The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #4 (Adult)

Story by Sansenite on SoFurry

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#4 of Stories - Streak

Still inexperienced as a superhero, Streak returns to his good friend on the streets, Bernie, but this bright day is about to turn very, very dark.

Story and characters (C) Sansenite



5 February 2015

Sixteen days since I became the second Streak

"Home" is what we called it, but it barely qualified as such. It was the dismal area underneath an overpass, and although it was good protection from the rain, it was still cold and ugly. A few barrels stood here and there where they had been used to burn materials for keeping warm. But the most important place was the little hovel we built between two support beams. Metal and cardboard formed crude walls that essentially functioned as a quaint little house. Just outside it was Bernie, a deer about 52 years old. He was sitting on a bench before a meagre fire in a barrel, looking down at a book in his paws, wrapped up warm in the cold late winter night.

"This is irrational," said Falcon, the disembodied voice in my head who acted as my mentor. "Being close to others only endangers them. I know from experience."

"You're not getting your way this time, Falcon," I thought back. After roughly two weeks of doing as I was told, this was finally something he couldn't change my mind on.

Bernie was there for me as a kid, ten years ago, when I was cold and alone. When I needed someone, he took care of me, taught me how to survive, and kept me away from drugs, drink, and crime. He kept me on the straight and narrow, and if it weren't for him, I might never have become Streak. I owed him everything.

"Hey, old man!" I said as I approached, stopping on the opposite side of the burning barrel that now separated him and I, paws on my hips.

He looked up from his book, somewhat startled. He stared at me for a few seconds, squinting and puzzled before his eyes suddenly widened.

"L-Lil' Tyke? Is that you?" he asked, blinking to adjust his sight as he spoke in his gravelly, experienced voice. 'Lil' Tyke' is what he habitually called me ever since we first met.

"It's me, Bernie!" I responded, happily, as I stretched out my arms. "Sorry I've been gone. Busy."

"Why's your fur white?! And why are you wearing a swimsuit?!"

I chuckled at 'swimsuit'. Then I felt naked, comparing my somewhat scant state of spandex dress to his thick winter padding. I was wearing only a high-cut sleeveless blue leotard and matching tight blue boots, courtesy of Toby Taylor, Beacon City's resident superhero costume tailor. It was a costume that left little to the imagination, but it was designed for maximum freedom of movement, and it was pretty convenient. It was snug on my now lithe and slender frame, and to say it didn't feel liberating would be wrong. Since I was pretty much immune to the cold, the bare arms and legs definitely didn't bother me.

"It's my costume, buddy! I'm a superhero now!"

"Since when?!" he finally asked. He was in awe. Clearly he was taking it all in still, so I wore my most reassuring expression. I felt regret for being away for so long.

"It's a long story. I just really wanted to come see you again. I thought you'd be worried."

"Well, you've gotta be freezing in that thing! Lemme get you a blanket," he said as he began to stand.

"It's okay. I don't notice the cold anymore," I said, happily and reassuringly. "Don't worry yourself. And I'm sorry for not being around. I've been pretty busy learning what I can do, fighting crime, and answering questions for the media that won't get off my back about who I am. But my powers have kept me alive and well, don't worry."

It wasn't entirely true. Since becoming a superhero, I'd sustained quite a few injuries as a result of my inexperience. Were it not for my enhanced healing, I'd have landed in the hospital more times than I can count. All this just over two weeks since becoming a superhero.

"That's good, Tyke," he responded, breathing a sigh of relief as he sat back down, but he was still taking it all in. I hoped I wasn't being too forceful.

"Oh, and Sweeney won't be making trouble for us anymore. I promise. I can keep us safe from him and his goons now. I'll always be nearby."

Then he wasn't just relieved. He was optimistic, and showed it with a smile. When Bernie smiled, it lit up my life. He was a gruff guy, and usually only smiled when it really meant something.

"What are you reading?" I asked before he could respond.

"Huh? Oh. A book of jokes someone threw out. I don't know why. It's hilarious!"

"A joke book, huh?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, moving around the burning barrel to approach him. "Want some company?"

"Tyke, you know I always want your company!"

I readily sat down beside him on the bench. But he started eyeing me.

"What?" I asked.

He sighed. "Kid, you're just so different! I've never seen you so happy and confident, and I've never seen you look so strong before! That fur, that outfit..."

I put a paw on his shoulder. "It's me, buddy. It's your lil' Tyke."

He looked me closely, in the eyes, and he smiled again. "Even your eyes have changed, but yeah, they're still your eyes. I know my lil' Tyke when I see him!"

Then I put my arm on his shoulder. "It's great to see you again, buddy."

He nodded agreeably. "Same, kid. Now, where does a guy go when his tail falls off?" he asked, reading from the book.


"To the retail store!"

I threw my head back in laughter. He watched me go, satisfied to see me so happy. This kind of positivity was a rare occurrence for us, so we always knew to take advantage of it, and he was always pleased to see me smiling. Then he moved onto the next joke and I had the same reaction. We were having a whale of a time.

15 June 2015

Four months and ten days later

"This is amazing, man!" I said loudly, admiring my old friend's work. "What would I do without you?"

We were atop a six-storey building. As the sun was descending below the city skyline, Bernie was showing me the work he had done on our new "home". It was pretty rickety, but he did a great job of making it look and feel homely. Built into a hole in a wall at the edge of the roof, Bernie had erected several large sheets like a tent to keep our abode dry in the event of rain. Inside, some mattresses were set up for the both of us to sleep on, even though I didn't need to sleep, but Bernie wanted me to have a place if I ever wanted to. This was about me more than him, as he wanted a cosy place for me to come back to when I was tired of superhero work.

Satisfied with my observations, I lay down on one of the two hammocks he had erected outside, paws behind my head. It felt great to relax and ignore my troubles. I was still in my costume, but that wasn't a problem. It was a great costume, and Falcon's aura, according to him, vibrated dirt particles and bacteria off of my body, keeping me clean.

"Then this creaky old deer wouldn't be a big 'ol waste of a superhero's time!" responded my old friend, happily. His arms were crossed as he leaned against a wall, satisfied with my satisfaction.

We both chuckled at that.

"I... I wanted to say thanks, by the way. You've always been there for me, looking after me all these years. If it weren't for you... I might not be a superhero today. Much less a decent person."

"Heh. Don't get teary-eyed on me, kid," he responded. Ironically, I heard him sniffle. "But yeah, I'm glad to have known you too."

"You should tell him. Tell him now," Falcon was saying. "Tell him you cannot see him anymore. Please."

I let out an audible sigh, sitting up in the hammock and dangling my legs off the side. "Yeah, you told me," I thought. "But Bernie means everything to me. I can't live alone except for a disembodied voice."

"I can take care of you, boy. I promise. You only need me."

"You okay?" asked Bernie, and I realised he could tell that I had something on my mind. Knowing how I thought was a skill of his. Then I felt his paws on my shoulders, expertly massaging. He knew how to make me feel better. "Why don't you tell me about what you've been up to recently, huh?"

"Mmmm," I moaned, closing my eyes to enjoy his expert attention on my shoulders and neck. "Well, just yesterday I took down a slave trafficking operation here in the city. The feds said I might have helped them uncover a larger operation. When I saw the looks on the faces of those freed victims, I..."

"You felt like a real hero, huh?"

"I felt like a real hero!" I said, letting the reality of my accomplishment dawn on me as I felt Bernie terminate the massage, feeling reinvigorated. "Like... Like this is working out! I can do this!" I took a deep breath. "But what about you? Have you been okay?"

"You really should be out on patrol," said Falcon, but I shushed him.

When Bernie didn't respond, I asked: "Bernie?"

I opened my eyes and peered around, and my heart sank.

Bernie was barely conscious, held up by the back of his coat by the pincers emerging from the robotic tail tip of Gryphon supervillain Raptor. He was wearing his usual outfit: a high-cut purple leotard with a black belt and metal centrepiece in the middle of the waist. He had impressive armoured metal boots, reflecting the falling sun against their stainless steel. The fact that he had snatched Bernie so silently made it clear that Raptor lived up to his name.

"Evening, Streaky!" said the sinister villain. "Not very vigilant, are ya?"

I stood up from the hammock, paws raised in a calming gesture. "Please! Don't hurt him!" I pleaded, but I couldn't hide the fear in my voice. "I'll do anything you want!"

"Anything?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Give yourself to me. Surrender and your old friend lives."

Quickly, I fell to my knees without hesitation, sighing in defeat. There was no way I'd risk Bernie's life. "You win..."

"No... Matt..." I heard Bernie say as Raptor slowly lowered him, mercifully. His knees gave out from under him and he slumped to the ground.

"Heh. There's a good boy," said the villainous Gryphon.

I remained where I was, kneeling obediently, as Raptor approached me. When he was close enough, his tail slithered over to me to wrap around my waist, slowly. My every impulse was screaming at me to resist and fight back, but I could still see Bernie through Raptor's legs, lying on the ground behind him and slowly recovering. He reminded me that I was doing this for him. There was no way I was risking his life. Not even for mine.

"I did warn you, boy," said Falcon.

Raptor raised me into the air, my legs dangling. "I have to say, Christmas has come early for me," he sneered while grinning up at me with his arms crossed, so happy with my disinterest in resistance.

He turned me upside-down, causing me to panic briefly before he slammed me down into the concrete roof head-first. Thankfully, I was fast enough to raise my arms above my head to brace my fall, and now he was pushing me into the roof. The concrete cracked under the pressure, and my arms were straining. Raptor's tail was an impressively powerful feat of engineering.

Raptor scoffed. "Whatever happened to giving yourself to me, Streaky? You don't want me to hurt your friend, do you?"

His words had truth, and as I hesitated with thought, he raised me into the air, still upside-down, before bringing me down onto the roof much harder. This time my arms gave out and my head crashed into the concrete. The world went blurry and my arms went limp. I let out a long, almost euphoric sigh as my brain just seemed to shut off in delirium. Then he raised me into the air again, getting a good look at me as my arms dangled.

"Oh, did I hurt you? Poor thing..." taunted the villain.

Then his tail briefly unwound from around my waist. Before I could hit the ground, it wrapped around my ankle instead. Then he swung me through the air before bringing me down hard on my stomach, instantly knocking the air from my lungs and once again cracking the concrete below me. Then he released my ankle.

"Survive," said Falcon. "I will heal you. He will get bored eventually. Escape with Bernie if you have to."

Raptor stood back, laughing as he watched me trying to pull myself together, revelling in my suffering. I slowly got to all fours, groaning in pain, but I was still dizzy and there was a ringing in my ears. I tried pathetically to crawl away. I leaned against the nearby ventilation duct for support as I climbed onto my legs.

"Get away from him!" yelled Bernie, right before bringing a steel pipe down on the back of Raptor's head.

Raptor took the blow, wincing from the impact, but he was no mere mortal. He responded instinctively, spinning around and his tail swung wide through the air before colliding with Bernie, instantly tossing him across the rooftop and cleanly over the edge.

"BERNIE!" I shrieked, struggling towards the edge of the roof, but my body still burned from the abuse and I could barely move.

That didn't stop me, but the moment I reached the edge of the roof, I heard the audible crack of bone down below. As I looked over the edge the parapet, I died a little. Far below was Bernie, splayed out on the ground of the alleyway seven storeys down. He was dead. Frozen with shock, unable to accept the events occurring, I did nothing as Raptor's long tail slowly coiled around my waist yet again. I didn't even react as the cold metal slid against the thin blue lycra of my costume.

"Awww! What's the matter, superhero?" he taunted, standing right beside me. He reached down to plant a hand on my rump. "Are you sad? You gonna cry?"

Then he patted my behind with a few spanks. He wanted me to know who the winner of this bout was. But I was too entranced by disbelief to react. Bernie meant everything to me. He was the best friend I ever had. Now he was gone, discarded callously and without regret or hesitation by a cruel villain, and was even satisfied. Ten years of fond memories had led to this sudden and painful conclusion to our shared story. I cursed myself for not having done better. A million thoughts of how I could have prevented this ran through my mind as I closed myself off to the events taking place.

"I am so sorry," said Falcon. It was unusual for him to express such sympathy, since he was normally so cold. But here, I could sense that he really meant it. "But you need to defend yourself."

Of course, I still had no reaction.

"Let me knock the grief outta you," sneered the Gryphon.

Spinning around, he waved me through the air before tossing me forcefully towards the brick wall of a connected building. A second later, and I was surrounded by rubble, choking briefly on the dust churned up by the impact. Now I was spread out among the debris. There was a stabbing pain in my back, but still I remained frozen. I simply couldn't believe it. Was this really how it ended? Was this how I lost Bernie?

"You need to focus, boy," commanded Falcon. "Now is not the time for grief. Focus on defending yourself."

As the shock began to wear off and reality set it, I felt the strong ache caused by the impact. I let out a long groan of pain, but I ground my teeth and tried to fight it back. In place of shock and grief, intense rage began to take hold.

"Come here, fox," said Raptor, who was approaching the hole in the wall. "I'm not done with your ass just yet."

"I... I'm gonna make you pay!" I yelled, enraged. Adrenaline surged through me along with a new determination.

He killed Bernie. I wanted him to regret it.

Filled with energy, I charged at Raptor with all the speed I could muster. It wasn't the perfect sprint, as I was still dizzy, but I was on course. I dashed for him with all the ferocity I could muster. For a moment, I stopped being a superhero, and became a mindless animal in a leotard.

"Oooh, look at the balls on you, eh?" Raptor taunted. "I can't wait to drain 'em dry."

Raptor dashed out of my path, leaving behind a spray of yellow gas from the tip of his robotic tail. I immediately flailed my arms in an attempt to sweep away the smoke, but some of it got in my lungs. I wobbled slightly, feeling dizzier. My eyelids began to feel heavy. I shook my head to try and force away the growing drowsiness.

"What's the matter, superhero?" taunted Raptor, behind me now. "Feelin' sleepy?"

"Knockout gas," said Falcon. "I will try to remove it from your system, but you cannot let that happen again, or you will surely be defeated."

I was too enraged to plan. I simply charged at Raptor a second time. As before, he tried to dash out of the way, but I at least managed to take that into account and tried to change direction at the last moment.

No use. Raptor easily predicted my move and, by the time I reached where he was, there was another jet of sedative gas in my face. I coughed, trying to wave it away as I leapt from my position, but now I was struggling to keep my eyes open. I felt weak, barely able to stand.

Then the robo-tailed gryphon grabbed me from behind without any warning, firmly gripping my biceps and lifting me into the air. I shook my arms and legs to try and wriggle out of his grip, but Raptor wasn't any regular gryphon. Despite my super strength and agility, his artificially-enhanced strength overpowered mine in my drugged state.

"Let... Let go...!" I tried to yell, the cool night air blowing against my bare flailing legs.

Then we were high up in the air, and I felt the bulge in Raptor's leotard pressing into the back of mine. He had me in the perfect position to prevent me from escaping, for if I did, I would surely fall to my death. Then the villain brought his mechanical tail up between his legs and mine, and the tip of the mechanical appendage opened wide like a flower. Within came small pincers that grabbed the fabric of my costume that maintained my posterior modesty, pulling it aside and exposing my rear entrance. The pincers then did the same with the front of Raptor's leotard, pulling the front of the fabric aside.

"Now, let's have some fun..."

I slipped in and out of consciousness, struggling to focus my foggy thoughts, but I did know that Raptor was having his way with me, penetrating me deeply. I heard the distinct sound of moaning, and I realised it was from me. The tip of Raptor's robotic tail was pressing against the crotch of my costume and vibrating, quickly helping to bring me to full arousal in my costume. At this altitude, in this position, there really wasn't much that I could do except give in to the abuse, allowing him to abuse me.

I was vaguely aware of him whispering in my ear as he nibbled my neck with his beak. "Yeah, take it like a good little bitch... Shush now, hot stuff... I'm not gonna kill ya... Don't resist... Shhh... You're mine, now... Almost there... Just cum, little fox..."

But eventually I noticed the sensation of my body shaking as he brought me to orgasm, moaning ever louder. My muscles tensed and convulsed, contracting around my pelvis as my body instinctively emptied the contents of my churning glands into my costume, staining the fabric dark blue with my molten cream as Raptor continued to take me fiercely. At the same time, Raptor came as well, and I felt his warm fluids spilling into my insides, filling me up and making me feel ever warmer. His loud groans of pleasure were hard to miss, even in my half-asleep stupor. Almost a full minute later, my climax fell away to the warm curtain of my afterglow.

Then I felt him slide out of me and let go of my biceps. Weakened, my body went limp as I begin to fall, barely lucid enough to even register that I was falling. Then I felt him wrap his arms around my chest from behind, under my arms, and fly away with me in tow. He gently caressed my chest and abdomen through the fabric of my costume as we flew into the sunset.

"Sleeeeeeep..." said Raptor as his tail came up to eject more gas right into my face.

I moaned softly as the world darkened once again, my lungs filling with the sinister chemical that fully shut down my consciousness, all the while still spurting sporadically into my costume. Then I went under. The sun had set on Streak.


When I woke up, the first thing my tired and still drug-addled mind noticed was that my back was slung over someone's shoulder, belly facing up while my torso was hooked over his back. My arms swayed from side-to-side as I dangled limply. From the metallic tail following in my wake, I judged it was Raptor who still held me. I was still too weak to resist, likely due to the sleeping gas still in my system.

"Remain calm," said Falcon, but his disembodied voice was barely audible in my fuzzy mind. "We will find a way out of this situation."

Our surroundings had completely changed. We were in a wide marble hallway with a red carpet running through the centre. As we travelled through the hallway, I could see one side was lined with three glass tubes. Suspended in each tube and floating peacefully in some kind of liquid were other superheroes. A plaque adorning each tank displaying their names. I couldn't tell whether they were alive or not.

I saw Typhoon in the first tube on the right. The male Nilgiri Tahr with the power to create and control powerful gusts of wind. He had a very classic costume. Golden spandex under crimson trunks, flared boots and gloves, and a cape that covered his shoulders. On his chest was the hurricane symbol that represented him. He was perhaps the most majestic of the fallen heroes here. I remember hearing that he had been captured after a battle where the Vigils, Beacon City's superhero team, went up against some of the city's villains, including Venus, Deception, and some villainess from out of town. That must have been about two months before I met Falcon.

After that I saw Master Fu, the blue-scaled male Qilin with a fiery red mane. He had the ability to use his own life force to improve his different physical and mental attributes, making him stronger, faster, or smarter whenever he needed to be. He wore only a skimpy wrapped grey loincloth. He disappeared without a trace only about a week before I met Falcon.

The third tube contained Minerva, the female mouse-cat hybrid with telekinesis. She wore a high-cut white leotard with a belly window, elbow-length white gloves, tight white boots, and a white headband. Every element had a matte texture, techy details, and mauve accents. She too had been captured, and her villainous sister, Venus, was the one seen snatching her. That was mere days ago.

Then we began to round a corner, and I saw the hero in the tube at the end of the hallway: Streak. My predecessor. Like me, he had white fur and wore a shiny blue leotard and matching blue boots, but unlike me, he was a wolf. His eyes were closed, head angled down as he floated peacefully. His arms were out to his sides and his legs were slightly spread as they hung there. The plaque on his tube didn't give his name, but instead only read "One dumb superhero".

Raptor proceeded into another room, a stairwell, and down a few flights of stairs, then down another corridor. Opening a large mahogany door, he carried me into a new room. The sound of laughing and talking reached my ears.

"Look what I got!" yelled my captor.

"Whoa, nice catch, mate!" said a familiar Australian voice as Raptor took me off his shoulder and held me out by the arms like a limp puppet. Through my squinting eyes, I saw it was Dirtbag, the Doberman made from shiny black slime.

"Oh, marvellous, old bird! Alright then, put the young chap in the restraining device if you don't mind," said someone else with a familiar thick British accent.

Still too weak to resist, I could do nothing as Raptor forcefully shoved my paws and boots into restraints of some kind, closing large contraptions around each of my extremities. Slowly becoming more aware, I saw the restraining mechanism was an upright metal hoop with bulky metal restraints spread evenly around the edges. As the last restraint snapped shut, I was now fully helpless in an upright spread-eagle position.

Raptor stood back, and finally I could get a good look at my new surroundings. The room we were in was old-fashioned. Plush wood panelling lined the walls, like an expensive mansion. There seemed to be no windows. Above us hung fancy chandeliers, and a fireplace sat at the far end of the room where several familiar villains were sitting on couches and armchairs, talking among themselves. They were turned to see what Raptor had caught. I could recognise several of them.

Starsider the female red fox clad in a beautiful gold leotard and matching thigh-high boots, long gloves, and mask covering her head except for her mouth. She was imbued with the power to influence others with her pheromones that she breathed into the lungs of her victims, and was infamous for her seductive prowess.

Venus, the sister of Minerva, who was also a mouse-cat hybrid possessing telekinetic powers. She wore a tight outfit identical to Minerva's, but with aquamarine accents instead of mauve. She was as sinister and conniving as her sister was kind-hearted and brave.

Dirtbag, the Australian Doberman with a body of black slime, well known for his cruelty.

Then Deception, sitting at the end of the table, the suave British jackal in an elegant black tailcoat with the ability to create hallucinations in his victims. One of Beacon City's most infamous gangsters for over a decade, he was an intellectual force to be reckoned with.

All the others I failed to recognise, but they looked like regular gangsters and thugs. There were a ton of them, and I knew I was in trouble. Especially considering they had abandoned their previous activities and were beginning to crowd around my helpless form. As fear piggybacked on my returning faculties, I began to struggle, pulling against the restraints.

"I've been lookin' forward to meetin' you, Streaky!" said Dirtbag, having approached me. "I knew your predecessor VERY well, inside and out!"

He laughed as he looked my lithe body up and down, admiring my form inside my skimpy blue costume. The slime villain then slowly stretched a long, slimy tendril from where his right arm used to be, slithering onto and around my hips before moving over my soft rump under my tail, where it began stroking gently.

"P-Please don't kill me..." I begged, realising the gravity of my situation, surrounded by all these powerful villains.

"Shhh. We're not gonna kill you, Streaky..." said Dirtbag as he continued his molestation of my shivering behind. "We're just gonna completely ruin you."

Dirtbag and the other villains turned to look at Deception, who had just finished setting up a tripod-mounted camera, directly facing me. I felt like I was about to cry.

"Give us a good show, old boy," said Deception. "The whole world is watching this!"

The villains, including the various thugs and gangsters who had approached to watch the spectacle, observed with smug satisfaction as Dirtbag molested me. Without warning, his slimy appendage then slid under my costume before plunging deep inside me. I let out a loud yell of pleasure and pain as the slimy black mass forced its way inside me, pushing up fiercely against my prostate. Instantly I began to throb between my legs, and my early juices began to seep into my leotard, cheeks reddening in humiliation.

Just then, Starsider's fist collided with my stomach, and I ejected a good portion of the air from my lungs in a pained, agonised exhale before hanging my head. It wasn't the worst punch I had ever taken, but Starsider didn't meet much resistance, and Raptor's knockout gas in my system still left me weak. My enhanced strength wasn't hardening my muscles to impacts as much as before. Then another strike, this time from a random thug who had just thrown a punch into the side of my head. Another shoved a fist into my kidney. Deception hit the side of my ribs with a hot fire poker, tearing through the fabric and causing me to shriek loudly from contact with the red-hot metal.

"Falcon... You can put me to sleep, right?" I thought. "I don't wanna endure this."

"I can, but if I do, you will miss any chance of escape you might have. I also lack awareness of your surroundings if you are not awake," responded Falcon. He had a point. I wasn't ever going to escape if I was asleep.

"Let me have a go..." said Venus, raising a paw.

Then she began to make a tickling motion with her fingers, and a wave of pleasure surged up from between my legs as she massaged my sensitive organ with her telekinetic powers, and I couldn't hold in my helpless moans. They laughed as they watched my member bobbing around inside my costume, painting streaks of moisture across the inside of the blue fabric, clearly visible for all to see. It wasn't long before the crotch of my leotard began filling with pre-cum, dripping even. I moaned out loud, unrestrained, chest heaving as my hips threw themselves forward again and again. The pressure in my loins was immense, and all my efforts were focused on not giving my captors the satisfaction of my climax.

"STOP! You're... Mmmmm... You're gonna make me cum...!"

A chuckle rose up from my audience, with Starsider saying: "Ha! He thinks that isn't what we're trying to do! You might as well cum, superhero. I'm sure your adoring fans at home wanna see you make a mess in your little swimsuit!"

"You're already finished, Streak," said Raptor. "No point resisting now. Blow your load for us!"

Their words somehow aroused me as much as their actions. Panting heavily and desperate to climax, I stopped resisting and allowed them to have their way with me. Clearly they were more than happy to see a hero be humiliated like this, and I wondered if this is what the other heroes in the tubes had gone through. I was rapidly approaching my orgasm and the villains weren't slowing in their stimulations, only going faster. While Dirtbag continued to thrust his slimy black tentacle inside me, Venus was telekinetically rubbing me off. I was panting and moaning loudly, the pressure in the crotch of my suit rising further and further.

"I can feel you're just about ready to cum, sweetie!" Venus said. "So hold in there for a second..."

I was teetering on the edge of orgasm, but something suddenly stopped me, as if something was clogging up my internal piping. Venus was preventing me from reaching my climax. I was now utterly lost in pleasure and I couldn't cum. Then, after Starsider tapped a few buttons on the control panel beside the restraining device, the restraining device suddenly began to rotate, turning over backwards, my back facing the ground. Then she had walked between my legs, rubbing her paws along the inside of my thighs, rustling my white fur as she caressed me. At times, she moved her paws to fondle and caress my balls inside my costume. I felt so owned.

"Stop resisting. Give in to us completely and we will allow you your release..." she said.

"P-Please... Mmmmm... Please let... Please let me cum..." I was saying, panting heavily, desperate to finally orgasm in my costume.

"Sorry? I didn't quite catch that, mate," said Dirtbag, leaning into my ear.

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to release so badly, and had no choice but to beg. "Please, let me cum! I wanna cum so badly!"

Dirtbag's slimy appendage was still tethered to me, tucked under the seat of my costume. He was standing right above me, lowering his head to meet my gaze before shoving his gooey snout into my mouth. I could feel his slimy tongue work its way into me, exploring every corner of my mouth in the gooey kiss.

It was then that Venus released her hold, and I screamed in muffled ecstasy as I was hit by my climax, the pressure exploding out into my costume in great relief. My thick cream was oozing from the sides of the fabric as I emptied myself into the shiny leotard. My body seized and bucked against the restraints holding me. The intense climax seemed to go on and on as the villains kept up their molestations, my body and mind now broken and enslaved to ecstasy. The villains were enjoying every moment of this.

Eventually, the event finally concluded, my leotard utterly soaked as the tent in my costume lowered. As I felt a soft warm curtain wrap around my consciousness, Dirtbag withdraw from inside me, slowly sliding his slimy appendage out the back of my costume while disconnecting the 'kiss'.

"There, now. That wasn't so hard, was it?" he teased.

"Awww, did foxy like that?" taunted Venus, ceasing her telekinetic stimulations before extending a paw to cup my parts between my legs through the smooth blue fabric directly. She giggled as she felt me up in the stained costume. "Look! He made a cummy in his costume! How embarrassing!"

"Such a slut! Look how he moans!" taunted Starsider, still caressing my inner thighs. "What a loser!"

"I think we're gonna have a lot of fun with you, Streaky boy!" taunted Raptor. "How does defeat feel?"

Then they reoriented the restraints again until I was once more upright. In time, they brought me to orgasm again in front of the world, then again, and again, for what must have been hours. I completely lost all track time as I continued to lie in my restraints. But it never ended.

The night was long and brutal. I never had a single moment of respite. As soon as one thug was satisfied with me, the next would take his turn. They put my body through all manner of humiliating "uses", making certain to enjoy me thoroughly. Most commonly, after moving the restraints so my belly was facing down, they penetrated me numerous times, to the point that I was sore and endlessly leaking the warm fluids of others. They ensured I came many times too, humiliating me by causing me to climax in my costume countless times. When I wasn't being used, they inserted a vibrator in my behind, making sure I'd always be aroused as the device buzzed against my prostate, resulting in a constant stream of cum. Of course, the camera always caught the whole thing.

Morning came, but there was no relief. I had been fully restrained the whole time, and it never got any more comfortable. After a long night, I was still soaked in the cream of my ruthless captors, costume heavily stained and dripping, and my formerly smooth fur was a mess. The floor beneath me was a puddle of my forcibly extracted fluids. To keep me from biting, Raptor used some more of his sleeping gas to keep me weak, allowing these thugs to penetrate me from both ends, which two were doing as the villains begun piling into the room from the entrance behind me. They always made sure that I swallowed my 'meals'.

"Get screwed, Streak!" one thug had said as he had his way, filling my rear with his seed.

"This is for my bro in the slammer, hero-slut!" said another who took my mouth.

Elsewhere, the more big-name villains who had entered the room were sipping various beverages from elegant glasses as they crowded around their newest trophy: me.

"A toast!" yelled Deception, raising a glass as the thugs finished having their way with me, returning my restraints to an upright position. "To the conquest of our foes and the world!"

The other villains let out a few cheers of their own before chugging down their respective drinks, except for Dirtbag, who couldn't drink, but he didn't seem to mind. Watching me suffer, panting as I dripped the seed of thugs from my abused mouth, was all he wanted. But before Deception could finish his drink, wine by the smell of it, he poured the glass's contents on my head, drenching my fur in the strong scent of booze. As the ice cold liquid seeped down my costume, making me feel even more humiliated and uncomfortable, the other villains and thugs laughed.

"Do yourself a favour, superhero," said Deception, snapping his fingers at some lackeys. "Surrender to us. Right now. Confess your everlasting submission. Admit your defeat and humble yourself forever as a mere possession of the New Revolutionaries. Then we shall cease our torture of your helpless body, and maybe, if you're lucky, we might make you our happy, devoted little servant."

Complying with Deception's command, two thugs approached us with a television on a small wheeled table. A few button-presses later and the screen came to life. It was the Beacon City Morning News. It wasn't the first time I saw Jeremy Johns talking about me, but this was the worst news of all.

"Coverage of the unfortunate demise of the superhero known as 'Streak' continues today with further brutality on the part of his captors," said the reporter, matter-of-factly.

As the villains crowded around me to watch the broadcast for themselves, I closed my eyes and hung my head. I knew I wasn't going to like this.

"Our 'analysts' tell us that Streak has remained suspended throughout the night in his restraints. Responses thus far have been primarily sympathetic, but social media has also demonstrated extensive amusement with Streak's predicament, with some degrading the captured superhero, even going so far as to argue that he pursued this situation out of 'desire', and that he 'looks like he's enjoying it.'"

"Scream your defeat," said Deception, turning back to me. "Submit fully. Tell us how much you surrender. Tell us we've beaten you."

"Admit that you're just a slut," said Venus. "Admit that all you care about is getting to make cummies in your little tights! Isn't that true, you little whore?"

"Come on," urged Raptor, taking my jaw firmly in his grip as he stared me in the eye. "Tell us who owns you."

"You do!" I blurted out, finally relenting. "You own me! I'm your dirty slut!"

One thing was for sure. Any good reputation Streak had was no more. I wasn't that popular to begin with, considering my frequent lack of success and habit of being publicly beaten. But now my defeat had been fully realised. With that, I didn't want to resist any further. I'd accept whatever the villains did to me. There wasn't any reason not to. If I was going to be their pleasure toy, then I might as well just embrace it.

"No, boy," said Falcon. "We are not done. Streak is not dead. Hold on to hope."

Falcon's words left little impact on me. As the villains continued demanding my words of submission, I continued providing them, yelling my total obedience to them. All I wanted was for the torture to end.

"I belong to you! I wanna cum like a good boy!"

My surrender was met with great satisfaction. Villains and thugs laughed and chuckled as I gave myself to them.

Then the room grew quiet. You could hear a pin drop. The energetic atmosphere of the cackling villains just seemed to vanish. A few seconds passed as the sound of fleshy footsteps reached my ears, drawing ever nearer. Opening my eyes, I saw they were looking behind me

I was too tired to move, but I saw her enter my field of vision as she stepped out from behind me. It was a female lizard. No, a snake. She was walking around to my front, moving slowly and at her own pace. Her every movement was gentle and elegant, as if she barely had any bones in her arms and legs. Long red hair hung from the back of her scaly bright green head, and a gold chain with a red jewel at the front hung around her neck. She wore criss-crossing straps of shiny red fabric in the shape of a high-cut bikini, perfectly showing off her lithe and sinuous frame.

"Ahhh, my poor thing," she said. Her voice was indescribably smooth and soft. "Did my associates hurt you?"

I didn't say anything. I was too tired and confused. I didn't need to sleep, but I desperately wanted to.

"Mmmm. Very impressive," she said, just as she began to stroke her scaly hand down my chest. "Strong, yet smooth."

Too tired to focus on anything, I could only register that she was new. I tried to look at her out of the corner of my eye as she circled back around behind me. She trailed a finger over my ribs as she travelled, and it felt surprisingly pleasant. The other villains remained silent as the serpent studied my body.

"So toned. So... well-made," she continued, and now her hand was sliding over my rump, firmly squeezing a cheek in her grip. I let out the softest moan. It was so much gentler than the ruthless abuse I had received all night. "What a body you have, my pet. Truly ripe fruit."

Her other paw came up, reaching around to caress my belly from behind, softly touching me through the fabric while her other hand continued to massage my behind. Her head came up to rest on my shoulder. Her touch was electric, as if sending jolts of pleasure through my costume and straight into my nerves. It was a gentle, loving touch. Almost a motherly touch. Her hand on my belly trailed lower before she began sliding a finger in circles around the bulge in my costume, softly brushing the somewhat matted fur on my inner thighs. Then her hand closed around my rapidly expanding package, gently feeling up my balls inside the blue fabric.

"Productive too," she said, softly moving the contents of her enclosed hand up and down. I moaned louder then. "So needy too! Such a good boy."

She giggled slightly as my member began to throb and bounce yet again within the wet fabric in grip. But, inciting what may have been a sigh of disappointment from me, she withdrew her hand, leaving the tent in my costume in open view of the chuckling villains.

"Ahh. So responsive and sensitive."

Then that same hand pulled at the edge of the fabric of one of my leg holes, and I felt the cool air slightly brush my privates, all while her other hand was firmly holding my behind, tightly pushing the rear fabric of my costume into my entrance with her fingers. This sure woke me up.

"Your slave uniform suits you. Perhaps you wear it because it arouses you?"

I remained silent as my faculties slowly returned as a result of her massaging.

The hand stretching the fabric of my leg hole suddenly slid inside, smoothly grasping my member. Her scales felt incredible on my sensitive flesh, and she immediately began to pump, drawing more chuckles from the villains. Meanwhile, the hand on my behind had changed position. She was reaching it around and up, towards my throat, as her fingers danced up the fabric over my belly and chest.

"So..." Then her hand reached my neck, and she cupped my jaw. "...handsome."

"Ahhhh...!" I moaned, loudly, as her rapid pumping between my legs filled me with pleasure. Yet she was so gentle, and definitely more than the other villains. Whereas their goal was to humiliate and use me, it was as if the beautiful serpent woman was simply interested in pleasuring me for my own sake.

"There you go, my sweet pet. Embrace it. Embrace me. Now, tell me, what's your name?"

I gritted my teeth tightly, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of hearing me moan in response to her manipulations, but a pathetic whine came through regardless. I refused to speak. I surrendered to the villains, but I wasn't giving anyone my name. I only ever wanted Bernie to use my name.

She chuckled. "Oh, sweet pet, you don't have to keep anything from me." Then, with her other paw at my jaw, she turned my head to face her in the eyes. "Anything."

Her eyes were shimmering with light. Concentric circles of beautiful, glistening colours were flowing outward from the centres of her vision. I was instantly captivated, unable to look away. Those colours, spreading outward, seemed to consume my own vision, and soon they were all I could see. I felt so warm, safe, and relaxed. All strain just fell from my body, and all thought vanished into a soft ocean of mental bliss. It felt so good to stare. With all tension gone, I began to moan freely as she pumped my sensitive organ inside my costume.

"No, boy!" urged Falcon, but his voice had grown quiet, and was continuing to fall away, like a memory I didn't care to recall. "She's taking control of your--"

Then I could no longer hear him at all.

"Now, tell me. What's your name, my pet?" she asked. The beauty of her voice seemed to be amplified. It was the most amazing thing I had ever heard. I'd do anything for her at that moment.

"Matthew Walker..." I said, without hesitation. I didn't know why, only that I needed to obey. My voice was monotone but relaxed. There was no emotion. Only this insatiably desire to act upon the will of my serpent captor. "But... I call myself 'Streak'."

"There's a good boy," she said. Though my vision was filled with those beautiful colours in her eyes, I somehow knew that she was smiling warmly, and it made me feel so good. "Yes, I know your alias. But tell me, now, where your gifts came from, won't you?"

Her pumping inside my costume had slowed, and my moans grew softer. "From Falcon..." I continued. "He's from another universe... He chose me for my potential for good and gave me my powers... He told me to use them to... to fight evil."

"Interesting. And where do you live...?"

"Nowhere... I don't have a home..."

"Oh, that's so sad," she said, and I felt a legitimate tinge of sadness from her. "But don't worry. From now on, you'll be mine forever, and I'll give you a home"

Then it was over. Those beautiful colours were gone, and my thoughts were my own again.

"Boy, you cannot let that happen again!" said Falcon, his voice loud and clear in my mind once more. "Do not allow pleasure to be your undoing as it was for your predecessor!"

"What..." I stammered, closing my eyes in response to Falcon's warning. My head continued to rest in her gentle palm. "What did you...?

I felt as if I had woken up from a long sleep. My body felt weak, but rejuvenated. I felt a deep longing to return to that paradise. To that beautiful bliss of absolute contentment and peace. Now that it was gone, the world felt like a darker place. I was dizzy.

"I hypnotised you, my pet," she said, pleased with herself as she continued to pleasure my newly relaxed body. "I placed you under my complete control. It is my innate power. None have been able to resist me, but none have failed to enjoy the experience of their minds succumbing to my will. None can deny the immense pleasure of losing their free will to me. It is true bliss, and I can enforce my will upon you permanently at any time. Especially if you give yourself to me willingly."

Her masturbating became fiercer. I let out a loud moan once again as she pleasured me faster, and I was already beginning to teeter on the edge of climax, but I kept my eyes closed.

"I... I'll never give myself to you..." I breathed. With my new energy came a new desire to resist. This reprieve from my torture allowed me to think somewhat more clearly.

She smiled. "I can tell. You have the fire of a hero in you. But heroics won't be necessary anymore, my pet. Your old life is long gone. Part of you wants this. I saw into your mind and felt your deep, warm, powerful desire to submit to another. That is all you. You want to belong to me."

"N-No... No!" I said, louder, but my voice broke as my hips violently thrust into her expert grip between my legs.

"Don't resist your own desires," she said with a chuckle. "You long to submit to one who can love and care for you. I can give you a warm home. I can be your loving mistress, watching over you for the rest of your life. You will be happier than you can possibly imagine."

"I... No! Never!" I said, almost yelling, as I opened my eyes again. "I won't--"

I shouldn't have opened my eyes.

"Shush now," she said. Her eyes were spiralling once again. Those circles of beautiful colour consumed my mind for the second time. Any and all resistance ceased to exist. I was in paradise once again as she began to pleasure me faster.

"Good boy. Now, cum for Mistress."

"Ahhhh!" I moaned, right in her face, as my orgasm hit me. I furiously gyrated my hips in her grip, thrusting my throbbing member in her hand as I unloaded my warm fox cream into the thin blue fabric, quickly drenching it and turning my costume dark blue between my legs once again.

My screams of pleasure, right in her face, were cut short when she kissed me herself, connecting her scaly snout to my furred muzzle. I felt her tongue sliding around inside my maw, her saliva merging with my own. I moaned into her mouth as the intense pleasure continued to overwhelm my fragile, shaking body. Her seductive eyes remained open, and my drooping eyes somehow managed to do the same. I was incapable of averting my gaze from those spirals. I needed them. More than anything.

The villains chuckled as they watched me unload, amused once more by the sight of my stained costume. The ordeal was so intense and long that my copious quantities of fluids dripped to the floor from my leg holes as I continue to cum in the serpent's scaly grip.

After what seemed like forever, she finally drew back, sliding her long, forked tongue out of my mouth. My climax ended then, leaving me panting excessively. Then the spirals were gone again, and my mind was free again.

"A very impressive climax," she said, her voice still so soothing and seductive. I had fallen in love with it, but I knew I had to resist.

I felt confused. How much time had really passed? After being in her trance twice, lucidity felt like a dream. Being under her spell was the only thing that felt real. I had lost track of time. Was any of this even real? Was I Streak, or was I the obedient, adoring slave of my Mistress? I wasn't sure, but I needed to shake off my confusion and embrace who I was. Surely I was the superhero named Streak? Surely my mind belonged to me?

"P-Please... stop..." I begged. I closed my eyes once again. "I don't... wanna be a slave. You've... You've humiliated me enough!"

"Don't be afraid, pet," she was saying, caressing my jaw. "We both know you love this."

"But... I don't want this!" I said, loudly, as I gritted my teeth.

"Part of you does. We both know it. I promise you will enjoy your new life. You shall be an excellent slave, bodyguard, and warrior in my new world. You'll love every moment of it. It's time to surrender, superhero."

But alas, in my confusion, I opened one of my eyes just slightly. It was enough for me to see those spirals a third time. Then my other eye opened obediently. I was in her power once again.

"I am your Mistress," she said, firmly. "I am everything to you. Your life revolves around me and my will. Forevermore, you shall know absolute obedience to me. You would die for me."

"Y-Yes... Mistress..." I responded. Her power was forceful as her words penetrated my mind. They became ingrained in my thoughts. I heard them echoing through my head, again and again, where Falcon's voice used to be.

"Pleasure and obedience are one in the same," she continued. "Serving me is bliss. Your life is submission to your mistress. You exist for my pleasure. Your body and mind belong to me. You are mine."

"Yes, Mistress... I am yours, Mistress..." I said again, eyes wide open as I embraced her words readily.


Indeed, I came yet again, arms and legs pulling against my restraints as yet another orgasm shook my slender body, expelling what little remained of my seed into my costume. As the ordeal dragged on, the spirals in my Mistress' eyes vanished. I broke her gaze as she removed her hands from my body, and my head aimed upward as I moaned loudly in unending ecstasy. She stood in front of me, watching with satisfaction as I filled my costume once again.

When my climax finally ended, and I discovered my vision was clear of those beautiful colours, she reached a finger to my chin, aiming my head up at her. "Who do you love, my pet?"

The words came to me without a second of thought. Words that felt normal and right. "You, Mistress!" I professed, mind and body filled with lust and adoration of the goddess that stood before me. "I love you with all my heart and soul! I'd do anything for you!"

"There you go. Isn't that better?"

"Yes, Mistress! Thank you so much for enslaving me! I... I'm so happy!"

Every word was pure, honest truth. Or rather, it was now.

Grinning with satisfaction, she took a few steps to the side to press a few buttons on the nearby control panel. The restraining device re-oriented itself, moving my legs together as the bulky restraints enclosing my boots and paws creaked open. Freed, I fell to the floor as my weakened and wobbly legs gave out from under me into the puddle of cum that had gathered on the floor after the many hours of forced release. I landed on all fours before I slowly lifted my back, now sitting on my knees. It felt so good to be on my knees in front of Mistress. It felt like the most natural position in my life, like I was born this way.

She moved to stand in front of me, reaching a hand down to hold my chin. "Your uniform is soiled with your submission," she was saying. "Your mind is filled with a desire to serve your Mistress. You completely and utterly belong to me."

"Yes, Mistress..." I responded, gazing up at my beautiful owner.

"Your new life begins now," She lifted a scaly hand up to my snout, tilting my head up for her to stare me in the eyes. "You're a good little pet, aren't you? Show me. Show us. Bring pleasure to yourself."

I knew exactly what she wanted, and I complied. I moved one paw to the sticky spandex enclosing my meat, already throbbing in her presence, and I grasped myself firmly to rub rapidly with wild abandon. With my other paw, I grasped my balls through the seat of my leotard, squeezing and rolling them softly.

"Yes. Show the world you'll do anything for me! Show the world how much you belong to me! Show the world what waits in store for them!"