003- I am King

Story by AlecDragonKing on SoFurry

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#3 of Divine Sinners

Alec tries to discover more of his past and find his place in this city. The more he discovers the more he realises what it means to be a King.

Alec awakens feeling a great warmth well up inside him. He could feel a familiar tingle coming from his morning wood. His eyes slowly open to see what is happening. The black wolfess, Michelle, is very slowly bobbing her head up and down with her sweet lips firmly squeezing around his shaft. Her tongue circles the tip and cleans up every drop of his leak. Her green eyes look up to him and she smiles, taking her mouth from away from her meal, "Good morning my Dragon," She says, still slowly working his cock with her paw attentively.

Alec groans through his closed muzzle, enjoying the feeling of this beautiful bitch's wake up call, "This is much better than an alarm."

"I wanted to make sure my new employee wakes up on his first day correctly," She says, turning her attention back on his warm purple rock and licking it softly. The sensation tenses him and he bites his bottom lip.

Alec strokes her hair away to better see what she is doing to him, "And what exactly is your new employee supposed to do anyway?" He asks.

She speaks, continuing to lick the pleased Dragon between sentences, "You're my new Wetboy. Which means anything I ask you to do. You do."

"And what would you have me do? Aside from... this..." he gestures to all of her with a cheeky smile.

She stops licking and mounts the Dragon without warning. As if to make a point over who is in charge. Her hips force the Dragon's cock up against him as she teases it with her sweet wet flower lips. Sliding along him slowly as she speaks, "I won't have you doing anything you don't want to. You are a prince after all. You are MY prince."

"About that..." Alec takes his large strong claws and slicks them up her torso to her breasts, the touch puts her in a bit of a shiver and she smiles seductively, he asks "What exactly makes me royalty."

She raises her arms behind her head, poking out her giant melons towards the dragon's firm hands, enjoying the sensation of his claws on her erect nipples as she continues to tease, "You're Grandmother is one of the founders of Divine Sin. She and the other Sinners quickly became the biggest stars of the city night life. They had men falling at their feet just for a little attention. They also gained much power and influence over the City's sex industry. Clubs, Studios, Brothels. They had it all."

"So what changed?" He asks, starting to delicately lick her points, teasing them with the tip of his purple tongue.

She enjoys it for a moment and then puts him back to the bed with a hard shove, teasing his cock more vigorously. The feeling they both have begins to build once more but she does not stray away from the topic at hand, "Time. The girls only had so much of it. Their attentions drew away from their work more and more. Power was snatched away from under them little by little. Eventually they were no longer in a position to hold the crown. All that is left of their legacy is the club and us."

"If that is the case why am I so important?"

"The name King still means something. Your grandmother had incredibly powerful friends. Those who still respect that name. Like myself and many others in the city. Time has marched on but respect for the sinners still lingers. It gives people a reason to follow us."

"Us?" He puzzles, listening to her worlds very carefully.

She leans forward and hovers so close to the tip of his nose, like she is about to kiss, "I need all the help I can get Alec. Powerful people seek to overtake us once and for all. I refuse to allow that to happen. If I lose Little Amsterdam there will be a complete monopoly on the sex in Zoa. No one will have the power to challenge it."

"Yeah..." Alec thinks back to when he arrived at the airport, "I ran into someone campaigning for some kind of city morality."

"That's a complicated issue. We will cross that bridge when we come to it. All I need from you right now is your loyalty... please..." She seems to force that last word out very sincerely. As if begging is entirely out of her character. It is very attractive to see her so.

Alec caresses her face and asks, "Why do you trust me?"

She kisses him softly in response, "If Elaine trusts you then that tells me enough. You must have a good heart to earn her love."

"Have I earned yours?" He asks, kissing her back just as softly.

She smiles, "Does this answer your question?" She takes his desperate purple cock and slides it inside her, "Now. Enough talk."

For the rest of the morning the Dragon and the Wolf made love like desperate long lost lovers. The sheets stain with each others love and the room fills with their cries of pleasure along with the heat from their bodies. Eventually it came to point where their energy for such carnal activity is utterly spent. Michelle lays in bed still in complete bliss, staring at the Dragon's firm body as he leaves the bed, "I think my clothes are still downstairs," he comments looking around.

"Good. Then you can't hide your sexy body away from me so quickly," She giggles, "You damn Dragon. You've made me feel like a teenager again."

"You look like one," he winks.

"Careful. Any more flattery and I won't allow you to leave this room today."

A knock is heard at the door, it is clearly the voice of the butler calling to Michelle, "Excuse me Mistress. There is a belligerent Shark at the door wanting to see you and your guest."

The purple seems to fade away from Alec's face and it is replaced by white hot fear, "SHIT! ELLIE! I forgot to call her!"

"Send her up!" Michelle calls back.

"Very good Mistress."

Alec looks to the wolf in shock, "Are you kidding!? We are going to die!"

"I believe it is you who is at fault here. It isn't like she has changed her entire beliefs overnight and become monogamist," Michelle climbs out of bed and grabs a sexy see through back robe to put on.

"It isn't that! She just doesn't want me sleeping with other women without telling her first!" He could hear angry steps coming from outside, echoing through the halls of the mansion, "Shit!" The Dragon desperately dives under Michelle's bed in a fit of panic.

The wolf rolls her eyes, "Yeah that is very sensible," She sarcasms as she walks over to the door and opens it.

A moment later the angry blur that is the black and red shark darts into the room, her eyes in a fire of rage and her nose snorting with heat, "Where is he!? I can smell him!"

"He's under the bed," Michelle points.

"TRAITOR!" Alec yelps from under it.

The shark sneers with eager please, as if she has cornered her meal, "Oh this is going to be good!" She shouts as she dives under the bed after him. Chaos immediately erupts and the bed shakes violently like an earthquake, "Your ass is mine!"

Michelle quietly leaves them, craving for some tea. The Dragon tries to scramble his way out to escape but is immediately jerked back underneath with a yelp as Ellie screams, "Get over here!"

"Come on! I don't even have a phone yet! How could I... what the hell is that!?"

"That is going up your ass while you go up mine!"

"Nothing is going up my... AIIEEEEEEEE!"

After Ellie had very successfully inflicted great punishment on her Dragon they both leave through the front doors of the Manor. A car Michelle has arranged awaits. Ellie leaves first, giving Michelle a kiss as she leaves, "I am sorry for borrowing Alec for so long. I should have warned you," Michelle tells Ellie.

The shark shakes her head, "It's not your fault. Alec should know better. You know how much I hate people that make me worry," She responds, shooting a glare towards Alec, "So what are you going to do with him?"

"He will make himself useful I am sure. I have given him a new phone so now he has no excuse," Michelle responds, throwing a cheeky smile at the hurt Dragon.

He rolls his eyes and limps towards Michelle and Ellie, "Let's go home... I need to sit down... actually lay down... on my side..."

"Pussy. Can't even take it up the ass like a man," Ellie snickers and slaps his behind causing him to hiss in anguish, "don't worry. All is forgiven now. Asshole."

"Fucking troublemaker," Alec mumbles as he watches her kiss Michelle sweetly just before she trots over to the car. "Hey Michelle, about my Nan."

She brings her finger to his lips quickly to hush him, "If you want to know more there are better people to talk to. I barely knew her."

Alec thinks and remembers Angie, "Yeah I guess your right. To be honest I don't even know if I want to know more. She was just... the best woman I ever knew..." without warning Michelle wraps her arms around the Dragon and pulls him in for a deep passionate kiss. It lingers for a while before she parts, "Then don't ask about who she was if you don't want to. But always know that the woman you knew will never change. No matter how much you learn about her."

"I guess you're right. When will you call me?"

"When I need you."

"Does that also include how you needed me last night?" He smirks.

Ellie suddenly slams the side of the car with her palm, "Hey! Get your swollen ass in the car! NOW! You've had all night with that shit!" She yells to them with a spit of clear jealousy. Alec reluctantly parts away from her and stumbles backward towards the car. As he waves dreamily to the goddess Michelle he is suddenly tugged through the car window in one fell swoop. The might of this shark is unbelievable when she is even annoyed. The car drives off back to Little Amsterdam, the whole trip is spent in near silence with only Ellie snickering every time Alec awkwards adjusts his butt.

They are dropped off near their home and head back down the alley. They already find Oona at her door wearing a sexy new set of red lingerie. She looks to Alec hobbling towards her and smiles, "I know that limp," she giggles, "Oh Ellie. You didn't have to be so hard on him. He is just a man after all."

Ellie grabs him firmly by the butt, "Just reminding him what happens when he makes me worry."

"For the last time. I am sorry," Alec snaps at the Shark and pulls her hand away from his ass cheek. She takes no notice of his frustration and sticks her tongue out cheekily.

"I need to get ready for work. What are you going to get up to?" Ellie asks Alec opening her front door.

"I think I will go and keep Angie company," he looks up to her window. Wondering if she is listening.

Oona runs her fingers through his hair with admiration, "That's very sweet. I can't wait to have you."

Ellie suddenly snatches her hand away, "Hey! We discussed this last night! We will share him!"

"My My. So possessive Ellie," the fox teases, tapping her on the nose, "you can't keep this boy all to yourself."

"Don't I get a say in this?" Alec interrupts.

"HA! No. Don't act like you aren't enjoying this," Ellie finishes as she goes inside and trots upstairs.

Oona lights up a cigarette and puffs it straight into Alec's face, "You know Ellie was very worried about you last night. I have never seen her think about a man in such a way."

Alec sighs, still feeling quite guilty, "She thinks I might leave again."

"Will you?"

"Of course not!" Alec says determined. This is his home. Not even god can force him away.

"Then maybe you should tell her that. Tonight. Show her you are here for her. She may put up a tough front but she is still a girl. I don't know everything about what happened between you two years ago but I know you are responsible for making her so fearful of getting too close to anyone," She explains. The fox's words of wisdom hit the nail in his mind. As much as he used to know about her he still doesn't know what has changed. They did care for each other so much and still do. She took him in without him even asking. She deserves a lot more than he is giving her. He needs to show her every day he will not leave her again.

"Yeah. You're right. Thank you Oona," Alec smiles at her and she smiles back.

"You know for a womanizer you seem to care a great deal about the women you take to your bed. Intriguing..." She looks him up and down, as if she can see what's inside him. "Wait a moment," She pops inside her widow to retrieve something and then hands it to Alec, "Here is a Key to Angie's apartment. See if you can make her something to eat while you're there. Any problems just shout for me."

"No problem. Later you foxy lady."

"Later handsome dragon."

He heads across the alley and straight up to Angie's apartment. He could hear music playing. It is old fashioned but very quaint. The apartment itself is much the same as the music but there is a naughtiness to it. A mannequin is on display in the main living area with a sexy burlesque costume adorned on it. It is certainly a work of art in its own right. "Who is it?" He hears her shout from the bedroom.

"It's Alec. I am the dragon from next door."

"Oh my lucky day. Come in. I have just made a fresh pot of tea." Alec smiles and goes straight in through to the bedroom. The bed is neatly done and covered with fashionable quilts. Angie is sat in her usual spot in the corner with a good view of Ellie's bedroom. Ellie has some metal music blaring while she gets ready for work. A table is set with a doyley and a tea set next to the window. The grey cat looks to Alec and smiles, "Come and have a seat on the bed. It's so nice to have a new guest. Especially one as masculine as yourself."

Alec happily obliges her, he takes a seat and pours the tea. His eye is drawn to a large photo above her bed, it is clearly a very young Angie bare naked. God it is such a beautiful sight, "If only I lived in your time." Alec comments as he takes his cup.

She laughs, "Oh yes. That was taken by a very famous photographer back in the seventies. Andy was such a sweet boy. Such a visionary. Did you see my old costume in the living room?"

"Yeah it's beautiful."

"That is my absolute favorite. It made me feel like a goddess every night. Most of the ones I used to wear I donated to the museum but I just could not part with that. Not until my time is due."

Alec tastes the tea, it is so similar to the tea his grandmother used to make... no it is exactly the same. He is shocked. This triggers old memories flowing back into him, "Do you know who I am?" Alec asks sincerely.

"Of course dear. You're a King. There's no denying that. You have the same gorgeous bright eyes of your grandmother," she observes, looking to him very sincerely but not losing that warm smile.

"How come my Nan never told me about you. About the Divine Sin?"

"Well my dear when we started the club we never intended to grow as... influential as we did. It all came very naturally. The city seemed starved for the attention of every Divine Sinner. For us. Oh Suzanne was by far the most desired. She was on the arm of some of the most powerful men you could imagine. I myself have had some very famous lovers. But of course there were those who wished to take what we had. We have had to harden ourselves to deal with the darker elements of our world. It was the only thing we could do to protect our friends. It made us very tired," she pauses to take a sip of her tea. Alec is on the edge of the bed hanging on her every word, wanting to hear more, "Eventually we started to retire with what we had. We could no longer contend with our young hungry rivals. We left one by one. It was all we could do to keep what we earned. Suzanne retired to look after you after your parents died. After that Michelle took over the Divine Sin. I am not sure what plans Suzanne had for you but I doubt it involved this world she was apart of."

"You think she didn't want me involved? In any of this?"

"She didn't. At first... but eventually she grew to realise that you were so much alike her in many ways. Your love for the city, the care you have for your lovers and that selfless desire to help others succeed. She told me as much before she died."

"She came to see you before she died?"

"Oh yes. She wanted my advice. As intelligent as your grandmother was she still needed to hear what she was afraid to hear. The mere fact you are here proves there are forces at work we will never understand. As if written in a book. Weather she intended it or not you belong here. I think that was what she struggled with the most. By god I have never seen her love another man as much as she loved you."

Alec couldn't help but shed a tear, he is as still as a calm lake and full of emotion. "Oh Nan..." he wipes away the drop, "do you think I should walk away? I don't want to do something that would upset her."

Angie comforts him, rubbing his shoulder with concern but also with her continued smile, "My dear boy. Your grandmother, more than anything, wanted you to forge your own path. Even if is a path she wouldn't want you on. If this is where you feel you belong then here is exactly where she would want you."

"Thank you Angie. This means so much," Alec sheds another tear and looks to her, without warning he kisses her on the cheek.

She blushes, "Oh my that made my heart flutter. Why don't you go in the kitchen and get us some cookies. I will tell you the story of when your grandmother and I seduced Hugh Hefner into giving us his car."

"No fucking way. Okay I will be right back," Alec stumbles onto his feet and rushes to the kitchen.

Angie gives a warm laugh, looking at his cute butt as he walks away. Alec spent all day talking with the elderly cat, learning all there is to know about her and his grandmother and the world they were apart of. He couldn't get enough. His grandmother was like the queen of sex. The strip club, a porn studio, a brothel and even a magazine. She had it all. Their empire fell apart due to overwhelming competition. Angie claims that their lack of preparation and faith in their successors lead to them eventually being forced to retire. There was also threats from mob elements as well as pressure from politicians that they just did not want to contend with. Especially when they had reached their golden years. It all sounded so complicated. Night had fallen and still they talked away. It was kinda like having his Nan back again. She was so much like her.

"So how did you come to own most of Little Amsterdam?" Alec asks, pouring yet another cup of tea. He has no idea how many he has had but it was certainly too many.

"Oh well I think it was my second husband who helped redevelop this district. I didn't like his original plans nor the plans of the architect so naturally I got them to see things my way."


"I think one might call it a "Spit roast" Nowadays?" She giggles.

"You saucy minx!" Alec laughs so hard he thought he would die. This woman is so crazy, he loved it, "So you were responsible for this district?"

"One might say I built it with my own two hands. But alas it was actually the contractor builder. He had strong hands himself," she shivers as she reminisces, "I really should have gone with him and his wife to the Caribbean. That would have been such fun."

"You are a freak Angie."

"I'll take that as a compliment," She says raising her teacup to him.

Suddenly they hear a crash from below, Alec immediately pokes his head out of the window to see what is going on. Then there is another crash. It is coming from Oona's place of business. He could hear sounds of a struggle and not the good kind, "I think Oona's in trouble."

"Go on dear. We can't have police here, bad for the business of my tenants," Angie ushers him on and Alec rushes out. It only took him ten seconds or so to reach Oona's door. He bolts in and suddenly he is met by a large black bull standing in his way. "Move!" The bull spits, shoving Alec to the wall hard, barging out of the building. Alec wants to go after him but first he goes in to check on Oona. She is there the hidden bedroom in the back sitting on her bed. She looks angry but also distraught. She see's the dragon, "Alec?"

"Oona. What.." Before he could finish his question he sees it. A cut on her cheek, it is small but it is clear what has caused it, "Son of a bitch!"

Alec turns around and goes out after him, "No wait! Alec! He's a cop!" She beckons.

"I didn't hear that!" Alec shouts back, running out into the alley. The bull is still in sight, walking away casually as if nothing has happened. Alec charges at him. The bull could hear the dragon's heavy steps running toward him, just as he turns he is greeted by a massive purple fist right in his cheek. The bull stumbles as the Dragon screams, "You have got a lot of nerve doing that!"

"Oh you have fucked up. Big time," The bull states sternly. Turning to the dragon, "You're under arrest."

"Let's see how that works out for you. Cunt," Alec readies himself as if to demonstrate his combat prowess. The bull takes no heed and charges head first at the dragon. Alec dodges him and leaps atop the bull, wrapping his arms around the neck from behind. The bull is larger than Alec but not by much. Alec tries with all his might to bring him down as the bull attempts to buck him off. With great might the black beast pulls him off, slamming him against a brick wall. Alec scrambles to his feet just as the bull comes in close. A series of savage strikes are hurled at the dragon while is pinned up. Alec keep his arms up and takes it all. Protecting his head and chest. In a daring move Alec slams his head square into the bull's skull. The both of them are dazed from the impact and stumble. Alec holds onto his senses enough to land another heavy strike with his fist, right into the bulls face. It is severe enough to force blood to spout clean from his nostrils. The bull falls to his knee's and Alec grasps him by his shirt. Holding his clenched claw above, "For what you have just done to Oona I should turn that face inside out but I will let you off with a warning. I don't want you in my part of town again!"

"Who the hell do you think you are!?"

"A King!" He smacks his fist right into the bulls nose again. Blood pours out onto the pavement in a stream. They have caused enough of a commotion to have nearly all the girls out to see the scene before them. Some even with clients.

"King!? No fucking way," the bull states with disbelief, clutching Alec's wrist.

The dragon leans in close to whisper to the bull, "See all these witnesses. You wanna bet they will back your story if you come back to cuff me? I certainly wouldn't. Now fuck off. I don't want you bleeding here." Alec finishes, tossing the bull off, onto his feet. As angry as the bull is he knows it isn't wise for him to linger and he charges off, clutching his face. Just as the bull is out of sight Alec hisses with pain, holding his side. That bull has done a number to his arms and ribs but he is mostly okay. Alec walks over to Oona's place to the sound of applause. All the other girls there are cheering for him, congratulating him. It seems that little act has done something very good for them. That bull must be quite notorious around here.

Alec returns back inside Oona's place. He finds her cleaning up the last of a broken lamp, she doesn't look at him but hears him enter, "You know what you did was very foolish," she says putting the rubbish in a bin nearby.

"I know. But I am not capable of letting such things go," all of a sudden the fox wraps her arms around the dragon in a tight, grateful embrace.

"Still. It was very sweet of you. Even if what you did could reflect badly on us all," she nuzzles into his firm chest. Taking in his manly scent.

He returns her affection in kind, holding her close, "don't worry about that. I will take all the heat if it comes to it. Just so long as I don't see you or anyone else hurt again."

"Why? Why do you feel so responsible for us?" She asks, looking up to him with her gorgeous glistening yellow eyes.

"I don't know. Maybe I just want to. Maybe I just need to. What was he after?"

"He wanted information about one of my clients. I wouldn't share it with him so..." she trails off and holds him tighter. He hisses with the sting of pain, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. That bull just hits like a sledgehammer."

Oona pulls up his shirt and sees a great big bruise cropping up on his side, "Jesus. Go sit on the bed. I've got ice for that."

He does as asked and pulls off his shirt. She goes to lock up her front door and returns to the bedroom, there is a small fridge in the corner where she dispenses some ice cubs into a cup. She then sits beside him and holds the cold ice up to his firm chest, his body is certainly more than pleasing to her eye, "Wow. Who are you trying to impress?" She flirts.

Alec laughs, "No one really. I just like to be healthy."

"Well you have achieved that and then some. You ever think about modelling?"

"That's not really my thing."

"You've just disappointed a lot of girls who would have you on their wall," she winks. Sliding the ice up and down the bruise as it melts quick. His chest becoming glistening from the water.

"I might do one just for you if you like," he flirts back with his own charming wink.

"Why? I have got the real thing all to myself," she whispers seductively, using her free hand to feel up his chiseled abs. They are very hot to the touch.

"I thought you were supposed to share me with Ellie?" Alec chuckles.

"Well then. It's too bad she's late finishing work," the fox leans into and begins to kiss his soft fluffy neck. Taking in his masculine scent more. She draws up to his lips and kisses him with narrow dreamy eyes. He returns the kiss and takes her by the arms. She tosses the ice to the wall and gets up to her knees on the bed, taking a better position to taste this dragon's tongue. She holds his face close to her, using the tip of her tongue to tease his. He feels as if he is under her spell. This gorgeous red fox waves her long bushy tail from side to side in excitement as she forces the dragon to his back onto the bed, still holding his tongue. He feels paralyzed by the kiss of this vixen, as if he could do nothing but exactly what she wants. He feels her paw playing with the bulge in his jeans, coaxing him to get ready for her. He groans with pleasure. She smiles.

He hears her unzipping him and she parts away from his eager lips. The beastly purple mountain leaps up from its confines. Without a word she grasps it firmly, humming at the sight of such a succulent meal. She turns to it and begins her play by flicking the tip with her tongue. Watching the dragon react so helplessly under her great skill amuses her and gives her great satisfaction. The dragon's cock tasted quite sweet, she could tell he doesn't neglect his fruits. The fox starts to slowly take it into her warm mouth. Making it nice and wet. She soaks it slowly with her drool, such an intimidating weapon needs lots of lubricant if she is to take it all in. But she does not allow the dragon to steal all the fun. The fox throw a leg over the big male's muscular body, putting her amazing peachy ass right up to his nose. Her tail swishes across his head from side to side as if silently telling him to taste her. As distracted as he is by her amazing mouth the scent of her heated sex is too much to bear. He pulls her tight thong to one side revealing the beautiful flower underneath, already soaked with her nectar. He knows exactly where to find her weak spot. Without mercy he puts his lips to the marble of flesh and immediately begins to suck on it like a piece of candy. Her eyes shoot open wide and she muffles a scream right into his pulsing rod.

"That's not fair!" She yelps, tail darted towards the sky as she shakes with pleasure. Losing control and going ten times crazier on his giant cock. She tries to take it in as deep as she can, bobbing her head up and down but his tongue flicks her bulb in just the right way as he suckles it. Her teeth almost dig into his cock when her first orgasm erupts. Not able to hold back a second long, "OH GOD I'M CUMMING!" She screams, her voice losing itself at the end and suddenly a spout of her sweet juice shoots out right onto his face. He is shocked by act. He has never seen a girl squirt so much. She is like a waterfall. Her whole body shakes on top of him while she tries to regain her thoughts. Just as Alec decides to continue she suddenly bolts upright. Sitting on his muzzle with her dripping pussy near wrapped around his nose, "I can't wait! I need it inside me!"

She has turned completely wild. As if that orgasm has cast out all her dignity and now all she can think about is fucking him. The fox hobbles forward on her knees, lining up their needy sexes. Her tail flails about wildly, slapping his face one or twice. She pushes it in deeper and deeper until it completely disappears inside. She calls out to the heavens with eyes tight shut. Embracing every inch of his muscle. She clamps hard and starts to vigorously bonce on this dragon. Slamming her rippling ass cheeks as she pants her lungs out with a little squeak of ecstasy. Already Alec could barely hold himself back from this wild animal of a woman, "OH GOD YOU ARE SO DEEP!" She yelps stumbling forward, grinding firmly into it as deep as possible. The dragon tries his best to thrust deeper but she is too well backed into to him. At this rate he would lose his edge. He grunts hard, pushing his pelvis up over and over again, "Christ. Slow down. You're gonna make me cum too soon."

"I don't care! This feels too good!" She shouts, still out of control. Alec takes action, with great strength he pushes her off. His cock slips out pulsing, "NO! Put it back in! Put it back in!" She protests.

He certainly does plan to do that but on his terms. He seizes her by the tail, rising to his knees. She squeaks excitedly, presenting herself to him high on all fours, begging with her body, "This might hurt a little..." Alec warns, teasing her meat with the tip of his. Prodding it.

"Stop teasing and fuck me now!" She screams with genuine frustration. Still grasping her tail with one hand and guiding his big staff with the other he puts it in the right place. In one swift motion he slams the entire length inside her. Pulling her right up to his waist. "JESUS CHRIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEE!" Her paws grasps the sheets till they tear, her butt spasms as if possessed by a demon. They electricity that he forces through her entire body feels unnaturally ecstatic. She squirts out hard, juice pouring from between what gap there is between his cock and her pussy. It doesn't stop for near ten seconds. Soaking the sheets. She would've forced him out from the contraction of her orgasm if he didn't hold her there so well. As soon as her brain could regain control she starts thrusting back, "GOD! MORE! MORE!"

"Well well well..." Both Oona and Alec heard that voice loud and clear. It is enough to make their butts clench. Their eyes are upon the figure standing at the door, the shark, Ellie. Both the fox and the dragon freeze. He gulps, "... ain't this some shit," she says.

"Ellie... ummm... well I can't think of shit how about you?" Alec asks Oona.

"It's hard to think when you are balls deeeeeee... oh shit you almost made me cum again..."

Ellie's handbag falls to the ground with a hard thud. They could not see the expression in her eyes but they knew it was grim. The shadow of her pink hair hid the dark intentions brewing behind her cold red eyes, "Get your dick out of her now..." she demands in a very uneasy tone.

He is about to pull out but suddenly he feels the fox's venus fly trap clamp shut, "JESUS!" He had no idea she could get it this tight. It's like his dick is caught inside a vice, he can't pry his massive beast loose.

Oona looks over her shoulder to him with a evil grin, "Oh you aren't going anywhere."

"Get out of her now!" Ellie shouts again, frightening him.

"I can't! I am stuck!"

"Let him go! You don't get to fuck him after stabbing me in the back like this!" Ellie points to the fox, fists clenched.

"It's not my fault you were late. I couldn't wait to see why you were so possessive over him and I can see why... he fucks like a god." She tightens more and more.

Alec grits his teeth from the sensation, "Jesus stop squeezing or I will cum!"

"Do it!" Oona demands, getting tighter and tighter.

"Don't do it!" Ellie orders.

"Cum inside me!"

"If you cum I am going to get mad!"

The two girls tennis their demands back and forth at Alec. He has no idea who he should be more afraid of. He is literally caught between a rock and a hard place. A very hard place. Ellie eventually gets fed up and steps in, trying to pry the two of them apart, "AHHHH! Don't! You're not helping!"

"I can feel how hard he is... he's getting close!" Oona teases Ellie. Wiggling her butt around his trapped venerable flesh.

"Get your pussy off him or I will twist your nipples off!" Ellie screams.

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! THAT'S IT!" Alec roars at the top of his lungs. Both of the girls flinch from the sound of his voice as it hits their ears. The Dragon suddenly tosses the fox backwards onto the bed and off his incredibly swollen cock. With cold lifeless eyes he suddenly grasps Ellie by her shirt and tears it away in one swift slash of his claw. She is stunned by his action, the nerve of him to rip one of her shirts so easily. She should have hit him but the way he has turned right now has turned her on like never before. He grabs the shark by the arm and tosses her in the bed too, joining her fox friend.

They both huddle together under Alec's mighty shadow, "I think I have to show you two why dragon's can't be tamed," Alec states, showing off his pearly sharp jaws in his own domineering grin.

They gulp in unison. His massive purple erection seems to grow an extra inch out of pure unbridled will. The girls pulse with both fear and excitement. "Wow..." they both whisper. As if almost pleading for mercy. It's a shame he wasn't made for mercy, not when it comes to this.

After two long hours of the roughest love Alec could dish out on these two predatory girls they finish in a heap on the bed. The girls lay either side of the dragon completely broken covered in all manner of fluid staring at the ceiling. Even Alec struggles to gain back the wind he has lost, "So... no more... fighting... Agreed."

Ellie nods weakly, her long tongue limped out to one side of her mouth.

"I can't move my legs..." Oona weakly responds twitching.

"Okay Alec... I am just going to come out and say it... marry me..." Ellie asks, "I want a ring... a wedding dress... a big party... cake... lots of cake..."

"Ellie... he can't hear you..." Oona replies. The both look up to see Alec out cold. Snoring hard. They look to each other for a brief moment and burst out with laughter. The rest of the night they cuddle to their warm dragon and sleep with him. Hoping that they can share the same dream.