Jenny's Coach

Story by dieselmutt on SoFurry

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#99 of Iron Dragon

This is a little flashback to when Jenny first fell in love with another women, before she realized how much she would really only ever love Alice. Spurred to life by a discussion Jenny and Roslyn have with Sherman's daughter much latter in the story's timeline. And yes that part is already written, just have to get too it.

Jenny sat in painful silence outside the principal's office as; her father, her coach, the principal and the school nurse debated about her injury. It was her father's fault and practically everyone knew it, she could hear the faint tones of accusation. Along with the fear of her father getting them fired and never finding work again.

Finally the door clicked open and she was called in. Her expression well practiced from years of living with a man whom she hated. It was neutral and respectful, her tail only curled enough to not drag on the ground, ears only perked up enough to be attentive. The pain meds had worn off, and she couldn't let anyone know it.

Jenny answered their questions with the story she was told to recite. She might only be thirteen, but she could tell her coach and the nurse didn't believe a word she was saying. The principal was only doing and saying what he needed to not get fired. Fucking men, her father and that melee mouthed spineless coward of a principal should be hung. All she wanted to do was go to class and be left alone.

Her father put a hand on her shoulder and kissed her cheek, an act of affection and only an act. Jenny thought her coach looked revolted for a moment. "I'll be fine, and extra careful father."

To Jenny it felt like the whole school breathed a sigh of relief as her father stepped outside to get into his car. The ten stitches in her stomach begged to be itched along with the area under the bandage. The nurse wrote Jenny a note to keep with her as a hall pass, to come take meds at the predetermined times. She was so glad to take her seat in class, her friend Gale chatting away before the first bell rang.

School was a sanctuary to Jenny, her friends were here and her father could not raise his voice or hand. Unfortunately, the wound in her gut would keep her from competing in any sport except shooting, for a while. Miss Alban would have Jenny keep times and run a second stopwatch during all of her athletic practices. Unfortunately it left Gail without a partner for the two hundred relay, a race the two of them crushed the last two times out.

At lunch everyone asked her if she was really okay, Alice was the most concerned. Her adorable little mouse friend likely knew the truth of what really caused her accident. She wished she could tell someone the truth, but none of her friends would understand. The weeks waiting to get the stitches out drug on for weeks, they either itched or hurt or they made her wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. So when she could get them out and finally get back into sports she was more than excited.

With one of her grandmother's chiefs helping, Jenny had baked some cookies to take to school to give to her coach, to thank her for finding anything Jenny could do to still make the swim meet trip. Jenny was a bit nervous as she got the cookies out of her locker and headed to Miss Alban's office at the end of the day. There was no practice scheduled for today, so she hoped the coach would be alone. Knocking on the wall Jenny said "Hello."

Marcy glanced up and smiled. "Hello Jenny, what can I do for you?"

"Actually, I just wanted to give you these." Jenny set a zip lock bag on the desk full of red velvet sugar cookies. "As a thank you for letting me tag along with my teammates to the big meet."

"That was nice of you, but you don't need to thank me for that. You keep everyone's spirits up even when you are down." Marcy smiled and stood up.

"I know, but usually that kind of thing isn't allowed..." Jenny took a nervous step closer. "It was nice to be away from home for a few days."

Marcy leaned against her desk. "Can I ask you something a bit personal?"

Jenny blushed. "Um, I guess so."

"Are you abused in other ways at home?"

Jenny held her hands together against her chest. "I'm not abused in any way at home. Just clumsy is all." That was an unexpected question and she could not look her coach in the eye. She felt a gentle hand touch her cheek and it turned her head so she was looking up at Miss Alban, who had deep blue eyes.

"Jenny, tell me the truth." Marcy looked into Jenny's pretty green eyes. "I'm your coach in three different sports, you took four gold medals in the fall season. You are the exact opposite of a klutz."

Jenny saw genuine concern in her coach's pretty eyes, she sighed. "It was dad, it's always dad... Every bruise, sprain and cut."

"Why don't you tell someone sooner, Jenny there are people that can help." Marcy could not fathom why no one had done something sooner. "I can call my brother, he is a cop."

"No! You can't tell anyone!" Jenny screamed as she suddenly panicked.

Marcy stood in shock. "Jenny I want to help."

"But you can't, you don't know him... He would take you away from us." Jenny teared up, she didn't want to be the reason all of her friends lost such a great coach. Quietly she added "He would take you away from me..."

"Jenny, he isn't that..." Marcy paused a moment. "What did you just say?"

Jenny looked up at Miss Alban. "Miss Alban, even people in the mob are afraid of my father. If you raised a fuss over me, he would have you fired in minutes. And I can't lose you."

"Alright, I'll let it go. Don't worry I'm not going anywhere." Marcy was glad Jenny seemed to have calmed down. "Is there another reason you brought me my favorite kind of cookies?"

"I love you."

It was a sentence Marcy had not exactly been prepared to hear. "You, love me?"

Jenny nodded and smiled. "I do."

"I'm old enough to be your mother, surely there are girls closer to your age..."

Jenny smiled. "But you're not my mother and you treat me so much better than she does. Plus, I think you are really pretty... It's hard to concentrate when you are in your swimsuit or running shorts."

Marcy smiled even though it hurt to know just how poorly Jenny was treated. "I suppose it is good to know I can still turn heads. After hearing what is really going on, it doesn't take much to treat you better than your family."

"That is why I was so happy you let me go to the swim meet even if I couldn't compete. Three whole days away from them, and three whole days with you." Jenny hugged Marcy.

Marcy returned the hug and held the little cat girl tightly. Her head was currently a mess as she was angry, sad and confused. It had been years since anyone said 'I love you' to her. The anger washed away as she realized Jenny was, purring. A tear formed in the corner of her eye, this poor girl. "I have never heard you purr before."

Jenny instantly stopped, not knowing she had been doing it. Her face turned red and she pulled away. "Sorry."

Marcy's smile grew wider. "Don't be sorry, its freaking adorable."

"It's not something I do often... Father doesn't think it is something his children should do."

"He really is a giant ass." Marcy huffed and absent mindedly ran her fingers thru Jenny's pretty blond hair.

"Miss Alban..."

Marcy looked down at Jenny. "Something else wrong?"

Jenny shook her head before she stood up on her tip toes and kissed her coach on the lips. Just a short little peck, and she looked up into her coaches eyes and whispered "I really love you."

The way those beautiful green eyes pleaded for her to not let go, to love her back broke Marcy's heart. She took an uncertain step back and leaned against her desk, Marcy had never had a student love her before. Marcy saw growing uncertainty in the cat girl's eyes along with fear.

"Please, please don't tell my father."

"Jenny..." Marcy grabbed a tissue and pulled Jenny closer so she could wipe away the tears that had started to run down Jenny's cheeks. "I would never do such a thing. But you have to understand, I am forty two years older then you."

Jenny wrapped her arms around Miss Alban and held on to her tightly. "I don't care how old you are, or how much younger I am. I can't get you out of my head at night... you're in my dreams."

"You dream about me?" Marcy asked rather shocked by Jenny's confession. She felt her own face flush as Jenny turned quite red.

"And other things."

Well that was certainly new, she had never expected a student to masturbate to the thought of her before. "Well, um I don't know what to say. Jenny, what you are asking for."

"Could get you in trouble. I know, but I feel like I am going to explode if I don't confess." Jenny looked into Miss Alban's eyes. "Please show me what it is like."

The young women holding her tight suddenly did not seem so young, but also naive and innocent at the same time. Marcy's expression softened and she returned the tight embrace. "Okay, but not here, get your things and come back in twenty."

Jenny was unsure, but nodded and headed to her locker to get her backpack and coat. A tiny part figured Miss Alban would be gone by the time she got back to her coach's office, it wouldn't be the first time an adult had lied to her. Thankfully the lovely old otter was standing by her office door, with her own bag in tow. Jenny followed her out to a small SUV and nervously got in the passenger seat. Jenny's heart was pounding the entire ten minute drive, though she was relieved to be pulling into a garage that didn't belong to anyone in her family.

Marcy led Jenny inside and pointed to an empty spot near the door Jenny could set her bag down and leave her shoes before offering her a drink, which Jenny took nervously. Miss Alban lived in a cute little condo with sparse decorations. "Have a seat on the floor, with your back to me."

"Oh, okay." Jenny set her pop down and did as she was instructed. Firm hands clamped down on her shoulders and started rubbing away tension Jenny did not know she had been holding in. It did not take long before Jenny was purring once more.

"There now you are not so tightly wound." Marcy smiled down at Jenny and pulled her onto her lap.

"Sorry, I've not done this before."

"Its alright, though you have raised my curiosity about something." Marcy smiled and cupped Jenny's ass in one hand.

"What's that?" Jenny asked and let out a slight moan as the other hand slowly rubbed from her knee up her thigh.

"How many different ways can I get you to purr?" That got the kitten to blush and Marcy raised her hand up to Jenny's cheek, turned her head so they were looking at each other and kissed the girl the way she wanted to be kissed.

Jenny was left wanting more when the first kiss ended as it was not what she was expecting at all. She did know she wanted more of it and to let Miss Alban kiss her other places. Her coach smiled warmly. "Lets go back to the bedroom."

Jenny was led by her hand upstairs to the main bedroom, where Marcy cupped her head in her hands and kissed her once more. Jenny was pulled on top of her coach and they both shared a giggle as Jenny's long hair fell around them.

"That's better."

Jenny was puzzled. "What is better?"

Marcy's hands found their way under Jenny's shirt. "You are smiling."

Scooting further onto the bed Jenny's shirt was removed and her bra as well. The otter's tongue roughly licked one of her nipples and Jenny moaned. Jenny shivered as Marcy blew lightly across the now wet and stiff nipple. She pulled Marcy's shirt off and fumbled a bit with the larger bra clasp. She was a bit awe struck once those large breasts were free from the fabric. Jenny leaned down and licked much more lightly than Marcy had licked her.

"Oh you little tease." Marcy moaned and rubbed Jenny's ass. She held Jenny and rolled the girl onto her back before kissing her once more.

Jenny held onto the blanket as Marcy kissed and lightly nibbled and kissed down her neck and chest, pausing on her small breast as she undid Jenny's belt and pants. The light kisses continued lower as her pants were pulled down. Jenny watched with held breath as Marcy kissed past her pussy, down a thigh and moaned as Marcy's thumb rubbed her tiny clit.

The sight of the still healing scar on another wise perfect young body angered Marcy greatly. Jenny's skin was so smooth and she smelled wonderful, her blond pubes neatly trimmed and her pink little vulva was just slightly flushed with arousal. Marcy turned her attention to making sure Jenny's first time would be well remembered.

Jenny reached down and tried to push Marcy away after she had climaxed a second time, she could barely feel her legs and everything was so sensitive. "Wait... I need a break."

Marcy backed off and smiled up at Jenny, who was panting in the afterglow. She moved up the bed and put an arm around the kitten. They lay there cuddling for a little before those delicate fingers roamed down to find Marcy's damp mound. Marcy let Jenny roll her onto her back and returned the kiss as Jenny rubbed a single finger in her slit before rubbing her rather stiff clit.

Marcy smiled and moaned softly as Jenny tried to do what Marcy had done to her, though Marcy became a bit more vocal when the kitten just latched onto her large clit with her mouth and started suckling on it. That was intense and the kitten brought her to a climax quickly. She was suddenly glad the cat girl didn't have a more cat like tongue.

Jenny lay on top of Marcy, purring as her coach held her with one arm and rubbed one of her ears with the other. This was a feeling Jenny had never known before today, to be cared for and loved. It would not be the only time Jenny spent intimate time with her coach; they had a secret relationship for three years.

Marcy smiled at Jenny after what was going to be their last kiss. "I have loved all the time we have had together, but I can see someone else has taken your eye. And its time I moved back home."

Jenny teared up unsure what she should say. Marcy still held her hand.

"Jenny, don't be afraid to chase after your dreams. And don't keep the girl you are looking at waiting too long."