Swampland Hospitality

Story by Malus on SoFurry

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#2 of Dragon Debacle

Part of the Dragon Debacle Series!

Another trade with Kumbartha as part of my contribution to his series.

This one picks up right after my previous story and delves a bit further into the culinary habits of the reptilian inhabitants of the Thuxotor swamps.

Suffices to say that our two wolven heroes both have a bit of trouble acclimatizing to this rather particular brand of hospitality.

...and at least one can take refuge in the knowledge that "dying to be at / on this dinner table" at least usually comes with going out with a bang.

This will contain cooking, butchering and eating of anthros, so be warned.

...and if that overly disturbs you despite the disclaimer, well, take it as a lesson for why it might be a good thing to become a vegetarian in real life. Trust me, you will not be spoiled for delicious and nutritious things to eat.

I hope you enjoy and check out the rest of the series!^^

Swampland Hospitality

The young wolf felt his hackles rising as he stared at the scenery in front of him. The roaring whir of blades, the thick scent of blood, the muscular figure, holding on with both hands to the edge of the grinder... "Wrong door, kiddo? Or are you here to be part of the next course?" The large alligator, wearing nothing but a blood splattered leather apron, was grinning at him, hefting the heavy meat cleaver over his shoulder.

"I, I..." Nobregas stammered, his legs shaking as he looked transfixed at what was happening before his eyes. At the lion whose body was disappearing into the spring powered rotating blades, his thick, throbbing erection, the light of the ovens reflecting on the gold studs in his oversized nipples and the ring pierced through his cock head. The air stank of blood and sweat and, cum... "Nice bit of meat on you, boy..." A smaller lizard cook was approaching from the side, feeling up his biceps, making the wolf blush.

"Come on, we will give you a quick shot and then you can have fun being ground up or roasting over the spit. What you say, doggy...?" He snickered, continuing to squeeze Nobregas arm, before a sudden loud cry made all of them turn. The lion had his eyes closed, mouth wide open, tongue hanging out as his cock pulsed, throbbing with obscene vigor as he started to shoot a massive load of white cream all over himself, splattering not only over his body, but all over the grinder and the surrounding area, until it ran thickly down over the golden ring in his massive shaft. He let out a loud gasp as he lost his grip, his whole body sinking down under the sound of his moans and cries and the roar of the blades... Nobregas felt his breath go heavy, his own cock standing up straight. This, this was the second time now within one night... "Hey, leave the boy alone, he is with me, no cooking him, even if he walks right to the chopping block like a good little lamb!" Gruk's voice sounded amused as he grabbed the hand of the smaller lizard, pulling it off the blushing and aroused young wolf. "Ah, Gruk, here to inspect the selection? We have quite some good meat on offer tonight, care for some freshly ground lion?" They chuckled, watching the feline's still gasping head vanish, until finally, the flood of pinkish meat mash stopped... "I was thinking of having you roast me that big hunk of lion I left you in the back room. There is enough of him to feed a whole table of hungry crocodilians." Ikshar pushed the others aside, giving the selection of meat, dead and living an approving glance. Meanwhile, Randall, the old wolf priest, was looking right at the skinned, headless body roasting over one of the fire places, filling the room with an undeniably appetizing aroma. Another smaller lizard was tending to it, giving him a piercing glance and a smirk as he kept the hunk of meat rotating over the fire, the thick pecs slowly starting to turn to a deeper shade of reddish pink as the heat of the flame lapped over the once formidable body. "Like what you see, old wolf? Want a slice of him for your supper?" Randall opened his mouth to answer, but Ikshar stepped between them, raising his scaly arms and vehemently shaking his head. "I'll select something proper for my friends here. Those wolves are new to our lands, I think they may need a bit of help coming to terms with our culinary habits..." He had a strange grin. Nobregas could not help feeling relieved though. His heart hammered as he watched the meat grinder already being readied for its next victims, three at the same time, two of them forming quite the contrast to each other with their yellowish and blue furs respectively. Their cocks were stiff, but nevertheless, they looked a bit queasy as the large crocodile was just lifting the two of them up while another big reptile was busy working the mechanism, winding up the apparatus. His black and gray scales were shining with sweat as he grunted under the effort, licking his lips as he looked at the anxious furs in his colleague's grip... It was hard for the young wolf not to imagine how this easily could be him... "Got it ready, push them..." He paused, his arm darting forward, grabbing a squealing little fox, his black paws and white chest forming a rather handsome contrast to his red coat. "Ah, one thought he could get away, ey, boy?" The struggling little thing was kicking and squirming in the lizards grip as the meat grinder came to life again with a loud roar. Nobregas swallowed, his heart pounding - and his cock embarrassingly stiff - as he watched how the poor young fox was shoved head first inside. "No, please, pl... urgh!" He closed his eyes, pressing his hands to his ears as he heard the vulpine cry out. At least it was over quickly... The other two, hard pronged like the lion, were already following their fellow into the merciless blades, until only one of the poor foxes legs stuck out and both the others were already halfway eaten up by the blades. How could they take this? The pain had to be just excruciating, o, or...? Nobregas gaze drifted over to where Ikshar was just examining a huge, muscular skunk, posing and flexing on one of the tables, Randall looking on with a horrified expression on his face, while the young lizard necromancer was almost salivating over the meat so proudly presenting himself.

"Hmmmh, can I convince you to have a slice of me for your main course, cutie?" The skunk grinned as one of the cooks stung him with an injection needle, the muscular body shuddering for a moment before a lewd moan escaped the skunk's mouth.

"Oooh, getting me ready to be skinned alive and roasted, oooh. Just look at my pecs, don't you want to see them all golden brown and steaming with meat juice...?" Nobregas could not quite believe it. Was that guy wanting to be eaten, to, to be cooked alive...? "Oh, I know I will have to have at least some part of you..." Ikshar was fondling the stiff cock, making the skunk moan and buck immediately. "Uuuh, oooh, you, you naughty little lizard, not sure if that part has not already been reserved by someone else, but, I bet it will taste nice and juicy once my hard prick is properly cooked up..." The old wolf priest had stepped back, his back to the wall, cursing under his breath, while Gruk was wandering around, inspecting the meat on display. "Always nice when the little fuzzies are all eager to fry, ey?" Ikshar shot him a glance, his grin widening. "You bet, love it when they are willing, but then again, we are always giving them a nice little prick of Siena root to make sure they stay nice and hard while we cook them up and allow them to go out with a bang, right?" The cooks joined in the laughter, one of them lifting up a nervous looking young Jaguar, giving his erect cocks a few strokes. "To tight asses and hard meat!" The call was joined by all the reptilians in the kitchen, while Nobregas slowly edged away, trying to ignore his throbbing erection. "Umh, j, just vegetables for me tonight..." His words earned him another round of loud laughter, as he stumbled out of the kitchen, his whole body shaking. He should have insisted to wait in the bar room at the front from the start...

This whole place was crazy, Randall was correct about that!

But, but still... The wolf prince felt the precum dripping from his erection, images whirling in his head, including ones of the young hyena he had just a short while ago watched disappearing down a naga's throat... He adjusted his loincloth, tying his persistently stiff cock against his flat, muscular abdomen, before taking a deep breath, ready to make his way back to the bar room. The mood was still as rowdy as before, the only difference being that the podium, where a young lizard boy had previously been tied up in order to pay back his gambling debts with his body, was now empty. Nobregas felt a tight knot forming in his stomach, wondering if the boy was already roasting somewhere in the kitchen he had just fled from, or whether he was maybe back on his feet, having joined the crowd of patrons enjoying the evening and its amusements. He really hoped for the latter, but he could not make him out anywhere. What had Gruk said? Something about there being the chance that someone had bought the boy outright. And, that, that might mean pretty much anything here, including ending up swallowed whole and alive... The wolf's cock was twitching, making Nobregas feel both embarrassed and dirty about where his mind was going. He needed something to distract himself from all this or it would drive him mad... For now, he just nursed his drink quietly, taken out of his musings as Randall crashed down into his seat with a litany of condemnation murmured under his breath.

"...appealing to the commandment of honoring hospitality, just like the great despoiler would! Trying to turn the words of the One against his faithful servant to bring him down into the filth of their vile corruption..." Nobregas raised an eyebrow, looking at Randall, who at first barely seemed to take notice of him being there.. "Father Randall, did you, umh, did you get into an argument with Ikshar?" He was starting to form an idea, but he was not quite sure his hunch could be correct. Randall could not, not after all the bickering between him and Gruk, no, that would just be...

"That heretic tried to argue the holy script with me, but I will not let him make me back down to his challenge like some cowardly pup!" He looked at Nobregas when he spit out the last word, making the younger wolf feel his nose wrinkle slightly, being very aware of the contempt in the priest's gaze - for him! "So, did you just agree to let him serve you whatever he wants, in other words, trying to stand up to him by giving him the chance to do whatever he likes, with your very own express permission?" His voice was a bit curt as he returned the gaze. He might be young, but he knew enough of how things worked at court to be aware that Randall had just played into the game of their reptilian companion - and all that just to not to appear "weak", like he apparently thought Nobregas had. "Like he would ever dare!" He growled, taking a deep gulp of the drink a passing waiter had just placed in front of him.

"You have to be firm with those infidels and not back down. Then their wickedness will flee the wrath of the righteous. That is the way to deal with those benighted heathens, my prince."

Nobregas withheld his answer, swallowing the stinging reply down with the cool contents of his mug. Between Randall on the one hand and the lizards on the other, he seemed to be caught in the middle, feeling a bit uneasy at both the priest's blind zeal and condemnation and the reptilians unashamed callousness... He had not thought of this being quite as much of a mess when he had volunteered for the mission in order to win back his father's approval... Both he and the older wolf remained silent, their eyes on what was happening around them, one with obvious disdain and the other with a conflicted curiosity...

It was almost a relief when Ikshar and Gruk finally came to their table, both lizards stretching and laughing as they let themselves fall down on their seats, Ikshar showing of his hairy pits, which were rather unusual for a reptile. Nobregas felt a bit of a flush of heat, trying not to stare.

"Oh, that skunk was fun, looking really forward to having one of his pecs on my plate and have a bite. Looked great when he creamed himself all over that black fur and added some more white to it, heheh..." He chuckled, taking a long sip. "Yeah, kept cumming all over himself as they skinned him, don't see that too often. Didn't even stop when they started chopping him up. He was kinda cute when he moaned about being sad he did not get to roast in one piece, but with that big hunk of meat, he would never have been cooked properly before next morning." Gruk laughed out loud, obviously pleased and smelling unmistakably of sex.

"Looked great when they put him next to the lion, it was quite hot to see them both chopped up and turned into lots of tasty meat. Gonna make some nice furs too. Maybe next time we come here, they'll have them as bed covering. Sure gonna be fun having a sweaty romp on their furs, right?" Ikshar had a wicked gleam in his eyes, obviously aware of the reaction from his two canine companions to his and Gruk's banter. He leaned over to Nobregas, close enough for the young wolf to be able to smell the recent sex and death on him.

"You also have a rather nice coat, wolfy, you know..." Nobregas felt his heart skip a beat as Ikshar squeezed and fondled his chest and shoulders, his erection springing back to full mast pretty much immediately. "Ah, don't tease the boy too much, Ikshar, he is gonna be king one day, don't want to make enemies, ey?" The bigger lizard put an arm over Nobregas shoulder, giving him a rather gentle squeeze.

"Oh, I was not planning to make him an enemy, trust me, I was thinking more of getting friendly with him, if you know what I mean..." He gave Nobregas a wink, who just smiled a bit sheepishly, ignoring Randall's glare.

"Umh, well, since we are all going to be traveling together, I think it would be a good thing if we all could become friends, right?" He knew his smile might seem a bit like he was trying too hard, but he had already been forced to be the mediator between Randall and Gruk to some degree up to now, so he definitely had no plans on allowing their party to end with more bickering than was absolutely unavoidable.

"That's the spirit, let us drink to that and hope we get some food soon, I am starving!" Gruk raised his mug to a cheer and even Randall joined in, if a bit begrudgingly.

"So, guys, that dragon you want me help you slay, it's that black beast that you have so far been making a feast for regularly?" Ikshar had put his mug back on the table, now eyeing Randall curiously. "That is correct." The wolf's reply was terse, his voice betraying a certain amount of tension.

"So, what made you decide to change your arrangement? Did he poop on your church's lawn or something?" Ikshar had the most irreverent grin on his face, making Randall growl fiercely. "I am not paying you for your foul tongue, necromancer, and neither does your payment include answers to questions that aren't any of your business!" Nobregas and Gruk where just about to raise from their seats to interfere, should a fight break out, but Ikshar quickly made a soothing gesture, still grinning, but seemingly not intent to rile up the old wolf further than necessary.

"Hey, just asking, no reason to get grumpy, old man. I mean, yeah, doesn't really matter to me why you want the old reptile dead." He paused, taking another sip before continuing to speak.

"But how about that guy you want me to bring back from the dead? I think it is fair for me to know now since I will get to know it anyway, ey?" Randall let out a huffing breath, still looking at the lizard with a certain contempt.

"You are to return the great hero Wolfger back to life. If anyone can slay that beast, it is him. I am not trusting the future of our kingdom to just a pair of godless lizardmen." His gaze traveled from Ikshar to Gruk. Nobregas felt his ears flattening a bit at his apparent the dismissal, but then again, Randall had not counted himself there either... "Oooh, wow!" Ikshar genuinely seemed taken aback. "That is some resurrection, hasn't he been dead for, what, hundreds of years? You better know where he is buried, not that I am saying I cannot do it, but you better be willing to pay for the extra ingredients I'd need if his body is just a pile of ash by now. The more intact, the better." Randall's muzzle twitched a bit, seemingly pleased to make the cocky grin of the lizardman vanish for a second.

"Don't worry, the great hero has an equally great tomb erected in his honor. His bones rest there undisturbed - up to now that is..." He gave Ikshar a sharp look.

"Hey, YOU want me to disturb them, I'd never even thought about it, well, might have been a different matter if I had known about it before..." He quickly raised his hands when he saw the wolf's fur bristling.

"Oh, calm down already, I am just making a joke. There is more than plenty in terms of bones and dead bodies in the swamps. You know, you really need a bite to eat, gonna make you less of a grumpy doggy." Ikshar grinned before craning his neck to look out for the serving staff. And indeed, it was not long before the first course came. Nobregas was the first to have a plate of marinated vegetables topped with cheeses, herbs and thin slices of fruit put before him. Honestly, he was rather surprised that his order for the vegetarian option had actually resulted in something that looked and smelled pretty tasty, even though the scent of cooked meat made his stomach growl... When he saw what was placed in front of Randall though, he could only thank god for his decision!

What the old wolf was looking at with obvious shock in his eyes was, was... A plate of steamed cocks and balls. Daintily piled up with a little fork stuck rakishly into the top of the pile. A very intensely savory aroma was wafting from it and Nobregas felt a chilly lump forming in his stomach as he saw the hungry look both lizard men were giving the plate. One of the cocks still had a gleaming gold ring pierced through the tip and most of them definitely looked like they came from warmblooded bodies... "Like it, old wolf? It is a very special dish only served to honored guests, a sign of our great appreciation to be granted employment by the church and crown. I beg you, honored priest of the One, to accept our humble offer of hospitality." Ikshar managed to speak the words with a serious tone, the corners of his mouth just twitching slightly. "Come on, Randall, you would not dishonor our hospitality and the commands of your god by refusing this sincere offering?" Gruk on the other hand was grinning, while Randall looked at them, obviously locked in an inner conflict between his pride and his outrage.

Finally, his face turned into a grimace of contempt, as he drew in breath before carefully replying.

"I am certain, that no insult was meant by this, this gift..." He spat out the last word, glaring at the lizardmen. "In the name of the One and Only One, I shall gracefully accept the thought behind your hospitality..." He gulped, looking down at his plate, his hand trembling as he reached for the fork. Nobregas lowered his gaze, focusing on his own plate and trying not to listen to the sounds of lupine teeth tearing into cooked flesh, clear over the silence that had now surrounded them as many other patrons were gawking at the scene, some snickering, but some also cheering as they watched the wolf slowly devour the steamed male bits laid out before him, his face a stony grimace.

"Hehe, trying to get out of it more quickly, or do you like swallowing cock after all?" Ikshar was commenting with a cheeky grin as Randal just quickly swallowed down one of the stiff penises, the length of meat forming a visible bulge in his throat causing quite a bit more lewd calls. It seemed to take way longer than it had any right to before finally, all plates were emptied, leaving Nobregas with a strange feeling, thinking back at the very much alive furs he had seen in the kitchen. Had any of them been the source of the stiff erections, carefully cooked to perfection? The thought, the memory of the cooks leering at him, already appraising his body for the spit or the pot, made him feel both frightened and quite hard. He hardly could concentrate on the conversation, noticing though that Gruk was giving him a strange, knowing look. "...no shenanigans form here on though, heathen, or I will make sure that you will have your own filthy tongue fed to you, before this journey is over..." Randall's growls made his ears perk up, glancing at the necromancer.

"Hey, relax, wasn't so bad, was it? And they were butchered anyway, so what difference does it make whether you or someone else is eating their dangly bits?" Ikshar seemed to have at least gained a little bit of grudging respect for the priest, but the grin he was wearing seemed to hint at something else he was having up his sleeve. The young wolf was wondering if he should warn Randall, but... "I hope for your sake that this will be the last incident of this sort. My main course better not be more of this." His growl was quite fierce, answered again by Ikshar's calm, slightly amused voice.

"Ah, don't worry, it is just some harmless rump roast. Couldn't play the same trick twice, wouldn't be any fun, right?" Randall huffed. "I think our next course is coming already." Gruk cut into the exchange, looking over his shoulder to where platters of steaming meat were carted in from the kitchen, causing many heads to turn and inhale the appetizing scent of roasted flesh. Ikshar was first this time, looking down with apparent gusto at the big slices of pectoral muscle put in front of him, the large nipples still standing up stiff and crisp from the golden brown slabs, covered in a thick, meaty sauce. "Oh, skunk and lion, this is gonna be great!" He did not even wait an instant to grab one of the slices, teeth tearing through the cooked muscle, making sounds of obvious gusto as he chewed and swallowed, washing the meat down with half a mug of ale. Nobregas felt the queasy feeling in his stomach make room for genuine appetite as he looked at the big mushrooms sliced into big chunks and grilled with herbs and pepper, the fried sticks of potatoes with salt and sharp spices and the heap of creamy coleslaw as well as the breaded vegetables, already looking delightfully crisp and crunchy. The cooks definitely knew how to make a meal and not only out of squirming, stiffly erect males... But of course, the young wolf was looking with anticipation as a large roast was placed in front of Randall, just as Gruk bit into a large and very obviously humanoid drumstick... It was a rump roast, so much was true... A dark brown roasted rear, the chopped of legs spread apart to show of the steaming pucker, obscenely stretched open and raised up into the air. And the meat still seemed to twitch, steaming with heat...

"What in god's name...?" Randall was staring as the dead, cooked meat seemed to move, his eyes wide as he quickly glanced over to Ikshar, as if he was suspecting some sort of magical foul play. "It's a good old rump roast ala crème." The two lizardmen began to chuckle, Randall just giving them a wide eyed look.

"You, you benighted heathens dare serve me something like, like this again?" He was shifting in his seat in a weird manner, his claws digging into the table as he was seeming to struggle for breath.

"And, what are you talking about, I do not see any..." His words were cut off as the roasted ass suddenly began to spasm, the sphincter twitching and suddenly, a whole fountain of white, creamy juice came spurting out, filling the air with an unmistakable intense aroma, salty and very richly male.

Both wolves could just watch with wide eyes and open mouths as the sticky shower splurted out, covering the entire meat in a layer of creamy white sauce...

"Cook's a genius, he always gets the timing just perfect." Gruk licked his lips as he looked on, one hand reaching down, making Nobregas suddenly grow tense as he felt it groping his own hard cock... The lizardman did not betray any reaction, still grinning, while Nobregas tried to suppress a whimper. Randall meanwhile was staring at Ikshar, his mouth opening and closing, before finally he regained his composure. "If you think you can shock me, then be assured..." He took a breath, his adam's apple bobbing as he was gulping dryly.

"...if you think this proves anything but your own depravity..." The old wolf seemed close to jumping over the table and clawing at the necromancer, obviously reining himself in through sheer force of will.

"Dear high priest Randall, is our hospitality not to your liking? Will you not honor us as your hosts according to the teachings of the One?" Ikshar feigned anguished shock, his lids fluttering as he seemed to be trying to imitate one of the highborn aristocrats who would fawn over the guests at their table. It was comical enough to make Nobregas muzzle twitch, despite of the shocking display. "Oh, I assure you, my DEAR, DEAR Ikshar, I am positively delighted of course!" Randall seemed unwilling to give any ground, ramming his knife right into the steaming meat. "Far be it from me to spurn your kind hospitality. How could I possibly heap anguish upon you, when I am so aware of the kind of hospitality awaiting you once the day of judgment shall dawn." He had a fierce expression when he demonstratively wolfed down a piece of meat. "I am sure the Lord shall look upon every of your GENEROUS deeds, see the extent to which you follow his every precepts and thus reward you accordingly, be it in this world...", he gulped down another piece of meat, "or the world to come!" Randall kept staring at the lizardman with burning eyes, stopping finally once he had devoured about a third of the roast. "Now, surely you shall forgive an old man, whose constitution can handle only so much of such a GENEROUS, KINDLY OFFERED meal!" He had pretty much jumped to his feet, making a curt but very short bow, wrapping his cloak around himself as he stepped back.

"I am sure you will excuse me, my dear hosts, for my frailties!" Ikshar's mouth twitched as he watched the old priest stomp off, raising a hand as if to command the crowd of onlookers to stay put. He seemed to be soundlessly counting down the seconds after he heard a door slam, before finally bursting out laughing, soon to be joined by the cheering onlookers. "Haahahah! Have you seen his face? Teaches him not to try to play tough guy with me!" Gruk gave him a friendly slap on the back, joining in the laughter, leaving only the young wolf who tried to suppress the amusement. "God, when he tried to just quickly gulp down the cocks, his face! And when he saw the cum fountain!" Gruk was hollering and so was Ikshar. "Well, guess we have to do honor by this fine roast, or maybe...", he looked at Nobregas with a rather scary grin, "maybe our young prince would like some meat after all?" Nobregas just slowly shook his head, taking a bite of his own plate. "No, thanks, I am good." Whether it was his dry tone or just the situation as a whole, his reply earned him more laughs and actually even some encouraging calls. "Leave the boy Ikshar, I think he needs a different kind of meat, a bit fresher, if you catch my drift." He winked at the necromancer, laying one arm over Nobregas shoulder.

"Listen, you come with me once we are finished, I kinda had to notice how you have been all night, I think you seriously need to blow off some steam and I will make sure you get to take advantage of your old fart of a chaperon being out of the picture." Nobregas shifted a bit in his seat. He felt Gruk's own thick, sweaty, masculine scent envelop him - not that he minded, but... "I, umh, I think I should maybe go after father Randall, I mean, we should not start this journey on a bad note..." Ikshar quickly chimed in, patting Nobregas on the chest as he interrupted his words. "Nah, give him some time to sulk and cool his head, I will talk with him tomorrow, no hard feelings, well, aside from those hard feelings we might have beneath our loincloths..." He grinned suggestively, making Nobregas cheeks burn hotly. "I, umh..." Gruk shushed him, pulling him against his muscular body, leaning in close enough for his breath to tickle the wolf's ear.

"Sssh, no need to feel embarrassed, definitely not around either of us." Ikshar shrugged in assent, grinning broadly, showing of his teeth. "Not gonna judge you for what you want, just judging those who try to pretend and lecture others when..." He grinned, Gruk chuckling as he continued for the other lizard. "...when they are trying to hide their own hard on beneath their cape? Boy, your father Randall needs to up his game if he wants to fool me." Nobregas looked at the lizards with a skeptical expression, rather taken aback at the suggestion.

"Randall? Umh, I, I'm really not sure if..." Ikshar cut him off: "Oh, come now, boy, the guy is totally turned on by this, he is just trying to hide it." Nobregas gave him a slightly doubting look, but the necromancer just shrugged.

"You will see for yourself, you will see for yourself..."

After that, the rest of the meal did not take long, the mood rather relaxed as Ikshar and Gruk exchanged bawdy stories of their recent exploits. Nobregas found himself both flustered and excited, his cock perpetually stiff from both the outrageous tales and from how close the bodies of the two lizards were pressing against his. "Hmmmh, that sure hit the spot!" Gruk let out a belch, patting his muscular abdomen. "And now, young prince, we shall see that you get some meat as well..." His grin was more than just suggestive, the wolf struggling for a moment as he was pulled up, his stiff cock rather obvious beneath his loincloth.

"Umh, Gruk, I..." The lizardman just cut him off, laughing as he dragged him with him, his arm still slung around the smaller males frame. "Yeah, your hard and leaking and the good thing is, nobody here minds!" He was roaring with laughter, loud enough to make some other patrons join in and raising their mugs for a toast. "Got a room for us with some friends of mine and no one's gonna pass out without one's cock in the other's ass!" Nobregas felt his ears fold back, but despite his embarrassment, he could not deny that the lewd declaration got his heart pumping faster. Gruk was not dragging him off to the same door they had used earlier, this time they just passed through a bead curtain to a noisy corridor, doors open, revealing rowdy groups of naked men, most of them right in the middle of fucking each other, some drinking and singing off key. He had little time to take it all in before they entered a rather well lit room where a whole bunch of naked reptiles were already sprawled out, a large alligator wrestling with a naga, while several smaller lizard boys were watching. "Hey, guys, brought a friend along for tonight!" Gruk was shouting over the noise, shoving Nobregas right into the middle, where he stood, smiling a bit nervously, trying his best to make a good first impression - despite the very obvious erection rudely pointing right at the two naked furs wrestling on the ground, who were exchanging playful insults as their bulging muscles gleamed with sweat. The whole room already reeked of sweat and sex... "Oh, he is a cutie, let's unpack him!" Two of the smaller lizards already had their hands all over the young wolf and before he could work up the will to protest, Nobregas had his cloths piling on the floor beneath him, feeling flustered but not really unhappy as the two slender bodies pressed against him, the deft fingers cupping his achingly hard cock and heavy balls while one of them was burying his face against his half exposed armpit, apparently breathing him in. "Hmmmh, he is cute, can we play with him?" The two turned over to Gruk, who had just wrapped his hand around the arm of one of them. "You two cuties still not eaten up by some big hungry guy? Devil's luck so far, eh?" He made a guttural sound as he pushed his groin against the smaller lizard's ass. "Maybe you can have some fun with the wolfy later, but I actually asked Arokh to take care of him..." The boys made childish sounds of disappointment, one of them cupping Nobregas throbbing cock, causing the wolf to moan. "Aaah, no fair, why does he get all the fun?!" Nobregas felt a sudden shiver, running hot and cold down his spine, making his fur stand up straight right at the back of his neck. A deep voice suddenly came from behind, a powerful presence falling on him like a shadow. "Because Gruk told me that this wolf here already almost walked right into a waiting maw..." Nobregas heart was beating, loudly, badump, badump. The person behind him was large, the voice had a bit of a hiss, the musk in the air was... He had not realized when the others had let go of him, but he knew they had to have done so when a large, strong arm was wrapping around him from behind, pushing him against a very muscular body, a body that continued in a thick, muscular tail, no, not just a tail... "Had it been me, I think I really would have been upset to have a chance for such a meal snatched away from me..." Nobregas was slowly turned around, looking up into intense green eyes staring down at him from an almost pure black, scaled face. A few flecks of yellow to match the naga's chest and abdomen broke the pure midnight of his scales. Badump, badump... Nobregas felt precum running down his cock, his body stiffening with a mix of arousal and terror. "G, Gruk..." He got out, feeling his erect cock rub against the naga's muscular body, as the snake's tongue flicked out, tasting the air, tasting him... "Relax..." He felt Gruk's firm hand on his back again, he lizardman's voice at his ear. "Yes, relax..." The naga looked down at him. Nobregas could now feel that the snake's own cock was pushing against him, slick and leaking... "Gruk promised me he would slit my belly open if I try eating you..." here was a mix of amusement and disappointment in the naga's voice. The wolf could just get out a whimper, his heart hammering and cock aching. "Plus, I still have not fully digested my last meal, so, you will be safe..." The wolf felt an odd mix of relief - and was it disappointment? - at the naga's words. His hearts till thumping, is tail involuntarily starting to wag. "Were it not for that, I would not let you play with this fuzzy, Arokh. I may trust you, but you and I both know that is partly because you trust in me giving you a premature chance to shed your skin should you ever think of turning a friend of mine into a morsel, well, unless it is like with Azzid who clearly wanted it..." He gave Nobregas shoulder a firm squeeze. "We have known each other for over eight years now, Gruk, and you still do not trust me? You do know that this kinda hurts?" The snake's voice sounded more playful than genuinely vexed. He slowly reached down, wrapping his arm fully around the wolf, giving Nobregas the chance to resist, before he pulled him up against the firm, muscular upper body. The wolf could not help the moan when he felt heir cocks slowly rubbing against each other. "Yeah, I trust you, but I know your kind, so I am going to tell you how this will go. You get to play with him, he gets to get that whole thing out of this system and when we all wake up tomorrow, I won't have to show you how well I can cut all the way to your stomach." Nobregas could not see the look the two were exchanging, but Gruk's calm confidence and the playful banter between the two helped quell the panicked feeling as part of the serpentine body started to wrap around him, making him buck and whimper slightly as the naga leaned in, the tongue flicking out, brushing against his sweaty fur... The big maw opened wide for a moment, giving Nobregas a very intimate peek at what lay within, the dark, yawning pit... "Hmmmh, Gruk was right, wasn't he, kinda got to you, seeing someone get eaten, like this..." He leaned closer the warm heat approaching Nobregas' face, the maw open so wide, his body... The thick throbbing cock pushed against him and suddenly, it was just all too much. The coils playfully tightened around him, as he began to buck helplessly, his balls feeling hot and tight as his sticky cum erupted all over their abdominal muscles, pressed together, smearing over scales and fur. His breath went quick, the air full of the scent of the naga, his reptilian musk. "Haaaaah, aaaah!" He let out a moan, a final spasm went through his body, making his cock shoot another load of hot semen to smear over skin and scales and fur... "S, sorry..." He got out, looking up at the now closed mouth, the naga grinning, keeping him in the tight embrace, tasting the aroma of sweaty young wolf and fresh semen in the air. "No, don't worry, it is quite cute, I am sure you have energy for more..." Nobregas shivered, his cock still stiff, throbbing under the flustering attention.

"Umh, I, I think so too..." He felt sheepish, the sound of Gruk's moans from nearby making him feel curious about what his companion was getting up to. Would Ikshar be joining them as well? His musings were cut short though as the naga's touches made him focus on his partner again. "Is it okay for you, little wolf, if I treat you just like I would my meals, up to the point of actually swallowing you of course?" The naga's eyes were captivating, reminding him of the weird spell he had felt under when he had intruded upon the devouring of the hyena earlier this night. It made him recall the weird fascination of the lewd and gruesome scene, how his cock had stood proudly erect, throbbing and hard... "Y, yeah, I, I would, not mind that..." Nobregas got out, the naga shifting his position, moving him so he was now in almost the same position as the hyena had been, the Arokh's thick erection pushing against his tailhole... He could see Gruk now, riding the alligator's thick, throbbing cock, while one of the smaller lizard's was eagerly sucking on his. Just looking at the other scaled bodies, writhing against each other, shimmering with sweat in the light of the lamps made his own cock jump. He let out a whimpering yowl as the thickness of the naga's shaft slowly began to push into him, slick and hot, rubbing right against his sensitive flesh. "We are going to have lots of fun tonight, my tasty little wolf pup..." The naga's whisper tickled right against the prince's ear...

The Hiring

**The Hiring** The evening sun was casting long shadows over the swamp, making the murky pools lining the wooden walkway glitter with reddish gold and cause sweat dampened fur and hide to glisten in a warm glow. Two of the three travelers had...

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The Minotaur and the Snake Prince

The minotaur inhaled the slightly humid air the wind was carrying towards him together with the burbling sound of the spring. His tail flicked and he reflexively turned his head from one side to the other. There was a bad odor clinging to it, as if...

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The Lesson

Sunlight was flickering over the surface of the pool, stretching wide and deep blue in the garden. Verdant plants shielded it from outside view and there was a slight salty tang to the air rather than the scent of chlorine. It actually looked more like...

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