Dinner Is The Show

Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#79 of Commissions

Another one for Macgregor9797!

If you're getting experienced with performing on camera, why not accept a challenge? Ryan's fans will love it. He's sure he can handle even such a big zebra. And he better be sure, because this competition has high stakes. Some viewers are just eager to see him lose...

Contains: Very rough sex and competition, facefucking, pounding, livestreaming, digestion, and disposal.

With the curtains and the professional lighting, it looked like an actual stage, but it was just an extra bedroom. Collins was sitting around in front of his computer, making sure all the audio levels were right, while idly stroking at his massive, stripey zebra dick like it was no big deal. He wasn't live just yet, but he could already see the viewers flooding in. This was going to be a very special cam show. Him and his partner had been promoting it for weeks on their various social media outlets. Two popular performers, coming together for one big show. And if things went Collins' way, it was going to be the grand finale to one of their careers.

Ryan was right on time, knocking on the front door, already barely dressed. The shamelessly slutty, fabulously feminine husky, with his reddish fur and his bright blue eyes and his finely-groomed fur was girly enough without the help of a short skirt hugging around his broad hips and thighs. The zebra grinned when he saw him. He was near to twice the canine's size, and much heavier as well. But that cute doggy didn't seem intimidated. He flashed his trademark flirty smile when he saw the huge herbivore, and just daintily offered his hand.

Collins clasped it in his own, completely overtaking it as he squeezed and shook.

"Good to meet you in person. No second thoughts now that you're seeing me face to face?" he teased.

"You're nothing I can't handle!" Ryan gave a confident swish of his hips. "I've worked with horses before."

Collins faintly scoffed. "Horses, maybe. Zebras are bigger."

"I can see that."

The husky shot a look right at that so casually engorged cock standing tall before him. It was maybe a third of his whole height. He reached out to give a slow, gentle stroke along its veiny surface, running just a single finger up and down. Collins snorted gruffly and gave a short buck of his hips. As calm as he seemed about it, beneath his cool surface he was horny enough to rut that curly-tailed bitch into paste if he let himself lose control.

But that could wait until they really got going. Pure animal lust was fun and all but he had a show to put on. They both did. So Collins just gave a gesture and led him right along to the studio. It might have been the tail end of summer, but the heat was still lingering. And without any windows, that darkened room could warm up very quickly. The zebra was already wearing a bit of sweat upon his stripey hide. Ryan might have been well-groomed when he showed up, but that wasn't going to last.

First off was the technical side of things. That was always a bit finicky. Collins stood tapping on his keyboard while Ryan simply set to unbuckling a studded belt that held up his skirt, and let it fall. Of course his cute little sheath was wrapped up in a pair of pink and white panties. They hugged up around his balls, on the little pink tip of his cock slipping out slowly. It wasn't that he was small down there, but in comparison it was pretty much adorable.

Collins hit the button to go live, and he came right over. Maybe for just a moment, the husky flinched. Seeing that wall of muscle and girth coming right at him with such a determined gait was a little intimidating, he had to admit. Especially brandishing such a fat dick like it was nothing, swinging a bead of pre around upon its tip like there was nothing particularly impressive about it. Standing above him, the zebra grinned and dug his fingers into the dog's long hair, tugging at it and already showing some dominance as he turned his partner towards the camera.

"Hey everyone. You know what's happening today. Everyone say hi to the husky slut." After building up towards the show tonight there really was no need for further introduction.

"Hi husky slut," Ryan said.

Collins smirked and patted the dog on the head, before giving one of his ears a rough tug. "So, here's how it's going to work. We're going to have a little game. I guess you could call it - well, 'hunger games' is too obvious. But you get the idea."

The husky perked up at that. "You still haven't told them what the games are. Just the stakes."

"Heh. That's right. You'll all get the details as we go along. For now, all that everyone needs to know one thing. If I win, I'm digesting your bitch ass."

"And if I win, you're mine. To do with however I like. I'll probably probably get you a nice saddle. Maybe a bridle?"

"Pretty confident. That'll change once you get this dick down your throat." Collins huffed threateningly, like a bull ready to charge.

Meanwhile, as usual, the messages were pouring in. They were coming too fast to even read, so the zebra just ignored them. Donations were already flowing too. That standing rule for his viewers was, when you cum you have to put in. Of course, he couldn't enforce it, but people often went along with it anyway. Seemed like some of them were on a bit of a hair trigger after waiting so long. Just seeing those two performers in the same room together was enough to set them off.

Which was a shame, because everyone else who was edging while they worked up to the first activity was going to be well-rewarded. Collins clutched at the husky's hair a little tighter, tugging him in against his chest at first, and then working his way down to direct him towards the tip of his shaft. He pushed it against the dog's cute, soft lips, just grinding around a little, adding dabs of pre to Ryan's features as if applying a bit of makeup. The scent was already getting potent with the horny zebra lingering in the room a while, and it was only going to get thicker, richer, and absolutely mind-wipingly arousing once things really got messy.

"First up, let's see how good a dicksucker this husky whore really is. Here's the deal." Collins ruffled the husky's hair a little more, but soon after just put his arms behind his head, showing off his chest and offering full access to his dick. "He gets every single goddamn inch down his throat without gagging, and he wins. But if I feel a single choke, that's a point for me."

"Easy," Ryan boasted.

"We'll see how good you really are," Collins challenged, finding a wall to lean against. As much as he doubted the husky was going to win this challenge, he still knew that either way he was going to get some good fucking head. That was the kind of thing that required bracing himself.

The husky still wasn't visibly phased, even faced with a cock of that size. He was simply wagging his tail, arching his hips at such an angle to be sure the camera could see his curvy ass bending over. And then he started licking. He knew making the zebra cum would make it a whole lot harder not to choke, but that didn't mean he couldn't tease a little. First he drew his tongue along that broad, pre-leaking tip, slurping up some of that musky fluid. He needed more after the first taste, dipping his tongue right inside with ease, given just how broad that entry was.

Collins snorted, reaching down as if to yank on those long, dyed locks, but he held back. He wasn't going to let some girly little husky rattle him that easily. Even once the cute dog so easily stretched his jaws open and began to engulf that fat dick in his mouth and throat like he were made of elastic. He easily passed the first test, pressing the broad, flat tip over the back of his tongue and into his soon-bulging gullet without so much as flinching. Ryan was an expert. As was evident when he calmly closed his eyes and simply set to unceasingly swallowing, one stripey inch at a time.

"That's right. Swallow all those stripes. One for every second inch. Trust me. I checked. Straining yet, bitch?" he teased, but it wasn't shaking the husky's focus any.

Ryan knew how to suck a dick even if this one in particular was so much bigger than any he was used to. From the head, he went slickly, smoothly sliding down the inches, swallowing down the stripes as they pulsed and flexed between his lips. He was drooling around that girth, unable to swallow anything by fat zebra cock. But he wasn't stopping, wasn't even pausing for breath. He gulped and he sucked, kneading Collins' length in his wet, squeezing gullet while it drooled potent gobs of pre straight down his throat.

They weren't just drops, either. That juicy deluge of lewd fluid flowing right down into the husky's trim stomach was more like a constant stream, running piping hot from the tap all the way down inside of him. He wasn't quite sloshing, but the heat was certainly warming him up. Seemingly nothing could stop him from bobbing slowly on that dick while he stuffed it down his throat. The bulge of its swollen shape was tightly outlined in his fur, so snug the camera could see it throbbing within. He drooled upon every single zebra stripe, barely even pausing when he bumped up over the extra challenge of that firm medial ring.

As much as he wanted to just grab that cute doggy by the ears and facefuck him half to death, that wouldn't quite be fair for their competition. He settled for just twitching a little instead. That muzzle felt good. It hugged around his stripes and kneaded at him with every inch the horny pup swallowed. Ryan was gulping wetly, but he didn't gag, not for a moment. His eyes were closed and slightly watering, but that still wasn't enough to even slow him. Stripe after stripe. Inch after inch. Sucking that big beast of a zebra like he'd done it a thousand times already.

It got sloppier the deeper he went down. The sound of sputtering and sloppy pre sliding down was making for a slick sucking noise, smacking and schlicking, squelching and slurping. Collins couldn't help but throb a little harder at the sight of that little bitch basically impaled on his dick. He flexed it a couple times, nearly lifting Ryan right off his feet with the strength of it alone. Yet he still couldn't choke that cock-loving slut. It was like his throat was simply a sleeve that fit perfectly around his zebrahood.

There were only two stripes left. The husky briefly shivered as his nose neared the zebra's glistening crotch. The drool was starting to mix with the sweat that had accumulated there. Collins couldn't stop from bulging and flexing inside the sluttty dog, not when that messy deepthroating felt that good. His pre was jetting out of him by then, flowing down to the bottom of the curly-tailed whore's gut while he finished off the very widest part of that impossibly thick equine dick. He wasn't stopping.

When his lips kissed up against Collins' sweaty crotch, the zebra gave a flex and a grunt and finally just slapped his hand on the back of his head, wrapping his fingers around those blue locks to yank him in and smother him in his groin. Ryan's nose ended up mashed against the zebra's taut abdomen, that cock flaring deep inside his belly, veins bulging out visibly beneath that skin-tight bulge. He could have cum right down his throat on the spot. But he wanted to hold onto it, to let his balls clench and swell, churning up the biggest load they possibly could to bloat Ryan with later.

Moreover, their first competition was over. Collins shifted his grip, making it even tighter, adding his second hand. That was when he finally got a bit of a choke from the husky. But it didn't count anymore. While the dog opened his eyes a little wider, smothered in crotch, unable to swallow or breathe, and kept from pulling back off of the zebra's dick by that mighty hold, Collins just spoke cheerfully to the camera.

"You know, I didn't expect it to be that easy, but look at you! Made it all the way down the stripes without so much as a hiccup. That's a point for you, talented little bitchboi that you are. Choking now though, aren't you? You want me to let you go?"

He glared down at the husky, looking him right in those watery blue eyes while he jabbed his hips back and forth a few times, fucking him so deeply he was fucking his stomach as well as his throat and mouth. Ryan was drooling, gagging, squirming. His cheeks were getting hot, even beneath the fur. Collins could feel it. At first accepting the extra domination, he was getting uncomfortable with that roughness. And that was restrained on Collins' part. He could have pounded his pretty little slut mouth a whole lot harder.

Finally, he relented. Not before holding his dick in all the way, clutching at Ryan's skull so tightly the husky didn't manage to get a single breath in the span of thirty seconds or so. That left the dog wincing, shuddering wildly while that dick slid back up the way it came, flare and ring dragging along his inner flesh all the way, seeming so much harder to spit back out than swallow down. He gagged plenty on the way up, until his whole body was heaving. When the zebra's tip finally popped free with a mist of pre flinging off in all directions, all Ryan could do was drop to his hands and knees, coughing and choking for a while until he could properly breathe again.

Collins was just smiling broadly up above him. He didn't give the husky much time to recover, instead just nudging him over with his foot. Ryan couldn't do much to defend himself. Not when he was wheezing and choking on all the pre that got left welled up in his throat, sticking to the insides and leaving him raggedly coughing a few more times. He drooling, dazed, and couldn't hold his balance. When the zebra pushed him onto his back, there wasn't much he could do about it. Even when all those hefty, muscled stripes were looming above him.

"Of course, that's just round one. It wouldn't be fair to give you a time out, here. This is a competition, after all. So here's what's next." He crouched down, squatting just above the husky's face, letting the dog get a good look underneath his tail at that sleek, shiny donut and two gigantic swinging nuts, sweat running down them to dribble upon the dog's already matted fur. "I'm gonna sit on your face, and you're gonna eat my ass. Either you last two minutes or you make me cum first, and you win. Bitch out and tap, and we go to the tiebreaker."

"Wait ..." Ryan faintly wheezed, but that was all he managed to get out before that thick, stripey rear came pressing down right atop his face, enveloping his entire muzzle in sweaty, muscular rump, his lips forced to smooch right up against the plump shape of the zebra's donut hole.

And that was right where he was going to stay. He didn't have a single choice but to try to beat the clock, or just lick until the zebra squirted. Collins wasn't quite putting his full weight down, but only because that would have been crushing. He was still plenty heavy, rocking back and forth, grinding hard enough he almost shoved the doggy's muzzle right inside of him. He huffed and grunted when he felt the husky's tongue, chuckling too. Even though he hadn't managed to catch his breath before going under the zebra's tail, the dog was still obedient, still a good boy. He was slurping and worshipping on that stripe-clad backside in no time, shivering and shaking there beneath him as his body was left deprived of anything to breathe but sweaty equine musk.

It wasn't an easy task to make someone cum just from rimming them, but Ryan wasn't backing down from a challenge. All he had to do was stimulate Collins' prostate hard enough. And not run out of his limited air first. Of course, the zebra wasn't going to be gentle while he waited for the worship. He applied just enough weight that the husky was fully immersed in stripey butt, unable to get a single breath of any other air. Those taut globes almost totally enveloped the canine's face, head barely even visible to the camera but for his pointed ears sticking out from beneath those fine haunches.

Ryan's initial motivation started to fade some once his body caught up with him. As much as he tried to deny it, his chest was burning. He started to curl his toes, twitch his tail, curling up his legs while he writhed with the need for a fresh breath. Even just a second to recover and he could have gone back under to eat that sweaty zebra ass right out for as long as he needed. But that wasn't the challenge. He hadn't been keeping track of the time, but he had to be almost there. Just a few more seconds, he told himself, his head swirling, thoughts getting all mixed up. Not that there was much he needed to think about. Just that backside in front of him, and the taste of musk deep in his senses, threatening to make him pass out or worse.

He was starting to feel like he was drowning, rather than simply suffocating. The ambient heat in the room was getting more intense, and that meant Collins was sweating much more heavily. It ran down his hide, making his stripes glisten beneath the lights in that perfect way that made him look even more sculpted and beefy. And it soaked into Ryan's formally pristine fur as it rained down upon him in sizable droplets, until he was starting to look positively undignified with his coat all matted and sticking to his body. Not that anybody could tell, given how thoroughly he was smothered, licking away at that slick donut, the strokes of his tongue growing weaker and slower the longer he stayed smothered and nearly crushed.

"Halfway there, bitch. And I can already feel you fading. You pass out and I'm just gonna have to call it a disqualification on the tiebreaker, you know." Collins teased, giving his ass a bounce, all but twerking atop the husky's head.

Rather than grant him any extra air, it just slapped that ring right down atop his face all the harder, threatening to piledrive him into the floor. But that house was built sturdy. It'd have to be, given whose home it was. Ryan was writhing and kicking out, his every muscle seemingly tensed up and threatening to cramp. He was desperate for air, hurting, numbing, losing himself. No amount of rich zebra musk was adequate in its place, even if he was getting so swept up in sweaty scent that he almost wondered if it might sustain him on its own.

He made it just a few more seconds before he was tapping at one of Collins' hips. The zebra just snorted in amusement, grinding back and forth a few more times, stealing a few more precious seconds before letting up like he did before. Ryan didn't even immediately gasp. He simply choked when the air came back to him, the coolness by comparison shocking him. Then he was coughing up some of the sweat all logged in his throat, filling his mouth with the salty flavour before he was finally turning over and heaving for air. His chest was pumping rapidly, his body weak and shaky for a while as he panted and drooled upon the floor. He was soaked and his hair was in his face, but he didn't bother to fix it. All he cared about for a while was recovering. But at least he hadn't lost yet.

"See, I'm disappointed," the zebra said, nudging at the fallen husky with a paw. "I expected you to be just as good an ass-eater as a cock-sucker. Might even have been worth whatever you ended up doing just to let you win. But we're down to the tie-breaker now. I think you look ready."

Ryan's huffing had slowed, but he wasn't done panting yet. That was about as good as it was going to get for him before the zebra reached down and snatched him right up, clutching him in his two muscular arms and letting the dog's legs dangle down. Limply at first, but bracing himself with his feet on the zebra's thighs once he was feeling more steady. He still was pretty well wrecked. Holding together, but shaky, seeming much more frail and vulnerable than his usual confident self. The pretty bitch who could supposedly handle nearly anything wasn't smiling for the cameras right about then.

Not that he was going to get any mercy. All that teasing, all that pleasuring and working him up without actually managing to make him cum meant that the zebra's ebon dick was pouring pre out from its tip. The entire head was soaked, and a heavy stream was running down its length, all the way down to his balls, pooling until it dripped off of them, mixing with the shining sweat. He needed to fuck, to rut something. And he was already humping at the pretty girl of a husky boy, running his shaft up and down along his back, nudging his tail to the side while he pulled on his hair and nibbled on his neck. Grinding, marking, biting, teasing. Everything he could do to tell him and the audience alike that the husky was [i]his[/i] now.

"Lucky for you I'm already hard as fuck. That's gonna give you an advantage in this one." Collins was speaking right into one of the husky's flattened ears, but he wasn't whispering. He had an audience, after all. "You can probably guess how this one works. I'm gonna fuck your cute ass until one of us cums. First one to bust a nut loses. Sounds fair?"

Even despite the rough treatment, and his heart beating a little faster in his chest at the realization that he might actually lose, Ryan wasn't upset. The zebra had been testing him. Pushing him to his limit. So what if it was a little unfair. That just meant the audience was going to be even more impressed when he overcame all the challenges. Even the zebra couldn't break him. He was sure of it. So he just nodded slowly, putting on a smug smirk despite the frazzled, dishevelled, musk-laden sweat rag he looked like at that point. As mean as Collins was being to him, it wasn't making his dick any softer. His knot was pulsing away as he dangled there in the zebra's arms.

There was no need for him to brace himself. Collins had a good hold on that slut, and their sizes were different enough he just held right onto the husk while he shoved his dick beneath his tail. Humping, grinding, flaring out and spurting, he was lubed more than adequately just from natural juices alone. Ryan was already moaning before he even got penetrated. His lips were curling back, he closed his eyes, and he simply twitched. It was all a little less sultry than his usual twisting, writhing, attractively squirmy shows he usually put on for the camera. More just flopping around and doing his best to move at all while that lusty spear pressed against his spreading tailhole. At least his bitchy whimpers were suitably on point.

Even in his most vicious moments, the husky was a hundred times removed from the vicious pack predator he was supposedly related to. He was a little bitch, the omega of the pack, a moaning, whimpering whore who could never get enough dicks under his tail to satisfy his lusty appetite. Even locked into a dangerous bearhug, getting nibbled on by a hungry zebra who fully intended to consume him as soon as he made him cum, he loved the feeling of that flare popping up inside of him. His audience knew how good he was with horses. But the size of that belly-bulging, bitch-breaking equine tool was a whole lot even for an experienced bottom like him. When the first few stripey inches slickly shoved inside, he couldn't help but cry out sharply as if he'd simply been struck.

"Too much for you, doggy? No shame in quitting you know. I'll just jerk off in your face instead. Of course, you know what happens when you lose ..."

Collins licked his chops loudly for emphasis. He was already nearly drooling, his mouth watering at the thought of shoving that curvy canine down his throat. It would have been easy just to force him in, even if he somehow lost. But that wouldn't make his audience as happy. He was going to earn his meal by fucking the cum right out of those cute little husky balls.

"I can ... take it," Ryan grunted, barely even able to find his voice in his worked up state. There was a great swinging strand of pre hanging from his reddened cock, stretching all the way down to the floor.

"You're gonna fucking take it." Collins thrusted hard, clenching around the dog's lean chest. He bit his shoulder, licked his throat, and snorted in his ear. Ryan was biting off so much more than he could chew, so to speak. And the zebra was about to show him that confidence alone didn't mean he could stand up to a stripey stud who was born to break bitches.

With how slick his dick was he didn't even have to inch his way inside. Somehow that husky was still tight even after being fucked by so many guys already. But he was flexible. Elastically stretching around every bulging vein and contour of the zebra's dick, he made for a perfectly fuckable slut who wasn't going to snap in two from girth alone. Even when it was bulging right inside him so distinctly the audience could see every single flex and throb that stripey cock was making inside of him. Pre was pouring right up into Ryan's stomach thick enough to already start bulging out his belly and his bowels. Collins half wondered if the husky would just explode once he was actually filling him with cum. But that wasn't his problem.

He had to admit he was impressed at how easy it was to go balls deep in such a pretty little thing. Even studs nearly the size of him had trouble taking the whole thing, but there he was, slapping up beneath that fluffy tail with a thump of his titanic nuts. Sweat and pre flung off of them in all directions on impact, and Collins set to just rubbing his sack against the husky's own while he held himself fully inserted in that whimpering little cocksleeve. Another bite, another lick of his neck where the skin was starting to get sore from all the flat-toothed nibbling, and finally he had to bray out in pleasure. Even he had to admit that ass felt perfect all wrapped around every one of his dick-stripes.

Shooting hot air from his nostrils, Collins turned his face to the camera again.

"You wanna see just how hard I can pound him? I know you do. I'm not stopping. Not until this slab of girly husky meat cums for me."

Ryan was huffing, drooling, his tongue hanging limply from his lips, but he still found the energy and the breath to tease back. "Bring it on, zebra. You're just ... you're just some big dumb herbivore, after all."

That put an especially devious smirk on Collins' face. He leaned in nice and close, bringing his voice down to a whisper as he planted his lips right against one of the husky's ear. Even speaking so quietly, the audio still picked up for the stream.

"Won't be calling me a herbivore when I'm shitting you out, meat."

Just for emphasis, he harshly bit the husky's ear after whispering into it. Ryan only shivered slightly, though he tried to remain steady and confident in the face of such ominous teasing. It surely had occurred to him how much stronger the zebra was than him. Even if he won ...

But he couldn't think about it for long before his thoughts were more or less fucked right out of him by the first punishing thrust. A solid thud of zebra nuts against his body felt like it shook his entire skeleton, rattling his skull and making him whimper all the harder for the beast of an equine. He didn't even get his paws anywhere near the ground while he was swinging back in the zebra's grasp. More like a toy, a sleeve for him to fuck than an actual partner. His tongue flapped about with each thrust as Collins started rutting him, his back arched and bent as if he were about to be snapped in two. He gritted his teeth and clenched right down, giving the zebra just the slightest pause as he milked at him. That was enough to get a squirt of pre, one so thick it made Ryan's ears perk right up, thinking he had already won. But it wasn't enough to be called an orgasm, as messy as it was making things.

Soon they were escalating from forceful penetration into the very thing the audience had been anticipating for so long. A sloppy, noisy, wild fuck between the biggest, strongest stud and the sluttiest tail-raiser in the live performance community. The zebra was known for being able to ruin any hole and the husky was known for taking anything without breaking. Unstoppable versus unbreakable. It was all down to the question of who might falter first.

As rough, or even violent as the zebra was being with him, the husky wasn't complaining. Even in that tight grip, that embrace nearly crushing the air out of his lungs again, the zebra's teeth teasing at his throat, and of course that impossibly firm zebra dick shoved so deeply in his ass he'd hardly have been surprised if it came out his mouth. He swore he could taste that musky cock, the flavour well up his throat from the insanely deep penetration bulging out his belly and his chest alike. He pretty well would have served as a condom with how snugly he was wrapped around those richly engorged inches.

It was difficult to move his body, to clench or squirm or do much more than faintly whimper. And even that was sounding more like a faint gurgle by then. He was getting fucked completely stupid, his body so distressed by the stretching and the slamming that shook him and threatened to simply fold him in half like a lawn chair that it was simply shutting down the non-essential processes and leaving him a partly numb, drooling husk who would think of little more than how good that zebra cock felt beneath his tail. He was clenching more rapidly, constricting like a snake, massaging around those stripey inches, completely forgetting about their little contest, and the consequences of letting that building orgasm freely flow through his helpless body.

Of course, all that tightening up felt awfully good for the zebra too. He was wrenching the husky's increasingly limp body up and down, pounding that cushy ass like he was trying to drill a hole right through the dog. The amount of pre he'd already pumped into him would have been an impressive cumshot for a normal guy. But he wasn't normal. And things were only getting messier, until a sloppy splatter of mixed juices was outright streaming down the zebra's thighs. As if his muscles couldn't look any better, already flexed hard as he slammed that soft ass into his balls over and over. He was snorting, he was drawing his lips back to let out a heavy bray. The flare of his cock was expanding to its fullest, bulging out somewhere around the husky's chest. He he wasn't stopping, even when his balls were pulling extra tight, visibly flexing up and down with all the pressure built up in his mighty body. It was time for him to cum in that broken slut.

Just as he buried himself to the very hilt, rapidly rutting a single inch back and forth, making sure the canine felt every single detail bulging and flexing there inside of him. And he felt the flexes right back. Ryan clenched down hard, and stayed perfectly tight, to the point Collins couldn't even thrust for any longer. They lost themselves in the moment, crying out, grunting, huffing, their bodies jerking and twitching in almost frightening ways. And then there came cum flowing shooting out with such pressure that the audience could hear it. An absolutely massive creamy [i]splort[/i] that gushed forth to fill the husky's body to brimming and bloated seemingly at the very same moment as he finally let loose with his load, fucked right out of him totally hands free, milking that knotted cock until he was shooting seed all over the floor and even the ceiling above.

Their collective orgasm lasted for near a full minute. They didn't say a single word. Collins emptied every single drop he had all pent up in his nuts, and the husky kept on creaming as if the zebra's load was coming out the other side. And it was, in a different way. Eventually his gurgling moans got wetter, and he was drooling out the jizz that the zebra fired right through him. More than even his stomach could hold, bloating his middle and everything before it until he was a sloshing, sagging sack of sweat and musk, steaming with that equine scent and bloated as if knocked up a dozen times over. He curled his tails, twitched his tail, and finally just passed out a while, flopping down in Collins' grip, eyes closed and body barely moving, trickling the last of his cum down his thighs and letting it dribble to his toes.

Even the zebra was out of breath for a little while. He kept the husky right where he was, unconscious and impaled on his dick, before finally letting go and allowing gravity to tug the cum-stretched husky down to the floor, sodden and bulging. Ryan landed with a splash and a slosh, blinking back to relative awareness, staring up at the zebra through blurred eyes that were barely seeing. Once he steadied himself and brushed a bit of spattered cum off his hide, Collins offered a toothy grin down to his round-bellied partner.

"Looks like we've got ourselves a tie."

It took a while before Ryan even realize what that meant. The competition was gone from his head. Maybe some of that cum made it all the way into his brain. He slowly recalled the show, the bet, and the audience staring at his shattered, writhing form flopped there on the floor in a puddle of jizz, adding to it as the hot stuff poured down his taint from beneath his tail. Sure, he'd been fucked a little stupid after a particularly rough rut before, but he'd never let his fans see him quite like that. Though it took a great effort with his body hardly cooperating, he eventually managed to pick himself back up, at least to his knees. He placed his hands on the zebra's thighs to support himself, tail drooping, head tilted up and swaying back and forth in his partly hypnotized musk-stupor.

Somehow, he still remembered how to speak. "So what does that mean? Another tiebreaker?"

He tried to sound confident, but his voice was akin to a frightened little pup. Broken, squeaky, barely heard. The zebra simply shrugged.

"Dunno. Didn't plan for this. But I'm pretty sure I've got an idea." He reached down and took the husky by those locks, hair so soaked with juices that the dye was running from it, revealing the husky's natural dark tone.

"Unngh ... what is it?" Ryan barely managed to finish his question before he was mmmfing in the zebra's nuts, tugged close and shoved there nose first.

Collins idly humped at him a while, grinding up and down, smearing even more sweat and musk into his fur and senses with every casual motion of his hips. "Simple. We ask the audience. I wonder which they'd rather see? A husky bitch, melting in my gut like he was always meant to be? Or, well, whatever it was you were planning."

He wasn't exactly being fair about both sides of the decision, but Ryan was smothered too thoroughly to protest, or to argue his side of the deal. Surely the audience would love what he had in store for the zebra. If only he could tell them. But more than that, he was confident he'd win any poll regardless. After all. They didn't [i]really[/i] want to see him get digested, did they? He was their precious, perfect slut and they adored him. To think that some of them got off on the idea of him getting turned into ...

Before he could say anything, the zebra pushed him away from his nuts and went striding back to the computer, dripping all the way. His feet splashed through the accumulated juices on the floor, but he didn't notice. The messages were coming in so fast that he couldn't even read them. They were just a black and white blur rapidly scrolling up. He mugged for the camera and just leaned down, swinging his tail, typing up a simple question:


Who should win?

Zebra. (Eat that slut!)


He hit enter and simply watched the votes coming in. And soon he was grinning like a madman. Glancing back over his shoulder, he looked to the weakened canine, where he was crawling across the room, not even able to stand after getting his guts rearranged by that zebra dick. He'd probably done some sort of damage that Ryan hadn't quite registered yet. But that wasn't going to matter soon if the numbers kept rolling in like they were.

"Heh. Looks like a pretty obvious consensus, bitch," Collins chuckled.

"What? It's not ... they wouldn't. It's still early. Give it a few minutes." Ryan was babbling. Maybe his own fans weren't in the stream for some reason, or maybe they were just slower about responding ...

"Yeah, you're not catching up now. Over ten thousand say eat you. You've got ... eh, couple hundred I guess." The zebra winked down at the dripping doggy. "Of course, you know what that means. Even your own fans are voting against you. Not just mine. All the shows you put on, and they've been thinking about how much better you would look as a shrinking bulge. Isn't that right?"

He turned back to the camera, though he couldn't really tell what people were saying when the messages were coming in that fast. He just sat back and cracked his knuckles, putting on a show of licking over his lips, even leaning right down close and opening wide, stretching out his tongue as if he were about to eat the webcam. That let those thousands upon thousands of viewers get a good look at where the whimpering pup was going. No more waiting. He clicked to end the poll.

"Ninety-one per cent. Not fucking bad, heh. Get ready, foodslut. I'm coming for you."

The zebra rose sharply, moving much more quickly than before. For a moment, Ryan made to crawl away. Just seeing that hulking titan of stripey muscle coming at him with lust and hunger in his eyes was more than enough to intimidate him. He flinched but he sunk down and accepted it. Even if it was hard to truly believe it. He couldn't even see the screen from there, but Collins hadn't been lying. When asked, the vast majority of the audience was in agreement. Cute huskies were meant for digesting. And so he could only squirm, rather than fight, when the zebra's strong grip clamped around his scruff, hauling him into the air, letting him dangle before the camera.

By then, Ryan couldn't even feel his legs anymore. He was getting sore as the sensations set back in, the numbness leaving his body. He shouldn't have let a zebra be that rough with him. But he wanted to prove that he could do it. Just a few more seconds of hanging on to his orgasm and he wouldn't have been in that position. But he couldn't regret a cumshot that had felt that good. He was still tingly, still blissful and golden where he wasn't simply bruised. But the closer he got to the zebra's heated breath, the more he wriggled and whimpered, before finally turning to the camera.

"You don't really want him to do this, do you? Come on, we've got so many more videos to make!"

He meant for it to sound reasonable, but it sounded more desperate. Almost like he was pleading. The chat was still moving at more or less hyperspeed, but with more people stopping their typing to jerk off, it was slowing down just enough for him to catch a couple messages from names he recognized. Longtime fans, people who showered him with praise (and donations, more importantly) during his many shows, were spouting cruel encouragement without a hint of worry for him.

[i]Die, slut.

Digest like a bitch.

Churn into zebra shit for us. <3[/i]

Ryan felt his heart sink. They all wanted this. Every member of the audience was going to be getting off while he panicked and faded out inside the zebra's stomach. And that was all the time he got to think about it before Collins turned his head to the side, brought the husky's muzzle right up to his lips, and simply opened wide. Ryan had nothing more to say, no more begging or whimpering even as he gazed back into the sweltering hot, dark abyss that was the equine's gullet. He couldn't do anything more than stare, contemplating just how bad being digested alive could really be.

At least the zebra had been so kind as to freshen his breath before the act. Though the heat was pretty much dulling Ryan's senses anyway. That drool along was sweltering as it plastered over his muzzle, broad tongue layering it on his face as he was slurped inside. Collins tucked his prey's head back behind his flat but mighty teeth, framing the husky's throat between them. He nibbled and he sucked, but mostly he was focused on swallowing. Ryan felt those throat muscles working, tugging at his muzzle, latching on and refusing to let go. And deep below, he could hear the rumbling, the gurgling, the sloshing and the churning that awaited him. The zebra was hungry enough to devour an entire person. He'd made sure of it.

There wasn't much he could do to tease his prey once his mouth was completely full with whimpering, frightened dog. He just gulped. The messy sounds of his swallowing were the soundtrack to replace their dialogue. Ryan couldn't say anything. Not when he found himself smothered down in the zebra's gullet, his facial features outlined in that broad white throat as he bulged his way downwards. In that glimpse, the audience got to see his scared expression, his mouth open as he gave some muffled cries towards where he thought the camera was. It sounded like he might have been calling for help. Maybe someone would ... call the police, or something. It wasn't going to happen, but even if they actually did, nothing could have arrived there faster than the zebra's ravenous hunger.

The force of swallowing near to crushed that soft husky. He felt his joints popping, his body bending to the point of denting inwards as it was squished into that fleshy tube. Not quite broken, but it was hard to breathe, yet again. He still hadn't really recovered from that deepthroat, and everything else had just made his exhaustion and lightheadedness worse. He thought about actually fighting the zebra. Kicking, clawing, even biting, doing everything in his power to resist that appetite. But even if he could slow things down, he knew he wasn't beating someone so large and powerful. Not after getting fucked that hard. Not when he was just so exhausted. It was so much easier to just submit, slump, and accept that he was going to be zebra pudge.

Collins' cock had flopped down and softened partly after his cumshot, but just feeling the way the husky so pathetically gave in to his fate was making him hard again. His dick started pumping, throbbing as it dripped there between his thighs. It was soaking wet and shiny, and he didn't even needed to give it a stroke to get it firming up against his belly once again. Then right up to the husky's cute ass, humping at him a few times while he gripped his prey by the hips, shoving him inwards. Just like Ryan could deepthroat without gagging, the zebra could swallow him whole with a single moment's pause. It was all a smooth, comfortable process for him, one that was making his dick wetter the closer that whimpering muzzle got to his viciously glorping belly.

From holding onto the husky's hips and kneading at his ass, he went on to just gripping his ankles. With that hold, he could really shove. Collins wasn't savouring him, wasn't treating him like some fine dining experience. Just a bunch of meat to consume and use to satisfy that near-starving sensation. He slurped up between the husky's thighs, played those soft dog nuts over his tongue, even ate out his ass for a little while as best he could from such an angle. And he was sure to show the camera that perfect shot, that fine bitch ass framed between the zebra's lips and teeth, on the very crest of his tongue ready to be finished off. Then he snapped his mouth shut and simply set to sucking down the husky's thighs and tail, working towards his toes in hungry slurps and chomps, teeth kneading him all the way.

When finally he just had those soft, precious paws sticking out of his mouth, he made sure to show off for the camera once more. Drooling between the husky's toes, slurping at his pads, he made them wet and let everyone see Ryan curling his toes. That was about all he had left for communication aside from those silenced calls and general squirming. The zebra's gullet had him so tightly that he couldn't even wiggle much, and his muzzle was already pushing into the hot confines of his stomach, starting to round out and stretch the stripes of Collins' gut, turning his tight abs into a squishier, jiggling paunce. Then bigger as he gave the final swallow, tossing his head dramatically, stealing away the very last glimpse of undigested husky anyone was ever going to see.

The zebra stood up tall and proud, his dick hard and wet, his hands on his hips as he finished taking down his prey. The bulge of husky descended from his gullet all the way to his middle, bouncing on impact and squirming madly for a while. If only to get into a properly comfortable position, as best he could. As long as his muzzle wasn't trapped beneath the surface of the sludgy fluids and chyme at the bottom of the herbivore's gut, he could settle down. Outlines of hands and elbows and knees were visible to the outside as he kicked and fought to correct his position, finally calming once he was all curled up and wrapped around himself in a tight ball, squeezed harshly from all sides by the zebra's gut.

All Collins could make for a comment was a belch, and a wet one at that. That brought back a healthy dose of the husky's flavour, leaving him licking his lips and mmming before he even spoke. While he did, he set to slowly running his fingers up and down his shaft with one hand, slickly smearing all the pre and cum along the black surface. With the other, he just massaged at his meal, helping churn up some noisy activity, loud enough the audience could already hear their idol getting digested.

"Nngh... fits perfect. Little bitchy belly-stuffer," Collins grunted, not even speaking clearly at first. He cleared his throat and gave his gut some satisfied pats. "Now you all get to watch me melt him. Use your imagination. Picture all his pretty fur falling out before I digest his fucking face off. I know you're all jerking off to the thought of him getting wrecked inside of me."

He wrapped that free hand around his cock, and started properly stroking. Slowly at first, but going a little faster as his belly got louder, started squeezing and churning around the husky at an increasingly accelerated rate. It was unnaturally rapid, looking almost like he was fast-forwarding the video. But it was all live. He was just really damn good at this. As the husky began to melt and sizzle, peeled apart by those nasty acids as it bored right through his hide to start flowing through his body. Not that anyone could see that. All they saw was the shifting, softening bulge inside the zebra.

It was distinctly husky-shaped at first, but it was smoothing over and getting squishier as the gurgles continued. What used to be a pretty clear outline of his face was just a indistinct bulge, sagging downwards inside the zebra. The sloshing and churning was getting louder, as was the slick sound of Collins pumping at his cock. He had to keep one hand on his belly to feel every single dying twitch of his prey, not wanting to miss a single detail of Ryan digesting. It was getting him off. Making him grunt and huff and sweat, and when he felt that one hard squeeze, he could only clench his teeth at how good it felt to be snuffing out that sultry slut with his stomach.

Some part of the husky gave way inside him, something vital that just collapsed inwards, and from there there only a few last twitches and muscle spasms along with the distinct sensation of one last extended gasp. A long sigh of the air escaping Ryan's body before he just went limp and slumped down in those digestives for good. Collins was stroking at himself furiously, beating his cock up and down, making his balls bounce with the hard tugs, near to snarling through his teeth as he pleasured himself.

"Fuck yessss ... juicy belly slop. That's all you are now. Digest for me you little bitch ..."

He wasn't even really talking to the camera. Just to himself, getting worked up into a frenzy that had him drooling and thrusting back and forth into his own hand. The pre worked up into hefty gobs at the tip, only to be pushed aside as he blasted out his seed. Just as potent as before. Maybe harder. It was hosing down the room, hitting the walls, the ceiling, painting everything that happened to be within range. He knocked over his camera. He came on his monitor. And the whole room was steaming with the massive mess he made, rising hot with rich musk, flooding until it flowed around his ankles at least briefly. And when it was over, he was simply left panting, slumping briefly, the rain of sweat falling from his stripey hide pattering atop the cum that ran like a river, squishing between his toes.

When he caught his breath, he simply patted his stomach a few more times, hefting and kneading the softened bulge that sagged there. It felt more like uncooked dough than a solid person anymore. Easily squishable and moldable to any shape he liked. He was cruelly beaming. Then he casually strolled over to the camera and corrected it, making sure everyone got an extreme closeup of his middle, and the way it was squeezing inwards to almost tighten back to normal. He was a little pudgier than he started, and he was going to get heavier. The husky was already making his way through the zebra's intestines, getting worked over and drained of all nutrients with the same efficiency as a carnivore's bowels. Maybe better.

"That's it. Game over, bitch." Collins satisfaction was clear on his face. "You all know what comes next. I'm not giving you any more warning than that. Stick around if you wanna see what my body does with little meatsluts."

With that, he stepped away from the camera and turned his ass around. He was already done. Ryan was already digested. Not a husky anymore. He was a great thick load of zebra shit all packed up tight inside of Collins' colon. Already begging for release. They weren't going to recognize him now. Not so pretty anymore after being stripped of everything that was useful, his pretty curves converted into some cushy zebra fat. And the rest just came bulging out of his stretching donut in a great fat log so thick it stretched him just a little on the way out.

Right there, right in front of everyone, all the thousands of fans who used to adore that husky, the zebra shat him out for them all to see. A hard chunk fell heavy to the ground, splatting in the cum. There were little bits of fur clinging to the mess, stained and filthy from the trip through Collins' bowels. A few bones hadn't fully been broken down to dust, making for a clatter as those softened pieces of former cutie tumbled down embedded in fresh equine shit. The most undignified end imaginable for such a pretty boi. Now every single video in the archives would be tainted by the knowledge of his eventual fate as a steaming dump.

Collins was sighing, breathing a little sharper as he forced the husky out. It felt good. Not enough to give him a boner or anything, but it was all smooth and so very satisfying aside from the occasional strain of forcing out a particularly solid piece, all solidified and chalky with all the digested bone. He was grunting, not caring how crude it sounded as he crapped the husky on the floor, finishing off with a few more puffs of gas and falling chunks. But he didn't quite feel done yet, like some of that former dog was still stuck up inside of him, and so he squatted lower and added some extra muscle to his forceful straining.

It felt like nothing was coming at first, but there was still that bulge. Then it started to dislodge, slowly, sliding towards his stretching rear a tiny bit at a time. He felt his asshole opening, expanding, making way for this particularly hard, solid piece. A warm, smooth skull, as the camera soon observed. It was packed with shit, the stuff squeezed into the eye sockets and mouth, filling out the space where the husky's brain used to be. With enough noisy grunting, that filthy skull finally crunched beneath the zebra's cheeks, the jawbone falling off as it tumbled down to embed itself in the pile, facing up towards the predator.

Collins rose, grinning broadly once again. He didn't hesitate to grasp his limp cock in both hands, pointing it towards the monument and pissing right in Ryan's face. Or what used to be his face anyway. He cleaned that skull about as well as it could be cleaned, directing the hot and musky stream over those former features, getting some right in those clogged eye sockets, or pointing it at the hole where the husky's cute little nose used to be. Just to show a little extra disrespect to the bitch he'd passed through his bowels. His body was softer, tingling with a lasting feeling of satisfaction and bliss, like an orgasm that just wouldn't go away, and it was all thanks to that girly husky.

"Say bye to your precious bitch, bitches," he teased the audience with a wink, stepping up towards the camera once more.

He wondered if there were any of Ryan's fans still watching. Either they were horrified. Or they were just his own fans now. Either way, he didn't bother mocking them any longer. The show had probably said enough. He just let the camera linger on the hot mess that he had made of the husky for half a minute before smugly clicking the button to end the stream.