My last order to you

Story by Patrick Lambert on SoFurry

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Even for a master, known for his dominance and virility, comes a time when he has to bend the knee and surrender to a stronger force

I can't believe I had the chance to write a commission for Kokuhane. It's an honor, and I had so much fun bringing Logan and Emilio to life that I can't wait to write about them again <3

Characters belong to Kokuhane

Story by Patrick Lambert

My last order to you

By Patrick D. Lambert

This... is a love tale. Twisted, but a love tale nevertheless. During our teenage years there are several things we crave. Some can be quite obvious, the desires fueled by the constant hormonal activity our bodies have; others can be very simple, dreams of perfect lives where everything is beautiful. In short, sex and love. While both things can manifest in different ways, in essence we are seeing the same wish. As we grow up, our vision about those two needs change, and we start to understand how unreachables certain dreams can be: you might not get to sleep with the hot algebra teacher or be forever with your most recent summer love. We settle for more realistic goals, leaving those fantasies for the nostalgic nights that would come later in our lives.

This being said, one shouldn't believe that those dreams can't come true. Some people have luck. Some people find a way to achieve their beloved fantasies. Some people have a chance to live the love tales only seen in books and movies. Well, with certain changes to appeal to their own special and twisted tastes. That doesn't change the love--and sex--that is the core of their tale.


Punctual as always, the bell rang just as Professor Ortega cleaned the chalkboard. Unlike the rest of the faculty, the beefy feline-looking beast had a like for old traditions and refused to change certain things from his classroom. He had nothing against new technologies; he just loved the feeling and sound of the chalk, how it crumbed in his fingers as he wrote against the black surface, and how good his writing looked in comparison with the marker.

"Before you leave," he said with his potent and masculine voice that, despite how hard he tried to avoid it, also had a daunting tone in it, "remember that you still have one week to finish your essays about the correlation between social media and the accelerated evolution of society during the last 10 years if you want to submit it for the congress. We'll choose one of you to go with us."

The entire class froze in place as soon as he talked, almost as if his voice was a charm from which they couldn't escape--some of them actually looked like a cartoon frame.

Professor Logan Ortega wasn't what they could consider a grumpy old man. His fur gave him that look; the indomitable tangle of pure snow white fur puffed out of the sleeves and neck of his suit, and at his face it curled in all directions--it also formed a dense mustache under his nose that gave him the appearance of a western movie villain. Added to it were his imposing 6 height feet and the sturdy look of his body, with hands big enough to crush one's head, and thick arms that could rip off his shirt with no problem--although he usually joked that he was more fur than muscle. Despite that, and the tone in his voice, the students knew how good he was--stern, yes, as one should expect from a university teacher that isn't dealing with children anymore, but an excellent professor that never raised his voice unless provoked.

His long, fluffy tail wagged from side to side in a slow, almost hypnotic pace, like the pendulum of an old clock. Some students' eyes couldn't escape from it, and it became usual that Logan had to call their attention back when he noticed the dizzy expressions.

"I'll take in consideration those who participate in case you need help during your finals," and he turned to look at his class from over his shoulder. "Don't take that as an excuse to slack off. I know all of you very well."

A series of nervous giggles were heard across the classroom.

"Ok, you can leave. I'll take a look at those who already gave me their essays."

The giggles were followed by a collective sigh, then the sound of chairs and muttering that moved as a cloud and reminded Logan of a congregation leaving the church, sharing gossips and remarks that went against what they just listened during the gospel.

The voices faded quickly as the professor erased the names and theories written in the chalkboard. He was now the one who sighed, knowing the face he would find among the empty seats.

It became predictable. Emilio was still in the middle of the room with that naive, almost dumb-looking smile in his childish face. The floppy ears did their usual attempt to get up, failing and moving to the sides of his head. The brown fur, instead of curly and messy, stood in the shape of soft spikes slightly affected by gravity. At first sight he wasn't any different from a jock, with his outstanding physical complexion and the summer clothes he wore even at winter--at most you would see a slim jacket over his tank top. As far as Logan knew, the canine did took part in the football team of his high school, and was good! But Emilio never had an interest on a professional career on that kind of field.

The big, dark, and incredibly charming eyes looked carefully at his stoic-looking professor. He waited for everyone to leave, seated in the middle of the classroom; close enough to have a good look at his favorite teacher, far enough to evade suspicious.

"Did you forget something, Mr. Delgado?" Logan asked, taking off his glasses to clean them--something that also became usual at the end of every class, regardless of if his glasses were dirty or not.

"Nothing at all, professor," Emilio stood up with a playful jump. He already had all his stuff in the messenger back that had seen better years but still was in a decent condition.

It rained that day, motive enough for him to put on the school jacket, made with a synthetic leather and the mascot--a red wyvern--in the back. Even under it, his muscles were visible. It was hard to believe that a huge stud like him could be so cheerful and adorable.

"I thought you wouldn't submit something for the congress."

"Well," he prolonged the "e" during the time it took him to strode the distance between him and the desk, "I wasn't. Then I heard you'll be going and I-"

"Hold your horses," Logan frowned and looked carefully at Emilio, then at the main door at his right. No one else was in the classroom, and none of the students walking at the corridor show any interest in the open door. "We talked about this already."

"Oh, you know my essay will be the best! This is my favorite class, after all," the student protested slamming both hands in the desk, and failing completely to look outraged.

"I'm afraid your attention tends to deviate to other areas than the chalkboard, Mr. Delgado," the chuckle was a sign that neither him was taking the conversation serious.

"Don't blame me if you look so cute in that suit."

Cute. Logan twitched at the compliment. He liked it, just wasn't used to being called that way outside the bedroom. It was funny for Emilio to see that handsome stud in the tweedle jacket and khaki trousers--trying his best to look professional--twitch and blush like that by something so simple and yet very effective.

Right from the beginning Emilio knew how hard it would be to go through the wall that Logan was. It was obvious at first sight, in the way he stood and how he swiped the place with his eyes; yet, Emilio wanted a piece of that beefy cake, oblivious that he was meant to get more than just a taste of it.

Logan cleared his throat to regain his composure. Double-checking that no one was looking inside, he sat and held both hand together over the desk, looking at his... lover--how hard it was to set aside the student and the boyfriend. It was also hard to not smile at the warmness of that face.

"I know you want to go with me. But even if that's the case, we wouldn't be sleeping in the same room. And before you suggest it," he rushed, seeing Emilio's attempt to interrupt him, "I'll be sleeping with other professor."

"What?! Already thinking on cheating on me?" another bad attempt to look angry. Logan had to accept it, he had fun looking at those little tantrums that made Emilio look... what was the word he used? Cute.

"You know I wouldn't do that. And none other professor in the faculty has my tastes."

"I didn't have them, either. Until I met you," Emilio pointed out that, making Logan pick something from his jacket.

"Indeed. I was lucky you," with the single press of a button, Emilio trembled in place. His expression went from surprise to delight in an instant. Logan left visible in his hand part of a small control he always carried with him, "are so eager to try new things."

Emilio said nothing. The only sounds coming from his throat were something close to a moan, but not too loud. His body twitched more every second, until he had to support himself over the desk, afraid of his legs losing strength.

"Now, now, why so twitchy all of sudden?" Logan did nothing to hide the smugness from his face. He made an "O" with his lips after looking at the control. "Oh, I accidentally turned it on. My bad."

However, he did nothing to change it. Emilio dragged his paws back until he found the first seat he could use. Logan left the control over the desk and made his way to the door--no need to rush, of course. Few students were out, but he wouldn't take any risk. The professor closed the door once he confirmed it was safe, then went back to Emilio, to his little boy, whose pleasure was almost silent, but notorious through the way his body twitched.

"Tell me, boy. I believe you tried to take advantage of our relation to get a better grade in your essay, am I correct?"

"N-no, sir," Emilio managed to mumble.

Hands clinging to the desk, legs stretched and paws scratching the floor, that was a show that pleased Logan. Just a matter of seconds for the pup to start moaning.

"No? You wouldn't lie to me, would you?" he stood in front of him, looking at his pleading and whining pup. It was exciting, yes, but at the same time he couldn't deny how cute he was with those watery eyes begging to stop. His cheeks burnt under the fur. Something tickled down his groin.

"Never, sir."

"Ok. Bring me your essay. Then you can leave."

Emilio whimper, but still did as he said so. Getting up was easy; walking back to his seat was another story. Logan, back on his desk, felt a soft pinch of regret, thinking on all the things he did to him and was still doing--not that Emilio disagreed on any of that, but it was hard for Logan to ignore the thought that he took advantage.

"Well, he asked for it," and that idea was enough to drive the regret away.

Emilio dragged his paws all the way back from his place to Logan's. The plead from his eyes disappeared, replaced by a blissful smile with the tongue out. His legs, though, weren't any different. Logan stopped his short torture and caught him as soon as he had him at reach. The sudden change was enough to finally get a moan from him, but Logan didn't hear it throught the shuffling of paws and papers falling to the floor.

Professor and student stayed together for a moment that felt like an eternity, embracing each other with love and desire. Emilio had a hard time recovering his breath, shielding his face between those strong pecs he loved to play with. Logan closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment, that closeness between sessions, those brief moments of peace before retaking the "torture".

Eager boy. His musk rose quite quickly, as always. Stronger than the essence Logan used after every bath. In the river of smells that was the hallway no one would notice his horny Lio; during his next class, the lack of movement would make obvious that one of them was feeling... needy. That's something Logan loved, among many other things that he kept secret from everyone except Emilio, who was more than happy to share those kinky tastes.

Well, at least Emilio hadn't to worry about a boner...

"Was that too much for you?" he whispered to Emilio's ear. His floppy ears did another attempt to rise, responding like charmed snakes to his melodic voice.

"No. I'm fine, sir," his pup looked at him with blissful eyes, as if he had woken up from a fantastic dream.

"No need to call me like that always, Little Lio."

"But that's what you are. You're almost at your fifties."

"Huh, back to your usual self," Logan frowned, but it was his smirk what made Emilio regret his joke for a moment. "Should I turn it back on?" and to emphasize that last part, he squeezed those round and soft buttocks of Emilio.

"I'll accept anything you want, sir," his boy huffed.

Logan freed him. He had his fun for that day. Public play was among the things that drove him crazy. But doing that kind of stuff in the campus was way too risky. He wouldn't mind losing his job, but Emilio was a devoted student one year away from graduation, with big opportunities awaiting outside for him; no way a fantasy of him was worth enough to risk the future of his lovely pup. One year away of kissing those fleshy lips in public, without having fear of being caught.

"Are you ok, sir?" Emilio asked with the naive expression of someone that was clueless about sex.

Only then, Logan noticed the dumb smile he had. Oh, how far seemed those days where he thought he would die alone and grumpy and alone. How far seemed those days where he believed Emilio was nothing but another pup to train and play with.

"Yes, I'm fine."

Emilio had picked up all the pages from his essay. Those eyes said how dumb he felt for dropping them like that. Logan took the small package of sheets and seized it. It didn't surprise him how hard his pup worked on it; a model student, after all.

"I'll put them in order, Lio. No need to feel bad about it."

And just like that, Emilio smiled again. Jeez, who wouldn't love that dumb boy? Logan had no way to describe the luck he had for finding him. Even during those nights they spent together, seeing him sleeping at his side felt like a dream from which he would wake up at any moment. He feared that none of that was real, that those 8 months have been nothing but an illusion. And that's why, even after all that time together, he hadn't say those words to him yet...

"I'll better get going. My next class is gonna start soon," Emilio hopped to pick up his stuff. It was hard, if not impossible, to think of something that could bother him. "Will be going to the movies tonight?"

"I have to finish with the assignments of another class. We could skip the cinema and watch something at my place if you-"

"Yes!" Emilio replied before he could finish his sentence. He looked like the kid that just found out the golden ticket in his chocolate bar.

The over-excited canine, tail wagging at full speed, kissed his fingers and put them against Logan's lips--his special way to kiss him--on his way out of the classroom.

Logan stood there, listening the heavy steps of Emilio running as they slowly fade away, going back to the usual silence to which he was used. It was a completely different world being with that boy. He wasn't quiet or serious; too cheerful to stop for a moment and take things seriously. Logan wouldn't classify him as someone childish or naive--even when he acted like that--, but as the kind of person who does everything in his power to make everyone feel as happy as he.

"You won't take no as an answer, huh?" Logan asked to himself as he assorted Emilio's essay.

For a second time, he was regretful for all the things he had been doing to him.


Emilio's next class wasn't his favorite. Even for a good student there would be a boring class. Art History was that class. It's not that it was bad, but Mr. Patterson had that tone of voice that said "i'm tired of doing this shit for 20 years". More than a class, everything that came out of the deer's mouth was the memorized script he repeated every year for a new batch of students that he believed had zero interest in art history. In that case, there was no reason to put any effort.

For most of his group it was like a free space on the university bingo. A silent chaos reigned on the air, only heard through the shuffle of notes and muttered words. Everyone could do whatever they want without consequence, and the only rules were to turn the book page when the teacher asked and have an idea of where the lecture stopped if Mr. Patterson asked something. Aside that, it was the closest to the high school experience they left behind some years ago.

"Thinking on going to the congress?"

When Emilio turned to his right he found the inquisitive look of a female bunny. Elise had been his friend since freshmale year. For a boy that had so much troubles talking to girls, it surprised Emilio how quickly they became friends; probably because of how easily excitable she was too or the things they had in common. Some rumors about a hidden relation floated around the campus, but none of them had done anything to strengthen those ideas.

She was beautiful at Emilio's eyes. The round glasses enhanced the look of her big blue eyes, and the fine features of his face gave her a younger appearance; he liked especially how long her whiskers were, and how her ears turned on every direction almost automatically, like a radar. Her brown and white fur was decisive on her wardrobe choices.

"I already gave my essay to the professor. Let's see if it's good enough."

"That's why you stayed at the end? Or you tried to get into his pants?"

She was good at being sassy, and that made Emilio regret some of the secret he shared with her. Of course he hadn't say anything about his relation, but she was well aware of the canine's sexual preferences and the feelings he had for professor Ortega. It's not like she left him a choice, not after all the intense interrogation she made him go through.

"I-I wouldn't do such thing!" his cheeks were red hot under the fur, and both ears did a good attempt to cover his eyes. "I respect him too much to try something like that!"

"I won't judge you if you still try it. That beefcake is well worth the risk of being expelled," and she licked her lips to make a bigger emphasis.

Emilio was glad for taking the last row of seats with her where no one could hear.

"Too bad he doesn't swing this way," she added, her disappointment notorious in her eyes. She frowned at Emilio in a way that made the canine tremble. "And you're too pure to try something nasty to take him to bed."

"Y-yeah...," too pure. If she could see under his clothes.

Emilio didn't like hiding a secret to a friend, but it was one of the rules imposed by Logan from the very beginning. "We are nothing. We can and will have sex as much as we want. But at the eyes of others, we are nothing," those were his words. Blindfolded, knelt, feeling the end of the riding crop under his chin, Emilio repeated those words to Logan. It was after their fourth session that he took the choice of going deeper into that world. The first two were scary, like watching a scary movie when you're faint of heart; he went more prepared for a challenging and overwhelming third session; he gave up to him completely at the fourth one, where he understood how precious and important was trusting his new master.

We are nothing. He knew that he did it for him, to protect him. He knew that it was the right thing. Emilio was ok with his rule. But it didn't mean he would settle for that. Deep inside, he wanted more...

"Well, there may be opportunities if you go to the congress with him," Elise continued, his attention back to the deer and his spiritless voice. "At least to confess what you feel."

"I don't see a reason to do that."

"Who knows? Maybe he loves you too. I mean, he's always looking for you."

"That doesn't mean anything."

"Try to use your imagination, dumbass!" the bunny paw kicked his leg under the table with a swift move that no one saw, although they did looked at the dog who whined for no reason. "Jeez, at least daydream about it like any normal student would do!"

"I'm not a teenager to do that!" but he did, especially during that class. Luckily he didn't have to worry about an unwanted boner. "And if he feels something for me it would be nothing but respect. He's too strict to fall for something like that."

Emilio was convinced of that, of course. Logan treated him better than most of his exes. In private he was cute and romantic in a way that went against the image he offered to the rest of the world. But... was it love? Emilio wanted to believe it was, given Logan's attitude towards him, but that could be a result of the nature of his relation. He had never say the "L" word, and while he did kissed him several times, it was either how you kiss the guy you just started dating or one of those in-the-heat-of-the-moment kisses, but never a slow, romantic kiss.

His ears fell flat. Moments like that made him question his life choices. There were so many things he wanted to do with Logan, things forbidden by the rules imposed from the beginning. It's not like he was depressed or something, but he couldn't deny how much he wanted to act like a normal couple instead of having a date at the other side of town. He wanted to at least hold his hand in a way that made him feel more than just a pet--you know, outside the bedroom. Even knowing how special he was for professor Ortega wasn't enough to push aside those doubts.

"Maybe he doesn't say it to affect how you see him," Elise stretched in place, ears included. She always did it in a way that made Emilio think of a ballet dancer. Didn't she say something about going to ballet when she was a child? "I mean, it's like a big thing, you know? Telling someone you love him. I bet it's harder for him given his age. He's like, what... 50?"

"45 isn't old," Emilio scowled her.

"Oh, did I say something wrong?"

"Yes, miss Sinclair? Do you have any doubt?" the professor asked, seeing her raised hands as the well-known way to call for someone attention. Of course he knew no one wanted to participate in his class, but he had that glare and tone that said "i'll drag you all with me".

"Not a single one, sir!" she rushed to her original position, but with the eyes of the entire class over her, the bunny could only sigh in defeat and look down at his book.

"Then would you kindly continue with the lecture?"

"Heh, busted," Emilio muttered and laid over his desk, decided to daydream with his lovely teacher and the day he would say he loves...

Before he had a chance to start, something startled him. The vibration was in the lowest setting, enough to notice it. Nothing he could handle in a normal situation. But given that he was in a full classroom, his mind failed to keep his body under control. He wouldn't do something that risky. He hadn't a reason to do so! But the plug jumped to the second speed, forcing him to bit down his lower lip to repress a moan.

Someone knocked at the door. Elise sighed in relief for the quick interruption and hoped for it to force Mr. Patterson to continue reading. But Emilio didn't share his joy after seeing professor Ortega opening the door. He stood under the frame with the stern expression known by all his students. But as he swept the classroom with his look, Emilio noticed something else. A smirk. A barely noticeable smirk.

He only shown that expression in the privacy of his room.


Logan had the rest of the day free. After Emilio left, he decided to use all that free time to revise the essays left by other students, starting with Emilio's. However, he couldn't pass from the first paragraph. His mind was somewhere else; in the cheerful smile and attitude of the canine that jumped out of nowhere in a place that wasn't for him. Quite literal.

Reclined in his seat, with both hands behind his nape, Logan let the memories pull him back to that night. Remixes of songs he never heard before, a mixture of scents that was alluring and disgusting at the same time, the sticky texture of the floor covered in beer and god knows what other substances. Even when all the other males were like him in terms of age and body type, Logan felt out of place, a stranger in a sea of horny beasts looking for a one-night stand.

He went because a friend told him it was a good place to look for a partner with his same tastes--clearly, his friend had no idea of all the implications. None of them would take their role seriously; the attire didn't prove anything, and their eyes said they would try it thinking it was nothing but sex. It was more than that, but what would they know?

Then he appeared among them, a young brat that did his best to look formal but couldn't stop his youth from giving that personal touch to his appearance. Logan was about to leave when he saw him. Tall, beefy, but somehow... vulnerable. He was too good to be true, to good for those brutes. Logan would have saved him if it wasn't because he ran towards him as soon as their eyes crossed.

"Hi! Can I invite you a drink?" he jumped over the stool and made him turn a couple of times before he ordered two beers, not waiting for Logan's response.

Logan sat back and looked at the boy. Just like him, a stranger in that place, unaware of the males leering over him--all the things they would do to a naive-looking boy that jumped right into the wolf's den. He, on the other hand, wanted to know why his heart pumped so hard.

One mug of beer after another. The world around them disappeared with every sip they took. Any potential predator lost interest after seeing how involved Emilio was with that grumpy old cat, and left to find another cute face to take to bed that night. And the more dizzy Logan felt, the more his mind insisted he saw that boy somewhere else. But where? That muscular body, those floppy ears, his warm smile, and the cheerful laugh and voice, from where did he recognized him?

No answer. After all those beers it was a miracle he could talk coherently and retain his balance, but all the logic and rules written in his mind were unreadable under the mist of alcohol and desire. He could only think of how beautiful Emilio was under those clothes. Something told him it was risky to leave with him, but that just convinced him of how good that idea was.

So he put a hand over Emilio's knee, and look deep into those calm eyes, being dragged into them like a vortex from which he couldn't escape, until their lips met together and something fit in a place he never thought it would be filled.

The rest of that night developed as expected, with two males burning with a passion that hindered their attempts to undress. Short kisses and loud breaths, the hypnotic scent, the alluring feeling of their fingers running across the sweaty fur, everything felt new and excited, the closest they were to repeat a first time. No rules, no chains, no commands; Logan forgot all of that and gave himself completely to that boy, decided to explore every inch of his body up to where his libido allowed him. Then he made love to him, and it was glorious.

... good thing he was alone. His boner might have drag some attention if there were students with him. Surprising, considering the good control he had over his excitement. But he hadn't think about that night in a long time, and he forgot how passionate Emilio acted then. It was different from the second time they met, when he introduced him in his little world of pain and pleasure.

Logan stood up to adjust his trousers and made his member less noticeable. Emilio insisted so much in trying all the toys and stuff Logan had in his room that he couldn't say no at the end. He had that curious look that says "I wanna try everything", the kind of attitude that don't let fear forbid him from enjoying what life has to offer. Logan was more than ready to make that pup kneel for him. And he did it, several times. But there was something different.

"Maybe he's too good for me," he said to himself.

Was he? Emilio loved him more than anything, that was obvious. It wasn't just his total submission. No, he noticed it through all the nice gestures that, even when being small, put a smile on Logan's face, like how he always jumped to pay first for their coffees, or how cute he looked while making breakfast for him, and how he scowled him whenever someone else put their eyes over his teacher. Emilio loved him.

And he loved him too. He hadn't been able to stop his feelings from showing off, but he wasn't ready to take that next step. Maybe because he was convinced that Emilio was too good for him. What reason a young and cute boy like him had to be with an old male like him?

His train of thought stopped. Something close to a growl came from his throat, and the feline looked down his groin, to the bulge that became more notorious.

"You're not gonna leave me alone, do you?"

Even with the huge control he had over it, now and then his lust proved stronger than his will. Considering Emilio was a blank canvas to any kind of perversion was a fact good enough to set his soul and body on fire, but he knew how to keep those flames at bay. Risky things, thought, that was something that he couldn't control at all.

Logan liked control, and control implies rules and precaution, but certains exceptions had to be made to keep things spicy. He knew that fact well enough. That's why he got for Emilio one of those fancy "Hush" toys he heard so much about. It ended up being a great inversion. Of course, it worked both ways.

Doing something in the campus... too risky. Logan took the control out of his pocket and played with it, moving his thumb from button to button. The rectangular-shaped apparatus hissed in his hand like the serpent who tempted Eve, calling him to taste the forbidden fruit that was his lovely pup. His Little Lio.

He was out of the classroom before he could pondered his options. In the empty hallway he had no troubles finding the delicious scent of his pup, or maybe it was his mind playing a trick on him, taking advantage of the burning desire that suddenly grew inside him. Art History, right? The class no one liked but were forced to take. Logan bet Emilio wouldn't mind to get rescued from that torture.

Damn pup. Logan knew to never get romantically involved with one. The moment romance gets into the equation, logic starts to lose terrain and decisions become more impulsive. He wasn't even walking, but he didn't notice until he heard the heavy stomps as he ran through the hallway. Damn pup.

He halted close to where Emilio's classroom was. His heart pumped hard. His lungs pulled more air. His mind did a last attempt to stop him, but the most primitive instincts had taken control over his body, and he was nothing but a mere spectator of the lust-driven beast huffing in the hallway--a single taste of the forbidden fruit wouldn't be enough to satisfy his hunger and put out the fire inside him.

Logan dragged his paws until he stood in front of the door with "Art History" written in black letters over the frosted glass that faithfully represented the diffuse look the world around him had at that moment. Damn pup. Why he had to be so cute? Why he needed that smile so much? Why he had to fall in love with him? He was nothing but a toy, a blank canvas for a dozen of fantasies and punishments, a boyfri...

He started with the lowest speed before he could finish that thought. Even if Emilio sat at the other side of the classroom, he knew it was still on range to send the signal. A slow start should be enough to disturb the little pup, considering the place where he was. It was the first time Logan actually used it with that much people present--a couple of times in the park or the cinema didn't count if no one was close enough to notice something weird happening. Then, he waited.

His mind repeated over and over again how risky that was. It did it as he called to the door. It did it as he opened it and put a paw inside. It did it as he searched with his eyes until he found the trembling mass of brown fur at the back of the room, doing a poor attempt to hide from view. His toy, or at least that's what he was supposed to be in the first place. It wasn't in his plans to love him and need him so much.

"Professor Ortega, is there something I can help you?" the bored deer said, even when his eyes said something more... unprofessional.

"Yes, I have to talk with one of your students. Mr. Delgado, is about your essay."

The entire classroom bursted in whispers, none of them good given the severe expression in Logan's face. He didn't have to listen carefully to know they were putting in doubt the excellent work of a model student--jealousy, go figure.

Another switch of speed when Emilio got up from his seat. Even from there Logan noticed his legs faltering when he took a first step. But he was a good pup, and he regained composure subtly. What if he used the high setting? Or one of those recorded patterns that drove him crazy? What Emilio would do if that happened? Logan had to press a single button, just one round, soft, tempting button...

"What's the matter, professor?" he waited for an answer in front of him. His expression remained calm, but his eyes pleaded him to stop. The vibrating sound was weak, but noticeable at that distance--if someone else hear it, they probably thought it was someone's cell phone. The scent, however, that was more distinguishable, and the wrinkled noses from the students in the first rows proved it.

"Come. Sorry for the interruption, professor. It won't take long," Logan said that with a softer voice than before, the way you talk to a colleague, even when Mr. Patterson didn't feel the same way.

Both males left the room and closed the door behind. Finally out, Emilio expressed the effects of that public demonstration of control. He found support on the closest wall, his legs still weak from the effort and embarrassment.

"I believe that was too much for you," Logan pointed out like a scientist surprised by the latest result obtained.

The Hush was still on, and going faster. Emilio took Logan's hand as soon as he offered him, as he always did when his master took him to the bed. But as they walked hallway down, back to Logan's classroom, and only after his master tightened his grip, only then Emilio remembered where they were, and panicked at both the revelation and the lack of interest from Logan, who only hushed him and continued walking.

As his surprise faded, Emilio, with his cheeks burning by the pleasure and embarrassment, felt like a feather walking over clouds. It was better than his dreams or anything he had experienced with Logan before. His warm hand and firm grip remembered why he submitted to him so easily; the way he walked, a pace molded by the age and experience, told him to never doubt of the path taken under his leadership; his lovely scent, an invisible rope that held him tight and unable to run away. Everything about that male was beyond perfection.

"Come in."

The classroom was empty--and would continue for the rest of the day. Emilio faltered in. A more... safe and private chamber was what he needed to at least huff from the steady vibration against his prostate. Logan locked the door behind him; he kept his posture and seriousness, even when his boner threatened to leave a mark in a matter of seconds.

"Disrobe," a simple order, but the severe tone in which he said it wasn't proper for where they were.


"Did I hear a stutter?"

The sudden change to the fastest speed paid off. His pup fell over one of his knees, a delightful mix of pain and pleasure painted on his face. Logan approached him, the claws from his paws out and making that sharp, threatening sound with every step taken.

"My little Lio," Logan called. He didn't need the riding crop; two fingers to held his chin had the same, if not a stronger effect. "Should I tear off your clothes instead?"

"No, sir!" the pup exclaimed.

"Should I make you walk naked around campus?"

"No, sir!" he exclaimed again, the powerful aura coming from Logan moved his limbs like the strings of a puppeteer.

Emilio pulled down the zipper of his jacket, revealing the collar Logan gave him months ago; it has in it a plaque with the name "Lio" engraved. His master forced him to get back to his paws as the jacket fell to the floor, being kicked away by the slightly frightened pup. The black tank top, tight against his chest, highlighted a thin object going from nipple to nipple; carefully not to pull it or hurt Emilio, Logan pierced the cloth with one claw and let the weight of his huge hand tear it off from the middle--the sound of the threads being cut so abruptly was both alluring and scary for the young student, whose heart skipped a beat after seeing the sharp claw.

A chain appeared under the divided top--still held by the upper strap--, strong-looking despite its thinness. Logan gave it a soft pull and the reaction was instant, with Emilio whining even when his body felt something different.

"When I say something, I expect you to obey, Little Lio," Logan tore apart the last strap of his top, revealing the two small nipple clamps to where the chain was connected to. "I don't like to repeat what I just said!"

Emilio dragged his paws back, the menacing fangs of his loved master about to slobber like a hungry beast. He wasn't always that aggressive, and he still didn't know how to react at that--not that he disliked that facet. His shaken hands failed a couple of times in unzipping his pants, but the deep blue jeans eventually fell to the floor, revealing not only he wasn't wearing underwear, but the metal cage around his cock.

Logan smiled at the sight of it. The jeans did a great job on hiding the stain of pre they surely had, judging by the shimmering tip.With nothing in the way, his musk hit harder, a salty smell he could even taste. He closed his hand around it to feel the texture, its firmness, to enjoy the biggest proof of his domain over Emilio.

"Good boy. You've been wearing it for almost a month. How does it make you feel?" he talked as in any other class, congratulating a student that answered correctly; his hand, however, started to pull the chain in intervals of three seconds, with every pull lasting longer than the last one.

"F-fine," it was hard to reply at that point, with the Hush still on and his nipples receiving that merciless attack. He found support in the desk, but even that didn't seem enough. He got used to the clamps' painful grip--which eventually made his nipples much more sensitives--, but the pulling was still hard to bear; the balance between pain and pleasure was never equal, as if it was something he wasn't supposed to handle. The poor pup whined and moaned at the same time.

"That's right? Does it makes you feel fine being unable to touch yourself?" a nod of approval. "Isn't painful to get excited and feel your cock restrained by it?" Emilio shook his head to that. Logan gave a longer pull to the chain, pleased by his puppy biting down his lip to refrain to scream.

The small clamps, similar to those used in offices, had been in place since the morning; Logan ordered him to put them everyday, taking rests now and then to prevent any damage. The results was an increase of sensitivity in his pecs, which made even the simple act of dressing up a lustful experience. Squeezing them was a luxury for Emilio, something Logan did as his way to say "you did great, Lio"; pulling the chain was Logan's own way of pleasure, as he knew his pup would never get used to the pain, but the pleasure that came with it prevented Emilio from asking him to stop. It was like a drug.

Logan took the rags that once was Emilio's top and gagged him. A simple moan at the wrong time and it was over. But his lust brought out the worst of him, tempted by the innocence and naiveness of Emilio, who, with puppy eyes, looked up at his master, the male he loved the most.

"You shouldn't", said Logan in his head.

He reached the limit of strength with which he could pull the chain. Any more and the clamps would snap out, causing him an unnecessary and undeserved pain. Instead, he kept the tension to the limit, moving the chain up and down. With his other hand still grabbing the cage, the pre fell right over it. Even knowing it wouldn't work, his cock had no other choice but to get hard, growing some inches before being stopped by the iron walls around it. A month without reaching climax, Logan couldn't imagine how hard that was for his boy.

"Turn around, boy."

Even something that simple took him a considerable effort; it remembered him the way a scolded child act, with his shoulders down and whining quietly.

"I'll give you a good reason to whine about," Logan thought, pushing Emilio over the desk.

Just a quick rest, Logan decided that and pulled out the hush--to which Emilio replied with a sigh of relief--, the curved-shaped toy that, according to the box, stimulated the prostate with its ten intense speeds; the pink silicone toy vibrated in his hand until it fell down to the floor, where it continued its dance before Logan turned it off--he thought about using it one of those days, maybe at Emilio's birthday in which he had decided to let him top him.

For now, he had other plans. The metallic sound of Logan's belt buckle gave Emilio an idea of what was coming. Logan brushed Emilio's big and fluffy ass with the bended tip of his belt, waiting for the right moment to hit. His puppy trembled with anticipation, but only until he looked over his shoulder was when Logan gave the first spank. Loud, maybe too much. But he was too excited to care about it; the sound of leather against skin was beautiful.

Another spank. Emilio didn't quite react to the first one, but that one forced his back to arc. He whined louder, his entire body shaking, but his tail wagged fast. He was happy. Any pup would be happy to make his master happy.

"But you shouldn't", and with that thought, Logan spanked him a third time, and started to do it in short intervals, moving between his buttocks.

He was excited, yes, but now he started to feel anger and despise against himself. To push a cute boy like Emilio to do such things, denying him his right to enjoy a normal and safe relationship with someone of his age, forcing him to be nothing but a toy for his pleasure; it didn't cross his mind that while he did accept all of that for the sheer love he felt for Logan, Emilio also loved those games, the feeling of total submission. No, Logan didn't think that was possible.

With a tight grip at the belt, he tested Emilio's limits, waiting for him to take out his gag and said the safety word. Not after all those spanks that surely left his ass sore at that point.

"Well, wasn't that too much for you, little Lio?"

Emilio huffed loudly through the slobbered shirt, but denied with his head--much for Logan's disgust. His floppy ears tried, as they always did, to show his excitement just like his tail was doing. He was happy to serve him, to please him; it was something that made him feel closer to him, to know that Logan trusted him enough to share and make him part of those dark fantasies that could make others cringe.

He left the leash at home, but his hand should work. Logan forced his pup to get up, holding and pulling the collar towards him--maybe too rough, but he didn't stop to care about it. The lust had his mind foggy, forbidding any logic thought to come out. He sucked his index finger for a moment, just enough to leave it covered in saliva. It was enough for it to slide inside Emilio's hole, already loosen for the time he had the plug in. His lovely student jumped in place, a quiet moan managed to get through the gag.

"Why don't you stop me?" Logan asked in his head, his finger digging in and out, going deep enough to poke at his sensitive prostate. His other hand jumped from the collar to the nipple chain, pulling it again. "Why don't you ask me to stop?", a second finger found his way in, stretching his entrance a little more. Emilio had his eyes closed, the pain and pleasure too strong for him; it was clear how close to his limit he was. He removed the clamps from his nipples, but instead of telling him to stop, he put Logan's hand over his pecs; the slightest squeeze was enough to make him squirm in place and almost scream. "Don't make me do this", but the apple was in his hands, and he couldn't resist to take a bite.

A literal one. His fangs closed around the left shoulder. A third finger went in. His hand squeezed harder. The poor pup felt about to pass out for how intense the pleasure was; even his musk aroused him in a way he couldn't describe. And while the hush did an excellent job, it wasn't anywhere close to those skilled fingers that pressed and rubbed his prostate. He wanted to cum, and he was so damn close, but the cage stayed there to forbid his climax; even when Logan made him cum hands free several times, the cold metal acted like a dam to kept him at the edge of finishing. It was maddening.

"But you deserve something better". Logan hated himself more and more for forcing his loved Lio to do such things. But his moans and his warm body and his musk and everything drove him crazy in lust and desire, and he was too weak to resist his charms. He wanted that pup to beg him to stop, push him to his limits and force him to ask for a break. And his hand squeezed harder. And his fingers fucked him faster. And his fangs threatened with piercing his soft skin. And then...


Logan moved away from Emilio's neck. The pup had finally removed the gag and was looking at him with concern. He would finally tell him to stop, to let him go...

"Are you... are you crying?"

Crying... as soon as Emilio put a hand over his cheek, Logan noticed the wet fur and the sticky sensation left by the tears when he blinked. He pulled both hands away from his pup to clean the tears that rolled through the fur on his cheeks. Emilio didn't hide his worryness, and while he continued huffing for a moment, all the lust in his expression had disappeared. What a pathetic sight he must have offered, a supposed master crying like that, or at least that's what Logan thought.

"What's the matter, Logan?"

Logan. When was the last time he called him for his name? He had been sir, master or professor, but never Logan.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done this," the feline muttered, looking away in shame.

"What, this? I've been quiet so no one could..."

"I'm talking about us!" the words came out without thinking, product of his anger and fear. For a moment, he noticed how much those words hurted his little Lio. "I'm talking about you. About what I have done to you."

"What do you mean? Aren't you happy with me? Am I doing something wrong?"

"No, I..." just tell him, say how much you hate yourself from dragging him this low, for treating him like a toy, for not wanting to commit. But the words didn't come. Or at least, not that way. "I'm just an old male. Why would you want to be with someone like me? After all the things I've done to you and I can't give you what you really want. And you shouldn't want something like that from someone that doubles your age. You're young. You deserve someone better. Someone to hold your hand without fears instead of an old perv like me that can't even says what he feels for you!"

"But I love this old perv."

Emilio gave him the same look from that night. Those curious and excited eyes that charmed him from the very first moment. This time, however, there was certain sadness in between.

"Maybe you're right, and a lot of people would think this isn't something serious because of our age difference," he continued, holding Logan's hands between his. "Maybe there are thing that I will miss if I choose to stay with you. But I still want to be with you. Because I know you're playing when you punish me, and I know you're being honest when you hug me and take care of me after that. Sorry if I pressed you too much by asking for a more serious relation. I was worried you didn't feel love for me, after the rule you set me since the beginning; I wasn't seeing all the things you have done for me."

We are nothing. That's what Logan said to him, to maintain certain boundaries. Of course, he never expected it to evolve into something more serious. When they spent the night watching movies or playing video games, when they went for a coffee and talked about books for hours, when Emilio woke hip up with a kiss, Logan never thought it was serious, until it was too late to stop those feelings from rising up. And now the guilt pierced his chest, thinking how much that rule made Emilio suffer. That dumb boy...


"I love you, Loggy. I love being your pup. And I love being your boyfriend. I'm happy with what you give me, and I'll wait for you to feel ready for more. I don't want to love anyone else but you. And I don't want a no for an answer," he crossed his arms and puffed his chest, trying to mimic the way Logan said those last words.

Cupid's arrow pierced his heart every time Emilio wanted to look more masculine.

"Dumb puppy," Logan chuckled. One last tear rolled down his cheek. "You're really too pure for me."

"Then you better corrupt me even more, Loggy," Emilio wrapped his arms around Logan's neck and pressed nose against nose. A single touch and the right words brought those embers back to life. Even sharing the same breath weakened their legs.

"Are you sure, Lio?"

"I put my leash in good hands."

The luckiest asshole from that bar. He really didn't deserve him. But he wanted him in his life forever. Filled with conviction, Logan decided to become the better version of himself and be worthy of the love and loyalty Emilio expressed from the very first moment he talked to him.

"Turn around."

Obedient pup, Emilio went back to his previous position, his tail wagging excitedly. For a moment Logan wanted to taste that fluffy ass, but the musk floating in the air was already too strong; giving his pup a good and rough ride wouldn't help. No, that could wait. He had another thing in mind.

From under his shirt he took a cheap-looking chain, concealed among the clothe and fur. Tied to it was a small key, a literal and metaphorical key of Emilio's manhood. The chain broke with a single pull.

"I'd love to make you mine right now, but we don't have enough time. For now," he searched for the lock. His trembling hands almost dropped the key a couple of times as he tried to insert it. That nervousness sent him back to his first time, "this should suffice."

The key went in. The lock opened with a loud click. And the cage made a racket when it fell to the floor. Logan whispered to his ear, not as the master, but as his lover, closing his hands around those tasty and firm pecs.

"Finish for me, Lio."

His erection didn't make itself wait; Logan found it firm like a rock when he looked down, throbbing and dripping pre over the table.

"I won't last a minute, Loggy," Emilio moaned. The savage attack to his nipples reminded him how sensitive they were--good thing he didn't had to worry about the tight tank top.

"It's ok. No need to worry about it. As long as you enjoy it."

"As long as we enjoy it, you mean."

Logan suppressed his smile by closing his fangs around Emilio's neck. If it wasn't by the firm grip from his lover, the pup would have fell to the floor. Back to that unbearable pleasure, but that time, their passion burnt stronger than ever. And Emilio had never felt safer between those arms.

Not even half a minute. Just closing his hand around his cock forced him to stop. One month of edging, both from the hush and the intense sessions with Logan. One entire month being at the very edge of climax only to have it denied by the lustful hand of a master that knew his limits better than anyone. And having Logan squeezing his tits and pulling his nipples that hard wasn't helping.

No time to waste. Emilio wanted to cum so badly. He jerked off hard and fast, using his own pre as lub. The mere texture and sensation of his foreskin stretching with every pull was indescriptible. He was so happy to finally feel his own cock once again and to please himself and delight with a powerful orgasm that made his entire body shake. Logan's big hand prevented a scream from coming out, but nothing stop his climax from coating the desk in thick ropes of cum.

His body convulsed violently between Logan's arms, the pleasure too much for him to bear it. But as he started to calm down, Logan let go his muzzle for him to breath; his pup puffed like a marathoner, begging to his knees to not bent down under his weight.

"Looks like I'll be taking you to the congress with me," Logan pointed out, the essays over the desk now covered in cum. Emilio chuckled and, looking over his shoulder, tried to look accomplished, even when the pleasure still twisted his smile. "Don't give me that look. I bet you planned this from the very beginning."

"What if I did? Would you punish me?" he could barely breath, but Logan had to admit he found his submission and loyalty inspiring.

"Clean that mess while I think a good punishment for you."

His face shined at that order. With a wagging tail and a renewed strength, Emilio jumped over the desk and stood in his fours like the good dog he was, licking his own seed from the sheets and wood. A good boy. A really good boyfriend. Logan picked up the cage from the floor and, seeing the flaccid cock hanging in front of him, put Emilio back into his forced chastity; he yipped at the cold sensation of the metal, but didn't say anything and continued cleaning the desk. They had luck no one would use the classroom for the rest of the day.

Once he finished, Emilio jumped off the desk. With his hands covering his caged manhood, he smiled at Logan and waited in silence. Logan played with his floppy eyes, scratching behind them. That made his pup laugh.

"I have one last order for you, little Lio."

The severity of those words erased the smile from his face. Hell, he could have even cried if Logan hadn't put a finger against his lips.

"I'm scared of not being good enough for you," his lover continued. "I might not give you what you really deserve. Even if we wait until we can make our relation public, there may be things that you won't get from me. And if the time comes when you're tempted to enjoy what someone of your age has to offer, I won't stop you," he didn't like the idea of sharing his pup with another guy, his beautiful apple. But he knew that was the right thing to do. "I'll let you have a full life, because I don't want you to live with regrets. My only condition for that is that you stay with me forever."

At first, Emilio looked hurted, then he leaned his head in confusion. His floppy ears followed the direction of his head.

"Dummy!" he yipped, jumping at Logan's arms. "I'll live with regrets if I let anyone else put a hand over me. There's no one else for me but you. And I plan to stay by your side with or without an order."

"Lio..." there was nothing he could do to stop the tears from flowing again. He couldn't ask for someone more loyal and pure than that dumb and playful boy.

"I love you, Loggy. And because I love you I'll wait for you. One year or more, I don't mind, as long as you feel ready to say it."

Emilio lost himself in those black, beautiful eyes of Logan. And his professor knew that he wasn't just looking at him; he looked at the dreams and fantasies he had and wished to fulfill. Because Logan did the same every time he saw him. Because he was deeply in love with him, and it scared him that the slightest touch could break that beautiful dream. But if his pup trusted him, then the least Logan could do for him was to correspond that trust.

With one hand behind his nape and the other holding his back, Logan pressed his lips against Emilio's, and kissed him like the first time, with passion and caution, taking him as the most fragile thing in the world. The usual sweet taste of his lips had a little of salty on it. They held and shared the same breath. Every second became an eternity none of them wanted it to end. And when Logan pulled his lips apart, with a small string of saliva that still kept them together, the bond between them became stronger.

"I love you too, Lio."

And so, Logan surrendered for the first time.

Unorthodox methods.

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Go slow

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