Deltarune: Stitched Together
An old feline puppet does not expect a visit from a young prince. There is an exchange of coin that tickles his heart despite the fact that he resists the urge to laugh. Of course, the little prince would come for this. Even in the dark, there are needs that must be met, yearning that comes over time without warning.
Deep in an ever-expanding field full of purple grass and trees with bright red leaves was a shop built entirely of various tarps patched together with messy stitches and twine. A sign above the entryway had crudely made letters spelling out the word, 'Shop.' Inside, the keeper of the shop made his rounds to make sure that everything was in order. He was a shaggy old feline with gray fur hued purple like the grass outside the top of his head had a large black patch. One of his eyes had a button stitched over it and part of his mouth had a few twines here and there but nothing that prevented him from opening or closing it. A tattered wrap coiled around his body but that and his old fur were enough to keep him warm. The shop itself glowed with yellow flickering candlelight and was full of various little curious objects both magical and not so much. There were food items that looked fresher than the dusty wooden shelves both in bags and in baskets. Artifacts that appeared older than the shopkeeper himself were planted here and there for the interest of whoever came in. The shop even carried a few weapons. Every single thing within the little shop had been collected by the owner of the store who cherished the curiosities but not enough that he would care if they were simply taken away in exchange for a bit of coin. Today Seam had found a few new interesting objects out in the field that he placed gingerly on empty spaces on the shelves. Besides the usual candy he found growing on the trees in the field, he had found a mysterious orb that shimmered in various colors and a lovely little pocket watch with brass casing. It still ticked so beautifully and perhaps he would hide it just a bit in hopes that a customer would notice it later than sooner. He chuckled as he thought of that. Not because of the sudden desire to continue hearing that sound, but the thought that there would be a customer today. Only so few ever came to visit and so few others came to shop but the old cat made due by himself with a cup of tea in paw and the sound of quiet madness coiling in on him. Such a somber thought. It would be better served to think of what type of tea he would like today. Just when he was reaching for a package with a brand rarely found in this place, the sound of old tarp being moved aside caught his twitching ears. How lovely! Seam turned with a ragged smile to assume his post behind the front counter and take a seat to assume his role as shopkeeper just as a familiar visage came into view. The young prince of the Kingdom of Darkness who went by the name Ralsei. Wonderful.
Seam looked over the counter where he saw the young fellow standing there in green poncho dotted with a black heart at the center. The prince adjusted his pointed hat before bowing, red scarf touching the floor before he got back up to adjust his glasses and say with hands clasped together, "Hello Seam. I hope your days are treating you well."
Infinitely polite, Seam would always welcome Ralsei to his little store even if the King of these parts saw the prince as an enemy. Still, he couldn't help but chuckle at the bowing and prostrating for an old and tattered feline as himself. When his laugh faded he regarded the shadowy-furred prince with a smile and said, "My days are as good as always. Those heroes of yours better arrive soon enough or I'll be mad before they provide me with their coin hah! Now...What are you here to buy today. Food? Sweets? A new poncho or some material to fix the tatters at the ends of yours? Or maybe some oil for lanterns?"
The young prince looked out toward all the items in the surrounding area and smiled just a bit, "I...I'm not really here to purchase anything but I always have to say it is impressive. Um..."
Silence touched the air between them but the old man kept his smile as he continued the conversation, "If you aren't here to buy then maybe you're just here to keep me a bit of company hm? I was just about to make a cup of tea and wouldn't mind the company I suppose. You'll just owe me for the leaves later ha ha!"
He hoped that the tease would crack a smile out of the boy or more than that, a chuckle, but instead, the prince simply tugged the rim of his hat down and took in a deep breath, "I...I do suppose that I am here to spend time with you but more than that, I need coin. I'm...Running a bit low and I can't really buy anything if I don't have anything so I'm here to sell."
Seam blinked, the three holes on his button closing and opening along with his hollowed eye, "My? Is that so? Little Prince...I know what you come here to sell and maybe you should be a bit more forward about it. We've done this a few times haven't we?"
While the boy nodded, the old man reached below the counter and pulled a bag of coin to set gingerly on the surface. He grunted as he moved around his spot and the prince to head out of the tarp and place a little sign on the outer tarp that told people he was out for lunch. Seam came back in to see the young prince tucked into his clothes, shoulders sagging, eyes down toward the ground and a distinct blush hiding behind the shadows. Seam chuckled at such a display. This transaction had happened a few times with and without the coin and he understood that in part the young prince needed this but still, it must have been embarrassing to come to an old ragged thing like himself for this. Gingerly, he wrapped his arms around the boy and gave him a firm embrace which was soon returned. Seam reached up to take hold of the hat and remove it to see the white-furred boy beneath it with pink-hued horns and cheeks bright red beneath the white.
"There you are...Such a lovely look. You'd have to be for me to pay so much! That, and you're dealing with such an ugly thing like me! There are better partner's you know?" He said, all with a laugh.
Ralsei's eyes sunk just a bit and he reached to take hold of the old feline's arms, "Don't say that...I don't think of you at all like that. You've got such a wonderful heart and what you are is aged, not ugly. I love hearing you talk a-and...What we do isn't bad at all so please, don't speak so badly of yourself."
Ah...It warmed his heart to hear such a thing. Setting the boy's hat on the counter, Seam took hold of the prince's hand, squeezing it gingerly before leaning down to plant a peck on his cheek, "Sweet talking me won't get you more...But if you're so eager then let's be off."
When he tried to walk away, his steps were stopped by a tug at his paw as a soft voice broke quiet, "You can take your time...And as many times as you'd like."
The old feline resisted a purr and instead chuckled while tugging the prince gingerly into another portion of the shop near the back where a tattered mattress and cover awaited them behind a tarp opening. It wasn't much but it was somewhere soft to sleep and somewhere soft to do other things. There was a piece of apprehension at the back of his mind wondering whether or not the sweetness the boy displayed was because of the money or because of something else but still, he moved with paws dragging the tattered cloth off of his body to let it fall to the floor. His barbed cock was limp and still not ready for action but soon he had a reason for excitement. The young prince entered the room and disrobed almost immediately. Ralsei tossed his garb to the side along with the scarf, white fur shimmering in the lantern's light. The boy looked a bit lost as he searched for a place to set his glasses before he found a little table to use. When he turned around, Seam couldn't help but notice the firm member poking out between the goat's legs.
With a smile, he stepped forward and reached to touch the back of the boy's head, "You know...You don't have to do this really. I said it as a joke at first and yet you keep coming back for more. Some would think you've already dipped into madness hm?"
Ralsei touched the back of his paw, a warm spot appearing at the point where those gentle digits felt before the prince spoke, "Why not? It's a fair trade...Even if you didn't give me anything. It's lonely down here and so few people let me stay around them without attacking or being rude. Is it so wrong to want to feel loved?"
For once a frown touched his features, a slight one, but still a frown nonetheless. When he leaned down, the boy's mouth came to his own easily enough without any qualms. The goat prince reached around his shoulders to hug on tight while their mouth's melded together. Each little movement was careful and tender, tongues moving together as his free paw came around to feel and cup the boy's rump. When they parted, he could feel the heat of the prince's breath on his own. If he really wanted to feel a bit of intimacy with a mad old cat like himself, then why stop him? A smile curved at his features as he leaned in for another kiss, and another, and another. The prince shuddered in his touch and groaned, mouth parting to let his tongue slip inside where he cherished the feeling of spittle on spittle mixing. Unlike his own shaggy and coarse body, the prince's fur was gentle to the touch and inviting to squeeze. He took his time in enjoying those kisses, in enjoying every little touch he could get.
When he finally let up on his little assault of kisses, the boy was panting with a big smile on his face, eyes dreamy and half-lidded. Seam reached to touch one of those blushing cheeks, feeling over it with firm digits gently before he found himself surprised. The boy knelt down and took hold of his barbed member, squeezing and kneading it as it began to twitch to full erection, his body shuddering for a moment, "Take a seat." The prince said with a happy chirp.
Seam chuckled, "A prince kneeling for me, huh? Never thought I'd see the day. I was just an old magician you know? Never once had such an honor."
The old cat moved to comply, the prince lowering himself so that his mouth was on the old cat's sizable balls. He shivered as he felt those gentle lips working each orb before watching as the boy pulled away just enough to speak, "And what if I want you as a King?"
Seam blinked, "Oh? Me a King? Hah...Hahaha!" He laughed for a good moment before continuing his response, "I don't think I could ever be so tyrannically inclined."
Ralsei closed his eyes before planting a soft kiss at the base of the old cat's cock, "Please? A whatever King you want to be? Just...Keep me as your loyal subject and protect me. I don't want to really think right now."
The old cat's expression softened at that. A paw came down to feel over one of the boy's ears gingerly as he muttered, "Fine fine...If a King is what you want then a King is what you get. King of the tattered scraps and stitches I suppose and you a loyal servant. You already know what I like don't you? Even if I don't say it, you do it every time without complaint...But I have a new request this time."
Ralsei blinked, "O-oh? What might that be? Anything at all my King!"
Seam controlled his laughter. So genuine! So eager! With a smile, he stroked the prince's cheek and muttered, "Stay with me for the night when I'm done with you."
Ralsei looked down as if thinking about that for a moment before shutting his eyes, "If my King wishes it...T-then I will stay with him until the morning before returning to my home."
Again, laughter had to be controlled. It could be mean to laugh even though it was out of genuine joy from seeing the prince enjoying himself so thoroughly, the old feline instead decided to grunt, "Good...Now get to it but take your time. We have all the time in the world, hah!"
The young caprine monster's cheeks burned a bright red beneath the fur but he closed his eyes and cupped Seam's balls gingerly, squeezing them with both hands while his mouth planted soft kisses along the base. A little sigh of pleasure escaped the old feline's mouth as he watched the boy work. Those little kisses were spots that radiated warmth and the softness of those tender digits on his sac certainly were not to be forgotten. He let himself recline while his tail twitched from side to side, taking his role as King while trying not to giggle from the absurdity of it all. It was better to enjoy the moment than spoil a good game simply because it had the flavor of madness about it.
Seam resisted a purr again as those digits slid away from his balls. Slowly one set crept up to his cock, gripping the shaft to squeeze it ever so gingerly while the other rested at his thigh. A purr could not be stopped as the prince's tongue dragged along his fuzzy orbs. His toes curled in as he felt that sticky warmth sliding across each orb coating them each in a nice lining of spittle. Each lap of that tongue across his balls was done slowly and one by one, the prince's mouth occasionally securing one of his orbs to suckle and tug ever so gently before pulling away with a wet pop. It wasn't long before Ralsei's tongue began to dip beneath his balls, lifting them up just a bit as the boy worked to nuzzle under them and push his mouth against the taint. Seam sighed happily and lifted his hips just enough for the boy's mouth to get to his puckered ring, warm spittle soon coating his rear as the prince worked with tongue and lips to worship him. Every little touch was soft and just a bit eager. The stroking at his cock was slow, with digits tensing gingerly and carefully as if Seam could come apart at any moment. Every kiss planted at his puckered hole, taint and balls were done so softly, tongue coming out just as slowly to lavish each spot with a glowing warmth that made his cock bounce and ended in his chest.
It was hard to question Ralsei's desires when his tongue was moving in such ways and his digits were being so tender and gentle. When he looked down, he occasionally saw glimpses of the boy's face raised to plant soft kisses along one thigh and back to his cock. He always saw a smile on his face in those few glimpses and wondered if maybe his concerns were nothing at all. Intimacy was rare to come by and most were too mad to provide even a good hug for someone they were supposed to see as an enemy whenever those heroes showed up. They played with him and laughed with him, or perhaps at him, regardless; the prince remained alone in his castle without many friends despite the fact that his kindness radiated in every step and in every word. Seam had no desires to fight and no inclination to follow the orders of a mad King and so his tiny tattered shop out here seemed to fit another role for the boy. When it came to desires like this, Seam was more than glad to help out.
The old feline's cock began to twitch just a bit more, the barbed shaft swelling just a bit as the boy pulled his mouth away from Seam's rear and balls. Those darkened eyes watched his cock with anticipation and desire while those soft digits curled and squeezed. Surprisingly, the boy spoke, his voice low and just a bit shaky, "May I make a request my King?"
Such absurdity could not do without a little chuckle as he brought his hips down to sit plainly on the edge of the mattress but still, he played his role and brought a paw down to feel over the caprine prince's cheek, "Hah! I don't think I'd ever be a tyrant...So sure, let's hear it. What request would you ask of me?"
Ralsei leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on the tip of the old feline's cock, "I...I'd like your first load to go on my face, please. E-even if you use my mouth and throat. Please..."
Such a simple request and yet, such genuine fear. The old cat could feel it in the little ways he looked away and the way his words shook and quivered as if afraid he might deny it. When his words came, they came with a little more weight than usual, perhaps because he was simply getting into this little play, "Fine...I can satisfy that request if you'd like." His words then returned to their usual levity with a chuckle, "Besides, I like seeing you marked."
Bright red flashed across the prince's cheeks beneath the fur and the old feline contained a spot of laughter. No sense in furthering the embarrassment for now. His eyes watched as Ralsei moved into position, lips to the tip of the old feline's cock. There he opened his maw and slid his tongue underneath the shaft before dipping down. Seam let out a pleasured rumbled, digits tensing at the back of the young caprine's head to coil through the fur giving him a nice handle if he needed it. The old cat didn't see the point in rushing things or pushing the prince along, never seemed like the right call even in situations outside of this one. Rushing was never the solution even if at times it felt nice.
Down and down the young prince went with his lips creating a tight seal that kept his cock nice and snug. Every little passing inch he could feel the warmth of that tongue and maw coiling around him further and further, a twitch or two releasing a string of pre from his cock to show that he was nearly there already. It had been a while since their last little romp and the attention his balls and more had received had been almost enough to have him pop his top off but still, he held on because it was more fun this way and because he loved watching the prince work. At the moment, his given role was the King, Ralsei requesting it of him had come as a surprise but the old feline enjoyed a good game so it only amplified their little play rather than making it too funny to enjoy. Again he found his digits tensing at the back of the head as the boy's nose met his crotch, Seam sucking in a breath as he worked to hold his load in. The caprine's movements began as little bobs, up and down with his head occasionally tilting here and there while that slick tongue pushed against his barbed member to stroke and push against it.
Seam's tail began to bat against the mattress while the heat inside of his old self began to radiate. Every little passing movement was another small chance that he would blow and the tension and pressure building in his gut made for a perfect mixture. With a grunt, he clasped onto the back of the boy's head firmly before bringing it down all the way. The sound of a brief gag touched the air but Ralsei took a deep breath through their nose and relaxed his throat while the old puppet began to use the prince's mouth. Such vigor and life began to pour into his body as his eagerness began to overtake his patience. Both paws came down to take hold of the caprine's head, one on the horns and the other remaining on the back of his head while the old tom used that pretty mouth how he desired. If the prince wanted a king then he would be more than happy to take charge, to show him what being ruled was like even if he wasn't inclined to being a tyrant.
Down and down he tugged the boy's maw nose to crotch with every push and lips to tip with every tug. Ralsei remained steadfast through the thrusting, eyes shut tight and throat relaxed for the feline's barbed cock to plow on through but Seam could see the bright red on his cheeks growing just a bit more prominent. Was it embarrassment or arousal that kept those cheeks so cherry-like? He already trusted the fact that the young prince came here on his own terms and his own desires but there were still so many questions and doubts. Perhaps those doubts only came because of the intensity of the pressure building within him. It made it hard to concentrate on his usual demeanor. Laughter and joy teetering on madness were replaced by a burning hunger to release that had only come to him every so often in his life. Both of his paws worked the boy's throat onto his cock as if the prince was a toy built for his pleasure and well, why shouldn't he think like that? His role here, at the moment, was as the king. Those with power treated those beneath them like things to be used, things to be discarded once they were done siphoning whatever use they had out of them but at the same time, a pang of something sad touched him as he thought of discarding the boy and never seeing him. That company would be sorely missed and again he found the laughter even between the heat, the giggling that told him what an absurd idea that he of all people could be a King. How could he ever be that if he could never be a tyrant?
With that spark of laughter inside of him, a smile grew on his face along with the pleasure blossoming from within. He yanked the boy off of his cock and cherished that little gasp of breath and squeak as he suddenly tugged the caprine prince's head in place so his cock was pointed right at the pretty nose. The prince blinked as if he hadn't been expecting this before closing his eyes, a visible shudder rolling through the smaller monster's body. With a deep exhale, the old feline took hold of his barbed shaft, squeezing firmly as he pumped it back and forth while making sure it was pointed in the right direction. The pressure inside of his body that had been building all the way until now began to filter out as he allowed the dam to crack. With a loud grunt and a hiss of breath, he leaned forward just as the first jets of warm cum fired off from the tip of his cock.
The heat of his climax was intense, each twitch producing and letting loose a heat that came as quickly as it went. Being relieved of every little pressure and bit of arousal inside of him was lovely but watching Ralsei beneath him with eyes closed catch every spot of warmth on his face was even better. The old feline made sure to miss the lids of the prince's shut eyes and instead went for the bridge of the nose and cheek. Of course, he couldn't control every little rope of cum and there were stray shots, but still, he tried his best to remember the boy's comfort while he worked out his own pleasure. When he was finally done, he let out a huff of breath and softened his hold on the shivering prince's head, watching as the boy opened one eye to look up at him with a small smile. Was that satisfactory he wondered?
Ralsei took hold of his cock gently and began to toy with it while the words came from his mouth quietly, "Thank you. I really should be more honest and maybe pay you for this instead of the other way around."
Seam chuckled while his own response came, "Pay me? You're a strange one. I've said it before but I do think you're already madder than any other monster I've met." He chuckled and plant a paw down on the prince's head to feel through the fur between the horns while continuing on, "Just a joke, for the most part, but I think I'd prefer to keep paying you for this little exchange. I think it adds a little spice to the encounters."
Even in spite of the situation, the boy still managed to find some way to become embarrassed and abashed, eyes darting to the side while he muttered, "I guess it does. I mean, really, I'd do all of this for free if you needed or even if you just wanted. Y-you could be as gentle or as rough as you wanted and you could even call me whatever you wanted too."
The old feline gave the caprine's chin a tap to get Ralsei to look up into his eyes. Once their gazes met, Seam chuckled, "I'm not used to doing all that now but if you'd like then we could do whatever you want. I enjoy the company either way but it seems like you're getting more out of this than I thought or even imagined." He then put on a mock frowned and sighed while leaning back, "Never thought such a sweet prince would turn out to be a deviant in disguise! You're even still tugging at me to try and get me back up even though I just came...Insatiable too!"
He held that same fake disappointed expression as rigidly as he could manage until he heard the young prince squeak, "I don't think it is very wrong to desire affection and intimacy! A-and I really do think that spending time with you like this is good so please don't think badly of me. Please..."
Seam gave a sideways glance to see that the goat's eyes were shaking. Such an expression brought a little pang to his old heart and a strange sensation that tugged at the back of his mind like puppet strings worming their way back into him. With a bit of magic he could keep the innocent caprine here, he could push and tease and taunt him until he was done with him like a genuine toy. He could feel his fangs aching, his digits tensing as such thoughts touched him before he smiled and smiled big. There was always a chance of going just as mad as that old friend of his but just the same, he knew it wasn't his way and knew it wasn't right. With his fake disappointment faded, he finally began to laugh, the noise starting with a dry cackle until he had to reach down and bring the boy up into a tight hug. Ralsei seemed surprised by the sudden show of affection but the old feline felt a firm squeeze around his body along with a soft cheek pushing against his tattered chest.
"Teasing you is too easy and I'll tell you right now that you should learn when someone is trying to rib you a little or you'll end up frustrated with every other interaction you have. Hah! But what am I saying...You're just the way you are and that's all fine." Said Seam with a little chuckle here and there.
Ralsei looked up, chin still on the feline's chest while he muttered, "Am I really that gullible?"
Seam answered without pause, "Yup."
The caprine monster furrowed his brow and looked down, "Hm...I'll think about it but um...Thank you. I always appreciate your advice and your words even if they don't make sense. Even when I don't understand I always seem to be able to take a little bit of joy out of them or at least some sort of laughter and I appreciate that."
Seam could feel the warmth growing in his body again, a certain twitching between his legs telling him he was ready for another go and so while he enjoyed the intimate moment, he leaned forward to end it with a kiss on the ear, "Remember where the lube is?"
Ralsei's fluffy ears twitched and the soft boy turned his head toward where the old fellow kept the lube and nodded before scurrying away to that little corner to fetch it. The old tom sat back with a grin, paw on his cock to squeeze and stroke it until it was fully erect again. He was certain that he would never be able to keep up with the other monster but he knew that Ralsei would take it as slow or as fast as he wanted without complaint and perhaps would even prefer it if Seam took full control immediately. Again those dark thoughts whispered that he should use his power again, let his magic free to wire and tie the boy together to make him part of the collection as something he would actually care for but instead he focused on the momentary warmth he was feeling right now. It was certainly going to be a fleeting thing but all things in this strange life living here where the light's embrace did not kiss were always fleeting and that was fine. Seam would live his life without succumbing to the madness that took so many others or at the very least, he'd try doing that.
Out of his thoughts and back to reality, the old cat watched as Ralsei returned with a small vial of clear liquid. The fluffy caprine monster popped the cork off already and was applying it to his hands before setting the empty vessel off to the side. One hand moved to grab onto the old feline's cock, spreading it while the other moved behind him where Seam knew Ralsei would be sure to stretch properly. Seam allowed himself to still feel some surprise as he watched the boy work and even more surprising as he felt those soft lips on his own. Done hiding maybe? Or just that eager? It felt strange to think that he was the one not taking the initiative when he could see that his little friend here was so willing to go the extra mile. Finally, he coiled his arms around the boy and dipped into the kiss, their tongues meeting at the center while soft hips raise and gentle arms slipped around his shoulders. Seam deepened the kiss while one of his paws slid down to grab his own cock, the other reaching to grip that plush rear to spread it. Ralsei lowered himself onto the tip, the old feline pushing and pressing gingerly until the tip slipped inside without trouble. A shudder ran through the boy's body as he began to dip down lower and lower while Seam simply allowed the boy to move.
The old cat chuckled as the caprine monster dipped deeper into the kiss, tongues twined together while the pressure and heat surrounding his cock seemed to tighten. Ralsei's hips went down all the way, little tail touching his balls letting him know that every inch of his shaft was resting inside. When their lips parted, a string of spittle followed the boy's lips and was cut off as the caprine groaned, "Please. Hold me tight. Make me feel."
Emboldened by those words and by the raw emotion behind that pleading, he wrapped his arms around the boy's body tightly, squeezing as his hips began to move. Ralsei groaned and planted his face against the feline's chest, eyes shut while that soft rear moved up and down in tandem with the feline's movements. The faster Seam went, the faster the prince's movements followed. That pleading had sparked a small flame inside of him that grew the faster he went. His barbs were flared and grinding against the boy's plush inner walls, his shaft throbbing with every push. Such lovely warmth could not be wasted, such softness could not be thrown away. Seam held on tight to the boy's body, a little purr escaping his throat as he worked himself faster and faster while he kept the feeling of the boy's raw expression in his mind. The prince had pled to be held, to be given something to feel, and how relatable that was. That clawing desperation for something to grasp onto when everything around you seemed so maddeningly lonely and without rhyme or reason. There were better places to get it, Seam was sure but he would gladly comply and give everything he had.
Soon, the song of their combined pleasure began to join the crackling of the lantern nearby. He could already feel the pressure building inside of him, the prince's twitching cock bouncing against his stomach while he kept on lavishing in the sensation of his cock being squeezed by that lovely rear. It was at this point that the prince pulled away just enough to grab onto his own shaft and start stroking it, his eyes shut as he huffed and puffed warm breath against the feline's chest. Seam leaned down to capture the prince's mouth, the prince returning the gesture with shaky eagerness. While he lost himself in that kiss, he felt thick warmth splatter onto his stomach, the spots sinking through his fur as if they were trying to reach his core.
"I'm so sorry." Muttered the boy between kisses.
Seam didn't care so he only chuckled and continued the kiss while his arms tightened their hold, his body working harder and harder to pump himself into that inviting rear. The muffled moans at his mouth, the tongue twining with his, and the warm body pushing against his own made it so difficult to hold himself back. Seam kept on thrusting until finally, his climax began. Heat poured out of the tip of his cock and emptied out into the boy's rear. He swore that he heard Ralsei letting out some sort of pleasured purr while their bodies continued to move together. Their lips parted for just a moment only for the prince to follow his mouth for another kiss with both of his gentle hands cupping the old cat's shaggy cheeks. Seam didn't mind at all and rode out the pleasure of his orgasm as each twitch brought out another sticky load that coated those lovely insides until finally, it started to leak out. When it was all done, he felt his entire body sag along with the prince's, the prince who still continued the kiss, deeper and deeper with eyes shut tight as their bodies basked in the afterglow.
At some point, the prince pulled away from the kiss and Seam laid back on the bed with Ralsei in his arms like a soft plush toy. The prince was the first to comment and it was with a quiet, "Thank you."
Seam reached up to plant a paw on the top of the boy's head before he muttered, "Anytime you desire. Just be sure to visit me often when those heroes of yours get here. I'd miss the company if you became too busy to even come on by."
Ralsei nodded, "I will and you'll see that they not only exist but will save us all."
The old cat laughed, a hearty noise that echoed in the small room, "Sure! If that happens, I'll gladly step out of my little shop here in the fields to breathe in the sunshine too."
Ralse frowned and laid his head on the feline's chest, a whisper coming out so quiet that he could barely catch it, "You'll see...I'll save you and everyone else too. It'll happen. It has to."
With those words said, silence took the air between them and slumber began to call to both. Both of them nestled together atop a patchwork mattress. Perhaps, someday Seam would be willing to believe that such things like heroes of light existed but for now, he was glad to just have company even in the darkened corners of his little shop.