{--From The Water--} Chpt. 2: New

Story by Kybal_Lutra on SoFurry

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#2 of --{From The Water}--

So, here is Chpt. 2 of my new series. It begins right where we left off, with Josh and Jimmie expressing their true feelings for each other, making love, and then beginning their change. Hopefully, I'll be able to explain where Josh truly came from, who his parents were, and Jimmie's role in all of this. Once again, I hope you enjoy the story and leave comments after you read it. Constructive criticism is always welcome!

Thanks for reading!


_WARNING! The story your about to read contains sex between two males. DO NOT READ if your under 18 years of age...but if you are then I guess you're gonna read it anyway. Whatever, just enjoy it and try not to masturbate where anyone can see you. Unless you're reading with a friend(s) and you decide to wack off together. Have fun no matter how you choose to read! ^_^ _

_ {--From The Water--} _

_ Chpt. 2 - New _

The pain was so intense! My body was burning up...well the part that was out of the water, that is. I realized that the ocean water was soothing the pain and burning in my legs, which were submerged. Quickly, I fell down into the water, pushing my entire body underneath. The pain was instantly reduced to a dull throbbing and the heat dissipated at once. I moved back into the deeper water so that it was easier for me to stay submerged. Eventually though, I had to come up for air. I pulled my head up and out of the water, expecting the pain to return to my head, but nothing happened. I stood up slowly, realizing that the pain was gone, only to be replaced with a dull throbbing in my feet. I looked around and saw Jimmie. He had done the same as me and had moved back to the deeper water. He swam over and we looked at each other, wide eyed and scared out of our minds.

"What the hell is happening, Josh?" he asked.

I was about to answer when the throbbing in my feet quickened. There was still no pain, only an intense feeling that's kind of hard to explain. I laid back in the water and brought my feet up, looking at them with wonder in the bright moonlight. My tan skin had changed to a dark black color. I brought my leg up higher and saw that the black color was rapidly racing down my legs. As it reached my thighs, I touched my new skin with my hands. It felt rubbery and slick, like a dolphin or an orca's skin does. The inside of my thighs turned white, while the outside turned black. The change reached my waist and I watched in amazement as my stomach and chest turned white, but was confused as to why my balls and penis had remained unchanged. Next, the white color changed back to black as it reached my arms, shoulders, neck, and head. As the change went towards my head, I felt my hair sort get sucked into my new slick skin, leaving my head smooth and flat. I looked over at Jimmie and saw that the same changes were taking place with him, only they he seemed to be changing into something else then what I was turning into. His skin was grey everywhere except for his chest and stomach, which were both white like mine were.

I came to the conclusion that we were turning into some sort of hybrid animals. I was becoming an orca whale and Jimmie was either turning into a dolphin or a shark. I suddenly felt my nose throb and begin to push outward, my mouth following along. I felt my tongue begin to grow larger and felt it become more mobile than before. I moved it around my new beak and I felt rows of sharp teeth beginning to push out of my newly expanded gums. My nose had rounded out, melding with the top of my beak when, suddenly, I couldn't breath through it anymore. I reached up and felt the top of my round beak and found no nose at all. There was an intense feeling towards the top of my head and suddenly, I could breathe again. I reached my hand up towards the back of my head and felt my new blowhole. I could still breath through my mouth, but my blowhole seemed to have taken over for my nose. I felt the throbbing spread throughout my entire body once again, pulsing inside each muscle. I felt myself growing bigger and more muscular. My smooth stomach was suddenly sporting a sexy six-pack and my pecs were huge, and I suddenly realized that I my nipples had grown and turned black. I felt my arms and legs growing bigger and more muscular. My feet cramped up and I felt them becoming longer and more flexible. I brought one of them up and looked at it with amazement. I now only had four toes, each one webbed together by new skin.

Suddenly, my spine was throbbing and I felt something pushing out. I leaned forward a bit and reached back to find that I now had a dorsal fin on my back. The throbbing moved from my spine to just above my ass. I felt an intense pushing outward and I leaned forward with my hands on my knees. For about 30 seconds, the pushing/pulsing sensation continued, and then it stopped. I leaned back and felt around my ass. My hand bumped into something large and slick. I turned my head around, finding that I had much more flexibility now than I had had as a human. I saw that I had an orca tail, which was black on the top and bottom. My tail was very thick starting above my ass, but it tapered down more and more until the end, which had two large fins on either side. I gasped as I felt my new appendage and smiled as I moved it around on my own, getting used to the new feelings.

After getting used to my tail, the throbbing moved to my groin. I felt and watched as my balls changed color, going from light pink to dark black, taking on the slick texture of the rest of my body. They grew larger and larger between my legs until they were each about the size of a softball. My cock was also growing larger, going from 5 inches soft, to about 8 ½. A piece of skin started to grow and it covered my entire length, forming a sheath which also turned black. I felt my larger dick inside of me and I began to get hard. It slowly emerged from my new sheath, and it quickly grew to about 13 ½ in length and was about 3 inches in width. I gasped as I saw it's new color. The top half of my cock was black, while the bottom side was white. I noticed that my cock still retained it's human characteristics, having a head at the end instead of becoming pointy and worm-like as orca's was.

I realized that my transformation was finished. I examined my new body with wonder. I had grown at least a foot and a half, leaving me at a huge 7". My new body looked like it had been sculpted by a God. I had bulging muscles, not like a body builders but much bigger than average. I could see much clearer in the night than I could have before and I looked at my reflection in the water. My beak was opened in awe of myself and I saw rows of my sharp teeth inside. I looked at the side of my head to find that my ears had disappeared, and yet I could still hear everything clearly. My jaw and the front of my neck were white skinned, which continued down to my chest and stomach. I turned around and looked at my tried to see my backside. My dorsal fine protruded about 3 or 4 inches off of my back. However it was not pointed like a sharks, it was rounded and it slowly tapered off back into my spine. I lifted my tail and looked at my ass again. I pulled my cheeks apart and saw that the inside of them was also white, which I thought was extremely sexy.

I realized that, because of my own changes, I had forgotten about Jimmie. I slowly turned my new body towards him and gasped at what I saw.

He was beautiful. He was a God. He was mine.

He was the same height as me, and he looked even more muscular then I was. He had beautifully white skin exactly where mine was, but where mine was black, his was grey. His balls were huge and I could tell that his sheath definitely held a python of a cock within it's depths. His tail hung off behind him, moving in small circles. His beak was a bit smaller and a little more pointed then mine. He stood there, with his eyes closed, simply breathing in and out.

Slowly, I walked up to him, my legs making ripples that bounced off of his body and came back to mine. I stood in front of him and put a hand on his shoulder, sliding my slick fingers along his equally slick skin. He opened his eyes and I looked into them, seeing the most beautiful shade of purple I had ever seen.

"Are you ok, Jim?" I asked, my voice sounding deeper.

"I love you Josh. I love you so much!" he gasped before he embraced me.

I held him close, running my hands down his back, feeling the hard muscle beneath, tracing the curves with my fingers. We simply stood there, hugging each other, not knowing what had happened to us or why or what we were going to do. All we knew was that we had each other and that, together, we would make it though what ever laid ahead of us.

I pulled back a bit and stroked his beak. He looked at me and smiled, showing rows of sharp teeth. He leaned in opened his beak and, for the first time, we kissed in our new bodies. It was awkward at first, but, slowly, we got used to it. I got brave and slid my longer, more mobile tongue into his beak and tasted him for the first time. He tasted like the best food I had ever had and that only increased my lust for him. Our tongues battled, slapping each other and dripping saliva down our new bodies. Both of our lengths were growing harder and harder, pushing up in between our bodies, almost forcing us apart. I gave him a long lick across his beak, my tongue gliding along his smooth skin. I pulled back and smiled at him.

"Jim, will you fuck me?" I asked.

We were both so horny. If I had to guess, I would say that the change had increased our sexual desires as well as our bodies.

"Of course, love." he replied with a smile.

I turned around and waited for him. He walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders, which he slowly started to massage. His touch was electric and I moaned out load with desire. He worked his was down my back, reaching around to rub my pecs and abs. He knelt down and brought his hands to my ass, slowly rubbing my cheeks. Then, he spread them apart and stuck his beak inside my ass, pushing his long tongue inside my hole, licking my insides,coating them with saliva. I groaned and pushed my ass farther into his beak, eliciting a moan from him, which caused me to shiver with pleasure as his tongue vibrated inside of my ass. He continued rimming me for several minutes, tasting my maleness and lubing me up for his huge cock.

Finally, he pulled out and stood up. I turned my head and kissed him, tasting myself on his tongue and moaning into his mouth. He pulled back and placed both hands on my shoulders. I could feel his cock rubbing against my ass, sliding between my cheeks and touching the small of my back. He was absolutely huge!

"Are you ready, my love?" he asked with his beautiful voice.

"Yes, Jim. Make me yours forever." I replied

He pulled back a little and then, slowly, he pushed his enormous length into me. It didn't hurt at all! It felt wonderful! It was like his cock was made for my ass. He slid into me easily, thanks to the rim job he had given me. I moaned and groaned as he mated me, feeling his cock pulse within my body. After about 20 seconds, he had reached the end of his length and his crotch rested against my ass. I groaned loudly, feeling so full and complete. We belonged like this, together as one. He reached both of his hands around me and began to stroke my massive length. I was in complete ecstasy and I yelled out in pure sexual lust. Still stroking me with one hand, he placed the other and my waist to steady himself, and then he began to thrust into me.

My new body was being raked with pleasure! Was I allowed to feel this good, to feel this wonderful? Jimmie's cock's answer was: YES! Wave after wave of intense sexual pleasure radiated from my ass, going out into my body. Jimmie thrust faster and faster into me, hitting my prostate, each time harder and harder. I could feel my huge balls churning with cum, getting ready to blow a huge amount out for my first orgasm in my new body. Jimmie began to grunt and moan every time he rammed into me. I began to push back into him, forcing him deeper into me than I thought was possible.

Suddenly, Jimmie began to thrust at an inhuman speed, slamming into me and yelling out loudly every time he hit my ass. I placed a hand under his on my cock and began to stroke myself with him. My balls were begging for release, but I wanted to feel like this forever!

Then, I felt Jimmie's cock swell within me, growing to a huge width, stretching my asshole wider than ever. He pounded into me one last time and then blew his load into my ass with a great yell. My cock jumped and load after load of hot orca cum blew from my tip. I aimed my cock towards our beaks and opened wide, my hot spunk shooting into my maw and his. I tasted myself and loved it, but not as much as the hot cream that Jimmie was coating my insides with. Our cocks continued to pulse with our cum for a while, the feeling of the orgasm never leaving our bodies. Then, finally, we sighed as our orgasms subsided. My cum had sprayed all over my chest and both of our faces. The shear amount of the stuff was unbelievable. I scooped a handful off of my chest and licked it off of my hand. Then I turned my head around and kissed Jimmie, our tongues sharing the taste of my seed. I could feel Jimmie's cum running down my thighs and pooling into the ocean water below. I still couldn't believe how much there was.

We stayed like that for a while, kissing each other while Jimmie's cock was in my ass. After about a half and hour, Jimmie began to pull out, bringing a soft moan out of my beak. Then, he was out and I immediately missed the full feeling that he had given me. We smiled at each other and kissed again.

"Oh Gods, Jim, you are so amazing! I love you so much!" I said lovingly.

"I love you to Josh, my love. So much." he said softly.

Now that our sexual urges were...subdued, we looked at each other with new eyes, realizing what we had become and what that meant for us. The whole situation was a bit hard to take in. What had caused this? Were we some sort of genetic mishaps? A military experiment? We had no idea. We weren't scared, however. Both of us remained calm, almost as if this change was to be expected.

Then, I heard something, a low note floating through the air, then a higher note, creating a harmony. Both Jimmie and I heard it and we looked towards the source, which was somewhere out at sea. Somehow, I knew that the sounds would lead us to an answer, to fulfillment, to knowledge. I took a hold of Jimmie's hand and we laced our fingers together. I looked at him and he smiled and nodded, a look a excitement and joy on his face. I smiled back, knowing that what laid ahead of us was going to be life changing...which was exactly what I wished for.

Together, we dove under the blue sea and swam towards our destinies.

_ To be continued in Chpt. 3! _

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PockyLion ^_^