the war part two the irony

As Ichigan leads his forces through the vampire ruled land Alex was back at headquarters sensing something was off. He got up and went to Ichigan's room. No one was there. He went to the security room and said, "Put up the surveillance video by...


Here I share a small story of a game I both love and hate.

Some demand crops that are going to be in season two seasons from or behind now, or summer crops in the middle of winter, or fruit that's hard to get anyways in the middle of winter, where nothing but debts from how much hay your animals eat grows.


Jingle the Bells

A commissioned story written by mech starring cinder and clinker, the two-headed jester from the short-lived cartoon blazing dragons. clinker groaned as he began to wake.

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Jeremy 090; The Issue With Madagascar

Jeremy had noticed two were leading their side of the argument. after a few minutes it was clear to jeremy that desiree and jerrins were harris' counterparts.


Jeremy 089; At The Bottom Of A Dark

The large female dominant standing between the other two smiled and nodded back to her. "a fine job kussio, as expected. thank you, thank you all." she said with a nod to the other lemurs.


Jeremy 088; Many Miles Away

He was a full two feet taller than even a large lemur. it was fortunate that a fair number of the hotel suites were designed to accommodate someone the size of an otter.


Jeremy 087; The Inner Circle

He still worked evenings and most weekends, scheduling two to three clients a day. his technique and stamina had increased dramatically.


Jeremy 086; The Road Ahead

She looked up with a smile and watched as jeremy reached over and stroked able's head with two fingers. jeremy watched as able grasped his fingers and felt him try pulling his fingers toward his open mouth.


Jeremy 085; The Bureau Of Sabotage

Instead of joining him in standing over the two technicians he turned into the space across the hall from the room the equipment was being installed. entering the break room he saw that a little work was left to finish up.


Jeremy 092; The Thing In Kealuroondea

Together jeremy and his two lemur escort watched as the ground staff of the airport guided the aircraft in and made the familiar arrangements.


Jeremy 091; Its A Lemur Thing

As one the two lemurs looked over to where jeremy and locke stood. as they both walked back to the entrance jeremy could see the anticipatory set of their tails. neither thought the encounter was going to end well.


Jeremy 093; Its Not The Slope Its The Lack Of Friction

"you two don't miss a trick, do you?" gakota chuckled. "nope." nodding his acceptance the otter looked to locke.
