Healing Love - Chapter 15

Story by Mirron Tenshi on SoFurry

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#15 of Healing Love

Healing Love

Chapter 15: Christmas

By: Mirron Tenshi

Winter has arrived, our lion's favorite time of year. Unfortunately, the amount snow disappeared before Allen could fully enjoy Winter. Max, however, had other plans. We now continue to where we left off where Max reveals to Allen where they are.


"Oh my God!" I looked quickly around. All I can see is snow and a forest! And then there's a big cabin!

Before I can react, I feel myself leaving the ground, and into Max's arms.

"This was our Winter home when I was a cub." He told me. "Been ages since I seen this old place . . ." I kept smiling as I kissed his muzzle. He kissed me back in a passion as he somehow unlocked the door and carried me in. There was already a large pine Christmas tree with boxes from my closet that I guessed are the ornaments from our house.

We then started a fire in the hearth and allowed it to fill the cold as we warped a long line of clear electric lights around the tree, the tiny bulbs illuminating us and the room. We then took some blue and white garland and wrapped it around the shining tree. Finally, we adorned the tree with unique and intricate Christmas ornaments and colorful glass orbs. Me and Max both put the star on the tree, making me blushing as we held the topper in each other's paws.

Once we finished decorating our beautiful tree, I took Max by the paw, and laid him down in front of the fire. I crawled onto him, and started to nibble his lips. He purred as gently wrapped his arms around me. I lay myself on top of Max as I licked the inside of his mouth, lapping around his muzzle while he stroked my smooth and soft mane. I rubbed his soft and firm pec and purred while he moaned quietly into our smooching.

I broke the kiss and held up myself above him as my tail hovered above the floor. I looked endearingly into his green eyes. "I love you so much, Max. Thank you for bringing me here." He grinned as he brushed his palm on the right side of my face.

"To be honest, I never really cared for a white Christmas, until, well, a week ago," I giggled as he kissed me again, "I know this makes you happy, so I brought you to my winter home. Besides, I'm starting to like the snow. Spending Christmas with you . . . Up here in the mountains . . . Just you and me . . ." I smiled gleefully as I kissed him again got up on my knees.

"Now let me show you how much you mean to me~"

He smiled as I kissed his neck several times. I took a moment to pull his shirt over his head, and casually threw it aside. I smooched down his pec, purring as I nuzzled his chest. "Ohh Allen . . ." He purred as I licked and nipped at his abs, lightly dragging my fangs down his fur. I then came to his pants. I unbuckled his jeans and pulled them down. I nudged the bulge in his briefs, pressing my nose on it and took a deep sniff of his manly scent. I licked from under his bulge and over it. Max voiced out his breathing a little as I licked and suckled his round package.

I then moved up, and put my fangs onto his waistband, and then started to yank his undies away. My tiger giggled as I tugged his musky briefs away from his bobbing dick as soon as it flopped out of his underpants. After taking a deep whiff of his manly smell, I tossed aside his underwear, and softly took his length by the base and brought it to my mouth. He inhaled deeply and sighed while I gently suckled his member. I sank my mouth down, causing him to hiss and moan while I reached under myself, and undid my own pants with my free arm, my own dick already hard and drooling. I slurped away from his groin in order to take in the sight of his throbbing meat in the firelight. The image is so rustic, I can just paint a picture of it, but I don't have any paint or a canvas, so I'll just have to make do with what I got.

He shivered in anticipation as I licked the single drop of pre from his dick.

I then took the glanns into my lips and suckled on the head. Max moaned as I licked the underside of the head. I scritched his sides while I vibrated his juicy meat with my purring. "Oh Allen, that feels so good . . ." He moaned out as he patted the back of my head, causing me to grunt and deep throat him. I then ran my fingers over his nipples. He cooed weakly as I pressed my thumbs in on his nips and played with hard nubs. Max began to growl heatedly as I squeezed my lips around his thick shaft. I stopped playing with his nipples to softly handle his sac and I used my other paw to jerk off my own throbbing cock.

"Ooooooh, yeah, baby. Umf, keep sucking . . . Ahhhhh yes . . . Mmmmm" He sighed out as he lifted his lower body upwards a little. I stopped jerking myself in order to readily take his sides and swallow his entire cock!

"AH! Ohhhh!" Max moaned as I deep-DEEP throated him. Agh, I'm REALLY doing my best to hold myself from gagging.

I yanked back from his length and gasped for breath, coughing and hacking as Max's rod spurted out pre. "Hey, babe, are you alright?" Max asked worriedly as he sat up to pad my shoulder. I rubbed my throat and talked hoarsely.

"I-I'm fine. *Ahgm* I wanted to try something new is all. Now get back down, kitty." I added seductively as I pushed him down.


Max grinned as he laid back down. I then lowered my head back down as I took his soft sac into my muzzle and cradled his balls in my mouth. "Oh, you're so kinky, Allen." I purred as I suckled his jewels. I felt his pre leak onto my muzzle as I let go of his orbs, and moved up. I then straddled onto his lap, growling lowly as his member rubbed the crevice of my ass. I rubbed my rear back, and lowered myself down upon his meat.

Max bit his lip, and took my hips as I steadily went down on him. He hissed, and huffed as I took in his thick cock. "Ahhhhh, Maaaax~!" I moaned as I rose myself up and down, "You're so big, ahhh!" I yelped and purred when I felt Max's paw give me a hard spank.

"Oh, FUCK yeah, kitty." He thrust into me as soon as I sat onto his lap. I soon started to bob myself up and down at a steadier pace. "OOHHHhhhh!" Max moaned more and more as he lifted his rump up and down, in a perfect pattern to which I'm pleasuring him.

Max grabbed my hips and rocked his pelvis into me, injecting his pre-juices into me. He bit his lip as he undulated under me. I huffed and moaned as I felt his 9 inches dig deeper into my rear. I put my paws behind my head, and rolled my hips around, "Ahhh~! AhhhhH! AwwwhHHH!"

"God, you're so fucking hot, Allen!" Max growled as he gave another sharp slap to my ass as he railed up into me. He pressed his body against my bottom, and circled around, stirring my insides. I moaned out loud as his cock kept passing around my prostate. I bounced myself up and down on top of him, squeezing his tool inside my ass, pulling his dick around, as if to draw the cum out, drop by drop.

Max growled more and more as he pressed his head down on the floor. "OW!" I felt 10 sharp pricks poke into my sides, "Babe! Claws! CLAWS!" Max snarled sharply as his hips bucked right into me, injecting his manly juices into my anus and overflowing my asshole! Aw man, I can feel his hot milk trickling around my anal ring.

With his man-gravy filling me up, I grabbed my member, and started jerking myself over him while grabbing and massaging my balls, looking fully at Max. I take in Max's spawled out body. Oh God, Max is soooo hot laying there like that, just resting and letting his body breathe. Max licked his muzzle, looking dazed yet hungrily at my throbbing cock. "Cum for me babe," He said with his seductive growl, "I want you all over me."

I tilted my head back and moaned as I squeezed harder and stroked faster. I looked back down and just gazed at his beautiful body, his broad chest, the carved abs, his thick and muscular arms. And then his sultry eyes and very suggestive grin. I panted more as I squeezed hard and stroked faster on my throbbing rod as I let Max's naked fur put my sense over the edge. I squeezed my sac as I moaned and snarled loudly as I soon shot my climax all over Max's belly. I panted, hardly able to keep myself up as I painted my tiger with my hot semen. Then I pulled myself off of him, his limb penis flopping out from me, went low onto him, and started to lick my thick, salty-sweet cream off of him. In a few minutes, I completely cleaned up my cute tiger. I then laid next to him and cuddled his furry body. I mewed as I felt his juices trickle from my taint.

"Hmph, you only came on me so that you have an excuse to lick my fur." He chuckled out. I smiled at him and scratched his face fur softly.

"I assure you, kittycat, I don't need an excuse." Max giggled as I nipped at his chin, licking and nuzzling his fur. I cuddled close to him as our arms wrapped around each other.

The next morning, I'm waking up in some bed, in what I presume to be the bedroom. I guess I konked right out I shot my load. I rolled onto my side, only to find Max gone. "Hm?" I looked to my left to see a slip of paper. I picked it up and read it to myself:

"Dear Allen,

Went to the village to get some groceries.

I'll be back in a little while."

Love, Max.

I smiled as I set down the paper, and then moaned and stretched. I'm such in a good mood right now.

I got up out bed and felt a shiver. Even with fur, it's getting cold in here. "Dang, doesn't this place have a heater?" I then went to the fireplace to light up some kindling, before throwing in a couple of logs. I rubbed my paws together in front of the slowly burning fire. I quickly threw on a sweater and a pair of jeans. When I'm distanctly warmed up, I walked into the kitchen for some cocoa. I looked to the side, and found a digital thermostat, which I quickly switched on.

I opened one cabinet, only to find it empty. I moved to the right to open the next one, just to see it empty as well. I opened each one to find nothing but dust and one or two cobwebs. I even went to the refrigerator to find that not only was it empty too, but it was unplugged, which only made sense since this place is ALREADY a freezer.

"Heck, where are all the tumble weeds?" I asked myself before my stomach growled. "Dang it, where's Max?"

My ears perked up as I heard the doorknob click and the door opened, followed by a - "Sweetie, I'm home!"

I smiled as I rushed over to the door to help Max with the groceries. "Hey babe, missed you!" I said as I kissed him. He smiled back as he returned the kiss.

"It's only been about an hour, sweetie."

"You have no idea how long that is." I said as I giggled and kissed at his neck. He laughed as I smooched and nipped at under his chin.

"YOU'RE rather playful this morning." I grinned at him and kissed his lips. "Would it have something to do with the snow?"

"Hmmmm, perhaps." Max grinned and kissed me one more time.

"C'mon, help me unload the car." He said as he led me to his S.U.V.

I grunted as Max unloaded a huge box onto me. "Umf! What da heck is in here?"

"One of Rick's co-workers is a bloodhound and I had him do us the favor of tracking down each other's gifts and had Ashley wrap them - you know how flamboyant she is, right?" I lugged the box into the cabin and gently put it down and sighed loudly as my arms unloaded the heavy load.

"Ugh . . . How'd she know which is for whom?" I asked him.

"Well, I told her what I had bought and everything else would be yours."

In minutes, I specifically arranged all the presents under the tree and took a step back. I turned my head to see Max giving me an ornate red & green mug that had some steaming hot chocolate and melty marshmallows. He half hugged me as we looked over our tree. "Yep, it's a real beauty." I nuzzled him playfully, causing him to chuckle and pur. We then spent the next couple of hours watching a couple of Christmas movies, us snuggling and sipping our hot beverages. Max licked my muzzled because I got a little foam on me.

I then sprung up and pulled up Max. "C'mon, Max, We're goin' out!" He smiled as I dragged him up

"Aw, do we have to? Ow!" He winced as I thwacked his ear with my fingers.

In minutes, we were out and playing in the snow. As usual, I'm having the time of my life in the snow! I jumped and romped in the cold powder while Max followed suit.

I spotted a small bush-tree. I dashed over there, got under it, and shook it like a crazy person! "RRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!" I growled and laughed as I felt the unforgiving chill pierce run down my neck and fur.

"Jeez, Allen, aren't you freezing with all that snow in your mane?" I looked up at him, grinning.

"Nope! Not at all!" I said with a several shivers. Though, I have to admit, I wish I didn't just shake that tree. He smiled and wrapped an arm around me.

"You know, tigers love water, but aren't lions supposed to love the sun?" I grinned evilly as I picked up a single snowball in 2 seconds out of the white blanket.

"Not this Panthera Leo."

"Oh, snap!" He panicked and began to make a run for it. I chuckled as I launched the frozen projectile at him, narrowly missing his right ear. "Run for it! He's gotta cannon!" Max yelled out as he reached a few kids playing nearby. I walked through the snow.

"Max, Max, Max! You're getting children involved? Tsk, tsk, tsk!" With that, I scooped up several icy spheres and sent them flying for Max and the other kids.

"Get'im!" A deer said as he packed in a snowball and threw it at me. I quickly countered it with another snowball, shrapnels of ice slush scattering.

"You can hide, you can run, but you'll never get me!" I declared as I threw five softly flying orbs at the kids, the worst damage being a small pad on their jackets, but still sending screamers at Max, what with him being a grownup and all. I took up one more snowball and jetted through the snow for him. The kids came to his defense by trying to take me out, but I easily dodged them and jumped over a barn owlet to continue for Max.

Max constantly looked back, knowing he can't outrun me. He turned fully around when I am just about to tackle him. As I leapt at him, Max bashed a ball of snow onto the top of my mane, while I dropped both of us into the snow, us smashing a snowball on each other's heads, laughing and waling from the ice and cold. When we stopped rolling down the hill, I kissed his cheek as he groaned loudly from the snow in his fur. "I love you." His teeth chattered as he nodded. "Hehehe, had enough, sweetie?" I think I am too; you know to call it a day with you have stashes of ice slip into your underwear. BRRR!

"M-Mhm!" He shivered and moaned as we got up, quickly brushed any snow off of us, and began to alway

"Awwww, don't go now, it was getting fun!" A young bunny called out. I smiled and turned around.

"Sorry kids! I'll be back out tomorrow!" The kids smiled as they went back to playing, looking forward to play with us again. "I'm sorry for roughing you like that, sweetheart. Got a bit over-excited." He shivered and nodded.

We got into the warm cabin, and quickly stripped off the ice-ridden clothes, and hung them up. Jeez, even got some snow clinging to my boxershorts! I closed the curtains and got out of my undies, and went to fetch my bathrobe.

I spent the next while chopping up some veggies and roast some chicken, preparing my chicken soup. Within the hour, I am pouring the rich, hearty broth with various ingredients into two bowls, including a couple of dinner rolls.

"Soup's on!!" I called out as I came in. "Oh, baby . . ." There Max is on the couch, huddled up in his own robe, with at least 3 blankets securely wrapped around him like a cocoon, "C'mon, sweety, I didn't get you THAT bad."

*6 Days Later*

This week went by kinda fast, but I'm making sure to enjoy every bit of snow that this mountain has to give. It's already clear that Max is still not a fan of snow, but the fact that he's starting to love it because of spending time with me is really . . . I don't know, it shows that he cares.

And now it's Christmas Eve. We have just gotten back from a Christmas party that the local village was throwing. Max got a little carried away with the spiked punch, and now he's gotten a little tipsy.

"An' was's wid all 'th'e sno? Iss like, e'ry ware, y'know?"

"Yes, it does have that effect." I don't care for people when they drunk. I don't know why, but it just makes me feel uncomfortable.

"Hehehehe, yer a funny pussy kat." I put him on the bed and undressed him, him giggling as I took off his pants, revealing a large outlined bulge in his green underwear with the red holly berries printed on the crotch. "Yu kno' 'bout tha' one thing 'bout turni' me ahn?"

"Not now Maxie, I'm not up to it tonight, I'm kinda tired."

"Aw, c'mon, sessy, can't we jusss . . .juss." He fell back and went right to sleep. I smiled as I turned him over and covered him up. I kissed his muzzle as I got into bed too.

The next morning, I wake up to the sound of Max brushing his teeth and moaning a little. Got up and padded over to him. He just spat out the water when he saw me in the mirror. "Mmmmm, hi sweetie." He grogged out. I smiled and kissed him. I kept my voice soft and low as I softly rubbed his noggin.

"Morning baby. Hang over?"

"Just a little headache, that's all." I kissed him again.

"Good. Merry Christmas, by the way." His ears perked up.

"Oh, yeah! It IS Christmas." I chuckled as I took his paw and lead him to the tree. I blushed as I felt him pat my butt. "Love the Santa shorts, by the way." The boxers I'm wearing is red cotton with a thin layer of soft white fuzz on the rims, and it's slightly snug, just like how I know how Max likes it when I show off what I got in my underwear.

We got right to the presents. I got some pretty cool stuff from my family, especially the white sweater Max's grandmother knitted for me with the silver kanji on it. "What does this one mean?" I asked him.

"Moon, and the one on mine says water." He added as he put on a black sweater with a blue kanji. Max then gave me his present for me, blushing as he did so. I opened it to find a box with Japanese text around the plastic window. It looks like black and red spandex wrist and ankle bands, red and black jockstrap, and a red head band with a black button with the kanji for "Heat" on it. My face went red hot as I saw the erotic present.

"Errr . . . Max?"

"It's called the Hot Band System Connection . . ."

"I remember seeing this thing in an erotic store when we were in Japan. I totally forgot to go back and get it!" This is half true. I did see it and I did consider buying it, but it I think it cost over $200 dollars, and after paying for the Ero-Wear, I just put it out of my mind. I put it aside and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much, sweety." He nuzzled me lovingly.

"Not at all, sweetie."

"Now . . . Let me get you MY present~" I went under the tree to search, but . . . There's nothing left. "Huh?" Where is it? I looked all the way around the tree, but nothing. I dug through the sea of wrapping paper, but I can't find it. "No, no, no, no, no!"


"Dammit . . . Dammit . . . It's not here!"

"Allen, sweetie-"

"Didn't you say that a bloodhound found our gifts?"

"Honey, sweetie, it's ok! Calm down." Max came to me and rubbed my shoulders. "Sweetie, it's ok you can give it to me when we get home." I looked down and nodded. Dammit, I hate it when this type of thing happens. I can get really anal and irritated sometimes. I turned around and smiled at Max.

"Ok . . . Thank you for understanding." He nuzzled me and purred.

"No prob, baby." We got into bed and cuddled together, looking into the morning-it window to see it raining softly with some large snowflakes.