing the nozzle and forcing it up and away from us. The Vulpy screamed as his hard hat slipped down, covering his eyes, and a spear of flames shot towards the ceiling, burning a small patch of his forehead fur down to the roots.

Dondrae and I seized the moment and grabbed our guns, ordering the Vulpy to drop the gun. We would have shot him dead to rights, if it weren't for Yaleen being so close to him.

"Fuck! What the fu-!?" he shrieked, launching a tornado of fire into the air as Yaleen wrestled his flamethrower in her grip. Flames began to cling to the rafters.

"Drop the gun!" I repeated myself.

"Okay! Okay!" he pulled his paw away from his nose, revealing a round bead of blood dripping down his gray snout. "L-let me reach towards my hip! It's how it works!"


He stopped struggling for control of the nozzle, but Yaleen didn't let her guard down for a second. With slow, controlled motions, he groped blindly towards the canister attached to his hip, twisted it with a sharp click, and pulled away a tiny, glowing, red ball. The pilot flame faded away and he sighed, leaning back against the wall. Yaleen grabbed the ball and finally let him go, giving him one last fierce gecker, before stepping away, tail lashing angrily.

"There's been a misunderstanding," he said, tipping the brim of his hard-hat so his brown eyes were visible once more, "I didn't actually want to turn you in or nothing."

"Got a fuckin' funny way of showing it," Dondrae growled, cocking the slide of his rifle. An unused round flung out, which looked a little bit unprofessional, but the sound of a slide clicking made people nervous, even hardened prisoners like us, and the Vulpy gulped accordingly.

"W-w-well, lets be reasonable, okay!? Bunch of armed guys burst into my bar, I'm all alone, I mean, fuck, I gotta be able to defend myself!"

"See!?" Dondrae laughed at Yaleen. "I told you, this is why I was trying to let them know we were here!?"

Yaleen snorted as she picked up her needler and poked our captive in the cheek with the muzzle, "Is that so? Did you hear him?"

"Y-y-yes! I did! And that's the exact same thing the last bandits said, so I-!"

"Ho, ho, ho!" Yaleen laughed arrogantly, firing a needle into the ceiling, which vanished in the, thankfully, dying flames. "It seems that I was right, once again!"

"Guys!" I snapped. "Can we please present a unified front in front of the enemy!?"

"I'm not your enemy..." the Vulpy whined.

"Shut up!"

This went on for awhile. It was a low point for our group's dignity. I will defend our argumentative mood as being because of the magical radio, which at one point had began to play something I could only describe as Vulpeculan polka. The mix of castrato yodelling and oompah bands blasting out of the speaker, and there was no volume knob mind you, was enough to irritate even the most patient of creatures.

Eventually we all agreed to to disagree and by the time that happened, the sun had begun to set outside and it was noticeably darker. The stray flames that had clung to the walls and ceiling had now completely died down, leaving nothing but the smell of smoke and burnt fur behind as any evidence that it had ever lived.

"...And now, can we all agree that this is not the right time to argue about whether who was right or wrong? Can we just focus on that we're all okay and unharmed?" I concluded, receiving nods all around the room, including from our captive.

"Can you let me go now?" he pleaded.

"Not until you answer our questions!" I barked. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"I live here!" he snapped. "My name is Jack and-!"

"Jack?" I asked, confused.

"That's the name the Regulians gave me when they plopped me here at least."

"Right, right."

"Anyway, I'm just trying to make a living here, mining the hills for artifacts. It's a damned treasure trove in there! Got a whole bunch of those little beauts from it!" he nodded his bloodied snout towards Yaleen, who was rolling the red ball that was attached to the flamethrower on her palm. "And for the love of all that is holy, DON'T PLAY WITH IT!"

Yaleen paused, gently holding the ball still as she carefully examined it.

"Bump it hard enough and it'll burst into flames that'll burn for a whole fucking day!"

Sighing, I leaned against the bar counter and caught something behind it in the corner: it looked like two burlap sacks with dried grass glued to the outside of it like a fur coat and the top sack had a crude face drawn on it. A tied brush of wheat stuck out from the rear of it and the front of the bottom sack had some kind of a plastic pipe jammed into it that was glistening with fluid. Jack sheepishly stepped in front of it when he realized I was staring at it.

"It's, uh, lonely on Planet, you know," he explained, "no vixens, you know?"

I knew exactly what he meant. Most people on Planet were prison gay, but not everyone can force themselves to do that, so they find ways to compensate.

"But uh, I guess that's not true now!" he exclaimed, his bushy tail wagging behind him. A strange, sweet scent filled the area around him, overpowering the smoke. He winked at Yaleen. "I don't suppose...?"

"No," Yaleen bluntly stated.

"Can't blame a guy for trying..."

Sighing impatiently, Yaleen pulled out her datapad and thrust the screen towards Jack's face.

"That's him!" Jack exclaimed, tapping his claw against the screen anxiously. "That motherfucker and his crew are coming here tomorrow to take over the settlement! But not if me and old sparky have anything to say about it!" he chuckled, tapping at the nozzle of his lifeless flamethrower.

"You were overpowered by three unarmed people that you had held up at gunpoint," I said.

Jack's thin throat gulped, "Yeah, well, I got distracted. Won't happen again!"

"I'm sure," I grumbled. "Where's everyone else?

"Fled today. They don't wanna fight that asshole, but I will."

"How many are there in his crew?"

"About twenty, twenty-five."

"Kurwa!" I cursed. "The others were right to flee! Take your little fireballs and count your losses!"

"Fuck no!" Jack stood up, his brown eyes burning with passion. "We made this settlement and I'm not going to give it up just because a bunch of cock-suckers with guns show up! I'm going to fight them and if I die, then fuck it, at least I went down fighting for what's right and mine!"

"He's got balls at least!" Dondrae remarked.

"That's a very pretty speech, but it won't mean much when your brains are splattered against the ground!" I continued, ignoring Dondrae. "If I were you, I'd be gone by n-"

"We should help him," Yaleen interrupted.


"Need I remind you what we're here for?" Yaleen rolled her emerald eyes. "This little gray-pelt might be doomed, but there's a chance he might get lucky and kill my brother. I can't allow that."

"Christ, Yaleen! If you don't want him to kill your brother, how about we just tie him up and throw him in the back of the Hauler?"

"This is our chance," she said calmly. "We can set up traps and single him out. When they get here, they'll no doubt split up into groups and search the buildings. We can activate the traps for the group he doesn't join.

"This is too risky."

"It's our only chance!" she snapped. "You want to drive up to the gang and say hello? I sure as hell can't do that on account of being the only thing on this forsaken planet with a vagina, and you? Word has spread that Sirth is looking for you, you don't think the gang wouldn't want to get in on that bounty? This is an opportunity and we're not going to get one like this again!"

I rubbed at my temples, which were aching. Why did I agree to this? Why was I letting her boss us around?

To get off Planet. To get off Planet. I repeated those words to remind me of what was promised. At this point, I couldn't go back to my normal life as a scavenger anyways, not with the bounty on my head. It was only a matter of time before someone put an end to our mission, we had to seize the opportunity.

With heavy reluctance, I began to cave.

"What traps did you have in mind?" I asked with a weary sigh.

Yaleen fiddled with the little fireball in her palm and turned to Jack.

"How many of these do you have?"

It was getting late, but we had to prepare as tomorrow would be here soon enough. Jack went off on his truck into the fields to see if he could catch up with and convince some of his friends to rejoin him for our last stand. It was a long shot, but we needed every able-bodied man we could get.

Yaleen scurried off by herself, clutching a duffel bag full of those fireballs. Me and Dondrae stuck together, heading from house to house and setting up some minor booby-traps: sawing at a floorboard here or there to make sure whoever steps on it falls into the basement and string up a few trip-wires that were, sadly, not connected to any more elaborate trap, they were just there to encourage a few assholes to fall muzzle-first into the ground. We would have loved to make a bunch of fatal traps, but of course, we needed to make sure Yaleen's brother survived.

Occasionally, we'd run into Yaleen, who would warn us not to smoke or fire anything in the house she was occupying. The last time we saw her, she shoved two shovels that she found in a storage shed, into our chests and told us to dig trenches around the town.

We didn't have a solid plan as to where the trenches were to go, but we tried our best. We walked about a kilometer away from the town and started digging. It felt a little like we were wasting time, there wasn't a whole lot of time and it was just the two of us, as a result, the trenches were more like shallow dips in the road.

If we had more time, I'd have liked to make tank traps or something a little more elaborate. Hell, we didn't even have time to put stakes in the ditches, not that it would have mattered as they weren't exactly deep.

What really caught our interest was seeing a silhouette against the dimming sunlight behind us, where we first began digging. The silhouette flicked a bushy tail and knelt down, scraping its claws against the ground. It was Yaleen and she was burying something.

Eventually, it got dark and we had exhausted our options and our bodies, so we went back to the bar, where the radio was crackling away. The air still had the faint odor of Jack's burning fur.

With the death of the Eastern Emperor, the Glorious Western Emperor has accepted the surrender of the Crown Princess of the Eastern Empire and arrangements have been made for a marriage that will create what the greatest politicians and Emperors have all dreamed of: a single, unified Regulian Empire.

Dondrae sat atop the bar counter next to the radio, kicking off his boots and stretching his legs, spreading his padded toes. His tail wagged happily as he reached for the sole bottle of Vulpeculan Vodka and took the top off. He jiggled the bottle in my direction.

"No thanks," I waved my hand. "That shit'll make you go blind, I can smell it from here."

Dondrae tapped the tip of his black nose, "How do you think I feel?"

He then took a swig of the booze, shuddering violently and thumping it back on the shelf. I didn't have to have a keen nose, or hell, half a working brain, to tell that he was regretting that decision.

"That broadcast, the one that got your attention earlier," Dondrae nodded towards the radio, fur bristling, still suffering from the rancid alcohol. He then began to take off his shirt and my heart skipped a beat upon seeing the white-fur that covered up his muscular chest. "What was it?"

"It was the human moon landing. The first time we ever landed on something outside our planet."

"Really?" Dondrae tilted his head in thought. "How far did you guys travel in space, anyways?"

"That would be about it, except for probes," I sighed, slinking down in a wooden chair that squeaked and wobbled.

Dondrae shrugged, "At least you got further than the Vulpies. Course, they don't even have a moon around their home planet. The Regulians really made a big deal of their own moon landing, the Regulian who landed on it became Duke of the moon, I shit you not."

"Sounds like a typical Regulian thing to do," I laughed. "How about your people's moon landing?"

"Lupiad or Sirian?"

"Whichever's more interesting."

"Well, Lupus is a moon, so-"

I had to laugh, "You're telling me that the Lupiads, the wolf aliens, live on a moon!?"

"I don't get the joke, but yes, the biggest of about thirty moons orbiting a gas giant. We got our start landing and exploring on them."

"Wait! Thirty moons!?"

Dondrae nodded, "They form the basis of our mythology. Traditionally, each of the moons is the eye of one of our gods, watching down on us. They're all visible at different times of the year and we hold celebrations when each one appears fully."

"And you all gather together and howl at it when it does?"

"How did you know?"

I slapped the table laughing, my ribs quickly starting to hurt. It was a little mean and they weren't wolves, but dammit, they kept on fitting our conception of wolves beyond just looking like them.

"Hey, this isn't fair! We don't have any animals that look like humans back home! If we did, I'd have about a hundred jokes I could make!"

Dondrae slapped the side of the radio and it went silent. We stared at it in shock and Dondrae's jaw hung open, quivering, legitimately worried that he had broken this miraculous, if annoying, anomaly.

Relief washed over us when it rattled to life. An orchestra started playing the opening to Blue Danube, a song that Dondrae likely didn't recognize, but seemed to get that it was a good song to dance to and leaped off the bar, holding open his paw, palm-pads up. I stepped up and took his hand.

Despite Dondrae beginning the dance, he didn't know the right moves and I quickly had to take the lead. I wrapped one hand around, placing it on his back and instructing him to do the same, which he did over-zealously, practically shoving me into his chest. I wasn't complaining and just about fell asleep right there, were it not for his course fur tickling my nose and cheeks. His earthy scent seemed to relax me, taking my mind off the troubles that would come tomorrow.

I swung Dondrae's arm and lead him into the steps for a very simple waltz, which proved to be quite difficult. Not only was it awkward leading someone almost a head taller than me, but his digit-grade feet made me constantly have to look at the ground to see where his bare feet were so I didn't stomp on them. Not helping matters was Dondrae constantly trying to lean in for a sniff, lick, or kiss, which I, once again, did not object to.

Finally, I managed to catch the tip of his toe with my boot and he yelped, pulling me back as he fell back onto the floorboards. I landed atop him, pinning him down by the shoulders, and took his chin in my hand and leaned in, kissing his wincing teeth.

"Sorry, but, my toes..." Dondrae objected between clenched teeth.

"Here," I whispered, crawling back away from him. I gently lifted his hurt foot in my hand, rubbing at the gray fur atop the toes, "let me know where it hurts."

I ran my finger across his dewclaw, across the furred digit and down the curve of the claw. Then I moved to the other toes, repeating the motion, occasionally causing Dondrae to hiss in pain. I brought his toes to my lips, letting the tiny hairs tickle my nose before I kissed them.

"That feels good..."

I rubbed at the calloused pads on the ball of his foot, working them like a mound of clay. Dondrae couldn't resist groaning and his mouth opened, letting his tongue loll out limply from the side of his jaw, running down the side of his neck.

"Looks like the big, bad wolf is really just a little puppy."

"Stop joking about Earth animals!" Dondrae objected as strongly as he could while he was under my thrall. "Or keep on doing it, if you think it's sexy."

I tickled his toes and Dondrae laughed uncontrollably, rolling on the floor. He could have swatted me away if he wanted, but didn't. In fact, I quickly saw that he was really enjoying this, as a bulge began to press against the front of his pants.

"Come on..." he whispered, inching his pants down. A thick, red cock sprang free from its prison, sticking straight up like a rocket about to blast-off.

His pants were still on around his ankles. I let him know just what I wanted and yanked them off, tossing them to the side. The whole while, I shimmied out of my own pants and underwear. Shyly, very uncharacteristic of the mutt I loved, he covered up the little pink hole on his rear with his bushy tail.

"H-hey, you sure about this?" uneasiness quivered in his voice.

"Might not survive tomorrow, you know?"

"Yeah, but..."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, sorry," Dondrae put on a smile. "Just my Lupiad side getting the better of me. Normally, only a pack bitch would let someone as small as you go inside them."

"Pack bitch, huh?" I grinned.

I swept his legs up, putting the joints where his upper and lower legs met atop my shoulders. His tail was still guarding his rear, so I grabbed it, squeezing just a little bit to be mock-threatening.

"Sure looks like you're one right now, doesn't it?"


I slipped out a container of mashed slipgrass from a pouch and popped off the top. I scooped up a glob and rubbed it together until the remaining lumps smoothed out into a thick, slippery paste. Dondrae yelped as the cool liquid was pushed up his rear by my index finger.

"Urgh..." he growled, the tips of his fangs showing as his upper lips curled.

Probing around, I moved my finger in and out, loosening up his hole. It was tight, he hadn't had anything shoved up there recently, but there was no doubt that he had taken it from behind before, everyone on Planet has at some point.

My thoughts briefly went back to that horrible time with Dondrae's pack and I shuddered, forcing the memories out. That was over, it was done. I had Dondrae now.

And he was shuddering too, not from bad memories, but from pleasure. I wasn't sure what I was hitting, whether it was his prostate or something else from Lupiad-Sirian biology, but it was making him feel good. His gasps and moans were making my cock stiffen.

"I think I'm ready."

My finger popped out easily. I grabbed a bit more of the paste and rubbed it on my wood until it was glistening. I edged forward on my knees, sliding his legs further up my shoulder, and pressed the round tip of my cock against his hole, then pushed.

It slipped in easily enough, only requiring a bit of force around the midway point. I thrust hard to get it past Dondrae's defenses and he winced, wrinkling up his snout and clenching his teeth. He gasped as the tip of my cock pressed against his insides and I was fully inside him.

"You alright?" I asked, noticing he was still wincing.

"Yeah, yeah..." he gasped. "Don't stop..."

Obeying his wishes, I pulled out and gently pushed back in. Slowly at first, but began picking up steam when his moans started guiding me, beckoning me to thrust harder for his pleasure.

While thrusting, I rubbed my palm across his head, scuffing up the gray fur atop it, and then scratching behind his pointed ears. He seemed to enjoy it along with the thrusts, or at least, he didn't object. I moved my hand down from his head and across his black muzzle, stroking the bridge and the sides. His pink tongue came to life and lapped at my hand affectionately.

What a way to have our first real fuck! On the rough floor of a dingy bar next to a shining, crystal mountain, while a radio played Blue Danube from some unknown, alien broadcast station. Hopefully, hopefully it wouldn't be our last. Tomorrow brought with it many dangers.

Brushing the white fur of his chest, I probed around for one of his many nipples running along it and immediately started pinching at the first one I discovered. Dondrae nearly screamed with joy when I found it. I couldn't help but grin upon finding his little treasure, it was always a joy to find your partner's sensitive areas.

My cock was aching with arousal as I picked up the pace.. I grabbed Dondrae's rocket and began pumping it as I thrust, my slippery palm running along the shaft and around the round knot at its base.

Without warning, his cock spurted out a thick rope of cum, its warmth splashing across my chin and cheek. More quickly followed, most of it landing in his chest-fur, but some of it shooting my chest or the bottom of my face. The smell was intoxicating, it had both his earthy, masculine musk, but also a hint of saltiness. I slipped my tongue out and licked up a few droplets that were close to my lip.

I followed suit and gasped as my cock shot its load into his ass. Dondrae whimpered as it shot into him, filling up the tight corners of his rear with fluid. The feeling was incredible, from my brain, to my heart, to my loins, every inch of my skin was quivering with joy.

I collapsed forward on my side, letting his legs slide free from my shoulders, and landed on his chest. My cock slipped free, letting my cum escape its prison and spill onto the floor. Part of his fur was damp with my semen and I was not making it any better with the droplets on my cheek, but I wanted to lean into my lover's chest. I leaned my cheek into his chest and he responded by wrapping his strong arms around me, rubbing my scalp with his rough, padded palms.

This was real, my heart told me. I've had countless flings and partners on Planet, everyone had, but they very rarely meant anything. Even Neilan, who I really cared for dearly and we shared many intimate and heartfelt moments together, there was always something at the back of my brain that made me worry that it was all just because we were on Planet. That if he had met a cute mare, he'd drop me at the first chance.

But Dondrae, this was real. It didn't matter what planet we'd meet on, or what the circumstances were: we'd still be drawn to each other.

"I love you," I whispered, finally saying it.

"Yeah," he responded slowly, "I could tell."

Raising my head from his chest, I looked up. I couldn't see much more than the bottom of his muzzle, with its black chin and equally black lips; as he was staring at the ceiling. Finally, he tilted his head down, poking me in the cheek with his wet, black nose and giving me an even wetter lick.

He stared at me with his pale, blue eyes. They said everything I needed to know. He didn't need to say it, I knew already, but I wanted him to say it anyways.

Finally, he spoke.

"I love you too, Pawel."