Forest of Illusion

Story by DJgalven on SoFurry

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#1 of Diary of a Ranger

"How can this forest keep stretching on and on? I should be well past it by now..." There was a nagging seed of doubt, just barely starting to form in the poor mind of Jan, even as he looked up to the canopy high over head. All the Glaceon could make out was the oppressive ball of heat high over head before he slumped against a tree.

Pack and bag were set on the ground as the male slid slowly to the ground, producing a bottle of water from his backpack. Slowly sipping at it, he considered his options. Go back the way he came, or keep pressing onward in the hopes he could find out whatever was causing this forest to be so... endless. Oh, this was definitely not natural for what was a very small forest on the map to have him lost in it for what felt like ten hours now.

Jan sighed softly as he stood up, grabbing bag and pack again as he set off into the unknown, his course set and determined now. He was going to keep walking in a single direction and keep walking until he either passed out or he made it out of the forest. All around him, the forest hummed and buzzed with humid air and the sounds of various feral pokemon, all seeming to threaten him and close the trees around him...

Grass and leaves crunched underfoot, twigs gave way under his boots as he trudged onward, all the trees looking startlingly familiar. Didn't he see that piece of trampled grass earlier, maybe near that tree? Oh, there was a definite sense of déjà vu pressing in on him, but the Glaceon was stubborn and didn't want to admit defeat just yet.

Everytime he looked back, he was positive that he'd walked past the trees before... in fact, he was starting to memorize their placement in his head. His explorer's mind tried to piece together what was happening, even as he unconsciously ran a thumb over the badge adorning his vest. He was a Ranger, and it was his duty to investigate things like this, but... this was becoming a little much, even for him.

As the hours passed, he grew weary, his muscles started to feel like rubber and his mind felt unfocused. His water supplies were quickly fading, bottles upon bottles stowed carefully into his pack as he marched further and further in the heat... why wasn't the sun moving in the sky? Time had certainly passed, in fact his watch said that it was nearing five o clock! There was no question now, there was some sort of trickery afoot...

Finally, sometime close to seven, the Glaceon took his last step and tumbled forward into the foliage at his feet. Darkness seemed to quickly close around him, sweeping him away into exhausted unconsciousness, beads of sweat slowly trickling down his features as all he could think of was... why?


Sudden quiet snapped him out of the darkest parts of his mind, crystal blue eyes scanning the darkened forest around him. Water was trickling nearby... funny, there were no running streams near this forest. Either way, Jan stumbled to his feet, walking towards the welcoming sound as he groaned in absolute defeat. As soon as he got a drink of water... he'd get out of this forest, for sure. Eventually, the source came into view, the brook churning and babbling as it wormed its way through the trees.

It was a clearing of some kind, as if all the trees had stopped growing around it by sheer force. Even as he stepped inside of the clearing, he could feel some sort of haze being lifted from his mind, like a window opening. Now he saw where he truly was... somehow, in just the time it took for him to wake up, he'd been moved at least two hundred miles north if the mountains in the distance were any indication!

Almost on a whim, Jan looked around to the clearing before even risking to speak, and even then it was a shaky "H... hello?" The trees around him just rustled in some invisible breeze, leaving the Glaceon stunned. He waited for what felt like a while, but... nothing. There was nothing there, no indication that he was noticed other than that. With a slow, rattling sigh, he kneeled near the water and dipped his head down. The clear water washed over his face, making the Glaceon groan in bliss from just the simple feeling of it. Drinking it down, he felt a refreshing coolness seem to just seep into his entire being... it was so good to finally get some real water!

"I see you like my water..." Came the rumbling voice in his head, causing the Glaceon to jerk upright with a stunned expression. Seemingly towering over him was a feline looking pokemon, twin whiskers trailing from his muzzle and down to almost his knees. He was startlingly nude, but thankfully he had nothing showing. Jan scooted backwards; gulping a little bit as he looked at the pokemon... it was definitely an Alakazam, and a youthful one at that. His thick tail was rustling slowly behind him, his spoons floating near his ear.

"You are trespassing in my land... and you drank my water. There are many penalties for that, little Jan." The pokemon smirked visibly, even as his voice was projected into Jan's head. Slowly, the Alakazam moved forward, stepping off of the water and onto dry land, before kneeling in front of the confused Glaceon.

"What... what do you mean? I did nothing... I'm a Ranger; it was my duty to explore that forest... I'm only doing my job, sir..." Jan gulped. Already he could sense that the Alakazam was scheming up a punishment, and it was the Glaceon's intention to not be punished at all.

"So you are... top of your class, in fact. And quite a high-ranking Ranger you are too. But the matter stands, you should've done a little research into your archives before coming here and the signs just outside the path in." The Alakazam took another step closer, stooping down and looking the Glaceon right in the eyes, his own glimmering with powerful mischief. "But you didn't... you have forfeit quite a lot of rights by coming to my forest... and you have lost them all by drinking of my water."

Jan was noticeably nervous by this point, starting to slowly scoot backwards some more, swallowing down his heart that seemed to have climbed into his throat. Why was his mouth so dry right now? Why did he come here... he had seen the signs, but paid them no mind at all... Oh gods, he was going to die here! Or never be seen again, for sure...

"You are mine now, little Jan... and I think I know just what to do with you..." The Alakazam grinned wickedly, standing up. As if by some invisible force, Jan was forced to his feet at the same time, his arms and legs bound invisibly. Slowly, the Alakazam moved forward until they were toe to toe, Jan's face buried against the much bigger male's chest. "Listen closely... you might figure it out before I blank out your mind..."

And there it was, just under the feline pokemon's skin... a faint gurgling sound, almost like the Alakazam was hungry. Fearful, the Glaceon looked up, slowly shaking his head. For a moment, it looked like the Alakazam was just kidding, but a deviant's grin lit up his face and bright purple flashed before Jan's vision... and all was dark.


The Alakazam smiled to himself as he looked at his brain wiped prey, licking his lips hungrily. It'd been so long since he'd eaten another live pokemon; it was almost a foreign idea to him. He stooped down, drawing his tongue up the poor Glaceon's cheek with a happy rumble. Oh, he tasted absolutely sweet, it was unbearable to keep him out any longer!

With flashing claws and ripping fingers, he tore every scrap of cloth from the Glaceon's body, grinning as he saw the lithe form underneath. Oh, it was no surprise that the Glaceon... Jan, wasn't it? No matter, he was gone now. It was no surprise that Jan had no problem attracting anyone he put his mind to... he was toned and firm, with just a bit of supple give to his flesh, the perfect amount of fat on him. His stomach growled again, loudly this time as if to remind the Alakazam that there was only one task for right now.

Never one to deny his gut, the Alakazam hefted the Glaceon up with just a thought, purple energy glowing around the ice-type's form. With a flick of his claws, the pokemon was tilted upside down, his head pointing towards the Alakazam's maw as he stood underneath. With great care, he lowered the poor Glaceon to his fate, the lad not even knowing what was going on in the dark of his mind.

The Glaceon's head pushed against his lips before the Alakazam opened wide, jaws stretching and distending around Jan's head. The Glaceon's diamond shaped ears folded back on his head, even as the front of his muzzle pushed into the Alakazam's throat. A thick, noisy swallow was all it took for the process to truly begin, the feline breathing through his nose as he greedily forced inch after inch of the Glaceon into his gullet. Oh, there was nothing as glorious as a living meal! Greedy noises filled the protected clearing as Jan's shoulders slowly disappeared into the awaiting maw of the Alakazam.

His psychic hold fading from his huge distraction, the Alakazam took over for his mind, claws holding tight to Jan's sides as he swallowed. Heavy gulps and swallows drew the Glaceon's body into himself, even as that head of his breached the Alakazam's stomach. Oh, he was absolutely ravenous... he realized he'd not eaten in days. It was hard to force his body to keep going, but keep going he did!

Slowly, the Glaceon seemed to be stirring somewhere in the back of his mind... but it was far too late. Even as the smaller pokemon started squirming, the Alakazam just silenced him with another powerful psychic bond. Eventually, his meal came to an end and his jaws closed around the Glaceon's feet with an audible click... and one last swallow sent the last of Jan to his belly. A tree near the shore with a low-hanging branch seemed so inviting and with great effort, he forced himself to sit under its branches, a big yawn erupting from his jaws as he purred in satisfaction. "Won't have to eat for a long while, yet... Mmm... Good night, little Glaceon... you were fun..."


Darkness... it felt as if the Glaceon had stepped from one nightmare into the next. Acrid hot air was closed all around him, stomach juices gurgling and washing over his form. However, against all odds, the acid wasn't burning him. In fact it was... dare he say... pleasant? How was that possible? His mind was quickly running out of oxygen with which to process all of this, but still... he was going to think about it for as long as he could.

From above, he heard the thick, heavy snoring of his predator above him, low resounding rattles rising in his chest. It was clearly a post-meal nap of some kind, but what was drawing his mind again and again was where he was. He was physically inside of another pokemon's stomach , and it was... it was... erotic! That was the feeling he'd dared not to place in his mind! He was aroused... almost painfully so, just being inside of another being! Stunned, he barely even noticed that he could no longer feel his tail at all, just taking in the damp air around him.

He was feeling faint, that was for sure... but he was also feeling so very much alive that it was impossible to describe anything else but that. He lay his head back, moaning softly as he licked his lips... somehow... if only he could just come back after this, he'd do it again. And again... and again. There was no question about that in his mind. He was willing to do this for his living if he could... or even just to keep feeling it for every day in his waking life. Jolt upon jolt trickled up his spine, some dull part of him registering that he'd orgasmed... and slowly his mind was being swept away again to dull darkness.

Jan was happier than he ever could be... if he died here, he'd welcome it for going out in such a pleasant way. But in the back of his mind, he threw out his first and only wish to Jirachi, the wish pokemon.

"Jirachi... please... let me do this again and again for the rest of my life..."