Alex Eagle - A Gryphon in any situation Part 2

Story by Areku on SoFurry

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Alex Eagle - A Gryphon in any situation Part 2

Alex Eagle is © to the author and his player Alexander Schuler

Comments can be sent to AlexEaglenospamattigressdotcom (just remove the "nospam" and use the proper symbols)

* Disclaimer: This text contains graphic adult gay interactions with males. You know the shit. You are allowed to spread my story all over the world as long as you don't claim Alex Eagle or this piece of writing as yours. When you do that, I'll rip out your balls! ;) *

Alex Eagle's experience and the events in the gay gym were still fresh in his mind although they had been happened about six months ago. The gang which had taken him as their personal yiff had used him almost every day. First it had been nice to be ensured to get a nice regular fuck but Alex's butt had gone sore by the regular invading of two cocks. Additionally he had got fired from his job as an employee in Wal-mart. His fault that he had complained about the huge stress that job had caused.

But all of that is past, Alex Eagle walked through the hallway of the Mizu High School. He had got the possibility to educate teenagers and he had agreed to do some biology and chemistry lessons at the point where he had become a teacher. Now he was on his way to his next class.

He wore a violet vest over a simple white t-shirt. His chest and pectoral muscles were visible through the rather thin fabric. Most of the time Alex had always problems that his nipples were very sensitive and they got easily aroused. But at that moment Alex's nipples were visible but soft and rather hard to notice. His abs were in the same condition like his chest muscles. Well defined and he could manage to get a real six-pack during the last six months. It had caused a small hysteria in school because a lot of girls had been chasing Alex because of his body.

But then a rumor had spread under the students. Alex's past had been discovered and everybody had been doubting about his sexuality. He had never told anyone if he was heterosexual or homosexual. His about 4' long leonine tail lightly waved with every step as he reached the science wing. As he stepped around the next corner his wings moved and they lightly spread giving everyone a feeling of royalty. That was the reason why a gryphon was onto the high school's emblem.

Alex saw the door at the end of the corridor. That was his room and his class was already inside. He stopped in front of the door and checked his long and thick black pants covering his legs and crotch from the waist line until his ankles. A simple black leather belt kept it in place. He adjusted his rucksack onto his back and grabbed the bar.

One thing about his class was that it consisted out of all student in junior year which were interested in biology and chemistry, or those which had to choose this class. The conclusion was that the class was separated in those who worked regularly and helped the lesson to develop, and the other half, mostly consisting out of those sport heroes, quarterbacks and athletes, who didn't really help and disturbed the class more than they helped it. Alex had always told them it would have consequences, but to no avail. He remembered those endless speeches he had hold in front of his class as he sat down onto the table in front of his students.

"Dear class, it is this time of the year again. Christmas comes closer each day passing, and it is time to tell you your final grades for this year. I know I have only known you for a half year, but I think the effort and will to work and learn have been more than clear. Well... I will now tell you your grades and I'm going to explain why I decided so." Alex said in front of all and he didn't notice that he buffed out his chest a little bit as he spoke.

He reached his paw out and took a red book out of his backpack. He opened it and flicked through the pages until he found his junior year class in science. He started in alphabetically order and it was a quiet and friendly atmosphere... until he reached the name of Henry Edison.

"Well... Henry... I am sorry to say that, but I have to give you a F for this year. You have failed it because the tests you have handed in were not good enough. Most of the time you sit in the back of the room, and I think I have seen your teeth more when you yawned then when you spoke." Alex said in a calm way and a slight laugher went through the first line of students. "And through the homework I saw that you didn't learn at all."

"You god damned fag!" Henry shouted. Alex lifted his head towards the very buff lion who had rushed upwards from his seat. He flexed his muscles through his clothing. He was going to punch his teacher right into his face, but an arm ascended right next to Henry, as his friend Andrew Nickelson, a black and good-looking wolf, pulled him down. He whispered into Henry's right ear and the lion nodded.

Alex didn't comment that interrupt, but those emotional erupts continued as Alex went through the list. Students insulted him and threatened him to call a lawyer for that, but Alex stayed calm. Alex closed his book and sighed. What he didn't notice was that Andrew and Henry started to spread their idea under the students who whispered to each until Alex stood up again.

"You can go now... When someone wants to discuss with me about his or her grade he or she can do that right now, please come down to me then." Alex added at the end of the lesson. Students started to gather their stuff and all who got good grades left the room. A small group of the buff students gathered around their teacher. Alex gulped slightly as he noticed they all were in good shape, and he started to fear that he wouldn't leave the room as a whole.

Alex was now surrounded by them, the table cutting off his escape route by blocking the way out. His emerald green eyes moved and scanned the males. There were Henry, the lion, Andrew, the black wolf, Greg, the stallion, Chuck, the rat, Sean, the black panther, Danny, the slim otter, and Nick, the white feathered gryphon, all gathering around Alex, which black feathered body was a huge contrast to Nick.

"I guessed that you would like to... talk with me..." Alex said after he had gripped the outer edge of the table behind him. Slowly, his talons dug into the wooden surface and his chest started to tense what could be seen by every guy around him. Their piercing looks didn't help him to relax. If looks could kill Alex would have collapsed at once dying by a heart attack.

"Oh yeah, Mr. Eagle. I am pretty sure you don't want to change our grades for us, do you?" Andrew said as he stepped in front of Alex and reached out his paw to stroke along Alex's cheek. "I can't! How shall I explain that to the principal? What if he looks at your tests?" Alex spoke for his defense. "That's the reason why we decided to thank you for the half year we have spent with you, Mr. Eagle."

Alex widened his eyes as he suddenly felt a fist pressing against his stomach and he opened his beak panting and gasping. His body bended forward and around the fist causing a horrible pain inside him. He clenched his eyes and his paws enclosed around Henry's fist which didn't move at all. It felt like an eternity for the gryphon getting punched into the guts.

From then everything went on very quickly. Alex just saw paws all over his body and his clothes were tugged and pulled off his body. His vest and shirt were less resistant and his arms were pulled backwards by the panther as Chuck pulled off Alex's vest, tossing it aside. Alex squawked loudly and tried to free his arms but Sean seemed to be stronger than him. The buckle on Alex's leather belt was torn apart and the remaining was pulled out of the holes along the upper end of Alex's pants.

The next assault just started with several long and sharp claws tugging on Alex's pants and moments later his legs were exposed to the males all around him. Alex pulled his tail between his legs and tried to hide his crotch from the look of the others as he didn't wear any underwear. Alex clenched his eyes more and he was embarrassed. "Ah! The faggot has no money for underwear?" Danny remarked and everyone except Alex laughed.

The door was locked with Alex's bunch of keys after it had been taken out of his ripped pants and thrown over to Danny. Now with the last escape closed Alex was now fully at his captors' mercy. Sean pushed him and Alex's back was slammed against the edge of the table. He moaned feeling the pain and he sank onto his knees. Slowly he lifted up his head looking into Henry's brown eyes. The lion just smiled as he dug his claws into Alex's shirt pulling and tearing it apart. Alex was left naked and was ashamed of himself.

"What do you want?" Alex asked frightened and his eyes were very wide. Adrenaline had been pumped into his veins as he waited for an answer. All the other males were smirking and Henry left the half circle, stepping in front of Alex. His paw lunged forward and gripped Alex's throat, squeezing it as he lifted him off the ground. Alex tried to get air into his lungs as he stared at the lion whose muscles tensed.

"You have already given away your chance to save you from our wrath. You ruined our vacation but we will ruin your career." Henry said in an aggressive way as he tossed Alex onto the floor. His feline half urged him to stretch out his arms and legs as he landed onto his fours and his tail went up high into the air. He turned his head to his crotch seeing it exposed. He gasped in shock. Nick and Chuck took their chance as Alex got distracted and they pinned him down. His resistance melted like ice-cream in the bright sun. He got quiet as he saw Henry wandering in front of him.

"Enjoy your time, Mr. Eagle." Henry simply added and dropped his pants just in front of his teacher. Alex's eyes widened to their maximum, giving Andrew the impression that Alex's eyes were glowing as he saw that lion cock building up. The lion winked to the undressing panther and Andrew walked over taking off Henry's shirt as Alex's yellow beak was placed into the leonine paw. Alex was sure that he first had to endure what those males planned with him.

Alex's gay nature started to break free and he just wanted to experience the oncoming rape as enjoyable as possible. "Open up, boy." Andrew whispered into Alex's raised ears as he sniffed Henry's sweaty shirt. Alex nods to the wolf and he opened up his beak. His tongue went out of the future way of the throbbing length. In the corner of his eye Alex noticed Danny taking out a new bottle of Astroglide from Alex's backpack. The transparent bottle was filled with an lubricating liquid, especially developed for sex. "Darn! Where did they know?" Alex thought.

Alex planned to made out with a guy to mount him that evening but it seemed that he would be the mounted one now. Swiftly his exposed rear was lubricated with the slippery liquid and he closed his eyes. Nick and Chuck helped Sean behind the gryphon's butt and they pulled his legs apart. Suddenly Alex cooed and everyone looked at each other. Henry shrugged and his 8 inch long cock started to enter Alex's beak. The gryphon didn't try to take it out as his tongue licked over a certain point below the cockhead.

"Yes. That's it, cocksucker." Henry said and took Alex's head into his paws pushing and the long dick invaded further into Alex's throat. The gryphon reached his paw out taking Henry's balls into it and he began to massage them by rolling them against each other. Henry leans back his head and he was slightly but positively surprised that his teacher could suck on his cock that well. Alex's eyes became restless as they scanned the guys around him. They were all unclothing except Nick and Chuck. They were unclothed by Danny and Andrew.

Sean had always been Alex's most favorite student. His slender body and almost genius brain granted him the best grades during that year. Now Alex got the chance to get known to the third outstanding feature of the panther. Softly but demanding he pushed his pinkish and lubricated cock past Alex's anal ring. His paws were massaging Alex's firm and snuggly buttocks as he fully hilted himself into the black feathered beast. Alex's eyes closed and he moaned although he was muffled.

Henry enjoyed the heat and moistness around his dick but the time was over where Alex should be spared. The lion's grip on his head tightened and he pulled out of the beak. Salvia flew through the air and he thrust back his cock into Alex's throat. The throat contracted around the invading meat and he gulped. Henry didn't give him a chance to get used to the feeling deeply in his gullet.

Sean slid closer to the appetizing butt and his massaging got more intent. Alex's buttocks were feeling good to himself and he relaxed letting the moist and eager shaft rush inside him. Eight sleek and throbbing inches were stuffed into him and Sean commenced to take him in swift and elegant moves. The sound of Sean's hips slapping against Alex's inner thigh sounded through the room. Alex tried to enjoy it as much as possible while he was tasting pre cum.

Henry was a dumb lion but the more brain he was missing the merrier his pre tasted and Alex's last resistance disappeared. He timed his tongue to lick along the underside of Henry's maleness and the lion was breathing heavily. His hips contracted faster and Alex saw how his balls were drawn upwards. Henry's orgasm was coming and Alex sucked one time on the throbbing and erupting dick. Quickly his beak was filled with leonine spooge and he started to swallow. But it was too much as the white cream poured out his beak and some dripped onto the floor.

Sean felt Alex's effort to down every single drip of the lion spunk to eliminated the evidences or to satisfy his own hunger. He wasn't sure about that. After Henry had been finished and he had pulled out of the abused beak Sean gripped on Alex's hips and pulled him back onto his lap. His avian body was now pulled up and down onto the stick below him. He leant back against Sean and looked into his eyes as the panther pushed his crotch against Alex's rear.

"You got an A from me... Why do you rape me as well, Sean?" Alex asked, panting as the pressure inside him grew. He had got a nice erection as well and pre started to drip from its tip as it was shaken. Henry returned to Alex and pulled his neck into a leather collar. Sean's humping tortured Alex's prostate and his chest was displayed as well. A small tag dangled between his erect and hard nipples and one word could be read. "Slut!"

"I was always fascinated about you, Alex... I wanted to thank you for what you taught me... And Henry gave me the chance." Sean answered and Alex felt how close his student was. He tensed his pucker and Sean threw back his head in lust, filling the hole with his potent seed. His small barbs extended and pulled on Alex's insides as he pulled out panting.

Now it was Nick's and Chuck's turn. They went into position and Greg made sure Alex couldn't move to avoid the second round. Andrew squeezes more lubricant out of the bottle and lubes up Nick's black shaft. Danny places another splat of cool liquid between those round buttocks fingering the hole with a finger until the royal gryphon knelt down between Alex. Chuck was more the rough type. He sank down onto his knees and shoved his 7 inch long rodent dick into the already abused beak. His strong wrestler paws kept Alex's head in place as he started to thrust.

Nick had kissed Danny before the otter pulled out his index finger and winked back. Nick's hips and body got very close to Alex's and he lied down onto him. His 10 inch long ebony flesh was inserted and the pucker was spread to fit around the maleness. Nick spread his wings and nestled himself onto Alex to take him in a doggy style. His scaled hands were onto Alex's sides as Nick pulled out except his cockhead.

Chuck left Alex no doubt that he was a wrestler. His thrusts very powerful as his hips rocked back and forth as the rather flat cockhead is forced down along the throat. Pre spurted out and lubed up the orifice. His breath was controlled and his pressing into the beak was rewarded by a moist and hot tongue which had wrapped itself around the moving shaft.

Nick wasn't very gentle to Alex as well. His hips were spread and his groins rushed downwards hilting his throbbing cock into the tight hole. Alex moaned and his rear was kind of on fire by the rough treatment. Nevertheless he was pressing his ass against the invading stick. Alex's breath was heavy and his entire body was aroused and hot. His legs rarely bucked and his raping continued.

Chuck seemed to have the best hips of all. Alex's inner walls along the throat were coated with rodent pre spunk. The rat pressed Alex's head into his crotch each time he thrust forward and buried the throbbing erection into the gryphon. He bended forward and symbolized by that motion that he was about to cum. More seed splattered all over Alex's tongue, and he tastes more male semen. More cream was leaking out of the beak, staining his beak and neck as it flew downwards.

After Chuck had removed himself from the gryphon Nick placed his paws onto Alex's shoulders. His power was enough to press his teacher's chest into a small puddle of seed which was smeared all over his pecs. His thrusting gets more and more erratic. He pulls Alex's ass up and into the air as its hole was pointed and exposed to all. Alex closed his eyes and grunted as his chest and face is pressed and rubbed against the cool floor. Nick squawked loudly, his balls slapping Alex's and pulling them upwards. Nick didn't change his pace and kept thrusting into the male of his race. He loved the feeling to dominate another male of his kind. His seed was filling up Alex's bowls which reached about their maximum after the second filling. He shrieked and pulled out of the hole as the last shot was fired out of the black prick and it hit Alex's right buttock.

"4 of 7 served..." Alex thought inside him and hoped that it would end soon, although it wasn't that bad. He got filled and banged by several buff, good looking guys. Greg released his grip on Alex which got replaced by Henry and Sean. Alex saw that Sean's dick was about to go for a second round as it began to fill with blood again. But the panther suppressed his own needs as he had already had his fun with the gryphon. Alex's concentration was pulled back to his front as two erect cocks were poking against his beak. He looked up and felt the throbbing flesh of an otter and one of a wolf. Andrew put his thumb between the both halves of Alex's beak and spread them to the maximum. Alex tried to complain but he was silenced quickly as Andrew rammed his shaft into the visible throat. Alex's entire body moved and he bucked some with the three inch thick length in his throat. The muscles contracted and enclosed around the hot manhood. Andrew shifted a little bit to the left to let Danny kneel down in front of him as well. Alex wanted to shake his head but Andrew's grip tightened and he just could feel how the second cockhead poked against his gullet entrance.

Now it was Alex's time to suffer. Not only did the two males thrust and poked along his throat, but also an almost adult stallion knelt behind him. Alex leant forward to get a better feeling in his crowded neck, sweat running down his temple as he got the urge to throw up. Greg's flared cock first had got licked by Nick's talented tongue. Then the massive manhood had got a light lubricating cover from the Astroglide. Nick had put the bottle next to his right knee as he worked on his friend's dick. What he didn't know was that Chuck stole the bottle and lubed his own length in the fluid.

Alex got impaled onto the long and mighty stallion cock. His body and muscles tensing more by every inch sliding into his flooded rear. Greg moaned softly as he bathed his upper shaft in the hot cum pool. His thirteen inches weren't really comfortable for the poor gryphon as he tried to suck on the two sausages in his mouth. Only his tongue was free inside the bill since Andrew didn't press it down with his meat. Danny's length was rubbing between Andrew's pecker and Alex's left inner wall. He was fed with more pre and slowly the taste of seed started to get disgusting onto his tongue.

Greg's hips were snuggly close to Alex's and they rubbed against them as his length was completely surrounded by Alex's heat. The horse pulled out except his flared head and thrust into the far overstretched pucker. Nick licked his beak as he watched the black pole vanishing between those sexy rump. He turned and leant forward sustaining his weight onto his front paws as he saw Danny's erratic humping into the yellow glowing bill. His own nostrils got filled with male musk as Sean's shaft hung just above him. He winced as his own black pucker suddenly got wet and moist. He swiftly turned his head towards his back as he saw Chuck drilled his cock into his bowls.

"From mounting to getting mounted, Nick..." Chuck commented and squeezed the snow-white buttocks. Sean glanced over to Henry and the lion nodded leaning over Alex and increasing his pressure onto their victim and Greg began his powerful hammering into Alex's insides. Both gryphons felt like their behind would be ripped apart and Nick had closed his eyes. Sean knelt down and lifted Nick's head towards his shaft and forced it into the orange beak.

Alex gagged as the otter pulled out of him, giving free space to the wolf who started to sink his manhood as deep as possible into the gryphon's throat. Danny's cock was hovering and shaking in front of Alex's face and he clenched his eyes as seed was spurted and spread all over his face, eyes and beak. Nick had to suck onto the panther's length as well as he felt some pre into his bowls. The rat jackhammered into his pal with the strongest thrusts those rat hips could develop.

Greg had fun taking his teacher as well. He felt very good because it was hard for him to find pucker to fill his maleness into. He was glad that he had fit into Alex's rear and the slapping sound of hips hitting hips was even louder than Nick's. It throbbed inside him and pressed on the muscle ring around his shaft. Alex's face was now cum-covered as Andrew hit the top of his orgasm. He forced his swelling knot into the gryphon's beak and enclosed it around as the cream poured along Alex's throat into his stomach. His eyes were still clenched.

Nick squawked as his balls got tortured by Chuck. His length wasn't the biggest, but he had got even bigger testicles than Greg. His balls started to hurt and to get sore like Alex's as they were slapped by Greg's stallion gonads. Sean calmly pumped his iron into Nick's mouth and Chuck panted planting a nice load of pre across Nick's inner walls. Andrew muffled Alex's squawking as Greg aimed at Alex's prostate. It was a wonder that Alex hadn't climaxed at that time. He suffered as his body winced by every hit against his prostate. After Andrew pulled out of Alex's gullet Greg wrapped his arms around Alex's chest and pulled him upwards. Greg grunted sending a shot of pre against the gland and Alex's body started to tremble. He was lying onto Greg's chest and stomach as his own 9" length throbbed and he spread his own cream all over his chest and stomach. It looked like someone had spilled a bottle of coffee cream all over him. His beak was parted and he moaned during the entire orgasm. His panting afterwards sounded really pathetic.

Sean smiled and groaned softly, feeding the gryphon with his cat milk and watched out not to spill any drop. Nick nodded slowly and downed the stuff. Chuck's panting went faster and louder until his pole spread Nick's ass far enough. He stopped with the spurting dick deeply in Nick's body. Nick had to spread his legs to adjust the impaling cock inside him and Chuck wiped off the black pucker after he had pulled himself out of the tight hole. Nick very slowly stood up and turned around. "Next time it's your butt's turn... And Sean?" Nick said. "You taste dreadful."

"I know, buddy. The gold cream got our favorite teacher in school." Sean replied and hugged the naked gryphon. They all started to get clothed again except Greg and Henry. Greg Had put Alex onto his fours again. The horse was still hammering into the hole and his nostrils widened as his breathing got fast and uncontrollable. His orbs pulsated and began to pump his seed into the filled ass, but Alex couldn't hold it anymore and his pucker was stretched over the limit. It hurt like hell as the overflowing seed started to leak out of the hole. Greg's mounting was so fast that he pulled his entire shaft out and some seed hit Alex's rump. A white stream flew out of the hole along Alex's thighs. He shivered by the warm touch all over his thighs and he moaned lustfully.

Greg pulled out of the messy gryphon and his friends quickly cleaned off his crotch and genitals as Henry pulled Alex onto the table. Danny returned with a long rope and they tied Alex against the table. The rope was wrapped around the table plate and over Alex's moist sixpack. Chuck went under the table and Sean forced Alex's paws under the table where the rat tied them together. He was still naked. The white spots all over his body, beak and thighs were evidence enough. Everyone kissed the faggot's beak before they turned to the door.

Nick suddenly stopped and turned around. Alex noticed a mean idea blazing in the gryphon's eyes. He jumped onto the table with spread legs and stood over Alex's chest. His zipper was quickly pulled down and he took out his soft black length. Alex got the idea and shut his eyes as fast as he was able to. A second later his face was hit by a hot liquid as the gryphon pissed onto him. "Drink it! Or we will repeat this on you someday." Nick commanded and Alex frightened opened his beak. Nick aimed at his tongue and Alex drank the salty and bitter stuff. He gagged some and his face stung a little as the pungent scent filled his nose. Nick smirked as Alex opened his right eye. Nick returned to his friends putting his shaft into his pants as they unlocked the door.

Alex laid on the table. The urine stung. His chest moved up and down as he tried to calm down after that event. His muscles started to relax slowly. He leant his head back and breathed deeply. He opened his eyes again, staring at the ceiling. The door was wide open and everyone who would look inside the room would see him in his misery. He heard the school bell, telling him that lunch break was over. He was tied onto the table just to be found by the next class...

© Alex Eagle

  1. 12. 2003