The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #6 (Adult)

Story by Sansenite on SoFurry

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#6 of Stories - Streak

Starsider has taken our enslaved hero for herself, bending his mind to her own sinister purposes. Is there any chance that Streak can become the hero he once was?

Story and characters (C) Sansenite



10 August 2015

The next morning

"Wake up, sweetie. Did you sleep well?"

My thoughts were fuzzy from the lingering effects of the chloroform, but the feminine voice stirred me slowly to full wakefulness. Instinctively, my arms and legs stretched out as I slowly realised that someone was on top of me, on all fours. My eyes gradually let in the warm light of my new location, and Starsider's elegant features looked back at me.

"Welcome to your new home, sweetie," said the vixen with a giggle, licking her lips. "Don't worry. I'll make you very comfortable. You won't have to worry about Manasa anymore."

I felt uneasy. Shouldn't Mistress have told me herself? I knew this was wrong somehow.

"I... I should check with Mistress," I said, stretching my arms out in a very passive attempt at escape.

"Shhh," she shushed, exhaling into my face, but with a stream of glittering golden mist.

"What... What is...?" I stammered as I breathed it in, and instantly I felt the effects of Starsider's infamous enthralling pheromones.

"I am your mistress, slave," she said before blowing more of that golden mist into my lungs. "No, I am your goddess."

An incredible lust filled my mind and body. Before me was not Starsider, but a Goddess I would do anything for. My heart pounded in my chest and the fabric between my legs quickly began to stretch with an insatiable arousal burning up from within me. I had never loved anyone more in that moment.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, breathing hard as my nerves burned with erotic fire and my vision turned gold with the glittering mist in front of me. "Yes, my Goddess! I'd do anything for you! Ahhh!"

Already a spot of moisture was beginning to stain the tip of the straining fabric between my legs. I needed my Goddess. I needed to serve her. Yes, serving her would be paradise."

"Mmm. That's my boy," she responded, so sweetly. Now her voice sounded more pleasant than I realised, sending tingles through me with every word. I wanted to hear it forever. "Nice and obedient," she continued. "Tell me how much you love me."

"More than anything, Goddess!" I exclaimed, loudly. My chest was heaving with tingles of pleasure enveloping my whole body. I felt so vulnerable beneath my Goddess, but that's what I loved best. "You mean... Ahhh... You mean everything to me! I love nothing more than you! Ahhh!"

"I know you do."

Then she lowered her head and connected her mouth with mine. I readily accepted her exploring tongue as she began breathing her pheromones directly into my lungs, and my body immediately exploded in ecstasy. I screamed in pleasure into her mouth as I climaxed, body shaking in immense physical bliss. On instinct, my hips furiously thrashed beneath those of my Goddess as I unloaded my cream into the blue fabric obscuring my pulsating member. I felt the wetness spreading out through the fabric with each spurt. Throughout it all, I heard her giggling in my mouth, continuing to fill me with her pheromones with each little laugh.

Then, at long last, the cataclysmic orgasm finally came to an end. Eyes rolled back, I was left moaning and panting into the mouth of my Goddess before she pulled out.

"Oh, my!" she exclaimed, licking her lips. "Most men would've passed out after this much exposure to my pheromones. Did you like that, sweetie?"

I nodded, struggling to keep my eyes open. "Y-Yes, Goddess..."

Smiling with satisfaction from a job well done, she slid off me, revealing my surroundings. We were in an elegant bedroom, and I lay back on a large double bed in red velvet. From the looks of things, it was probably some kind of mansion. I could also see my Goddess in all her beauty, clad only in a high-cut golden leotard with a big belly window. It perfectly accentuated her slender figure.

"Awww! Look at that!" said my Goddess as she sat beside me on the bed, taking in full view of my lean body with a giggle. Her eyes were drawn to my lower areas. "What a big climax! You made such a mess in your costume, you naughty boy!"

Her paw slid over to grab the softening bulge in my costume, squishing around the copious amounts of my fluids that had spilled into the shiny blue lycra, gently kneading and fondling. In a few moments, I was already tenting the stained and wet fabric yet again. My body was filled with her pheromones, so my libido wasn't going down any time soon.

"Now, come here..." Then she pulled me up, onto my knees against the silky fabric of the soft bed. She wrapped her arms around me, intimately holding me tight and warm as her paws caressed my back. Slowly, those paws slid down the blue fabric to my rump, kneading the half-exposed soft flesh as I moaned ever more softly in her embrace. "Shhh... There you go..."

I felt her pinch the edge of the fabric over my backside, gently pulling it aside. Then I heard the sound of a soft buzzing, and the next thing I knew was the feeling of a relatively large and furiously vibrating device being inserted into my rear. I let out a loud whimper of pleasure as the buzzing device pushed against my prostate, sending waves of pleasure up my spine. I couldn't help but unleash a torrent of blissful moans.

"I think this will do nicely," said my Goddess. Then she released her embrace, separating us to look me in the eyes. My mouth was agape as I softly humped the air between us. "Now you're ready to be mine. A plaything for your Goddess, as all good boys should be."

She took me by the wrists, pulling me off the bed. I struggled to stand for a moment as a result of my weakness after the orgasm, along with the constant buzzing of pleasure inside me. Then she took me lovingly, one paw caressing my rump while another held one of my paws, leading me out of the room.

After a short trek across my Goddess' elegant mansion, through hallways lined with mahogany panels, we arrived at a new room. It was a gym, equipped with every exercise machine you could think of, along with an assortment of other accessories to aid in physical fitness. However, the highlight of the new environment was the three wolves putting the machines and dumbbells to good use. One, with dark grey fur and high-cut red bikini trunks, was sitting on a bench, lifting a weight in one paw. Another, with grey fur and green trunks, was bench-pressing much larger weights. The last wolf, with light grey fur and wearing yellow trunks, was doing push-ups.

"Boys!" said my Goddess, yelling to the three wolves around the gym. "I need you to take care of my newest slave! He'll need some new combat training. But feel free to remove his plug when you feel like giving him some more... intimate training."

The three wolves dropped what they were doing, standing and bowing their heads, showing the appropriate submissiveness in the presence of their Goddess. I also noticed that the front of each of their speedos were wet, and maybe stained a little white.

"Yes, Goddess!" they all said in unison.

"Good boys. I'll be back tomorrow."

My Goddess left the room, closing the door behind her. Then I heard the sound of the door locking, and I was trapped alone with my three new mentors.

"What have we got here?" sneered 'Yellow'.

"Fresh meat!" said 'Red', licking his muzzle.

"With a cute leotard, too!" praised 'Green' with a raised eyebrow. "This guy's gonna be fun!"

The three canines were advancing on me, each one with a wicked grin. My Goddess had ordered me to be trained by them, yet I found my back against the door anyway. I felt threatened by the larger males.

Red sniffed my fur. "Mmmm... I love foxes..."

"Heh! We're wolves! We all do!" said Green with a chuckle.

"Me first!" said Yellow, eagerly pushing himself into me and connecting his snout to mine. I instantly felt his tongue worm around inside my mouth while he used his two hands to caress my sides and ribs. I moaned gently into his mouth as he satisfied himself with me, rubbing his bulge against mine. I didn't resist, and instead welcomed the advances of my superior, enjoying my servitude.

Then he pulled out, dangling saliva between us, saying "Mmmm... Your big bros are gonna make you squeal, fox boy."


The next morning, as I slowly awoke, I was pleasantly welcomed by the absence of the aching from last night's vigorous exercise. As my senses returned to me, I realised I was lying on the couch in the gym, surprisingly comfortable. But I was then aware of a different, forceful, invasive sensation. Opening my eyes, I saw Green between my spread legs, thrusting into me fiercely, pushing against my prostate and sending waves of pleasure up my spine. The butt of my leotard had been moved aside to allow him access.

"Mornin', sleepyhead," he said. "Mmmm... You like that? Huh? You like it when we screw your brains out?"

I moaned heavily as I woke up, panting as my heartbeat increased with the stimulation. The dominant wolf also had a paw around the bulge in my high-cut leotard, stroking softly as he took me. Red and Yellow were watching, arms crossed, as they sneered at me.

"Yeah, that's right," he said, enjoying the sounds of my pleasured whimpers. "Do you enjoy this, you broken little fox?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone enter the room after unlocking the door. It was my Goddess, approaching us with a very amused smile. Her golden bodysuit glistened majestically from my low angle. She crossed her arms.

"Oh, please, don't let me interrupt, boys," she said, watching happily as the wolf had his way with me.

I closed my eyes, accepting the wolf's intrusions for the benefit of my Goddess. "I... I... I'm gonna..." I said, panting as the crotch of my leotard rapidly started to bare the staining signs of my approaching orgasm. "I'm gonna cum...!" I announced, my body beginning to convulse with ecstasy.

Moments later, the wolves laughed as the pressure in my loins had reached its peak and exploded from within me into my costume. I dropped my tongue to hang out the side of my mouth, breathing and panting heavily. Green came too, moaning and grunting as he filled me with his seed. When we both finally finished our long, shared climax, the wolf simply collapsed on top of me, licking the side of my face to show me who my superior was. When he was done, he pulled out of me and adjusted my costume, allowing the butt of the leotard to darken with the wolf's fluids seeping from my entrance.

"Had fun, fox?" teased my Goddess, putting a bare footpaw on my wet crotch, briefly pressing down against my slowly softening member inside my spandex, making me further aroused. Then she stood aside and turned to the wolves. "Put him through some weightlifting. Bench pressing. I want to beef him up and see him sweat."

The wolves complied. While Green slipped his emerald bikini trunks back on, instantly staining the fabric with his softening, lubricated member, the others picked me up by the biceps and dragged me over to the nearby bench. Then they forced me to sit and firmly shoved my back down against the leather seat.

"Get lifting, fox," said Red, kneeling between my legs. Grinning maliciously, his paws brushed over the wet bulge in my costume. "You're gonna lift five hundred times. I'm gonna jerk you off, and you can't cum until you're finished. Got it?"

"Yes, sir," I responded, lifting the massive heavy dumbbell from the rack above me. Without question, I began raise and lower the metal bar, again and again. It was no challenge considering my vastly enhanced strength. No normal person would be able to lift something this heavy more than ten times at most.

"Do you understand just how far you've fallen? How utterly ruined you've become?" asked Red, mockingly, as he slipped his paws under the thin lycra over the wet crotch of my leotard, grasping my organ and pumping me directly. As the minutes passed, I quickly returned to full hardness, as if my Goddess' pheromones had given my libido an immense boost. "To think you once stood for something. You failed in your fight against villainy, and now you're a toy to be played with. An oversexed puppet squirming as he tries not to cum in his tights. Mmmm."

My Goddess was watching the whole thing, arms still crossed as she enjoyed the show. I struggled to keep myself contained, contracting the muscles in my pelvic area in an attempt to hold back my release, but I couldn't last for long.

"Here you are, Goddess," I heard someone say. The voice sounded familiar. Still lifting, I turned to see who the newcomer was. Street Guard. She was still clad in her jungle green thigh-high boots, long gloves, sports top, and high-cut bikini brief, though her black domino mask was gone. She held a glass of some kind of smoothie.

"Ah, good," said my Goddess as she took the ice cold glass. She took a sip before she turned her attention to me. "Ah, yes, you may want to know that Street Guard has made a fine slave, Streak. Isn't that right, slut?"

"Yes, Goddess!" responded the former heroine, so happy to be submissive. I also noticed she was dripping wet from the skimpy fabric between her legs. "I live to serve you!"

My Goddess smiled, lifting a finger to stroke Street Guard's face. "Ah, Mariana. You used to be so powerful and heroic. But now you're just an obedient bitch, aren't you?"

Several more minutes passed. My Goddess continued to drink from her cold drink, as if taunting me as I began to sweat, darkening my tight leotard. Despite my enhanced strength and endurance, I was already sweating. Not to mention, I was panting with each rapid pump of Red's paws in my costume, and I was finally on the precipice. Still three hundred lifts to go, I couldn't hold my climax any longer. Red's pumping was too much.

I let out a shrill yell of pleasure as Red picked up his pace, like he was shaking a snow globe with relentless fervour. The crotch of my leotard turned a darker blue once more as I soiled it with my seed yet again, humiliating and arousing me further. Red's ministrations prolonged my orgasm. I was eventually left panting loudly as the immense climax slowly, slowly ended. Red still held me tightly inside my costume, warm cum coating his paw. It was like he held the controls for my body, expertly manipulating my joystick.

"Uh, oh!" teased Red, pumping me faster than ever before as he emptied me out. "Looks like someone couldn't hold it any longer! You lose, fox!"

"Ahh, now that's hot," said my Goddess, licking her lips as I filled my costume. "Hmmm. How would you like to learn a thing or two about my little slut here, Streak?" she asked, gesturing to Street Guard.

Still panting and heart pounding in my chest, I nodded in response as I put the huge dumbbell back on the rack. "Y-Yes, Goddess..."

Red stood up and moved his cum-coated paw over to my head. Doing as they had trained me the day before, I licked it clean, as always, filling my maw with the taste of my own salty fluids. Meanwhile, my Goddess handed her half-empty smoothie to Yellow, who happily kept it for safekeeping. She then wrapped her arms around Street Guard from behind, with one paw rubbing the German shepherd's stomach while the other rubbed her delicate areas through her briefs.

"Explain our long, shared history, bitch," she commanded.

"Yes, Goddess!" said Street Guard, turning to face me as she breathed more heavily in the manipulative grip of our Goddess. "My Goddess killed my father, who was a cop. He... Uhhh... He foolishly tried to stop her, so he paid the price he deserved! I became a superheroine to honour him, like the idiot I was. Then, Goddess became my girlfriend, but I had no idea who she was at the time. She was so clever and she used and manipulated me! All that time, she dominated me in bed, showing she was always better than me. But then I found out who she really was, and I was really angry and I felt betrayed..."

My Goddess chuckled, glowing with a positive energy that filled me with joy. "And what about now, bitch? What do you think of me now that you're the horny slut you were always meant to be? The good girl and slave your father would be ashamed of?"

Just then, Street Guard's joyful smile seemed to fade. Then there was a pause, and she didn't respond. The room fell silent with uncertainty and confusion, and I felt a sudden twinge of fear.

"Hmmm," said my Goddess. Then she approached the slave, grabbing her firmly by the arms before forcefully planting a dominant kiss on her muzzle. Little jets of faint golden dust broke out from between their connected mouths as my Goddess filled the German shepherd's lungs with her intoxicating pheromones.

Nearly a whole minute passed while she kissed Street Guard, with the slave moaning ever louder into the mouth of her ruler. Her body began to shake as her whimpers of pleasure grew louder. Indeed, as I learned first-hand, the pheromones of my Goddess were enough to induce intense pleasure and climax with enough exposure. Now I was a spectator to this phenomenon as my fellow slave's body quivered with an intense orgasm. Her juices stained her skimpy bikini and dripped to the floor as she writhed in ecstasy. A few seconds later, my Goddess withdrew her kiss and stared her in the eyes, leaving my fellow slave panting and exhausted, legs wobbling.

"I... I'm sorry, my Goddess," Street Guard said, still whimpering in pleasure. "I love you, my Goddess! I love you more than anything, and will serve you forever! I'm your horny slave! Please... Ahhh... Please forgive me...!"

"That's better," said my Goddess, embracing Street Guard in a hug. She moved her paws down the slave's back to slide under her tail and into her bikini, moving her fingers into the former heroine's entrance. "Hmmm. Your vibrator plug's working fine. Hopefully it'll be a reminder of who owns you. Now, prepare my bath, bitch."


Yet another day passed in my life as a slave of my Goddess. I was cleaning the windows of my Goddess' bedroom, scrubbing the glass with a sponge full of dripping water removed from a bucket of warm, soapy liquid on the floor beside me. My Goddess wanted me to do some cleaning around the mansion.

My Goddess approached, Street Guard by her side. She walked up behind me, placing her paw on my spandex-clad rump as I obediently scrubbed the window. I couldn't help but let out another soft moan from her touch.

"Such a good boy, as all men should be. Spread your legs for me."

I obeyed, bending my knees and spreading my legs as I cleaned the window, but slowly. My Goddess kept her paw on my behind, gently kneading the soft flesh. I was soon hard again in my costume as she occasionally pressed her fingers into the fabric and into me, sometimes sliding her fingers behind the material to caress my white fur over each of my cheeks.

Then, with my legs partially bent apart, I felt her slip her paw down, between my legs, running her fingers across the fabric as they came up to cup my bulge from below. Her fingers expertly danced over my tented costume, seeming to know exactly where and how to stimulate me, playing with my body as if it were an instrument. She brought me so close to the edge before she knelt for ease of access, resting her head on my left hip.

"You want to cum, don't you, sweetie?" she teased. "I will let you have your release soon, fox. Soon..."

She was smiling as her fingers stroked and caressed me. My attempts at cleaning the window slowed as I anticipated the powerful orgasm building between my legs. I moaned softly as she stroked me more deliberately, coaxing my pre-ejaculate into the shiny blue fabric of my leotard. She snuck her paw inside the leg holes of my costume and grasped me directly. The feel of her paw fondling my arousal was heaven...

"Almost there..."

"...G-Goddess..." I moaned, the very word resonating through my skull. I loved calling her that. "I... I'm gonna..."

"Hehe, yes, little fox," she said with a giggle. "Cum like the mindless little slave you are. Cum and show me your defeat and disgrace. Show me the mockery you've become. Show me you're an object. Show me your Goddess' true power over you as you defile yourself onto her paw!"

As soon as the last word left her mouth, her magical touch lit the spark I was so desperately longing for. I let loose an almost primal moan as my body seized and bucked against the window, my orgasm exploding out from deep within my loins, soaking the entire crotch of my leotard a dark blue as I lost control and surrendered to my body and my Goddess. The intense climax seemed to go on and on, eventually subsiding as a series of powerful tingles signalled the ordeal had passed, and I sunk into a warm afterglow. My mind was foggy as I leaned against the glass, my Goddess running her fingers up and down the inside of my bare thigh. With her other paw, she continued to stroke my member inside my costume.

"Your body is a treasure trove, ripe for me to explore," she said. Then she stood and turned to Street Guard. "Kneel, slut. We're gonna have some fun, the three of us!"

Then the unthinkable happened. Street Guard stood where she was, looking down while shaking her head in slight confusion. She had no response, as if she was lost somewhere else. I felt my heart begin to beat faster. How dare she refuse the wishes of her Goddess? Was something wrong with her? Or was she just foolish? But how could anyone be so idiotic? What lunacy could lead one to reject the will of their perfect, beautiful ruler?

"Well?" said my Goddess. "Is something wrong, bitch?"

"I..." stammered the former heroine, now looking up at our Goddess. "I won't. I..."

I was in awe. My jaw dropped as my heart raced with a combination of fear and anger. I wanted to punish my fellow servant for her disobedience so much. My Goddess sighed, but not with frustration. It was clear that she was concerned for Street Guard. She began to walk forward, approaching the disobedient female canine.

"Shhh," she said, raising her arms towards Street Guard to embrace her. "Relax. Just come here. Come to your Goddess."

The slave backed away, and now I was more afraid than angered, afraid she might try to hurt my Goddess! My loving owner began breathing those pheromones into Street Guard's face, softly blowing them like she would the steam from a cup of steaming hot chocolate. But then the former heroine backed away further, demonstrating a rising energy as her resistance became more fierce and profound.

"No!" yelled the traitor. "I'm a hero! I fight for Beacon City! I'm not your slave!"

Yes, that's when it happened. The Earth-shattering moment when Street Guard moved to strike my beloved Goddess. She dashed forward, throwing a perfect aerial kick to the face, and I moved in to defend my owner.

Street Guard's strike didn't connect. Her leg was just slightly bent in the air, keeping her boot a mere inch from the beautiful, flawless face of my Goddess, who was also alarmed, backing away. Then the former superheroine lowered her leg, utterly confused as my Goddess began to laugh.

"Ahaha! You can't go through with it, can you?" she taunted, face dominated with a wicked smile. Yes, my Goddess was safe. She had won. "My control over you is still too strong. Your body is filled with my pheromones. My dominion over you is in your blood. I have truly dominated you in mind and body!"

As Street Guard began to back away yet again, I seized the opportunity and grabbed her from behind, wrapping my arms around the former heroine and pinning her arms to her body. She yelled in defiance, but her strength was nothing compared to my enhanced abilities, and I had no difficulty keeping her restrained.

"Pathetic," continued my Goddess. "You can resist but you can't fight me. You can't touch me. You're done, Mariana! You're mine! Mine forever! You always will be! I won our battle, slut! How does it feel knowing I'm better than you?!"

"Never!" yelled the former heroine, still wrestling in my powerful grip. "I will make you suffer! You'll always be my enemy!"

My Goddess nearly fell back, howling in laughter. "This is wonderful! It seems I'll be able to savour your defeat for longer! But why? Perhaps, after so many years of battle with me and exposure to my pheromones, you've built up immunity?"

"Doesn't matter. In the end, I'll take you down."

"Shush now, bitch," said my Goddess, arms crossed as she sneered at her nemesis. "I'll make you pay for your disobedience. When I'm done with you, you'll be begging me to make you climax once again. I'll slowly reshape your mind to see me as your Goddess without my pheromones. I'll make you hunger for the pleasure that only I can give you. Although, now that I think about it, I find it strange that you didn't revert to Manasa's programming. But never mind that."

My Goddess snapped her fingers and started out the room. I followed, Street Guard firmly in my grip, through the elegant hallways to the massive main hall. There, my Goddess gestured to a familiar contraption: the circular metal restraining device that contained me when Manasa first enslaved my mind and body.

Knowing exactly what my Goddess expected of me, I readily shoved Street Guard's arms and legs into the four restraints, forcefully when she struggled. Then she was helplessly trapped in an X-shaped position, and totally at the mercy of my Goddess. With my job done, I backed away to give my Goddess free access.

"Now, that's better, isn't it?" said my beautiful owner, stepping forward to approach the captive traitor. One of her fingers trailed circles around the former heroine's bare belly. "Being totally at my mercy feels so right, doesn't it? Now tell me, after everything I've done to you, what do you think of me?"

"I hate you," responded Mariana, sneering. "I always will. You're irredeemable. But I won't kill you. It's not what my father would want. But you will pay. I'm not stupid. I noticed that Manasa didn't give Streak to you freely. You stole him, didn't you? She'll be the one who shows you justice. She'll make you pay in the end."

"No!" I yelled, overwhelmed with fear at the prospect of anyone harming my Goddess. "I won't let anyone hurt her!"

"I'll free you, okay, Streak?" she responded, turning to face me. "I promise."

Yet again, my Goddess laughed. "Don't be too sure!"


Four days later, I awoke amid my wolf masters, all of us nude under the soft blanket of the large bed. I moaned softly as I stirred, welcoming the morning sun beyond the window. It had been a long night, with the wolves teasing and penetrating me relentlessly. It was certainly a thorough night of pleasurable abuse.

"Mmm. The slut's awake, boys," said Yellow, beside me.

Red, lying on the far side of Yellow, yawned. "Is he hard?"

Yellow reached a paw over, moving beneath the fabric of the blanket that obscured me below the chest, before finding my not-so-private parts. His paw wrapped around my manhood which, indeed, was at full attention.

"Heh. He is!"

"Awww!" teased Green, lying on my other side. Like Yellow, he had turned onto his side to look at me. "You ready to cum again?"

Yellow, his paw firmly wrapped around my member, began to stroke fiercely. "You want someone to jack you off, slut?" he teased.

"You wanna make a mess in a big wolf's paw?" teased Red, reaching over to rub my belly.

"I think the little fox wants the big wolves to give him an orgasm," teased Green further.

"You like a big wolf paw around your cock, fox?" said Yellow.

A minute later, buried under the weight of their incessant teasing and stimulations, I finally arrived at my climax, painting the soft sheets with my cream as my body, touched and caressed all over, shook and convulsed with spasms of pleasure. I moaned out loud as my body did as they wanted.

"Did you like that, bitch?" teased Green as my orgasm began to subside, sticking a finger in my mouth for me to suck on.

"You can go now, fox," said Red, briefly wrapping his fingers around my churning balls. "But tomorrow you're not leaving, and you'll be spending all day in bed with us. I wanna see how much your cute balls have got."

"Yes, sir!" I said, excited with the idea of a whole day spent serving my superiors, before climbing out of bed. I could hear them laughing as I headed for my leotard and boots, crumpled up in a pile on a nearby chair. I could tell they were ogling my naked, cum-soaked form.

Quickly slipping into the tight outfit, I readied myself for the day. I was still dripping between my legs, which stained the blue fabric, but that didn't matter. My Goddess liked seeing the crotch of my costume wet with cum. Then I left the room, heading for the main hall where I expected my Goddess would be. She had ordered the three wolves to remain in bed for the day to play with each other.

Beams of morning light came through the large windows surrounding the cavernous entrance room, painting the stone floor in bright squares of solar rays. To the side of the room was Street Guard, still restrained and bathed in sweat. The front of her high-cut bikini was wet. My Goddess stood before her, holding a glass of water.

"Come on, sweetie," she was saying, her voice filled with condescension. "You simply must stay hydrated!"

"Give me a break," responded the defeated heroine, panting. Judging from the vibrator on the ground nearby, my Goddess had just finished bringing her to yet another orgasm. "You couldn't care less. You just want me to pee my costume again."

My Goddess giggled. "Oh, sweetie. Of course that's what I want! I'll never get tired of humiliating you! But if you want to live, you really will need to drink."

After a pause, Street Guard sighed and reluctantly drank from the glass, closing her eyes.

With a loud bang, the two large front doors of the stately home blew open with a blast of glowing red energy, flying across the room.

"What?!" exclaimed my Goddess in alarm as we all turned to face the main entrance, with me preparing to fight in her defence.

My mind was set ablaze with confusion, conflict, fear, and relief when I saw the being that had trespassed within this house. Emerging from the large open doorway was my Mistress, Manasa. Her long, flowing red hair was as vivid as the red energies that spiralled around her, the red pendant hanging from her neck burning with magical fire. Her green scales were darkened from the warm daylight behind her that outlined her silhouette in her silky crimson bikini.

"I did not want to believe it," she said, her voice soft but somehow booming. "Alas, it is true. I should have followed my instincts and come here earlier."

"M-Manasa?!" exclaimed my Goddess, her features ruled by an expression of fear.

"I told you he was mine," my Mistress said to Starsider, firmly. "You know what your punishment is."

"No, Manasa! It's not what you think!" pleaded my Goddess as Manasa approached serenely. "I-I found Streak! Just today! I was gonna deliver him to--"

"Stop," responded my Mistress. "Look at you. Your desperation and fear makes it all too clear that you speak falsely to me. Now it is time for you to die, Vivian."

Sweating, Starsider turned to me. "Slave! Attack! Kill her!"

Manasa looked at me and smiled. "That won't be happening, will it, pet?"

I honestly didn't know who I served, whose slave I was, who I belonged to. I was silent and dumbfounded with confusion like nothing I had ever felt before. I was conflicted to an incredible degree. My Goddess and my Mistress. My body and soul belonged to them both. I was destined to serve them. I lived to serve them. They were my life. All that mattered. Now, one wanted me to turn on the other. I felt like my brain was about to explode! Like a mindless robot made to calculate the impossible, this simply didn't compute!

"Boy, you can be free again!" said a voice. "Now is your chance!"

"Falcon," I whispered. His words were making my head feel oddly clearer. "I... What's going on?"

"Your conflicting obedience to Manasa and Starsider has fractured your submission to both. I can reassert my presence in your conscious mind."

Meanwhile, Manasa had no idea what was happening in my mind. Content that I had no intention of attacking her, she aimed a smug grin at Starsider, hands on her hips. "Well, sweetie, looks like you lost! You know what happens now."

"No! This isn't happening!" Starsider responded, breathing rapidly, unable to hide her fear as she backed away from the serpent sorceress.

"It's time, Vivian," said Manasa, stepping towards her treacherous associate. "Die with dignity and submission to me."

"Please, Manasa!" pleaded the vixen, falling to her knees as tears welled up from her eyes. "Please! I surrender! I beg you! I'll do anything!"

"It is good that you know your place on your knees before me, Vivian. To die on your knees before me is the greatest fate of all my slaves."

As Manasa stepped towards the treacherous villainess, I turned to where Street Guard was firmly restrained. I could free her. I could escape with her. I could be a superhero again.

"But..." I whispered, hesitantly, as feelings of returning to my life of slavery filled me with an incredible desire to submit once again. "I... I belong... I serve... I'm a slave..."

"No, boy. You are Streak, the protector of Beacon City!" replied Falcon, his voice echoing through my mind loudly. "You have the strength to regain your free will. I will be with you every step of the way. We can do this together!"

I could feel a sense of freedom; that my thoughts were whatever I wanted them to be, but I still felt devoted to my two to my owners. I didn't want to give up their domination over me. I wanted to continue to be their plaything and pet, to serve them and satisfy them for the rest of my life, and to experience their touch forever more. But I couldn't deny I also wanted to be free of their control, to fight them, and be the hero I once was. It was my duty to save lives and defend the innocent.

Starsider had bowed her head in defeat, crying now. As the concept of free will returned to me, I could see the truth: in the end, she was but a mere spoilt child who was about to lose everything.

"Please..." she said through her tears. "Please... make me--"

"Yes, sweetie," interrupted the elegant serpent who stood above her. "Your death shall be swift and pleasurable. Now, submit for the last time..."

Manasa looked Starsider in the eyes, and as she enacted her hypnotic abilities upon the vixen, she fell into her power. Her muscles relaxed and her quivering came to an end. She held a dumb smile as she gazed into the beautiful hypnotic vision of her dominator. In that moment, her life truly belonged to Manasa.

"Good girl," said the serpent sorceress, moving a finger to tickle under her jaw. "Now, die for me. Die in pleasure and ecstasy. Die in submission to your superior Mistress."

Immediately the vixen keeled over backwards, her mouth agape, thrusting her hips into the air faster than I've ever seen before. Her leotard instantly turned a dark gold as her fluids burst into the skimpy garment amid the most powerful orgasm imaginable. She didn't speak or even moan, her eyes tightly shut while she shook and convulsed uncontrollably. I realised what was happening: Manasa was using her power over Starsider's mind to induce an orgasm unlike any other, overloading her nervous system with more pleasure than anybody could possibly withstand, every nerve in her body pulsating with intense ecstasy. She continued thrusting her hips wildly on the floor while my Mistress had her way with her brain.

A sense of immense urgency fell over me. It was now or never. On Falcon's urging, I ran for Street Guard with Starsider and Manasa distracted, turned the key on the controls beside the restraining device, and released the captured heroine. She fell from her restraints, but I caught her before she could hit the hard stone floor. She was weak and in no condition to fight. I had to get her out of here.

"Do you think you can run?" I asked her.

"I... I don't think so," she responded, slowly standing. It was hard to deny how weak she was after the long days of abuse. "But I can try to fight."

A few moments later and Starsider collapsed. It was finally over. She lay sprawled out on the floor in a growing puddle of her own juices, her leotard completely soaked between her legs. She continued to twitch for a few moments, her lifeless body still suffering the effects of the incomprehensible ordeal.

"Such is the fate of all who deny me," said Manasa, smiling down smugly at the body of her former ally. Then she turned her attention to us. "I am here, my pet. All is well. Come. Return to me. Submit in my arms and embrace the pleasure of life as my slave once again."

I could hear Manasa's seductive words rattling around in my head. Every single one made me want to give up and cum for her right there; to throw off my free will forever and live as her slave. I wanted to fall to my knees and eradicate Falcon from my mind, along with every thought and memory of my former life as a superhero. I was already straining the fabric between my legs as the blissful thought of submission burned through my mind and body. Indeed, if I were to submit to her, I would never be unhappy again.

"Do not listen to her, boy," Falcon was saying, pleading. "This urge to submit comes from only the deepest depths of your soul. It is a miniscule desire that Manasa has empowered. Embrace who you really are, my young superhero. Submit to no one!"

I could hear Falcon's soothing but powerful voice, urging me to stand up for myself and seize my freedom once and for all. I saw flashes of my old life, of my good deeds, and the faces of the people I had saved. I saw what my future could be, the glorious adventures of Beacon City's greatest superhero! All I had to do was resist.

"I can sense your turmoil, my pet," said Manasa, so sweetly. "But you shall have unending peace and joy if you submit to me. Bring the heroine to her knees and we can be together again."

Now was the time for me to choose. There would be no other opportunity. Either I would remain as Manasa's slave and forsake my heroic ways forever in exchange for limitless pleasure and obedience, or I would defy her and escape with my free will intact to continue serving the citizens of Beacon City as Streak!

Streak sides with Manasa... (Non-Canon Ending)

I love my Mistress. There's no way I could possibly betray her! There's no way I would forsake this life of unending pleasure just to be a superhero. I would happily throw away all of that just to belong to her fully, to be her toy, her pet, her plaything, her complete and utter slave. She's only ever been good to me, and I should only ever be good to her in return, only ever be her good little pet. I can have that paradise once again.

"No, my friend!" pleads Falcon. "Do not do this! Do not sell your mind and body to this wicked siren!"

I don't listen! Instead, almost by instinct, I run for Street Guard, duck, and swing a leg down to trip her up. She's far too weak to stop me, and she falls over forwards, onto her stomach. I quickly get on top of her, easily cross her arms behind her back with my vastly superior strength, and pull her up onto her knees.

"No, Streak! Stop!" yells the heroine, pulling and struggling against my enhanced grip. "Don't do this!"

"I'm sorry," I respond. It's all I can say.

"Wonderful work, my pet," says my beautiful Mistress, approaching us. "I knew I could count on you. Now, I shall teach our lovely heroine who she serves."

"No! Get away! I'll nev--I... Uhhh..." says Street Guard, words trailing off into lazy nothingness as the stunning eyes of my Mistress light up with circles of colour, and she was totally doomed.

"Good girl. Release her, pet."

I did as my Mistress commanded, releasing the entranced heroine from my firm lock and standing aside as my loving owner begins to reshape Street Guard's mind once more, weaving words of submission.

"This time, there will be no escape. You are mine forever, Mariana. You will serve me with the utmost dedication for the rest of your life. I am the centre of your world, and you would die for me. No command is too difficult for you. I, your Mistress, am your life."

"Matthew, I..." says Falcon, and I can sense his fear and sadness. He's never this emotional. "I am sorry. I am sorry for failing you. I hope that you are forever content with this choice. Farewell, my friend."

I continue ignoring him, watching as Mistress puts the finishing touches on Street Guard. Falcon doesn't matter to me now. Only my Mistress matters. Then I feel his power leave my body as he sets off in search of the next Streak.

"There you go," says my Mistress, stroking under the former heroine's muzzle. "Now, show me your final submission. Cum for me."

The German shepherd moves a paw down between her legs, where the fabric of her tight bikini quickly darkens as she climaxes, releasing her juices into the fabric as her body convulses in orgasm.

"Stand," says my Mistress, taking a step back. "Wait outside. We shall go home soon."

"Y-Yes, Mistress..." says my fellow slave, shaky as she climbs to a standing position. Then she heads for the exit, leaving me alone with our Mistress.

She turns to me. "Kneel."

I immediately drop to my knees, feeling a sense of absolute contentment. I can feel my arousal tenting my costume once again, pleased to no end by the satisfaction of no longer belonging to myself. Both my mind and body belong totally to her, my Mistress.

She turns to me and smiles, making me shudder slightly from her seductive gaze. I can't help but spread my kneeling legs slightly.

"Such a good boy..." she says, walking over to me. Every step only makes me harder and harder, tenting my shiny blue leotard even further. Then she crouches, bringing herself face-to-face with me. "I could sense that you had the strength to resist me just then, but you chose not to. You chose me instead, didn't you?" She tickles under my jaw, and I react with a soft moan with a blissful look on my face. "Now, what say we get rid of the last of that pesky free will?" she said, moving her other scaly hand down to grope my bulge between my kneeling legs.

"Yes... Oh, yes... Mistress... Yes, please..." I respond, panting steadily, especially since her other hand descends to gently grasp my pulsating member inside its spandex confines.

Suddenly I feel the last of my old life seeping away into blackness, all my free will and free thoughts stripped away as her eyes again fill with brilliant, whirling colours. As I am stripped of my individuality, I can feel her hand continue to grope me between my legs. Each component of my personality that vanishes brings me closer and closer to climaxing. Then she kisses me, connecting her scaly snout with my furry muzzle. I feel her forked tongue sliding around, tickling all over. My body can take it no more and I release right there, my loud moans muffled in her mouth while she stimulates me with her expert grip. My eyes remain open the whole time, staring into her hypnotic gaze.

The very last piece of my personality vanishes, replaced only with the utmost obedience to my Mistress. Streak is gone forever, and nothing can ever change that. My entire purpose in life is to serve my Mistress however she pleases, and I would not have it any other way. I feel like I am ejaculating the old me into my costume, ridding myself of the filth of my heroic ways once and for all.

Finally my orgasm subsides, my body shaking and weary after the long process. Every single thought in my mind is now concerned with nothing more than serving my Mistress, finally free of the horrible freedom that would have deprived me of this blissful fate. It feels so wonderful to have a real purpose, to belong to my Mistress. Her tongue still swirls around in my mouth as the last of my fluids flood into my leotard. I feel her scaly hand press against the material, squelching my seed between my fur and the fabric of my costume.

I moan further when she pulls her tongue out of me, but she keeps her hand on my package. I long for the sweet taste of snake saliva in my mouth again, making me feel a sense of incompleteness.

"Good boy. You love to cum for me, don't you?" she teases, a large smile on her snout. Her voice sounds more arousing and seductive than ever before, as if the world itself has changed to revolve around her alone.

"Y-Yes... Mistress. I love it so much..." I respond, still panting and moaning gently, so relieved to be free of my old life.

She rubs her hands up and down my torso now, occasionally running her fingers along my thighs, then making circles around my crotch. "That's right, my sweet pet. You made the right decision, and now you will experience incredible pleasures for as long as you live. By submitting to me willingly, my power over you has become truly permanent and unbreakable."

I nearly cum again simply from the power of her words. Yes, nothing else matters now but to serve her.

"I understand, Mistress."

"Yes, you do. Your new life truly begins now. Let us go home. We shall have some fun with Street Guard together."

Streak sides with Street Guard! (Canon Ending)

I couldn't turn my back on Falcon. He chose me to fight for justice, and he gave me something to live for. But most of all, I owed Street Guard. I got her into this mess, and it was my responsibility to get her out. I owed them and the people of Beacon City. I owed too much to surrender.

Gathering all my strength, I resisted the urge to submit to a life of pleasurable slavery. I fought against my lusty desires, fighting back my arousal with all my might. I stood tall and could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I felt my weakened muscles suddenly fill with energy. I refused to be a plaything any longer. I refused to be just a pet and a slave. I had a destiny to fight for all that was right in this city, and I would never allow some seductive snake to stop me!

"Welcome back to the land of free will," said Falcon. "But we are not out of this yet."

I had a job to do. It was time to take action! I charged at Manasa, aiming a fist for the side of her scaly head. But with a flick of her wrist, a wave of vivid red energy erupted from her body like an explosion of fire, sending me flying through the air and back down hard into Street Guard, knocking us both down.

"What a shame," said Manasa, so smug. "I hoped I had done a better job on you than that, my pet, but it seems I will just have to hypnotise you again. But don't worry. I know how much you love that."

Things were not looking good. Manasa's attack didn't seem to take any effort whatsoever, and its area of effect would make it difficult to flank her.

"We need a plan!" I said as Street Guard and I stood up, aching after my contact with the red blast.

"No, we need to escape," responded the heroine.

Manasa laughed heartily, totally laidback. "Ah, my sweet pets. There is no escape. Look at you both. Do you really think you are in any position to escape me?" Then the villainess began to swirl with fiery red energy, flowing around her like magical dance streamers. "You are already mine."

There was a pause. My ally and I were both gritting our teeth. We couldn't deny that our situation was dire, and we could feel Manasa's power in our bones.

"She's right," said Street Guard, oddly relaxed. "I'm too weak to run and jump. You can escape through the back window." She gestured her head towards the large stained glass window at the top of the elegant grand staircase.

"Wait, no!" I yelled, turning to my courageous friend. "There's no way I'm leaving you behind!"

"We're outmatched," the heroine continued, and now her voice was firm. "I can distract her while you get out."

"Awww!" teased Manasa, condescendingly. "That is truly courageous of you, my dear."

I wasn't going to tolerate this. I charged at Manasa once again, but this time I ducked down just before she could fire off another wave of energy. However, the wave never even came, and I slid down between Manasa's legs to stand up behind her, preparing to strike from behind.

"Is that really any way to treat your Mistress, pet?" she asked, looking over her shoulder at me. She wasn't moving, nor did she even flinch.

Hesitation came over me. Was it some kind of trick? Or was she seriously trying to appeal to me?

It didn't matter. I threw a punch straight for her face, but I couldn't anticipate the speed with which she responded. She grabbed my fast-moving arm, pulled, and threw me over her shoulder with an unnatural ease and flawless technique. A few metres away, I collided with the post at the base of the railing on the side of the staircase, chipping away a few pieces of solid stone as my ribs struck the solid rock. I let out a soft wail of pain as a bolt of agony shot through my abused body.

Street Guard ran into Manasa, swinging a weak but expertly-executed kick through the air. Still standing with her legs together, Manasa blocked the kick with the side of her hand. Again, she needed no effort, especially when she grabbed the heroine's leg, pulled, and swung her in my direction. Thankfully, I had recovered just enough to be able to grab her, preventing further injury from coming to her weakened body.

"My friend, you really must leave," said Falcon, filled with urgency. "Street Guard is right."

"But... I'm the reason she's here!" I thought as I helped the heroine to stand, but I winced with the crack in my ribs. Then I spoke out loud. "I'm the reason you're here, Street Guard! I did this! I'm not abandoning you! I'll have that on my conscience forever!"

"I forgive you, Streak," she responded, turning to smile at me. "It wasn't your fault this happened. You did your best. But now is your chance. Not mine. There's no reason for us both to lose here."

"Please, my friend," implored Falcon. "Please. I need you."

This was a lot of pressure. I needed to save Street Guard, but I couldn't deny that she and Falcon were right. If I didn't leave now, we'd both be done for. If I didn't retreat, we'd either both die or both become slaves yet again.

"Now go!" yelled Street Guard. "I'll hold her off!"

"No, wait!"

The heroine charged at Manasa one last time, and in one swift move, the serpent easily twirled around the attack before putting her hand against Street Guard's stomach. A moment later, a blade of red magic in the shape of a scythe emerged from her back, easily slicing through her flesh.

"No..." I said, quietly. I was too shocked to respond loudly to this cruel reality.

"There now," said Manasa, smiling with smug glee as the impaled heroine's body froze up and her head leaned against the serpent witch's shoulder. With her one free hand, Manasa moved her fingers down to rub through the crotch of Street Guard's high-cut bottoms. "I win."

The blade disappeared. Street Guard stepped back as Manasa continued to smile at her. The heroine didn't seem to mind the hole through her body, slowly turning to face me.

"Streak... Tell my mother for me, okay? Her name's Winter. Winter Lucas. Tell her all about me and what happened here. Please."

"I will!" I said, quickly. I owed her, and I'd remember the name. "I promise!"

She was still smiling up at me as her legs began to quiver with weakness. "Tell the other Vigils I went out swinging, okay?"

Manasa came up behind the defeated heroine, wrapping her arms around Street Guard. "Are you really going to leave her, pet?" she said, goading me. Clearly she wanted me to return willingly.

I didn't hesitate. I ran up the stairs, straight for the window and jumped, crashing through the glass. I came crashing down a storey to the grass below, landing heavily on my hands and feet. As I stood, I could see the large grounds of the mansion, black fences hidden behind tall hedges in the distance surrounding the estate.

There was no time to lose. Manasa would surely reassert her control over me if I stayed any longer. With impressive speed I launched forward, heading straight for the hedges. It felt so good to be free, to run again, and I knew I would feel whole as soon as I left the grounds.

Freedom at last! I leapt over the high hedge with boundless energy, landing on the road beyond. After getting to my feet, I threw myself aside to avoid being hit by a passing car, and then leapt over to the far side of the road. Ahead of me with a vast cornfield, and beyond I could see the suburbs. Beyond that, over Beacon River was the dense urban metropolis that I still considered my home. My protectorate.

Then I ran forward yet again and into the cornfield, speeding through the grain with a blue streak in my wake. I breathed in deeply, relishing my new freedom and the sensation of self-determination. I felt the gentle breeze and warm sunlight against the fur of my bare legs and simply soaked it all in, my arms raised to my sides as I looked up at the sun rising over the city in the distance, eyes closed.

I had a mission to protect my city and find the other heroes that the villains had captured. I was determined to succeed, and I would never rest until every hero alive was freed from their captivity and slavery. I resolved to notify the police department of where the mansion was at my first opportunity, then start rounding up those villains and lock them away once and for all. But most of all, I'd bring Manasa to justice.

"I am proud of you, my friend. Together, I know we shall triumph!"

I told myself that Beacon City had nothing to fear. Streak was coming home.